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Profile for Zembu

Name Zembu
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    Board » Flag Officers » Championships
    Thanks WIN (Piero) - Very well organised. This should encourage folks, including me, to race more often - if I can find the time!!
  • Re: RTW start
    Board » Flag Officers » Races
    I agree with svein. And also with Rod at 16:15 on chat today 16th March 2015 where he said "As I have said and hoped, many times, SOL is not supposed to be an "arcade game", but is intended as a simulation of ocean racing navigation reality."
    So - way to go SOL management! - ;-)
  • Re: Weather data compression and resolution
    Board » Technical Discussion
    ITA, Yes, I am aware of the fact that Bluewater needs to have part of the grib "disabled", when the grib straddles the dateline. This is not a problem and I do not think that it is the reason why Bluewater signals that the file is smaller than expected. There is no need to change the discontinuity to Greenwich. One merely uses the grib manager in Bluewater to not use the unwanted part for routing. When I have used Bluewater in the past when the grib straddles the dateline, I don't recall noticing the following from Bluewater;
    "The following errors occurred while loading C:/SOL/Races/
    weather_100_global_gfs_20150201_1627.grb Attempt to add Grib Sequencies anyway? "Only read 18904 out of 19068 bytes for EntireMsg (offs=1029672)""???

    Further to the above, as of approximately 10th/11th Feb 2015, the above message is no longer displayed by Bluewater. From discussion noted in the chat, I surmise that Brainaid has fixed the problem.
    --- Last Edited by Zembu at 2015-02-09 17:02:42 ---

    --- Last Edited by Zembu at 2015-02-11 17:06:30 ---
  • Re: Weather data compression and resolution
    Board » Technical Discussion
    Hi hmm, I am wondering if the change is the reason that now for Sanya to Aukland, when loading the grib into Bluewater, the following report appears;
    "The following errors occurred while loading C:/SOL/Races/
    weather_100_global_gfs_20150201_1627.grb Attempt to add Grib Sequencies anyway? "Only read 18904 out of 19068 bytes for EntireMsg (offs=1029672)""???
  • Re: January 2015 weather update problems
    Board » Technical Discussion
    I am prompted to write because there appears to be no decision yet from the management as to the current (if still current) weather update problem. Comments have been made from a few, including me.
    What is important to note is that until it runs out, the race grib currently installed on SOL remains operational, so if no update takes place, the grib previously provided to players through the brainaid site (the same grib) continues to be valid.
    So those using routers can continue to use the grib they have. And it makes no difference to those not using routers.
    The problem arises if SOL management decide to update the operational grib at random times (due to delay of a new grib). In that situation it is unfair to those who choose to log in only or most frequently at the predicted wx update times. But would be beneficial to those who are always racing 100% of their time.
    So it has to be clear that the wx update will be applied within, e.g. a half hour period, every six hours, and that if for technical reasons this turns out to be impossible on any instance, the wx will not be updated until the next scheduled timeslot. I think this was the logic that hmm applied when he said in his post of 2015-01-27 13:28:48 "In the case when NOAA structure changed on 14th of January, I could have updated the weather around 18:30 UTC, two hours later than expected but I chose not to." (I think he chose not to because he recognised it would be unfair.)
  • Re: January 2015 weather update problems
    Board » Technical Discussion
    I agree with StuArt. It is obviously beneficial, if using a router, that the router work be done and new dc's set as soon as possible after a fresh wx is applied to the course. Otherwise we would be running old dc's on new weather. So, we need to have fixed times for the updates, as always has been the case. However, I think leeway of half an hour is acceptable. But if it cannot be done in that half hour it would be better that the wx be left until the next scheduled time. Also, apart from what I just said, it is no good just letting it come in at any time unless there is a statement on the race page saying when the last wx was applied. Otherwise persons just logging on will not know whether or not there has been a wx change since they last looked at it.
  • Re: Aaron James Gage - 1971-2012
    Board » In memoriam
    Having not visited SOL since the end of the last VO70 Round World Race I was shocked today to hear from Terry O'Neill that our friend Aaron had died. Many times he helped me, and today I reviewed all of his emails with great sadness.

    This is a quote from one of Aaron's emails, including his "smileys" -

    "I highly recommend you read 76Trombones' post 'Ramblings on Routers' - it explains a lot... Yes it is also the name of his blog, but I mean the actual post here - indeed all of his posts are worth reading, and then reading again a month later ;-)

    As I mentioned, as you probably know anyway - SOL, like any other sport, virtual or not is VERY competitive at the top end of the fleet. Not to say we aren't all friends, and if I had seen WINSTON (or ita10267 or Gilles etc) looking like he was going to run aground I would certainly have sent some warning emails or something, but we still all want to win, while maintaining much respect for each other. Which is another thing I like about sailing... Seems there is more sportsmanship than in some other sports I have been involved in.

    Finally, please do not ever think you are asking me too much, or taking too much of my time... I am more than happy to correspond with you on anything you like. If I happen to be busy my reply will just be a little later is all ;-)"

    This is typical of his generous, friendly, co-operative nature.

    My sincere commiserations to his family.

    Andrew Cormie
  • Re: Email to Commodore McIrvine RORC re action against SOL, 9 August 2009
    Board » General Discussion
    Well done Rainbowchaser. I also sent an email to RORC via their website - but nothing much compared to yours - as follows;

    This is an enquiry e-mail via http://www.rorc.org/ from:
    Andrew Cormie <andrew@zembu.plus.com>

    I'd like to know what are your grounds for objection against Sail Online (SOL), resulting in your action in sending them a solicitor's letter. Your action has caused trouble for several hundred people engaged in an innocent activity which was not causing you any problem.

  • Navigational Sailing Strategy
    Board » Sailonline Yacht Club
    I would like to suggest that SOL put on site some navigational sailing strategy advice. I have the impression from what I have read here and there on the site that one of the objectives of the system / game developed here is to assist sailors to improve their navigational skills. But whereas the system is good for practice for navigators who know what they are doing, it reduces to a mere game for those who don't know enough. Speaking as one of the latter, who for a while thought he knew how to approach this, I now feel somewhat at a loss as to how to improve my performance. Some guidance on this would be appreciated - and I think there must be many who would benefit from such advice.
  • Inability to access the Technical Forum to respond to posts
    Board » General Discussion
    Has anyone had this experience? When I am logged on to SOL and an email notification arrives telling me of a forum item I might wish to read; when I click on the URL, Internet Explorer says:-

    The website cannot display the page
    HTTP 500
    Most likely causes:
    The website is under maintenance.
    The website has a programming error.

    What you can try:
    Refresh the page.

    Go back to the previous page.

    More information

    If I log out of SOL, then click on the URL, it does display. But to respond, I have to log on. So I log on, and then I can't access the Technical Forum to make a response. However, I can access others such as this one.

    --- Last Edited by Zembu at 2009-05-01 09:09:43 ---


Next Race: 00d 00h 00m

Current Races:

Melbourne Osaka Cup Double-Handed Yacht Race 2025

Welcome once again to what these days is Sailonline’s almost annual virtual Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race. In real life, this double-handed 5500 nm race between these two sister cities, one deep in the southern hemisphere, the other high in the northern hemisphere, is run every four to five years, and this year is such a year. So, this year’s online version is in sync with the Melbourne Osaka Cup 2025 organised by the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (ORCV), and the Sandringham (SYC) and Osaka Hokko (OHYC) yacht clubs. We’ll be racing the well-known First 40, a popular size of boat which should be a good match for many of the boats entered in the real race. With the doldrums unavoidably lying across our course, you can expect to be at virtual sea for at least a month!
Race #1669
INFO by brainaid.de
First 40 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Mar 16th 06:00 Registration Open!

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Channel Islands 500 Yacht Race 2025

Prepare for an exhilarating offshore challenge in the Channel Islands 500 Yacht Race! Collaborating with the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Sailonline brings you a 500-nautical-mile test of skill, speed, and strategy. Starting in Santa Barbara, you’ll navigate between Santa Cruz Island and Santa Rosa Island, rounding three marks before finishing in San Diego. Our SOLers will be competing in their Melges 40s, a high-performance offshore racer designed by the Botin partnership. Who will conquer the Pacific and claim victory? Set your course and race for glory!
Race #1899
INFO by brainaid.de
NAM_AWIP WX Updates:
0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Mar 14th 22:30 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Lake Ladoga Ice Race

For our second race of the 2025 Ice Yachting series, we shall risk disturbing another sect of monks, these of the Orthodox persuasion rather than Buddhist. Good ice is often found in remote places, and remoteness breeds contemplation, and Valaam Island at 61.3N in the north east corner of Lake Ladogo is as remote as it gets. Surrounded by pristine ice in winter, we find there one of the great monasteries of Russian Orthodoxy. So, get your visa’s, fly to St Petersburg, take the N-121 north to Vladimirovka, and get your DN-skates on for another no-PL monk-minding race, this time of 110nm in length, out around Valaam, then Derevnya, to finish near Berezova.
Race #1851
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: DN - SYC
March 14 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Mar 10th 09:00 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Walyalup Sprint 2025

Once upon a time, aboriginal legend has it, the country of the Whadjuk people extended west from the present day Fremantle shoreline out to Rottnest island, but Walyalup as they called it was lost to the sea, and this sprint takes you across those inundated lands, round reefs and across shoals, 25nm in a Dufour 34. For the Walyalup, March fell in Bunuru, the hottest season of the year, which meant living near the water. Expect hot easterly winds, and cooling afternoon sea breezes with little to no rain. Perfect weather for a sail.
Race #1897
INFO by brainaid.de
Dufour 34 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Wednesday,
March 12 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Mar 08th 03:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

Tristan da Cunha to Coronation Island 2025

The adventure continues as we embark on the second leg of the RWW series, racing from Tristan da Cunha to the remote and uninhabited Coronation Island, NO, Elephant Island. Nestled between the Scotia Sea and the Weddell Sea, both island were named by 19th C British whalers. Prepare for a thrilling journey through the Roaring Forties and Furious Fifties, where relentless winds and challenging seas will test the mettle of every crew. This leg will be sailed aboard the historically iconic Steinlager II and is part of the prestigious OCCH 2025 series. The RWW series ranking will be determined by each team's best 7 out of 8 race results, so every moment counts! Are you ready to face the ultimate test of skill and endurance?
Race #1890
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ1 - RWW - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
Race starts: Mar 03rd 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

Sinbad by Balloon 2025 - Dondra to Toamasina

Above you see a stratospheric balloon, that if only we had gribs at that altitude would get blasted along quite rapidly and predictably. Alas we just have our SOL balloon that sails rather lower to the sea and that we have crossed the Atlantic in, west to east, last year for the first time in the southern hemisphere. So much fun was had by all, that this year we will attempt the Indian Ocean, but in four legs. Another great piece of fiction, the voyages of Sinbad By Balloon not magic carpet, although you may need a bit of magic to make any progress at times. Pack your wicker basket full for your first leg of at least 2300nm from Sri Lanka to Madagascar; it’s not a picnic hamper, you could be in the air for longer than you hoped!
Race #1883
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC - SBB
RACE CLOSE: Tuesday,
March 18 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Feb 05th 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

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SYC Ranking

  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Patrick70119
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member KaSToR
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member bonknhoot
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund

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