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Profile for FR_MJedi_SAL

Name FR_MJedi_SAL
Email Address
Website URLhttp://sal-team.space-blogs.com/
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  • Re: Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Scotsman thank you for your post.

    We found in these big races around the globe that were created contacts between various virtual sailors who sailed in sectors nearby.

    Some of us have created blogs or forums and this kind of race helped make connections between these blogs and forums.

    While differences of culture and language are not conducive to dialogue, but the passion for the sea is stronger.

    I is part of a group of sailors called virtual SAL-Team have some talent on SailOnLine, I think in particular Christophe sailing on FR_neverstop_SAL.
    My boat is FR_MJedi_SAL, and I do what I can to do well in the races organized by SOL (I've never set foot on a sailboat).

    Fair winds to all Soler's soon on our virtual oceans
    Serge alias MJedi


    Merci Scotsman pour ton post.

    Nous avons constaté lors de ces grandes courses autour du globe que se créaient des contacts entre divers marins virtuels qui naviguaient dans des secteurs proches.

    Certains d'entre nous ont créé des blogs ou des forums et ce genre de course a permis de faire des rapprochements entre ces blogs ou forums.

    Certes les différences de culture et de langue ne favorisent pas ce dialogue, mais la passion de la mer est plus forte.

    Je fait parti d'un groupe de marins virtuels qui s'appelle SAL-Team dont certains ont du talent sur SailOnLine, je pense en particulier à Christophe qui navigue sur FR_neverstop_SAL.
    Mon bateau est FR_MJedi_SAL, et je fais ce que je peux pour bien figurer dans les courses organisées par SOL (je n'ai jamais mis les pieds sur un voilier).

    Bon vent à tous les Soler's et à bientôt sur nos océans virtuels
    Serge alias MJedi

  • Re: Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Je rappelle que le but de mon post n'est pas de faire la promotion de tel site par rapport aux autres.
    Il s'agit de rapprocher les talents de divers marins virtuels naviguant sur divers sites internet.
    Personnellement, je navigue régulièrement sur trois interfaces de jeu.
    Je ferai peut être mieux de me concentrer sur une seule interface pour devenir performant, mais j'ai des amis sur toutes ces interfaces de jeu et j'éprouve du plaisir à naviguer et échanger avec eux.


    I recall that the purpose of my post is not to promote such site in relation to others.
    It is to bring the talents of various marine virtual browsing various websites.
    Personally, I sail regularly on three interfaces Thurs
    I'll be better to focus on a single interface to become successful, but I have friends on all these game interfaces and I have the pleasure to navigate and interact with them.

    --- Last Edited by RainbowChaser at 2012-10-23 07:48:11 ---
  • Re: Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Perhaps for the "Vendée Globe" which departs given in 2016.
  • Re: Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Merci RC
    C'est dommage, mais je comprends bien la problématique pour SOL.
    Donc nous allons organiser notre challenge sans SOL.
    A bientot et bon vent à tous les Soler's

    thank you RC
    It's a shame, but I understand the problem for SOL.
    So we will organize our challenge without SOL.
    See you soon and good luck to all Soler's
  • Vendée Globe Chalenge 2012-2013
    Board » Flag Officers » Race proposals
    Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
    Veuillez m'excuser de m'exprimer en français, mais je ne maîtrise pas parfaitement l'anglais.

    Nous envisageons de mettre en place un chalenge dans les quatre interfaces de jeu suivantes :SailOnLine, Live Skiper, Virtual Loup de Mer et Virtual Regatta.
    Chaque équipe sera composée d'un bateau dans chaque interface de jeu.

    Le but n'est pas de mettre en concurrence ces diverses interfaces de jeu, mais de rapprocher les talents des divers marins virtuels en constituant des équipes de quatre bateaux avec un bateau sur chaque interface de jeu; quelle que soient la nationalité du skipper.

    Que pensez vous de cette idée ?
    SOL a t'il l'intention de mettre en ligne ce genre de course ?

    Je vous remercie de l'attention que vous avez apporté à ce post.
    Serge alias MJedi

    Personnellement, je me verrai bien naviguer avec un marin Néo-Zélandais ou Australien qui tiendrai la barre de mon bateau pendant que je dors et vice versa.


    Hello to you all,
    I apologize for expressing myself in French, but I do not control perfect English.

    We plan to implement a chalenge in four games following interfaces: SailOnLine, Skiper Live, Virtual Loup de Mer and Virtual Regatta.
    Each team will consist of a boat in each gaming interface

    The goal is not to compete these various game interfaces, but to bring the talents of various marine virtual teams comprising of four ships with a boat on each game interface, regardless of the nationality of the skipper.

    What do you think of this idea?
    SOL you intend to post this kind of race?

    Thank you for the attention you have given to this post.
    thank you
    Serge alias MJedi

    Personally, I see many a sailor sail with New Zealand or Australia which will keep the bar from my boat while I sleep and vice versa.
  • Re: Agage Around Australia Series: Leg1 - Adelaide to Melbourne
    Board » Flag Officers » Races
    Il n'est jamais trop tard pour rendre hommage à un gars formidable.
    Aaron, ta disparition crée un grand vide.
    Sincères condoléances à sa famille et ses amis

    It is never too late to pay tribute to a great guy.
    Aaron, your death creates a vacuum.
    Sincere condolences to his family and friends
  • Re: Buoy too!
    Board » Flag Officers » Race Calendar
    Bonsoir RC

    Belle traduction en tout cas !
  • Re: Buoy too!
    Board » Flag Officers » Race Calendar
    Hi RC
    My comments are probably excessive. Indeed, it is normal to place buoys in a race, especially if the race is a reflection of an actual race.

    By cons, it is regrettable to see the buoys positioned in some races in places that ultimately hamper the race.

    The skippers who offer course races have justifiable reasons.
    But is not this also the role of SOL make suggestions to afford to have a race the least restrained as possible ?
    What you're probably more or less success.

    This remark of mine is going in the direction of improving the attractiveness of shopping.

    I'm a sailor virtual, not a true skipper. But maybe one day I will propose a race of my own.
    Thank you

    (Excuse my English very Google Translation)

    Bonsoir RC
    Mes propos sont sans doute excessifs. En effet, il est normal de positionner certaines bouées dans une course, d'autant plus si cette course est le reflet d'une course réelle.

    Par contre, il est regrettable de voir des bouées positionnées dans certaines courses à des endroits qui finalement brident la course.

    Les skippers qui proposent des courses ont bien sûr des raisons motivées.
    Mais n'est ce pas aussi le rôle de SOL de leur faire des suggestions pour permettre d'avoir une course le moins bridée possible ?
    Ce que vous faites sans doute avec plus ou moins de succès.

    Cette remarque de ma part va dans le sens d'améliorer l'attrait des courses.

    Je ne suis qu'un marin virtuel, pas un vrai skipper. Mais peut être qu'un jour je vous proposerai une course de mon cru.
  • Buoy too!
    Board » Flag Officers » Race Calendar
    We have some numbers in the French forum to regret the establishment of too many buoys, which limits the space initiative of the skippers.

    No doubt that those who offer us feel like we were racing to virtually visit the places they like.
    But, most of the time, because of these checkpoints, the end of the race comes down to a path that ships waiting in front of them fell asleep and his magnifying glass and tack.

    Grace, restore the initiative to each skipper to choose its course through a maze of islands.

    Thank you for your attention

    Nous sommes un certain nombre dans le forum français à regretter la mise en place de bouées en trop grand nombre, ce qui limite l’espace d’initiative des skippers.

    Sans doute que ceux qui nous proposent des courses ont envie de nous faire visiter virtuellement les lieux qui leur plaisent.
    Mais, la plus part du temps, du fait de ces points de passage, la fin de la course se résume à un cheminement de bateaux qui attendent que celui qui les précède se soit endormi et loupe ainsi son virement de bord.

    De grâce, redonnez l’initiative à chaque skipper de choisir sa route au milieu d’un dédale d’îles.

    Merci de votre attention
  • Re: Sail Around Turkey - Practice Racing
    Board » Flag Officers » Races
    Amhet, you commanded SOL the race. It's good.
    But kept silent thought of commanding the wind ?
    All the more that these boats are not very fast! LOL !


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Current Races:

Melbourne Osaka Cup Double-Handed Yacht Race 2025

Welcome once again to what these days is Sailonline’s almost annual virtual Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race. In real life, this double-handed 5500 nm race between these two sister cities, one deep in the southern hemisphere, the other high in the northern hemisphere, is run every four to five years, and this year is such a year. So, this year’s online version is in sync with the Melbourne Osaka Cup 2025 organised by the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (ORCV), and the Sandringham (SYC) and Osaka Hokko (OHYC) yacht clubs. We’ll be racing the well-known First 40, a popular size of boat which should be a good match for many of the boats entered in the real race. With the doldrums unavoidably lying across our course, you can expect to be at virtual sea for at least a month!
Race #1669
INFO by brainaid.de
First 40 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Mar 16th 06:00 Registration Open!

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Channel Islands 500 Yacht Race 2025

Prepare for an exhilarating offshore challenge in the Channel Islands 500 Yacht Race! Collaborating with the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Sailonline brings you a 500-nautical-mile test of skill, speed, and strategy. Starting in Santa Barbara, you’ll navigate between Santa Cruz Island and Santa Rosa Island, rounding three marks before finishing in San Diego. Our SOLers will be competing in their Melges 40s, a high-performance offshore racer designed by the Botin partnership. Who will conquer the Pacific and claim victory? Set your course and race for glory!
Race #1899
INFO by brainaid.de
NAM_AWIP WX Updates:
0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: Mar 14th 22:30 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Lake Ladoga Ice Race

For our second race of the 2025 Ice Yachting series, we shall risk disturbing another sect of monks, these of the Orthodox persuasion rather than Buddhist. Good ice is often found in remote places, and remoteness breeds contemplation, and Valaam Island at 61.3N in the north east corner of Lake Ladogo is as remote as it gets. Surrounded by pristine ice in winter, we find there one of the great monasteries of Russian Orthodoxy. So, get your visa’s, fly to St Petersburg, take the N-121 north to Vladimirovka, and get your DN-skates on for another no-PL monk-minding race, this time of 110nm in length, out around Valaam, then Derevnya, to finish near Berezova.
Race #1851
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: DN - SYC
March 14 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Mar 10th 09:00 Registration Open!
▶ Flash

Walyalup Sprint 2025

Once upon a time, aboriginal legend has it, the country of the Whadjuk people extended west from the present day Fremantle shoreline out to Rottnest island, but Walyalup as they called it was lost to the sea, and this sprint takes you across those inundated lands, round reefs and across shoals, 25nm in a Dufour 34. For the Walyalup, March fell in Bunuru, the hottest season of the year, which meant living near the water. Expect hot easterly winds, and cooling afternoon sea breezes with little to no rain. Perfect weather for a sail.
Race #1897
INFO by brainaid.de
Dufour 34 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Wednesday,
March 12 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Mar 08th 03:00 Registration Closed
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Tristan da Cunha to Coronation Island 2025

The adventure continues as we embark on the second leg of the RWW series, racing from Tristan da Cunha to the remote and uninhabited Coronation Island, NO, Elephant Island. Nestled between the Scotia Sea and the Weddell Sea, both island were named by 19th C British whalers. Prepare for a thrilling journey through the Roaring Forties and Furious Fifties, where relentless winds and challenging seas will test the mettle of every crew. This leg will be sailed aboard the historically iconic Steinlager II and is part of the prestigious OCCH 2025 series. The RWW series ranking will be determined by each team's best 7 out of 8 race results, so every moment counts! Are you ready to face the ultimate test of skill and endurance?
Race #1890
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: OCQ1 - RWW - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC
March 21 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Mar 03rd 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

Sinbad by Balloon 2025 - Dondra to Toamasina

Above you see a stratospheric balloon, that if only we had gribs at that altitude would get blasted along quite rapidly and predictably. Alas we just have our SOL balloon that sails rather lower to the sea and that we have crossed the Atlantic in, west to east, last year for the first time in the southern hemisphere. So much fun was had by all, that this year we will attempt the Indian Ocean, but in four legs. Another great piece of fiction, the voyages of Sinbad By Balloon not magic carpet, although you may need a bit of magic to make any progress at times. Pack your wicker basket full for your first leg of at least 2300nm from Sri Lanka to Madagascar; it’s not a picnic hamper, you could be in the air for longer than you hoped!
Race #1883
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC - SBB
RACE CLOSE: Tuesday,
March 18 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Feb 05th 11:00 Registration Closed
▶ Flash

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SYC Ranking

  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Patrick70119
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member KaSToR
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member vida
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Kipper1258
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member bonknhoot
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund

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