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Board » General Discussion » Public testing new HTML5 client

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Settings are saved by the client. But there are caveats.

If your browser (in the name of privacy) clears the local storage there's little the client can do to preserve them.

In addition, if you use race1.sailonline.org, race2.sailonline.org, etc. style URLs for multiracing, the settings will be saved per URL rather than shared.

Nice job techs. Will take a bit of getting used to from my side... and not having been on SOL for some time it's a big user interface change straight up. Will play around with it a bit and see what's what.
I like to talk a lot... sometimes I even make sense, mostly not...
Morning team and again well done.
A suggestion for the html client:
Could we have a toggle button on the screen that removes all tracks except the official tracks. In some instances (i.e multiple tours, or passing by or around the same locations) there are too many tracks on the screen and it gets confusing when playing on a small media.

Just a suggestion.

Bon vent
Altair 505
Hi Kroppyer. Please can I ask you to put on the To-Do list a colour selection option for the Predictor line. Henrys has colour blindness and the colour definition is not good for his eyesight. Many Thanks
A new version of the client will be published shortly. You can already try it out by appending ?version=dev to the URL of a race.

In case this new version does not work for you, let us know. You can use the old version by appending ?version=old to the URL of a race, even after the new version has been published.

To summarize:
Right now:
old: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/?version=old
old: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/
new: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/?version=dev

After update:
old: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/?version=old
new: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/
new: sailonline.org/breezy/run/xxxx/?version=dev

EDIT: I have now updated the client.

--- Last Edited by kroppyer at 2020-04-11 11:26:38 ---
I like the new design for the weather forecast where you can play a clip of the weather development. The default steps are set to 3 hours?
I would suggest it to be set to 1 hour, unless there is a special explanation for the 3 hours step.

Many thanks....
Is it possible to get the date and time of the version, together with the version identifier in Misc.

hi...I am a newbie and not a SYC member (yet)...and I did only one race yet...and this might have been brought up before...but:
Two things I noticed and they bothered me a lot:
1) why does the timepoint for the course change programmation not stay at the point where the course change should take place? as it is now it is impossible to check where you course change takes place which makes the tool halfway useless
2) why does the predictor not take into account programmed course changes? this makes it impossible to program several course changes after another

I need to work and I need to sleep and I have a family and a life, so I cant be online 24/7 ... and with the tools as they are in the moment its virtually impossible for me to have any chance in competing because constant attention is required.

maybe all this is intentional; if not, some improvements to enable better control over tacks/gybes/course changes and easier Programmation / better visualization would go a long way to enable "normal" players to be able to compete...


Blog post "New HTML5 client"

Today a button appeared above the usual "GO TO RACE" button. This new button reads "New HTML5 client" and clicking it brings you to the new HTML5 client. You may have heard the rumours that this new client was under development and will eventually replace the Flash client we are used to. As Flash is being phased out it is becoming increasingly difficult to use sailonline in new browsers, so it is vital to have an alternative. Let me take this opportunity to thank our SOLer ij, who has been responsible for the existence of this new client, brightening the future of sailonline.

We are now making this new HTML5 client available for everyone to use. Be aware that the client is still in a testing phase and that there may still be some bugs and problems with it. The user interface and general functionality are mostly the same as in the Flash client, but you may notice some differences, for example:
- There are no contour lines indicating wind strength. The client is not completely finished yet and this is one aspect where work is still being done.
- The TWA input field for steering requires a + or - sign. This should prevent some of the accidental tacks we have probably all experienced when we forgot the - sign.
- You can monitor multiple chatrooms at the same time. You can now use the chatrooms English and the one for your native language at the same time!
A longer list of changes can be found here. Use that chat and forum to talk with each other about using the new client and its new features. Some SOLers already have some experience with it and may be able to give you some tips and tricks.

--- Last Edited by kroppyer at 2020-01-11 18:35:57 ---

--- Last Edited by kroppyer at 2020-02-19 12:26:10 ---

Thank you freudenoli for your feedback and welcome to sailonline! Feedback from newcomers is much appreciated. The new client is much like the old client in design and functionality. It seems a proven design and it's what the regular solers are used to. But of course we need to make sure that people just joining in are able to find their way in the new client as well. You will spot things we regular solers may not even notice.

1) The orange dot on the predictor line indicates the point where the command will execute based on your preliminary settings. You have yet to actually send that command by pressing the button "send command". The orange dot is indeed not useful for determining when/where the next registered command will execute. You can however see in the top right of the map how long to go until the next command, and then set that number on the "delay" box to move the orange dot to the time (and location) when the next command would execute.

2) At this moment, the only reason why the predictor line does not take into account the scheduled commands is because the old client also did not do this. It is the way it has always been and at this point we do not want to create a big competitive difference between the two clients. Once the new client will be the official client and the old Flash client just a backup, we will have the discussion with our members about changes as significant as this. It will change the game (at least a bit), so I believe it's fair to discuss it with you all before we make a decision.

An indicator on the predictor line where the next scheduled command would take place, as you suggested in your first comment, is probably a small enough change that it should not lead to any controversy or competitive difference between the old and new client. We'll keep it in mind!

--- Last Edited by kroppyer at 2020-06-12 22:34:49 ---
A new version was published just now. In general, updates may come unannounced as long as we are in the development stage. Below is some information on what to do if an update does not work for you.

There are three versions of the client: normal, dev and old. The last two are available if you append "?version=dev" and "?version=old" to the url. Normal is available as usual, without appending anything to the url.
The dev version is regularly updated and used for testing. It will likely contain new features, but also new bugs.
The normal version is only updated occasionally and should be mostly free of bugs.
The old version is available for when an update to the normal version turns out to contain a crucial bug. Then at least you can use the old version.

Should you (after an update) find a bug that makes the normal version unusable for you, append "?version=old" to use the previous version of the client. Do let us know about the problem so we can look for a solution.

--- Last Edited by kroppyer at 2020-06-12 22:34:45 ---

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Next Race: 00d 00h 00m

Current Races:

Tall Ships Races 2024 - Mariehamn to Szczecin

Welcome to the third of three virtual Tall Ships Races on the Baltic Sea which are concurrently being organized in-real-life by Sail Training International . This third race is from Mariehamn, Finland to Szczecin, Poland; circa 250nm in Sailonline’s stately fanciful Full Rigger.
NOTE: Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes.
Race #1813
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: TS - SYC
Race starts: Jul 24th 14:00 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Kalamata to Alanya 2024

For the beginning of the ARCH competition's third quarter, we will sail our boat, SOTO 40, from Kalamata, Greece over the Aegean Sea always eastward to the race finish, 520nm away, in Alanya, Turkey.
Race #1824
INFO from brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Wednesday,
July 31 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Jul 22nd 17:00 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Kamchatsky to Tromsoe 2024

Just before the light failed entirely in Antarctica, Skip Novak managed to get his Pelagic 77 out of the ice and north up the Pacific to Kamchatsky. The sun is shining (24/7) and not a penguin to be seen, and Skip believes the Norh East Passage is ice-free (sufficiently) to attempt it, so all aboard for a c 4250nm voyage from east to west across the top of Siberia, Russia and Norway to Tromsoe!
Race #1779
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: HLAT - SYC
Race starts: Jul 18th 19:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

Cowes to St Malo TIMED Race 2024

Organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club since 1929, the Cowes to St Malo Race is a true RORC Classic. Starting from the Royal Yacht Squadron Line, Cowes, IOW, a magnificent spectacle can be watched from The Parade, Cowes. The Cowes to St Malo Race is part of the RORC Season’s Points Championship, the world’s largest offshore racing series. Dating back to 1906, the Cowes to St Malo Race precedes all of the world’s famous races including the Fastnet Race. This is a TIMEDrace, so you may RE-REGISTER HERE to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens.
Race #1828
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Saturday,
27 July at 23:00 UTC
Race starts: Jul 14th 12:00 Registration Open!

▶ Flash

Southampton to Punta del Este 2024

Sailonline is delighted to offer our sailors a 'reversed' Atlantic ocean race. As the RTW championship Atlantic part takes a detour to the Bahamas, we will offer you a reversed course as we will not do the 'usual' leg this year either. It is the July edition of this year's Ocean Championship. Our boat is the OD_65v3.
Race# 1820
INFO from brainaid.de
WX updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ3 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
RACE CLOSE: Wednesday,
July 31 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Jul 01st 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

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SYC Ranking

  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Vida_Maldita
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member bonknhoot
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Sax747
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member TarassBoulba

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Mobile Client

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