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Board » General Discussion » Tech tip: brain talk

This evening (18th of August), the artist currently known as Brainaid will participate in a chat session in the French language chatroom and share his thoughts on navigation, weather analysis and fussball. Calamity will do the English-French interpretation.

Join in at 21:00 CET or 19:00 UTC and find out all about the secret of his success.

Update: that's not today (Tuesday), but Thursday. My bad, +apologies+.

--- Last Edited by Schakel at 2009-08-18 19:06:47 ---
Damn! I missed it. Now I'll no doubt be last in the next race ;-)
Don't despair, there still is hope. Apparently, this chat has once again been moved to sometime tonight in one of the chatrooms. Maybe even at 18:00 utc in the French language room, but I've kinda lost track, really.

Just the piano player.
I know I'm showing some Naïveté(FR), but how do you get into chat rooms? Thanks,
On the right side of the race application page, there's a panel with 4 tabs. Steering, Delayed Commands (represented by an alarm clock), boats and chat. The chat tab displays the chatter and has a dropdown menu to select other channels.
Here is a transscript of the interview with me, brainaid, in the french chat room. I have reordered questions and answers a little, so the chat gets more readable. I hope the formatting also helps to make it readable. To read this in your favourite text reader, I have also attached this transcript as file.

brainaid: Bonjour a tous (That is about all I can say in french)

FR Amiral29: He!

FR_TOULBRAZ: Bonjour Brainaid.

FR Tolerance: bonjour brainaid soit le bien venu ici, fine to meet you here

FR Tolerance: and welcome !

brainaid: Merci!

FR_TOULBRAZ: Pourrais tu nous dire qui tu es c x y Ou tu habites c x y et si tu es informaticien c x y

FR Tolerance: Can you tell us who are you, where do you live and... are you computer specialist c x y

brainaid: Yes, I am 41 years old, male, live near Aachen in Germany. I started real life sailing only 9 years ago, so I am a late starter. I love offshore sailing, not seeing a port for several days makes me feel good.

brainaid: And yes, I am a computer specialist. I work for a small company building network equipment, where I am in charge of the software development. Next to that I write software in my spare time.

brainaid: To combine job and hobby I started to work on software for sailing, which I use here on SOL and to do weather briefings for the german Mini 6.50 sailors among others.

Calamity: 41 ans, vis en Allemagne pres de Aix la chapelle, debutais la voile RL y a seulement 9 ans, j'aime faire la voile sur haute mer et ne pas voir un port quelques jours me fait du tres grand bien

Calamity: Suis specialiste informatique, travaille dans une petite entreprise batir reseau informatique, je m'occupe du developpement de software

Calamity: Puis je developpe du software pour mon propre compte

PIR_captainchris: Guten Abend Brainaid und herztliches wilkommen!, I want to ask you if you use a computer program to decide the course and if you steer you boat with a lot of programation?

brainaid: Hello captainchris. Yes, I use a computer program to decide the course I want to go. This is a program I am working on now. Eventually I want to live from selling this.

Calamity: Alors, Brain developpe son software aussi pour le commercialiser un jour, pas trop lointain, les courants aussi peuvent etre geres avec son programme, il espere un jour vivre de cela

brainaid: Stearing my boat is derived from the planned route. In open waters I set a few DCs (delayed commands) mostly in 1 degree steps. When there is a tack or gybe or we round a mark I stear by hand

PIR_captainchris: Braiaind a dit: Il est informaticien, et développe ses propres programmes pour la course. Il n'est pas un "robot" mais fait beaucoup de DC (programations en délai) et assure aussi une peaufination manuelle...C'

PIR_captainchris: OK... glad to hear this... My program to get first during a part of the third leg was...my brain and "feeling" for the wind! :))

PIR_captainchris: Glad to knoe that you are not a "ROBOT"!!! But you must be confused when the weather change? How long time a day do you spend "sailing"?

brainaid: chris, as I do a lot of planing and not use the output of my software directly, but try to figure out how the weather develops in the future, most weather updates go very smooth.

FR_TOULBRAZ: Can you tell us more about your software, periodicity of update your target, weather forecast used,...?

brainaid: I use the GFS weather of the NOAA to do my routing, this is updated 4 times a day, as in SOL. Next to that I use their extended statistical data to estimate stability of the weather conditions.

Calamity: Il utilise les informations Meteo de NOAA, 4 fois par jour, tout comme en SOL....et se sert egalement d'autres donnees statistiques de NOAA

FR Tolerance: Il l'utilise pour les courses SOL, outre les prévisions météo, il tient compte des données statistiques pour voir la fiabilité des prévisions

jpkorny: On the start of te New Zeland race, you drived your boat toward the West, I did'nt understood your strategy because the logic was to go toward the East and you losted a lot of time

brainaid: jpkorny, I did not spend much time on the NZ race, as I was away most of the time. So I only briefly looked at the weather and programmed many DCs without doing my normal hand optimization. The result speaks for itself

Calamity: A JPK, sur le NZL race brain etais absent la plupart du temps, il l'a fait sur des DC, delay commands, commandes pre-programmees

PIR_captainchris: Brainiad: May I ask how does your program work? You must have a loads of parametres to compute? wind, speed, angle, TWD, TWS etc... do you compute vall manualy? (stupid question maybe?!)

brainaid: Basically the program works the same way as weather navigation with pen and paper. From the position of the boat all possible courses are plotted with the speed given in the boats polars. After plotting these courses you have a lot of possible new positions after some time interval. From these positions you repeat the process.

brainaid: After several steps some future position is at the finish line, or closest to the finish line. Now you follow the plot backwards that lead to this position. That is your fastest route.

brainaid: With pen and paper you would do this in 12h or 24h intervals with 3 to 5 different courses going nearly towards the finish. Wind would be estimated at every position, TWA and boat speed calculated manually.

brainaid: With the computer you get TWD and TWS at every position from the GRIB data and you can calculate millions of intermediate positions, so the calculated route is more exact. There is nothing calculated manually.

brainaid: Of course the exactness is only with respect to the weather forecast. As that changes, you need to calculate again and things might look very different. At this point human judgement is needed, whether to trust the calculated track or to follow it only slightly.

Calamity: A la base, le programme fonctionne de la meme facon que une navigation avec meteo et papier et crayon. A partir de la position du bateau, toutes les trajets possibles seront planifie avec la vitesse suivant le polar du bateau.

Calamity: Apres avoir fait ce plan, apres quelque temps, il y a des nouvelles possibilites, alors on repete le proces. Apres plusieurs etapes comme ceci, une position future est bien entendu la ligne d'arrivee, ou un point assez proche de l'arrivee. Alors la, on fait le plan en partant de cette position la, en arriere. Cela sera ton trajet le plus rapide.

Calamity: Avec crayon et papier, on ferais cela toutes les 12 ou 24 heures avec 3 ou 4 etapes allant presque a l'arrivee. Le vent sera estime a chaque position, TWA et vitesse du bateau seront calcules manuellement.

Calamity: Avec l'ordinateur tu auras TWD et TWS a chaque position a partir des donnees du GRIB, et l'on peut calculer des millions de positions intermediares, alors le trajet calcule sera plus exacte. Alors rien est calcule manuellement la.

Calamity: Bien entendu, l'exactitude dependras de l'exactitude des previsions meteo. Si cela change, tu serais obliges de recalculer et le trajet peut etre tout a fait different alors. En ce moment la, le jugement humain est necessaire, alors soit on fait confiance au trajet calcule, soit on le suit a peu pres.

PIR_captainchris: Brainaid: do you get frustrated when you are not # 1 in a race? Like all of us? ;-) How long time a day do you spend on the races?

brainaid: I spend about 10 minutes every hour during a race. There are hours of sleep with 0 minutes and there are hours of planing with 30 minutes.

Calamity: alors, brain passe environ 10 minutes par heure sur une course, parfois il dors 0 minutes, et parfois une demi heure sur une heure

PIR_captainchris: Are you married? If yes...what does you're wife think about you sitting in front of the screen and steering a boat?

brainaid: OK, the private stuff. I am married, but now going to life separated. This is not because of SOL but maybe because of sailing in general. When I sail on a real boat I spend 95% of time for the boat...

Calamity: En ce qui concerne sa vie prive, il est encore marie, mais va etre separe, pas a cause du SOL, mais a cause de la passion voile en generale, assez incompatible avec vie de famille car grandes absences de sa part comme il passe alors 95% de son temps pour le bateau

jpkorny: ma femme m'a menacé de faire ses valises après 38 ans de mariage,l a dernière étape,j'ai calmé le jeu

Calamity: Brain, Korny's wife threatened to leave him because of SOL, he calmed her, for now

brainaid: korny, just be careful...

PIR_captainchris: Last question to Brainaid: do you expect to finish # 1 in the next race? :)))

brainaid: chris: No. I will be away over the weekend and next week ;)

FR Amiral29: ben oui il ya les fleches aussi pour avancer de 10minutes mais je m'abime les yeux!

Calamity: brain, amiral is embarrassed with the meteo and the cursor size, he would prefer those taller for the first 6 to ten hours of racing

brainaid: Amiral, visibility of the wind has been some discussion with SOL, I know that from the english chat...

Calamity: Amiral, la visibilite du vent a ete discute bcp dans le chat anglais aussi

FR Amiral29: Ah!

FR Tolerance: Youpi amiral, tu n'es pas le seul !

FR_TOULBRAZ: Brain, do you have a special function in SOL organization c x y

brainaid: Toulbraz, no. I am just a very addicted user. I give a lot suggestions to the people behind SOL. If this should change so I am a part of SOL, I would stop racing with this much effort, as that would be unfair.

Calamity: Toul, brain n'est pas membre de l'organisation SOL, mais leur donne souvent des idees, suggestions, s'il serais un membre de sol organisation, il ne ferais pas les courses, le considerant pas honnete en ce moment la

FR_TOULBRAZ: Do you also sail on other virtual race servers c x y

brainaid: I did sail on OceanVirtuel for 3 years, but the atmosphere amongst sailors was not very positive towards Germans. Communication was very good between sailors in the top ranks, but a lot of other people ...

brainaid: ... where unhappy. After finding SOL I stopped sailing there.

brainaid: I tried VORG once. It is not worth talking about.

Calamity: Brain etais sur Ocean Virtuel pendant 3 ans, et a quitte pour SOL, athmosphere vers les marins allemand etant pas tres accueillant

Calamity: Brain a essaye VORG, mais ne trouve vraiment pas interessant du tout, pas la peine meme d'en parler

FR_vostro: Hello, how to interpret the data counter Vmg located under the pola. Thank

Calamity: VMG= velocity made good, vitesse reelle par rapport au VENT et non pas VMC, vitesse par rapport au but/arrivee/ point precis

MMB: Utile seulement dans le lit du vent

FR Tolerance: Effectivement, l'accueil sur SOL est exceptionnel et les mélanges sont réels, les échnages possibles et intéressant, pas d'à priori... bon, c'était mon avis en aparté !

FR_axelxx: I don't if there are rules of asking questions to U, but do U make real sailing races c x y I mean on real boats or only virtual ones c x y

Calamity: Brain, axel wants know if you sail real life races also

brainaid: I do help crews on real boats with weather briefings. I do this for the german Mini 6.50 sailors for example. Myself, I would love to sail on a Mini, but money and my age are a little against that right now.

brainaid: I do sail some smaller races on our X-37 or smaller boats from time to time. Sometimes as skipper, sometimes as crew. I can do foredeck, mast or navigation.

brainaid: About the Mini 6.50: There is almost zero sponsoring in Germany. This is very different to France. You are the lucky guys :)

Calamity: Brain aide equipages sur vrais bateaux avec previsions meteo, entre autre pour Mini 6.5, il aimerais faire la voile en mini lui meme, mais les sous ET son age parlent contre ca en ce moment

Calamity: Brain a fait quelques petites regates sur X-37 ou des bateaux plus petits de temps en temps

Calamity: Concernant Mini 6.5, vous avez de la chance en France, a propos du sponsoring, il n'y a presque pas en allemagne :((

FR_axelxx: U should help Oracle or Alinghi

brainaid: axel, I would jump immediately if they call

FR_axelxx: Does virtual races helps U c x y

FR Amiral29: good question!

brainaid: Yes, virtual races are a good test ground for long distance weather prediction. Of course real sailing is different, but you still learn a lot about when to trust a forecast and when to stick to common sense.

Calamity: Courses virtuelles sont un bon entrainement pour etudier et prevoir meteo longue distance et duree, meme si la vrai voile est bien different, on peut tout de meme apprendre beaucoup

FR_axelxx: I'm sure it will come. Do U know if some great navigators ( some we see on TV) use or make virual races c x y

brainaid: I know that some of the NZL people here have done real navigation on racing boats in their younger years. I do not know if current navigators use simulators.

Calamity: Plusieurs des marins de nouvelle zelande ici en sol ont fait beaucoup de competition dans la vraie vie, brain ne sais pas s'ils utilisent du software ici en sol, ni si des navigateurs actuelles font de la voile virtuelle

FR_TOULBRAZ: Brain, we appreciate SOL and the way you "optimize" your sailing with it. Do you think SOL can be improve , and on which point c x y

Calamity: Toul asks you if sol can be improved, and on what points ( he appreciates a lot how you optimize your races here)

brainaid: There is a few points where SOL can improve. One of these is to become more attractive for offical races, so there is more people racing here.

brainaid: Another point discussed also in the english chat is about weather. The point is using the forecast as a forecast, but having slightly different weather on the server and seen on board. There are a lot of technical

brainaid: issues to this but the discussion is very interesting. This could make SOL even more real.

brainaid: Then there is a discussion about having more classes and podiums. Maybe one podium for software users, another for people without software and such.

Calamity: Points ou sol peut s'ameliorer: devenir plus interressant en tant que partenaire des vrais grandes courses et donc attirer plus de monde ici. Aussi la meteo peut encore etre ameliore, y a beaucoup de discussion sur le chat anglais de cela, Il peut y avoir une difference entre la prediction meteo, et la realite sur le serveur. Puis aussi la creation eventuelle de differentes classes, avec ou sans utilisation de software/programmes d'assistance a la voile virtuelle sont actuellement discutes au sein de SOL administrateurs et utilisateurs.

FR Amiral29: Bien bien l'idee de 2 classements!

FR Amiral29: En somme Brain est un bon et vrai marin... moi je découvre pardonnez moi!

Xolub: a simple question brainaid, what kind of software do uou use for your weather prediction c x y

FR Tolerance: NOAA predictions

FR_axelxx: Why did you choose brainaid, is it for brain c x y

brainaid: Yes, brainaid is the name of a computer of a friend of mine and now the name of the company I have with this friend. The computer was named brainaid as it was there to help us think. (Brainaid est le nom d'un ordinateur d'un ami de brain et maintenant aussi le nom de l'entreprise que brain a creee avec cet ami, l'ordinateur est destine a leur aider reflechir)

FR_axelxx: so the computer is the brain

brainaid: No, the computer is the tool to help the brain (Non, l'ordinateur est l'outil de aider le cerveau!)

FR_axelxx: ok I understand, lol

brainaid: To all of you: I see there are a few here speaking english, so if there are questions or suggestions please feel free to find me in the english room and ask. (Si vous avez des questions, n'hesitez pas de me les demander, je suis souvent dans le chatroom anglais)

FR_axelxx: Don't want to be rude, How old are you (don't have to answer if you don't want)

brainaid: axel, no problem. I am 41 years old.

FR_axelxx: 35 for me. You said that you live in Germany, right? and you come from nederlands c x y

brainaid: No, I live in Germany now and I am German. I lived in Belgium for some time.

brainaid: But too close to the german boarder, so I never was forced to learn French...

FR_axelxx: No problem, I learned german for seven year at school and don't speak anymore

FR_axelxx: Berlin c x y

FR Tolerance: près d'Aix La chappele

brainaid: Near Aachen, which is close to Netherland/Belgium/German border.

FR Amiral29: Merci beaucoup à Brain...Il répond plus vite que son ombre! Il araison ceuuses qui possèdent bien l'Anglais ont le chat Anglais que diantre!

FR Tolerance: with a great horse jumping price

brainaid: Yes, Tolerance. I did that in my youth. Should we change topic? (En effet, brain a fait du cheval dans sa jeunesse)

Xolub: il est bien cool ce Brainaid...

Xolub: c'est l'air de la cote d'opale MMB, ils ne peuvent pas comprendre ;)

FR Amiral29: me so!

RainbowChaser: thank you!! merci pour une bonne soiree des questions!!

brainaid: I hope I could answer most of your questions, if there is some discussion where you think I can contribute, please feel free to ask. I will be in the english room when I am online...

FR Tolerance: ok brain, thanks a lot for the time you spent with us

FR_axelxx: thanks brainaid, bye

MMB: Thanks, Brainaid

FR Amiral29: OK Thank's very much for this evening! Bye

brainaid: Tolerance, yes. I will go offline for a while now, relax and have some pizza ;)

Xolub: thx Brainaid

brainaid: Thanks to all of you, this was fun. Never done this before...

FR Amiral29: and good luck for you! Mes hommages à Madame...

RainbowChaser: thanks brainaid!

FR Tolerance: and congratulations for your level and all races you won and you'll win !

brainaid: Merci, Amiral :)

FR Tolerance: oui Mjedi, on accueille brainaid !

brainaid: So good night everybody. See you at the start tomorrow!

brainaid: Fair winds and good luck

MJedi: welcome Brainaid

FR Amiral29: Ben alors c'était bien ce p'tit chat! Manquait un peu de boissons et de filles Mais enfin...

FR Tolerance: see you later brainaid, and good winds for tomorrow

FR Amiral29: A Axel un souci? -- BrainBreizh est là!

FR Tolerance: thank you brainaid

FR Tolerance: finalement c'est un bon gars ce brainaid !
The sea is lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to sail before I sleep, And miles to sail before I sleep.

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Next Race: 00d 00h 00m

Current Races:

CA 500 2024

In 2019, the organisers of the California Race Week introduced a new longer distance event for the world’s very largest maxi trimarans in town that year intent on setting new records for the TransPac Ocean Race on its 50th anniversary. This CA 500, 500nm from San Francisco to San Diego, was repeated in 2023, but this year it will be an online only event, as it is a lot more straightforward to get a fleet of Maxi trimarans out on the virtual water, than in real life.
Race #1799
INFO by brainaid.de
NAM_AWIP WX Updates:
0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045
Ranking: SYC - CRW
Race starts: May 25th 17:40 Registration Open!
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Capt Anderson's Resupply TIMED Race 2024

Welcome back to the Pacific Northwest for a race that takes us around the southern end of Vancouver Island and up the west coast as we supply six lights. The leg starts in Victoria, and we sail into the open water of the Salish Sea. After making our way up the west coast we must go up the narrow channel to restock in Port Alberni. This is a TIMEDrace, so you may RE-REGISTER HERE to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens.
Race #1809
INFO by brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
RACE CLOSE: Saturday,
01 June at 23:00 UTC
Race starts: May 19th 12:00 Registration Open!
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Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2024

Join us at Sailonline for a thrilling adventure in the 2024 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race! This event is the most prestigious and longstanding international sailing competition in South Africa, offering a unique journey steeped in history. Traditionally setting sail from the picturesque bay of Maputo, Mozambique's enchanting old Portuguese colonial capital, the race has charted a new course in recent years. This edition will see competitors navigating a challenging 250-nautical-mile course from Durban to East London. Adding to the excitement, this year our SOLers will harness the speed and power of our fleet of Carkeek 40s!
Race #1807
INFO from brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
Race starts: May 19th 08:00 Registration Open!
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Neumayer Station to Biscoe Wharf 2024

It’s Autumn now in Antarctica, the sun is permanently below the horizon, but during the day, from c 0900 to c 1700 local time, there is some twilight – nautical twilight, not to be confused with civil twilight which is brighter. The penguins are starting to huddle together to keep warm and the sea ice is growing. Time to get back to Biscoe Wharf then, before the water becomes impassible. Including a detour past Argentina’s main two Antarctic stations, it’s only 1900nm, so, although we’ll be in a hurry, we will take the bigger, better ice-classed Paratii 2 once more, just to be sure!
Race #1766
INFOby brainaid.de
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: HLAT - SYC
Race starts: May 13th 19:00 Registration Closed
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Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2024

Welcome once again to what these days is Sailonline’s almost annual virtual Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race. In real life, this double-handed 5500 nm race between these two sister cities, one deep in the southern hemisphere, the other high in the northern hemisphere, is run every four to five years, and is planned to be held again in 2025, so this race is a Prelude in partnership with the Melbourne Osaka Cup 2025 organising committee collaborating with the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (ORCV), and the Sandringham (SYC) and Osaka Hokko (OHYC) yacht clubs. On this occasion, we’ll be racing the well-known First 40, a popular size of boat for a long-distance double-handed race. With the doldrums unavoidably lying across the track, you can expect to be at virtual sea for at least a month!
Race #1798
INFO by brainaid.de
First 40 Particulars
WX Updates:
0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230
Ranking: SYC
May 27 at 2300 UTC.
Race starts: Apr 20th 00:00 Registration Closed
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  1. Sailonline Yacht Club Member WRmirekd
  2. Sailonline Yacht Club Member FreyjaUSA
  3. Sailonline Yacht Club Member sassy63
  4. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Vida_Maldita
  5. Sailonline Yacht Club Member rafa
  6. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Sax747
  7. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CriticalHippo
  8. Sailonline Yacht Club Member TarassBoulba
  9. Sailonline Yacht Club Member CollegeFund
  10. Sailonline Yacht Club Member Siaki

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