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Board » Practice Racing » ZILT PRACTICE MATCHRACING FROM 26feb10 - OPEN TO ALL

Post annotated by Incognito :
This thread was moved from the category Races.

will start at 1000utc on 26 February 2010

START / FINISH at 39.-09 / -28.00 on Graciosa

Racers will leave the START and sailing in a counter-clockwise direction will sail round the three islands at 38.58 / -28.70 (Faial), 38.45 / -28.32(Pico) AND 38.63 / -28.02 (Sao Jorge) and FINISH back at the start point.

ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN IN - either from the start or during the race.

This practice race will be re-run at 2000utc on 26February 2010
Zoom in to find positions.


starten om 1000 utc op vrijdag 26 februari 2010

START/FINISH op positie 39.-09/ -28.00 (Graciosa)

Racers vertrekken van de start en zeilen tegen de klok in rond de drie eilanden op positie 38.58 / -28.70 (Faial), 38.45 / -28.32(Pico) en 38.63 / -28.02 (Sao Jorge) en finishen op het startpunt.

IEDEREEN WELKOM OM MEE TE DOEN, vanaf de start of gedurende de race.
Deze oefening race zal opnieuw plaatsvinden om 2000 utc op 26 februari 2010.

(Zoom IN om de posities te vinden)

Thank you Calamity for the Dutch Translation

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-25 18:01:44 ---

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-26 08:11:40 ---

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-26 10:13:42 ---
Impatient to wait until the morning, four of the usual matchracing suspects (sassy, robert, perenkist and rainbow) started off at 2030... joined from the SOL start-point at 2320 by two others (newsartist/africa).

The attached .kmz file should open in GoogleEarth and show how they are doing!!

Reports from the race:

1. newsartist 23:49: Perenkist, Robert, Sassy, newsartist, RC and Africa, (order by eyeball)

2. newsartist 00:09: At the frist turn: Sassy, Robert, Perenkist, newsartist, RC, and Africa

3. newsartist 03:03: Wake up RC! Your autopilot cut early, and you are a long way from your morning start!
RainbowChaser 03:43: news! only just heard your hail of 0303 but thank you!!
RainbowChaser 03:52: I wonder if the 90d portion is because I hit the SOL boundary? I never set that as a DC.
RainbowChaser 04:00: OK next DC: 05:12:16 / 352d!! there8d better not be another server generated one before then!!

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-26 04:09:53 ---
The offical first Zilt practice Matchrace started at 1000utc with only four racers - africa, Bacchus, Perenkist and Rainbow.

By 1030 africa was leading Perenkist from Bacchus but Rainbow had already fallen foul of a laundry-run-aground and was lying 4th (SOLing and domestic chores don't always mix well) :-)

1300 and there are some changes in the interim rankings: 1. Bacchus 2. africa 3. Perenkist 4. Rainbow

1845 and Race 1 is suffering the effects of easing winds and with a change in destination (to help the start of Race 2) there has been a change in rankings again: 1. africa 2. Bacchus 3. Rainbow 4.Perenkist. 76Trombones and Smo are also following the course.

The finish of this Race 1 was a little curtailed as the weather meant the fleet were running behind the start-time for Race Two.

Accordingly,the race stopped at 28W with final rankings as before.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-26 21:28:35 ---

The first matchrace was popular with its participants and as there has been no interest in a re-run of Race 1 at 2000hrs, the racing this evening is amended in line with the attached picture of the new course.

Start: 2100hrs / as close to 2100hrs as the Race 1 participants make it!!

From: 39.09 / -28.00

To AND Round: Faial SOL Race Start point

Back To: 39.02 / -28.02



The Start for Race 2 will now be:

39.02 / -28.02

The Start Time remains as close to 2100 as possible, but will be held for the arrival of the Race 1 boats.


Due to the overrun of Race 1, the start for Race 2 was staggered with some starting from the revised start point and others (Race1 participants) from the 28W line (the change in perf due to angle being the offsetting factor).

Altogether,the following boats are racing:

africa (CRO), Bacchus (NED), news (USA), robert (SWE), veritassemper (GBR), Smo (FIN), Scott (AUS), Rainbow(GBR),??sassy(SWE), ??Vic (GBR)

(??=boats that didn't go at the gun, but were positioned to race).


newsartist 02:02: The following were on land believed to have finished in this order: 1-RC, 2-Bacchus, 3-?Africa, 4?-Scott, newsartist finished at 0152, veritassemper just before Sassy at 0153.

newsartist 02:04: Robert missed the island, closest approach was at 0154. Smo is still 17.8 miles out.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-27 11:32:19 ---

Race 3 of practice matchracing is the last opportunity to compete against fellow SOLers to hone skills prior to the SOL race tomorrow.


Start Time: 1800utc

Start: 39.02 / -28.02

To AND Round: the island of Terceira at (38.72 / -27.21)

Finish: 39.02 / -28.02

Racers will leave the start and choosing their own route (left- or right-about Terceira) will round the island and return to finish at the start point.

See attached for pic of proposed routing!!


The gun fired at 1800utc and seven boats appear to have started in the race - africa (CRO), Bacchus (NED), Calamity (NED), newsartist (USA), Rainbow (GBR), sassy (SWE) and Scott (AUS). Smo (FIN) also started but appears to be heading for the Race 2 rounding point!

By1849 the fleet had grown by one,welcome to Tazumaki (GER), Smo had realised the new rounding for today and the fleet had split into two groups.

Heading E,for a clockwise rounding of Terceira were newsartist,sassy and Scott,while heading S with a counter-clockwise rounding in mind were africa, robert, Calamity, Bacchus,Smo,Rainbow and Tazumaki.

At 1854 africa discovered that he had been planning to round a different island.. sadly this meant his gybing was left a little late. Smo, meanwhile, had stopped for a quick run ashore!! In the N group, newsartist and Scott were running v close together with sassy a little further to the south. In the S group, Bacchus, Tazumaki and robert were neck and neck, with Rainbow a little further back.

sassy63 19:49: MATCHRACE DTG: south group: Bacchus 79.3 nm, TAZ 79.6 nm, RC 79.7 nm, robert 79.8 nm, africa 81.1 nm, Calamity 84.7 nm, smo 93 nm.

sassy63 19:50: North group: sassy 73.4 nm, scot AND news 74.4 nm.

sassy63 21:39: STANDINGS IN MATCHRACE DTG: sassy 41.8 nm, scott 41,9 nm, Taz 45.6 nm, robert AND africa 46.6 nm, Bacchus 46.8 nm, news 49.0 nm, smo 54.8 nm, RC 58.3 nm, Cal 61.0 nm.

As Calamity continued south, it became clear that she was no longer matchracing!

sassy63 23:54: MATCHRACE STANDING DTG: Taz 19.2 nm, africa 19.5 nm, robert 20.2 nm, sassy 23.3 nm, scott 23.4 nm, news 23.6 nm, Bacchus 23.7 nm, RC 26.5 nm, smo 31.3 nm, Cal 57.8 nm.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-27 23:59:31 ---

Race 3 of practice matchracing is the last opportunity to compete against fellow SOLers to hone skills prior to the SOL race tomorrow.


Start Time: 1800utc

Start: 39.02 / -28.02

To AND Round: the island of Terceira at (38.72 / -27.21)

Finish: 39.02 / -28.02

Racers will leave the start and choosing their own route (left- or right-about Terceira) will round the island and return to finish at the start point.

See attached for pic of proposed routing!!


The gun fired at 1800utc and seven boats appear to have started in the race - africa (CRO), Bacchus (NED), Calamity (NED), newsartist (USA), Rainbow (GBR), sassy (SWE) and Scott (AUS). Smo (FIN) also started but appears to be heading for the Race 2 rounding point!

By1849 the fleet had grown by one,welcome to Tazumaki (GER), Smo had realised the new rounding for today and the fleet had split into two groups.

Heading E,for a clockwise rounding of Terceira were newsartist,sassy and Scott,while heading S with a counter-clockwise rounding in mind were africa, robert, Calamity, Bacchus,Smo,Rainbow and Tazumaki.

At 1854 africa discovered that he had been planning to round a different island.. sadly this meant his gybing was left a little late. Smo, meanwhile, had stopped for a quick run ashore!! In the N group, newsartist and Scott were running v close together with sassy a little further to the south. In the S group, Bacchus, Tazumaki and robert were neck and neck, with Rainbow a little further back.

sassy63 19:49: MATCHRACE DTG: south group: Bacchus 79.3 nm, TAZ 79.6 nm, RC 79.7 nm, robert 79.8 nm, africa 81.1 nm, Calamity 84.7 nm, smo 93 nm.

sassy63 19:50: North group: sassy 73.4 nm, scot AND news 74.4 nm.

sassy63 21:39: STANDINGS IN MATCHRACE DTG: sassy 41.8 nm, scott 41,9 nm, Taz 45.6 nm, robert AND africa 46.6 nm, Bacchus 46.8 nm, news 49.0 nm, smo 54.8 nm, RC 58.3 nm, Cal 61.0 nm.

As Calamity continued south, it became clear that she was no longer matchracing!

sassy63 23:54: MATCHRACE STANDING DTG: Taz 19.2 nm, africa 19.5 nm, robert 20.2 nm, sassy 23.3 nm, scott 23.4 nm, news 23.6 nm, Bacchus 23.7 nm, RC 26.5 nm, smo 31.3 nm, Cal 57.8 nm.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-27 23:59:31 ---

Race 3 of practice matchracing is the last opportunity to compete against fellow SOLers to hone skills prior to the SOL race tomorrow.


Start Time: 1800utc

Start: 39.02 / -28.02

To AND Round: the island of Terceira at (38.72 / -27.21)

Finish: 39.02 / -28.02

Racers will leave the start and choosing their own route (left- or right-about Terceira) will round the island and return to finish at the start point.

See attached for pic of proposed routing!!


The gun fired at 1800utc and seven boats appear to have started in the race - africa (CRO), Bacchus (NED), Calamity (NED), newsartist (USA), Rainbow (GBR), sassy (SWE) and Scott (AUS). Smo (FIN) also started but appears to be heading for the Race 2 rounding point!

By1849 the fleet had grown by one,welcome to Tazumaki (GER), Smo had realised the new rounding for today and the fleet had split into two groups.

Heading E,for a clockwise rounding of Terceira were newsartist,sassy and Scott,while heading S with a counter-clockwise rounding in mind were africa, robert, Calamity, Bacchus,Smo,Rainbow and Tazumaki.

At 1854 africa discovered that he had been planning to round a different island.. sadly this meant his gybing was left a little late. Smo, meanwhile, had stopped for a quick run ashore!! In the N group, newsartist and Scott were running v close together with sassy a little further to the south. In the S group, Bacchus, Tazumaki and robert were neck and neck, with Rainbow a little further back.

sassy63 19:49: MATCHRACE DTG: south group: Bacchus 79.3 nm, TAZ 79.6 nm, RC 79.7 nm, robert 79.8 nm, africa 81.1 nm, Calamity 84.7 nm, smo 93 nm.

sassy63 19:50: North group: sassy 73.4 nm, scot AND news 74.4 nm.

sassy63 21:39: STANDINGS IN MATCHRACE DTG: sassy 41.8 nm, scott 41,9 nm, Taz 45.6 nm, robert AND africa 46.6 nm, Bacchus 46.8 nm, news 49.0 nm, smo 54.8 nm, RC 58.3 nm, Cal 61.0 nm.

As Calamity continued south, it became clear that she was no longer matchracing!

sassy63 23:54: MATCHRACE STANDING DTG: Taz 19.2 nm, africa 19.5 nm, robert 20.2 nm, sassy 23.3 nm, scott 23.4 nm, news 23.6 nm, Bacchus 23.7 nm, RC 26.5 nm, smo 31.3 nm, Cal 57.8 nm.

--- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2010-02-27 23:59:31 ---
At 01.39 the first boat stranded at finish.
1. sassy63 Time +0
2. Tazumaki + 1.45 mins
3. Scott_76 + 2.28 mins
4. Robert1 + 3.16 mins
5. africa + 5.02 mins
6. Bacchus + 12.48 mins
7. newsartist + 34.12 mins
8. RainbowChaiser + 1h 05.22 mins
9. smo + 1h 14.39 mins
10. Calamity set TWA0 at the last part of the race.

Please login to post a reply.


Next Race: 00d 00h 00m

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  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Vida_Maldita
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member TarassBoulba
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Flamingo
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Sax747
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member bonknhoot

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