1779 Kamchatsky to Tromsoe 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/16/ICEBERG.png "/></a></center> Just before the light failed entirely in Antarctica, Skip Novak managed to get his Pelagic 77 out of the ice and north up the Pacific to Kamchatsky. The sun is shining (24/7) and not a penguin to be seen, and Skip believes the Norh East Passage is ice-free (sufficiently) to attempt it, so all aboard for a c 4250nm voyage from east to west across the top of Siberia, Russia and Norway to Tromsoe! <br> Race #1779<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1779.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Pelagic 77 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Pelagic_77.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: HLAT - SYC Practice sailing. Race starts 18/07-19.00UTC. Currently 78 boats registered. July 18, 2024, 7 p.m. False 9.0 204.0 47.0 82.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1779.xml 1828 Cowes to St Malo TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/07/13/StMalo.png"/></a></center><p> Organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club since 1929, the Cowes to St Malo Race is a true RORC Classic. Starting from the Royal Yacht Squadron Line, Cowes, IOW, a magnificent spectacle can be watched from The Parade, Cowes. The Cowes to St Malo Race is part of the RORC Season’s Points Championship, the world’s largest offshore racing series. Dating back to 1906, the Cowes to St Malo Race precedes all of the world’s famous races including the Fastnet Race. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b>race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1828/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens. <br> Race #1828<br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1828.html "> <b>INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> TP-52 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 27 July at 23:00 UTC Cowes to St Malo TIMED Race 2024 , racing with 121 boats. July 14, 2024, noon False -10.0 3.0 47.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1828.xml 1805 Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LO300_logo_120.png "/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes Sailonline to a second race of their annual series, this time as hosts of the virtual LO300. As the name implies, the LO300 is a 300nm offshore race across the length and breadth of Lake Ontario, from and back to Port Credit YC. Once again, as is our wont on Lake Ontario, a fleet of Beneteau First 36.7s is being made available to virtual racers. There is an overall prize for the SOLer who best bosses Lake Ontario over the two races hosted on SOL, this 300 and the Susan Hood raced back in May; so let the competition be fierce! <br> Race #1805 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1805.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: LOOR - SYC Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2024, racing with 68 boats. July 13, 2024, 3:10 p.m. False -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1805.xml 1823 SSANZ Triple Series 2024 - Race 1 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome once again to our online buddied Short-handed Sailing Association of New Zealand brilliant long-standing <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> for two-handed yachts on the waters of the Hauraki Gulf, sponsored this year by Lewmar Marine. Commencing with a c 46nm quick dash out to Motuora Island via The Haystack and home, we will as always compete in virtual Young88s, against the real-life fleet of the members of the ever-Young 88 <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Association</a>!!<br> Race #1823<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1823.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SSANZ - SYC SSANZ Triple Series 2024 - Race 1, racing with 61 boats. July 12, 2024, 9:15 p.m. False 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1823.xml 1812 Tall Ships Races 2024 - Tallinn to Turku <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png "/></a></center><br> Welcome to the second of three virtual Tall Ships Races on the Baltic Sea which are concurrently being organized in-real-life <a href=" https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/tall-ships-races-2024/ " target="_blank"> Sail Training International </a>. This second race is from Tallinn, Estonia to Turku, Finland; circa 150nm in Sailonline’s stately Full Rigger. <br> <i>NOTE: </i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1812 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1812.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Full Rigger <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/12/Full_Rigger.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> July 19 at 2300 UTC. Tall Ships Races 2024 - Tallinn to Turku, racing with 82 boats. July 11, 2024, 2 p.m. False 18.0 27.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1812.xml 1821 Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/06/19/Flag_of_Nunavut_CA.png "/></a></center><br> Welcome to the first Sprint of Sailonline's 2024 Q3 calendar. We are in N America for a circa 46 NM race around Charlton Island, Nunavut Canada, in James Bay between Quebec and Ontario provinces. <br> Race 1821<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1821.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Club_Swan_50.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 10 at 2300 UTC. Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2024, racing with 74 boats. July 6, 2024, 3 p.m. True -80.0 -78.5 51.0 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1821.xml 1820 Southampton to Punta del Este 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/06/19/SHamp-to-PdE_logo.png"/></a></center> Sailonline is delighted to offer our sailors a 'reversed' Atlantic ocean race. As the RTW championship Atlantic part takes a detour to the Bahamas, we will offer you a reversed course as we will not do the 'usual' leg this year either. It is the July edition of this year's Ocean Championship. Our boat is the OD_65v3. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17895" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1820 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1820.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> OD65 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/12/29/OD_65v3.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ3 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC Southampton to Punta del Este 2024, racing with 153 boats. July 1, 2024, 11 a.m. False -70.0 5.0 -37.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1820.xml 1811 Tall Ships Races 2024 - Klaipeda to Helsinki <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png "/></a></center> Welcome to the first of three virtual Tall Ships Races on the Baltic Sea which are being organized in-real-life by <a href=" https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/tall-ships-races-2024/ " target="_blank"> Sail Training International</a>This first race is from Klaipeda, Lithuania to Helsinki, Finland; circa 240nm in Sailonline’s stately fanciful Full Rigger. <br> <i>NOTE: </i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1811 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1811.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Full Rigger <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/12/Full_Rigger.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> July 6 at 2300 UTC. Tall Ships Races 2024 - Klaipeda to Helsinki, racing with 99 boats. June 27, 2024, 2 p.m. True 14.0 27.0 54.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1811.xml 1819 Haida Gwaii 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/06/09/Haida_Gwaii_1.png"></center><br> We will end the second quarter of the ARCH competition with a&nbsp390nm race around the Haida Gwaii islands (literally "Islands of the Haida people"), also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands. This is an archipelago located on the northern Pacific coast of Canada. In SOL, we last raced on this route in 2012 and few people remember what happened there. Prepare your Riptide 50 well, it's going to be a lot of fun. <br> Race #1819 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1819.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Riptide 50 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Riptide_50.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> July 3 at 2300 UTC. Haida Gwaii 2024, racing with 84 boats. June 24, 2024, 5 p.m. True -143.0 -120.0 48.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1819.xml 1816 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2024 - Leg 2 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/29/2024_Pantaenius_Shetland_Race_Logo.png"></center> After the thrill of the first leg, we don't linger long in Lerwick, Shetland. Following brief but joyous celebrations, it's time to set sail again for the second leg of the 2024 Pantaenius Shetland Race, heading back to the stunning shores of Bergen, Norway. Covering another exhilarating 190 nautical miles, the North Sea promises more excitement, challenges, and strategic sailing. With the high-performance Finngulf 43, crafted by Farr Yacht Design, the competition will be fierce. Whether you're chasing victory or savoring the journey, this leg is sure to captivate. Let the adventure continue! <br> Race #1816 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1816.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Finngulf 43 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Finngulf_43.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SHE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> June 29 at 2300 UTC. Pantaenius Shetland Race 2024 - Leg 2, racing with 78 boats. June 23, 2024, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1816.xml 1808 Newport Bermuda Race 2024 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/NewportBermudaLogo.png"/></a></center><br> The 636-mile biennial Newport Bermuda Race is one of the oldest regularly scheduled ocean races, and with the Fastnet Race and the Sydney to Hobart Race, it is one of the three great classic races of the yachting world. Founded in 1906, this 53rd running of the Bermuda Race can again also be participated in online.<br> <b>Entries are invited for one of the four divisions:</b><br> Double-Handed Division: <br>Jeanneau Sun Fast 3600 <br> St. David's Lighthouse Division: <br> Santa Cruz 52 <br> Gibbs Hill Lighthouse Division: <br> Judel Vrolijk 62<br> Finisterre Division: <br>Riptide 50<br> Details for each yacht are available in the ‘Particulars’ links below. As in real life, you can only sail one boat in one division, so choose your virtual yacht carefully, and because of the unusual (for SOL) 4-division nature of the event, please note results will not count towards any Sailonline rankings.<br> Race #1808<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1808.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3600 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> Santa Cruz 52 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Santa_Cruz_52.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> Judel Vrolijk 62 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/JudelVrolijk_62.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> Riptide 50 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Riptide_50.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: None<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>July 5 at 2300 UTC. Newport Bermuda Race 2024, racing with 96 boats. June 21, 2024, 5:05 p.m. True -75.0 -57.0 28.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1808.xml 1815 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2024 - Leg 1 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/29/2024_Pantaenius_Shetland_Race_Logo.png"></center> Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Set sail from the breathtaking outer Korsfjorden, Norway, to the wild Shetland Isles in the electrifying first race of our exciting two-race Shetland Series! This year's race spans just shy of 190 nautical miles and features the cutting-edge Finngulf 43, crafted by Farr Yacht Design for ultimate performance and excitement. Sailonline is ecstatic to buddy up with this iconic race, a true gem for our sailing community. Seasoned sailor or enthusiastic newcomer, prepare for unmatched thrills, strategic challenges, and the pure joy of the open sea. The adventure awaits—dive in! <br> Race #1815 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1815.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Finngulf 43 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Finngulf_43.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SHE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> June 25 at 2300 UTC. Pantaenius Shetland Race 2024 - Leg 1, racing with 86 boats. June 19, 2024, 11 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1815.xml 1818 Nine Islands Nine Lights TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/06/05/9_Islands_2.png"/></a></center> Nine Islands, Nine Lights beckons adventurers and sailors to the azure waters surrounding Ibiza and Formentera for an exhilarating timed sailboat race like no other. Set against the backdrop of the Balearic archipelago, this event promises a thrilling test of skill, strategy, and sheer adrenaline as participants navigate their J-122 sailboats through a mesmerizing course. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b>race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1818/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b>to try again after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens. <br> Race #1818<br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1818.html "> <b>INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> J-122 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/J-122.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 29 June at 23:00 UTC Nine Islands Nine Lights TIMED Race 2024, racing with 146 boats. June 16, 2024, noon True 0.0 3.0 38.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1818.xml 1806 AWKR 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/03/AWKR_RD_Logo.png"/></a></center><br> The Australian Women's Keelboat Regatta celebrates and promotes women's sailing in Australia. Comprising a week of intense racing on Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay, the event has grown to become Australia’s premier women’s regatta and one of the largest in the southern hemisphere, and over the past several years, Sailonline has been delighted to have been invited to offer all-comers (women and men) a virtual opportunity to race the Bay during AWKR week. This year, it’s an imaginary 80-miler in Sun Fast 3300s, which should prove a proper online challenge.<br> Race #1806 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1806.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3300 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Sun_Fast_3300.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> June 16 at 2300 UTC. AWKR 2024, racing with 76 boats. June 10, 2024, midnight True 144.0 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1806.xml 1817 Nuuk RTI Sprint 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/23/Coat_of_arms_of_Nuuk.png "/></a></center><br> Welcome to Nuuk, capital of Greenland. It holds the title of warmest city in Greenland and is located at the end of the Nuup Kangerlua fjord on the east shore of the Labrador Sea. The fjord is clear of ice, daylight plentiful, perhaps a tiny chill in air. This is the final sprint of Q2 and we have a new course for you. It is time to race in Greenland. <br> Race #1817<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1817.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 30 <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 13 at 2300 UTC. Nuuk RTI Sprint 2024, racing with 65 boats. June 8, 2024, 9 a.m. True -52.5 -51.0 64.0 64.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1817.xml 1790 Auckland to San Francisco 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/20/RW3.PNG"/></a></center><br> Welcome back to Auckland as we continue our Round The World voyage. This 5600 nautical miles race from Auckland to San Francisco, first sailed in 2023, is the third leg of the RTW, proposed by SOLer ita10267. It is also the June edition of this year's Ocean Championship. Our boat is the Swan 65, as in all RTW races this year. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17895" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1790 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1790.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Swan 65 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Swan_65.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>July 9 at 2300 UTC. Auckland to San Francisco 2024, racing with 168 boats. June 3, 2024, 11 a.m. True 152.0 270.0 -50.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1790.xml 1804 Susan Hood Trophy Race 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LOGO_HOOD_120.png"/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes racers to Sailonline’s virtual version of their fourth virtual Susan Hood Trophy race. This is a 75nm weekender on western Lake Ontario starting and finishing at the Port Credit Yacht Club (PCYC) via Niagara and Burlington, and is one of two that will count towards a special Sailonline's LOOR Series medals. As our Beneteau First 36.7 managed the course so well in previous years, we shall race her again! <br> Race #1804 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1804.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC - LOOR <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> June 7 at 2300 UTC. Susan Hood Trophy Race 2024, racing with 84 boats. May 31, 2024, 11:45 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1804.xml 1800 SoCal 300 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/29/SoCal300_1.png"/></a></center> Welcome again to your chance to participate virtually in a second race of the California Race Week calendar, SDYC's challenging 243nm (as the seagull flies) SoCal 300 from Santa Barbara to San Diego. With a broad range of boats entered in the real race, virtual SOLers will have a better chance of hanging in there with the IRL fleet in our mighty Melges 40 than in previous years SOLing the Santa Cruz 52! <br> Race #1800<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1800.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Melges 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Melges_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC - CRW<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> June 6 at 2300 UTC. SoCal 300 2024, racing with 99 boats. May 30, 2024, 1 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1800.xml 1814 Mangalia to Sevastopol 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/12/Black_Sea_2.png"></center><br> This time the Black Sea challenges us in a race on the 360 Nm route from Mangala to Sevastopol. On the way we will also visit Odessa. Watch out for the legendary pirates and their fast battle galleys. Nobody ever found them. Apparently they took them with them to the land and hid them in the forests. Let's hope that our Delphia 47 will be fast enough to escape the chase, otherwise we may end up in captivity. <br> Race #1814 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1814.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Delphia 47 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/07/Delphia_47.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> June 5 at 2300 UTC. Mangalia to Sevastopol 2024, racing with 92 boats. May 27, 2024, 5 p.m. True 27.0 35.0 43.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1814.xml 1799 CA 500 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/05/CA500.PNG"/></a></center><br> In 2019, the organisers of the California Race Week introduced a new longer distance event for the world’s very largest maxi trimarans in town that year intent on setting new records for the TransPac Ocean Race on its 50th anniversary. This CA 500, 500nm from San Francisco to San Diego, was repeated in 2023, but this year it will be an online only event, as it is a lot more straightforward to get a fleet of Maxi trimarans out on the virtual water, than in real life. <br> Race #1799<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1799.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Maxi Tri <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC - CRW<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> June 1 at 2300 UTC. CA 500 2024, racing with 100 boats. May 25, 2024, 5:40 p.m. True -125.0 -115.0 31.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1799.xml 1809 Capt Anderson's Resupply TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/18/Anderson.png"/></a></center> Welcome back to the Pacific Northwest for a race that takes us around the southern end of Vancouver Island and up the west coast as we supply six lights. The leg starts in Victoria, and we sail into the open water of the Salish Sea. After making our way up the west coast we must go up the narrow channel to restock in Port Alberni. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b>race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1809/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens. <br> Race #1809<br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1809.html "> <b>INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> 11 Metre OD <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 01 June at 23:00 UTC Capt Anderson's Resupply TIMED Race 2024, racing with 127 boats. May 19, 2024, noon True -128.0 -120.0 47.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1809.xml 1807 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/13/Vasco_Da_Gama_Logo.png"></center> Join us at Sailonline for a thrilling adventure in the 2024 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race! This event is the most prestigious and longstanding international sailing competition in South Africa, offering a unique journey steeped in history. Traditionally setting sail from the picturesque bay of Maputo, Mozambique's enchanting old Portuguese colonial capital, the race has charted a new course in recent years. This edition will see competitors navigating a challenging 250-nautical-mile course from Durban to East London. Adding to the excitement, this year our SOLers will harness the speed and power of our fleet of Carkeek 40s! <br> Race #1807 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1807.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Carkeek 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Carkeek_40.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> May 25 at 2300 UTC. Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2024, racing with 99 boats. May 19, 2024, 8 a.m. True 26.0 33.0 -33.5 -29.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1807.xml 1766 Neumayer Station to Biscoe Wharf 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/16/ICEBERG.png "/></a></center> It’s Autumn now in Antarctica, the sun is permanently below the horizon, but during the day, from c 0900 to c 1700 local time, there is some twilight – nautical twilight, not to be confused with civil twilight which is brighter. The penguins are starting to huddle together to keep warm and the sea ice is growing. Time to get back to Biscoe Wharf then, before the water becomes impassible. Including a detour past Argentina’s main two Antarctic stations, it’s only 1900nm, so, although we’ll be in a hurry, we will take the bigger, better ice-classed Paratii 2 once more, just to be sure! <br> Race #1766<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1766.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Paratii 2 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Paratii_2.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: HLAT - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> May 30 at 2300 UTC. Neumayer Station to Biscoe Wharf 2024, racing with 113 boats. May 13, 2024, 7 p.m. True -75.0 0.0 -80.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1766.xml 1810 Mellum to Trischen PYOC 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/05/10/HarborSealWaddenSea2.png "/></a></center><br> The next installment of the sprint race series sees us paying an all too rare visit to the German coast for a 30nm Pick Your Own Course race in Fox 9.50’s. Along the way enjoy the company of the popular harbour seals that populate the Wadden Sea.<br> Race #1810<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1810.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Fox 9.5 <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Fox_9.50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 15 at 2300 UTC. Mellum to Trischen PYOC 2024, racing with 80 boats. May 11, 2024, 9 a.m. True 7.0 9.0 53.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1810.xml 1791 Flight of the Godwit - Hegura to Anchorage 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/20/Godwit.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome to the second flight of our bar-tailed Godwit!. This race is the second of three legs reflecting the bird's annual migratory route, and simultaneously the fifth leg of the 2024 Ocean Race Championship. The voyage promises to be not only a test of skill and strategy but an immersive experience in the beauty of the archipelagos of the Aleutian Islands. Join us as we push the boundaries of seafaring prowess on this epic adventure. Let's fly like a godwit! <br> PRIZE: <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1791 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1791.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - GWT - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>May 19 at 2300 UTC. Flight of the Godwit - Hegura to Anchorage 2024, racing with 134 boats. May 6, 2024, 11 a.m. True 116.0 257.0 2.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1791.xml 1802 Bay to Bay 2024 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/25/Australia__Sailing_Icon.png"></center> Get ready for another spectacular day on the water with the second and final race of our thrilling series! This time, the challenge extends to an ambitious 21-nautical-mile course through the scenic Great Sandy Strait of Australia. After a joyful post-race BBQ, our daring sailors will once again take the helm of their Seascape 18s! Expect more high-speed action, strategic sailing, and, of course, another fantastic BBQ to celebrate the end of this exciting series! <br> Race #1802 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1802.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Seascape 18 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: B2B - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 8 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay 2024 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait, racing with 71 boats. May 4, 2024, 9:30 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1802.xml 1801 Bay to Bay 2024 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Strait <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/25/Australia__Sailing_Icon.png"></center> Prepare for an adrenaline-packed race as the pristine waters of the Great Sandy Strait beckon for a thrilling showdown! This first race of our two-race series stretches over an amazing 16-nautical-mile course, with our skilled sailors at the helm of their Seascape 18s. With fierce competition and a fantastic post-race BBQ awaiting our sailors at the finish line, what more could we ask for?! Brace yourself for a fascinating adventure and we look forward to seeing you at the start line! <br> Race #1801 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1801.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Seascape 18 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: B2B - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>May 7 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay 2024 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Strait, racing with 84 boats. May 4, 2024, 1 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1801.xml 1803 Manilla to Calbayog 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/16/Manilla_to_Calbayog.jpg"></center> After six years, we welcome you to the race created by sassy63 for the second time. He takes us to the Philippines to race around islands on a 380 nm course. We sail the Italia 14.98 and in Calbayog we'll enjoy our well-deserved Palatan dish and drink it with San Miguel. <br> Race #1803 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1803.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Italia 14.98 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Italia_14.98.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> April 30 at 2300 UTC. Manilla to Calbayog 2024, racing with 87 boats. April 22, 2024, 5 p.m. True 119.0 126.0 10.0 16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1803.xml 1794 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/03/12/HappyBirthday.png "/></a></center><br> Sailonline had two founders and Jakob, the more senior of the two, has his birthday in April which we always like to celebrate with a race through the Stockholm Archipelago from Revengegrundet Lighthouse to his mooring at Baggensfjärden. Traditionally also, like other celebrations this time of year, this feast has been “moveable”, so on this occasion we will be racing on a Wednesday in one of our latest high-performance 40-footers, the Carkeek 40. Please join us then for this always tricky 30nm race. Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! <br> Race #1794 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1794.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Carkeek 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Carkeek_40.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 24 at 2300 UTC. Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2024, racing with 66 boats. April 20, 2024, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1794.xml 1798 Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/05/M2O.png"/></a> </center> Welcome once again to what these days is Sailonline’s almost annual virtual Melbourne to Osaka Yacht Race. In real life, this double-handed 5500 nm race between these two sister cities, one deep in the southern hemisphere, the other high in the northern hemisphere, is run every four to five years, and is planned to be held again in 2025, so this race is a Prelude in partnership with the Melbourne Osaka Cup 2025 organising committee collaborating with the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria (ORCV), and the Sandringham (SYC) and Osaka Hokko (OHYC) yacht clubs. On this occasion, we’ll be racing the well-known First 40, a popular size of boat for a long-distance double-handed race. With the doldrums unavoidably lying across the track, you can expect to be at virtual sea for at least a month!<br> Race #1798<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1798.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/First_40.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>May 27 at 2300 UTC. Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2024, racing with 122 boats. April 20, 2024, midnight True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1798.xml 1797 St Nazaire Chasse TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/02/Saint_Nazair_sm.png "/></a></center> Welcome to a "chasse" (hunt) from St. Nazaire to La Baule on the west coast of France! This race was designed by SOLer FR_flouflou in 2010. The KER 40 was introduced to SOL in 2016 by SOLer psail, and the Sol-KER was a welcome addition to SOL’s fleet of 40- footers, as it was to the IRL Ker fleet of eponymous - like KERonimo, KukuKERchu and Ice BreaKER. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b>race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1797/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens. <br> Race #1797<br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1797.html "> <b>INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Ker 40 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/21/Ker_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 27 April at 23:00 UTC St Nazaire Chasse TIMED Race 2024, racing with 164 boats. April 14, 2024, noon True -8.0 0.3 43.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1797.xml 1753 The Beagle in the Straits of Magellan 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/13/HMSBeagle.png "/></a></center><br> Both before and after visiting the Falkland Islands, the Beagle extensively explored the south eastern coast of South America, hither and thither, from north of the Rio Plate to the tip of Tierra del Fuego, but it was not till the end of June 1834 that the ship made it into the Pacific Ocean, transiting via the Straits of Magellan. Online in 2024, the choice is yours - passage the strait or round the cape; 400nm or more in your Class B Tall Ship.<br> Race #1753<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1753.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SVF - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> April 21 at 2300 UTC. The Beagle in the Straits of Magellan 2024, racing with 96 boats. April 9, 2024, 1 p.m. True -80.0 -60.0 -59.0 -49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1753.xml 1796 Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/04/01/Bazaruto.png "/></a></center> It’s been a while since we were last here, but the time has come to revisit the wonderful tropical islands of Bazaruto, Benghuerra and Magaruque, where Wikipedia tells us "at low tide, women harvest crabs, oysters and fish" (well, that’s Inhaca actually, but not a million miles away). With sea and air temperatures hovering well above the 80°F mark and wind speeds of normally less than 6kn from no predominant direction, whatever 30-odd nautical miles you elect to sail across the archipelago’s shoals and sandbanks in your Frers 33, you’ll be challenged to stay focused! <br> Race #1796 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1796.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Frers 33 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Frers_33.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 10 at 2300 UTC. Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2024, racing with 76 boats. April 6, 2024, 9 a.m. True 35.0 36.0 -22.5 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1796.xml 1789 Cape Town to Auckland 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/14/RW2.PNG"/></a></center><br>Welcome to the second leg of this Round The World series 2024. It's also the April edition of this year's ocean race championship. The course is the same as the one sailed in 2023, but this year we sail the iconic Swan 65, as suggested in the concluding RTW race last year. <br> Prepare yourselves for an epic 30-day journey, navigating through the unpredictable waters of the South Seas. It's essential to take care of provisioning to ensure a smooth and enjoyable race experience. With the longer duration, we anticipate plenty of opportunities for camaraderie, competition, and unforgettable memories. <br> PRIZE:<a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17895" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1789 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1789.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Swan 65 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Swan_65.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - RTW - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>May 5 at 2300 UTC. Cape Town to Auckland 2024, racing with 161 boats. April 1, 2024, 11 a.m. True 0.0 189.0 -69.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1789.xml 1787 Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/03/22/GPC110yrs.png"/></a><p></center> Welcome everyone to the 76th anniversary of the <a href=" https://www.brisbanetogladstone.com/"> GPC Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race </a>, Australia's other classic ocean race. Once again, Sailonline is delighted to offer you the opportunity of virtually racing its TP52 over this challenging 308nm course. <br> Race #1787<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1787.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> April 5 at 2300 UTC. Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2024, racing with 116 boats. March 29, 2024, 1 a.m. True 151.0 158.0 -28.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1787.xml 1795 Vuelta Isla de Chiloé 2024 Designed by SOLer Hotu Matua in 2010 but barely raced since, this is a 263nm race battling the extreme sea, wind and current conditions around the fabulous landscapes of Chile’s Chiloé archipelago. Previously sailed in our somewhat unsuitable Seacart 30, we’ll venture forth in our slightly more modern, water-ballasted Sun Fast 3300 this time. Keep the hatch closed! <br> Race #1795<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1795.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3300 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Sun_Fast_3300.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> April 5 at 2300 UTC. Vuelta Isla de Chiloé 2024, racing with 80 boats. March 28, 2024, 5 a.m. True -78.0 -70.0 -45.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1795.xml 1793 Tyrrhenian Tour 2024 <center> <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/03/10/Tyrrhenian.jpg"></center> For only the second time in SOL's history we will race 800 nautical miles around the small islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Fourteen years ago, as many as 383 yachts took part in the competition, will we match the number of participants this time? So, jump into your Judel Vrolijk 62 and lets get ready to race. <br> Race #1793 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1793.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> JV 62 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/JudelVrolijk_62.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> April 3 at 2300 UTC. Tyrrhenian Tour 2024, racing with 105 boats. March 25, 2024, 5 p.m. True 5.0 21.0 35.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1793.xml 1792 San Juan Islands TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/03/09/SJI.png "/></a></center> Welcome to the beautiful Pacific Northwest and the San Juan Islands. The Salish Sea is home to five different types of whales including Orcas, making this archipelago one of the best places in the world to see whales in the wild. The Cape 31 is a one-design yacht originally created for racing in South Africa, which has rapidly expanded with fleets around the world. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b> race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1792/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to try again, after finishing a run. You will have 13 days and 11 hours to show your skill and decision making after the race opens. <br> Race #1792<br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1792.html "> <b>INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Cape 31 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 30 March at 23:00 UTC San Juan Islands TIMED Race 2024, racing with 205 boats. March 17, 2024, noon True -136.0 -119.0 44.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1792.xml 1765 Casey Station to Neumayer Station 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/16/ICEBERG.png "/></a></center> It’s late summer now in Antarctica, the sun will still not set, but the Emperor chicks are hatched. Let’s yacht on from Australia’s Casey Station, destination Germany’s Neumayer Station! Our route takes us past Molodezhnaya Stancija, Russia’s self-styled capital of Antarctica, as well as Mirney (RUS), Davis (AUS), Mawson (AUS), Syowa (JAP) and Maitri (IND) down the full length of the continent’s east coast. It’s not much more than 2600nm, so let’s take Brazil’s Amyr Klink’s more stately and very comfortable 29m LOA Paratii 2 for this second leg of our six-leg high latitude adventure! <br> Race #1765<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1765.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Paratii 2 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Paratii_2.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: HILAT - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> April 2 at 2300 UTC. Casey Station to Neumayer Station 2024, racing with 111 boats. March 14, 2024, 7 p.m. True -45.0 120.0 -80.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1765.xml 1752 The Beagle in the Falklands <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/13/HMSBeagle.png "/></a></center> Having seen enough of the Cape Verdes, the Beagle sailed on into the west, and after a one-day stop off the mid-Atlantic isle of Fernando de Noronha anchored in the Bay of All Saints off the Brazilian mainland on the 28th of February. From there, the expedition very slowly worked its way onward and southward, surveying and exploring, to reach the Falkland Islands more than a year later. Notwithstanding that they only stayed briefly in the Falklands, in 2024 we will sail our virtual Beagle, a Tall Ship Class B, 470nm round and about the islands’ bays and straits, but mind the kelp forests that so impressed Darwin, don’t slow you down! <br> Race #1752<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1752.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SVF - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> March 22 at 2300 UTC. The Beagle in the Falklands, racing with 105 boats. March 11, 2024, 1 p.m. True -63.0 -55.0 -54.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1752.xml 1788 Bay of Bengal Sprint 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/03/02/BangladeshEmblem.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome to the Bay of Bengal for a 69 NM sprint. If you BBQ keep your eyes open for hungry Bengal Tigers, you may find yourself on their menu.<br> Race #1788<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1788.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> RC 44 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/RC_44.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 13 at 2300 UTC. Bay of Bengal Sprint 2024, racing with 85 boats. March 9, 2024, 3 a.m. True 90.5 92.0 21.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1788.xml 1763 Flight of the Godwit - Wellington to Hegura 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/20/Godwit.png"/></a></center><br> Bar-tailed godwits can fly about 6500 nm without resting - further than any other known bird. They fly at about 32 knots, which means this 5000 nm leg would be done in a week. We won't be able to accomplish that, although we will sail our fast Maxi trimaran. This race is the first of three legs reflecting the migration routes of the bird, and the third leg of the 2024 Ocean Race Championship. The voyage promises to be not only a test of skill and strategy but an immersive experience in the beauty of the archipelagos of the western Pacific. Join us as we push the boundaries of seafaring prowess on this epic adventure. Let's fly like a godwit! <br> PRIZE: <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1763 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1763.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ1 - GWT - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 25 at 2300 UTC. Flight of the Godwit - Wellington to Hegura 2024, racing with 153 boats. March 4, 2024, 11 a.m. True 96.0 199.0 -49.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1763.xml 1786 Sea of Cortez 2024 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/02/21/Simple_Boat_Logo.png"/></a></center> Welcome to the breathtaking Sea of Cortez, a UNESCO World Heritage site! Prepare for an unforgettable 700nm journey starting from Cabo San Lucas and culminating in the serene Baia de la Paz. The ever-so-popular Xp-55, crafted by Denmark's Niels Jeppesen, will be our trusty companion in this exciting adventure. Don't miss out on the opportunity to witness the stunning sights along the way—be sure to bring your binoculars and cameras for an extra dose of awe and wonder!<br> Race #1786 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1786.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Xp-55<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Xp-55.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> March 11 at 2300 UTC. Sea of Cortez 2024, racing with 114 boats. March 2, 2024, 5 a.m. True -116.0 -106.0 21.0 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1786.xml 1769 Lac Manicouagan Ice Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/14/dn_icon_1.png "/></a></center><br> Back in 2013, SOLer FR_cirrus introduced us to the meteor-impact crater lake of Manicouagan in northern Quebec province, at 100km diameter the 5th largest such geological feature on the planet. We speculated then that the impact was perhaps the one responsible for the dinosaur extinction, but at 215m years ago that is wrong, and generally that result is attributed to the 65m year old Chicxulub impact on the tip of the Yucatan peninsula. Last time, we raced the 138nm ‘rond la lac’ in Platu 25s, but it’s winter and there’s ice, so let’s take our no-performance-loss so no-holds-barred DNs instead, and get back indoors quickly.<br> Race #1769<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1769.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> DN <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>March 3 at 2300 UTC. Lac Manicouagan Ice Race 2024, racing with 84 boats. Feb. 28, 2024, 3 p.m. True -70.0 -67.0 50.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1769.xml 1785 Simonstown to St Helena 2024 <center> <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/02/15/Saint_Helena.png"></center> Since the weather in the northern hemisphere is not pleasant, we stay in the climate of southern Africa to hold another race from the All-Round Championship series. Our Gunboat_90s will have to cover the 1700nm route from Simonstown to the island of Saint Helena, which became the last haven of Emperor Napoleon. <br> Race #1785 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1785.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> GB90 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Gunboat_90.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> March 10 at 2300 UTC. Simonstown to St Helena 2024, racing with 127 boats. Feb. 26, 2024, 5 p.m. True -10.0 20.0 -37.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1785.xml 1784 San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2024 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/22/SDYC_Logo120.png" /></a></center>Set sail for adventure with Sailonline's third epic voyage, in collaboration with the San Diego Yacht Club! Prepare for the ultimate challenge: a 1000-nautical-mile race to Puerto Vallarta along the stunning Mexican Riviera. As the real fleet ventures forth, we'll be right beside them, guiding our Santa Cruz 70s toward the sun-soaked shores of Puerto Vallarta! Are you ready to join the excitement?! <br> Race #1784<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1784.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruz 70 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/Santa_Cruz_70.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> March 6 at 2300 UTC. San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2024, racing with 140 boats. Feb. 24, 2024, 8 p.m. True -135.0 -99.0 10.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1784.xml 1783 Buenos Aires to Punta del Este TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/02/13/RioPlate_1.PNG"/></a></center> Hello Argentina! Hello Uruguay! We are back after fourteen years, on the brown waters of the Rio de la Plata to race from the shores of Buenos Aires to the beaches of Punta del Este. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, so be sure to re-register using the link below after you have finished a run, so that you can be ready to go again if fairer winds present themselves! <br> <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1783/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run.<br> Race #1783 <br> <a href="https://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1704.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Carkeek 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Carkeek_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> March 2 at 2300 UTC Buenos Aires to Punta del Este TIMED Race 2024, racing with 244 boats. Feb. 18, 2024, noon True -60.0 -52.0 -38.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1783.xml 1770 Caribbean Eight 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/16/TropicalBeach.png"/></a><p> </center> We trawled through the Sailonline database to find this interesting 600nm figure-of-eight course through a few of the Lesser Antilles sailed only once, back in 2009. Our TP 52, launched just one year later and a fleet favourite ever since, is sure to enjoy the strong winds and balmy temperatures that invariable prevail between the windward and leeward isles of the Caribbean Sea! <br> Race #1770 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1770.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> TP 52 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> February 20 at 2300 UTC. Caribbean Eight 2024, racing with 113 boats. Feb. 13, 2024, midnight True -65.5 -57.5 12.5 18.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1770.xml 1782 Groote PYOC Sprint 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/02/06/Red-collared_Lorikeet.png "/></a></center><br> Groote Eylandt is a small low-lying and hot, sandy island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Discovered by the Dutch, we return for the first time since 2017. If you BBQ keep your eyes open for the Red-collared Lorikeet. 14 degrees S of the Equator, you can expect winds to be fitful and variable no matter which way round you go from W to E!<br> Race #1782<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1782.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Fareast 31R <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/09/Fareast_31R.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>February 14 at 2300 UTC. Groote PYOC Sprint 2024, racing with 81 boats. Feb. 10, 2024, 3 a.m. True 136.0 137.5 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1782.xml 1773 San Diego Islands Race 2024 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/22/SDYC_Logo120.png" /></a></center> Gear up for Sailonline's exhilarating collaboration with the San Diego Yacht Club at the annual Islands Race! Brace yourself for 140 nautical miles of pure thrill, starting in Long Beach, looping around the captivating Catalina Islands, and finishing the adventure in San Diego. This year, we're making waves with the Melges 40s, ready to challenge the real fleet. The sea calls—let the thrilling adventure begin!<br> Race #1773 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1773.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Melges 40<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Melges_40.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> February 15 at 2300 UTC. San Diego Islands Race 2024, racing with 104 boats. Feb. 9, 2024, 8:30 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1773.xml 1762 Perth to Mombasa 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/31/Mombasa.png"/></a></center><br> Embark on an exhilarating maritime odyssey - the second leg of the 2024 Ocean Race Championship. This daring expedition charts a 4500nm course from the shores of modern Perth to the historic port city of Mombasa. Braving the vastness of the Indian Ocean in our high-performance OPEN 60, this voyage promises to be not only a test of skill and strategy but an immersive experience in the untamed beauty of the world's oceans. Join us as we push the boundaries of seafaring prowess on this epic adventure, where every wave will tell a tale of determination and triumph. <br> PRIZE: <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1762 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1762.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Open 60 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Open_60.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>February 29 at 2300 UTC. Perth to Mombasa 2024, racing with 172 boats. Feb. 5, 2024, 11 a.m. True 6.0 127.0 -65.0 20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1762.xml 1751 The Beagle in the Cape Verdes 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/13/HMSBeagle.png "/></a></center> It took the Beagle a mere six days to sail from Tenerife to Santiago in the Cape Verde archipelago, but once there, the captain, Fitzroy, decided to stay nearly a month, charting and exploring the island group extensively. Online too, we will explore; 450nm all told, and of course, the Beagle remains a Class B Tall Ship. Fair winds! <br> Race #1751<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1751.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SVF - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> February 14 at 2300 UTC. The Beagle in the Cape Verdes 2024, racing with 114 boats. Feb. 3, 2024, 1 p.m. True -28.0 -20.0 13.0 19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1751.xml 1778 Race in the Whitsundays 2024 <center> <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/01/22/whitsunday2.png "></center> Lagoon 55 is probably not the best racing boat, but it is certainly very comfortable, which suits our race perfectly. We will start 630nm race with a leg through the Whitsunday group of Islands from its northern most extreme. Located at the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, the Whitsundays is a group of 74 Islands of varying size and is an extremely popular and beautiful tourist destination. With some of the most amazing marine sights in the world, don't pack a snorkel or scuba gear or you may never finish the race! <br>Race #1778 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1778.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Lagoon 55 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Lagoon_55.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> February 7 at 2300 UTC. Race in the Whitsundays 2024, racing with 107 boats. Jan. 30, 2024, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -27.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1778.xml 1768 Kremenchuk Ice Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/14/dn_icon_1.png "/></a></center><br> Of the six reservoirs along the Dnipro Cascade constructed by the Soviet Union from the late 1950s to the early 1960s, Kremenchuk, covering 2250 km2 of once fertile farmland and peaceful villages, is the largest. Well west of the struggle between EU-aspirant Ukraine and the Russian Federation, successor of the Soviet Union seeking to regain by force what it gave away in chaos, and, unlike its lowest downstream sister Kakhovka on the frontline, with its dam intact, let’s go for a 70nm sail there and dream of peace. It’s winter, so skates on and jump into your no-performance-loss DNs. <br> Race #1768<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1768.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> DN <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>February 2 at 2300 UTC. Kremenchuk Ice Race 2024, racing with 84 boats. Jan. 29, 2024, 3 p.m. True 32.0 33.5 48.5 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1768.xml 1772 Race to Up Helly Aa 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/23/Up_Helly_Aa.png "/></a></center> A-OI!!! Get ready to hear the enthusiastic cries reverberate through the streets of Lerwick as the Guizer Jarl and his crew, along with fellow teams in the Up Helly Aa parade, wrap up their preparations for Europe's most prominent fire festival! True to Sailonline's tradition, a race spanning 383 nautical miles from Aberdeen to Lerwick in our Dehler 46s is on the horizon! This thrilling event aligns with the resurgence of Up Helly Aa festivities in Lerwick, marking the first celebration since 2020, set for Tuesday, January 30th. <b>SAILING NOTE:</b> Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart.<br> Race #1772 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1772.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Dehler 46<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/24/Dehler_46.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> February 4 at 2300 UTC. Race to Up Helly Aa 2024, racing with 95 boats. Jan. 27, 2024, 5 p.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1772.xml 1777 Gasparilla Raid 2024 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2024/01/11/Jose-Gaspar.png "></center> Follow in the steps of Jose Gaspar, the legendary Floridian Pirate, in a 90ft Monohull - raid the treasure ship, evade capture by running to Isla Perez and then head for home - a total of 1106nm. <br>Race #1777 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1777.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>90ft Monohull <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/90ft_Monohull.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> January 31 at 2300 UTC. Gasparilla Raid 2024, racing with 114 boats. Jan. 22, 2024, 5 p.m. True -92.0 -79.0 21.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1777.xml 1776 Flinders Island TIMED Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/12/FlindersRoos.jpg "/></a></center> In the southern reaches of the Bass Strait between mainland Australia and Tasmania, you will find the Furneaux Group of islands, largest of which is Flinders, both named after famed British navigators. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to race your Ocean 50 catamaran a course of c 106nm around Flinders in the fastest time. This is a <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines ">TIMED</a></b> race, so you may <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/races/1776/register/ ">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to try again, after finishing a run. This course will self-destruct in 13 days and 11 hours after opening for entrants. <br> Race #1776 <br><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1776.html "> <b>INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Ocean 50 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Ocean_50.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, <br> 27 January at 23:00 UTC Flinders Island TIMED Race 2024, racing with 258 boats. Jan. 14, 2024, noon True 147.0 149.0 -40.5 -39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1776.xml 1764 Biscoe Wharf to Casey Station 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/16/ICEBERG.png "/></a></center> It’s summer time in Antarctica, the sun won’t set and the Emperor chicks are about to hatch. Time to go yachting down there then, and why not a proper circumnavigational expedition in three legs, with Leg 1 departing from Biscoe Wharf at the British research station Rothera, destination Australia’s Casey Station! Our route takes us down to New Zealand’s Scott Base on the Ross Ice Shelf and past France’s d’Urville Station, and since these deviations off the orthodromic will put many miles (3500nm in total) on our voyage, we shall sail the quite racy Pelagic 77 of explorer and past RTW-skipper Skip Novak!<br> Race #1764<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1764.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Pelagic 77 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Pelagic_77.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: HILAT - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>February 1 at 2300 UTC. Biscoe Wharf to Casey Station 2024, racing with 125 boats. Jan. 11, 2024, 7 p.m. True 105.0 300.0 -80.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1764.xml 1767 Lake Peipus Ice Race 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/14/dn_icon_1.png "/></a></center><br> When, after converting and conquering the pagans of the Estonian marches, the Teutonic Knights in 1242 decided to march on their heretic Orthodox fellow-descendants of Viking settlers, the Varangian Rus, they met their match on the ice of Lake Peipus. With the ice too thin to support the iron-clad knights and their mounts, many were taken by the waters and many more by the archers of young Alexander Nevsky, the Prince of Novgorod. But never mind all that, 100 DN ice yachts on skates eschewing performance loss are a different matter to 1000 knights hobbled by armour on horseback, so let’s race a 95nm lap on the ice instead. Helmets on! <br> Race #1767<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1767.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> DN <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>January 14 at 2300 UTC. Lake Peipus Ice Race 2024, racing with 81 boats. Jan. 10, 2024, 3 p.m. True 26.0 30.0 57.5 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1767.xml 1749 The Beagle in the Canaries 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/13/HMSBeagle.png "/></a></center> To Darwin’s immense disappointment, the Beagle, having left Plymouth on the 27th of December 1831, spent only three days in the Canaries, all of them quarantined at anchor off Tenerife from January 6 to 9. Online this time however, we will provide him with a better opportunity to explore the archipelago’s flora and fauna by way of a circa 530nm route between a few well-spaced waypoints. The Beagle is, of course, a Class B Tall Ship, so you can expect our planned peripatetic passage to keep you at sea for a week or so. <br> Race #1749<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1749.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SVF - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> January 19 at 2300 UTC. The Beagle in the Canaries 2024, racing with 103 boats. Jan. 8, 2024, 1 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 25.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1749.xml 1775 Dyer Dhow Derby 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/12/DyerPoster.jpg "/></a></center><br> Most winter weekends, SOLer wsguerin and his friends at the Mamaroneck Frostbite Association venture forth on Long Island Sound to race Dyer Dhows, originally designed as WWII tenders. Indestructible little boats, cold weather, and serious short sharp races of 10 to 20 minutes duration combine to create great comradeship. Sailonline now invites you to experience the joys of the Dhow in winter, virtually, by way of a slightly longer 14nm race: from Mamaroneck to Execution Rocks, over to the Gong Buoy and back to Mamaroneck. And if the wind pipes up to 20kn and beyond, you'll find SOL's customized Dhow polar will plane, rather than nosedive!<br> Race #1775<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1775.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Dyer Dhow <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/11/24/Dyer_Dhow.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>January 10 at 2300 UTC. Dyer Dhow Derby 2024, racing with 87 boats. Jan. 6, 2024, 3 a.m. True -74.0 -73.0 40.5 41.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1775.xml 1771 Tasman Double 2023 - Hobart to Sydney <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/20/CartoonYacht.png"></center> The echoes of New Year's Eve parties have already faded away. The world welcomed the new 2024 and said goodbye to the old 2023. Still silently reflecting on what the next days will bring. For us and our Super Maxi 100, it's time to return to Sydney, again waiting for us 625 NM of difficult sailing through the always demanding waters of the Tasman Sea. So goodbye Hobart, we will come back here again to celebrate another new year 2025 together. In the meantime, <b>Happy New Year 2024!!!</b><br> Race #1771 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1771.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> January 9 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2023 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 119 boats. Jan. 2, 2024, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1771.xml 1761 Lisbon to Cape Town 2024 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/14/RW1.PNG"/></a></center><br> We commence the year 2024 with the ocean race Lisbon to Cape Town. This is the first leg of our special 6-race RTW series, created by SOLer ita10267. As proposed in the concluding RTW 2023 race, we will race the RTW 2024 in our new-to-SOL, but extremely classic and still-going-strong in the IRL OceanGlobeRace2023, Swan 65. Long bluewater legs, with the shores of the World's continents the only restriction on where you may sail, starting with this 5000nm leg. Enjoy! <br> PRIZE: <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17895/2024-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1761 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1761.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Swan 65 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/17/Swan_65.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ1 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>February 9 at 2300 UTC. Lisbon to Cape Town 2024, racing with 189 boats. Jan. 1, 2024, 11 a.m. True -51.0 24.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1761.xml 1738 ORCV Melbourne to Hobart 2023 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome to the ORCV’S other race across Bass Strait, the legendary "Westcoaster", a 435nm passage, sailed for more than 50 years, from Melbourne to Hobart around the west coast of Tasmania. You’ll be racing Dehler 47’s, sound ships, but chances are that by the time you get to Hobart the beer will all be drunk – by the Sydney fleet who will have set sail a day earlier. However, unlike IRL, on SOL you can clone yourself and race with the Sydney fleet as well, to assure beer be guaranteed! <br> Race #1738<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1738.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Dehler 47 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/24/Dehler_46.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> January 4 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Hobart 2023, racing with 150 boats. Dec. 27, 2023, 2 a.m. True 139.0 150.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1738.xml 1760 Tasman Double 2023 - Sydney to Hobart <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/15/yacht.png"></center>Christmas in Summer? Ah yes, we are in the southern part of our globe. Moment, 26 December is St. Stephen,'s Day known also as Boxing Day. To celebrate this day SOL invites you to race your Super Maxi 100 in the traditional 625nm run from Sydney to Hobart. This race is Leg 1 of our Double across the often stormy waters of the Tasman Sea. <br> Race #1760 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1760.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> January 2 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2023 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 173 boats. Dec. 26, 2023, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1760.xml 1734 Robinson Crusoe RTI 2023 In 1960, Chile bestowed a captivating transformation upon the main island of the Juan Fernández Archipelago, renaming it from "Más a Tierra" to the illustrious "Robinson Crusoe." The island brimmed with anticipation, seeking to leverage its historical connection to Alexander Selkirk's marooning (1704-1709) as the genuine inspiration for Daniel Defoe's 'The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner.' We are extremely excited to welcome our SOLers to the island's shores with an exciting 24 nautical miles in our ever-so-popular Farr 30s!<br> Race #1734 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1734.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Farr 30<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_30.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>December 19 at 2300 UTC. Robinson Crusoe RTI 2023, racing with 77 boats. Dec. 16, 2023, 6 p.m. True -79.5 -78.5 -34.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1734.xml 1759 Florida Rum Run 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/12/13/rum.jpg "/></a></center><br> Welcome to sunny Florida, USA, and a 450nm race in Riptide 50s from St. Lucie inlet to Paradise Island Bahamas, and back to Jupiter Inlet, Florida. This regatta, loosely based on the course of the 2010 Nassau Cup, will be our last race of the annual Sailonline's series All-Round Championship 2023. We will soon find out who will win the race, quarterly, and general classification. So don't waste time and prepare well! <br> Race #1759 <b><br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1759.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50 <b><a href=https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Riptide_50.pdf>PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 Ranking: <br> ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> December 24 at 2300 UTC. Florida Rum Run 2023, racing with 89 boats. Dec. 16, 2023, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -74.0 23.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1759.xml 1727 St Nicholas Island Dash PYOC Sprint 2023 Gear up for the thrilling grand finale of our yearly Sprint Championship for 2023! Our SOLers will navigate nearly 90 nautical miles in their agile Club Swan 50 yachts along California's coastline, culminating at the iconic San Nicolas Island. As the sea beckons, anticipation is sky-high for this exhilarating race, showcasing just how closely contested this championship has been. Who will emerge as the 2023 Sprint Champion? The answer awaits on the Californian coast!<br> Race #1727 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1727.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Club Swan 50<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Club_Swan_50.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>December 12 at 2300 UTC. St Nicholas Island Dash PYOC Sprint 2023, racing with 80 boats. Dec. 9, 2023, 3 p.m. True -125.0 -117.0 32.0 36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1727.xml 1704 SOL's Bermuda Triangle TIMED Race 2023 Inspired by the America’s Cup racing in Bermuda, this is a fun triangular course of 90nm, which we originally raced with psail and bonkhoot’s collaborative polar for the AC72 foiling catamaran. Having tried the course in the more pedestrian Open 60 in 2021, this year we return to the AC72, in fact to the <b>MODIFIED</b> AC72v2, modified to remove the inconsistencies that obtained from the original interpolation of the limited data issued by the AC 2003 Principal Race Officer in connection with penalties determination. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, which means you get multiple chances to try out the ramifications of the revisions. Be careful though, the polar remains a handling challenge with major stall-out potential! <br> <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1704/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run<br> Race #1704 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1704.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> AC72v2 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/25/AC_72v2.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, <br> 15 December at 2300 UTC SOL's Bermuda Triangle TIMED Race 2023, racing with 410 boats. Dec. 2, 2023, noon True -66.5 -62.5 30.5 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1704.xml 1745 Christmas to Christmas Island 2023 Two waypoints, start and finish, and between them 5827 NM of two oceans. Not much time if we want to sit at the Christmas Eve table. You will need to maintain an average speed of over 10 knots, so prepare your Volvo70s well and choose the best of the many possible routes. Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before... but it's time to get ready for the 2023 challenge of racing between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean! It also marks the conclusion of our prestigious Ocean Race Championship 2023. Please have fun! Fair winds! <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br>Race #1745 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1745.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Volvo70 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>December 30 at 2300 UTC. Christmas to Christmas Island 2023, racing with 178 boats. Dec. 1, 2023, 11 p.m. True 90.0 280.0 -47.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1745.xml 1744 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2023 In 2013, SOLer "JakeS" in cooperation with "Smo" created his own version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race. The real race through the beautiful Finnish and Swedish archipelago is considered a "nightmare and a great adventure", so in our sixth run of this challenge at 415 nautical miles, our determination and skills will be tested again! This year, we changed the Italia14.98 to a Cape 31. Take care when cornering and brake early enough.<br> Race #1744<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1744.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Cape31<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>December 3 at 2300 UTC. Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2023, racing with 87 boats. Nov. 27, 2023, 11 a.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1744.xml 1750 Iliamna Lake Ice Race - Autumn 2023 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/11/14/Iliamna_DN_Race.png"><br> We will meet in Alaska for the second time this year. Here on Lake Iliamna, we will have our first ice race this season. Round the lake 145nm circuit counterclockwise in the DN ice boat. We hope that this time the weather will be good and the wind will allow us to finish the competition in much less time than in February. So fasten your seatbelts and put on your goggles. Please note that there is no Performance Loss for DN ice boats. <br> Race #1750 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1750.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> DN ice boat <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> November 30 at 2300 UTC. Iliamna Lake Ice Race - Autumn 2023 , racing with 84 boats. Nov. 26, 2023, 5 p.m. True -156.5 -153.5 59.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1750.xml 1746 Iles de Glenan Sprint 2023 Gear up for the second-to-last sprint of our 2023 Sprint Championship! In the stunning Bay of Biscay off the French coast, our SOLers will navigate nearly 40 nautical miles in their nimble Lagoon 55 performance catamarans! The winds are calling, the stakes are high, and the sea awaits our champions! Will skill or strategy prevail? Only time will tell as our SOLers embark on this thrilling maritime duel!<br> Race #1746 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1746.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Lagoon 55<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Lagoon_55.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>November 27 at 2300 UTC. Iles de Glenan Sprint 2023, racing with 80 boats. Nov. 25, 2023, 12:30 p.m. True -4.42 -3.55 47.55 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1746.xml 1741 Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Penang to Langkawi &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/25/RajaMuda.PNG"/></a><p> Welcome to the third and last online race of the Raja Muda Selangor International offshore series – a 70nm final trip further north again up the Malacca Strait from Penang to the exotic island of Langkawi, and again in Farr 400s. <br> Race #1741 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1741.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 400 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_400.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RMS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> November 29 at 2300 UTC. Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Penang to Langkawi, racing with 90 boats. Nov. 23, 2023, 4 a.m. True 98.5 100.5 4.5 6.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1741.xml 1740 Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Pangkor to Penang &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/25/RajaMuda.PNG"/></a><p> Welcome to our second online offshore race in cooperation with Raja Muda Selangor International – a 80nm trip from Pangkor north to Penang up the Malacca Strait, again in Farr 400s. <br> Race #1740 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1740.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 400 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_400.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RMS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> November 27 at 2300 UTC. Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Pangkor to Penang, racing with 91 boats. Nov. 20, 2023, 4 a.m. True 99.0 101.0 3.5 5.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1740.xml 1739 Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Port Klang to Pangkor &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/25/RajaMuda.PNG"/></a><p> Sailonline is delighted to be able to offer online sailors an opportunity to this year compete in all three of the offshore races of the Raja Muda Selangor International race week, organised by the Royal Selangor Yacht Club in association with the RORC, and commencing with one we’ve raced before – the 75nm trip from Port Klang to Pangkor. This year we will be racing this race, and the other two, which together will count towards our Sailonline Raja Muda Series (RMS) in fancy Farr 400s, yachts that should allow the best of our virtual SOLers to give the best of the IRL sailors a run for their money. <br> Race #1739 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1739.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 400 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_400.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RMS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> November 25 at 2300 UTC. Raja Muda Selangor 2023 - Port Klang to Pangkor, racing with 91 boats. Nov. 18, 2023, 4 a.m. True 100.0 102.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1739.xml 1732 Barrow to San Francisco 2023 Hoist the sails and prepare for the nautical journey that is bound to make the history books! Starting in icy Barrow, Alaska, and finishing in sunny San Francisco, this over 3000-nautical-mile race is not to be missed! Our daring SOLers will command none other than the legendary Archer 78, a record-breaking vessel from 1978! Brace for high-seas drama and history-making moments on the way from the Arctic to the Golden Gate!<br> Race #1732 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1732.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Archer 78<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Archer_78.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> December 4 at 2300 UTC. Barrow to San Francisco 2023, racing with 141 boats. Nov. 16, 2023, 5 a.m. True 175.0 240.0 32.0 73.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1732.xml 1748 Abel T Appreciation Race 2023 Welcome to Tasmania and let's sail back in time for a moment. <br>In December 1642 after a challenging and rough voyage, the Dutch seafarer and explorer, Abel Tasman, made landfall at a spot he named Staten Landt, believing he had arrived on the coast of Argentina. In fact, he had arrived in modern-day New Zealand. Out of love and respect for this brilliant seaman, Sailonline is retracing his route from Tasmania to New Zealand. Prepare your Linjett 40's well for 1160 NM of demanding sailing. <br> Race #1748 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1748.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Linjett 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Linjett_40.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> November 18 at 2300 UTC. Abel T Appreciation Race 2023, racing with 104 boats. Nov. 6, 2023, 4 a.m. True 147.0 177.0 -48.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1748.xml 1703 Kumage TIMED Race 2023 South of mainland Japan, a sparsely strewn line of islands forming part of the Kagoshima Prefecture extends all the way to Taiwan and is nowadays an internationally hotly disputed area as undersea mineral and oil resources have been found. Amongst the archipelago’s islands you will find Kumage, which we challenge you to circumnavigate as quick as you can in your Fareast 28Rs. This is a <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race measuring some 78nm, so if you get held-up by one or other naval patrol, you can always try again. <br> <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1703/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1703 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1703.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Fareast 28R <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Fareast_28R.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, <br> 17 November at 23:00 UTC Kumage TIMED Race 2023, racing with 274 boats. Nov. 4, 2023, noon True 130.0 131.0 29.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1703.xml 1737 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2023 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a><br> Welcome once again to Australia's oldest yacht race, the "Rudder Cup", sailed for more than 110 years across Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania, and organised by the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria. As in previous years, we will be sailing the 196nm across the strait in First 40s. <br> Race #1737<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1737.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/First_40.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> November 12 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2023, racing with 97 boats. Nov. 3, 2023, 7 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1737.xml 1742 Nassau To Bodo 2023 Prepare for the grand finale - the 6th and concluding leg of the RTW challenge, an odyssey from Nassau in the Caribbean to Bodø in Norway. Embracing a journey of 4000 nautical miles, this leg promises an exhilarating 10-day voyage. It also heralds the November installment of our prestigious Ocean Race Championship. Embark on a voyage of a lifetime, where prowess, tactics, and camaraderie unite in the pursuit of triumph. We eagerly await your presence at the starting line! May the winds be ever in your favor, <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1742 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1742.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>November 24 at 2300 UTC. Nassau To Bodo 2023, racing with 149 boats. Nov. 1, 2023, 3 p.m. True -83.0 16.0 -1.0 77.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1742.xml 1747 Adriano's Brazil Run 2023 Adriano, who sails the SOLship batatabh, together with all his Brazilian friends bids you welcome to this amazing 300nm race in SOL's Platu 25 along their country's beautiful coastline. The race starts in Guanabara Bay, mistakenly considered a river mouth by its first explorers in January 1502, resulting in the settlement on its shore being named January's River (Rio de Janeiro). After passing Rio's iconic Sugar Loaf, the course takes racers along the north coast of the beautiful Ilha Grande to a turn for home at Ilhabela (another 'beautiful island') and a finish off the famous Copacabana beach! <br> Race #1747 <br><b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1747.html">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Platu 25 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Platu_25.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> November 8 at 2300 UTC. Adriano's Brazil Run 2023, racing with 92 boats. Oct. 30, 2023, 6 p.m. True -46.0 -42.5 -25.0 -22.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1747.xml 1736 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2023 Welcome to one of Sailonline's great traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a slalom through the Stockholm Archipelago. As always, we are providing you with a fleet of speedy Seacarts to slice through these (at least) 61.5nm of SLI-infested waters, to give you a fair chance that there will still be some beer left round the campfire when you dock by the jetty at Trosa! <br> Race #1736 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1736.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>November 3 at 2300 UTC. Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2023, racing with 95 boats. Oct. 29, 2023, 2 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1736.xml 1735 Pacific NW Inshore 2023 Welcome once again to our generally biennial SOL Classic, from Seattle to Vancouver, past historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival, then on past Whale Watch Park where there is often a pod of orca whales to be seen, continuing on round and through the beautiful San Juan Islands Nature Reserve and then up into the Strait of Georgia for a finish in English Bay. This year we will race this scenic stretch in dinghies, aye, 29er XX’s, so don your wetsuits, dry suits, boiler suits or whatever else should keep you warm, clip on and plane and stall this Julian Bethwaite designed skiff for the best part of a day or longer in typically unpredictable nam_awip autumnal wind! <br> Race #1735<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1735.html ">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> 29er XX <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/11/07/29er_XX.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>October 28 at 2300 UTC. Pacific NW Inshore 2023, racing with 88 boats. Oct. 23, 2023, 6 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1735.xml 1726 Volcano 8 Sprint 2023 Prepare to hoist your sails for the next thrilling installment of our Sprint Championship! A 48-nautical mile course in the shape of a figure-of-8 through the captivating waters surrounding the stunning volcanoes of Japan in our Fareast 31R v2s! With breathtaking scenery, fierce competition, and an exciting Sprint Championship title on the line, this race promises to be the true test of skill and strategy! Get ready to leave it all out on the race course to claim that victory!<br> Race #1726 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1726.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Fareast 31R v2<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/10/31/Fareast_31Rv2.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>October 23 at 2300 UTC. Volcano 8 Sprint 2023, racing with 62 boats. Oct. 21, 2023, 3 a.m. True 153.0 155.0 48.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1726.xml 1642 Sinbad Touches the Timor Sea 2023 “Mighty Sultan, majestic one, I have found fertile lands where crops are cultivated in abundance in Mandalay, but further east, much further east again, they tell there are great islands, sun-blessed and rain-drenched on sloping lands. Shall I go there and explore this famed archipelago’s coasts? It will be one million and one half qasbah again (3000 nm, ed.).” “Why not?” said the Sultan, “A minor potentate interested in our lamp oil sands presented me a slithy ship from Santa Cruz, she measures 70 fts and she shall be my generous prize to you now, honouring your services – take her!” <br> Race #1642<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1642.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Santa Cruz <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/Santa_Cruz_70.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> October 31 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Touches the Timor Sea 2023, racing with 95 boats. Oct. 10, 2023, 4 a.m. True 90.0 125.0 -24.0 4.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1642.xml 1722 Ushuaia to Nassau 2023 We extend a warm welcome to the 5th leg of the RTW challenge, a thrilling journey from Ushuaia in the Land of Fire to Nassau in the Caribbean. Covering a distance of 6300 nautical miles, this leg is anticipated to span approximately 21 days. It also marks the October edition of our esteemed Ocean Race Championship. Join us for an unforgettable adventure on the high seas, where skill, strategy, and camaraderie converge in the pursuit of victory. We look forward to seeing you at the starting line! Fair winds and following seas. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1722 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1722.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>November 5 at 2300 UTC. Ushuaia to Nassau 2023, racing with 154 boats. Oct. 8, 2023, 1 p.m. True -99.0 25.0 -65.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1722.xml 1702 Lisboa TIMED Race 2023 Designed by the late psail, this is a 115nm course across his home waters off Lisboa, Cascais and Setubal. In previous years, we have raced the course in the AC72 and the 60ft Tri, but we will be using the MC 38 this time round. This boat is somewhat slower, making performance loss less significant, though rounding the several tight corners around marks in the sea will still pose a challenge. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, so you can practice your turns before setting your fastest time! <br> <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1702/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1702 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1702.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> MC 38 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/MC_38.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, <br> 20 October at 23:00 UTC Lisboa TIMED Race 2023, racing with 188 boats. Oct. 7, 2023, noon True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1702.xml 1731 Amorgos Island Sprint 2023 Our next adventure is set to be a thrilling journey as we navigate just shy of 40 nautical miles around the enchanting island of Amorgos in the Cyclades, Greece! The Scampi 26, a timeless vessel designed by visionary naval architects in the early 1970s, will be our trusted companion for this exhilarating voyage. Prepare for the challenge, embrace the beauty that the Cyclades have to offer, and let the wind guide you to victory!<br> Race #1731 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1731.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Scampi 26<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Scampi_26.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>October 10 at 2300 UTC. Amorgos Isle Sprint 2023, racing with 70 boats. Oct. 7, 2023, 11 a.m. True 25.5 26.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1731.xml 1728 Fisherman's Friend 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/15/Fisherman.png"/></a></center><br>A 272nm race in First 40s around the main fishing ports and grounds off Devon and Cornwall. The Western Approaches can be anything but predictable at any time of the year, but in October, with wild weather hurling itself across the Atlantic, and the occasional calm, you will need to be prepared for everything, so pack your foulies! <br>Race #1728 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1728.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 40.7<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/First_40.7v1.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>October 9 at 2300 UTC. Fisherman's Friend 2023, racing with 91 boats. Oct. 3, 2023, 9 a.m. True -9.0 1.0 48.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1728.xml 1743 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2023 Welcome to Stockholm - are you ready to race this course of about 431nm across the Baltic and into the Gulf of Finland, from one great historic city Stockholm to another St. Petersburg? The Gulf of Finland is still ice-free so board your Club Swan 50’s and prepare. Take care and keep a weather eye. The odd stray submarine may need to be avoided but if you keep a good lookout you should soon be docking at the home of the world-renowned Hermitage Museum! <br> Race #1743 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1743.html">INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Club_Swan_50.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX UPDATES: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> October 9 at 2300 UTC. Stockholm to St. Petersburg - 2023, racing with 120 boats. Oct. 2, 2023, 10 a.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1743.xml 1729 Tall Ships Re-Run 2023 - Lisbon to Cadiz <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome back to a re-run of the fifth and last of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This fifth race is from Lisboa, Portugal to Cadiz, Andalusia; circa 130nm around Cape St Vincent in Sailonline’s 90 metre Barque. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1729 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1729.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> 90m Barque <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Barque_90.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> October 10 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline's Tall Ships Re-Run 2023 - Lisbon to Cadiz, racing with 106 boats. Oct. 1, 2023, 2 p.m. True -16.0 0.0 33.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1729.xml 1724 Cairns to Darwin 2023 This race was originally Leg 7 of the A3 series - AGage's Around Australia, which SOL dedicated to AGage's memory. This time it is the ninth race of the All-Round Championship 2023 Series - 1405nm in Orange 125’ Catamaran from Cairns, the hub of Australia's tropical holiday zone, to Darwin, the frontier with Asia. <br> Race #1724 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1724.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125’ <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/20/Orange_125.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> September 30 at 2300 UTC. Cairns to Darwin 2023, racing with 116 boats. Sept. 21, 2023, 5 a.m. True 128.0 152.0 -18.0 -6.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1724.xml 1698 Carib Rum Run 2023 <center> <a href="https://sailonline.org/board/thread/17828/carib-rum-run-2023/?page=1"><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/04/Carib_2023_400_1.png" width="200" height="189"></a></center><br> Welcome to the Caribbean and Sailonline's annual Pirate race, running with <i>International Talk Like a Pirate Day</i> on 19 September! This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean in our glorious Falkun superyachts! Our mission is to collect barrels from the region's distilleries and carry them to the rum-parched beaches of Cancun, Mexico. Join SYC before race end and ye befuddled scallywags can disguise yer boat for this race only with a pirate name!<br> Race #1698<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1698.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Falkun <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Falkun.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> October 3 at 2300 UTC. Carib Rum Run 2023, racing with 107 boats. Sept. 16, 2023, 3 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1698.xml 1723 Silverrudder 2023 Welcomes you to our eighth "buddy-up" with "Silver Rudder - Challenge of the Sea" around the Danish island of Funen. With shallow waters and strong currents this 125nm inshore race IRL truly is a challenge, but online too, it is often a tricky affair. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single-handed racing. A lot of interesting information about IRL race you can find <a href=http://silverrudder.com>here</a>. Interesting if our First (Seascape) 27 will be a match for the real fleet's Seascape 27s? We shall see! <br><p><font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for SILVERRUDDER 2023:</font> <br><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/09/01/Starting_Conditions_for_SILVERRUDDER_2023.pdf ">Starting Conditions!!</a></b> <br> Race #1723 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1723.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>First 27 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_27_solo.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> September 22 at 2300 UTC. Silverrudder 2023, racing with 74 boats. Sept. 15, 2023, 8:30 a.m. True 9.5 12.5 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1723.xml 1641 Sinbad Braves the Bay of Bengal 2023 “Sinbad, you sorry sailor, why have you not told me of this great sea, this giant bay, stretching hundreds of thousands of qasbah east of Al-Hindi to fabled lands where tea and rice and rubber is abundant?” and Sinbad replied “Ahh, umm, shall I go have a look. May I take the Judel Vrolijk 62 again, it’s going to be a long voyage, perhaps a million and one half qasbah (c 3000nm)? I’ll start in Chittagong and follow the coast to the southern tip of the Hindus’ land, round Serendip, head east into the vastness of the seas, and if I’m lucky (no pun intended, oh Mighty One) I shall find land again and then head north and see where I end up”. “Fair winds, Sinbad”, said the Sultan.<br> Race #1641<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1641.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Judel Vrolijk 62 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/JudelVrolijk_62.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> September 30 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Braves the Bay of Bengal 2023, racing with 95 boats. Sept. 13, 2023, 8 a.m. True 74.0 101.0 -8.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1641.xml 1697 Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2023 In the southeast corner of Hudson Bay you’ll find James Bay and close to shore in the southeast of James Bay lies a group of islands – Charlton, Strutton, and Cape Hope among them. Outposts of the famed Revillon Frères fur trading company until the 1920s, the islands nowadays are once more uninhabited. Be this as it may, SOL is pleased to welcome you back to Strutton for a PYOC Sprint in sturdy 11m ODs!<br> Race #1697 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1697.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>11m One Design<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/11m_OD.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>September 12 at 2300 UTC. Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2023, racing with 75 boats. Sept. 9, 2023, 8 p.m. True -79.3 -78.4 51.9 52.7 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1697.xml 1712 Tall Ships Races 2023 - Lisbon to Cadiz <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the fIFth of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This fifth race is from Lisboa, Portugal to Cadiz, Andalusia; circa 130nm around Cape St Vincent in Sailonline’s 90 metre Barque. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1712 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1712.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> 90m Barque <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Barque_90.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> September 11 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline's Tall Ships Races 2023 - Lisbon to Cadiz, racing with 105 boats. Sept. 4, 2023, 2 p.m. True -16.0 0.0 33.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1712.xml 1701 Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2023 Welcome to southern New Zealand, and welcome to this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race through the South Island’s Foveaux Strait. According to a Maori legend, the strait was created by Kewa the obedient whale when traditional Maori ancestor Kiwa summoned the whale to create a waterway. It is a rough and often treacherous stretch of water. Our 98nm quadrangular course goes around some small islands in the strait. To zoom around these islands in style, we will pull our Seacart 30s out of the shed and let her rip. Enjoy!<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1701/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1701 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1701.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 15 at 2300 UTC. Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2023, racing with 259 boats. Sept. 2, 2023, noon True 167.0 169.0 -48.0 -46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1701.xml 1725 The Vineyard Race 2023 For the 14th year in a row, Long Island's Stamford Yacht Club invites all SOLers to participate virtually in their iconic annual overnighter from their club line out the sound to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. And for the 3rd year in a row, Sailonline is making their J-122 polar available to competitors, a yacht that should get you round the c 250 nm course almost as fast as the previously preferred Santa Cruz 52, if at slighter hotter downwind angles. <br> Race #1725<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1725.html"> INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> J-122<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/J-122.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> September 10 at 2300 UTC. The Vineyard Race 2023, racing with 111 boats. Sept. 1, 2023, 5:05 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1725.xml 1719 Maryland to Alaska 2023 Welcome to this September edition of 2023 OCCH. This route was first sailed in 2020. At the time it was inspired by Matt Rutherford's single-handed Red Dot Expedition around the Americas in 2012, SOLer Renegade proposing a half-around from Maryland over the North into the Pacific and back through the Panama Canal, in 5 legs, 5 years later. Leg 2 across the North West Passage proved to be particularly challenging and so to create a proper Ocean Race, SRC combined Leg 2 with Leg 1 to give you a race of at least 4000nm from Maryland to Alaska, now to be sailed in our magnificent Archer 78.<br> PRIZE: <a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1719 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1719.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Archer 78<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Archer_78.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCQ3 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>October 1 at 2300 UTC. Maryland to Alaska 2023, racing with 146 boats. Sept. 1, 2023, 2 p.m. True -163.0 -34.0 30.0 79.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1719.xml 1715 SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC Insurance 50, about 45nm around Waiheke Island and home in Young 88s, and as ever against the IRL members of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #1715<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1715.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 1 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 3, racing with 93 boats. Aug. 25, 2023, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1715.xml 1721 Fremantle to Bali 2023 This is the eighth race in the 2023 All-Round Championship series. We will be racing on the route of one of Australia's iconic races, the 1427 nm long "Fremantle to Bali". This race is considered to be a true test of seamanship. This year we have fast 60 ft Trimarans at our disposal, so get ready for a rough sailing! <br> Race #1721 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1721.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>60 ft Trimaran <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/60ft_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> August 31 at 2300 UTC. Fremantle to Bali 2023, racing with 122 boats. Aug. 22, 2023, 3 a.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1721.xml 1711 Tall Ships Races 2023 - Falmouth to A Coruna <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the fourth of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This fourth race is from Falmouth, Cornwall to A Coruna, Galicia; circa 420nm across the Bay of Biscay in Sailonline’s 90 metre Barque. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1711 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1711.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> 90m Barque <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Barque_90.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> September 2 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline's Tall Ships Races 2023 - Falmouth to A Coruna, racing with 102 boats. Aug. 19, 2023, 2 p.m. True -20.0 0.0 40.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1711.xml 1696 Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2023 Prepare for an extraordinary sailing spectacle as the Falkland Isles play host to the next race in our thrilling sprint championship! Starting offshore of Carcass Island and finishing offshore of Beaver Island, covering a challenging 55 nautical miles in our renowned Ocean 50s, our sailors are sure to experience the Falkland Isles' captivating landscapes at their finest! Be sure to keep your cameras within reach of the cockpit as this truly will be an amazing experience with fierce competition!<br> Race #1696 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1696.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Ocean 50<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/Ocean_50.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>August 15 at 2300 UTC. Carcass to Beaver PYOC Sprint 2023, racing with 69 boats. Aug. 12, 2023, 7 p.m. True -63.0 -59.0 -53.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1696.xml 1640 Sinbad Explores the Erythraean 2023 “Where is The Erythraean, oh Great Majestic One?” Sinbad asked the Sultan. “Look it up in Lloyds Maritime Atlas, Al-Sol-er, my salty subject,” replied the Sultan, “and explore it. Take our new Judel Vrolijk 62. It’ll be 3300nm or more, but she’s a speedy one!” <br> Race #1640<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1640.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Judel Vrolijk 62 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/03/JudelVrolijk_62.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> August 25 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Explores the Erythraean 2023, racing with 104 boats. Aug. 7, 2023, 9 a.m. True 47.0 81.0 -5.0 26.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1640.xml 1700 Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2023 Last raced in 2021, we return to Boston for another race to Newport. And just like in 2021, the chosen boat is once again the speedy R/P 66. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines/">TIMED</a></b> race so pick your winds wisely and see how quickly you can complete this 132nm run! For reference, the winning time in 2021 was 6:12:28. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1700/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1700 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1700.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> R/P 66 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/24/RP-66_Particulars_2.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 18 August at 23:00 UTC Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2023, racing with 243 boats. Aug. 5, 2023, noon True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1700.xml 1720 Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2023 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia, yachts head to the warmer tropical waters inside The Great Barrier Reef, and every year they are joined by sailors from all over the world for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race there! So, join us and the rest of the world for this 550nm run from Brisbane to Hamilton Island in Super Maxi 100 <br> Race #1720<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1720.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> August 11 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Hamo 2023, racing with 77 boats. Aug. 4, 2023, 1 a.m. True 148.0 160.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1720.xml 1717 San Francisco to Ushuaia 2023 If you all have had enough of flowers and other things, we can continue our journey around the world. Leg 4 of the RTW challenge takes us from California to the world's southernmost city Ushuaia. No waypoints, even "the Ditch" is an option, but maybe a bit too much of a treat. With 6300 nm to go, the estimated duration of this race is 19 days. This course is also the August edition of our ocean race championship. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1717 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1717.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ3 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 1 at 2300 UTC. San Francisco to Ushuaia 2023, racing with 159 boats. Aug. 1, 2023, 10 p.m. True -164.0 0.0 -68.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1717.xml 1710 Tall Ships Races 2023 - Lerwick to Arendal <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the third of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This third race is from Lerwick, Shetland Isles to Arendal, Agder; circa 360nm across the North Sea in Sailonline’s Class B Tall Ship. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1710 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1710.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> August 6 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline's Tall Ships Races 2023 - Lerwick to Arendal, racing with 111 boats. July 30, 2023, 2 p.m. True -3.0 13.0 54.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1710.xml 1714 SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 2 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the second race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC Insurance 100, the longest of the three races of the Series at about 80nm, and again Sailonline will be racing Young 88s against members of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #1714<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1714.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>August 2 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 2, racing with 75 boats. July 28, 2023, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1714.xml 1695 Regata Puerto Conchillas Sprint 2023 Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled sprint along the picturesque coastline of Uruguay for the introduction of the third quarter of this year's sprint championship! Set to cover 42 nautical miles starting and finishing off the coast of Puerto Ingles with roundings at Colonia del Sacramento and Isla Farallon respectively in our ever-so-popular Farr 30s! With the sprint championship as close as it is our sailors are sure to have absolutely everything to race for if they want to be crowned as this year's sprint champion!<br> Race #1695 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1695.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Farr 30<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Farr_30.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>July 25 at 2300 UTC. Regata Puerto Conchillas Sprint 2023, racing with 79 boats. July 22, 2023, 6 p.m. True -58.3 -57.6 -34.6 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1695.xml 1707 Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LO300_logo_120.png "/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes Sailonline for a second time in 2023, this time to host the virtual running of its LO300. As the name suggests, the LO300 is a 300nm offshore race across the length and breadth of Lake Ontario, from and back to Port Credit YC. Once again, as is our wont on Lake Ontario, a fleet of Beneteau/First 36.7s is being made available to virtual racers. There is an overall prize for the SOLer who bests bosses Lake Ontario over the two races hosted on SOL, so let the competition be fierce! <br> Race #1707 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1707.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: LOOR - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> July 23 at 2300 UTC. Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2023, racing with 101 boats. July 15, 2023, 2:25 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1707.xml 1718 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2023 After last month's South Sandwich Islands race, we bring our VO70v4s across the South Indian Ocean to the French-owned Kerguelen Islands (or as Captain Cook called them, the Desolation Islands) for a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race along its north coast, ending in Port Douzieme, near Port-aux-Français. Like in the previous race, winds are frequently strong - pick your winds, mind the rocks and performance loss and may the fastest boat win! <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1718/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1718 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1718.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 28 July at 2300 UTC Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2023, racing with 339 boats. July 15, 2023, noon True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1718.xml 1709 Tall Ships Races 2023 - Hartlepool to Fredrikstad <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the second of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This second race is from Hartlepool, Northumbria to Fredrikstad, Viken; circa 470nm across the North Sea in Sailonline’s Class B Tall Ship. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1709 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1709.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 26 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline's Tall Ships Races 2023 - Hartlepool to Fredrikstad, racing with 90 boats. July 10, 2023, 2 p.m. True -3.0 13.0 52.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1709.xml 1716 Round Britain and Ireland 2023 We invite you to participate in the 1780 nm race according to the clockwise movement around Ireland, Scotland, Shetland Islands and England. We will have four waters: the North Atlantic Ocean, the Celtic Sea, the North Sea, La Manche Channel. Each of them has its own specific navigation conditions but we will not exchange them here. Let's hope that sailing experience and our Maxi Trimaran will safely lead us to the finish line. <br> Race #1716 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1716.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> July 19 at 2300 UTC. Round Britain and Ireland 2023, racing with 113 boats. July 8, 2023, noon True -15.0 10.0 46.5 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1716.xml 1708 Tall Ships Races 2023 - Den Helder to Hartlepool <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the first of five virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This first race is from Den Helder, Noord Holland to Hartlepool, Northumbria; circa 230nm across the North Sea in Sailonline’s Class B Tall Ship. <br> <i>NOTE:</i> Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br> Race #1708 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1708.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Tall Ship Class B <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/06/20/Tall_Ship_Class_B.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TS - SYC Sailonline's Tall Ships Races 2023 - Den Helder to Hartlepool, racing with 113 boats. July 2, 2023, 2 p.m. True -3.0 9.0 52.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1708.xml 1706 Auckland to San Francisco 2023 Welcome back to Auckland as we continue our Round The World voyage. Sailonline is proud to present this 5600 nautical miles race, from Auckland to San Francisco. This is the third leg of the RTW proposed by SOLer ita10267. It is also the July edition of this year's Ocean Championship. Our boat is the IMOCA 60 foil, as in all RTW races this year. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1706 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1706.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ3 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>July 29 at 2300 UTC. Auckland to San Francisco 2023, racing with 159 boats. July 1, 2023, 6 p.m. True 152.0 270.0 -50.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1706.xml 1713 SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 1 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome back, after a storm-enforced hiatus to our online buddied Short-handed Sailing Association of New Zealand brilliant long-standing <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> PIC Insurance Triple Series </a> for two-handed yachts on the waters of the Hauraki Gulf, commencing with a c 52nm quick dash out to Motuora Island and home via The Haystack, as always in SOL’s venerable virtual Young88, competing directly with members of the vibrant ever-Young 88 <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Association</a>!!<br> Race #1713<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1713.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SSANZ - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 5 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2023 - Race 1, racing with 73 boats. June 30, 2023, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1713.xml 1694 Shetland Race 2023 - Leg 2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/29/Vestland.PNG "/></a><br> As always, we don't spend much time in Lerwick, Shetland and after some brief but excellent celebrations we are rapidly heading back to Bergen, Norway, in our First47.7s for the second leg of the <a href="http://www.shetlandrace.no/" > Shetland Race 2023.</a>It’s 200nm again; hopefully the weather will be kind! <br> Race #1694<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1694.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> First 47.7<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_47.7.pdf " > Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - SHE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> June 28 at 2300 UTC. Shetland Race 2023 - Leg 2, racing with 110 boats. June 25, 2023, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1694.xml 1689 Noin Hailuoto Sprint 2023 Get ready for an exhilarating race around the beautiful island of Hailuoto in Finland! With pleasant weather and stunning scenery, our SOLers will be treated to breathtaking vistas, picturesque landscapes, and the tranquil expanse of the Baltic Sea. This 49nm course will be sailed in the ever-so-popular Seascape 18 and it will also be the final sprint race of the second quarter for our sprint championships!<br> Race #1689 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1689.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Seascape 18<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>June 28 at 2300 UTC. Noin Hailuoto Sprint 2023, racing with 71 boats. June 24, 2023, 11:30 a.m. True 24.0 26.5 64.5 65.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1689.xml 1691 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2023 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/07/25/B2K_RaceDescriptionLogo_SHADOW.png"/></a></center><br>When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia sailors head up to the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island.<br> This year's B2K has been moved to June to offer an event suited to a broader range of boats. Sailonline is, once again, joining with the racers from <a href="https://www.rqys.com.au/" target="_blank"/>RQYS</a> to race the 343 nautical miles from Brisbane to Keppel Island, this time in our Sun Fast 3600. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br> Race #1691<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1691.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de<br> Sun Fast 3600 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>July 1 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Keppel 2023, racing with 106 boats. June 22, 2023, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1691.xml 1693 Shetland Race 2023 - Leg 1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/29/Vestland.PNG "/></a><br> Welcome once again to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first leg of two of the <a href="https://www.shetlandrace.no/">Shetland Race 2023</a>from Norway to Shetland in cooperation with our buddies at <a href=" https://vestlandseilkrets.no/">Vestland Seilkrets.</a>We’ve never quite been able to make up our mind which of our many First 40somethings to cross the circa 200nm to Lerwick and then back, but this year we return to the biggest of the breed, the 47.7! It won’t be much faster, but it may be a bit more comfortable?! <br> Race #1693<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1693.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> First 47.7<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_47.7.pdf " > Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - SHE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> June 27 at 2300 UTC. Shetland Race 2023 - Leg 1, racing with 109 boats. June 21, 2023, 9 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1693.xml 1688 Masirah Circuit 2023 Welcome to the heart of Arabian sailing! With its pristine white sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, and crystal-clear waters, Masirah Island sets the perfect stage for this challenging and awe-inspiring race! In this beautiful 80nm race our SOLers will be circumnavigating the one and only Masirah Island in their X-99s! With a variety of conditions on the card for this race and beautiful scenery in store, our SOLers are sure to have an enjoyable and unforgettable race! <br> Race #1688 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1688.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>X-99<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/X-99.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 22 at 2300 UTC. Masirah Circuit 2023, racing with 84 boats. June 17, 2023, 3:30 p.m. True 57.0 61.0 19.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1688.xml 1657 South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2023 This 93nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race by NZL_Scotsman takes place around the Traversay Islands group of the South Sandwich Islands. We will start at Zavodovski Island, leaving Visokoi Island and a stationary iceberg off Leskov Island to starboard before returning to Zavodovski Island. You'll want to be quick, though - aside from minimizing exposure to chilly Antarctic winter air, there's also the glory of finishing your run with the quickest time to behold. Just like in 2020, the speedy VO70_v4 boat is used; the target time to beat is 4h 47min. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1657/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1657 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1657.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 25 June at 2300 UTC South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2023, racing with 310 boats. June 10, 2023, noon True -29.0 -26.0 -58.0 -56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1657.xml 1676 Virtual AWKR Race 2023 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/03/AWKR_RD_Logo.png"/></a></center> <br>The Australian Women's Keelboat Regatta celebrates and promotes women's sailing in Australia Over the years, the event has grown to become Australia’s premier women’s regatta and one of the largest in the southern hemisphere, and these past several years Sailonline have been delighted to offer all-comers the opportunity to contemporaneously race against Australia's women virtually in a 20nm round the cans race in Port Phillip Bay. Here we go again. Prepare for some excellent Australian competition! We'll be racing First 27s. <br>Race #1676 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1676.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 27 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/First_27.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> June 14 at 2300 UTC. Virtual AWKR Race 2023, racing with 70 boats. June 10, 2023, midnight True 144.5 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1676.xml 1692 Antwerp to Belfast 2023 A classic SOL race, first run in January 2009, this passage from Antwerpen to Belfast gives you the option of passing the British Isles to port or to starboard in our J-130s. 412nm as the crow flies! <br>Race #1692 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1692.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>J-130<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/J-130.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> June 19 at 2300 UTC. Antwerp to Belfast 2023, racing with 105 boats. June 8, 2023, 10 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1692.xml 1675 Auckland to Fiji 2023 Welcome to Auckland and, for the fifth time in Sailonline's history, <b><a href=" http://aucklandfiji.co.nz/ ">an epic race to the Melanesian island of Fiji, </a></b> some 1144nm away. The iconic Steinlager 2 has traditionally been our boat of choice for this event, including in 2020, the last time we raced the course – alone, unaccompanied by a real fleet as it had been #COVID19 quarantined. Alas, this year we will again be racing unaccompanied as low entry numbers has seen the real race cancelled. Hopefully, though, some of the real sailors from <b><a href=" https://rayc.co.nz/ "> the Royal Akarana YC, </a></b> hosts of the real event, will be joining us online to pit their skills against ours in the ever-changing forecast winds. <br> Race #1675<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1675.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Steinlager 2 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars18.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> June 13 at 2300 UTC. Auckland to Fiji 2023, racing with 120 boats. June 3, 2023, 1 a.m. True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1675.xml 1690 Susan Hood Trophy Race 2023 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LOGO_HOOD_120.png"/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes racers to the third virtual Susan Hood Trophy race. This is a 75nm weekender on western Lake Ontario starting and finishing at the Port Credit Yacht Club (PCYC) via Niagara and Burlington, and is one of two that will count towards a special Sailonline's LOOR Series medals. As our Beneteau First 36.7 managed the course so well in previous years, we shall race her again! <br> Race #1690 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1690.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC - LOOR <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> June 8 at 2300 UTC. Susan Hood Trophy Race 2023, racing with 72 boats. June 3, 2023, midnight True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1690.xml 1674 SoCal 300 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/29/SoCal300_1.png"/></a></center><br> Here, once again, is your chance to participate virtually in a second race of the California Race Week calendar, SDYC's challenging 243nm (as the seagull flies) SoCal 300 from Santa Barbara to San Diego. With a broad range of boats entered in the real race, virtual SOLers will have to dig deep to remain competitive in our trusty Santa Cruz 52s. <br> Race #1674<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1674.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Santa_Cruz_52.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> June 9 at 2300 UTC. SoCal 300 2023, racing with 97 boats. June 1, 2023, 8 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1674.xml 1685 Cape Town to Auckland 2023 Welcome to this second RTW race 2023. It's also the June edition of this year's ocean race championship. The course is slightly different from the one sailed in 2020, which then also was part of the RTW series. <br> This time we will race in the IMOCA 60 foil, as in all RTW races this year. That should guarantee the fun in the South Seas in a truly tough race. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1685 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1685.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 29 at 2300 UTC. Cape Town to Auckland 2023, racing with 147 boats. June 1, 2023, 9 a.m. True 0.0 189.0 -69.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1685.xml 1687 CA 500 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/05/05/CA500.PNG"/></a></center><br> To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the TransPac Ocean Race in 2019, the organisers of the California Race Week introduced a new longer distance event for line-honours machines. Popular with the largest maxi trimarans, this CA 500, 500nm from San Francisco to San Diego, repeats in 2023, and if you don’t own a maxi trimaran, Sailonline are delighted to have the honour to, for the first time, make their virtual version available to you for a quick ethereal dash down America’s west coast. <br> Race #1687<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1687.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Maxi Tri <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> June 3 at 2300 UTC. CA 500 2023, racing with 133 boats. May 26, 2023, 6 p.m. True -125.0 -115.0 31.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1687.xml 1684 Colin Archer Memorial Race 2023 <b>Colin Archer</b> was born at Tollerodden in Larvik, Norway. He was a naval architect and shipbuilder known for his seaworthy pilot and rescue boats and larger sailing and polar ships. His most famous ship is the <i>Fram</i>, used on both Fridtjof Nansen's and Roald Amundsen's polar expeditions. In honor of Colin Archer's achievements, a peninsula of the great uninhabited island of Devon (Nunavut) was named after him - the <a href="https://www.geographic.org/geographic_names/name.php?uni=-795843&fid=897&c=canada">Colin Archer Peninsula.</a> Every two years, sailors from different countries participate in the <a href="https://www.camr.nl/"> "Colin Archer Memorial Race".</a> They start from Lauwersoog in the Netherlands and, after covering approximately 375 nm, reach the finish line in Larvik. We will run our version of the race in Farr 38's through still chilly waters. Fair winds! <br>Race #1684 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1684.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Far 38<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Farr_38.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> May 27 at 2300 UTC. Colin Archer Memorial Race 2023, racing with 92 boats. May 18, 2023, 8 p.m. True 1.0 14.0 53.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1684.xml 1686 Avalon 8 2023 The sun is shining and there's a beautiful breeze on the west coast of America as our SOLers gear up for the next exciting challenge that awaits them! This time, a 101nm course in the shape of a figure of 8 around the islands of Santa Catalina and San Clemente! The boat of choice for this exciting challenge is the ever-so-popular Young 11! So what are you waiting for?! Get your boat and crew prepared and we will see you at the start line!<br> Race #1686 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1686.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Young 11<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/12/08/Young_11.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br>SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> May 20 at 2300 UTC. Avalon 8 2023, racing with 79 boats. May 13, 2023, 6 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1686.xml 1655 Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2023 Designed by NZL_Scotsman, this 34nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race takes us around Kobbermine Bugt. This is the 4th iteration of this race, having been held every 3 years since 2014. Climate change may have eased our access to these fjords but watch your roundings - navigating around those islands continue to remain tricky! The target time to beat is 5:01:11, set in 2017. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1655/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1655 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1655.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> J-80 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/21/J-80.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 28 May at 23:00 UTC Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2023, racing with 167 boats. May 13, 2023, noon True -50.0 -46.0 59.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1655.xml 1639 Sinbad Strikes South 2023 The Sultan heard tell of fabled islands where in Summer the sun barely sets. Never mind Winter approaches, the Sultan’s next mission for Sinbad is to seek these fabled islands out, and return to Africa with a full report. It is likely to be no longer than 2900nm, but conditions will be harsh, so the Sultan has free-issued a sumptuous, sturdy, more sedate Xp55, designed by Vikings, for this fourth of Sinbad’s seven voyages. Expect to be at sea for three weeks odd! <br> Race #1639<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1639.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Xp 55 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Xp_55.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> May 27 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Strikes South 2023, racing with 108 boats. May 7, 2023, 11 a.m. True 18.0 60.0 -50.0 -18.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1639.xml 1680 A Round of Rum Sprint 2023 After 9 years, we are excited to welcome our SOLers back to Scotland for a circumnavigation of Rum Island, one of the small isles of the Inner Hebrides! This 21nm course will be the next race in our Sprint Championship in our Frers 33s designed by naval architect Germán Frers! Our sailors are sure to see some beautiful sights along with some colder weather, so layer up and get ready to race!<br> Race #1680 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1680.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Frers 33<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Frers_33.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 10 at 2300 UTC. A Round of Rum Sprint 2023, racing with 72 boats. May 6, 2023, 10:30 a.m. True -6.7 -5.9 56.8 57.3 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1680.xml 1683 Lisbon to Cape Town 2023 Our second OCC race in Q2 is also our first race of a special<br>6-race RTW series, in IMOCA 60 Foilers, from the board of ita10267. Long bluewater legs, with the shores of the World's continents the only restriction on where you may sail, starting with a 5000nm leg from Lisbon to Cape Town. Enjoy! <br> PRIZE: <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1683 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1683.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 1 at 2300 UTC. Lisbon to Cape Town 2023, racing with 162 boats. May 3, 2023, 9 a.m. True -51.0 24.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1683.xml 1671 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2023 &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/28/PointYC_Burgee_120B.png" /></a><p> Point Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to the 2023 running of the classic Vasco da Gama Ocean Race. This race is the oldest established international sailing event in South Africa and traditionally starts in the bay of Maputo, the old Portuguese colonial capital of Mozambique and finishes in Durban. Last year, the year before, and now again this year, the race was/will be from Durban to East London - circa 250nm, and once again in highly unsuitable, low freeboard, open cockpit, native Cape 31 speed machines.<br> Race #1671<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1671.html""> INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Cape 31 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> May 7 at 2300 UTC. Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2023, racing with 129 boats. April 30, 2023, 8 a.m. True 26.0 33.0 -33.5 -29.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1671.xml 1682 Bay to Bay 2023 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, is that a Seascape 18? Mine? Dried out on the beach!? When’s high tide? What time is the start? Where are we going? Urangan, as in tan, man, 24nm! <br>Race #1682 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1682.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> May 4 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 2 - 2023, racing with 74 boats. April 29, 2023, 8 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1682.xml 1681 Bay to Bay 2023 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait We return again to the serene waters of the Great Sandy Strait for our annual two-race adventure, this year again in our extra speedy Seascape 18s, which choice should allow you to complete the 16nm course of Leg 1 well before the post-race BBQ begins, unless of course impatiently you stop for an impromptu BBQ or two en-route. <br>Race #1681 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1681.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> May 4 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 1 - 2023, racing with 83 boats. April 29, 2023, 12:15 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1681.xml 1653 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2023 This 45nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race around SOLer Tarco's home island of Belle Ile was first proposed by him in 2014. This is our fifth round of racing this course and we are going to use Seacart 30s just like the last iteration in 2020, rather than our very French Mini 6.50s or Figaro's which were used in earlier iterations. It's expected to be a speedy affair; mind the performance loss, coastline and marks as you zip through this course. The winners in 2020 did it in just 2h 39min, can you do better? <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1653/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1653 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1653.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 30 April at 23:00 UTC Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2023, racing with 342 boats. April 15, 2023, noon True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1653.xml 1670 Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2023 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/02/21/GladstonePortLogo.png"/></a><p> Welcome everyone to the 75th anniversary of the <a href=" https://www.brisbanetogladstone.com/"> GPC Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race </a>, Australia's other classic ocean race. Once again, Sailonline is delighted to offer you the opportunity of virtually racing its TP52 over this challenging 308nm course. <br> Race #1670<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1670.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> April 14 at 2300 UTC. Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2023, racing with 136 boats. April 7, 2023, 1 a.m. True 151.0 158.0 -28.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1670.xml 1638 Sinbad Measures Madagascar 2023 Sinbad Al-SOL’er, now well on his way around the seas and shores of the Indian Ocean, invites you to continue with him on his voyages – on to Madagascar with a commission from the Sultan to measure her coast and to explore some of her far-flung islands. Join Sinbad then this time in a Riptide 50 round a roughly 3000nm roughly triangular course out to Rodriguez Island and back for a close cartographical cruise down Madagascar's western shore and home.<br> Race #1638<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1638.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Riptide 50 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Riptide_50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> April 25 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Measures Madagascar 2023, racing with 116 boats. April 2, 2023, 11 a.m. True 34.0 70.0 -30.0 -5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1638.xml 1678 Corsica PYOC Sprint 2023 Welcome to Corsica, where our sprint race journey for the second quarter of 2023 will begin! Starting in Capraia, a small island in the Mediterranean Sea and ending offshore of Giglio, our SOLers are sure to experience some extraordinary scenary! The boat of choice for this beautiful 75nm race is the AC72v2, with high speeds and beautiful scenery what more could one ask for?<br> Race #1678 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1678.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>AC72v2<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/25/AC_72v2.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>April 4 at 2300 UTC. Corsica PYOC Sprint 2023, racing with 84 boats. April 1, 2023, 9 a.m. True 8.0 13.0 41.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1678.xml 1679 Melbourne to Osaka 2023 Welcome to Melbourne for Sailonline's alternative version of the Melbourne to Osaka Double Handed Yacht Race - a 5000 nautical miler. This year again we're racing the RP-66, but the route is unlimited what comes to waypoints. Because the IRL version does not run this year, we took the freedom to make our own route! <br>It could be a long race, east or west, and of course some doldrums to negotiate!<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1679<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1679.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> RP-66 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Reichel_Pugh_66.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 26 at 2300 UTC. Melbourne to Osaka 2023, racing with 160 boats. April 1, 2023, 2 a.m. True 90.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1679.xml 1665 Sail Around Turkey 2023 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/01/19/Sail_Around_Turkey_Logo2.png"><br> This is one of Sailonline's iconic and more challenging races. Our IMOCA 60 Foil high-speed yachts will sail across three seas (Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Mediterranean Sea) and two beautiful straits (Strait of Istanbul - Bosphorus and Strait of Canakkale - Dardanelles). Altogether 1372 nm of great and demanding sailing from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast). Get ready for a lot of fun; we are waiting for you at the starting line. <br>Race #1665 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1665.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>IMOCA 60 Foil<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf " > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> April 3 at 2300 UTC. Sail Around Turkey 2023, racing with 138 boats. March 21, 2023, 3 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1665.xml 1637 Sinbad Seeks Spices 2023 Having surveyed Arabia, Sinbad Al-SOL’er next invites you to race him on his second of seven epic voyages to every corner of the Indian Ocean and beyond, this time to seek spices in Zanzibar, departing from Xaafun, a trading post on the tip of the Horn of Africa since the days of the Mycenaeans and on through Roman times to the Nights of 1,001 of AL-Sail’or, Al-SOL’er’s illustrious ancestor. SOLing by the sun and the stars, aka seat-of-the-pants, the voyage will take you east as far as Praslin island, south as far as Anjouan, to Zanzibar’s Unguja for all things spices, but only back as far as Mogidishu – another exhausting 3000nm adventure, this time in Reichel/Pugh 66s. <br> Race #1637<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1637.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Reichel/Pugh 66 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Reichel_Pugh_66.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> April 6 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Seeks Spices 2023, racing with 123 boats. March 19, 2023, 9 a.m. True 38.0 72.0 -15.0 15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1637.xml 1677 Lake Baikal Ice Race 2023 For the next race in our ice racing adventure, our SOLers will be transporting their boats just shy of 3000 nautical miles west to the beautiful destination of Lake Baikal! With icy cold weather and extremely high speeds, this complex 107nm course will definitely be a great challenge for our SOLers in their DN Ice Boats! Are you ready for the challenge? <br> Race #1677 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1677.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> DN Ice Boat<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> March 25 at 2300 UTC. Lake Baikal Ice Race 2023, racing with 87 boats. March 18, 2023, 3 p.m. True 106.25 108.35 52.66 53.81 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1677.xml 1666 Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race 2023 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/02/09/CaboScript.png"/></a></center><br> This 850nm race down the Baja coastline from California’s Newport Harbor to picturesque Cabo San Lucas in Mexico runs in odd years. This year it’s an odd one, and we are delighted to be able to offer online racers the opportunity to match their skills against the ‘real life’ fleet and against each other sailing slippery Santa Cruz 70 sleds! <br> Race #1666 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1553.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 70<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/Santa_Cruz_70.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> March 22 at 2300 UTC. Newport Harbor to Cabo San Lucas 2023, racing with 125 boats. March 11, 2023, 9 p.m. True -126.0 -107.0 21.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1666.xml 1664 Easter Coastal 2023 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/01/18/hong_kong_logo.png"><br> Over the last two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many changes to the organizational plans of many sailing races around the world, also in Hong Kong. Fortunately, SOL is resistant to all plagues and thus not prevented from organizing virtual races. As in previous years, we invite you to the virtual online coastal race inside Hong Kong waters - 97nm in Fareast 31Rs - to keep you sharpest! <br>Race #1664 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1664.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Fareast 31R v2 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/10/31/Fareast_31Rv2.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> March 17 at 2300 UTC. Easter Coastal 2023, racing with 84 boats. March 11, 2023, 3 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1664.xml 1646 SSANZ Evolution Sails Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 3 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> Well on our way circumnavigating New Zealand's North Island, are you ready for Leg 3? It normally is just a quick 187nm over-nighter from Cook Strait to Napier on the east coast, to be followed by a final serious 345nm fourth leg back to Auckland. However, the waters off the east coast of North Island remain debris-strewn and unsafe post Cyclone Gabrielle, so instead we will head back up the west coast, round Reinga and sail for home in one super serious 620nm leg, again short-handed in Class 40s. Forget sleep!<br> Race #1646<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1646.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Class_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 15 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 3, racing with 101 boats. March 7, 2023, 3 a.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1646.xml 1652 Auckland to Russell TIMED Race 2023 Welcome to New Zealand and the iconic 120nm race up the east coast of North Island from Auckland to Russell. This is often done as an annual buddied fleet race with our real-life NZ Multihull Yacht Club competitors in October; however, this time it will be held as a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race, as was last done in 2019. Racing conditions can be mixed - from flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! Have fun! <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1652/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1652 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1652.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 19 March at 23:00 UTC Auckland to Russell TIMED Race 2023, racing with 198 boats. March 4, 2023, noon True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1652.xml 1659 Seto Inland Sea Sprint 2023 For the next race in our exciting sprint series, our sailors will be racing in the beautiful waters of the Seto Inland area of Japan! This 34nm course will enable our sailors to explore these waters with roundings at Hiroshima Island and Hakama Island respectively, ending with a dash back to Kagawa where it all started! The boat of choice for this race is none other than the SOTO 40! With the sprint series as tight as it is currently, this race has all the makeup of being an extremely exciting one!<br> Race #1659 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1659.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>SOTO 40<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/02/24/SOTO_40.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>March 7 at 2300 UTC. Seto Inland Sea Sprint 2023, racing with 75 boats. March 4, 2023, 3 a.m. True 133.15 134.02 34.0 34.65 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1659.xml 1667 Lanzarote to Grenada 2023 It should be a great time of year to sail the third Ocean race of this Year in our luxurious Xp55, from the Canaries, 2865nm down to the lush Caribbean island of Grenada, famed for its rum, spices and chocolate. Serious chocoholics can even sign up for a tour, which includes a scrumptious three-course lunch spotlighting chocolate in every course. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17765" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1667<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1667.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Xp55<b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Xp_55.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 27 at 2300 UTC. Lanzarote to Grenada 2023, racing with 163 boats. March 3, 2023, noon True -72.0 6.0 -20.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1667.xml 1645 SSANZ Evolution Sails Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 2 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> After a short stopover in Manganui, we are off again in our Class 40s for the toughest leg of our circumnavigation, 491nm, round the top of North Island and down the west all the way to Waikawa on the southern South Island shore of Cook Strait opposite Wellington. It’s a long way up the fjord to the welcoming club, so the finish is a bit nearer its entrance!<br> Race #1645<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1645.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Class_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 6 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Evolution Sails Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 2, racing with 105 boats. Feb. 27, 2023, 9 p.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1645.xml 1644 SSANZ Evolution Sails Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 1 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> We have been buddying the Round North island triennial 4-leg double-handed series with the Short-Handed Sailing Association of New Zealand since 2011 and we are honoured once again to be able to offer online sailors the opportunity to test their skills, this year sailing classic Class 40s, against the mixed real fleet showing on our Sailonline chart courtesy of Yellowbrick Tracking. This epic circuit is an extremely tough challenge, but the first leg from Auckland to Mangonui is a relatively tame 150nm – to Anchor butter you up. <br> Race #1644<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1644.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Class_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> March 2 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Evolution Sails Round North Island Race 2023 - Leg 1, racing with 132 boats. Feb. 24, 2023, 9 p.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1644.xml 1668 San Diego Islands Race 2023 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/22/SDYC_Logo120.png" /></a><p> Sailonline is delighted to again partner San Diego Yacht Club for its annual Islands Race; plus or minus 140nm depending on the extent of the military exclusion zones, from Long Beach around the Catalina Islands to San Diego. As in 2022, online, we will be racing TP52s to give the real fleet of mostly 50ft plus racing machines a run for their money. <br> Race #1668 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1668.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> TP52<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> March 1 at 2300 UTC. San Diego Islands Race 2023, racing with 100 boats. Feb. 24, 2023, 8:30 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1668.xml 1648 Simushir Sprint 2023 Welcome to Simushir! Meaning “large island” in Ainu, is an uninhabited volcanic island near the center of the Kuril Islands chain in the Sea of Okhotsk and it is also the location of our next sprint race! In our Seacart 30’s we will be taking on this 33nm course starting on the southern side of the island and ending in the Diana Strait, on the northern side of the island. This course may look simple and straightforward but looks can be deceiving as the competition will be fierce as always! Are you ready for the challenge?!<br> Race #1648 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1648.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>February 22 at 2300 UTC. Simushir Sprint 2023, racing with 86 boats. Feb. 18, 2023, 3 a.m. True 151.0 153.0 46.5 47.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1648.xml 1663 Iliamna Lake Ice Race 2023 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/01/16/Iliamna_Lake_logo.png"><br> In search of wind and ice, we traveled as far as Alaska. Here on Lake Iliamna we will have our next ice race. Round the lake 145nm circuit counterclockwise in the DN ice boat. High speeds are expected so fasten your seatbelts and put on your goggles. Please note that there is no Performance Loss. <br> Race #1663 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1663.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> DN ice boat <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: DN - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> February 18 at 2300 UTC. Iliamna Lake, Alaska 2023, racing with 105 boats. Feb. 11, 2023, 3 p.m. True -156.5 -153.5 59.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1663.xml 1651 Aland Sea TIMED Race 2023 Norrtalje Segelsallskap, 70km NE of Stockholm was founded in 1920, and time was when the society’s season opened with a challenging offshore race from the club line off Flaten island at the mouth of the long and narrow Norrtaljeviken, out onto a triangular course around the Aland Sea, to finish at Simpnas slightly to the north on Bjorko island - some 78nm in total. This will be the 6th time that SOL is running this race, and just like its previous iteration almost exactly 2 years ago will be held as a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in pretty Club Swan 50s. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1651/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1651 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1651.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Club_Swan_50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 26 February at 23:00 UTC Aland Sea TIMED Race 2023, racing with 309 boats. Feb. 11, 2023, noon True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1651.xml 1658 Melbourne to Hong Kong 2023 After celebrating Christmas and New Year it is time for the second run in this year's Ocean Race Championship. After leaving Melbourne on this (about) 5.500 NM course, we will leave the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, all to port. And remember, once again we'll have to choose the best way to cross the Doldrums <br> PRIZE: <a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1658<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1658.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/OD65v3_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> OCQ1-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>March 2 at 2300 UTC. Melbourne to Hong Kong, racing with 178 boats. Feb. 4, 2023, 5 a.m. True 110.0 190.0 -43.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1658.xml 1661 China Sea Dash 2023 The waters of the China Sea beckon for this short race around the cans. We'll be racing 128nm in our TP 52s as the local racers warm down as their sailing season closes. <br>Race #1551 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1551.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>TP 52<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC China Sea Dash 2023, racing with 74 boats. Feb. 4, 2023, 2:15 a.m. True 113.5 115.5 21.5 22.54 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1661.xml 1662 Buenos Aires to Rio 2023 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/01/15/BARIO.png"><br> This year's second ARCH series race will run from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on a route designed by SOLer Vida_Maldita (under his former alias of zero) in 2013. This is a replica of a classic triennial race of 1200nm, first run in 1947. More information about this IRL race can be found <a href="https://buenosairesrio.org.ar/">here.</a><br> So, Bemvindo/Bienvenidos in this coastal classic and prepare your 90ft Monohulls well. <br> Race #1662 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1662.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> 90ft Monohull <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/90ft_Monohull.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> February 12 at 2300 UTC. Buenos Aires to Rio 2023, racing with 164 boats. Feb. 1, 2023, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1662.xml 1660 Race to Up Helly Aa 2023 A-OI!!! The cry should soon be ringing out in the streets of Lerwick as the Guizer Jarl and his crew, along with the other teams in the Up Helly Aa parade complete their preparations for the biggest fire festival in Europe. As is Sailonline's tradition, we shall be racing the 383nm from Aberdeen to Lerwick to (virtually) take part in the Up Helly Aa festivities there which take place for the first time since 2020 on Tuesday, 31 January. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart. <br> Race #1660 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1660.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Elan 410 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/Elan_410.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>3 February at 2300 UTC Up Helly Aa 2023, racing with 133 boats. Jan. 28, 2023, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1660.xml 1650 Iceland TIMED Race 2023 Welcome to Iceland, where the weather is chilly but there are plenty of volcanoes and beaches to admire along Iceland's beautiful south coast. In fact, our first <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of this year will take us on a 150nm eastbound trip in quick Orange Cats from the Vestmannaeyjaber archipalego to the Stokksnes peninsula. Just mind to enjoy the view from a distance and avoid the temptation to BBQ on the pristine beaches! <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1650/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1650 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1650.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/20/Orange_125.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 29 January at 23:00 UTC Iceland TIMED Race 2023, racing with 543 boats. Jan. 14, 2023, noon True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1650.xml 1643 Seoul to Seoul Sprint 2023 This 70nm race through dangerous waters designed by NZL_Scotsman was first run as a Timed Race back in 2014. For no particular or political reason, we bring you it again in 2023, but we will not tarry long. This time we run it as a Sprint, although, given the course length, in J130s it may take longer than you might have originally hoped!<br> Race #1643 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1643.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>J130<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/J-130.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>January 18 at 2300 UTC. Seoul to Seoul Sprint 2023, racing with 90 boats. Jan. 14, 2023, 3 a.m. True 125.0 127.0 37.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1643.xml 1636 Sinbad Surveys Arabia 2023 Sinbad Al-SOL’er invites you to race him on seven epic voyages (5 to count), not entirely in line with those of his illustrious ancestor Al-Sail’or described in the 1001 Nights, and totally out of line with those voiced over by Brad Pitt in Sinbad - The Seven Seas, commencing with a survey of Arabia, from the island kingdom of Bahrain all the way to Aqaba, there where, in 1917, after a desperate forced march, TE Lawrence, Sherif Nasir and Auda abu Tayi routed the Ottomans. Instead of camels through the sand, though, we’ll voyage the c 3000nm across the sea on IMOCA 60’s.<br> Race #1636<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1636.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> IMOCA 60 v2 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/17/IMOCA_60v2.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SVS<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> January 31 at 2300 UTC. Sinbad Surveys Arabia 2023, racing with 141 boats. Jan. 9, 2023, 9 a.m. True 32.0 74.0 2.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1636.xml 1635 Lake Khovsgol Ice Race 2023 For our second race of our 4-race DN series, SOLers are invited to next airfreight their sharpened skates, carbon spars and mylar sails to Ulan Bator and then truck them up to Khatgal on the shores of Lake Khovsgol in northern Mongolia, for a 99nm race on skates propelled by the wind. A marathon with your hands folded behind your back, but a sprint with both on the keyboard! No Performance Loss, so put your goggles on again! <br> Race #1635 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1635.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: DN - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>January 14 at 2300 UTC. Lake Khovsgol Ice Race 2023, racing with 83 boats. Jan. 7, 2023, 3 p.m. True 100.0 101.0 50.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1635.xml 1649 Tasman Double 2022 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to everyone! Trust you are all rested and recreated after another wet and windy Sydney Hobart, and have your Super Maxi 100's repaired and ready for our race back to the home of Australia's legendary opera house, eighteen footer league, and the rest. 625nm, and it's a counter for both the Tasman Double mini-series and for the All-Round Championships. <br> Race #1649 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1649.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SuperMaxi 100<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ARQ1-ARCH-SUPSOL <br>SYC-TD<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> January 11 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2022 - Leg 2 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 153 boats. Jan. 3, 2023, 4 p.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1649.xml 1634 Cape Town to Rio 2023 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/07/RCYC_RaceDesc_Burgee_130.png" /></a><p> Welcome to South Africa and RCYC's classic transatlantic Cape2Rio Race from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First run in 1971, this run is buddied with the IRL, <a href="https://cape2riorace.com"> Cape2Rio 2023 </a> arranged by the <a href="https://rcyc.co.za"> Royal Cape Yacht Club</a> with the cooperation of the <br><a href="https://www.icrj.com.br/iate"> Iate Clube do Rio de Janeiro </a> This, virtual version, will be raced once again in Mark Mills' 74ft speedster, the stunning C2R74. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17764/2023-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1634 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1634.html">INFO</a></b><br> by brainaid.de<br> C2R74<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/11/17/C2R74_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>January 22 at 2300 UTC. Cape2Rio Race 2023, racing with 219 boats. Jan. 2, 2023, noon True -60.0 26.0 -37.12 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1634.xml 1633 ORCV Melbourne to Hobart 2022 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the ORCV’S other race across Bass Strait, the legendary "Westcoaster", a 435nm passage, sailed for more than 50 years, from Melbourne to Hobart around the west coast of Tasmania. You’ll be racing Class 40’s, fast boats, but chances are that by the time you get to Hobart the beer will all be drunk – by the Sydney fleet who will have set sail a day earlier. However, unlike IRL, on SOL you can race with the Sydney fleet as well, to assure beer be guaranteed! <br> Race #1633<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1633.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Class_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> January 4 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Hobart 2022, racing with 164 boats. Dec. 27, 2022, 1 a.m. True 139.0 150.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1633.xml 1616 Tasman Double 2022 - Sydney to Hobart Christmas? Summer! We are down under then, and therefore time once again for Sailonline’s Tasman Double from Sydney to Hobart on the day after Christmas and back again after New Years. This race is Leg 1 of our Double – 625nm across the often stormy waters of the Tasman Sea, as always in our SuperMaxi 100s, to give us a chance to dock in Hobart before the real-life beer is gone. <br> Race #1616 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1616.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> January 3 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2022 - Leg 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 192 boats. Dec. 26, 2022, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1616.xml 1624 AGage 50 2022 The original 2013 Sailonline <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">SOLer AGage </a>memorial circumnavigation of Australia included a short triangular course in his homewaters off Brighton, Adelaide, Australia – the AGage 100. The 100 is a bit long for a sprint, but it is right that annually we remember Aaron Gage, who contributed so much to our sport. Here then, a shortened course – the AGage 50 – three equidistant legs in Bruce Farr designed Finngulf 43s.<br> Race #1624 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1624.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>FG 43<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Finngulf_43.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 28 at 2300 UTC. AGage 50 2022, racing with 94 boats. Dec. 24, 2022, 7 a.m. True 137.5 139.0 -35.5 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1624.xml 1630 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2022 Mare Nostrum ("our sea" - the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea) will be a beautiful 431 nm arena for this year's last ARCH race from Palermo on Sicily to Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco. After passing Porto Cervo on the northeast coast of Sardinia, racers can leave Corsica to port or starboard passing through Bonifacio Strait. Additionally, the high variability of winds and fast IMOCA 60 Foil will provide fascinating and technically complex challenges for our skippers. Welcome to Mare Nostrum! <br>Race #1630 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1630.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>IMOCA 60 Foil <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/IMOCA_60_Foil.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> December 28 at 2300 UTC. Regatta Palermo Montecarlo 2022, racing with 142 boats. Dec. 19, 2022, 3 p.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1630.xml 1619 Yates Cup TIMED Race 2022 Everyone knows about the 12 days of Christmas, but in the 12 days preceeding that (plus Christmas Day itself) there's time for one final <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in New Zealand. This is a replication of the shortened 2017 edition of this 124nm Category 3+ race from Auckland around the Hauraki Gulf which, just like in 2019, will be run in MC 38s. Merry Christmas and happy holidays, everyone! <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1619/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1619 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1619.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> MC 38 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/MC_38.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 25 December at 23:00 UTC Yates Cup TIMED Race 2022, racing with 217 boats. Dec. 12, 2022, noon True 174.0 177.0 -37.0 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1619.xml 1623 American Samoa RTI 2022 It is time for Sailonline to return to American Samoa! After only sailing around American Samoa once, back in 2014 we are extremely excited to present you with this exciting race once again! Our SOLers will be sailing a 37nm course around the stunning island of American Samoa in our F18s! The competition will be fierce and challenging, are you up for the challenge? We'll see you at the start line!<br> Race #1623 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1623.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>F18<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/11/04/F18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 14 at 2300 UTC. Around American Samoa 2022, racing with 80 boats. Dec. 10, 2022, 5 p.m. True -172.0 -169.0 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1623.xml 1632 Fremantle to Bali 2022 It is time for a revival of one of Australia's iconic races, the 1427 nm long "Fremantle to Bali" race, and it's considered to be a true test of seamanship. <br> Last raced in 2021 Super Maxi 100, we will do it this year in a Sun Fast 3300 which is considerably slower! <br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1632 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1632.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Sunfast 3300 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Sun_Fast_3300.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>December 22 at 23 UTC. Fremantle to Bali 2022, racing with 153 boats. Dec. 4, 2022, 6 a.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1632.xml 1615 Baker Lake Ice Race 2022 Up north, it’s Winter, so time to put your skates on, but first you’ll have to airfreight them, your carbon spars, your mylar sails and your DN hull to Baker Lake, for a 109nm race, the first of 4 (3 to count) at high speed before the ice melts! Well inside the Arctic Circle, this is a cold, cold place, where the wind is rarely benign. No Performance Loss, so put your goggles on, wrap up well, and try to get round as quick as you can! <br> Race #1615 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1615.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/DN_Iceboat.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> RANKING: DN - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>December 8 at 2300 UTC. Baker Lake Ice Race 2022, racing with 93 boats. Dec. 3, 2022, 3 p.m. True -96.5 -94.0 63.5 64.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1615.xml 1629 Christmas to Christmas Island 2022 Two waypoints, start and finish, and between them 5827 NM of two oceans. Not much time if we want to sit at the Christmas Eve table. You will need to maintain an average speed of over 10 knots, so prepare your Volvo70s well and choose the best of the many possible routes. Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before... but it's time to get ready for the 2022 challenge of racing between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean! Please have fun! Fair winds! <br>Race #1629 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1629.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Volvo70 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> December 27 at 2300 UTC. Christmas Is (Pac) to Christmas Is (Ind) 2022, racing with 163 boats. Dec. 1, 2022, 6 p.m. True 90.0 280.0 -47.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1629.xml 1628 The Three Kings Race 2022 The Three Kings Offshore Race is a 520 nm challenge, in Farr 38s, from Auckland (Orakei) up and around the Three Kings Islands and then back to Auckland finishing where you started. Manawa Islands (Three Kings) are a group of 13 uninhabited islands about 25 nm northwest of Te Rerenga Wairua aka Cape Reinga. They're also about 250nm due north of Auckland, known also as the world's best diving and fishing locations (although hopefully, you won’t be fishing too much during the race, or diving for that matter) and it is just a beautiful yet rugged place that is a must see for anyone who loves the oceans. <br>Race #1628 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1628.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Farr 38 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Farr_38.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> December 6 at 2300 UTC. The Three Kings Race 2022, racing with 133 boats. Nov. 27, 2022, 4 p.m. True 171.0 177.0 -38.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1628.xml 1627 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2022 Are you ready to race this course of about 431nm across the Baltic and into the Gulf of Finland, from one great historic city Stockholm to another St&nbsp;Petersburg?<br>The Gulf of Finland is still ice&#8209;free, so board your J&#8209;122s and prepare. Take care and keep a weather eye. The odd stray submarine or ice&#8209;breaker may need to be avoided. <br>Race #1627 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1627.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>J-122 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/J-122.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> November 30 at 2300 UTC. Stockholm to St Petersburg 2022, racing with 141 boats. Nov. 22, 2022, 4 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1627.xml 1614 Raja Muda Selangor International 2022 Sailonline is delighted to be able to offer online sailors an opportunity to once again compete in the Port Klang to Pangkor opening overnight race of the Raja Muda Selangor International Regatta Week, organised by the Royal Selangor Yacht Club in association with the RORC. As in previous years, Sailonline is making its fleet of First 47.7 yachts available to competitors for the 75nm trip. <br> Race #1614 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1614.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> First 44.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/17/First_44.7.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> November 26 at 2300 UTC. Raja Muda Selangor International 2022, racing with 107 boats. Nov. 19, 2022, 8 a.m. True 100.0 102.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1614.xml 1621 SOL around Vancouver Island 2022 Designed by SOLer fastpassage39, we will round Vancover Island, tackling tight channels and open water which our Dufour 40s will love. With some luck, we should be able to complete this delightful 525nm course in around a week, just in time for opening day at the nearby world-famous Whistler Blackcomb ski resort! <br> Race #1621 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1621.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Dufour 40 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/25/Dufour_40_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> 28 November at 2300 UTC SOL around Vancouver Island 2022, racing with 116 boats. Nov. 16, 2022, 8 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1621.xml 1613 Round Round Robben Sprint 2022 Welcome to Cape Town, also known as the "mother city" of South Africa, with absolutely breathtaking views and many experiences to offer! This exciting race consists of a 26nm sprint round 'n about Robben Island and then back along the beaches to a finish just outside of the city harbour. This year we will be racing in our super-popular Cape 31's from the board of Mark Mills, which is bound to be an extremely exciting experience! We look forward to seeing you all on the race course and there will most definitely be a braai on the beach with refreshments awaiting our SOLers at the finish!<br> Race #1613 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1613.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Cape 31<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>November 16 at 2300 UTC. Round Robben Island Sprint 2022, racing with 92 boats. Nov. 12, 2022, 4 p.m. True 18.0 18.5 -34.0 -33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1613.xml 1612 Natuna Sea Race 2022 At 4.0N 108.2E lies the island of Natuna Besar, Great Natuna, surrounded by at least 154 islands, of which 127 uninhabited, Indonesia’s Natuna Regency, and all around this archipelago, the Natuna Sea, bordered by Borneo to the east, the Java Sea to the south, and the Malay peninsula to the west, and extending north to cross a disputed international border with China into the South China Sea. And it’s a border that matters, there’s gas here! But why worry, let’s race – 2050nm in our Italia 14.98s in between the production platforms, the prowling destroyers and submarines, the last race for the Seven Seas of Asia title. <br> Race #1612<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1612.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Italia 14.98 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Italia_14.98.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SSA - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> November 25 at 2300 UTC. Natuna Sea Race 2022, racing with 157 boats. Nov. 4, 2022, 5 p.m. True 100.0 125.0 -1.0 15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1612.xml 1631 Abel T Appreciation Race 2022 In December 1642 after a particularly difficult and rough voyage, the Dutch seafarer and explorer, Abel Tasman, made landfall at a spot he named Staten Landt, believing he had arrived on the coast of Argentina. In fact, he had arrived in modern-day New Zealand. Once again out of love and respect for this brilliant seaman, Sailonline is retracing his route from Tasmania to New Zealand in our Fareast 31R. <br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1631<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1631.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> Fareast 31R <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/09/Fareast_31R.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>November 14 at 23 UTC. Abel T Appreciation 2022, racing with 154 boats. Nov. 1, 2022, 3 a.m. True 147.0 177.0 -48.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1631.xml 1611 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2022 Welcome to one of Sailonline's great traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a slalom through the Stockholm Archipelago. As always, we are providing you with a fleet of speedy Seacarts to slice through these (at least) 61.5nm of SLI-infested waters, to give you a fair chance that there will still be some beer left round the campfire when you dock by the jetty at Trosa! <br> Race #1611 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1611.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>November 4 at 2300 UTC. Mistli Birthday BBQ Race 2022, racing with 108 boats. Oct. 30, 2022, 2 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1611.xml 1609 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2022 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a><br> Welcome to Australia's oldest yacht race, the "Rudder Cup", sailed for more than 110 years across Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania, and organised by the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria, which this year is breaking with its traditional day-after St. Stephen’s start. However, as in previous years, we will again sail the 196nm across the strait in First 40s. <br> Race #1609<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1609.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/First_40.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> November 5 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Devonport 2022, racing with 135 boats. Oct. 28, 2022, 5 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1609.xml 1610 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2022 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/28/CoastalClassic_RaceBut-102.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome back to Auckland on New Zealand's North Island and the 2022 running of our classic annual race against the NZ Multihull Yacht Club competitors IRL from Auckland to Russell. This 118nm race can be a tricky affair, with pretty much all conditions possible – from flat out spinnaker rides to speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! As always, we will trust our 60ft Trimarans to keep us in the hunt against the real-life NZ Multihull Yacht Club competitors, and will look forward to the traditional bacon butties and rum welcome on arrival in Russell.<br> Race #1610<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1610.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/60ft_Trimaran.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>October 25 at 2300 UTC. PIC Coastal Classic 2022, racing with 104 boats. Oct. 20, 2022, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1610.xml 1620 Hong Kong to Vietnam 2022 This is a replication of the classic biennial race from Hong Kong to Vietnam - 674nm across the South China Sea in TP52s. Although it isn't a buddied race this time (RHKYC hosts it on odd-numbered years), we can still have a great time sailing this race course! <br> Race #1620 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1620.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> 24 October at 2300 UTC Hong Kong to Vietnam 2022, racing with 103 boats. Oct. 18, 2022, 5:15 a.m. True 106.0 119.0 10.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1620.xml 1617 Percé to Saint Malo Transat 2022 Percé is a fishing village in the lee of its magnificent eponymous rock on the southern shores of the entrance to the St Lawrence Seaway, discovered in 1603 by Quebec's founding father Samuel de Champlain on his first voyage to the northern regions of America. In 2012, a mere 400-odd years on, Sailonline decided to return from thence, via the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon, to St Malo, the departure port of many of the French voyages of long-ago. An IRL race celebrating Jacques Cartier's much earlier voyage of 1534 exploring the Gulf of St Lawrence, first held in 1984, was further inspiration. To celebrate all things French, therefore, we now invite you to participate in this third simulation of this epic 2,485nm race, as before in very French and venerable, but now slightly modified for better light air performance Sailonline IMOCA 60s!<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1617 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1617.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/17/IMOCA_60v2.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>November 5 at 23 UTC. Percé to Saint Malo Transat 2022, racing with 171 boats. Oct. 17, 2022, 5 p.m. True -72.0 9.0 25.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1617.xml 1622 Lindholmen Sprint 2022 Welcome to the beautiful waters of Lindholm, a small uninhabited island located in Southern Sweden. This exciting 68nm race consists of a triangular course in Pukavik Bay. With the first rounding around Hano, followed by Norraskar and Sodraskar respectively, this race will not only be an exciting one but it is also an amazing opportunity to explore these waters in our Melges 40s! We look forward to seeing you at the start line!<br> Race #1622 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1622.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Melges 40<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Melges_40.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>October 19 at 2300 UTC. Lindholmen Sprint 2022, racing with 86 boats. Oct. 15, 2022, 3 p.m. True 14.0 16.54555 55.6 56.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1622.xml 1626 Lord Howe 2022 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/27/Lord_Howe.png"><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/27/Lord_Howe_ico_1.png" width="200" height="54"></a> <br><br> SOLers and their Santa Cruz 52s are invited to join the Gosford Sailing Club in this 412nm race to Lord Howe Island. <br> The island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - part of one of just four island groups to be inscribed on <b><a href=" http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186 ">UNESCO’s World Heritage list</a></b> for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br> Race #1626 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1626.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Santa_Cruz_52.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ4 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> October 15 at 2300 UTC. Lord Howe 2022, racing with 118 boats. Oct. 8, 2022, 4 a.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1626.xml 1618 Galway Redux TIMED Race 2022 As we last did in 2017, we come to Galway for another <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race. Starting from Acaill Bheag, we sail around the coast of County Galway for around 90nm to finish in Galway City. While the weather is generally mild, it gets the occasional severe windstorm which is key to setting a quick time in our Seacart 30s. Feel free to try as much as you want - that is, once you have brought your boat to Galway City first. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1618/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1618 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1618.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Seacart_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 16 October at 23:00 UTC Galway Redux TIMED Race 2022, racing with 285 boats. Oct. 3, 2022, noon True -12.0 -8.0 52.0 54.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1618.xml 1625 Round Britain and Ireland 2022 We invite you to participate in the 1780 nm race according to the clockwise movement around Ireland, Scotland, Shetland Islands and England. We will have four waters: the North Atlantic Ocean, the Celtic Sea, the North Sea, La Manche Channel. Each of them has its own specific navigation conditions but we will not exchange them here. Watch out for cyclones forming in the vicinity of Iceland and wandering in the south - east. The wind speed at this time of year can reach up to 40 kts and even more. Let's hope that sailing experience and our Sunfast3600 will safely lead us to the finish line. <br> Race #1625 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1625.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3600 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> October 15 at 2300 UTC. Round Britain and Ireland 2022, racing with 147 boats. Oct. 1, 2022, 6 p.m. True -15.0 10.0 46.5 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1625.xml 1595 Tour Down Under 2022 It will be 694nm of killing racing on an amazing route created by SOL'er AGage. In the chat of the first edition of this race, Tyger wrote "Only an Aussie (and a crazy one) with intimate knowledge of these waters could have come up with such a racecourse". Well maybe AGage was a bit crazy, but he was also a genius when he made it, inspired by the great cycling race <a href="https://tourdownunder.com.au/">"Tour Down Under"</a>. Instead of bikes we will use fast 60ft Trimarans. So rest well and prepare large amounts of coffee. You will have at least two days without sleep. 😊 <br> Race #1595 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1595.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/60ft_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 3 October at 23:00 UTC Tour Down Under 2022, racing with 139 boats. Sept. 25, 2022, 2 a.m. True 133.0 140.0 -37.5 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1595.xml 1608 Silverrudder 2022 Sailonline welcomes you to our seventh "buddy-up" with "Silver Rudder - Challenge of the Sea" around the Danish island of Funen. With shallow waters and strong currents this 125nm inshore race IRL truly is a challenge, but online too, it is often a tricky affair. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single handed racing. Will our First (Seascape) 27 be a match for the real fleet's Seascape 27s? We shall see! <br> <p> <center> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for SILVERRUDDER 2022:</font><br> <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/09/09/Starting_Conditions_for_SILVERRUDDER_2022.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b> Race #1608<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1608.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> First 27 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_27_solo.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 21 at 2300 UTC. Silverrudder 2022, racing with 91 boats. Sept. 16, 2022, 8:30 a.m. True 9.5 12.5 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1608.xml 1594 Carib Rum Run 2022 <center> <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17684/carib-rum-run-2022/URL%20FOR%20INTRO%20BLOG"> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/08/29/Carib_map400.png" width="120" height="89"></a> </center><br> Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is <i>International Talk Like a Pirate Day</i>. Combine the two with Falkun super yacht and what do you have? Why, 'tis Sailonline's annual Pirate race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting barrels from the region's distilleries and carrying them to the rum-parched beaches of Cancun, Mexico. <br> Race #1594 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1594.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Falkun <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Falkun.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>September 24 at 2300 UTC. Carib Rum Run 2022, racing with 110 boats. Sept. 12, 2022, 3 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1594.xml 1601 Lake Champlain Sprint 2022 Welcome to Lake Champlain! Most famously known as the home to one of the oldest known fossil reefs in the world, this beautiful freshwater lake is situated in the United States of America with a very small portion going over the Canadian border. Our SOLers will set sail on a 38nm race in our J-80’s, starting and ending in Burlington, Vermont, with the first rounding in Plattsburgh Bay and the second at The Four Brothers Islands! We look forward to seeing you all at the startline for our quick whisk around the lake! <br> Race #1601 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1601.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> J-80 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/21/J-80.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>September 15 at 2300 UTC. Lake Champlain Sprint 2022, racing with 77 boats. Sept. 10, 2022, 5 p.m. True -73.88 -72.75 44.1 45.1 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1601.xml 1604 Qingdao In-Port TIMED Race 2022 Qingdao, located on China's Yellow Sea coast, is known for its German-style architecture and Tsingtao Brewery. Of course this beer is meant to be savoured, but why not try sailing in the waters of the Yellow Sea in between those drinking sessions. This is a 108nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race which we will be doing in our speedy 90 foot Monohulls, good luck out there! <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1604/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1604 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1604.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> 90ft Monohull <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 18 September at 23:00 UTC Qingdao Inport TIMED Race 2022, racing with 218 boats. Sept. 5, 2022, noon True 118.0 123.0 34.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1604.xml 1607 The Vineyard Race 2022 For the 13th year in a row, Long Island's Stamford Yacht Club invites all SOLers to participate virtually in their iconic annual 250nm overnighter from their club line out the sound to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. And for the 2nd year in a row, Sailonline is making their J-122 polar available to competitors, a yacht that should get you round the c 250 nm course almost as fast as the previously preferred Santa Cruz 52, if at slighter hotter downwind angles. <br> Race #1607<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1607.html"> INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> J-122<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/J-122.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> September 11 at 2300 UTC. The Vineyard Race 2022, racing with 114 boats. Sept. 2, 2022, 5:05 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1607.xml 1597 Hong Kong to Auckland 2022 It's time to test your ocean racing skills in a variety of weathers as we head the 6400 NM between Hong Kong and Auckland in a fast Super Maxi 100. We'll be heading from a northern summer to a southern winter so keep plenty of cold weather gear and warm rum on board! <br>PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1597<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1597.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf">PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 28 at 2300 UTC. Hong Kong to Auckland 2022, racing with 167 boats. Sept. 1, 2022, 4 a.m. True 95.0 215.0 -50.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1597.xml 1600 SSANZ PIC Insurance Triple Series 2022 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Series </a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC 50, about 35nm around Waiheke Island and home in our Young 88s, and as ever against the IRL members of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #1600 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1600.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Young 88<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SSANZ - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>August 30 at 2300 UTC. PIC Insurance 2022 - Race 3, racing with 89 boats. Aug. 26, 2022, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1600.xml 1545 Java Sea Race 2022 For our penultimate Seven Seas of Asia race, we invite you to venture yet further south – to the Java Sea for a hydration-challenging circa 2200nm race Jakarta to Semarang via Selayar and Belitung, in cracking kinetic Ker 40s. Water-makers will again be mandatory!<br> Race #1545<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1545.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Ker 40 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/21/Ker_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> September 8 at 2300 UTC. Java Sea Race 2022, racing with 145 boats. Aug. 20, 2022, 6 a.m. True 103.0 125.0 -13.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1545.xml 1596 Victoria to Maui 2022 The Victoria to Maui International Yacht Race, first contested in 1968, is the pinnacle of Pacific Northwest ocean racing, running every two years. This year, Sailonline invites the SOL fleet to race the 2300nm course in Delphia 47s, from Victoria, British Columbia to Hawaii, finishing off Lahaina Maui. <br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br>Race #1596 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1596.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Delphia 47 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/07/Delphia_47.pdf">PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>September 5 at 2300 UTC. Victoria to Maui 2022, racing with 150 boats. Aug. 9, 2022, 7 p.m. True -164.0 -117.0 12.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1596.xml 1606 Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2022 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/07/17/BrisHamIsland.PNG"/></a></center><br> Time once again to head for the warm waters inside The Great Barrier Reef, but this year not only online but together with our buddies at the <a href=" https://www.rqys.com.au/ "> Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron </a> and their friends from across the world, in the iconic Brisbane to Hamo! Online we’re racing maxi’s to give you a chance to cover the 550 glorious blue water nautical miles in a time to best some of the fastest monohulls on the planet including Andoo Comanche, Black Jack and Hamilton Island Wild Oats . Fair winds, all! <br> Race #1606<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1606.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> August 14 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2022, racing with 110 boats. Aug. 5, 2022, 1 a.m. True 148.0 160.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1606.xml 1605 Sailonline’s 15th Birthday Balloon Transat Sailonline offers a huge variety of boats to sail in. One of the more unusual ones has got to be SOL's Balloon, which was polarized by past SOLmaster 76Trombones. Notably, the SOL Balloon will actually ‘sail’ in other directions other than straight downwind, although it will not 'sail' over land or beyond a 'beam reach'. Like in 2013 and 2018, we will be taking the Balloon across the Atlantic from St. John's and 'land' it in the sea off the Cliffs of Moher. <br> Race #1605 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1605.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SOL Balloon <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/21/SOL_Balloon.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> None<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> August 21 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline’s 15th Birthday Balloon Race, racing with 108 boats. Aug. 1, 2022, 7 p.m. True -75.0 5.0 30.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1605.xml 1593 Simonstown to St Helena 2022 This is a copy of a traditional South African December yacht race, but this time we will be racing in the middle of European summer. SOLers are invited to race 1712nm in our GB90s from Simonstown, RSA, to the exotic and remote island of St Helena - an island paradise with warm, friendly, hospitable islanders! <br> Race #1593 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1593.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> GB90 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Gunboat_90.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> August 12 at 2300 UTC. Simonstown to St Helena 2022, racing with 123 boats. Aug. 1, 2022, 6 p.m. True -10.0 20.0 -37.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1593.xml 1599 SSANZ PIC Insurance Triple Series 2022 - Race 2 Welcome to the second race of this year's SSANZ Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC 100, the longest of the three races of the series measuring at about 60nm, and again the Sailonline fleet will be racing in their Young 88s against members of the Young 88 Association who will be taking part in the Railblaza fleet in the real race!<br> Race #1599 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1599.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Young 88<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SSANZ - SUPERSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>August 2 at 2300 UTC. PIC Insurance 2022 - Race 2, racing with 85 boats. July 29, 2022, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1599.xml 1590 Tall Ships Races 2022 - Antwerp to Aalborg <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to the second of two virtual races competing with this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted by Sail Training International. This second race is 514nm from Antwerp, Belgium to Aalborg, Denmark. <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1590 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1590.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TS - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> August 2 at 2300 UTC. The Tall Ships Races 2022 - Race 2 - Antwerp to Aalborg , racing with 115 boats. July 25, 2022, 11 a.m. True 1.0 13.0 50.5 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1590.xml 1603 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2022 Last raced in 2017, this 20nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RUN designed by Elbetico returns to our calendar. Our craft of choice is again the SOTO30, a close-winded boat which has the additional upwind feature of a constant optimum TWA when the wind goes above Force 4. Chances are these aspects will stand you in good stead as you weave your way up the mud flats of the upper reaches of the Huelva delta. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1603/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1603 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1603.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SOTO 30 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/SOTO_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 31 July at 23:00 UTC Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2022, racing with 269 boats. July 18, 2022, noon True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1603.xml 1602 Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2022 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LO300_logo_120.png"/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes Sailonline for a second time in 2022, this time to host the virtual running of its LO300. As the name suggests, the LO300 is a 300nm offshore race across the length and breadth of Lake Ontario, from and back to Port Credit YC. Once again, as is our wont on Lake Ontario, a fleet of Beneteau/First 36.7s is being made available to virtual racers. It’s summer; enjoy!<br> Race #1602 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1602.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: LOOR - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> July 25 at 2300 UTC. Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2022, racing with 88 boats. July 16, 2022, 3:10 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1602.xml 1544 Gulf of Thailand Race 2022 For our fifth Seven Seas of Asia race, we invite you to venture further south – to the Gulf of Thailand for an energy-sapping 2000nm race from Pattata to Panjang and back to Bangkok via Singkep, in jolly J-130s. Water-makers will be mandatory!<br> Race #1544<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1544.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> J-130 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/J-130.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> August 5 at 2300 UTC. Gulf of Thailand Race 2022, racing with 104 boats. July 15, 2022, 7 a.m. True 95.0 115.0 -3.0 15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1544.xml 1589 Tall Ships Races 2022 - Esbjerg to Harlingen <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to the first of two virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races hosted in reality by Sail Training International. This first race is of 261nm from Esbjerg, Denmark to Harlingen, The Netherlands <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1589 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1589.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TS - SYC <br>Race Close: Sunday, 17 July 2022 at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2022 - Race 1 - Esbjerg to Harlingen, racing with 91 boats. July 10, 2022, noon True 1.0 13.0 52.5 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1589.xml 1592 Galveston to Galway Transat 2022 For the second time, we will be able to test our navigational skills in this massive ocean race across the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean! You can navigate the 4980 NM to Galway, Ireland in any direction, of course within the designated race boundary area. Your only task is to reach the finish line in the best place, preferably at the highest podium. Prepare your C2R 74 well for the race and take advantage of all its opportunities. Good luck! <br> PRIZE: <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1592 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1592.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> C2R 74 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/11/25/C2R_74.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCQ3 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> August 3 at 2300 UTC. Galveston to Galway 2022, racing with 138 boats. July 9, 2022, 6 p.m. True -98.0 -6.0 17.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1592.xml 1591 Sines to Bermuda 2022 Another race with the finish line in Bermuda. This time we will start from Sines in Portugal. There is 3213nm ahead of us across the Atlantic Ocean. Previously, this race was one of the stages of the Rendez-Vous 2017 Tall Ships Regatta. This time we will use this route in the race played as part of the SOL All Round Championships and we will use our Orange 125 fast catamarans to cover it. We invite you to participate. <br> Race #1591 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1591.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125&nbsp;<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/20/Orange_125.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ3 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> July 19 at 1200 UTC. Sines to Bermuda 2022, racing with 119 boats. July 4, 2022, 4 a.m. True -71.0 -5.0 14.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1591.xml 1598 SSANZ PIC Insurance Triple Series 2022 - Race 1 Welcome to Auckland, New Zealand! Sailonline is happy to provide our SOLers with the virtual version of the brilliant three-race SSANZ two-handed series which will be sponsored by PIC Insurance Brokers this year. We will be racing around the beautiful waters of the Hauraki Gulf off New Zealand’s North Island. Our first race of the Series is a 50-miler out to Motuora Island and back. Our direct competitors as always in our Young 88s will be the real racers of the Young 88 Association who will be participating in the Railblaza fleet in the real life race!<br> Race #1598 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1598.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Young 88<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRCH - SPRQ3 - SUPERSOL - SSANZ - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 6 at 2300 UTC. PIC Insurance 2022 - Race 1, racing with 86 boats. July 1, 2022, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1598.xml 1581 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022 - Leg 2 As always, we don't spend much time in Lerwick, Shetland and after some brief but excellent celebrations we are rapidly heading back to Bergen, Norway, for the second leg of the <a href="http://www.shetlandrace.no/" > Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022</a>. The North Sea always provides with some exciting racing and we are sure that this race will be no different! <br> Race #1581<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1581.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/First_40.7v1.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - SHE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 30 at 2300 UTC. Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022 - Leg 2, racing with 113 boats. June 26, 2022, 9 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1581.xml 1584 Isla St George Sprint 2022 The Bass Islands, in western Lake Erie, are a mere couple of miles west of the southernmost boundary of Canada. In this 21nm PYOC sprint, we will set off from East Harbor in our RC 44s and leave North Bass Island (historically Isle St. George) to port before quickly returning to East Harbor. <br> Race #1584 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1584.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> RC 44 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/18/RC_44_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>29 June at 2300 UTC Isla St George Sprint 2022, racing with 78 boats. June 25, 2022, 6 p.m. True -83.5 -82.0 41.0 42.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1584.xml 1580 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022 - Leg 1 Welcome back to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first leg of two in <br><a href="http://www.shetlandrace.no/" > Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022</a> from Norway to Shetland. Sailonline is extremely excited to be buddying-up for this amazing series which is a classic that Sailonline has had the honour of presenting to its community for some years now. We will be competing in our ever so exciting First 40.7’s which will in no doubt cater for some exciting racing. We look forward to seeing you at the start line! <br> Race #1580<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1580.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/First_40.7v1.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - SHE Pantaenius Shetland Race 2022 - Leg 1, racing with 107 boats. June 22, 2022, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1580.xml 1568 Newport Bermuda Race 2022 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/NewportBermudaLogo.png"/></a></center><br> The 635-mile biennial Newport Bermuda Race is one of the oldest regularly scheduled ocean races, and with the Fastnet Race and the Sydney to Hobart Race, it is one of the three great classic races of the yachting world. Founded in 1906, this the 52nd running of the Bermuda Race can also be participated in online.<br> <b>Entries are invited for one of the four divisions:</b><br> Double-Handed Division: <br>Jeanneau Sun Fast 3300 <br> St. David's Lighthouse Division: <br> First 44.7 Asymmetric <br> Gibbs Hill Lighthouse Division: <br> Reichel Pugh 64<br> Finisterre Division: <br>Delphia 47<br> Details for each yacht are available in the ‘Particulars’ links below and be sure to register your online choice on the <b><a href=" https://bermudarace.com/onlinerace/#register " target="_blank"> Bermuda Race Online</a></b> link – there are some fine prizes to be won.<br> As in real life, you can only sail one boat in one division, so choose your virtual yacht carefully, and because of the unusual (for SOL) 4-division nature of the event, please note results will not count towards ANY Sailonline Rankings.<br> Race #1568<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1568.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3300 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Sun_Fast_3300.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> First 44.7 A <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/09/First_44.7A.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> RP 64 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Reichel_Pugh_66.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> Delphia 47 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/07/Delphia_47.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: None <br> Sponsors: <br> <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/06/10/BLUENOSE.PNG"/></a></center><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>July 2 at 2300 UTC. Newport Bermuda Race 2022, racing with 184 boats. June 17, 2022, 5 p.m. True -75.0 -57.0 28.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1568.xml 1575 Geraldton to Cape Town 2022 A race in the Southern Indian Ocean is always entertaining, especially in a Riptide 50. Traditionally the course would be West to East, to take advantage of the prevailing winds, but this time the SRC is challenging us to an E-W course, from Geraldton in Western Australia to Cape Town in South Africa. A brief 4800nm!<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1575<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1575.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Riptide 50 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Riptide_50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br> OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>July 14 at 2300 UTC. Geraldton to Cape Town 2022, racing with 144 boats. June 12, 2022, 5 a.m. True 8.0 121.0 -61.0 -2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1575.xml 1583 Virtual AWKR Race 2022 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/03/AWKR_RD_Logo.png"/></a></center><br>The Australian Women's Keelboat Regatta celebrates and promotes women's sailing in Australia and each year includes a 27nm round the cans race in Port Phillip Bay. Over the years, the event has grown to become Australia’s premier women’s regatta and one of the largest in the southern hemisphere - prepare for some excellent Australian competition! We'll be racing a First 27.<br>Race #1583 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1583.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 27 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/First_27.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> June 16 at 2300 UTC. Virtual AWKR Race 2022, racing with 67 boats. June 11, 2022, 11 p.m. True 144.5 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1583.xml 1587 Valletta Sprint 2022 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/25/Scylla_Charybda.png" width="150" height="85"> </center> <br> We invite you to the race around Sicily, which has been held in SOL for many years. A 588nm race in generally light Mediterranean airs, we start from Valletta on the first leg to the Strait of Messina. Homer already wrote about the dangers lurking there thanks to two monsters, Scylla and Charybda, inhabiting the opposite shores of the strait and waiting for careless sailors. Even brave Odysseus was in big trouble there. Hopefully our Carkeek40 will guide us safely through the strait. Maybe the official website <a href="http://www.correntidellostretto.it/"> http://www.correntidellostretto.it</a> will help us to defeat Charybda. It's going to be an interesting race, be ready !!! <br> Race #1587 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1587.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Carkeek 40&nbsp;<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Carkeek_40.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> June 19 at 2300 UTC. Valletta Sprint 2022, racing with 91 boats. June 11, 2022, 2 p.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1587.xml 1574 Susan Hood Trophy Race 2022 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LOGO_HOOD_120.png"/></a></center><p> Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes racers to the second virtual Susan Hood Trophy race. This is a 75nm weekender on western Lake Ontario starting and finishing at the Port Credit Yacht Club (PCYC) via Niagara and Burlington, and is one of two that will count towards special Sailonline's LOOR Series medals. As our Beneteau/First 36.7 managed the course so well last year, we shall race her again! <br> Race #1574 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1574.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC - LOOR<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> June 11 at 2300 UTC. Susan Hood Trophy Race 2022, racing with 109 boats. June 3, 2022, 11:45 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1574.xml 1588 SoCal 300 2022 <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/05/29/SoCal300_1.png"/></a></center><br> With this year's California Offshore Race Week already well under way and if you haven't been out on the real water yet, here now is your chance to participate virtually in SDYC's challenging 243nm (as the seagull flies) SoCal 300 from Santa Barbara to San Diego. With a broad entry in the real race, virtual SOLers will have to dig deep to remain competitive in our trusty Santa Cruz 52s. <br> Race #1588<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1588.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Santa_Cruz_52.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> June 10 at 2300 UTC. SoCal 300 2022, racing with 95 boats. June 2, 2022, 9 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1588.xml 1586 Susac X2 2022 Welcome to the beautiful calm waters of the Adriatic Sea for the virtual running of the Susac X2 race which is a real-life race organized by the JK Mornar Sailing Club based in Split, Croatia. Although we, unfortunately, aren’t running this magnificent race with the real fleet this year, we hope to make this possible in the coming editions. This amazing race is a total of 91 nautical miles which consists of rounding the beautiful island of Sušac. Our SOLers will be racing around these amazing waters in none other than our great Seascape 18s. Be sure to bring your binoculars for this one as with such beautiful surroundings you will definitely need them!<br> Race #1586 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1586.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> June 1 at 2300 UTC. Susac X2, racing with 92 boats. May 27, 2022, 2 p.m. True 12.88 20.0 42.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1586.xml 1573 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2022 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/28/PointYC_Burgee_120B.png" /></a><p>Point Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to the 2022 running of the classic Vasco da Gama Ocean Race. This race is the oldest established international sailing event in South Africa and traditionally starts in the bay of Maputo, the old Portuguese colonial capital of Mozambique and finishes in Durban. Last year, and now again this year, the race was/will be from Durban to East London - circa 250nm in native Cape 31 speed machines.<br> Race #1573<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1573.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Cape 31 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> May 29 at 2300 UTC. Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2022, racing with 150 boats. May 22, 2022, 8 a.m. True 26.0 33.0 -33.5 -29.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1573.xml 1579 Elba Rendezvous Sprint 2022 Another new race in the SOL calendar. This time a sprint along the route of the classic regatta triangle proposed by <b>Renegade</b>. The theatre of our struggle will be Golfo Di Follonica with its start and finish at Piombino. More buoys were set up in front of Porto Azzurro on Elba Island and next to Punta Ala. One lap of 38 NM will be done with the help of Beneteau Figaro. Carefully plan the direction to start 😊 and "Let the force be with you." <br> Race #1579 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1579.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Beneteau Figaro&nbsp;<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Beneteau_Figaro.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> May 18 at 2300 UTC. Elba Rendezvous 2022, racing with 87 boats. May 14, 2022, 4 p.m. True 10.0 11.0 42.5 43.25 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1579.xml 1585 Seoul to Seoul TIMED Race 2022 In this <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman, you'll start at Incheon, sail around 34nm WNW through the Korean DMZ towards the island of Yongmae-do and leave it to port, before returning to Incheon. Luckily, there is no military presence to contend with in this SOL race, though there's still plenty of islands to watch out for and not BBQ on. And once back in Incheon, you can even <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1585/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> for another attempt. Fastest round trip wins! <br> Race #1585 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1585.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> J130 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/J-130.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> 22 May at 2300 UTC Seoul to Seoul TIMED 2022, racing with 263 boats. May 9, 2022, noon True 125.0 127.0 37.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1585.xml 1567 San Francisco to New York Ocean Race 2022 Cornelius Vanderbilt, who made his money - that his descendants enjoyed to spend sailing and racing yachts - by recognizing that getting from the East Coast to the West Coast of the USA was best done by rail, would have been more than a little amused to see SOL organizing yacht races over the very route by water he made redundant. It's about 13,000 nautical miles, which compares with less than 3000 statute miles by train! Six years ago, the best SOLers managed to complete the passage from San Francisco to New York in around 36 days, sailing our much-used veteran ocean greyhound, the Super Maxi 100. Time to try again, this time on the VO70. If you aim for a SOG of 18kn, it'll only take you a month.<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1567<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1567.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>VO70_v4 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <BR> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> June 18 at 2300 UTC. San Francisco to New York 2022, racing with 164 boats. May 1, 2022, 7 p.m. True -155.0 -5.0 -66.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1567.xml 1542 Sea of Japan Race 2022 For our fourth Seven Seas of Asia race, we invite you to an exciting 1900nm race down Japan's Pacific seaboard, through the Suwo Sound and back north up the length of the Sea of Japan to a finish off Russia's seaport of Kholmsk on the south western coast of Sakhalin Island, in suitably sturdy Finngulf 43s. Don't miss it!<br> Race #1542<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1542.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Finngulf 43 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Finngulf_43.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> May 19 at 2300 UTC. Sea of Japan Race 2022, racing with 111 boats. May 1, 2022, 2 a.m. True 125.0 153.0 30.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1542.xml 1578 Bay to Bay 2022 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, where’s my Seascape 18? Dried out on the beach!? When’s high tide? What time is the start? What? It’s a counter for the SOL Sprint Championships! Where are we going? Urangan, as in tan, man, 23.3nm!<br> Race #1578 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1578.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 4 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 2 - 2022, racing with 80 boats. April 30, 2022, 8:45 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1578.xml 1577 Bay to Bay 2022 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait It’s that time of the year again for us to head up north to the clear sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait for our annual two-race adventure! This year we will once again be sailing in our Seascape 18s, which will in no doubt make this race extremely exciting and action-packed! As always in SOL fashion there will be a delicious post-race BBQ waiting for all our SOLers at the finish line! We look forward to seeing you all on the racecourse!<br> Race #1577 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1577.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Seascape_18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> May 3 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 1 - 2022, racing with 82 boats. April 30, 2022, 12:15 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1577.xml 1582 Sea of Cortez Race 2022 Welcome to Zorba777's race across the World's Aquarium, as Jacques Cousteau named it, and UNESCO has confirmed by nominating the beautiful Sea of Cortez a World Heritage site. Starting off Cabo San Lucas, and finishing in the Baia de la Paz, be prepared for light variable winds, the more so as we'll be racing in mezzo-res NAM_AWIP weather. Just 700nm in comfortable Xp-55's, and if you do stop for an impromptu BBQ, be sure to get the scuba-diving gear out!<br> Race #1582<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1582.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Xp-55 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2023/03/28/Xp-55.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> May 6 at 2300 UTC. Sea of Cortez Race 2022, racing with 124 boats. April 25, 2022, 3 p.m. True -116.0 -106.0 21.0 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1582.xml 1570 Santa Monica Nueva Regatta 2022 Welcome to Islas Canarias and Madeira for the new 2022 running. The route suggested by our SOL'er bonknhoot of 1056 NM will take us from Santa Monica first north around Madeira and then back to the Canary Islands around Hierro, Lanzarote and to the finish line in Santa Monica. Our Sun Fast 3600 will carry us along the route of the race on the Atlantic waves. So fair winds and have fun. <br> Race #1570 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1570.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3600&nbsp;<a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> ARQ2 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> May 1 at 2300 UTC. Santa Monica Nueva Regatta 2022, racing with 116 boats. April 18, 2022, 6 p.m. True -22.0 -10.0 26.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1570.xml 1576 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2022 Sailonline had two founders and Jakob, the more senior of the two, has his birthday in April and it is therefore fitting that Sailonline's tradition of celebrating this joyous event by racing around the Stockholm Archipelago is upheld. Please join us in a tricky 30nm race in beautiful Linjet33s from Revengegrundet Lighthouse to a birthday BBQ by Baggensfjärden. <br> Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! <br> Lycka till, alla!! <br> Race #1576 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1576.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Linjett 33 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Linjett_33.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> April 18 at 2300 UTC. Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2022, racing with 75 boats. April 17, 2022, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1576.xml 1566 Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2022 Welcome to the 74th anniversary of the <a href=" https://www.brisbanetogladstone.com/"> Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race </a>, Australia's #2 classic ocean race. Once again, Sailonline is delighted to offer you the opportunity of virtually racing its Super Maxi 100 in this challenging 308nm event. <br> Race #1566<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1566.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> April 21 at 2300 UTC. Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2022, racing with 111 boats. April 15, 2022, 1 a.m. True 151.0 158.0 -28.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1566.xml 1565 Melbourne to Osaka 2022 Welcome to Melbourne for Sailonline's Melbourne to Osaka 2022 Double Handed Yacht Race - a 5000 nautical mile 2-handed yacht race and the only one running from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. This year we're racing the RP-66. It could be a long race with some doldrums to negotiate!<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1565<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1565.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> RP-66 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Reichel_Pugh_66.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>May 2 at 2300 UTC. Melbourne to Osaka 2022, racing with 158 boats. April 8, 2022, 3 a.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1565.xml 1540 Sea of Okhotsk Race 2022 For our third Seven Seas of Asia race, we invite you to the still very chilly Sea of Okhotsk, where a charter fleet of MC38's await you for a circa 2200nm race around a triangular course through the orthodromically and meteorologically tricky waters of the high north, and beware of derelict submarines and other military detritus!<br> Race #1540<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1540.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> MC 38 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/MC_38.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> April 22 at 2300 UTC. Sea of Okhotsk Race 2022, racing with 111 boats. April 5, 2022, 2 a.m. True 140.0 164.0 38.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1540.xml 1572 Rio In-Port TIMED Race 2022 Many years ago, when the Volvo Round-The-World yachts were 70 foot long and not restricted much in any other way, SOL organized a round-the-cans prequel to that fleet's next leg out from Rio de Janeiro. Having so much enjoyed Adriano's recent Brazil Run, we have therefore set those old cans out again for you now for a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> Run, along the same beautiful coastline as Adriano's Run, but of only half the length, being from "there (Ilha Grande) and back", rather than "to there and back". Also we'll leave the VO70's in the shed and race X35's, which, given that the course is some 80nm in length, will mean you will be confronted by a change of forecast or two during your runs. You’ll have to take a view! <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1572/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1572 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1572.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> X-35 OD <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/X-35.pdf " >Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br>17 April at 2300utc Rio In-Port TIMED Race 2022, racing with 203 boats. April 4, 2022, noon True -46.0 -41.0 -25.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1572.xml 1571 Easter Coastal 2022 Racing in reality has remained tough in many parts of the world as a result of the global pandemic and nowhere more so than in Hong Kong, where the <a href="https://www.rhkyc.org.hk/">RHKYC's</a> calendar remains seriously affected.  Welcome then to a repeat virtual online coastal race inside Hong Kong waters - 97nm in Fareast 31Rs - to keep you sharpest!<br>Race #1571<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1571.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Fareast 31R <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/09/Fareast_31R_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> April 9 at 2300 UTC. Easter Coastal 2022, racing with 85 boats. April 3, 2022, 3 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1571.xml 1569 Cuba Infinity Sprint 2022 <center> <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/23/Infinity.png" width="75" height="36"> </center><br>It's only the third time since 2014 that we're visiting the Archipelago de le Reino to race the short 25 nm infinity loop course with our 11 meter OD yachts around Cayo Breton and Cayo Cinco Balas in the warm waters of Cuba. <br> Race #1569 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1569.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>11m OD <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/11m_OD.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> April 6 at 2300 UTC. Cuba Infinity 2022, racing with 78 boats. April 2, 2022, 5 p.m. True -80.0 -78.0 20.5 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1569.xml 1553 Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race 2022 This 850nm race down the Baja coastline from Newport Beach to picturesque Cabo San Lucas in Mexico is usually run in odd years. This year we will sail a virtual race on Sailonline. Welcome aboard the Santa Cruz 70 and fair winds to you all. <br> Race #1553 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1553.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruz 70<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/Santa_Cruz_70.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> April 6 at 2300 UTC. Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race 2022, racing with 139 boats. March 28, 2022, 8 p.m. True -126.0 -107.0 21.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1553.xml 1564 The Marathon 2022 Why not a Marathon that is a&nbspsprint race? The original running marathon was 42.2 kilometres, but sailors use nautical miles, so with a bit of tweaking, this is a sprint race from Athens to Marathonas over 42 NM in our Club Swan 50s. <br> Watch out for the iconic Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion. <br> Race #1564 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1564.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Club Swan 50 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/03/20/Club_Swan_50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> March 31 at 2300 UTC. The Marathon 2022, racing with 101 boats. March 26, 2022, 6 p.m. True 23.5 24.5 37.4 38.2 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1564.xml 1557 Adriano's Brazil Run 2022 Adriano, who sails the SOLship batatabh, together with all his Brazilian friends bids you welcome to this amazing 300nm race in SOL's Fox 9.50 along their country's beautiful coastline. The race starts in Guanabara Bay, mistakenly considered a river mouth by its first explorers in January 1502, resulting in the settlement on its shore being named January's River (Rio de Janeiro). After passing Rio's iconic Sugar Loaf, the course takes racers along the north coast of the beautiful Ilha Grande to a turn for home at Ilhabela (another 'beautiful island') and a finish off the famous Copacabana beach! <br> Race #1557 <br><b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1557.html"">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Fox 9.50 <b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Fox_9.50.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC Adriano's Brazil Run 2022, racing with 136 boats. March 23, 2022, 4 p.m. True -46.0 -42.5 -25.0 -22.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1557.xml 1559 Buenos Aires to Rio 2022 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to SOLer zero's BA_Rio Race 2022. This is the replica of a classic triennial race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, first run in 1947. <br> Race #1559 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1559.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 70 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/03/17/SC70_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> 24 March at 2300 UTC BA-Rio 2022, racing with 144 boats. March 13, 2022, 5 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1559.xml 1536 Central Triangle 2022 - Napier to Wellington <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/01/14/RPNYC_Flag.jpg"/> <br> Welcome to Napier, New Zealand, and the third and final leg of the 2022 Central Triangle series. There's no better way to end this amazing buddied-up series with the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (RPNYC) than with an amazing 200nm race from Napier to Wellington, where it all began! We look forward to seeing you at the finish in Wellington for an appetizing meal and drink in one of the many tucked-away bars that Wellington has to offer! <br> <b style="color: red">Please note that due to the nature of these buddied-up races running consecutively, the start date/time and course for this race may be subject to change within 24 hours before the announced race start.</b><br/> Race #1536 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1536.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3600 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: CTR - SYC <br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> March 20 at 2300 UTC. Central Triangle 2022 - Napier to Wellington, racing with 80 boats. March 13, 2022, 1 a.m. True 170.0 179.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1536.xml 1551 China Sea Dash 2022 <p align="justify"> The waters of the China Sea beckon for this short race around the cans. We'll be racing 128nm in our TP 52s as the local racers warm up for the coming season . <br>Race #1551 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1551.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>TP 52<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf "> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> March 18 at 2300 UTC. China Sea Dash 2022, racing with 93 boats. March 12, 2022, 2:15 a.m. True 113.5 115.5 21.5 22.54 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1551.xml 1535 Central Triangle 2022 - Akaroa to Napier <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/01/14/RPNYC_Flag.jpg"/><br> Welcome to Akaroa, New Zealand for the second leg of three in the 2022 Central Triangle Series. This exciting buddy-up race with the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (RPNYC) has all the makeup to be just as much of a treat as the first race of this series. The second leg is an exciting 350nm race from Akaroa to Napier. We look forward to seeing you in your Sun Fast 3600's at the start line! <br> <b style="color: red">Please note that due to the nature of these buddied-up races running consecutively, the start date/time and course for this race may be subject to change within 24 hours before the announced race start.</b><br/> Race #1535 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1535.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Sun Fast 3600 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: CTR - SYC <br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 14 at 2300 UTC. Central Triangle 2022 - Akaroa to Napier, racing with 102 boats. March 8, 2022, 6 a.m. True 170.0 179.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1535.xml 1563 Ofu to Maia PYOC 2022 For this instalment of the Sprint Race Championship we head to American Samoa and a course designed by MustangMark. Choose your route wisely as we cover the 19nm in our Scampi 26s. <br> Race #1563 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1563.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Scampi 26 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Scampi_26.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> March 7 at 2300 UTC. Ofu to Maia Sprint 2022, racing with 77 boats. March 5, 2022, 7 p.m. True -171.5 -169.5 -14.5 -13.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1563.xml 1552 Tokyo to San Francisco 2022 As part of our oceanic struggle, for the third race this Quarter we will be sailing the 4500nm route from Tokyo to San Francisco. This time we will use comfortable Gunboat 90 catamarans. There will be enough space to stow a bonito and some miso and something to drink for this trans-Pacific race. Let's hope for good weather and good winds. <br>PRIZE:<a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>Race #1552 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1552.html" >INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Gunboat 90<b><a><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/25/Gunboat_90.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Rankings: <br>OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> March 24 at 2300 UTC. Tokyo to San Francisco 2022, racing with 189 boats. March 5, 2022, 2 a.m. True 130.0 245.0 5.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1552.xml 1534 Central Triangle 2022 - Wellington to Akaroa <img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/01/14/RPNYC_Flag.jpg"/> <br> Welcome to Wellington, New Zealand for the first leg of three in the 2022 Central Triangle series. We are extremely excited to inform you that we are buddying up with the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (RPNYC) who are the organizers of this prestigious event. The first leg is a 190nm race from Wellington to Akaroa, New Zealand. Get your Sun Fast 3600’s ready for an exciting series, we are waiting for you at the starting line! <br> Race #1534 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1534.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3600 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/06/Sun_Fast_3600.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: CTR - SYC <br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 9 at 2300 UTC. Central Triangle 2022 - Wellington to Akaroa, racing with 124 boats. March 4, 2022, 2 a.m. True 170.0 179.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1534.xml 1547 San Diego Islands Race 2022 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/22/SDYC_Logo120.png" /></a><p> Sailonline is delighted to again partner San Diego Yacht Club for its annual Islands Race; plus or minus 140nm depending on the extent of the military exclusion zones, from Long Beach around the Catalina Islands to San Diego. As in 2021, online, we will be racing TP52s to give the real fleet of mostly 50ft plus racing machines a run for their money. <br> Race #1547 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1547.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> TP52<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>March 3 at 1000 UTC. San Diego Islands Race 2022, racing with 134 boats. Feb. 25, 2022, 9 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1547.xml 1562 SSANZ Northern Triangle 2022 - Ocean Race <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/02/11/SSANZ-NT_2.png"/></a></center> Welcome to the second leg of this year's shortened SSANZ Evolution Sails Northern Triangle series, a challenging c 300nm race from Auckland out onto the open waters of the Pacific Ocean. Online we will also race this second leg in our venerable but fast Young 88s. Fair winds!<br> <b style="color: red">Please note the displayed course is provisional; the actual course will be set after the IRL course is announced at the skipper's briefing 48 hours before the start, and no later than 24 hours before the start.</b><br/> Race #1562<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1562.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - NTR<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> February 28 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Northern Triangle Leg 2 - 2022, racing with 106 boats. Feb. 20, 2022, 1 a.m. True 173.5 178.0 -37.4 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1562.xml 1560 Sao Jorge Sprint 2022 The second sprint of 2022 sees us in the Azores Archipelago at the island of Sao Jorge for a 37nm race in X-362 sport. <br> Race #1560 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1560.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>X-362 sport <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/20/X-362_sport.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> February 24 at 2300 UTC. Sao Jorge Sprint 2022, racing with 94 boats. Feb. 19, 2022, 7 p.m. True -28.5 -27.5 38.0 39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1560.xml 1561 SSANZ Northern Triangle 2022 - Prologue <center><img src=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2022/02/11/SSANZ-NT_2.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome to the Shorthanded Sailing Association of New Zealand's 2022 Evolution Sails Northern Triangle series, which, unfortunately, to comply with latest NZ government COVID restrictions, has been reduced to a duo, commencing with this short prologue of approximately 35nm on the waters of Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. As so often with SSANZ events in the past, online we will be racing the event in ever-young Young 88 one-designs. Have fun!<br> <b style="color: red">Please note the displayed course is provisional; the actual course will be set after the IRL course is announced at the skipper's briefing 48 hours before the start, and no later than 24 hours before the start.</b><br/> Race #1561<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1561.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - NTR<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> February 24 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Northern Triangle Leg 1 - 2022, racing with 103 boats. Feb. 18, 2022, 8 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1561.xml 1556 Black Gold Rush 2022 Run the Gulf - 650nm in our 90' Monohull - from Kuwait, via Bahrain and Abu Dhabi to finish offshore from Dubai. It sounds simple, but can prove to be somewhat of a challenge, because 'The Persian Gulf' (one of many names for it) is one of the world's busiest waters. There are of course huge supertankers and container ships, but also lots of trading and fishing dhows not to mention pirates. So, keep a close watch.<br> Race #1556 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1556.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> 90ft Monohull &nbsp;<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> ARCH - ARQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> February 18 at 2300 UTC. Black Gold Rush 2022, racing with 125 boats. Feb. 7, 2022, 6 p.m. True 47.0 56.0 23.5 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1556.xml 1558 Tristan TIMED Race 2022 Originally designed by NZL_Scotsman, we head for the remote outpost of Tristan da Cunha where gales and storms may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This 68nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race has been raced on several occasions before, and this time we will be doing it in SOTO 30s. <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1558/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1558 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1558.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SOTO 30 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/SOTO_30.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 20 February at 22:00 UTC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 20 February at 23:00 UTC Tristan TIMED Race 2022, racing with 304 boats. Feb. 7, 2022, noon True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1558.xml 1555 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2022 The first ever Sailonline Lake Winnebago race was held in 2010, and as tradition has held we are holding this annual race in the homewaters of the Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club. We will be racing our DN Iceboats around pylons on the ice, and while you won't need to worry about performance loss, you'll need to stay alert as you round those pylons and coastlines at high speed in this 102nm, two-lap course! <br> Race #1555 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1555.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> DN Iceboat <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/DN_Iceboat_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 9 February at 23:00 UTC Wisconsin Ice Race 2022, racing with 92 boats. Feb. 6, 2022, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1555.xml 1546 Dyer Dhow Derby 2022 Most winter weekends, SOLer wsguerin and his friends at the Mamaroneck Frostbite Association venture forth on Long Island Sound to race Dyer Dhows, originally designed as WWII tenders. Indestructible little boats, great comradeship and serious short sharp races of 10 to 20 minutes duration. Sailonline now invites you to experience the joys of the Dhow in winter, virtually, by way of a slightly longer 14nm race: from Mamaroneck to Execution Rocks, over to the Gong Buoy and back to Mamaroneck. And if the wind pipes up to 20kn and beyond, you'll find SOL's customized polar will plane, rather than nosedive!<br> Race #1546<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1546.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Dyer Dhow <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/11/24/Dyer_Dhow.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>February 7 at 2300 UTC. Dyer Dhow Derby 2022, racing with 100 boats. Feb. 2, 2022, 8 p.m. True -74.0 -73.0 40.5 41.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1546.xml 1550 Uruguay to New Zealand 2022 After a 6 year hiatus, we return to race the tricky route from Punta del Este in Uruguay to Auckland, New Zealand. Our former winner "longreacher" covered this route taking 16 days 10 hours 10 minutes and 44 seconds and he used the same boat. Let's see if we can bite into his record. <br>PRIZE:<a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>Race #1550 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1550.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>VO70 v4 &nbsp;<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> March 2 at 2300 UTC. Uruguay to New Zealand 2022, racing with 203 boats. Feb. 1, 2022, 2 p.m. True 165.0 315.0 -70.0 -27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1550.xml 1539 South China Sea Race 2022 For our second Seven Seas of Asia race, we invite you to Taiwan, where a charter fleet of Cape31's await you for a circa 2100nm race around a triangular course through the politically and probably meteorologically-also tricky waters of the South China Sea. Beware of lurking submarines and battleships and keep clear of firing ranges!<br> Race #1539<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1539.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Cape 31 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> February 12 at 2300 UTC. South China Sea Race 2022, racing with 159 boats. Jan. 27, 2022, 4 p.m. True 105.0 125.0 5.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1539.xml 1554 Shetland Winter Race 2022 A-OI!!! The cry should soon be ringing out in the streets of Lerwick as the Guizer Jarl and his crew, along with the other teams in the Up Helly Aa parade complete their preparations for the biggest fire festival in Europe. While Shetland continues to manage #COVID19 well, Up Helly Aa has been cancelled but this won't stop SOLers racing their Elan 410s this 383nm course from Aberdeen to be sociable in Lerwick Harbour. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart. <br> Race #1554 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1554.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Elan 410 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>30 January at 23:00 UTC Shetland Winter Race 2022, racing with 168 boats. Jan. 23, 2022, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1554.xml 1548 Tuvalu Sprint 2022 <center> <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/29/Tuvalu_on_the_globe_Polynesia_centered.png"><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/12/29/Flag_of_Tuvalu.png" width="175" height="55"></a></center><br> We will start our sprint competition this year with a new 35.4 nm race around the Te Namo Lagoon islands of Tuvalu in the central Pacific. We will sail our Fareast 28 boats between the tiny islands of this archipelago. Prepare your boats and crews, and watch out for sandbars and bommies. <br> Race #1548 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1548.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Fareast 28R <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Fareast_28R_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> January 21 at 2300 UTC. Tuvalu Sprint 2022, racing with 124 boats. Jan. 16, 2022, 6 p.m. True 178.5 179.5 -9.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1548.xml 1549 Sail Newport TIMED Race 2022 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/04/SailNewport.PNG"/></a></center> <br>Welcome to Rhode Island in our first<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines"> TIMED</a></b>race this year. In 2020 we raced on Maxi Trimarans, now we will see how fast we can cover the 87nm route around Block Island, Fishers Island and back to the clubhouse on MC 38 monohulls. The previous record of 4 hours 5 minutes and 21 seconds belongs to Kipper1258. Try to judge your weather window well, but once you've finished (you must have finished), you can always try again (as often as you like) by clicking the link below. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1549/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1549 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1549.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> MC 38<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/MC_38_Particulars18.pdf " > PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRQ1-TRCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 23 January at 2200utc <br><i><b>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 23 January at 2300utc Sail Newport Timed Race 2022, racing with 463 boats. Jan. 10, 2022, noon True -72.5 -70.8 40.5 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1549.xml 1538 Yellow Sea Race 2022 There are six seas along the eastern seaboard of mainland Asia. Six seas less travelled by the racing sailor. So, here we go. Six races up and down the Asian coast, plus one in the nearest sea to the Asian mainland of the Indonesian Archipelago, to make it a mythical seven; five to count. And in no particular order, we start with a 2200nm or so race criss-cross through the Yellow Sea in ever-elegant Italia 14.98's.<br> Race #1538<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1538.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Italia 14.98 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Italia_14.98.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - SSA<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> January 21 at 2300 UTC. Yellow Sea Race 2022, racing with 135 boats. Jan. 4, 2022, 4 a.m. True 115.0 135.0 20.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1538.xml 1533 Tasman Double 2021 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to everyone! Trust you are all rested and recreated after another wet and windy Sydney Hobart, and have your Super Maxi 100's repaired and ready for our race back to the home of Australia's legendary opera house, eighteen footer league, and the rest. 625nm, and it's a counter for both the Tasman Double mini-series and for the newly-branded All-Round Championships which in Q1 will be raced solely in ocean greyhounds.<br> Race #1533<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1533.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SuperMaxi 100<b><a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ARQ1 - ARCH - SUPSOL - TD <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br>Sunday, 9 January at 23:00 UTC Tasman Double 2021 - Leg 2 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 158 boats. Jan. 3, 2022, 4 p.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1533.xml 1537 Cape Town to Rio 2022 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/07/RCYC_RaceDesc_Burgee_130.png" /></a><p> Welcome to South Africa and RCYC's classic transatlantic Cape2Rio Race from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First run in 1971, the next race in reality will be in January 2023, but in the meantime you can test yourself on-course in this, our second virtually-only Cape2Rio Race, which we will once again be sailing in Mark Mills' 74ft speedster, the stunning C2R74. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17575/2022-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17575 " > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1537 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1537.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> C2R74<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/11/17/C2R74_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>OCQ1 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>January 25 at 2300 UTC. Cape Town to Rio 2022, racing with 239 boats. Jan. 2, 2022, 2 p.m. True -60.0 26.0 -37.12 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1537.xml 1541 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a><p> Welcome to Australia's oldest yacht race, the Rudder Cup, sailed for more than 110 years across Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania, and organised by ORCV. In 2021 we will again race a First 40 the 196nm to Devonport. <br> Race #1541<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1541.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/First_40.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>January 1 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2021, racing with 129 boats. Dec. 27, 2021, 3:30 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1541.xml 1532 Tasman Double 2021 - Sydney to Hobart There is nothing like a brisk end-of-December race, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, well away from the wintry chills on the northern side of the equator. This time, racing our SuperMaxi 100s, we shall be facing the often stormy waters of the Tasman Sea in a classic run of 625nm from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #1532 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1532.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br>Sunday, 2 January at 23:00 UTC Tasman Double 2021 - Leg 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 214 boats. Dec. 26, 2021, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1532.xml 1531 Bleaker Island RTI Sprint 2021 This year our race on the 22nm route around Bleaker Island in the Falkland Islands ends the year-round sprint competition. So this is the last chance to improve your ranking. Time for the final preparations of our J30. In a few days we will know who won the annual sprint competition in 2021. Good luck! <br> Race #1531 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1531.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> J30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/J_30_Particulars17.pdf">PARTICULAR</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> December 22 at 2300 UTC. Bleaker Island RTI Sprint 2021, racing with 110 boats. Dec. 18, 2021, 6 p.m. True -59.25 -58.3 -52.5 -52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1531.xml 1530 Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/07/RCYC_RaceDesc_Burgee_130.png"/></a><p> Welcome back to Cape Town. Our barely-used C2R74 awaits us for a further outing round the cape where the winds and currents of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean meet. It's 400 miles to Port Elizabeth. As always, it will be challenging!<br> Race #1530 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1530.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> C2R74 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/11/25/C2R_74.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYQ4 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> December 15 at 2300 UTC. Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 2021, racing with 138 boats. Dec. 7, 2021, 4 p.m. True 15.0 30.0 -40.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1530.xml 1516 Illas Cies Sprint 2021 It is 550nm from Dingle to Vigo, and from Pensacola to Yucatan as well, but at the mouth of Vigo's Ria we find the wonderful nature reserve of the Cies Islands, breeding ground for more than 20,000 doubly-blessed seagulls, doubly-blessed as Vigo is also home to Europe's largest fishing fleet. It rains even more in Vigo than in Dingle, and especially in winter, but let's race anyway, from Vigo's glorious old-world Real Club Nautic around the islands and up the Ria de Pontevedra to Combarro, where you may just espy through the fog bonknhoot's Damacle wintering ashore. About 32nm in magnificent Melges 40s.<br> Race #1516 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1516.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Melges 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Melges_40.pdf" > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> 8 December at 2300 UTC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 8 at 2300 UTC. Illas Cies Sprint 2021, racing with 92 boats. Dec. 4, 2021, 4 p.m. True -9.5 -8.5 42.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1516.xml 1523 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2021 As temperatures begin to drop in the northern hemisphere, Eastern Pacific Gray Whales, who have spent the summer months in the nutrient rich feeding grounds of the Bering Sea, begin to make their way south to their winter home in the warm conditions off the coast of Mexico. We will be joining them for their 3,886nm migration in our 90ft monohull.<br> Race #1523 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1523.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> 90ft Monohull<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br> SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>December 25 at 2300 UTC. Gray Whale Migration 2021, racing with 150 boats. Dec. 2, 2021, 7 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1523.xml 1522 Christmas to Christmas Island 2021 Welcome to Sailonline’s annual festive season race for Christmas 2021! This year we will be racing our fabulous VO70_v4 the 5,827nm from Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. All islands between our start and finish, including the "island" of Australia are in play so enjoy whichever route you choose! <br> Race #1522<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1522.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/VO70_v4_Particulars17.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>December 28 at 2300 UTC. Christmas Is (Pac) to Christmas Is (Ind) 2021, racing with 169 boats. Dec. 1, 2021, 3 a.m. True 90.0 280.0 -47.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1522.xml 1514 Round Round Robben Sprint 2021 It is Summer in South Africa, so welcome to the first of three races out of Cape Town beginning with a 26nm sprint round 'n about Robben Island and then back along the beaches to a finish just outside the city harbour, this year in the super-popular Cape 31 from the board of Mark Mills, whose CR74, designed especially for last year's virtual Cape to Rio, we are keenly anticipating to take out for the 2022 version of that race in January. Enjoy the season!<br> Race #1514<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1514.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Cape 31 <a href = " http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Cape_31.pdf " > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 1 at 2300 UTC. Round Robben Island 2021, racing with 88 boats. Nov. 27, 2021, 4 p.m. True 18.0 18.5 -34.0 -33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1514.xml 1526 Return from Lindisfarne 2021 Having re-enacted the Swedish Vikings raid on Lindisfarne of 793 AD earlier this month, we must now return. The good land, the (slightly) shorter winters and the comely Saxon maidens tempted our predecessors to linger, but we may not stay and must cross the North Sea before the weather breaks. Fair winds, oh Njord, we pray of you, for our longships on this 465nm voyage.<br> Race #1526<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1526.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Longship Drake <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Longship_Draken.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> December 6 at 2300 UTC. Return from Lindisfarne 2021, racing with 117 boats. Nov. 25, 2021, 4 p.m. True -5.0 13.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1526.xml 1510 CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Newport to Antigua <img src="https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a> <p>Welcome to Sailonline's last virtual cruise of 2021. Departing our sheltered moorings in Newport RI, we are now off to Antigua, via Bermuda some 1572nm distant. <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1800utc on 24 November, to arrive in English Harbour, Antigua before 1800utc on 24 December.</font></b> <br>Race #1510 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1510.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE CCA Delivery Cruising 2021 - Newport to Antigua, racing with 104 boats. Nov. 24, 2021, 6 p.m. True -77.0 -53.0 13.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1510.xml 1528 The Manawatawhi 2021 The Manawatāwhi are a group of mana (13 actually) uninhabited rugged islands about 25 nm northwest of Te Rerenga Wairua aka Cape Reinga. They're also about 250nm due north of Auckland, so if The Fastnet is more than 10,000nm away, The Manawatāwhi is a fine and challenging alternative. Let's race there then, as our friends at the RNZYS, in times less virologically challenged, are wont to do – just 525nm from Auckland's Orakei there and back in another Kiwi classic, the Farr 38. <br> Race #1528 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1528.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Farr 38<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> November 27 at 2300 UTC. The Manawatawhi 2021, racing with 125 boats. Nov. 18, 2021, 3:30 a.m. True 171.0 177.0 -37.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1528.xml 1529 Lisboa TIMED Race 2021 After a 3 year hiatus, Sailonline invites you to Lisboa and Setubal for the final <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of 2021! Designed by the late psail, earlier iterations of this race used the incredibly swift AC72, but this time we will take out our more seaworthy 60ft Trimaran. Performance loss minimalization, although still important, will become less critical, and finding that best (and longer!) period of favourable winds much more so.<br> <b><i><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1529/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br> Race #1529 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1529.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> 60ft Trimaran <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/60ft_Trimaran.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br> Sunday, 28 November at 23:00 UTC Lisboa TIMED Race 2021, racing with 305 boats. Nov. 15, 2021, noon True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1529.xml 1527 Midwinter Scotch Run 2021 A shorter fleet race for whisky fans. <br> Set sails on your Italia 14.98 in Plymouth and race the 402nm to Isle of Islay, "Queen of the Hebrides", to fetch your yearly supply of single malt whisky. The first to arrive will get the cheapest bargain. <br>Race #1527 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1527.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Italia 14.98 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Italia_14.98_Paticulars.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCQ4 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> November 17 at 2300 UTC. Mid Winter Scotch Run 2021, racing with 134 boats. Nov. 10, 2021, 4 p.m. True -15.5 -2.5 48.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1527.xml 1518 PAC6 2021 - Honolulu to Wellington Welcome to the grand finale of our six leg Pacific odyssey - this time the 4043nm from Honolulu back south to windy Wellington, racing on the speedy Maxi Trimaran. <br> Race #1518<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1518.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: PAC6-OCQ4-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>November 21 at 2300 UTC. PAC6 Honolulu to Wellington 2021, racing with 183 boats. Nov. 3, 2021, 6 a.m. True 150.0 230.0 -47.0 27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1518.xml 1525 Raid on Lindisfarne 2021 In the year 793 AD, a band of Vikings crossed the North Sea to raid Britain. SOL recaptured this voyage in 2012 by sailing the 465nm from Goteborg to Lindisfarne in longships. Having tarried a magical, prime 7 number of years, the SOL fleet returned to Sweden in 2019, but the memories of the good land and the (slightly) shorter winters lingered and so you are invited for a repeat raid. Things have changed, so passports (not ID cards) are required, COVID tests must be pre-booked and on-line Passenger Locator Forms (5 sides) completed, if you want to have a chance to land.<br> Race #1525<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1525.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Longship Drake <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Longship_Draken.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> November 12 at 2300 UTC. Raid on Lindisfarne 2021, racing with 122 boats. Nov. 1, 2021, 4 p.m. True -5.0 13.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1525.xml 1524 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2021 It is time for one of Sailonline's annual traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a BBQ race. Run close to Mistli's birthday on November 1 we race our trusty Seacarts in a celebratory, short, high-energy 86 nm course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br>Race #1524 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1524.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Seacart 30<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> November 4 at 2300 UTC. Mistli Birthday BBQ Race 2021, racing with 106 boats. Oct. 31, 2021, 2 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1524.xml 1520 SSANZ Race Delta 2021 <img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome back to the Hauraki Gulf and a course that will be familiar to you as it formed the third and final race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> that was unfortunately only raced on the virtual waters as pandemic restrictions in NZ kept racers ashore in reality. With a prudent and careful government, once again, restrictions mean the real racers cannot get back on the water for this Race Delta but, luckily for us, we may well see several of them joining us here to test their navigation skills in our Sun Fast 3300s around this approx. 45nm course. <br>Race #1520<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1520.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3300 <b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/Sun_Fast_3300.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC SSANZ Race Delta 2021, racing with 94 boats. Oct. 29, 2021, 9:25 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1520.xml 1513 Gulf Run 2021 It is 550nm on a course of 175 true from Dingle to Vigo, and from Pensacola to Yucatan as well, across the Gulf Stream and The Gulf respectively. It's warmer down in The Gulf, so we return to its azure waters for a re-run in J-130s of a course designed by RainbowChaser back in 2012, but only first run in 2018. Bring your deck chairs and the barrier cream. <br> Race #1513<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1513.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> J-130 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/J-130.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> November 4 at 2300 UTC. Gulf Run 2021, racing with 131 boats. Oct. 26, 2021, 9 p.m. True -94.0 -80.0 19.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1513.xml 1512 Isla del Sol RTI Redux 2021 Scanning the globe for special sprint locations, our intrepid course designer Renegade came across Isla del Sol in the middle of the world's highest navigable body of water, Lake Titicaca. We tried to race around it last month, but at 3812m above sea level, comms to our boats broke down for a little while, and our SRC decided to abandon the race, so we are running it again: 26nm RTI in "how-did-we-get-them-here?" Fox 9.50s. <br> Race #1512<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1512.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Fox 9.50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Fox_9.50.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>October 27 at 2300 UTC. Isla del Sol Re-Run 2021, racing with 105 boats. Oct. 23, 2021, 4 p.m. True -69.5 -69.0 -16.5 -15.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1512.xml 1519 China Coastal Race 2021 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/10/15/RHKYC_LOGO_135.png"/></a></center><br>Racing in reality around the world is tough during a global pandemic and <a href="https://www.rhkyc.org.hk/"> RHKYC's</a> calendar is having to be flexible too so instead of a run to Vietnam, welcome to a competitive coastal race inside Hong Kong waters - 97nm in TP52s against the local fleet!<br> Race #1519<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1519.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <a href=" https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/TP_52.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> October 29 at 2300 UTC. China Coastal Race 2021, racing with 101 boats. Oct. 23, 2021, 3 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1519.xml 1515 Virtual PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2021 <center><img src="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/28/CoastalClassic_RaceBut-102.png"/></a></center><br> Welcome! Kia Ora! to Auckland, New Zealand, and Sailonline's annual multihull race against the NZ Multihull Yacht Club competitors over 118nm from Auckland to Russell. Sadly, COVID19 restrictions mean the real race will not be running, but we welcome real racers to our virtual event where we are racing our 60ft trimarans in this testing event in the endlessly varying conditions off the east coast of North island. As is tradition, a hearty breakfast of bacon butties and rum will welcome yachties on their arrival. <br> Race #1515<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1515.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft trimaran<a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/60ft_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> October 28 at 2300 UTC. Virtual PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2021, racing with 145 boats. Oct. 21, 2021, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1515.xml 1517 Sail Around Turkey 2021 This is one of Sailonline's iconic races. Our Open 60 high-speed yachts will sail across three seas (Black Sea, Sea of Marmara, Mediterranean Sea) and two beautiful straits (Strait of Istanbul - Bosphorus and Strait of Canakkale - Dardanelles). Altogether 1372 nm of great and demanding sailing from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast). Get ready for a lot of fun, we are waiting for you at the starting line. <br>Race #1517 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1517.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Open 60<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Open_60_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> October 19 at 2300 UTC. Sail Around Turkey 2021, racing with 144 boats. Oct. 7, 2021, 3 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1517.xml 1511 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2021 It's been 10 years since in 2011 we first raced this course of about 450nm across the Baltic and into the Gulf of Finland, from one great historic city Stockholm to another St Petersburg. It's the beginning of autumn so no icebergs, but take care, keep a weather eye. It's going to be fast sailing on our Imoca 60 Foil boats. Hopefully, the weather will allow us to take full advantage of their abilities. <br>Race #1511 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1511.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Imoca 60 Foil <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/18/Imoca_60_Foil_Particulars.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCQ4 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> October 11 at 2300 UTC. Stockholm to St Petersburg 2021, racing with 126 boats. Oct. 4, 2021, 4 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1511.xml 1507 Hormuz TIMED Race 2021 The Strait of Hormuz is really busy, with congested waters full of shipping and military vessels. For Sailonline however, racing here is with impunity, nothing is off limits!! <br>This is a <b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL Scotsman.<br><b><i><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/races/1507/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a>to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #1507<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1507.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de<br>X-35 OD <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/X-35.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Rankings: <br>TRQ4 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br>Sunday, 17 October at 23:00 UTC Hormuz TIMED Race 2021, racing with 224 boats. Oct. 4, 2021, noon True 55.0 58.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1507.xml 1509 Charlottetown Sprint 2021 Sheltered by Cornwall to the west, Cumberland to the south and Stratford to the east, at the mouth of the Clyde river, you will find Charlottetown Harbour. Confused? No, we are not in England, not even in New England; no, we are on Prince Edward Island, so named after the fourth son of George III, and Charlottetown after his mother. Still lost? Well, Prince Edward Island, today Canada's smallest province, lies between and off New Brunswick and New Scotland (Nova Scotia), like most everywhere else along the northern North American seaboard named after somewhere where George already ruled. Blame some lazy or obsequious cartographer, but we will race there anyway, 27nm in SOTO30. It'll be chilly, but enjoy! <br> Race #1509<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1509.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> SOTO 30 <a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/SOTO_30.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>October 6 at 2300 UTC. Charlottetown Sprint 2021, racing with 85 boats. Oct. 2, 2021, 6 p.m. True -63.5 -62.5 45.5 46.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1509.xml 1508 ESRW 2021 - Leg 6 - Singapore to Kuwait Join us as we embark on our final leg(6) of the fabulous ESRW round the equator race series, this time onboard the speedy 90 foot Monohull as we wind our way out of the Malacca Strait and across the Indian Ocean 3000nm to Kuwait. It'll be steamy all the way! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1508<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1508.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> 90 foot Monohull<b><a href="https://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/21/90ft_Monohull.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW-OCQ4-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>October 26 at 2300 UTC. ESRW6 Singapore to Kuwait 2021, racing with 178 boats. Oct. 1, 2021, 3 a.m. True 45.0 112.0 -12.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1508.xml 1486 Isla del Sol RTI 2021 Scanning the globe for special sprint locations, our intrepid course designer Renegade came across Isla del Sol. Interesting! But where is it? Turns out SOL's island is in the middle of the world's highest navigable body of water, Lake Titicaca, so obviously we just had to race there. You'd think at 3812m above sea level, the place would be windy, but not so, and not particularly cold either, so enjoy this shortish 26nm RTI in "how-did-we-get-them-here?" Fox 9.50s. <br> Race #1486<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1486.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Fox 9.50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Fox_9.50.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 29 at 2300 UTC. Isla del Sol RTI 2021, racing with 100 boats. Sept. 25, 2021, 4 p.m. True -69.5 -69.0 -16.5 -15.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1486.xml 1505 Brisbane to Noumea 2021 G'day and welcome to Brisbane for the start of our well known tropical waters race – 835nm across the Coral Sea from Brisbane to Noumea on our First 47.7! <br> Race #1505<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1505.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 47.7<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_47.7.pdf">PARTICULARS </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>October 3 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Noumea 2021, racing with 170 boats. Sept. 24, 2021, 1 a.m. True 151.0 170.0 -29.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1505.xml 1485 Silverrudder 2021 Sailonline welcomes you to our sixth "buddy-up" with "Silver Rudder - Challenge of the Sea" around the Danish island of Funen. With shallow waters and strong currents this 125nm inshore race IRL truly is a challenge, but online too, light and variable hires WRF winds often make it a tricky affair. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single handed racing. Will our First (Seascape) 27 be a match for the real fleet's Seascape 27s? Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for SILVERRUDDER 2021:</font><br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/09/15/Starting_Conditions_for_SILVERRUDDER_2021.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b> FIRST PRIZE: Gerber Multitool <br> <center> donated by WRmirekd <br> in memory of Bimmer <br></center> Race #1485<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1485.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> First 27 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_27_solo.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 22 at 2300 UTC. Silverrudder 2021, racing with 101 boats. Sept. 17, 2021, 8:30 a.m. True 9.5 12.5 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1485.xml 1506 SOL's Bermuda Triangle TIMED Race 2021 First raced in 2017 and inspired by America’s Cup racing in Bermuda this is a fun triangular course of 90nm. Let's see what our trusty Open 60s can do in this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race . <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1506/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run<br> Race #1506 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1506.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Open 60 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Open_60_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 26 September at 23:00 UTC SOL's Bermuda Triangle TIMED Race 2021, racing with 300 boats. Sept. 13, 2021, noon True -66.5 -62.5 30.5 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1506.xml 1504 Carib Rum Run 2021 <a href= "/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/05/CaribRumRunChart.png" target="_blank"/><img src="/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/05/CaribRumRunChart_T_MINI.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the Caribbean and Sailonline's 2021 Pirate Name PRIZE race, running with Bart's Bash and ahead of International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19 September. This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean in our glorious superyacht Falkun. Our mission is to collect barrels from the region's distilleries and carry them to the rum-parched beaches of Cancun, Mexico. Join SYC before race end and yer scurvy maggots can disguise yer boat for this race only with a pirate name! <br> Race #1504<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1504.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Falkun <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Falkun.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 26 September at 2300utc Carib Rum Run 2021, racing with 131 boats. Sept. 11, 2021, 5 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1504.xml 1500 PAC6 2021 - Elfin Cove to Hawaii Welcome to the penultimate leg of our grand Pacific odyssey - this time the 2389nm from Elfin Cove back south to the beautiful Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii, racing on the Volvo70v4. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1500<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1500.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Volvo70v4<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: PAC6-OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 24 at 2300 UTC. PAC6 Elfin Cove Alaska to Kaneohe Hawaii 2021, racing with 178 boats. Sept. 7, 2021, 8 p.m. True -178.0 -110.0 5.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1500.xml 1502 Tall Ships Magellan-Elcano Races 2021 - Lisbon to Cadiz <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br> This will be the last race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series for 2021, which is also the second leg of the Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Series. We will race again our Barque 90m along the 212 nm route from Lisbon, Portugal to Cadiz, Spain. Get ready, this is the last chance to improve your Tall Ships 2021 ranking. Fair winds. <br>Race #1502 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1502.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90m <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Barque_90m_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips – SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, <br> September 14 at 2300 UTC. The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Series 2021 Leg 2 – Lisbon to Cadiz, racing with 112 boats. Sept. 5, 2021, 2 p.m. True -16.0 -4.0 35.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1502.xml 1481 SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 3 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to the third and final race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Lewmar PIC 50, about 45nm around Waiheke Island and home in Young 88s, and as ever against the IRL members of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #1481<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1481.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ - <br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 8 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 3, racing with 68 boats. Sept. 3, 2021, 9:20 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1481.xml 1484 The Vineyard Race 2021 <img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/08/25/VR_2021_BUT.png "/></a> <br> For the 12th year in a row, Long Island's Stamford Yacht Club invites all SOLers to participate virtually in their iconic annual 250nm overnighter from their club line out the sound to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. This year, Sailonline is making their J-122 polar available to competitors, a yacht that should get you round the course almost as fast as the previously preferred Santa Cruz 52, if at slighter hotter downwind angles. <br> Race #1484<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1484.html"> INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> J-122<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/J-122.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br> SYQ3 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> September 11 at 2300 UTC. The Vineyard Race 2021, racing with 110 boats. Sept. 3, 2021, 5:10 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1484.xml 1503 CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Newfoundland to Newport <img src="/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a> <p>Welcome back to virtual cruising. This time our cruise starts from Conception Bay, Newfoundland and finishes in Newport RI. <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1800utc on 29 August, to arrive in Newport RI before 1800utc on 30 September.</font></b> <br>Race #1503 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1503.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Newfoundland to Newport RI, racing with 106 boats. Aug. 29, 2021, 6 p.m. True -77.0 -45.0 35.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1503.xml 1499 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2021 This 975 NM course first run in 2011 mixes challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Celtic Sea before finishing in Normandy. You are provided with our trusty X-332s to do it! <br> Race #1499<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1499.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> X-332 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/X-332.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>10 September at 23:00 UTC 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2021, racing with 143 boats. Aug. 29, 2021, 2 p.m. True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1499.xml 1501 Tall Ships Asian Races 2021 - Nanao to Vladivostok <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br> Welcome to our second Asian Tall Ships race, a 410nm route from Nanao to Vladivostok. This is the 6th race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series 2021. <br>Race #1501 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1501.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips – SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> August 30 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline’s Asian Tall Ships Races 2021 – Leg 2 – Nanao to Vladivostok, racing with 128 boats. Aug. 23, 2021, 2 p.m. True 127.0 140.5 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1501.xml 1497 Tall Ships Magellan-Elcano Races 2021 - Falmouth to A Coruna <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br> Though the Clipper 240 boats remain in Nanao, their crews have rapidly travelled to Europe. Here they will race their Barque 90m along the 415nm route from Falmouth to A Coruna. This will be the 5th race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series for 2021, which is also the first leg of the Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Series. Beware of the Bay of Biscay, which does not have a good reputation among sailors! <br>Race #1497 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1497.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90m <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Barque_90m_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips – SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> August 28 at 2300 UTC. The Tall Ships Races Magellan-Elcano Series 2021 Leg 1 – Falmouth to A Coruna, racing with 142 boats. Aug. 19, 2021, 2 p.m. True -20.0 0.0 40.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1497.xml 1498 Lake Ontario 100 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/07/30/LOSHR_2021_ICON.jpg"/></a></center><p><br>Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes Sailonline back for the third race of 2021 on Lake Ontario. This 100nm race is race 4 in the Lake Ontario Shorthanded Series which is an annual series of up to six races first developed in 1975. Our Beneteau/First 36.7s, a favourite with the real sailors of Lake Ontario, is again our choice of boat. The challenge is made!<br> Race #1498 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1498.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_36.7.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 18 August at 2300utc LOSHRS 100 2021, racing with 95 boats. Aug. 14, 2021, 2 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1498.xml 1496 Tall Ships Asian Races 2021 - Yeosu to Nanao <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br> After three races in the Baltic Sea, a fleet of tall ships moves to the Sea of Japan to race the 465nm route from Yesou in South Korea to Nanao in Japan. Welcome to the fourth race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series 2021 and we wish you fair winds. <br>Race #1496 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1496.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips – SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> August 22 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline’s Asian Tall Ships Races 2021 – Leg 1 – Yeosu to Nanao, racing with 114 boats. Aug. 13, 2021, 2 p.m. True 127.0 139.0 33.5 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1496.xml 1480 SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 2 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the second race of this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ Triple Series </a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Lewmar PIC 100, the longest of the three races of the Series at about 80nm, and again Sailonline will be racing Young 88s against members of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #1480<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1480.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>August 11 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 2, racing with 94 boats. Aug. 6, 2021, 9:20 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1480.xml 1491 The North Sea Challenge 2021 Welcome to Norway and the racing of Vestland Seilkrets and their North Sea Challenge 2021. This is a run of 97.8nm in Sunfast 3600s from the Marstein Lighthouse, near Bergen, out and round the Troll platform and back to Bergen. As always, the North Sea can see fickle wind and sea conditions so let's see which fleet will arrive first at the finish!<br> Race #1491<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1491.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 11 August at 2300utc The North Sea Challenge 2021, racing with 111 boats. Aug. 6, 2021, noon True 3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1491.xml 1482 Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2021 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia, yachts head to the warmer tropical waters inside The Great Barrier Reef, and every year they are joined by sailors from all over the world for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race there! So, join us and the rest of the world for this 550nm run from Brisbane to Hamilton Island in super swift Carkeek 40s. <br> Race #1482<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1482.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de<br> Carkeek 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Carkeek_40.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SYQ3 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> August 15 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2021, racing with 98 boats. Aug. 6, 2021, 1:55 a.m. True 148.0 158.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1482.xml 1492 ESRW 2021 - Leg 5 - Port Noumea to Singapore For this fifth leg of the ESRW series, we depart the Pacific Ocean and head through a series of tropical seas along the 3937nm between Port Noumea and the busy port of Singapore in our Maxi Trimarans. As a change up to the last leg, there could be a variety of routing options through the many islands and straits that lie between the start and finish lines! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1492<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1492.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Maxi_Trimaran.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW-OCQ3-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>August 23 at 2300 UTC. ESRW5 Port Noumea to Singapore 2021, racing with 167 boats. Aug. 4, 2021, 7 p.m. True 100.0 172.0 -29.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1492.xml 1495 Fremantle to Bali 2021 It is time for a revival of one of Australia's iconic races, the 1427 nm long "Fremantle to Bali" race, and it's considered to be a true test of seamanship. <br> Last raced in 2018 using Finngulf 43s, we will do it this year in Super Maxi 100s which are considerably faster! <br> Race #1495 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1495.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Super_Maxi_100.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>5 August at 23:00 UTC Fremantle to Bali 2021, racing with 169 boats. July 28, 2021, 3 a.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1495.xml 1494 Tall Ships Baltic Races 2021 - Mariehamn to Szczecin <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br>Welcome to the third race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series 2021 which is also the final of three virtual Tall Ships races in the Baltic Sea - a race of 250nm in Clippers from Mariehamn, Finland to Szczecin, Poland. <br><i>NOTE: </i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1494 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1494.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips - SYC <br> RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 August at 2300utc Sailonline's Baltic Tall Ships Races 2021 - Leg 3 - Mariehamn to Szczecin, racing with 129 boats. July 25, 2021, 2 p.m. True 12.0 23.0 54.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1494.xml 1493 Tall Ships Baltic Races 2021 - Tallinn to Mariehamn <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a> <br>Welcome to the second race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series 2021 which is also the second of three virtual Tall Ships races in the Baltic Sea - a race of 146nm in Clippers from Tallinn, Estonia to Mariehamn, Finland. <br><i>NOTE: </i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1493 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1493.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips - SYC <br> RACE CLOSE: Monday, 26 July at 2300utc Sailonline's Baltic Tall Ships Races 2021 - Leg 2 - Tallinn to Mariehamn, racing with 122 boats. July 18, 2021, 2 p.m. True 18.0 27.0 57.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1493.xml 1487 PAC6 2021 - Kiritappu to Elfin Cove We leave the famous wetlands of Kiritappu with their beautiful summer wildflowers and head 2938nm across the northern Pacific in our Volvo70s for this fourth leg of the 2021 PAC6 series. Our destination is Elfin Cove, Alaska. Let's hope one of the twenty odd inhabitants will be there to greet us at the bar! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1487<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1487.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Volvo70v4<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Volvo_70v4.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: PAC6-OCQ3-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>July 31 at 2300 UTC. Kiritappu to Elfin Cove 2021, racing with 169 boats. July 11, 2021, 7 p.m. True 138.0 235.0 30.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1487.xml 1449 Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LO300_logo_120.png"/></a></center><p><br>Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes Sailonline again, this time for the first virtual LO300 race. As its name suggests this is a 300 nm course covering the entire Canadian side of Lake Ontario, from and back to Port Credit YC and is our second outing on Lake Ontario with our Beneteau/First 36.7s, so...make it count! The course this year remains inside Canadian waters as the border with USA is still closed to non-commercial traffic (U.S. waters have been declared an obstacle in the real race)<br> Race #1449 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1449.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/12/First_36.7_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYCQ3 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 18 July at 2300utc Lake Ontario 300 Challenge 2021, racing with 113 boats. July 10, 2021, 4:10 p.m. True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1449.xml 1479 SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 1 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br> For the 10th year in succession, SOL is delighted to be the online buddy of the Short-handed Sailing Association of New Zealand for their brilliant long-standing <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> Triple Series </a> for two-handed yachts on the waters of the Hauraki Gulf, commencing with a Lewmar / PIC collectively sponsored c 50nm quick dash out to Motuora Island and home via The Haystack, as always in SOL’s venerable virtual Young88, competing directly with members of the vibrant ever-Young88 <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank"> Association</a>!!<br> Race #1479<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1479.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Young_88.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ - <br> SPRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 14 at 2300 UTC. SSANZ Triple Series 2021 - Race 1, racing with 103 boats. July 9, 2021, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1479.xml 1489 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2021 Mare Nostrum ("our sea" - the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea) will be a beautiful arena for our next struggle on the 431 nm race from Palermo on the north west corner of Sicily to Monte Carlo in the Principality of Monaco. After passing Porto Cervo on the north east coast of Sardinia, racers will have the choice to leave Corsica to port or to starboard passing through Bonifacio Strait. Additionally, the high variability of winds will provide fascinating and technically complex challenges for our Class40 yachts and their skippers. Welcome to Mare Nostrum!<br> Race #1489<br><b> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1489.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> Class40 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> July 14 at 2300 UTC. Palermo - Monte Carlo 2021, racing with 138 boats. July 5, 2021, 6 p.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1489.xml 1490 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2021 Last raced in 2016, we come back to Texel for another quick <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED RACE</a></b>. This time however, instead of using F18s, we will instead be sailing the newer Cape31s. They may not be quite as fast as the F18s but they can still be tricky to handle, especially around the offshore marks on Texel's south coast! The SOL record time to beat is 1:46:45, set by sassy63 in 2014. <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1490/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1490 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1490.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Cape31 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/28/Cape31_Particulars.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br> TRQ3 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 18 July at 23:00 UTC Round Texel TIMED Race 2021, racing with 204 boats. July 5, 2021, noon True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1490.xml 1488 Tall Ships Baltic Races 2021 - Klaipeda to Turku <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a><br>Welcome to the first race of Sailonline's 7-race Tall Ships Series 2021 which is also the first of three virtual Tall Ships races in the Baltic Sea - a race of 236nm in Clippers from Klaipeda, Lithuania to Turku, Finland. <br><i>NOTE: </i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1488 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1488.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/Clipper_240.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TallShips - SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 8 July at 2300utc Sailonline's Baltic Tall Ships Races 2021 - Leg 1 - Klaipeda to Turku, racing with 146 boats. June 30, 2021, 2 p.m. True 14.5 25.5 54.5 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1488.xml 1483 Pb³ 2021 Welcome to Estonia for SOLer TuuleTallaja's invitation for us to race our F18s along this beautiful coastline, which we last did in 2019. This time we race the 130nm from Pärnu to Pirita, via a mark off Paralepa beach half way. Beware of the temptation to BBQ on the beach but, it's nearly summer so... let's party! <br>Race #1483 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1483.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>3 July at 23:00 UTC Pb³ 2021, racing with 105 boats. June 28, 2021, 5 p.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1483.xml 1478 Virtual Shetland Race 2021 - Leg 2 There is never enough time to sample much of the traditional hospitality offered to all in Lerwick, Shetland, but...there's always next time! Here is the second leg of this year's Virtual Shetland Race, another 186nm in First 40.7s from Lerwick to Bergen. At any time of year the North Sea can be tricky so let's see how the wind gods choose to entertain themselves! <br> Race #1478<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1478.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/19/First_40.7_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: Shetland - SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 3 July at 2300utc Virtual Shetland Race 2021 - Leg 2 - Lerwick - Bergen, racing with 117 boats. June 26, 2021, 4 p.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1478.xml 1476 Virtual Shetland Race 2021 - Leg 1 Welcome again to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first leg of two in the 2021 Virtual Shetland Race. Due pandemic restrictions and concerns the <a href="http://www.shetlandrace.no/" > Pantaenius Shetland Race 2021</a> will not now be taking place but the organisers have approved us to race the course anyway! This Sailonline mini-series comprises two races of 186nm across the North Sea from Bergen to Shetland and back and we will be racing our First 40.7s <br> Race #1476<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1476.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/19/First_40.7_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: Shetland - SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 26 June at 2300utc Virtual Shetland Race 2021 - Leg 1 - Bergen to Lerwick, racing with 132 boats. June 23, 2021, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1476.xml 1460 Singapore Visit 2021 Welcome to the remote Indonesian island of Natuna Besar and our third running of this 365 nm race across the southern reaches of the South China Sea to Singapore. In previous runnings we have allowed you a choice of 40 footers. This time, we'll keep it simple and just give you the fastest one, the Carkeek 40. Race, race, race!<br> Race #1460<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1460.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>  Carkeek 40 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/06/Carkeek_40_Particulars_.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br> SYQ2 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> July 1 at 2300 UTC. Singapore Visit 2021, racing with 114 boats. June 23, 2021, 2 a.m. True 103.0 109.0 0.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1460.xml 1453 Sprint Jezera 2021 Welcome back to the Dalmatian Archipelago, so named because the chart of its waters resembles the coat of 1 of the eponymous 101 hounds, with 1001 spots to enjoy a BBQ or seek shelter. It's summertime, so the chance of a cold katabatic north easterly Bora gusting down from the mountains catching you out, as you race your flashy First 27s around our triangular 20nm course, are reduced now, but you never know. To quote Iain M Banks: 'Look to Windward!' <br> Race #1453<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1453.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> First 27 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/First_27_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>June 23 at 2300 UTC. Sprint Jezera 2021, racing with 95 boats. June 19, 2021, 4 p.m. True 15.5 16.0 43.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1453.xml 1477 Virtual AWKR Race 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/03/AWKR_RD_Logo.png"/></a></center><br>The Australian Women's Keelboat Regatta celebrates and promotes women's sailing in Australia and each year includes a 27nm round the cans race in Port Phillip Bay. This year the Regatta is being postponed due to #COVID19 measures, but Sailonline's Virtual AWKR Race 2021 in First 27s is going ahead - prepare for some excellent Australian competition! <br>Race #1477 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1477.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 27 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/First_27_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 17 June at 2300utc Virtual AWKR Race 2021, racing with 98 boats. June 12, 2021, 1 a.m. True 144.5 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1477.xml 1475 PAC6 2021 - Kaneohe to Kiritappu It's time to say goodbye to Hawaii and head to leg 3 of the PAC6 Pacific Ocean racing championship. Ahead of us is 3108 nm across the northwest Pacific Ocean from Kaneohe Bay to Kiritappu, Japan. Our Maxi Trimaran's are still undergoing the necessary repairs, so leg 3 we will be racing VO70. Fair winds and see you at the finish line of Kiritappu.<br> Race #1475<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1475.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - PAC6<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> June 23 at 2300 UTC. Kaneohe to Kiritappu 2021, racing with 141 boats. June 8, 2021, 10 p.m. True 130.0 220.0 5.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1475.xml 1473 ESRW 2021 - Leg 4 - Honolulu to Port Noumea Time to stow all warm weather gear as this outing we undertake the 3350nm fourth leg of our fabulous equatorial round the world race (ESRW) from Honolulu across the equator to Port Noumea in our Steinlager 2. We did tell you to bring lots of sunburn cream for this series! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1473<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1473.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Steinlager 2<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW-OCQ2-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>June 28 at 2300 UTC. ESRW Honolulu to Port Noumea 2021, racing with 200 boats. June 6, 2021, 9 p.m. True 150.0 220.0 -30.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1473.xml 1445 Susan Hood Trophy Race 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/12/LOGO_HOOD_120.png"/></a></center><p>Lake Ontario Offshore Racing (LOOR) welcomes racers to the first virtual Susan Hood Trophy race. This is a 75nm weekender on western Lake Ontario starting and finishing at the Port Credit Yacht Club (PCYC) via Niagara and Burlington. A good test for our Beneteau/First 36.7s for sure! <br> Race #1445 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1445.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/12/First_36.7_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 10 June at 2300utc Susan Hood Trophy Race 2021, racing with 129 boats. June 5, 2021, midnight True -81.0 -75.5 42.0 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1445.xml 1474 SoCal 300 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/05/15/socal300-21_BUT120.png"/></a></center><br>Welcome back to San Diego and SDYC's challenging 243nm ocean race from Santa Barbara to San Diego - with a broad entry in the real race, we will have to dig deep to remain competitive in our trusty Santa Cruz 52s. <br> Race #1474<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1474.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 12 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2021, racing with 134 boats. June 3, 2021, 8 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1474.xml 1459 Nordsee zur Ostsee 2021 If you are a German sailor, you'll have learned your racing 'auf dem See', more than likely either in Bavaria on lakes like the Chiemsee, Ammersee and of course the Bodensee, or off the coasts of Schleswig-Holstein on either the Nordsee or the Ostsee, which of course are not 'Seen' at all but 'Meere' (seas!). By road or via the Kiel Canal from the ' Nordseeküste' to the 'Ostseeküste' is less than a 100km, but we will race Nordsee zur Ostsee by sea over the top of Denmark – c 450nm in J-122s. Expect varying conditions! <br> Race #1459 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1459.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> J-122 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/19/J-122_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC2 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> June 3 at 2300 UTC. Nordsee zur Ostsee 2021, racing with 139 boats. May 25, 2021, 5 p.m. True 3.0 13.5 53.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1459.xml 1470 Vinland Rally 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a><p>Welcome back to virtual cruising. This time our cruise starts from Reykjavik, Iceland and after calling in at Taliisaq and Nanortaliq in Greenland, and Cartwright Harbor in Labrador, we finish at L’Anse aux Meadows Historic Site, an archaeological site that may well prove to be Leif Erikson’s 1001 AD Markland settlement, evidencing Viking arrival in N America. <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1700utc on 20 May, to arrive in l'Anse aux Meadows by 2300utc on 26 June.</font></b> <br>Race #1470<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1470.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE Vinland Rally 2021, racing with 162 boats. May 20, 2021, 5 p.m. True -68.74123 9.00436 44.72495 69.344 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1470.xml 1472 Hauraki TIMED Race 2021 The Hauraki Gulf is a virtual home-from-home for Sailonline as in the course of the racing year, a number of races start from Auckland. This 35nm course was part of a SSANZ series in the past and as it is fun to race, we have "borrowed it". This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines/">TIMED</a></b> race, so that you can practise racing the Gulf in anticipation of future races here and, quite possibly, also set the fastest run here! <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1472/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race # 1472 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1472.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Young 11 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/03/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17-v2.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br>TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 30 May at 23:00 UTC Hauraki TIMED Race 2021, racing with 276 boats. May 17, 2021, noon True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1472.xml 1446 Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/04/28/PointYC_Burgee_120B.png" /></a><p>Point Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to the 2021 running of the classic Vasco da Gama Ocean Race. This race is the oldest established international sailing event in South Africa and traditionally starts in the bay of Maputo, the old Portuguese colonial capital of Mozambique and finishes in Durban. This year, the race will be a run of 249nm from Durban to East London, through the glorious marine reserves off South Africa's Wild Coast.<br> Race #1446<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1446.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><a href=" http://sailonline.org/googleearth/race_1446_data.kml" target="_blank"/>Downloadable GE Guided Tour</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 23 May at 2300utc Vasco da Gama Ocean Race 2021, racing with 193 boats. May 16, 2021, 9 a.m. True 26.0 33.0 -33.5 -29.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1446.xml 1471 Bimmer Memorial Race 2021 It will come as no surprise that when we recently learned of the sudden death of SOLer and Danish OPS Admin <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17386/in-memoriam-finn-moller-christensen/?page=1" target="_blank"/>Bimmer</a> </b> our thoughts quickly turned to running a Viking longship race in his memory. Not that long ago, Bimmer had moved house, to Svendborg from Copenhagen, so let's follow in his steps by racing this newly designed course. After leaving Copenhagen, you have the choice of racing the c. 145nm south- or north-about the Danish island of Sjaelland to the finish in Svendborg. As Bimmer was a QtVlm aficionado, everyone is encouraged to route their longship this time! <br> Race #1471<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1471.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Longship Draken <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/05/08/Draken.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> NONE<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> May 22 at 2300 UTC. Bimmer Memorial Race, racing with 146 boats. May 14, 2021, 6 p.m. True 9.0 14.0 54.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1471.xml 1468 SOL around Vancouver Island 2021 - clockwise Welcome back to Vancouver and the delightful 525nm course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water. And this year we are doing it in our fast IMOCA 60 v2. <br>Race #1468 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1468.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>IMOCA 60 v2 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/18/IMOCA_60_v2_Particulars.pdf"><b>PARTICULARS</b></a> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 17 May at 2300utc Around Vancouver Island (CW) 2021, racing with 130 boats. May 7, 2021, 6 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1468.xml 1469 ESRW 2021 - Leg 3 - Panama to Honolulu While you were still hanging out at the bar yarning about the Colon leg, our luxurious Gunboat 90s have been delivered to Panama ready to race the 4600nm third leg of our fabulous equatorial round the world race (ESRW) to Honolulu - quite the cocktail run this one! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1469<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1469.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> GB 90<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/GB_90_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW-OCQ2-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>May 27 at 2300 UTC. ESRW3 Panama to Honolulu 2021, racing with 230 boats. May 2, 2021, 6 p.m. True -178.0 -72.0 -36.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1469.xml 1454 Bay to Bay 2021 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, is that a Seascape 18? Mine? Dried out on the beach!? When’s high tide? What time is the start? What? It’s a counter for the SOL Sprint Championships! Where are we going? Orangutang? No man, Urangan, 23.3nm! <br> Race #1454<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1454.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 5 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 2 - 2021, racing with 104 boats. May 1, 2021, 11 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1454.xml 1455 Bay to Bay 2021 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait Downunder, as Autumn fades to Winter, it is time to hitch the boat to the pick-up and move on north to the balmier climes of the Great Sandy Strait for our annual two-race adventure, this year again in Seascape 18s, which choice should allow you complete the 15.5nm course of Leg 1 well before the post-race BBQ begins, unless of course impatiently you stop for an impromptu BBQ or two en-route.<br> Race #1455 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1455.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 5 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 1 - 2021, racing with 115 boats. May 1, 2021, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1455.xml 1466 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2021 In 2013, SOLer "JakeS" in cooperation with "Smo" created his own version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race. The real race through the beautiful Finnish and Swedish archipelago is considered a "nightmare and a great adventure", so in our fifth run of this challenge at 415 nautical miles, our determination and skills will be tested again! This year, we changed the F18 catamaran to the more comfortable Italia14.98 monohull. Take care when cornering and brake early enough.<br> Race #1466<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1466.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Italia 14.98<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Italia_14.98_Paticulars.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Wednesday, <br> May 5 at 2300 UTC. Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2021, racing with 151 boats. April 26, 2021, 6 p.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1466.xml 1456 Inhaca RTI Sprint 2021 It’s been a while, but we’re off to the shoals and sandbanks of Maputo Bay again, where along the shores of Inhaca Island "at low tide women harvest crabs, oysters and fish", Wikipedia tells us. This year we're sailing the 17.4nm circumnavigation of the island in our quaint and quirky Mini 6.50s. Expect light and fluky winds. Mind the beach! <br> Race #1456<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1456.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Mini 6.5 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/21/Mini_6.50_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 28 at 2300 UTC. Inhaca RTI Sprint 2021, racing with 120 boats. April 24, 2021, 5 p.m. True 32.5 33.5 -26.5 -25.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1456.xml 1467 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2021 Welcome to Islas Canarias for the 2021 running of a classic SOL perennial: our 1220nm round-the-islands TP52 slalom, originally designed in 2012 by SOLer TheHorn, starting from and ending close to Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria. This is our 10 year jubileum edition, as it was done for the first time in 2011 (on a slightly different track in year 1). <br> Race #1467 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1467.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2021, racing with 176 boats. April 19, 2021, 6 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1467.xml 1462 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2021 Sailonline had two founders and Jakob, the more senior of the two, has his birthday in April and it is therefore fitting that Sailonline's tradition of celebrating this joyous event by racing like loons around the Stockholm Archipelago is upheld. Please join us in a tricky 30nm race in beautiful Linjet33s from Revengegrundet Lighthouse to a birthday BBQ by Baggensfjärden.<br> Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! <br>Lycka till, alla!! <br> Race #1462 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1462.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Linjett 33 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/03/14/Linjett_33_Particulars18_.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 21 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2021, racing with 142 boats. April 18, 2021, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1462.xml 1458 Valletta Sprint 2021 Welcome once again to the Mediterranean and a true SOL perennial. At 588nm in often light Mediterranean airs, to-date no boat – multi or maxi, SOL or IRL – has managed to best the US's Rambler’s time of 47:55:03 for this course set during the 2007 Middle Sea Race. This year, we offer you our Orange 125 catamaran, so the record is on! <br> Race #1458 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1458.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Ker40_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> April 19 at 2300 UTC. Valletta Sprint 2021, racing with 166 boats. April 11, 2021, 4 p.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1458.xml 1457 Guadeloupe PYOC 2021 And now… SRC presents…. the PYOC of all PYOC! It is less than 3nm from the estuary of Point-a-Pitre on the south coast of Guadeloupe to the shoal bay directly north of it on the other side of the island, but, alas, a buoyed channel that might take you there is blocked midway by a bridge and a marsh, and anyway, on the SOL chart, that channel ain't there at all. So, expect to have to sail at least 62nm in mercifully relatively nippy Seacart 30s, port- or starboard-round, to win this one, and not to show ahead of boats who just came out to watch the start, until you are nearly home. <br> Race #1457 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1457.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 14 at 2300 UTC. Guadeloupe PYOC 2021, racing with 117 boats. April 10, 2021, 4 p.m. True -62.5 -60.5 15.5 17.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1457.xml 1461 PAC6 2021 - Lima to Honolulu Welcome to Race 2 in our PAC6 Pacific Ocean racing championship, this a 3780nm leg from Lima to Honolulu in our fast Maxi Trimaran. Hopefully the trade winds will play ball and we should have a speedy trip, with only a small chance of the doldrums testing your light air skills! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1461<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1461.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/30/Maxi_Trimaran_PARTICULARS18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: PAC6-OCQ2-OCCH-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>April 27 at 2300 UTC. Lima to Honolulu 2021, racing with 261 boats. April 6, 2021, 9 p.m. True -178.0 -72.0 -36.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1461.xml 1463 Cape Horn TIMED Run 2021 Welcome to Chile, welcome to Cape Horn, and welcome to a course round these inhospitable waters. This is a place with plenty of wind and strong currents. Our 161 nm triangular <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED RUN</a></b> goes around two groups of small islands that are an important nesting site for a number of southern seabirds. Last raced in 2018, we are back here in our updated IMOCA 60s to attempt the challenge once more in these wild waters!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1463/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1463 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1463.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>IMOCA 60 v2 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/18/IMOCA_60_v2_Particulars.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br> TRQ2 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 18 April at 23:00 UTC Cape Horn TIMED Run 2021, racing with 484 boats. April 5, 2021, noon True -71.0 -66.0 -57.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1463.xml 1464 Easter Coastal 2021 Racing in reality around the world is tough during a global pandemic and <a href="https://www.rhkyc.org.hk/"> RHKYC's</a> calendar is having to be flexible too. Welcome to a coastal race inside Hong Kong waters - 97nm in our Fareast 31Rs - to keep you sharp!<br> Race #1464<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1464.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Fareast 31R <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/09/Fareast_31R_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 9 April at 2300utc Easter Coastal 2021, racing with 120 boats. April 3, 2021, 3 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1464.xml 1452 Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/03/12/GPC_B2G2021_ICON_h125_bevel8.png"/></a></center><p>Welcome to the 73rd anniversary of the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race, Australia's #2 classic ocean race which has been raced annually since 1949. Things are a little different now and, unlike that first race, yachts are no longer required to carry homing pigeons as part of their communications equipment! Sailonline is racing its SuperMaxi 100 in this challenging 308nm event. <br> Race #1452<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1452.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br>SYCQ2 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 10 April at 2300utc Gladstone Ports Corporation Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2021, racing with 201 boats. April 2, 2021, 2 a.m. True 151.0 158.0 -28.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1452.xml 1443 Singapore to Ko Tapu 2021 Singapore has hosted us well after our run from Bangkok, but now it is time to head off in a hunt for Scaramanga, pursuing him to his fabled haunt on the island of Ko Tapu, 1191nm away. Our Orange catamarans have been resupplied, our crews have been royally entertained, so let's make ready to depart for another Asian adventure! <br> Race #1443 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1443.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft Catamaran<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 8 April at 2300utc Singapore to Ko Tapu 2021, racing with 216 boats. March 27, 2021, 10 p.m. True 88.0 110.0 -2.0 13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1443.xml 1451 Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/03/09/NHYC_Logo_Wave_120.png" /></a><p>Sailonline is partnered with Newport Harbor Yacht Club for this challenging 800nm race from California to Mexico. Sailonline will be splashing a new polar for the race, the Santa Cruz 70, and will be competing against the real crews in this 800nm course. <br> Race #1451 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1451.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruz 70<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/03/17/SC70_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 29 March at 2300utc Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas International Yacht Race 2021, racing with 202 boats. March 20, 2021, 8 p.m. True -126.0 -107.0 21.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1451.xml 1450 Quahog Cup 2021 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/03/10/QuahogCup2021-120.png"/></a></center><br> For the second year running, we team up with the crew from Sail Newport and the sailors of Rhode Island’s premier public sailing center for a tricky 35nm race across the waters of famed Narragansett Bay, this year in speedy Sunfast 3600s. <br> Race #1450 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1450.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Sunfast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 24 at 2300 UTC. Quahog Cup 2021, racing with 134 boats. March 20, 2021, 3 p.m. True -71.5 -70.5 41.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1450.xml 1428 ESRW 2021 - Leg 2 - Sao Vicente to Colon Trying to keep as close to the equator as we can, our second leg of the ESRW takes us from Sao Vicente in the Cape Verdes to Colon at the entrance to the Panama Canal. It's about 3500nm again, but with the Trade Winds in our back, it should be a fast and pleasant blast across the southern reaches of the North Atlantic and on into the Caribbean. Mind the flying fish, and try hook a wahoo!<br> Race #1428<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1428.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Reichel/Pugh 66 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/24/RP-66_Particulars_2.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, <br> March 29 at 2300 UTC. Sao Vicente to Colon 2021 - ESRW Leg 2, racing with 203 boats. March 14, 2021, 4 p.m. True -90.0 -7.0 -15.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1428.xml 1437 Bangkok to Singapore 2021 Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand where your splendid Orange cat awaits. After a busy arrival and preparation, your gear and provisions are stowed, so all that remains is to start plotting your course for the 1217nm race to our finish at the island of Singapore, where an obligatory Singapore Sling cocktail awaits at the legendary Raffles Hotel. <br> Race #1437 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1437.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft Catamaran<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: 21 March at 2300utc Bangkok to Singapore 2021, racing with 175 boats. March 10, 2021, 10 p.m. True 92.0 113.0 -2.0 16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1437.xml 1418 CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Halifax to Clarenville over South <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a><p>With some crews already on their way to Clarenville round the Newfoundland North Cape, it is time for those choosing the shorter 587 nm route heading eastward past the rugged fjords and outports of the south coast to consider starting for the Clarenville rendezvous. With good departure planning and routing there may even be time to visit a fjord or stop overnight at the Club Nautique Tabarly Dock on Ile St Pierre, France! Our best departure window choice will hopefully avoid a strong northeasterly gale on our nose. <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1900utc on 10 March to arrive in Clarenville by 2300utc on 9 April.</font></b> <br>Race #1418<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1418.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE CCA Delivery Cruise 2S 2021 - Halifax NS to Clarenville, racing with 116 boats. March 10, 2021, 7 p.m. True -68.0 -42.0 43.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1418.xml 1442 Lanzarote to Grenada 2021 It should be a great time of year to sail the third Ocean race of this Quarter in our luxurious Xp55 from the Canaries 2865nm down to the lush Caribbean island of Grenada, famed for its rum, spices and chocolate. Serious chocoholics can even sign up for a tour, which includes a scrumptious three-course lunch spotlighting chocolate in every course. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-17194" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1442<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1442.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Xp55<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Xp_55_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPERSOL-SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>April 1 at 2300 UTC. Lanzarote to Grenada 2021, racing with 263 boats. March 8, 2021, 9 p.m. True -72.0 6.0 -20.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1442.xml 1419 CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Halifax to Clarenville over North <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a><p>Welcome again to (virtual) delivery cruising. Those arriving from Sandwich MA have refuelled and reprovisioned and are ready to join join local boats now departing for Clarenville, sailing north around Newfoundland. Our challenge is to look ahead at the long range weather models and select the best weather window for departure promising fair prevailing breezes without encountering major storms in the Gulf of St Lawrence funneling into the Strait of Belle Isle against the south flowing Labrador Current. If we have settled weather in the Strait, we may even be able to anchor briefly to visit L’Anse aux Meadows, the restored viking site that may have been Leif Erikson’s 1001 AD Markland settlement. <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1900utc on 6 March, to arrive in Clarenville by 2300utc on 9 April.</font></b> <br>Race #1419<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1419.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE CCA Delivery Cruise 2N 2021 - Halifax NS - Clarenville, racing with 118 boats. March 6, 2021, 7 p.m. True -68.0 -42.0 43.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1419.xml 1435 San Diego Islands Race 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/02/22/SDYC_Logo120.png" /></a><p>Sailonline is partnered with San Diego Yacht Club for the 2021 Islands Race. This year we are racing TP52s to compete against the real crews in the 132nm course from Long Beach, around the Catalina Islands to San Diego. <br> Race #1435 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1435.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>TP52<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 8 March at 2300utc San Diego Islands Race 2021, racing with 167 boats. March 5, 2021, 9 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1435.xml 1441 San Sebastian to La Rochelle 2021 Once again, our SOL race will be shared with a group of Polish sailors, representing one of the stages of their Virtual Training Cruise around Europe. 171 nm in Delphia 47s across the not always calm Bay of Biscay from San Sebastian to La Rochelle will undoubtedly be one to test their skills. Welcome/Witajcie and we wish you all fair winds.<br> Race #1441<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1441.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Delphia 47<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/10/Delphia_47_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> March 12 at 2300 UTC. San Sebastian to La Rochelle 2021, racing with 143 boats. March 5, 2021, 5 p.m. True -9.0 1.0 42.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1441.xml 1426 Naples Triangle 2021 It's back to the Mediterranean again for round 3 of our SYC Championships over a 342nm course designed by our very own ita10267 who also is our organizing source for the super detailed hires wrf forecasts we are using to power our Carkeek 40s… from Naples, round the islands of Ustica and Stromboli and back to Naples to finish off the island of Capri. Divertiti! <br> Race #1426<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1426.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Carkeek 40 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/06/Carkeek_40_Particulars_.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYQ1 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> March 12 at 2300 UTC. Naples Triangle 2021, racing with 153 boats. March 2, 2021, 2 p.m. True 11.0 16.5 37.5 41.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1426.xml 1448 Bora Experience 2021 Visit the Adriatic Sea for Bora Experience 2021. <br>Bora winds are feared by local sailors and tend to blow most strongly during the winter months, reaching record speeds above 200 km/h (125 mph). In our virtual Seascape 18 we fear not, and you are invited to race from Venice to Dubrovnik, navigating between the islands along the Croatian coast. <br> Race #1448 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1448.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Seascape 18<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, <br> March 7 at 2300 UTC. Bora Experience 2021, racing with 185 boats. Feb. 27, 2021, 4 p.m. True 12.0 19.0 41.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1448.xml 1425 New Hebrides Slalom 2021 Welcome… back to the carved-out coastal backdrop of New Caledonia’s opencast nickel mines, for a quick getaway in elegant Italia 14.98's to the islands of the Coral Sea across the Loyaute Basin and on via a mazy zig-zag north to a finish line in exotic Vanuatu's Big Bay. Only 578nm; enjoy! <br> Race #1425<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1425.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Italia 14.98 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Italia_14.98_Paticulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYQ1 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> March 4 at 2300 UTC. New Hebrides Slalom 2021, racing with 170 boats. Feb. 23, 2021, 6 p.m. True 163.5 171.5 -23.0 -13.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1425.xml 1424 Lady Barron's Dogs RTI 2021 Top right above Tasmania lies the Furneaux Group and between its main two islands of Cape Barren and Flinders we find Franklin Sound, named after intrepid navigator Sir John Franklin, KCH FRS FLS FRGS, Lieutenant Governor of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) from 1837 to 1844, in between his first three and his final and fatal expedition to seek the North West Passage on the other side of the world. Lady Barron is the Group's main town and several of the islets in the Sound are known as Dogs, and so SRC stalwart Renegade invites you to come and 'walk the dogs' – 26nm in MC38s. Woof! <br> Race #1424 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1424.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> MC38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/MC_38_Particulars18.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>February 25 at 2300 UTC. Lady Barron's Dogs 2021, racing with 132 boats. Feb. 20, 2021, 7 p.m. True 147.5 148.5 -41.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1424.xml 1447 Pacific NW Inshore 2021 Welcome to our generally biennial 137nm SOL Classic, from Seattle to Vancouver, past historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival, then on past Whale Watch Park where there is often a pod of orca whales to be seen, continuing on round and through the beautiful San Juan Islands Nature Reserve and then up into the Strait of Georgia for a finish in English Bay. This year in J-122s, flying gennakers downwind when the usually fitful nam_awip winds permit! <br> Race #1447<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1447.html ">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> J-122 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/19/J-122_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> February 27 at 2300 UTC. Pacific NW Inshore 2021, racing with 135 boats. Feb. 16, 2021, 5 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1447.xml 1444 Aland Sea TIMED Race 2021 Norrtalje Segelsallskap, 70km NE of Stockholm was founded in 1920, and time was when the society’s season opened with a challenging offshore race from the club line off Flaten island at the mouth of the long and narrow Norrtaljeviken, out onto a triangular course around the Aland Sea, to finish at Simpnas slightly to the north on Bjorko island - some 78nm in total. A fine race that SOL, being from these parts, ran annually up until 2013. Last run in autumn 2018, we return here to race the course again in the form a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RUN in our flashy Club Swan 50s. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1444/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1444 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1444.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 28 February at 23:00 UTC Aland Sea TIMED Race 2021, racing with 389 boats. Feb. 15, 2021, noon True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1444.xml 1440 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2021 The first ever Sailonline Lake Winnebago January race was held in 2010, as it was decided that we should all pay a visit to SOLer BGosh who had just opened the Eureka Landings Bar and Grill in Oshkosh. Sadly we have recently learned of BGosh's death (<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17234/2021-lake-winnebago-bgosh-memorial/?page=1"><i>more info here</i></a>) so let's raise a glass to him before leaving the warm and toasty Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club clubhouse to don cold-weather racing gear, and ready our DN Iceboats for two swift laps of the frozen lake. Our 102nm course does keep us clear of the fish shanties, but you'll need to stay alert in this no performance loss event. <br> Race #1440 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1440.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/DN_Iceboat_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: 2300utc on Wednesday, 17 February 2021 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2021, racing with 154 boats. Feb. 13, 2021, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1440.xml 1417 CCA Delivery Cruise 2021 - Sandwich to Halifax <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/30/CCA_burgee_130.png" /></a><p>The Cruising Club of America invites you to join them on a (virtual) delivery cruise starting from Sandwich, Massachusetts, the oldest town on Cape Cod in the USA to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, some 354nm away. Once we clear the tip of Cape Cod at Race Point our rhumb line course will be 70 deg T for 225nm across the Gulf of Maine to Cape Sable NS, so the best delivery departure window for sparing the crew and gear pounding into a northeast winter gale across Browns Bank will likely be following a frontal passage with strong favorable westerly winds. You may choose one of two boats, both tailored for cruising and new to Sailonline's boathouse, so flip a coin, study their Particulars sheets and make ready! <font color="red"><b>You may start at any time after 1900utc on 8 February 2021 and you must arrive in Halifax by 4 March at 2300utc</font></b>. <br>Race #1417<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1417.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruise 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/17/Santa_Cruise_52.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>Passport Cruise 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/01/14/Passport_Cruise_40.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE<br>CLOSE: 4 March at 2300utc CCA Delivery Cruise 1 2021 - Sandwich MA to Halifax NS, racing with 184 boats. Feb. 8, 2021, 7 p.m. True -73.0 -54.0 40.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1417.xml 1427 ESRW 2021 - Leg 1 - Haifa to Sao Vicente Welcome to bonknhoot’s alternative round the world race, there where it is wide, in six legs, following the setting sun – the ESRW Equatorial Sailonline Round the World Race; equatorial to differentiate it from more traditional antarctical circumnavigations. Expect then to cross the equator frequently, although on this 3500nm first leg from Haifa to the Cape Verdes in Ker 40s you should probably stay north of it. Being a proper ocean race, there are no intermediate waypoints, but please try to leave Tangiers to port anyway. <br> Race #1427<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1427.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Ker 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Ker40_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: ESRW - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>March 4 at 2300 UTC. Haifa to Sao Vicente - 2021 ESRW - Leg 1, racing with 223 boats. Feb. 5, 2021, 4 p.m. True -37.0 36.0 10.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1427.xml 1432 PAC 6 2021 - Wellington to Lima Are you ready to test your navigation and weather reading skills on another lengthy ocean crossing? This time we depart windy Wellington for a 5700nm hike east across the southern Pacific in our Maxi Trimaran, finishing in Lima where a plate of fresh seafood and an Arequipena no doubt await the fastest finishers. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1432<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1432.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/30/Maxi_Trimaran_PARTICULARS18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ1-SUPERSOL-SYC-PAC6 <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>February 23 at 2300 UTC. Wellington to Lima 2021, racing with 240 boats. Feb. 1, 2021, 10 p.m. True 165.0 295.0 -65.0 0.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1432.xml 1423 Nisi Astypalaia Sprint 2021 Halfway between the Cyclades and Dodecanese island groups in the southern Aegean Sea lies Astypalaia. Remote and relatively unspoilt, the ferry from Pyraeus first calls into some half dozen other islands. Better to sail there, but, with only room for ten or so yachts stern-too on the main harbour pier, you may well have to anchor off in one of the island's many sheltered coves. No showers and fresh daktyla then, but no bother if you've sailed there online for example on a J-122 to compete in SOL's 30nm sprint round the entire island, taking care not to interrupt the serenity of it all, of course. <br> Race #1423 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1423.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-122 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/19/J-122_Particulars.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPQ1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>February 3 at 2300 UTC. Nisi Astypalaia Sprint 2021, racing with 123 boats. Jan. 30, 2021, 6 p.m. True 26.0 27.0 36.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1423.xml 1434 Race the Ditch 2021 Welcome to Sydney, Australia and Sailonline's race to Auckland Harbour across the body of water known locally as The Ditch - a deep channel where the Southern Oceans mix and mingle with the winds and weather from the Pacific to give sailors a true test of their mettle! This time our luxury superyacht Falkun will be tested in this 1263nm course.<br> Race #1434 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1434.html">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Falkun <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/14/Sailonline_Falkun_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 7 February at 2300utc Race the Ditch 2021, racing with 160 boats. Jan. 29, 2021, 9 p.m. True 149.0 179.0 -48.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1434.xml 1421 Shetland Winter Race 2021 A-OI!!! The cry should soon be ringing out in the streets of Lerwick as the Guizer Jarl and his crew, along with the other teams in the Up Helly Aa parade complete their preparations for the biggest fire festival in Europe. While Shetland continues to manage #COVID19 well, Up Helly Aa has been cancelled but this won't stop SOLers racing their Elan 410s this 383nm course from Aberdeen to be sociable in Lerwick Harbour. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart.<br> Race #1421 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1421.html">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 31 January at 2300utc Shetland Winter Race 2021, racing with 152 boats. Jan. 24, 2021, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1421.xml 1433 Race to Geelong 2021 Welcome again to Australia and this time instead of racing out of Port Phillip Bay and offshore, we are racing a speedy slalom course to Geelong of 40nm in First 27s.<br> Race #1433 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1433.html">INFO </a></b> by brainaid.de <br>First 27 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/07/11/First_27_solo_Particulars.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 26 January at 2300utc Race to Geelong 2021, racing with 114 boats. Jan. 23, 2021, 9 p.m. True 144.0 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1433.xml 1430 Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2021 Last raced as part of the 2018 40 footer series, we return to Boston for another race to Newport. However, instead of choosing a boat for a given start time, you get to <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines/">choose a start time</a></b> for the given boat choice of the speedy R/P 66! How quickly can you complete this  132nm run? <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1430/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race # 1430<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1430.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>R/P 66 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/24/RP-66_Particulars_2.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a><br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br>0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking:<br>TRQ1 - TRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 31 January at 23:00 UTC Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2021, racing with 573 boats. Jan. 18, 2021, noon True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1430.xml 1416 Adriano's Brazil Run 2021 Adriano, who sails the SOLship batatabh, together with all his Brazilian friends bids you welcome to this amazing 300nm race in SOL's Albin 79 along their country's beautiful coastline. The race starts in Guanabara Bay, mistakenly considered a river mouth by its first explorers in January 1502, resulting in the settlement on its shore being named January's River (Rio de Janeiro). After passing Rio's iconic Sugar Loaf, the course takes racers along the north coast of the beautiful Ilha Grande to a turn for home at Ilhabela (another 'beautiful island') and a finish off the famous Copacabana beach!<br> Race #1416<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1416.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Albin 79 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/02/Albin-79_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYQ1 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Friday, <br> January 22 at 2300 UTC. Adriano's Brazil Run 2021, racing with 181 boats. Jan. 13, 2021, 4 p.m. True -46.0 -42.5 -25.0 -22.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1416.xml 1422 Kingston Sprint Reggaeta 2021 For the first sprint of the new year, SRC have leased a fleet of First 40.7s for you in Jamaica. Not in their first flush of youth, feel free to race them hard across the islet- and rock-strewn waters off the southern coast of the island. It's a 34nm run, and is likely to be mostly upwind, so not for the fainthearted, but the rum- and reggae-fuelled après-racing party in <a href=" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hxlCUm_tVA" target="_blank"> Kingston Town </a> should be mighty. Enjoy!<br> Race #1422 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1422.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> First 40.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/19/First_40.7_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPR1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>January 14 at 2300 UTC. Kingston Reggaeta, racing with 132 boats. Jan. 9, 2021, 7 p.m. True -77.5 -76.5 17.5 18.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1422.xml 1429 Tasman Double 2020 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to everyone! Welcome to Hobart, Tasmania and our race back to the home of Australia's legendary opera house after partying hard in Hobart - the locals have been hospitable but #CovidSafe and our fabulous Super Maxi 100s want to see how quickly we can get back after our record arrival time.<br> Race #1429<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1429.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SuperMaxi 100<b><a href="/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf "> PARTICULARS </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> TD - SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 10 January at 2300utc Tasman Double 2020 - Leg 2 , racing with 205 boats. Jan. 4, 2021, 4 p.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1429.xml 1420 Foiling Wellington to Ushant 2021 Time to don full weather gear and put the foot down as we race Sailonline's new foiling Imocas over the 11200nm from Wellington NZ to Ushant, France! We will cross two oceans, round Cape Horn, and try to stay on the foils through the notorious highs of the south and north Atlantic Oceans. <br> Race #1420<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1420.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 foil <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/18/Imoca_60_Foil_Particulars.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>February 17 at 2300 UTC. Foiling Wellington to Ushant 2021, racing with 223 boats. Jan. 3, 2021, 9 p.m. True 165.0 359.0 -65.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1420.xml 1411 Virtual Cape Town to Rio 2021 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/07/RCYC_RaceDesc_Burgee_130.png" /></a><p>Welcome to South Africa and RCYC's classic trans-Atlantic Cape2Rio Race from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First run in 1971 the next race in reality will be in January 2023, but in the meantime you can test yourself on-course in this, the Virtual Cape2Rio Race 2021, which introduces a new 74ft speedster, the stunning C2R74. <br> PRIZES: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/17194/2021-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a>and <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2020/dec/25/virtual-cape2rio-race-2021/" > See Intro Blog</a><br> Race #1411 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1411.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br>C2R74<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/11/17/C2R74_Particulars.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>OCQ1-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 20 January at 2300utc Virtual Cape2Rio Race 2021, racing with 353 boats. Jan. 2, 2021, noon True -60.0 26.0 -37.12 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1411.xml 1407 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2020 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/15/ORCV_Race_Desc_Burgee_.png"/></a><p>Welcome to Australia's oldest yacht race, the Rudder Cup, sailed for more than 110 years across Bass Strait from Melbourne to Tasmania, and organised by ORCV. In 2020 we will race a First 40 over the 196nm to Devonport. <br> Race #1407<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1407.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/First_40_Particulars17.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>January 1 at 2300 UTC. ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2020, racing with 177 boats. Dec. 27, 2020, 12:15 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1407.xml 1406 Tasman Double 2020 - Sydney to Hobart There is nothing like a brisk end-of-December race, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, well away from the wintry chills on the northern side of the equator. This time, racing our SuperMaxi 100s, we shall be facing the often stormy waters of the Tasman Sea in a classic run of 625nm from Sydney to Hobart. <br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1406<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1406.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD20-SYC-SMPF <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>January 1 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2020 - Leg 1 , racing with 231 boats. Dec. 26, 2020, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1406.xml 1415 Cape Horn Weekend 2020 How about a speedy X-362 380nm race in the waters off South America, just to blow the cobwebs away!! <br> Race #1415 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1415.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> X-362 <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/23/X-362_sport_Particulars1.pdf">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC Cape Horn Weekend, racing with 166 boats. Dec. 21, 2020, 4 p.m. True -85.0 -55.0 -60.0 -44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1415.xml 1394 Santa Catalina Sprint 2020 For our last sprint of 2020 we return to the west coast of the United States to hemi-circumnavigate Catalina Island, departing from Twin Harbours' Isthmus Cove, there where more foolhardy folk are wont to swim the 18nm to the mainland from. Our sail is slightly longer at 27nm but if the weather is kind you should be able to get round to Cat Harbour on the island's own west coast in our not-oft-SOLed Scampis in little more than 4 hours. Enjoy!<br> Race #1394<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1394.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Scampi 26 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/19/Scampi_26_Particulars.pdf "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>December 24 at 2300 UTC. Santa Catalina Sprint 2020, racing with 120 boats. Dec. 19, 2020, 7 p.m. True -119.0 -118.0 33.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1394.xml 1391 The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 4 The fourth and final leg of <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2020/sep/24/sailonlines-2020-odyssey/" target="_blank"/>Sailonline's Virtual Odyssey</a> takes us out of The Underworld, where Odysseus has tarried too long, back finally to Ithaca, where Penelope has faithfully waited thirteen years – ten at war and three at sea – on his return. But it is not plain sailing, and after scraping through the Straits of Messina past the monsters Scylla and Charybdis, he is blown south one final time to Malta where what is left of his crew offend the sun god Helios, and all but Odysseus die at sea before he reaches Gozo, where the nymph Calypso keeps him for her pleasure for seven years, but after intervention by Zeus himself releases him. A final 650nm of poignant ordeal!<br> Race #1391<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1391.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Trireme <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/23/Trireme_Olympias_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - ODY <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Saturday, <br> December 26 at 2300 UTC. The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 4, racing with 152 boats. Dec. 12, 2020, 6 p.m. True 12.0 21.5 34.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1391.xml 1414 Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 2020 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/12/07/RCYC_RaceDesc_Burgee_130.png"/></a><p> Welcome back to Cape Town. Our new C2R74 awaits us for a second outing ahead of next month's virtual Cape Town to Rio race. The winds and currents where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet are a phenomenal test for all yachties, so this race takes us straight through that zone, teeming also with marine life, for 400 miles to Port Elizabeth. Are you ready to meet this challenge? <br> Race #1414 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1414.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> C2R74 <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/11/17/C2R74_Particulars.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYCQ4 - SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1414/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 13. December at 23:00 UTC Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 2020, racing with 198 boats. Dec. 7, 2020, 4 p.m. True 15.0 30.0 -40.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1414.xml 1413 Christmas to Christmas Island 2020 Welcome to Sailonline’s race to Christmas 2020! This year we will be racing our fabulous OD65 the 5,827nm from Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean. All islands between our start and finish, including the "island" of Australia is in play so - enjoy whichever route you choose! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>Race #1413<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1413.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>OD65 v3 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1413/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 30 December at 2300utc. Christmas to Christmas Island 2020, racing with 289 boats. Dec. 1, 2020, 4 p.m. True 90.0 280.0 -47.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1413.xml 1393 Round Round Robben Sprint 2020 Welcome to South Africa! It's the end of spring here, so let's get racing, in our brand new C2R74 sled, designed by renowned naval architect Mark Mills specifically for our 2021 virtual Cape Town to Rio Race in collaboration with the C2R Race 2023 committee, slated for early January. This 26nm sprint, conceived by stalwart SOL-ling Saffie Sebensa, takes us round or about Robben Island and then back along the teeming beaches to a finish just outside Cape Town Harbour. Eyes ahead! <br> Race #1393<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1393.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> C2R74 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/11/17/C2R74_Particulars.pdf" > PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1393/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 2 at 2300 UTC. Round Round Robben Sprint 2020, racing with 139 boats. Nov. 28, 2020, 4 p.m. True 18.0 18.5 -34.0 -33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1393.xml 1390 The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 3 Leaving a blinded cyclops behind, Odysseus is immediately blown off course again, now to Pantelleria where Aeolus gifts him a bag of wind for later. Sailing on, he next reaches Telepylos, which could be back on the African coast or present-day Favignana off north west Sicily. Our Leg 3 opts for Favignana, which turns out to be inhabited by Laestryonians who start to eat the crew. To get away, the wind bag is opened too soon and they carene on north to the land of the sorceress Circe, who turns the remaining crew into pigs for a year. But once more they get away, finally in the right direction, passing the Sirens on the coast of present-day Amalfi, to end up in The Underworld, the island Vulcano. 550 exhausting miles of mayhem!<br> Race #1390<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1390.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Trireme <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/10/29/Trireme_Olympias_v2_Particulars.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - ODY <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><ahref="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1390/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, <br> December 10 at 2300 UTC. The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 3, racing with 142 boats. Nov. 27, 2020, 5 p.m. True 9.5 16.0 35.5 42.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1390.xml 1405 Lake Superior Lights 2020 Welcome to the Great Lakes region of North America and to a Sailonline classic 'lighthouse' race, this time 572 nm in our Xp55s around Lake Superior, starting at Wisconsin Point Light. <b><a href="https://76trombones.wordpress.com/2009/12/18/lake-superior-lights-tour/l">Click here</a></b>to see some of the other famous lighthouses you will see on course. This race always proves to be an interesting challenge as the waters and shorelines of Lake Superior are among the most rugged and isolated in the United States!<br> Race #1405 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1405.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Xp55 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Xp_55_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1405/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>November 29 at 2300 UTC. Lake Superior Lights 2020, racing with 187 boats. Nov. 20, 2020, 7 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1405.xml 1404 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2020 Race your Maxi Trimaran in a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in the Southern Ocean through Captain Cook’s Desolation Islands, once again. You may win! But can you beat hmm’s record time of 4:13:09 set in 2013? <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1404/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run<br> Race #1404 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1404.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/30/Maxi_Trimaran_PARTICULARS18.pdf " >PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-TRQ4-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1404/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday 29 November at 2300UTC Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2020, racing with 543 boats. Nov. 16, 2020, noon True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1404.xml 1397 Malaysian Coastal 2020 Monsoon season in Asia can make sailing in Malaysian waters super-challenging, and with an extended 2020 season this 70nm run in our Farr 400s from Port Klang to Pangkor may yet prove eventful. <br> Race #1397 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1397.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Farr 400 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/12/29/Farr-400_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1397/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 18 November at 2300utc Malaysian Coastal 2020, racing with 127 boats. Nov. 14, 2020, 5 a.m. True 100.0 102.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1397.xml 1412 Lord Howe 2020 Welcome to the iconic, “Down Under” 412nm racecourse in our Sunfast 3300 from Gosford to Lord Howe Island. Get into competitive mode and be the first to get there. <br> The island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - one of just four island groups to be inscribed on <b><a href=" http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186 ">UNESCO’s World Heritage list</a></b> for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage.<br> Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br> <b>GOGOGO </b><br> Race # 1412<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1412.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Sunfast 3300 <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/Sunfast_3300_Particulars_1.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYCCH-SYCQ4-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1412/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 20. November at 23:00 UTC Lord Howe 2020, racing with 161 boats. Nov. 13, 2020, 4 p.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1412.xml 1410 A3 2020 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 9, the last in the series - a race of 1300nm in VO70v4s from the appropriately named Gage Roads off Fremantle to Adelaide. Let us race with Aaron's spirit back to Adelaide. <br> Race #1410 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1410.html" >INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> VO70v4 <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SYC-A3 <br> ALT. CLIENT<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1410/?version=classic">Classic </a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 15. November at 23:00 UTC A3 2020 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide, racing with 187 boats. Nov. 8, 2020, 11 p.m. True 109.0 144.0 -50.0 -29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1410.xml 1409 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2020 As temperatures begin to drop in the northern hemisphere, Eastern Pacific Gray Whales who have spent the summer months in the nutrient rich feeding grounds of the Bering Sea, now begin to make their way south to their winter home of the warm conditions off the coast of Mexico and we will be joining them for their 3,886nm migration in our 90ft monohull.<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1409 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1409.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1409/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 22 November at 2300utc Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2020, racing with 232 boats. Nov. 2, 2020, 7 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1409.xml 1396 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2020 Welcome to one of Sailonline's great traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a slalom through the Stockholm Archipelago. As always, we are providing you with a fleet of speedy Seacarts to slice through these (at least) 61.5nm of SLI-infested waters, so that you may be sure that there will still be some beer left round the campfire when you dock by the jetty at Trosa! <br> Race #1396 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1396.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1396/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>November 5 at 2300 UTC. Mistli Birthday BBQ Race 2020, racing with 123 boats. Nov. 1, 2020, 2 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1396.xml 1403 Two Oceans Doublecross 2020 This race was first designed for Sailonline in 2010 by SOLer Jawz, and now, ten years on, we again invite you to sail our Fox 9.50s the 185nm around Cape Point and twice over the imaginary line demarcating the meeting of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Count the number of wrecks of previous vessels both old and new that underestimated the fury of the Cape of Storms! Celebrate your survival at the Tavern of the Seas.<br> Race #1403<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1403.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Fox 9.50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/09/Fox_9.50_Particulars_1.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1403/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>November 5 at 2300 UTC. Two Oceans Doublecross 2020, racing with 167 boats. Oct. 29, 2020, 4 p.m. True 17.0 19.0 -35.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1403.xml 1389 The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 2 Welcome back to the second leg of <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2020/sep/24/sailonlines-2020-odyssey/" target="_blank"/>Sailonline's Virtual Odyssey</a> which takes us from Cape Maleas at the south eastern tip of the Peloponnese across the Mediterranean to the land of the drug-dependent Lotus Eaters, probably Djerba on the Tunisian coast, where Odysseus nearly tarries too long, but gets away in time, only to end up on the southern coast of Sicily near present-day Sciacca, where a one-eyed cyclops named Polyphemus holds terrible sway and has to be dealt with after he has devoured a number of the crew. 850nm of epic adventure; enjoy!<br> Race #1389<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1389.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Trireme <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/23/Trireme_Olympias_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - ODY <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1389/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>November 11 at 2300 UTC. The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 2, racing with 171 boats. Oct. 27, 2020, 4 p.m. True 9.5 25.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1389.xml 1402 Sailonline's South China Sea Classic 2020 Welcome to the South China Sea and a fun downwind course of 366nm in TP52s from Lantau Island, Hong Kong to the island of Hainan in southern China. <br> Race #1402 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1402.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING:<br> SYCQ4 - SYCCH - SUPSOL -SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1402/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 29 October at 2300utc Sailonline's South China Sea Classic 2020, racing with 130 boats. Oct. 23, 2020, 3:15 a.m. True 107.0 120.0 12.0 27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1402.xml 1400 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/25/PICCoastalClassic2020_BUT.png"/></a></center><br> Kia Ora tatou! Hello everyone and welcome to Auckland on New Zealand's North Island and our annual competition against the racers of the NZ Multihull Yacht Club in the 118nm run from Auckland to Russell in our 60ft trimarans. With endlessly varying conditions, this race up North Island's E Coast can see flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! As always, arriving yachties will find a traditional welcome of bacon butties and rum.<br> Race #1400<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1400.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft trimaran<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf"> PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1400/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 27 October at 2300utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2020, racing with 149 boats. Oct. 22, 2020, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1400.xml 1392 Hatteras Island Sprint 2020 It is shoal and often stormy off Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, but behind the eponymous island it stands on lies Pamlico Sound, also shoal but sheltered and so wide that Giovanni da Verrazzano in 1524 mistook it for the Pacific Ocean. The Sound forms part of the Intracoastal Waterway, a popular route for smaller cruisers working their way along the US East Coast. It is well buoyed, but best to ignore these racing this interesting 25nm course, designed by SOLer Renegade, in your Sun Fast 3300 across it and around Hatteras Island. <br> Race #1392<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1392.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Sun Fast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/Sunfast_3300_Particulars_1.pdf">PARTICULARS </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ4 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1392/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>October 14 at 2300 UTC. Hatteras Island Sprint 2020, racing with 105 boats. Oct. 10, 2020, 7 p.m. True -76.0 -75.0 34.5 35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1392.xml 1401 Abel T Appreciation Race 2020 In December 1642 after a particularly difficult and rough voyage, the Dutch seafarer and explorer, Abel Tasman, made landfall at a spot he named Staten Landt, believing he had arrived on the coast of Argentina. In fact, he had arrived in modern-day New Zealand. Once again out of love and respect for this brilliant seaman, Sailonline is retracing his route from Tasmania to New Zealand. <br> Race #1401<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1401.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> RP 66 <b><a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/24/RP-66_Particulars_2.pdf">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1401/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE.</b></i>Thursday, 15 October at 23:00 UTC Abel T Appreciation 2020, racing with 150 boats. Oct. 6, 2020, 4 p.m. True 147.0 177.0 -48.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1401.xml 1395 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2020 This 45nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race around SOLer Tarco's home island of Belle Ile was first proposed by him in 2015 and we returned for a second attempt in 2018. Nowadays there are other French SOLers who live, if not on the island, nearby, and undoubtedly one or more of them will put in some hot runs, this year though in Seacart 30s, rather than our very French Mini 6.50s or Figaro's. <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1395/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1395<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1395.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf " > PARTICULARS</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1395/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 18 October at 2300utc Tour de Belle Ile 2020, racing with 300 boats. Oct. 5, 2020, noon True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1395.xml 1398 ASTO Small Ships Race 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/28/SSR20_Logo_Blue_120_2.jpg"/></a></center><br>Welcome to the waters of The Solent off England's south coast and the first SSR (Small Ships Race) organised and designed by <a href="https://uksailtraining.org.uk/home" target="_blank"/>ASTO</a> - your gaff rigged schooner will be expected to sail a tricky 21nm in the shortest possible time!<br>Race #1398 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1398.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Class B Tall Ship<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/28/Tall_Ships_Class_B_Particulars18.pdf" > PARTICULARS</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1398/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 7 October at 2300utc ASTO SSR1 2020, racing with 140 boats. Oct. 3, 2020, 10 a.m. True -2.0 -0.25 50.4 50.98 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1398.xml 1399 RTW 2020 - Leg 4 - Punta del Este to Cascais The last leg of Sailonline's Round the World Race 2020 takes racers from Punta del Este, deep in the South Atlantic, to Portugal's Cascais on the North Atlantic seaboard. More than 5000nm of almost only open water, bar three easily avoidable, well-known island groups and Fernando de Noronha and Madeira, in our much-loved Orange 125ft catamaran for your leisurely enjoyment of only wind, wind and wind and maybe some wine, chat and cheese! <br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-16527 " > SMPF</a><br> Race #1399<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1399.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC - RTW20 <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1399/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>October 29 at 2300 UTC. Uruguay to Cascais - 2020 RTW - Leg 4, racing with 213 boats. Oct. 2, 2020, 8 p.m. True -60.0 0.0 -45.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1399.xml 1388 The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 1 According to Homer, after the Greeks sacked Troy, one of their heroes, Odysseus, had a particularly fateful journey home. Sailonline now invites you to relive his epic tale, journeying in a virtual ancient trireme, modelled on the Hellenic Navy's real live replica Olympia. The legend tells Odysseus was immediately blown off course, north to the land of the Cicones, perhaps making landfall near Cape Maroneais. When the winds abated and after pillaging the people, he made good progress south, undoubtedly rowing some of the way, to exit the Aegean at Cape Maleas, where this virtual first leg ends. Take your seats for 360nm of tragedy!<br> Race #1388<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1388.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Trireme <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/23/Trireme_Olympias_Particulars.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - ODY <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1388/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> The Odyssey 2020 - Leg 1, racing with 134 boats. Oct. 1, 2020, 3 p.m. True 22.5 28.0 35.5 41.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1388.xml 1369 San Francisco Bay Sprint 2020 Many a Sailonline race has started or finished at San Francisco's Golden Gate, but never have we raced inside The Bridge on The Bay. This 27nm sprint corrects that oversight with a fine sight-seeing tour past Alcatraz, Yerba Buena, Brooks and East Marin Island. Our rarely raced Fox 9.50 is your boat of choice. She's a nippy little thing. Enjoy!<br> Race #1369<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1369.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Fox 9.50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/09/Fox_9.50_Particulars_1.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1369/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 30 at 2300 UTC. San Francisco Bay 2020, racing with 125 boats. Sept. 26, 2020, 7 p.m. True -123.0 -122.0 37.5 38.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1369.xml 1386 A3 2020 - Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth In 2012 Sailonline lost one of its more remarkable racers, Aaron Gage, the creator of the Flash client and all-round awesome human being. In his memory, Tyger created a superb series of races around the island of Australia - the A3 (Agage's Around Australia) Series. This race is Leg 8 of the series - a race of 1860nm in Orange 125ft Catamarans from the laid back north to the booming mining capital and yachting centre of Perth in the south of the state of Western Australia. <br>Race #1386<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1386.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft Catamaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf" ><b>Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1386/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday 7 October at 2300utc A3 2020 Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth, racing with 195 boats. Sept. 22, 2020, 9 p.m. True 102.0 131.0 -35.0 -7.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1386.xml 1385 Silverrudder 2020 Sailonline welcomes you to the fifth "buddy-up" with "Silverrudder - Challenge of the Sea" in the 2020 edition race around the Danish Island of Funen. <br> With shallow waters and a strong current this close inshore race is truly a challenge. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single handed racing. Will our Seascape (First) 27 be a match for the real fleet's 17 Seascape 27? <br> Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <p> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for Silverrudder 2020</font><br> <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/17/Starting_Conditions_2020.pdf ">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b><br> Race #1385<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1385.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Seascape (First) 27 <b><a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/07/11/First_27_solo_Particulars.pdf ">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1385/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday 23. September 2020 at 23:00 UTC. Silverrudder 2020, racing with 104 boats. Sept. 18, 2020, 8:30 a.m. True 9.5 12.5 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1385.xml 1375 Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2020 Welcome to southern New Zealand, and welcome to this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race through the South Island’s Foveaux Strait. According to a Maori legend, the strait was created by Kewa the obedient whale when traditional Maori ancestor Kiwa summoned the whale to create a waterway. It is a rough and often treacherous stretch of water. Our 98nm quadrangular course goes around some small islands in the strait. To zoom around these islands in style, we will pull our Seacart 30s out of the shed and let them fly. Enjoy!<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1375/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1375 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1375.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart30<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1375/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 27 September at 2300utc Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2020, racing with 252 boats. Sept. 14, 2020, noon True 167.0 169.0 -48.0 -46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1375.xml 1368 Walyalup Sprint 2020 Once upon a time, aboriginal legend has it, the country of the Whadjuk people extended west from the present day Fremantle shoreline out to Rottnest island, but Walyalup as they called it was lost to the sea, and this sprint takes you across those inundated lands, round reefs and across shoals, 25nm in X-362 Sports. For the Walyalup, September fell in Djilba, the two moons season for hunting weitch - the emu. They're still plentiful, can't fly and easy pickings, but they're protected, so no point stopping for a BBQ. <br> Race #1368<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1368.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> X-362 Sport <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/23/X-362_sport_Particulars1.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1368/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>September 16 at 2300 UTC. Walyalup Sprint 2020, racing with 100 boats. Sept. 12, 2020, 8 p.m. True 115.0 116.0 -32.5 -31.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1368.xml 1384 Carib Rum Run 2020 <a href= "http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/05/CaribRumRunChart.png" target="_blank"/><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/09/05/CaribRumRunChart_T_MINI.png"/></a><br> Welcome to the Caribbean and Sailonline's 2020 Pirate Name PRIZE race, running with Bart's Bash and ahead of International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19 September. This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean, for the first time in a Clipper, collecting barrels from the region's distilleries and carrying them to the rum-parched beaches of Cancun, Mexico. If ye scurvy swabs are up ter it, then ye be invited to attire yerselves in a piratical disguise by becoming an SYC Member and requesting to change your boat name for this race only! <br> Race #1384<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1384.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1384/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 1 October at 2300utc Carib Rum Run 2020, racing with 146 boats. Sept. 10, 2020, 5 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1384.xml 1383 Galway to Dublin 2020 Welcome to get acquainted with the good old "Galway to Dublin Weekender" course for our race, Galway to Dublin 2020 <br> As autumn storms begin to churn the N Atlantic, what could be better than racing some 347nm from Galway on Ireland's west coast to Dublin on her east coast? <br> Race # 1383<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1383.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Farr 38<a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYCCH-SYCQ3-SUPSOL- SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1383/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 14. September at 23:00:00 UTC Galway to Dublin - 2020, racing with 142 boats. Sept. 7, 2020, 6 p.m. True -15.0 -3.0 49.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1383.xml 1382 The Vineyard Race 2020 <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/12/VineyardSails120_BUT_1.png"/></a><br>Welcome to Long Island Sound and Stamford Yacht Club's iconic 238nm Vineyard Race. This will be the 11th year in a row that Sailonline has raced through Long Island Sound to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Ringing the changes from our usual boat choice, this year Sailonline is bringing you a J-boat - the J122 a fabulously competitive 40 footer. Don't miss this opportunity to test her in the waters of E Coast USA. <br> Race #1382<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1382.html"> INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>J-122<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/19/J-122_Particulars.pdf"/> Particulars</a></b> <br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1382/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 9 September at 2300utc. The Vineyard Race 2020, racing with 150 boats. Sept. 4, 2020, 5:05 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1382.xml 1372 Melbourne to Osaka 2020 Welcome to Melbourne for Sailonline's Melbourne to Osaka 2020 Double Handed Yacht Race - a 5000 nautical mile 2-handed yacht race and the only one running from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. This year we're racing the Riptide 50. It could be a long race!<br> PRIZE: <b><a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b><br> Race #1372<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1372.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/10/06/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH - OCQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1372/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>September 26 at 2300 UTC. Melbourne to Osaka 2020, racing with 229 boats. Sept. 1, 2020, 7 p.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1372.xml 1379 SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 50 PIC <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome again to Auckland, New Zealand and the third and last race in the 2020 <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf off New Zealand’s North Island. Our direct competitors in this 2020 Lewmar 50 PIC course are the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association.</a> <br> Race #1379<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1379.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SSANZ - SRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1379/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 3 September at 2300utc SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 50 PIC, racing with 117 boats. Aug. 28, 2020, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1379.xml 1381 Tall Ships Asian Races 2020 - Riau Islands to Singapore <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a><br>Welcome to the second of Sailonline's two Tall Ships races in Asia. This leg takes our traders from the Riau Group of islands, westwards across the China Sea to the entrance of the Singapore Straits. a run of 255nm. <br>Race #1381 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1381.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Class B Tall Ship<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/28/Tall_Ships_Class_B_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TSA - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1381/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 3 September at 2300utc Sailonline's Tall Ships Asia 2020 - Race 2, racing with 166 boats. Aug. 25, 2020, 6 a.m. True 103.5 108.5 0.05 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1381.xml 1380 Tall Ships Asian Races 2020 - Vietnam to Riau Islands <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/08/04/ICONsilhouette-of-a-tall-ship.jpg"/></a><br>Welcome to the first of two Tall Ships races in Asia from Ho Chi Minh City Bay, Vietnam, to Pulau Natuna Besar, Indonesia, some 400nm away. Our destination is in the Riau Island group which has been settled by fishermen for many centuries but now found to be a source of natural gas. At the time tall ships were sailing there, these islands were considered a safe refuge in the South China Seas. <br>Race #1380 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1380.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Class B Tall Ship<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/28/Tall_Ships_Class_B_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TSA - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1380/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 23 August at 2300utc Sailonline's Tall Ships Asia 2020 - Race 1, racing with 144 boats. Aug. 13, 2020, 6 a.m. True 103.0 113.0 2.0 11.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1380.xml 1378 Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2020 Progressive climate change since this 34nm race designed by NZL_Scotsman was first run in 2014 may have eased our access to these fjords but watch out for growlers.  This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race, and you can expect storms and calms, so choose your start time with care. Sailing in little J-80’s, 5:01:11 hours is the previous best time to beat. God hastighed!<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1378/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b>to race again after finishing a run</b> <br> Race #1378 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1378.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>J-80 <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf">Particulars</a><br>  WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230.  <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-TRQ3-SUPSOL-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1378/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>August 23 at 23:00:00 UTC. Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2020, racing with 270 boats. Aug. 10, 2020, noon True -50.0 -46.0 59.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1378.xml 1374 Round White Island Race 2020 This classic New Zealand race is run each year and takes the yachts from Auckland and, after rounding Channel Island, down south to the Bay of Plenty, around the active volcano on White Island, and back to Auckland. Racing RC 44s, who will be first to complete SOL's 292nm course? <br> Race #1374 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1374.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> RC 44 <b><a href= "http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/18/RC_44_Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br>SYCQ3 - SYCCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1374/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>August 15 at 2300 UTC. Round White Island 2020, racing with 125 boats. Aug. 7, 2020, 8 p.m. True 174.0 178.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1374.xml 1366 Maryland to Alaska 2020 Inspired by Matt Rutherford's single-handed Red Dot Expedition around the Americas in 2012, SOLer Renegade proposed a half around from Maryland over the North into the Pacific and back through the Panama Canal, in 5 legs, 5 years later. Leg 2 across the North West Passage proved to be particularly challenging and so to create a proper Ocean Race, SRC has combined Leg 2 with Leg 1 to give you a race of at least 4000nm from Maryland to Alaska in our magnificent 90ft Monohull.<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1366 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1366.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> 90ft Monohull<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH - OCQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1366/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>August 31 at 2300 UTC. Maryland to Alaska 2020, racing with 237 boats. Aug. 4, 2020, 8 p.m. True -163.0 -34.0 30.0 79.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1366.xml 1377 SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 100 Baltic <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome back to Auckland for the second of three races in this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf off the E coast of New Zealand’s North Island. Our direct competitors in this 2020 Lewmar 100 Baltic course are, again, the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association.</a> <br> Race #1377<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1377.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2020 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1377/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 5 August 2020 SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 100 Baltic, racing with 117 boats. July 31, 2020, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1377.xml 1367 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2020 <center><img src="/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/07/25/B2K_RaceDescriptionLogo_SHADOW.png"/></a></center><br>When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia sailors head up to the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. This year Sailonline is joining with the racers from <a href="https://www.rqys.com.au/" target="_blank"/>RQYS</a> to race the 343 nautical miles from Brisbane to Keppel Island in our TP52s. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br> Race #1367<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1367.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de<br> TP-52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1367/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>August 7 at 2300 UTC. Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2020, racing with 163 boats. July 31, 2020, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1367.xml 1361 Tall Ships Races 2020 - A Coruna to Dunkirk <img src="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to the third and last of our races in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 642nm from A Coruna, Spain to Dunkirk France<br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1361<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1361.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a><br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TSE - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1361/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 6 August at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2020 - Race 3, racing with 227 boats. July 27, 2020, noon True -15.0 4.0 40.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1361.xml 1364 Block Island Sound RTI Sprint 2020 After enjoying an impromptu timed race out of Newport round Block and Fishers Island with our friends from Sail Newport last month, we return once more to the western extremity and shores and sandy shoals of Long Island Sound for now a club-to-club sprint from Devon YC at the tip of the island, via a mark off Fishers Island YC, to a finish in front of the marina at Stonington Harbor on the Connecticut mainland. It's about 25nm, and the breeze will likely be moderate and abaft, but in our new-to-Sailonline MC38s, it shouldn't take long at all. <br> Race #1364<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1364.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> MC 38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/MC_38_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1364/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>July 30 at 2300 UTC. Block Island Sound 2020, racing with 139 boats. July 25, 2020, 6 p.m. True -72.5 -71.5 40.5 41.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1364.xml 1365 A3 2020 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - AGage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 7 of the series - a race of 1405nm in 60ft trimarans from Cairns, the hub of Australia's tropical holiday zone, to Darwin, the frontier with Asia. <br> Race #1365<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1365.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1365/">Classic</a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>July 30 at 2300 UTC. A3 2020 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin, racing with 206 boats. July 20, 2020, 9 p.m. True 128.0 152.0 -18.0 -6.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1365.xml 1373 Traverse City Traverse 2020 Welcome to Michigan and a tricky lake race in the waters off Traverse City. Designed by former SOLer A2 in 2016 this race features the picturesque bays, harbours, islands and peninsulas of the Upper Lake Michigan region encompassing both Michigan and Wisconsin. <br> Race #1373<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1373.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> R/P 66 <a href="/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/24/RP-66_Particulars_2.pdf">Particulars</a> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: <br>SYCQ3-SYCCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1373/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 23 July at 2300utc Traverse City Traverse 2020, racing with 177 boats. July 18, 2020, 4 p.m. True -89.0 -83.0 44.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1373.xml 1360 Tall Ships Races 2020 - Cadiz to Sagres <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a></center><br>Welcome to the second of three virtual races of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 124nm from Cadiz, Spain to Sagres, Portugal<br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1360<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1360.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a><br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TSE Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1360/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 18 July at 1200utc The Tall Ships Races 2020 - Race 2, racing with 219 boats. July 12, 2020, noon True -12.0 -4.0 33.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1360.xml 1376 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2020 At short notice we give you a popular SOL perennial, a circa 450nm sail across the Baltic and into the Gulf of Finland, this year in our beautiful timber Van de Stadt, the Lizza Forte. It's summer time, so no icebergs, but take care, keep a weather eye. The odd stray submarine may need to be avoided!<br> Race #1376<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1376.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Lizza Forte <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/10/Lizza_Forte_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1376/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>July 20 at 2300 UTC. Stockholm to St Petersburg 2020, racing with 172 boats. July 11, 2020, 4 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1376.xml 1352 Tall Ships Races 2020 - Lisbon to Cadiz <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/STI_LOGO_2020_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to the first of three virtual races representing this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 220nm from Lisbon, Portugal, giving Cabo de Sao Vicente and Ponta de Sagres plenty of searoom, to Cadiz, Spain <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are always offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1352 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1352.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TSE - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1352/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 10 July at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2020 - Race 1, racing with 270 boats. July 5, 2020, noon True -15.0 -4.0 33.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1352.xml 1370 SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 60 PIC <img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/30/SSANZ2020_LOGO_150.png"/></a><br>Welcome to Auckland, New Zealand and, for the 9th successive year, Sailonline is happy to provide the virtual version of the brilliant three-race <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf off New Zealand’s North Island. Our direct competitors in this 2020 Lewmar 60 PIC course are the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association</a>. <br> Race #1370<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1370.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: <br> SSANZ - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1370/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 8 July at 2300utc SSANZ Triple Series 2020 - Lewmar 60 PIC, racing with 108 boats. July 3, 2020, 9:15 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1370.xml 1371 Pacific Cup 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/22/PacCup2020_150.png"/></a></center><br>Pacific Cup Yacht Club (PCYC) invites all sailors and SOLer's to participate in the virtual edition of this biennial race from San Francisco Bay, USA, to Kaneohe Bay on Oahu's east coast in the Hawaiian Islands 2070nm across the Pacific Ocean. <br>Race #1371<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1371.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a><br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1371/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 17 July at 2300utc Pacific Cup 2020, racing with 397 boats. July 2, 2020, 7 p.m. True -164.0 -117.0 13.5 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1371.xml 1362 RTW 2020 - Leg 3 - Auckland to Uruguay The third leg of Sailonline's Round the World Race 2020 sees the fleet navigating its way from Orakei, Auckland, New Zealand, across the Pacific and up the South Atlantic to Punta del Este, Uruguay <br> For your transit from ocean-to-ocean you may leave Tierra del Fuego to port or to starboard, as you please. <br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-16527 " > SMPF</a><br> Race #1362<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1362.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ3-SUPSOL-SYC-RTW20 <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1362/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Friday, 17. July at 23:00 UTC. Auckland to Uruguay - 2020 RTW - Leg 3, racing with 234 boats. July 1, 2020, 8 p.m. True 165.0 315.0 -70.0 -27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1362.xml 1359 Sailonline's Shetland Race 2020 - Leg 2 As always, in line with what the real fleet usually does, we don't allow ourselves much time to sample the traditional hospitality offered to all in Lerwick, Shetland and regretting the brevity of our stay, and resolving to return, we must now race back to Bergen, Norway, in the second leg of this year's Shetland Race. The North Sea can be cantankerous so let's hope the winds and sea state are kind! <br> Race #1359<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1359.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 44.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/08/First_44.7__Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1359/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 3 July at 2300utc Sailonline's Shetland Race 2020 - Leg 2, racing with 193 boats. June 27, 2020, 4 p.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1359.xml 1358 Sailonline's Shetland Race 2020 - Leg 1 Welcome back to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first leg of two in Sailonline's annual return race between Norway and the Shetland Islands. This year due #COVID19 we are not racing against a real fleet so our focus can be entirely on our own performance across the North Sea (and back, in Leg 2).<br> Race #1358<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1358.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 44.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/08/First_44.7__Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1358/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 29 June at 2300utc Sailonline's Shetland Race 2020 - Leg 1, racing with 208 boats. June 24, 2020, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1358.xml 1354 Newport Bermuda Race 2020 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/NewportBermudaLogo.png"/></a></center><br> The 635-mile biennial Newport Bermuda Race is one of the oldest regularly scheduled ocean races, and with the Fastnet Race and the Sydney to Hobart Race, it is one of the three great classic races of the yachting world. Founded in 1906, the 52nd running of the Bermuda Race is scheduled for June, 2022 – however for 2020, the Newport Bermuda Race will be a virtual race only.<br> <b>Entries are invited for one of the four divisions:</b><br> Double-Handed Division: <br>Jeanneau Sun Fast 3300 <br> St. David's Lighthouse Division: <br>Dehler 46 <br> Gibbs Hill Lighthouse Division: <br>X-Yachts Xp-55 <br> Finisterre Division: <br>Italia Yachts IY 14.98<br> Details for each yacht are available in the ‘Particulars’ links below and by following the links in the <b><a href=" https://bermudarace.com/onlinerace/" target="_blank"> Newport Bermuda Race Blog,</a></b> where you should register your entry also – there are some fine prizes to be won.<br> As in real life, you can only sail one boat in one division, so choose your virtual yacht carefully, and because of the unusual (for SOL) 4-division nature of the event, please note results will not count towards SYC Rankings.<br> Race #1354<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1354.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Sun Fast 3300 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/12/Sunfast_3300_Particulars_1.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> Dehler 46 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/26/Dehler46_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> Xp-55 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Xp_55_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> IY 14.98 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/Italia_14.98_Paticulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: None <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1354/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 1 at 2300 UTC. Newport Bermuda Race 2020, racing with 536 boats. June 19, 2020, 5 p.m. True -75.0 -57.0 28.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1354.xml 1356 Auckland to Fiji 2020 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/10/RAYCLOGO_2.PNG"/></a></center><br> Welcome to Auckland and, for the fourth time in Sailonline's history <b><a href=" http://aucklandfiji.co.nz/ ">an epic race to the island of Fiji</a></b>some 1144nm away. Steinlager 2 has been our boat of choice for all but one of the previous virtual versions of this event but, sadly, this time we will not be competing against a real fleet as the global #COVID19 pandemic has meant the event has had to be cancelled. Hopefully, though, some of the real participants will be joining us from<b><a href=" https://rayc.co.nz/ "> the Royal Akarana YC </a></b> the hosts of the real event, to pit their skills against ours in the ever changing forecast winds. <br>Race #1356 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1356.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Steinlager 2 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYCCH - SYCQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1356/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>June 26 at 2300 UTC. Auckland to Fiji 2020, racing with 180 boats. June 12, 2020, 10 p.m. True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1356.xml 1357 Sail Newport TIMED Race 2020 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/04/SailNewport.PNG"/></a></center><br> Welcome to Rhode Island, and welcome to this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race on Block Island Sound, our third race of the Sail Newport / Sailonline 2020 Series. Dust off and add some speed polish to your Maxi Trimaran and see just how quickly you can haul around Block Island, Fishers Island and back to the clubhouse. Try to judge your weather window well, but once you've finished (you must have finished), you can always try again (as often as you like) by clicking the link below.<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1357/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1357 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1357.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Maxi Trimaran<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/30/Maxi_Trimaran_PARTICULARS18.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> NAM-AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> RANKING: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1357/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 24 June at 2300utc Sail Newport Timed Race 2020, racing with 326 boats. June 9, 2020, noon True -72.5 -70.8 40.5 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1357.xml 1355 AWKR Race 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/06/03/AWKR_RD_Logo.png"/></a></center><br>The Australian Women's Keelboat Race is a 27nm round the cans race in Port Phillip Bay to celebrate and promote women's sailing in Australia. <br>Race #1355 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1355.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 27 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/15/First_27_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1355/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 11 at 2300 UTC. AWKR 2020, racing with 143 boats. June 7, 2020, 7 a.m. True 144.5 145.5 -38.5 -37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1355.xml 1343 Estonian Islands Sprint 2020 Lao and Peerni are two tiny towns with a combined population of little more than 50 souls at the end of the Tostamaa peninsula on the coast of the Gulf of Riga. A ferry departs from Lao's harbour, Munalaiu, for the islands of Manilaid and Kihnu across the water, where the permanent resident count is a factor 10 higher. In winter the ferry doesn't run and you can drive across the ice to the islands instead, but in June beach tourism swells demand, so mind the commercial traffic, SOLers, as you race this 24nm circumnavigation in handsome Linjett 40s!  <br>Race #1343<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1343.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Linjett 40<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/26/Linjett_40___Particulars.pdf"> Particulars </a><br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030/ 1630 / 2230  <br>RANKING:<br>SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1343/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>June 10 at 2300 UTC. Estonian Islands Sprint 2020, racing with 133 boats. June 6, 2020, 5 p.m. True 23.5 24.5 57.5 58.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1343.xml 1344 Migaloo Migration 2020 For many years, SOL has followed the migrations of the Pacific gray whale along the western coast of North America from its northern feeding grounds to its southern breeding grounds off Mexico. Down under in the far opposite corner of the Pacific, Migaloo, the white fella, and his humpback whale kin, exhibit exactly the same (or diametrically opposite) migratory habits between feeding grounds in Antarctic waters and breeding grounds off the coast of Queensland, Australia. We followed Migaloo's springtime track north for the first time in 2019 and this year we repeat the experience, now in 60ft Trimarans. Only 3200 nm. If a whale can do it, so can you! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1344<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1344.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH-OCQ2-SUPERSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1344/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>June 23 at 2300 UTC. Migaloo Migration 2020, racing with 258 boats. June 5, 2020, 5 p.m. True 135.0 170.0 -70.0 0.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1344.xml 1353 A3 2020 - Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 6 of the series - a 295nm sprint in Seacart 30 Trimarans from Airlie Beach, inside the Great Barrier Reef up to Cairns. <br> Race #1353<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1353.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/breezy/run/1353/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 5th of June at 23:00 UTC A3 2020 Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns, racing with 201 boats. June 1, 2020, 6 p.m. True 145.0 151.0 -21.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1353.xml 1349 SoCal 300 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/26/SoCal300_BUT.png"/></a></center><br>The SoCal 300, raced in the waters of California on the US West Coast is usually one of San Diego Yacht Club's most challenging races meaning that we have our work cut out for us to be competitive in our Santa Cruz 52s. This year, due to #COVID19 the real race won't be running which means that some of the real competition may well find their way to race against us in virtuality! <br> Race #1349<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1349.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> NAM_AWIP WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1349/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 3 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2020, racing with 195 boats. May 28, 2020, 7 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1349.xml 1351 Baltic 500 2020 <center><img src=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/21/Baltic500_120.png"</img></center><br>Welcome back to Kiel, N Germany, for the 2020 Baltic 500 race. At this point, this race will be run in real life, but as the circumstances of COVID19 can change quickly, so the final course has not yet been determined! The Baltic and Denmark's inshore waters are both notorious for shallow waters and strong local currents, while the geography brings interesting winds. We have a challenge on our hands with our new and superb Dehler 30 OD. <center> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for the Baltic 500 2020</font><br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/05/17/B500_Starting_Conditions_2020.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b>Race #1351<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1351.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Dehler 30 OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/02/18/Dehler_30_OD_Paticulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYCCH - SYCQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1351/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b>Thursday, 28 May at 23:00 UTC Baltic 500 2020, racing with 187 boats. May 21, 2020, 11 a.m. True 9.0 14.0 53.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1351.xml 1342 Quiberon Islands Sprint 2020 The Quiberon peninsula extends as a submerged granite ridge a further 15nm or so beyond the La Teignouse lighthouse on the rocks off its southern tip, surfacing as two small islands, Houat and Hoedic, the duck and duckling in Breton, 5nm and 10nm beyond the light. Treacherous, tidal waters, but on SOL that daunts us not. Of course, we've raced here before, mostly Timed Runs out of Quiberon around Belle Ile, just south of the islets, and back, but this time it's a sprint from Belle Ile's capital of Port Marie round the foul fowl and back. A triangular course of 22nm, appropriately enough in classic Swan 36es! <br> Race #1342 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1342.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Swan 36 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/26/Swan_36_Particukars.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1342/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 20 at 2300 UTC. Quiberon Islands Sprint 2020, racing with 128 boats. May 16, 2020, 5 p.m. True -3.5 -2.5 46.5 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1342.xml 1350 A3 2020 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 5 of the series - a 550nm run from Brisbane to Hamilton Island in our Class 40. <br> Race #1350<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1350.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/breezy/run/1350/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>May 18 at 2300 UTC. A3 2020 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island, racing with 176 boats. May 9, 2020, 6 p.m. True 148.0 158.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1350.xml 1346 Gibraltar Straits TIMED Race 2020 Welcome to the legendary Pillars of Hercules and a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race that starts in the Atlantic Ocean and finishes in the Mediterranean Sea, some 48nm away. This should be a brilliantly competitive affair in our X-332s.<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1346/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1346 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1346.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>X-332<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/26/X-332_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRQ2 -TRCH-SUPSOL-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1346/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 17 May at 2300utc Gibraltar TIMED Race 2020, racing with 421 boats. May 4, 2020, noon True -6.5 -4.5 35.5 36.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1346.xml 1341 Bay to Bay 2020 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, Bundy, XXXX Gold, uh oof, is that my Seascape 18? Dried out on the beach!? What time is the start? What? It’s a counter for the SOL Sprint Championships! Help me drag her down to the water, mates. Where's the start and where we going? "From Milan to Yucatan, every woman and every man", no west o' Moonbeam to Urangan, 23.3nm! <br> Race #1341<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1341.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1341/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>May 8 at 2300 UTC. Bay2Bay 2020 - Leg 2, racing with 145 boats. May 3, 2020, 11 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1341.xml 1340 Bay to Bay 2020 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait Autumn falls down under and so it is time to hitch the boat to the pick-up and head on down (no travel restrictions here online!) to the Great Sandy Strait for our annual two-race adventure in “strongly built, watertight, capable of withstanding solid water, properly rigged, fully seaworthy and meeting the standards of the Yachting Association Special Regulations and the requirements of Queensland Transport, Marine Safety Queensland, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol and Queensland Water Police” dayboats, this year again in Seascape 18s.<br> Race #1340 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1340.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1340/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>May 7 at 2300 UTC. Bay2Bay 2020 - Leg 1, racing with 153 boats. May 3, 2020, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1340.xml 1348 RTW 2020 - Leg 2 - Cape Town to Auckland This course was raced in 2017 as leg 3 of the RTWR 17 from Auckland to Cape Town. We have reversed the course to go from Cape Town to Auckland and included it in 2020 RTW as leg 2. <br> As an addition to the thrill we will race in the Orange 125ft. Catamaran. That should guarantee the fun in the South Seas in a truly tough race. <br> PRIZE:<a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-16527" > SMPF</a><br> Race# 1348 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1348.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft Catamaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPERSOL -SYC – 2020 RTW <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1348/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 24. May at 23:00:00 UTC. Cape Town to Auckland - 2020 RTW - Leg 2, racing with 279 boats. May 2, 2020, 7 p.m. True 2.0 181.5 -61.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1348.xml 1337 A3 2020 - Leg 4 - Sydney to Gold Coast SOL's lasting gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - AGage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 4 of the series - a 385nm run in First47.7s from Sydney to the Gold Coast, replicating the course of the famous race organised by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia in July each year. <br> Race #1337<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1337.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> First47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1337/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 6 at 2300 UTC. A3 2020 - Leg 4 - Sydney to Gold Coast, racing with 276 boats. April 27, 2020, 5 p.m. True 148.0 160.0 -35.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1337.xml 1345 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2020 Welcome to Islas Canarias and the 2020 running of our 1220nm round-the-islands TP52 slalom, originally designed in 2012 by SOLer TheHorn, starting from and ending close to Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria. <br> Race #1345<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1345.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" /static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="/windy/run/1345/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 29 April at 2300utc Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2020, racing with 214 boats. April 20, 2020, 6 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1345.xml 1338 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2020 It is April and that means Jakob, one of Sailonline's Founding Fathers, will be celebrating his birthday and, for the 12th time in a row, we will be slaloming our way through the Stockholm Archipelago to his home. <br> Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! <br>Lycka till, alla!! <br> Race #1338 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1338.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Linjett 33 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/03/14/Linjett_33_Particulars18_.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1338/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 22 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2020, racing with 155 boats. April 19, 2020, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1338.xml 1335 Percé to Saint Malo Transat 2020 Percé is a fishing village in the lee of its magnificent eponymous rock on the southern shores of the entrance to the St Lawrence Seaway, discovered in 1603 by Quebec's founding father Samuel de Champlain on his first voyage to the northern regions of America. In 2012, a mere 400-odd years on, Sailonline decided to return from thence, via the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon, to St Malo, the departure port of many of the French voyages of long-ago. An IRL race celebrating Jacques Cartier's much earlier voyage of 1534 exploring the Gulf of St Lawrence, first held in 1984, was further inspiration. To celebrate all things French, therefore, we now invite you to repeat this epic 2,485nm race, as before in those very French and by now venerable Sailonline IMOCA 60s!<br>PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1335 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1335.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/IMOCA_60_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH - OCQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1335/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>May 4 at 2300 UTC. Percé to Saint Malo Transat 2020, racing with 323 boats. April 13, 2020, 6 p.m. True -72.0 9.0 25.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1335.xml 1332 A to A Easter Offshore Race 2020 Welcome all to SOL's fourth race in this year's twelve race SYC Championship, and to another prestigious buddy-up with RHKYC for their A to A Easter Offshore Race 2020 which is a replacement for the deferred 2020 Rolex China Sea Race. This 400nm race will take boats from Hong Kong to Pratas Reef, Pedro Blanco before finishing back in Hong Kong waters.<br> Race #1332<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1332.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> J130 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/17/J130_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH - SYCQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1332/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 15 April at 2300utc A to A Easter Offshore Race 2020, racing with 261 boats. April 10, 2020, 3:30 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1332.xml 1339 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/04/06/2020_B2G_logo_125_.jpg"/></a></center><br>The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been an annual event since 1949 and has become Australia’s #2 classic – 2020 marks its 72nd anniversary but due to COVID19 it will be a virtual classic only this year. <br> Race #1339<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1339.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1339/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>All Times in UTC</b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Thursday, 16. April at 23:00 UTC Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2020, racing with 303 boats. April 10, 2020, 1 a.m. True 146.0 160.0 -30.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1339.xml 1331 Hook Island TIMED Race 2020 Welcome to Australia and the first race of Sailonline's 2020/Q2 TIMED Race Championship. We'll be racing Farr 38s some 64nm between the islands of Hook and St Bees. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1331/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run. </b> <br> Race #1331<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1331.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Farr 38<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRCH – TRQ2 – SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1331/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: 19 April at 2300utc Hook Island TIMED Race 2020, racing with 338 boats. April 6, 2020, noon True 148.5 150.25 -21.25 -19.75 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1331.xml 1347 Captain Bartholomew Gosnold Memorial Race 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/31/Captain_Bartholomew_Gosnold_120.png"/></a></center><br>Welcome to the second of three races arranged between Sailonline and SailNewport. This time we are heading out of Newport in a race around Nantucket Island in TP52s to celebrate the life of Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold who, among many other things in his short life, "named Cape Cod for the teeming fish he encountered there, and Martha’s Vineyard for his daughter."<br> Race #1347 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1347.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: None <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1347/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 9 April at 2300utc Captain Bartholomew Gosnold Memorial Race 2020, racing with 298 boats. April 4, 2020, 9 p.m. True -72.7 -69.0 40.5 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1347.xml 1334 Oahu East Coast Sprint 2020 Come with us to the "Windward Side" of "The Gathering Place", O'ahu, thus named by ancient Polynesian seafarer Hawaiʻiloa in honour of his daughter, probably left behind on some distant western shore, there to find a short course of 23nm in length leaving a number of rocky volcanic crags and islands to port and starboard, and a fleet of well-preserved Frers 33 to race each other in. <br> Race #1334<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1334.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Frers 33<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/14/Frers_33_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1334/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>April 8 at 2300 UTC. Oahu East Coast RTI Sprint, racing with 146 boats. April 4, 2020, 4 p.m. True -158.0 -157.0 21.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1334.xml 1336 SOL around Vancouver Island 2020 Welcome back to Vancouver and the 525nm delightful course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water which our seldom sailed and elegant Dufour 40 will love. <br> Race #1336<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1336.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Dufour 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/25/Dufour_40_Particulars.pdf"><b>Particulars</b></a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1336/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Sunday, 12. April at 23:00 UTC Sailonline's Race Around Vancouver Island 2020, racing with 227 boats. April 1, 2020, 5 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1336.xml 1330 A3 2020 - Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney SOL's continuing tribute to AGage is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 3 of a 9-race series. Not a race goes by without the name of AGage appearing somewhere in race chat. We continue our running of this tribute circumnavigation of Australia in his memory. Leg 3 is a 630nm race from Hobart to Sydney.<br> Race #1330 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1330.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1330/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 6. April at 23:00 UTC A3 2020- Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 229 boats. March 28, 2020, 7 p.m. True 144.0 160.0 -45.5 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1330.xml 1333 The Inaugural Quahog Cup 2020 <center><img src="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2020/03/20/QuahogBanner2020_120.jpg"/></a></center><br>Newport, Rhode Island and the waters of Narragansett Bay are famous the world over. For this race, we team up with the crew from Sail Newport and the students of Rhode Island’s premier public sailing site. This will be the 1st in a series called the Sail Newport / Sailonline Series 2020 and we will be sailing our Farr 30 to get things going. Who knows, a future legend of yachting may be unearthed during this series. <br> Race #1333 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1333.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Farr 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/07/Farr_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: None <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1333/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 26 March at 2300utc The Inaugural Quahog Cup 2020, racing with 667 boats. March 22, 2020, 1 p.m. True -72.0 -70.5 41.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1333.xml 1315 Toulon RTI Sprint 2020 We find ourselves off Levant in Les Îles d'Hyères, like a number of other islands off France's Mediterranean Coast once the haunt of monks, but nowadays a naturist paradise as well as a military missile testing centre, I kid you not. So, keep your eyes on the course; BBQ's could lead to arrests (for being overdressed or spying) or other unforeseen consequences!<br> Race #1315<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1315.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> Class 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1315/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 25 at 2300 UTC. Toulon RTI Sprint 2020, racing with 142 boats. March 21, 2020, 4 p.m. True 5.5 7.0 42.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1315.xml 1329 Tristan TIMED Race 2020 Let’s head for the Island of Tristan da Cunha, a remote outpost in the South Atlantic where gales and storms may come and go but the sea is everlasting, to participate in this 68nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed originally by NZL_Scotsman.<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1329/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b> to race again after finishing a run.<br> Race #1329<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1329.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br> Finngulf 43 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/04/Finngulf_43_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> TRCH-TRQ1-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1329/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 29. March at 22:00 UTC <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 29. March at 23:00 UTC Tristan TIMED Race 2020, racing with 342 boats. March 16, 2020, noon True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1329.xml 1310 RTW 2020 - Leg 1 - Lisbon to Cape Town Our third OCC race in Q1 is also our first race of a special 4-race RTW series. Given that this leg 1 is taking us on a more than 5000nm passage from Lisbon to Cape Town, the betting has to be that the subsequent legs will be into the wind. Hopefully not in replicas of Ellen McArthurs Orange catamaran then!<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1310 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1310.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft Cat <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH - OCQ1 - RTW - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1310/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>April 5 at 2300 UTC. Lisbon to Cape Town 2020, racing with 206 boats. March 8, 2020, 7 p.m. True -51.0 24.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1310.xml 1317 San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2020 Welcome to Sailonline's second hosting of the virtual running of San Diego Yacht Club's classic 1000 nm race to Puerto Vallarta on the Mexican Riviera! While there is a brilliantly mixed real fleet we shall be taking them on aiming to be first to the sun and fun in the south in our VO70s! <br> Race #1317<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1317.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>VO70_v4 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1317/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>March 18 at 2300 UTC. San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2020, racing with 137 boats. March 7, 2020, 8:10 p.m. True -135.0 -99.0 10.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1317.xml 1328 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 4 We've made it! Welcome to the fourth and final leg of the SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020. All we need to do now is "head north then turn left and left again" - in reality, 354nm from Napier back to Auckland!<br> Race #1328 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1328.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1328/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Thursday, 12 March at 23:00 UTC SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 4, racing with 118 boats. March 6, 2020, 2 a.m. True 173.0 182.0 -41.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1328.xml 1327 Black Gold Rush 2020 Run the Gulf - 650nm in our Seacart 30 from Kuwait, via Bahrain and Abu Dhabi to finish offshore Dubai. <br> It sounds simple, but can prove to be somewhat of a challenge, because “The Persian Gulf” (one of many names for it) is one of the world's busiest waters. There are of course huge supertankers, but also lots of trading and fishing d'hows not to mention pirates at all. <br> So, keep a close watch. <br> Race #1327<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1327.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH-SYCQ1-SUPERSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1327/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 6. March at 23:00 UTC Black Gold Rush 2020, racing with 147 boats. March 2, 2020, 5 p.m. True 47.0 56.0 23.5 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1327.xml 1326 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 3 The race from Mangonui to Wellington was a tough one, so spare a thought for the real racers who haven't had that long to recuperate before we set off again. Heading into the Cook Strait and "round the corner" for a run up the E coast of North Island to Napier. With Southern Ocean winds a-swirling, this could be interesting!.<br> Race #1326 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1326.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1326/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 5 March at 2300utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 3, racing with 119 boats. March 2, 2020, 2 a.m. True 173.0 180.0 -43.0 -38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1326.xml 1324 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 2 After our first familiarisation leg and a brief stopover in Mangonui, it is time for the toughest leg in this four-race series - a run of 491nm across the top and down the entire West coast of New Zealand's North Island, to the nation's capital, Wellington. Race well!<br> Race #1324 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1324.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1324/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 2, racing with 135 boats. Feb. 23, 2020, 11 p.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1324.xml 1319 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 1 Welcome to the first of four legs in the awesome SSANZ Round New Zealand race where our virtual fleet of Class 40s will be racing directly against the real fleet via Yellowbrick Tracking. We're starting with a short first hop of 150nm from Auckland to Mangonui. <br> Race #1319 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1319.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/12/15/Class_40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: RNI - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1319/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 2300utc on Monday, 24 February 2020 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2020 - Leg 1, racing with 144 boats. Feb. 22, 2020, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1319.xml 1322 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2020 Welcome back to the wintry homewaters of the Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club (NNYC) for Sailonline's annual virtual ice race on Lake Winnebago. As is our habit, we'll be using the NOAA USA nam_awip forecast wind so please note the different update times listed below. Iceboat racing is around pylons on the ice - here on Lake Winnebago there are also fish shanties to keep an eye out for - so with a zero performance loss Iceboat, this 102nm, two-lap course will need all your concentration! <br> Race #1322 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1322.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> DN Iceboat <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/DN_Iceboat_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1322/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 18 February at 2300utc Lake Winnebago Race 2020, racing with 113 boats. Feb. 15, 2020, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1322.xml 1325 A3 2020 - Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart SOL's continuing tribute to AGage is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 2 of a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/series/193/" target="_blank"/>9-race series </a> - a 440nm race in First 47.7s replicating the Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster Race. <br> Race #1325 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1325.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1325/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 17. February at 23:00 UTC A3 2020- Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart, racing with 141 boats. Feb. 10, 2020, 7 p.m. True 139.0 150.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1325.xml 1314 Mayotte Sprint 2020 We have raced in the Comoro Islands before, but this time, keeping things French, we take you to another bit that is in Europe - le département de Mayotte et Les Îles Glorieuses. Like neighbouring independent Mohali, the geology here is a mix of volcano and coral, and it is one of those remote places that keeps the known worldwide species count stable whilst extinction reigns. The entire coastline is a designated Marine Park, but never mind, let's go race SOTO30s across 21nm of azure blue waters, anyway!<br> Race #1314<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1314.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> SOTO 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/06/SOTO_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1314/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>February 12 at 2300 UTC. Mayotte Sprint 2020, racing with 102 boats. Feb. 8, 2020, 4 p.m. True 45.0 46.0 -13.5 -12.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1314.xml 1309 Dondra to Sanya 2020 Rested and recreated after a perhaps longer than anticipated G&T-fuelled stay on the Indian sub-continent's premier holiday island, it is time to muster your OD65's crew and sail on for Sanya at the top of the South China Sea. A tricky passage of c 2500nm generally against the prevailing winds, with one or other Indonesian strait requiring careful navigational attention!<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1309 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1309.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH - OCQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1309/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>February 28 at 2300 UTC. Dondra to Sanya 2020, racing with 163 boats. Feb. 6, 2020, 6 p.m. True 75.0 120.0 -10.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1309.xml 1323 Buenos Aires to Rio 2020 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to BA-Rio Race 2020, designed by SOL'er zero in 2013. This is a replica of a classic triennial race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, first run in 1947. <br> Race #1323<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1323.html">Info</a></b>from brainaid.de<br> Riptide 50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/10/06/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYCCH-SYCQ1-SUPSERSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1323/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 11. February at 23:00 UTC. BA-Rio 2020, racing with 147 boats. Feb. 1, 2020, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1323.xml 1321 Race to Up Helly Aa 2020 A-OI!!! The dark of winter is beginning to lift and across the Shetland Islands the light of fire festivals hastens the arrival of spring. The Up Helly Aa festival in Lerwick is the biggest of them all and so, as is Sailonline's tradition, we shall be racing to Lerwick to (virtually) take part in the Up Helly Aa festivities there which take place this year on Tuesday, 28 January. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart.<br> Race #1321 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1321.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1321/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 2 February at 2300utc Up Helly Aa 2020, racing with 145 boats. Jan. 27, 2020, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1321.xml 1313 Martinique Sprint 2020 One of the surprising things about France is that you find nice little departments of it everywhere; here, par example, in the Caribbean Sea's Windward Isles. Yes, Martinique is part of the European Union, and for a few Euro coin you can charter an F18 catamaran to explore the beaches along its eastern coast. There's an online race on here as well on Saturday, January 25; just 21.5nm from Île Cabrits to Le Robert. Why not join in?<br> Race #1313<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1313.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1313/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>February 2 at 2300 UTC. Martinique Sprint 2020, racing with 106 boats. Jan. 25, 2020, 6 p.m. True -61.0 -60.0 14.0 15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1313.xml 1320 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2020 This 975 NM course first run in 2011 mixes challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Celtic Sea before finishing in Normandy. <br> You are provided with our excellent "Club Swan 50" to do it! <br> Race #1320<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1320.html"> INFO </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1320/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>January 29 at 23:00 UTC. 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2020, racing with 158 boats. Jan. 19, 2020, 4 p.m. True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1320.xml 1318 South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2020 No time to stop off for a quick snack as we hit a truly fire and ice trail round volcanoes and a stationary iceberg in this 93nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race. We sail in our VO70_4's on a course provided by NZL_Scotsman. <br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1318/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1318 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1318.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4<b> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> TRQ1-TRCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1306/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br> <b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 26. January at 22:00 UTC<br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 26. January at 23:00 UTC. South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2020, racing with 393 boats. Jan. 13, 2020, noon True -29.0 -26.0 -58.0 -56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1318.xml 1312 Formentera Sprint 2020 It'll cost you $35 or more to pick up a mooring in the bay in the lee of <a href=" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSi8WQ7svwo "> Espalmador </a>, so avoid that BBQ and save your hard-earned dinero for a one-year membership of SOL, including a virtual burgee and ranking in this and all the other championships! In the meantime, as you contemplate these alternatives, be sure to also enjoy this 16.5nm sprint/cruise across the shallows between Formentera and Ibiza in your luxury Delphia 47!<br> Race #1312<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1312.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> Delphia 47 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/10/Delphia_47_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1312/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>January 15 at 2300 UTC. Formentera Sprint 2020, racing with 99 boats. Jan. 11, 2020, 6 p.m. True 1.0 2.0 38.5 39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1312.xml 1316 A3 2020 - Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne SOL's lasting gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 1 of a <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/series/193/ "/>9-race series </a> - 468nm in a First47.7 across the south east corner of mainland Australia. <br> Race #1316 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1316.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> First 47.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1316/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 12 January at 23:00 UTC A3 2020 Adelaide to Melbourne Leg 1, racing with 148 boats. Jan. 7, 2020, 7 p.m. True 135.0 147.0 -41.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1316.xml 1308 Abu Dhabi to Dondra 2020 Almost exactly five years ago, SOL, shadowing a real live ocean race, set a mighty fleet of honed and updated OD65s off on a gruelling voyage from Abu Dhabi to Sanya on the southern tip of China's Hainan Island. A month later, the race closed with half the fleet still out at sea. This year, this January, we re-enact this race, but are putting in a stop halfway, after about 2000nm, at Sri Lanka's Dondra, with the second leg scheduled to start a month later; both to count towards 2020's OCCH series. Fair winds!<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16526/2020-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1308 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1308.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH – OCQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1308/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>January 26 at 2300 UTC. Abu Dhabi to Dondra 2020, racing with 170 boats. Jan. 6, 2020, 5 p.m. True 50.0 90.0 -4.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1308.xml 1311 Tasman Double 2019 - Leg 2 - Gosford to Lord Howe Island Welcome to the second leg of our Tasman Double series 2019 - for the first time, we shall be exercising our Farr38s in a run to Lord Howe Island, located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand. This island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - one of just four island groups to be inscribed on <b><a href=" http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186 ">UNESCO’s World Heritage list</a></b> for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. <br> Race # 1311 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1311.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Farr 38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TD19 - SYCQ1 - SYCCH- SUPSOL - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1311/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 7 January at 2300utc Tasman Double 2019 - Leg 2 - Gosford to Lord Howe Island, racing with 155 boats. Jan. 2, 2020, midnight True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1311.xml 1307 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2019 Welcome to the 2019 "Rudder Cup" race across the Bass Straits from Melbourne to Tasmania, organised by the ORCV. <br> Race #1307<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1307.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Sunfast 3600 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1307/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 30. December at 23:00 UTC ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2019, racing with 131 boats. Dec. 27, 2019, 3:30 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1307.xml 1305 Tasman Double 2019 - Sydney to Hobart There is nothing like a brisk end-December winter race, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, well away from the wintry chill on the other side of the globe. This time, racing our SuperMaxi 100s, we shall be facing the stormy waters of the Tasman Sea in a classic run of 625nm from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #1305<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1305.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - TD19 <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1305/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 31 December at 2300utc Tasman Double 2019 - Race 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 184 boats. Dec. 26, 2019, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1305.xml 1302 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2019 Welcome to Marenostrum, the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Starting from Palermo on the north west corner of Sicily for a pair of turning marks off the north east coast of Sardinia, allowing racers to choose to leave Corsica to port or to starboard , this 430nm race to the Principality of Monaco provides a fascinating and technically complex challenge for routers, seat-of-pants'rs and real life yachtsmen alike. As on previous occasions, our yacht of choice is SOL's close-winded blue-goo-busting Class 40. Enjoy!<br> Race #1302 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1302.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/27/Class_40_Particulars17v2.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYCCH - SYQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1302/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>December 30 at 2300 UTC. Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2019, racing with 140 boats. Dec. 20, 2019, 4 p.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1302.xml 1300 Caspian Chilov Chiller Sprint 2019 So here we are on the shores of the Caspian Sea in December. Ice is breaking up along the beach and the sheets grind over each other. Further <a href=" http://www.horizonice.com/the-caspian-sea.html">North,</a>the sea is wholly frozen over. Undaunted, clad in thermal suits, balaclavas, ski gloves and insulated Dubarry's, and with the space heater on down below, we invite you to venture out for a brisk 28nm race in Linjett 33s, round Chilov island and back home to Gurgan harbour. Don't dawdle! <br> Race #1300 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1300.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Linjett 33 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/03/14/Linjett_33_Particulars18_.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SRQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1300/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 18 at 2300 UTC. Caspian Chilov Chiller 2019, racing with 93 boats. Dec. 14, 2019, 6 p.m. True 50.0 51.5 39.5 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1300.xml 1306 Yates Cup TIMED Race 2019 Welcome to a replication of the shortened 2017 edition of this Category 3+ race from Auckland around the Hauraki Gulf which, on this occasion is being run in the form of a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RACE. <br> Also, we are pleased to introduce you to a brand-new arrival in the Sailonline boathouse, namely the MC 38. Be sure to check out its "Particulars". <br> Race #1306<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1306/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1306 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1306.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br></b> MC 38<b> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/03/04/MC_38_Particulars18_1.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> TRQ4-TRCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1306/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 23 December at 23:00 UTC. Yates Cup TIMED Race 2019, racing with 249 boats. Dec. 10, 2019, noon True 174.0 177.0 -37.0 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1306.xml 1304 Fisherman's Friend 2019 A 272nm race in First 40s around the main fishing ports and grounds off Devon and Cornwall. The Western Approaches can be anything but predictable at any time of the year, but in December, with wild weather hurling itself across the Atlantic, and the occasional calm, you will need to be prepared for everything, so pack your foulies! <br>Race #1304 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1304.html" >INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/19/First_40.7_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br> RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1304/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 13 December at 2300utc Fisherman's Friend 2019, racing with 114 boats. Dec. 7, 2019, 2 p.m. True -9.0 1.0 48.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1304.xml 1299 Seychelles Sprint 2019 Nothing better than a winter break in The Seychelles, and especially if there is a fleet of Mini 6.50s available to charter and to race round an impromptu course of c 21nm taking in some of the archipelago's granitic islands. Tarry awhile before and after, but beware the navy and the pirates, mind!<br> Race #1299<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1299.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> Mini 6.50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/28/Mini_6.50_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ4 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1299/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 4 at 2300 UTC. Seychelles Sprint 2019, racing with 95 boats. Nov. 30, 2019, 4 p.m. True 55.5 56.5 -5.0 -3.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1299.xml 1303 Christmas(W) to Christmas(E) Island 2019 Welcome to Sailonline’s race to Christmas! <br> 5,827nm in Volvo 70s provides a sailing adventure for the run up to the festive season. Our race takes us from Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean to Christmas Island in the Pacific – how many of you knew there were two?! Many routing options so please have fun! Fair winds! <br> Race #1303 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1303.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Volvo 70_v4<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL- SYC <br> <b> PRIZE:</b> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1303/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sundayy, 29. December at 23:00 UTC Christmas(W) to Christmas(E) Island 2019, racing with 199 boats. Nov. 26, 2019, 4 p.m. True 90.0 280.0 -60.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1303.xml 1296 Lake Superior Lights 2019 Welcome to the Great Lakes region of North America and to a Sailonline classic "lighthouse" race this time around Lake Superior - starting at Wisconsin Point Light - <b><a href="https://76trombones.wordpress.com/2009/12/18/lake-superior-lights-tour/l">click here</a></b> to see some of the other famous lighthouses you will see on-course. This race always proves to be an interesting challenge as the waters and shoreline of Lake Superior are among the most rugged and isolated in the United States!<br> Race #1296 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1296.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>SOTO 30 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/11/06/SOTO_30_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1296/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 28 November at 2300utc Lake Superior Lights 2019, racing with 143 boats. Nov. 21, 2019, 7 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1296.xml 1298 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2019 The Gulf of Finland is still ice-free, so board your X-35´s and get ready for a 450nm passage from one great historic Baltic city to another, via a slight detour south. Take care, keep a weather eye. The odd stray submarine or ice-breaker may need to be avoided.<br> Race #1298<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1298.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> X-35 OD <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/20/X_35_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH - SYQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1298/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>November 23 at 2300 UTC. Stockholm to St Petersburg 2019, racing with 138 boats. Nov. 17, 2019, 3 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1298.xml 1295 Raja Muda Selangor International 2019 For the second time, Sailonline has been invited to race in company with the real yachts racing in this year's run from Port Klang to Pangkor. In reality, this is just one race in a full-on week including three overnight passages and three days of inshore racing in the waters of Penang and Langkawi, all organised by the Royal Selangor Yacht Club in association with the RORC. <br> Race #1295 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1295.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> First 44.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/08/First_44.7__Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1295/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 20 November at 2300utc Raja Muda Selangor International 2019, racing with 112 boats. Nov. 16, 2019, 5:20 a.m. True 100.0 102.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1295.xml 1297 Lake Victoria Sprint 2019 "I had a farm in Africa, near the shores of Lake Victoria." Denys kept a boat on a mooring at the sailing club down by Kaazi. He called her Platu, I don't know why, but she had an impressive turn of speed for a 25 footer. Some Saturdays there would be a particular happiness in sailing her with him to Entebe - 20 odd English miles in a cooling breeze, however slight it might be. Friends there would give us supper and a bed, for reality to beckon once again the next day.<br> Race #1297 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1297.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/18/Platu_25_Paticulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1297/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>November 13 at 2300 UTC. Lake Victoria Sprint 2019, racing with 103 boats. Nov. 9, 2019, 4 p.m. True 32.0 33.5 -0.5 0.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1297.xml 1301 Valletta Sprint 2019 Welcome once again to the Mediterranean and a true SOL perennial. At 588nm in often light Mediterranean airs, to-date no boat – multi or maxi, SOL or IRL – has managed to best the US's Rambler’s time of 47:55:03 for the course set during the 2007 Middle Sea Race. This year, we offer you the Ker 40, to try your damnedest with. <br> Race #1301 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1301.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Ker 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Ker40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1301/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 11. November at 23:00 UTC Valletta Sprint 2019, racing with 132 boats. Nov. 4, 2019, 3 p.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1301.xml 1294 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2019 Welcome to one of Sailonline's annual traditional races - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a, hopefully high-energy, BBQ race. Run close to Mistli's birthday on November 1 it is time to slalom our fabulous Seacarts through the islands of our homewaters of the Stockholm Archipelago to be first at the party! <br> Race #1294 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1294.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1294/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 7 November at 2300utc Mistli Birthday BBQ Race 2019, racing with 87 boats. Nov. 3, 2019, noon True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1294.xml 1290 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2019 It is autumn in the N Hemisphere and just as memories of the warmth of summer are fast fading, it is time for SOLers everywhere to get ready to follow the Gray whales in their 4000nm annual migration from feeding grounds in the chilly, but nutrient rich waters of the Bering Sea to the idyllic, warm conditions of Mexico's coast. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1290 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1290.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br>OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1290/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 29 November at 2300utc Gray Whale Migration Autumn 2019, racing with 165 boats. Nov. 1, 2019, 8 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1290.xml 1289 Abel T Appreciation Race 2019 Welcome to Tasmania and a sail back-in-time. <br>In December 1642 after a particularly difficult and rough voyage, the Dutch seafarer and explorer, Abel Tasman, made landfall at a spot he named Staten Landt, believing he had arrived on the coast of Argentina. In fact, he had arrived in modern-day New Zealand. Out of love and respect for this brilliant seaman, Sailonline is retracing his route from Tasmania to New Zealand. <br> Race #1289<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1289.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1289/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 6 November at 2300utc Abel T Appreciation Race 2019, racing with 139 boats. Oct. 28, 2019, 9 p.m. True 147.0 177.0 -48.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1289.xml 1286 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2019 Welcome back to Auckland on New Zealand's North Island and the 2019 running of the classic annual race from Auckland to Russell. This can be a tricky race, with pretty much all conditions possible - from flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! As always, arriving yachties will find a traditional welcome of bacon butties and rum.<br> Race #1286<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1286.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1286/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: 28 October at 2300utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2019, racing with 140 boats. Oct. 24, 2019, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1286.xml 1292 Key Lime Pie-gatta 2019 Rum runners, conch fritters and shrimp! You don't race this, you're a whimp. <br> Or a Po-boy, thinks it's cold; just get a shirt on, go, go, go! <br> 170 nautical miles <br> criss-cross the causeway, <br> in Far Easts, a tad far west, <br> would you not say? <br> And mez-res NAM wind, <br> Eh? Okay? <br> Race #1292<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1292.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Fareast 28R <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Fareast_28R_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1292/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>October 29 at 2300 UTC. Key Lime Pie-gatta 2019, racing with 117 boats. Oct. 21, 2019, 6 p.m. True -84.5 -78.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1292.xml 1291 Galloo Islands Sprint 2019 There is so much more to New York than that collection of towering skyscrapers at the mouth of the Hudson river. Upstate, it is rolling pastures, mountain ranges and lakelands, stretching all the way to the U.S. border with Canada – the St Lawrence Seaway and the waters of two great inland seas, Lakes Erie and Ontario. This race takes you right to the top of this bucolic wonderland for a 24nm sprint in classy Club Swan 50s out to the historic lighthouse on the southern tip of Galloo Island on the eastern reaches of Ontario, round the island and back to Henderson Bay. Enjoy!<br> Race #1291<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1291.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Club Swan 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ4-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1291/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>October 24 at 2300 UTC. Galloo Islands Sprint 2019, racing with 97 boats. Oct. 19, 2019, 6 p.m. True -77.0 -76.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1291.xml 1293 The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club to Nha Trang Rally 2019 RHKYC and Sailonline welcomes SOL'ers once more to Hong Kong and the 2019 running of the classic biennial race to Vietnam - 674nm across the South China Sea in TP52s <br> Race #1293 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1293.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf " > Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1293/?version=classic">Classic</a></b></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 20. October at 23:00 UTC. The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club to Nha Trang Rally 2019, racing with 130 boats. Oct. 16, 2019, 3:15 a.m. True 106.0 119.0 10.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1293.xml 1285 Barentsz Run 2019 Our SRC cordially invites you to race this second re-enactment, designed by past-SOLer Tempest, of Willem Barentsz third voyage of his life-long hunt for the North East Passage. Appropriately in sturdy but speedy Riptide50s we will race some 1600nm from his birthplace, Terschelling (home to the Dutch nautical college "Willem Barentsz") past Bear Island to Longyearbyen. It will be a cold but glorious experience!<br> Race #1285<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1285.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Riptide50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/10/06/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH – SYQ4 - SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1285/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>October 21 at 2300 UTC. Barentsz Run 2019, racing with 150 boats. Oct. 7, 2019, 5 p.m. True -30.0 45.0 50.0 85.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1285.xml 1288 Itajai to Newport 2019 While we are waiting for the next edition of our Sailonline World Race (SWR) why not refresh the memory by re-racing the 17/18 leg from Itajai in Brazil to Newport, USA. <br> Do you remember all the different hurdles on the route? <br> Well, here they are in order of occurrence: <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/St.Helena_High..pdf">St Helena High:</a></b> <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Trade_Winds_S.pdf">The Trade Winds S: </a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/On_the_beach.pdf">On the beach:</a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Doldrums.pdf"> The Doldrums:</a> </b> <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Trade_Winds_N.pdf">The Trade Winds N:</a></b><br> <b><b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Azores_High.pdf">Azores High:</a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Westerly_Stormtrack.pdf">The Westerly Stormtrack: </a></b><br> </b> <p> That's it folk's.<br> Now you know what to expect!!! <br> Race #1288<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1288.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SYC<br> <b> PRIZE:</b> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-16130" > SMPF</a><br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1288/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 31. October at 23:00 UTC Itajai to Newport 2019, racing with 193 boats. Oct. 3, 2019, 6 p.m. True -81.0 -12.0 -30.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1288.xml 1287 Cape Horn TIMED Record 2019 The "Cape Horn Record" <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race is a rare event in SOL's race program. <br> We give you the X-99'er to race with on a 52 NM course in these inhospitable waters. <br> Let's see who survives!! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1287/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1287 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1287.html" >INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> X-99 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/09/06/X-99_Particulars17.pdf " >Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-TRQ4-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1287/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 14. October at 23:00 UTC Cape Horn Record 2019, racing with 365 boats. Oct. 1, 2019, noon True -69.0 -66.0 -57.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1287.xml 1276 Casco Bay RTI Sprint 2019 As the Fall starts to colour New England golden and the equinoctial gales gain in strength and frequency, there is time for one more sprint on the coastal waters of Massachusetts Bay, this time round the islands off the port of Portland. We won't venture out too far to sea in our J-80 keelboats, in case a 'perfect storm' may be brewing. Just 20nm, be quick! <br> Race #1276 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1276.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> J-80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1276/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>October 4 at 2300 UTC. Casco Bay RTI 2019, racing with 119 boats. Sept. 28, 2019, 6 p.m. True -70.5 -70.0 43.5 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1276.xml 1274 Return from Lindisfarne 2019 In the year 793, a band of Vikings crossed the North Sea to raid Britain. SOL recaptured this voyage in 2012 by sailing the 465nm from Goteborg to Lindisfarne in longships. Having tarried awhile, the raiders returned to Sweden to tell their friends about the good land, the (slightly) shorter winters and the comely Saxon maidens. Thus. it is fitting the SOL fleet this year also returns. It should be an easier passage home! <br> Race #1274<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1274.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> Longship Drake <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/20/Longship_Drake_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1274/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>October 6 at 2300 UTC. Return from Lindisfarne 2019, racing with 134 boats. Sept. 23, 2019, 2 p.m. True -5.0 13.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1274.xml 1283 Silverrudder 2019 Sailonline welcomes you to the fourth "buddy-up" with "Silverrudder - Challenge of the Sea" in the 2019 edition race around the Danish Island of Funen. <br> With shallow waters and a strong current this close inshore race is truly a challenge. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single handed racing. Will our Seascape 18 be a match for the real fleet's 16 Seascape 18's? <br> Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <p> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for Silverrudder 2019</font><br> <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/09/10/Starting_Conditions_2019.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b><br> Race #1283<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1283.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1283/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 26. September at 23:00 UTC Silverrudder 2019, racing with 111 boats. Sept. 20, 2019, 8 a.m. True 9.5 12.5 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1283.xml 1284 Carib Rum Run 2019 Welcome to the Carribean and Sailonline's 2019 Pirate PRIZE race, run close to International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19 September. This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting barrels from the region's distilleries and carrying them to the rum-parched beaches of Cancun, Mexico. If ye scurvy swabs are up ter it, then ye be invited to attire yerselves in a piratical disguise by becoming an SYC Member and requesting to change your boat name for this race only! <br> Race #1284<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1284.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Orange Cat <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br> SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1284/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> PRIZE: See Intro Blog<br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 3 October at 2300utc Carib Rum Run 2019, racing with 138 boats. Sept. 17, 2019, 4 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1284.xml 1273 Newport Bermuda Race 2019 Every even year, the Cruising Club of America and the Royal Bermuda Yacht Club organise a race from Newport to Bermuda, and next year's edition will be the 52nd running of the event. So, since 2019 is an odd year, SOL is hosting a virtual replica of the course and making her fleet of IMOCA 60s available for charter to all-comers. 635nm across some very unpredictable weather. <br> Since the death of Andrew “Bart” Simpson in San Francisco in 2013 and the subsequent founding of the <a href=" http://andrewsimpsonfoundation.org/" target="_blank">Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation</a> in his memory, commemorated every year by a global day of sailing, known as <a href=" http://www.bartsbash.com/ " target="_blank"> Barts Bash </a> in early September, a Sailonline race has also promoted this charity every year, and this year it is this race to Bermuda that is honoured to do so. <br> Race #1273<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1273.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/IMOCA_60_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH - SYQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1273/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 20 at 2300 UTC. Newport to Bermuda 2019, racing with 144 boats. Sept. 12, 2019, 5 p.m. True -77.0 -62.0 30.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1273.xml 1281 Wellington to Lima 2019 Have you ever been to Lima in Peru? <br> Now you've got the chance in this brand-new ocean race with departure from Wellington in New Zealand. <br> 5718 nautical miles awaits us, crossing the mid-Pacific Ocean in a VO70, to the capital of Peru. And when in Lima, don't forget to celebrate your finish with Ceviche, a plate of fresh seafood, accompanied by a bottle of Arequipena Beer. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1281<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1281.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> VO70v4<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ3-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1281/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 4. October at 23:00 UTC Wellington to Lima 2019, racing with 202 boats. Sept. 9, 2019, 6 p.m. True 165.0 295.0 -65.0 0.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1281.xml 1275 Wellington In-Port Sprint 2019 Nothing like a bit of frantic round-the-cans in-port racing ahead of a long-distance ocean race to get to know your latest racing machine, even if it is 'only' the never-bettered 2008 Volvo 70ft canting-keeler. Just 15nm in and out of Wellington New Zealand's bays and harbours; it could all be over before you've started, if you blink! <br> Race #1275 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1275.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> VO70_v4 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1275/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 13 at 2300 UTC. Wellington In-Port Sprint 2019, racing with 116 boats. Sept. 7, 2019, 4 p.m. True 174.5 175.0 -41.5 -41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1275.xml 1282 Hawaiian Zig Zag 2019 Nothing like a long-distance race though an archipelago. TheHorn gives us The Canaries every year, and Jawz the Hawaiian Zig Zag. <br> Shifting winds, beaches, rocks and headlands, zig and zag; 430 NM not for the faint hearted! Your challenge is to get your First 40 to Niihau without breaking neither the boat nor your spirit. <br> Race #1282<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1282.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> First 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/06/21/First_40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1282/?version=classic">Classic </a><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, 8. September at 23:00 UTC. Hawaiian Zig Zag 2019, racing with 146 boats. Sept. 3, 2019, 4 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1282.xml 1280 SSANZ Triple Series 2019 - Lewmar 50 Baltic Welcome back to Auckland for the third and final race in this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the islands of the Hauraki Gulf on New Zealand’s North Island. So far our direct competitors in this series, the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association</a> have, on corrected time, beaten us twice, so let's try and do better! <br> Race #1280<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1280.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2019 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1280/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 September at 2300utc SSANZ Lewmar 50 Baltic 2019, racing with 109 boats. Aug. 30, 2019, 9:25 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1280.xml 1272 The Vineyard Race 2019 For the 10th year in a row, Long Island's Stamford Yacht Club has invited all SOLers to participate virtually in their iconic annual 250nm overnighter from their club line out the sound to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. As always, Sailonline is making the ideally-suited-to-these-waters, Santa Cruz 52 available to competitors, and an SC52 or two should be out in the real life fleet as well, to test your skills against. Be sure to be there! <br> Race #1272<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1272.html"> INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1272/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>September 7 at 2300 UTC. The Vineyard Race 2019, racing with 142 boats. Aug. 30, 2019, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1272.xml 1279 Sail Around Turkey 2019 Welcome to one of Sailonline's iconic races, where our fleet races the length of the Turkish coastline. This is a 1,372nm race from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast). <br> Race #1279<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1279.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Sailonline_Falkun<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/14/Sailonline_Falkun_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1279/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 7 September at 23:00 UTC Sail Around Turkey 2019, racing with 152 boats. Aug. 20, 2019, 2 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1279.xml 1271 hmm's Delivery 2019 When, back in 2014, SOLer hmm went to Kiel in Germany and bought himself a very fine First 36.7, it came complete with the challenge of how to get her home to Helsinki, Finland. With summer fast approaching and press-ganging progressing slowly, SOL decided to help out with moral support and in the end nearly 200 SOLers accompanied him and his crew on the 588nm trip. A big success! Today hmm still sails his yacht all summer long on his home waters of the Gulf of Finland. So, five years on, let's re-enact his passage and get over there to join him as fast as we can, in our very quick Ker 40s on this occasion. <br> Race #1271 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1271.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Ker 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Ker40_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYCCH – SYQ3 – SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1271/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>August 25 at 2300 UTC. hmm's Delivery 2019, racing with 120 boats. Aug. 15, 2019, 2 p.m. True 10.0 26.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1271.xml 1255 Aden to Goa 2019 Europeans are mainly familiar with the history of how spices arrived in that continent from far away places, but the trade in spices from Goa to Aden predates the modern era as is detailed <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spice_trade" target="_blank"/>here</a>. Sailonline is reversing this route and making it an eastbound yacht race of about 1700nm across the Arabian Sea for our 21st century Sunfast yachts! Fair winds and may the aroma of spices bring you safely to your destination!<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1255 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1255.html" > INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING:<br> OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1255/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: 26 August at 2300utc Aden to Goa 2019, racing with 149 boats. Aug. 12, 2019, 4 p.m. True 43.0 76.0 4.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1255.xml 1264 Visingso RTI Sprint 2019 Back in 2003, longstanding SOLer Musigny and his friend xthyra invited us for a three race tour of Lake Vattern in the heart of southern Sweden, and last year we returned for a quick sprint from Brandstorp on its western shore to Granna on its eastern shore, avoiding Visignso island halfway across. Now in 2019 we return again for a balmy summer circumnavigation of said island. About 20nm in our stalwart Scandinavian 11m One Design; enjoy!<br> Race #1264 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1264.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> 11m OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/18/11_Metre_OD__Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1264/?version=classic">Classic </a></b>>br>RACE CLOSE: 14 August at 2300utc Visingso Runt 2019, racing with 97 boats. Aug. 10, 2019, 6 p.m. True 14.0 15.0 57.5 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1264.xml 1278 Auckland to Russell Yacht Race 2019 Welcome to New Zealand and the iconic annual race up the east coast of North Island from Auckland to Russell. Racing conditions can be mixed - from flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! On arrival thirsty yachties will find a traditional welcome of bacon butties and rum, before doing it all again. <br> This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1278/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a>to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br> Race #1278<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1278.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/12/29/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Rankings: <br> TRCH-TRQ3-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1278/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE: </b></i><br> Wednesday, 21. August at 22:00 UTC. <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br> Wednesday, 21. August at 23:00 UTC Auckland to Russell 2019, racing with 297 boats. Aug. 7, 2019, noon True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1278.xml 1270 SSANZ Triple Series 2019 - Lewmar 100 Baltic Welcome back to Auckland for the second of three races in this year's <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf on New Zealand’s North Island. Our direct competitors in this 2019 Lewmar 100 Baltic course are, again, the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association</a>. <br> Race #1270<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1270.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2019 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1270/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 9 August 2019 at 2300utc SSANZ Triple Series 2019 - Lewmar 100 Baltic, racing with 106 boats. Aug. 2, 2019, 9:25 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1270.xml 1246 Lendlease Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2019 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. This year Sailonline is joining with the racers from <a href="https://www.rqys.com.au/" target="_blank"/>RQYS</a> to race from Brisbane to Hamilton Island. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br> Race #1246<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1246.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> TP 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1246/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 8 August at 2300utc Lendlease Brisbane to Hamilton Island Yacht Race 2019, racing with 119 boats. Aug. 2, 2019, 1 a.m. True 148.0 160.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1246.xml 1268 Tall Ships Races 2019 - Bergen to Aarhus Welcome again to Bergen, this time for the second of the two races in this year's European Tall Ships Races and the final race of Sailonline's 2019 Tall Ships Series. This is a race of 398nm fom the <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/bergen-norway/" target="_blank"/>Bergen Tall Ships Festival</a></b> southwards, round a mark at the entrance to the Skagerrak, to arrive at the <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/aarhus-denmark/" target="_blank"/>Aarhus Tall Ships Festival</a></b> <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1268 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1268.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1268/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 3 August at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2019 - Race 2, racing with 121 boats. July 25, 2019, 8 a.m. True -1.0 13.0 55.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1268.xml 1277 Tour Down Under 2019 Boats, not bicycles for SOL's own version of the "Tour Down Under" designed by AGage. <br> No hot dusty roads for us, just 694 NM of ocean in Seacart 30s! <br> Race #1277<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1277.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYCCH-SYCQ3-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1277/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, 23. at 23:00 UTC Tour Down Under 2019, racing with 89 boats. July 18, 2019, 8 p.m. True 133.0 140.0 -37.5 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1277.xml 1254 Galveston to Galway Transat 2019 This is a truly testing and massive new ocean race for Sailonline across the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean! Leaving the estuary of the Galveston Bay, you'll sail your OD65v3 across the Gulf of Mexico and into the Atlantic Ocean. You are, of course, free to navigate your way to Galway, Ireland, in any direction you like. Your only objective: get to Galway first!<br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> Race #1254 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1254.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING:<br> OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1254/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 9 August at 2300utc Galveston to Galway TransAt 2019, racing with 175 boats. July 15, 2019, 2 p.m. True -98.0 -6.0 17.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1254.xml 1265 AGage 50 2019 The original 2013 Sailonline <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">SOLer AGage </a>memorial circumnavigation of Australia included a short triangular course in his homewaters off Brighton, Adelaide, Australia – the AGage 100. The 100 is a bit long for a sprint, but it is right that annually we remember Aaron Gage, who contributed so much to our sport. Here then, a shortened course – the AGage 50 – three equidistant legs in Bruce Farr designed Finngulf 43s. <br> Race #1265<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1265.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> FG 43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/04/Finngulf_43_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1265/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>July 17 at 2300 UTC. AGage 50 2019, racing with 88 boats. July 13, 2019, 4 p.m. True 137.5 139.0 -35.5 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1265.xml 1266 Hormuz TIMED Race 2019 Strait of Hormuz is a really busy and congested waters with shipping and military vessels. For Sailonline however, racing here is with impunity, nothing is off limits!! <br> This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race designed by NZL Scotsman<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1266/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a>to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br> Race #1266<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1266.html">Info</a>from brainaid.de<br> X-35 OD <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/20/X_35_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Rankings: <br> TRCH-TRQ3-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1266/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE: </b></i><br> Monday, 22. July at 22:00 UTC. <br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i><br> Monday, 22. July at 23:00 UTC. Hormuz TIMED Race 2019, racing with 319 boats. July 8, 2019, noon True 55.0 58.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1266.xml 1267 Tall Ships Races 2019 - Aalborg to Fredrikstad Welcome to the first of the two races in this year's European Tall Ships Races (the third race of Sailonline's 2019 Tall Ships series) - a race of 199nm from the Tall Ships Festival <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/aalborg-denmark/" target="_blank"/>Aalborg</a></b> and, after passing two marks in the Skagerrak, finish in time for the Tall Ships Festival in <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/fredrikstad-norway/" target="_blank"/>Fredrikstad</a></b> <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1267 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1267.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1267/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 11 July at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2019 - Race 1, racing with 124 boats. July 6, 2019, noon True 1.0 13.0 56.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1267.xml 1269 SSANZ Triple Series 2019 - Lewmar 60 Baltic Welcome to Auckland and, for the 8th year, Sailonline is happy to provide the virtual version of the brilliant three-race <a href="http://ssanz.co.nz/" target="_blank"/> SSANZ </a>two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf on New Zealand’s North Island. Our direct competitors in this 2019 Lewmar 60 Baltic course are the real racers of the <a href="https://www.young88.org.nz/home/" target="_blank">Young 88 Association</a>. <br> Race #1269<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1269.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2019 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1269/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 July at 2300utc SSANZ Triple Series 2019 - Lewmar 60 Baltic, racing with 109 boats. July 5, 2019, 9:25 p.m. True 174.5 176.0 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1269.xml 1262 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2019 - Leg 2 As always, we don't spend much time in Lerwick, Shetland and after some brief but excellent celebrations we are rapidly heading back to Bergen, Norway, for the second leg of the Pantaenius Shetland Race 2019. The North Sea is having an interesting 2019 so let's hope it cooperates for our home trip! <br> Race #1262<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1262.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1262/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 3 July at 2300utc Pantaenius Shetland Race 2019 - Leg 2, racing with 118 boats. June 29, 2019, 4 p.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1262.xml 1260 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2019 - Leg 1 Welcome back to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first leg of two in <br><a href="http://www.shetlandrace.no/" > Shetland Race 2019</a> from Norway to Shetland. This Sailonline mini-series comprises two races across the North Sea and we will be racing against the real fleet in both directions. <br> Race #1260<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1260.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1260/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday. 2 July at 2300utc Pantaenius Shetland Race 2019 - Leg 1, racing with 114 boats. June 26, 2019, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1260.xml 1250 Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 - The Hague to Aalborg It is time for the second of the two races of <a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/liberty-tall-ships-regatta-2019/" target="_blank"/> The Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 </a></b> which sees us leave the festival in Scheveningen and race against the real fleet the 291nm to the finish in the Skagerrak, off the Danish coast. The real ships will then sail on to the festival in Aalborg.<br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1250<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1250.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1250/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 30 June at 2300utc Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 - Race 2, racing with 116 boats. June 25, 2019, noon True -6.0 12.0 50.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1250.xml 1261 Migaloo Migration 2019 Welcome to "Migaloo's Migration". <br> We will escort Migaloo, the white humpback whale, from his winter quarters near Antarctica, to his summer residence at the northern Great Barrier Reef, in our 125' catamaran. <br> Enjoy the 3200 NM journey. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1261<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1261.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Orange 125' Cat. <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH-OCQ2-SUPERSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1261/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 3. July at 23:00 UTC. Migaloo Migration 2019, racing with 156 boats. June 19, 2019, 3 p.m. True 135.0 170.0 -70.0 0.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1261.xml 1180 Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 - Rouen to The Hague Welcome to France for the start of <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2019/may/24/sailonlines-tall-ships-racing-2019/" target="_blank"/>Sailonline's Tall Ships Racing 2019</a> with the first of the two races of <a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/liberty-tall-ships-regatta-2019/" target="_blank"/> The Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 </a></b> - a race of 110nm from the start offshore Rouen/Le Havre, north-east up the English Channel/La Manche to the finish off the coast of Belgium. The real ships will then sail on to the festival in The Hague.<br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1180<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1180.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1180/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 23 June at 2300utc Liberty Tall Ships Regatta 2019 - Race 1, racing with 131 boats. June 17, 2019, 10 a.m. True -6.0 5.0 48.0 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1180.xml 1234 Nantucket to Edgartown Sprint 2019 It's summer in New England and you are all welcome back to Nantucket, from whence Herman Melville’s Cap’n Ahab sailed off past the Cape of Good Hope to find the northern Pacific Ocean to hunt the white sperm whale. The toil and hardship of Ahab and his contemporaries are distant memories and outdoor sea and beach fun is what the island is all about today. So, let's sail, this time to Edgartown and Martha's Vineyard. <br> Race #1234 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1234.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> J130 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/J130_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1234/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>June 20 at 2300 UTC. Nantucket to Edgartown 2019, racing with 105 boats. June 16, 2019, 5 p.m. True -71.0 -69.5 41.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1234.xml 1235 Pb³ 2019 Having last raced TuuleTallaja's magnificent PB3 course along the coast of his beautiful Estonia in 2016 in reverse, we revert to his original design, beach to beach, from Pirita in the north to Pärnu in the south, via a mark off Paralepa beach half way. PB3 or 3BP if you reverse it! As has become a tradition, we will race the course in speedy F18 catamarans. By car, skipping the diversion to Paralepa, the c 140 km should take you less than 2 hours, but by sea, thwarted by headlands and islands, you may expect it to take ten times longer to cover a similar number, not of Kms, but of nms, assuming, as always that the lure of the beach and live music will not cause you to pull your boat onto the sand and linger!<br> Race #1235 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1235.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1235/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>June 16 at 2300 UTC. Pb³ 2019, racing with 126 boats. June 9, 2019, 11 a.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1235.xml 1259 Antwerp to Belfast 2019 A classic SOL race, first run in January 2009, and the latest in 2015, this passage from Antwerp to Belfast gives you the option of passing the British Isles to port or to starboard in our Riptide 50. <br> 412nm as the crow flies! <br> Race #1259<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1259.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/12/29/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1259/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 13. June at 23:00 UTC Antwerp to Belfast 2019, racing with 141 boats. June 4, 2019, 3 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1259.xml 1252 SoCal 300 2019 Sailonline and the San Diego Yacht Club welcome you again to California and this year's SoCal300 race. This is a challenging race which means our Santa Cruz 52s will need skilful handling if they are to beat the tough competition offered by our US West Coast competitors!<br> Race #1252<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1252.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1252/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 4 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2019, racing with 115 boats. May 30, 2019, 8 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1252.xml 1258 Baltic 500 2019 Sailonline welcomes you to Kiel and our running of the Baltic 500 Challenge. With shallow waters and strong local currents in the Baltic and Danish waters, this close race will truly be a challenge for the IRL fleet, but also for the SOL fleet, which will have to contend with the vagaries of WRF weather. Will our Sunfast 3600 be a match for the real fleet's 51 different boat designs? Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <p> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for the Baltic 500 2019</font><br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/05/25/B500_Starting_Conditions_2019.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b><br> Race #1258<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1258.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Sunfast 3600 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1258/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday 5. June at 23:00 UTC Baltic 500 2019, racing with 111 boats. May 30, 2019, 8:30 a.m. True 9.0 14.0 53.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1258.xml 1257 Jubilant 2019 - Solent to Eddystone Light return Yacht <a href="http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=235072654" target="_blank"/>Jubilant</a> crewed by SOLers and chums, will be racing round the Eddystone Lighthouse this weekend, in the second of her two qualifiers for the 2019 Irish Rock Race and invites Sailonline to join her in this 230nm event. <br> Race #1257<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1257.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>J30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/05/21/J_30_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: None <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1257/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 31 May at 2300utc Jubilant Race 2019, racing with 112 boats. May 25, 2019, 8:30 a.m. True -6.0 1.0 49.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1257.xml 1251 Tokyo to San Francisco 2019 Welcome to a quick 4500nm jaunt in our 60ft Trimarans. <br> Don't forget to stow a bonito and some miso and something to drink for this transpacific race from Tokyo to San Francisco in hopefully good weather and good wind. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1251 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1251.html" > INFO</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran<b><a><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Rankings: OCCH-OCQ2-SUPERSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1251/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 5. June at 23:00 UTC Tokyo to San Francisco 2019, racing with 207 boats. May 15, 2019, 5 p.m. True 130.0 245.0 5.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1251.xml 1230 Banzai Dash to Tokyo 2019 Ohaiyo gozaimasu! Welcome to Japan and racing in Tokyo Bay! Just as, in reality, before an important ocean race there is an inport event, Sailonline invites all ocean racers to participate in an in-harbor race to prepare for departure to San Francisco. Give a great BANZAI! as you round Sarushima and turn for the finish. Racing 60ft trimarans, this should be an entertaining race that will undoubtedly give us a real sense of handling characteristics! <br> Race #1230 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1230.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1230/?version=classic">Classic </a></b>Race Description additional notification <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>May 18 at 2300 UTC. Banzai Dash to Tokyo 2019, racing with 114 boats. May 12, 2019, 7 p.m. True 139.5 140.5 34.5 36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1230.xml 1226 Colin Archer Memorial Race 2019 Every even year, sailors from the north east coast of The Netherlands depart in early summer for a race to Norway's Larvik, there where Colin Archer designed and built more than 200 rugged and famously seaworthy double-ended sailing yachts and several iconic ships such as the exploration vessel 'Fram' and the whaler 'Castor'. To be different, odd if you like, we are running our version of the race this year. 400nm or so in Farr 38's through still chilly waters. Fair winds! <br> Race #1226<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1226.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br> Farr 38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYCCH – SYQ2 - SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1226/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>May 16 at 2300 UTC. Colin Archer Memorial Race 2019, racing with 140 boats. May 7, 2019, 7 p.m. True 1.0 11.5 53.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1226.xml 1232 Bay to Bay 2019 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, is that a Seascape 18? Mine? Dried out on the beach!? When’s high tide? What time is the start? What? It’s a counter for the SOL Sprint Championships! Where are we going? Urangan, as in tan, man, 23.3nm! <br> Race #1232<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1232.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1232/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>May 9 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 2 - 2019, racing with 93 boats. May 4, 2019, 11 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1232.xml 1231 Bay to Bay 2019 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait We return again to the serene waters of the Great Sandy Strait for our two-race adventure in “strongly built, watertight, capable of withstanding solid water, properly rigged, fully seaworthy and meeting the standards of the Yachting Association Special Regulations and the requirements of Queensland Transport, Marine Safety Queensland, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol and Queensland Water Police” boats. This year that will be our new extra speedy Seascape 18 then. More time for the barbie!<br> Race #1231 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1231.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Seascape 18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1231/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>May 7 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 1 - 2019, racing with 103 boats. May 4, 2019, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1231.xml 1240 Tristan TIMED Race 2019 The Island of Tristan da Cunha is a remote outpost in the South Atlantic where gales and storms may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This is a 68nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed originally by NZL_Scotsman.<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1240/register/">RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run.<br>Race #1240<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1240.html">INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Delphia 47 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/10/Delphia_47_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br>TRCH-TRQ2-SUPSOL-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1240/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 20 May at 2300utc Tristan TIMED Race 2019, racing with 307 boats. May 2, 2019, noon True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1240.xml 1233 Diaplo RTI Sprint 2019 Here's a sprint around a trio of islands NW of Corfu, where Odysseus, at the end of his tether, was washed ashore and rescued by the beautiful princess Nausikaa, daughter of King Alcinous of the Phaeacians, who thought it best to return the wandering hero to his home island Ithaca and the ever constant Penelope. Tempting though this fate may seem, shipwrecking on one of the islands of our race is unlikely to meet with similar good fortune, so go easy on the ouzo as you drive your Club Swan 50 hard across 27 nm of crystal clear Ionian Sea. <br> Race #1233 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1233.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Club Swan 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1233/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 1 at 2300 UTC. Diaplo RTI 2019, racing with 117 boats. April 28, 2019, 3 p.m. True 18.5 20.0 39.0 40.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1233.xml 1229 Pacific NW Inshore 2019 Welcome to a 137nm SOL Classic, from Seattle to Vancouver, past historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival, then on past Whale Watch Park where there is often a pod of orca whales to be seen, continuing on round and through the beautiful San Juan Islands Nature Reserve and then up into the Strait of Georgia for a finish in English Bay. Enjoy it all! <br> Race #1229<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1229.html ">INFO </a> at brainaid.de <br> Elan 410 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf ">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1229/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>May 3 at 2300 UTC. Pacific NW Inshore 2019, racing with 121 boats. April 25, 2019, 9 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1229.xml 1249 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2019 It is April, the birthday month of Jakob, one of Sailonline's Founding Fathers, and we are going to celebrate this in our customary style with a tricky race in the Stockholm Archipelago. The boat of choice for this 11th running is the delightful Linjett 33.<br> Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! <br>Lycka till, alla!! <br> Race #1249 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1249.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Linjett 33 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/03/14/Linjett_33_Particulars18_.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1249/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 24 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2019, racing with 104 boats. April 21, 2019, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1249.xml 1248 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2019 The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been an annual event since 1949 and has become Australia’s #2 classic – 2019 marks its 71st anniversary. <br> Race #1248<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1248.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1123/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 23. April at 23:00 UTC. Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2019, racing with 118 boats. April 19, 2019, 1 a.m. True 146.0 160.0 -30.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1248.xml 1227 Hong Kong to Puerto Galera 2019 Welcome all to SOL's fourth race in this year's twelve race SYC Championships, and to another prestigious buddy-up with RHKYC for their inaugural Hong Kong to Puerto Galera ocean race. 650nm as the red-footed booby flies, and for our Santa Cruz 52's just a quick dash with the sheets more than likely well-eased.<br> Race #1227<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1227.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> None <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1227/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>April 25 at 2300 UTC. Hong Kong to Puerto Galera 2019, racing with 120 boats. April 17, 2019, 4:20 a.m. True 109.5 121.5 12.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1227.xml 1245 Boston to Plymouth Transat 2019 Sailonline first raced between Plymouth and Boston in 2008, but it was in 2009 that the course was reversed, creating our classic Boston to Plymouth route. Usually sailed as a TIMED TransAt, this time we are racing as a fleet. Crossing the North Atlantic in N Hemisphere Spring can be a challenging enterprise and now, in this era of increasing climate instability, traditional routes may not prove to be the best! Have fun deciding your strategy! <br> Race #1245 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1245.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>90ft Monohull<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/90ft_Monohull_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: None<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1245/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 1 May at 2300utc Boston to Plymouth TransAt 2019, racing with 181 boats. April 15, 2019, 8 p.m. True -73.0 -1.0 15.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1245.xml 1247 psail Memorial Race 2019 On Sunday, it will be seven days since Joao Malafaia, owner-driver of psail, will have left us for 'forever', to navigate the oceans blue above. By then, his SOL-craft psail will have been safely berthed in Lisboa harbour by his friends, who are bringing her home from mid-Atlantic, and many words will have added to this deed of honour. It would be impossible to remember Joao too much; so, let us add another deed by racing the first of the many new polars he drafted for our eternal enjoyment, the Americas Cup 72' catamaran, across his precisely engineered course through his home waters, once again! <br> Race #1247<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1247.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br> AC72v2 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2019/04/10/AC72v2_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1247/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>April 21 at 2300 UTC. psail Memorial Race, racing with 136 boats. April 14, 2019, 11 a.m. True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1247.xml 1239 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2019 Welcome to Islas Canarias and the 2019 running of a 1220nm round-the-islands TP52 slalom, originally designed in 2012 by SOLer TheHorn, starting from and ending close to Playa del Ingles, Gran Canaria. <br> Race #1239<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1239.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1239/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 17 April at 2300utc Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2019, racing with 127 boats. April 8, 2019, 4 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1239.xml 1244 Miami to Lisbon 2019 This race from Miami to Lisbon is based on the "SWR 2011/12 Leg 7" course. Back then, SOL'er 76Trombones did the 3590 NM in 10 Days, 9 Hours, 56 minutes, 42 seconds. <br> Let's see if anyone can do it better in 2019. <br> Race # 1244 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1244.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> VO70v4<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: NONE <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1244/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 25. April at 23:00 UTC Miami to Lisbon 2019, racing with 189 boats. April 3, 2019, 8 p.m. True -85.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1244.xml 1242 Bimini Beach Run 2019 Gone broke they may have been, and capsize they can, but we love our Gunboat, SOL’s giant GB90, and especially the boom as loud as a gun when her carbon hulls begin to pierce and bounce through the seas at 25kn and more. And for proper luxury catamaran sailing, the Caribbean is the only place to go! So join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this multihull mecca. <br> Race #1242<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1242.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> GB90<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/GB_90_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1242/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 5. April, at 23:00 UTC. Bimini Beach Run 2019, racing with 100 boats. April 2, 2019, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1242.xml 1236 Kumage TIMED Race 2019 Kumage Island is one among the many islands and islets in an E China Sea archipelago that extends between NE Taiwan, E of China and SW of Japan - now a hotly disputed area as undersea mineral and oil resources have been found. Ignoring the politics of the area, your task is to circumnavigate this wee island as quickly as you can in your Platu 25. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race, so you can try and try again.<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1236/register/">Re-register here</a>after finishing a run. <br>Race #1236 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1236.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de<br>Platu 25<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/18/Platu_25_Paticulars18.pdf "> Particulars</a></b><br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-TRQ2-SUPSOL-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1236/?version=classic"> Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday 14 April at 2300utc Kumage TIMED Race 2019, racing with 227 boats. April 1, 2019, noon True 130.0 131.0 29.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1236.xml 1209 Incheon Airport PYOC 2019 Craving some Korean patbingsu or bibimbap from Gwangjang market? No problem! Join us for this 15nm sprint into Seoul from the other side of the airport and pick some up on your way to the prizegiving, or alternatively enjoy a BBQ on one of Incheon harbour’s many real and virtual islands. <br> Race #1209<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1209.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> Platu25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/18/Platu_25_Paticulars18.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ1-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1209/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>April 2 at 2300 UTC. Incheon Airport PYOC, racing with 92 boats. March 30, 2019, 11 p.m. True 126.0 127.0 37.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1209.xml 1238 Van Isle 360 2019 - clockwise Welcome back to Vancouver and the 525nm delightful course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water which our TP 52 will love, and this year we'll do it CLOCKWISE!!! <br> Race #1238<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1238.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> TP 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"><b>Particulars</b></a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1238/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 3. April at 23:00 UTC. Van Isle 360 2019 Clockwise, racing with 137 boats. March 25, 2019, 8 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1238.xml 1237 China Sea Dash 2019 RHKYC (Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club) is once again our "Buddy" in this, their fourth edition of the China Sea 200 Dash race. It's the first time this race is done by SOL, so we don't know what to expect! <br> RHKYC is writing about this race: "The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club cordially invites entries to the fourth China Sea 200 Dash, a Category 3 offshore race with life raft using virtual marks to create a course which starts and finishes in Hong Kong waters. The intent is to help boats get tuned-up and their crews ready for night sailing before the start of the Puerto Galera Yacht Race 2019." <br> SOL is racing a 127 NM course in our TP 52's. <br> Race #1237<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1237.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> TP 52 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SYC. <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1237/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b>Tuesday, 26. March at 23:00 UTC. China Sea 200 Dash, racing with 110 boats. March 23, 2019, 1 a.m. True 113.5 115.5 21.5 22.54 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1237.xml 1224 Hook Island TIMED Race 2019 The 2nd race of the 2019/Q1 Timed Race Championship is a 64nm race amongst the Aussie Islands between Hook and St Bees in Far East 28R's <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1224/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run. </b> <br> Race #1224<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1224.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Far East 28R <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Fareast_28R_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRCH – TRQ1 – SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1224/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: 31 March at 2300utc Hook Island TIMED Race 2019, racing with 323 boats. March 17, 2019, 11 p.m. True 148.5 150.25 -21.25 -19.75 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1224.xml 1223 Race The Greatest Climb 2019 Join SOL in a race that commemorates a 2012 trek up Mt Kilimanjaro in honour of Muhammad Ali's 70th birthday by a group from the British Parkinson's Charity "Wobbly Williams"! <br> A total of 1289nm in the waters off the east African coast of Tanzania in J-130's. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1223 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1223.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> J-130<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/J130_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1223/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i> RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 24. March at 23:00 UTC Race The Greatest Climb 2019, racing with 186 boats. March 12, 2019, 5 p.m. True 42.0 56.0 -12.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1223.xml 1222 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 4 - Napier to Auckland Welcome to the fourth and final leg of the 2019 Round New Zealand race – 320nm from Napier to Auckland, up the E coast of New Zealand’s North island. <br> Race #1222 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1222.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - RNZ <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1222/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 16 March at 2300utc Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 4, racing with 155 boats. March 9, 2019, 9 p.m. True 174.0 180.0 -40.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1222.xml 1225 Sardinia Cup 2019 Up until the end of the 1990s, offshore yacht racing was punctuated by a number of annual three-boat international team championships, one of which was The Sardinia Cup. These championships were generally a mix of inshore races and at least one challenging offshore race. That the offshore race for the Sardinia Cup used to be from Cagliari to Cannigione is doubtful in the extreme. However, one thing is certain, SOL's 2019 Sardinia Cup offshore race is challenging, eschewing as it does the relatively benign waters off the Sardinian east coast, taking our fleet of highly inappropriate Seascape 18 footers (fully-crewed, NB) the long west-way round instead, probably into the teeth of a Mistral gale fetching down the river Rhone and across the Gulf of Leon. 225nm; good luck! <br> Race #1225 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1225.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Seascape18 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: <br> SYCCH - SYQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1225/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>March 16 at 2300 UTC. Sardinia Cup 2019, racing with 163 boats. March 7, 2019, 5 p.m. True 6.0 10.5 38.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1225.xml 1208 Santorini Sprint 2019 Welcome to the Aegean for a sprint around the outside of the flooded caldera that is Santorini. Grab some ouzo and baklava and enjoy a day in the waters off this magnificent island group.<br> Race #1208 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1208.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> X35 OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/20/X_35_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ1-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1208/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 4 at 2300 UTC. Santorini Sprint 2019, racing with 111 boats. March 2, 2019, 4 p.m. True 25.0 26.0 36.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1208.xml 1216 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 3 - Stewart Island to Napier Welcome to Leg 3 of the 2019 Round New Zealand race where we wave goodbye to Stewart Island and its hospitality as it is time to race 620nm up New Zealand’s East Coast to Napier, via Banks Peninsula and Cape Kidnappers. <br> Race #1216 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1216.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - RNZ <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1216/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday 10 March at 2300utc Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 3, racing with 156 boats. March 2, 2019, 1 a.m. True 166.0 180.0 -48.0 -39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1216.xml 1207 Los Roques PYOC 2019 It's winter but not in the Caribbean, so welcome to Venezuela's Islas Los Roques archipelago for a 20nm sprint through these beautiful islands. Take care with your mutinous crew, they may be tempted to BBQ and snorkel! <br> Race #1207 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1207.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ1-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1207/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>February 26 at 2300 UTC. Los Roques PYOC 2019, racing with 113 boats. Feb. 23, 2019, 4 p.m. True -67.5 -66.0 11.5 12.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1207.xml 1217 New Hebrides Slalom 2019 In years gone by, we have reflected in these notes on the temptation to hang out longer on any one of the exotic islands in the Coral Sea that this race will take you past, but failed to mention that you may also experience an urge to get away sharply from the carved-out industrial backdrop of New Caledonia’s opencast nickel mines. We’re providing you with the boat for it, and if there’s any wind at all, you’ll be across the Loyaute Basin in no time, after which however you may well find your crew wanting to dawdle as they flag in the ever-swirling hi-res winds over the islands of the Vanuatu archipelago. Only 578nm; enjoy! <br> Race #1217 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1217.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Farr400 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/12/29/Farr-400_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SYQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1217/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>March 2 at 2300 UTC. New Hebrides Slalom 2019, racing with 166 boats. Feb. 21, 2019, 6 p.m. True 163.5 171.5 -23.0 -13.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1217.xml 1215 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 2 - Mangonui to Stewart Island After our brief stop in Mangonui, it is time to leave for Half Moon Bay, Stewart Island – 920nm away off the southern coast of New Zealand’s South Island! <br> Race #1215 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1215.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - RNZ <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1215/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>LEG CLOSE: Friday, 1 March at 2300utc Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 2, racing with 147 boats. Feb. 17, 2019, 11 p.m. True 160.0 175.0 -50.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1215.xml 1214 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 1 - Auckland to Mangonui Welcome to Leg 1 of the SSANZ Round New Zealand Race 2019. Leg 1, of four in total, takes us 160nm from Auckland to Mangonui. You don’t have long to get your Sunfast 3600 ready for this adventure! <br> Race #1214 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1214.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC - RNZ <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1214/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> Round New Zealand 2019 - Leg 1, racing with 161 boats. Feb. 16, 2019, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1214.xml 1221 San Diego Islands Race 2019 We are again buddied up with San Diego Yacht Club, this time with a completely new race in SOL, "The San Diego Islands Race 2019". <br> You are invited to race 134 nm in our TP 52's from Long Beach to San Diego, rounding the islands of Catalina.<br> Race # 1221<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1221.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> TP 52<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1221/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 17. February at 23:00 UTC San Diego Islands Race 2019, racing with 128 boats. Feb. 15, 2019, 9:10 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1221.xml 1218 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2019 And a warm and toasty welcome all to the frozen waters of the Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club for SOL’s annual hosting of a virtual ice race on Lake Winnebago. To keep things All-American, this year we will be racing our DNs in nam-awip forecast wind, so mind you don’t miss the forecast update; if you find time to concern yourself with this, update details can be found below. Two laps and two hours or so for 102 nautical miles pylon-to-pylon with polars the size and shape of medicine balls and performance loss switched off! <br> Race #1218 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1218.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/DN_Iceboat_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1218/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>February 12 at 2300 UTC. Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2019, racing with 121 boats. Feb. 9, 2019, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1218.xml 1219 Round Britain and Ireland 2019 SOL invites you to race your Riptide 50 in a traditional 1780 nm race, clockwise around Ireland, Scotland, the Shetland Islands and England. <br> Join this grand and epic race through 4 seas: The English Channel, The Celtic Sea, The North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1219<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1219.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/12/29/Riptide_50_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1219/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 15. February at 23:00 UTC. Round Britain and Ireland 2019, racing with 224 boats. Feb. 4, 2019, 5 p.m. True -15.0 10.0 46.5 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1219.xml 1220 Auckland to Tauranga Race 2019 Thanks to the SOL'ers nzlyachtyakka and NZL_WairuaExpress, the annual New Zealand classic race from Auckland to Tauranga has become a well-established Autumn (S Hemisphere) tradition. <br> This is normally a "Buddy Race" with Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club, but not this year, as the yacht club does not run this event. <br> So, we are left to ourselves with no IRL competition, but that should not be an obstacle to get out there and having a great run. <br> Race #1220<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1220.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br> Farr 38<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1220/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE.</b></i>Tuesday, 5. February at 01:00 UTC Auckland to Tauranga 2019, racing with 149 boats. Feb. 2, 2019, 1 a.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1220.xml 1213 Race to Up Helly Aa 2019 A-OI!!! Winter storms may be hurtling across the Shetland Islands but nothing will stop preparations for this year's season of firey festivals. As is our tradition, Sailonline will be racing to Lerwick to (virtually) take part in the Up Helly Aa festivities there which take place this year on Tuesday, 29 January. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart.<br> Race #1213 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1213.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1213/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 3 January at 2300utc Up Helly Aa 2019, racing with 189 boats. Jan. 27, 2019, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1213.xml 1210 Florida Rum Run 2019 Welcome to sunny Florida, USA, and a 400nm race in Ker 40s from St. Lucie inlet to Paradise Island Bahamas and back to Jupiter Inlet, Florida. This regatta is loosely based on the course of the 2010 Nassau Cup. <br> Race #1210 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1210.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Ker 40 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Ker40_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1210/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 27 January at 2300utc Florida Rum Run 2019, racing with 180 boats. Jan. 22, 2019, 6 p.m. True -81.0 -74.0 23.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1210.xml 1206 Robinson Crusoe RTI 2019 In 1960 Chile renamed the main island, Más a Tierra (Closer to Land) of its Juan Fernández Archipelago, Robinson Crusoe. And in 2019, the hoped-for growth of touristic interest in the story of Alexander Selkirk who was marooned here from 1704 to 1709, and in the island’s claim to thus be the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s 'The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner' now brings SOL to this island’s shores. 24nm in Farr30's. Caution: BBQ's may result in unexpectedly long sojourns.<br> Race #1206 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1206.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Farr30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/07/Farr_30_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ1-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1206/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>January 15 at 2300 UTC. Robinson Crusoe RTI 2019, racing with 116 boats. Jan. 12, 2019, 6 p.m. True -79.5 -78.5 -34.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1206.xml 1212 Sea Lion TIMED Race 2019 Come on down South for long days of sunlight and strong bracing winds to race our speedy little Seacart 30 as many times as you like - 117nm as the albatross flies - through some of the islands of the Falklands archipelago. As this is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>challenge, let's see who can get the best time!! <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1212/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run. </b> <br> Race #1212 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1212.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH - SUPSOL - TRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1212/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: 26 January at 2300utc Sea Lion TIMED Race 2019, racing with 381 boats. Jan. 12, 2019, noon True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1212.xml 1211 Simonstown to St Helena 2018 A copy of a traditional South African December yachtrace. <br> SOLers are invited to race 1700nm in our Club Swan 50 from Simonstown, RSA, to the exotic and remote island of St Helena - an island paradise with warm, friendly, hospitable islanders! <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/16130/2019-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1211<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1211.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1211/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 22. January at 23:00 UTC Simonstown to St Helena 2018, racing with 205 boats. Jan. 8, 2019, 4 p.m. True -10.0 20.0 -37.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1211.xml 1204 Tasman Double 2018 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to all SOLers and welcome to our first race of 2019! Having raced to Hobart in our Super Maxi 100s, it is now time to race’m back to Sydney after a few days respite ashore. <br> Race #1204<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1204.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> SuperMaxi 100<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf "> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> Tasman18 - SYC - SYCCH - SYCQ1 - SUPSOL <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1204/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>January 10 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2018 - Race 2 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 198 boats. Jan. 2, 2019, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1204.xml 1200 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2018 Welcome to the 2018 "Rudder Cup" race across the Bass Straits from Melbourne to Tasmania, organised by the ORCV. <br> Race #1200<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1200.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1200/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 2 January 2019 at 2300utc ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2018, racing with 149 boats. Dec. 27, 2018, 1 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1200.xml 1203 Tasman Double 2018 - Sydney to Hobart It is St Stephen’s Day (26 December) and how better to celebrate the life of Christianity’s first martyr, then by racing your Super Maxi 100 across the almost always stormy waters of the Tasman Sea in a classic run of 625nm from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #1203<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1203.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC - Tasman18 <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1203/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, <br>January 5 at 2300 UTC. Tasman Double 2018 - Race 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 207 boats. Dec. 26, 2018, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1203.xml 1202 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2018 In 2013 SOLer "JakeS" in collaboration with "Smo" created our own version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race. The real race is considered a "nightmare and great adventure" so in this, our fourth running of this 415nm challenge, our determination and abilities will again be truly tested! <br> Race #1202<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1202.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> F18<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: None <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1202/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 26. December at 23:00 UTC Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2018, racing with 125 boats. Dec. 21, 2018, 3 p.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1202.xml 1201 40' Series Championship 2018 - Aber Wrac'h to A Coruna Ok folks – Welcome to the 12th and final race in this amazing 40' series. <br> For this race, SRC have chosen "Let's get out of this country Leg 2" from 2011. <br> And this second leg of SOLer JuJu's Dufour 40 cruise from England to Spain, goes from Aber Wrach in Brittany in France to Coruna in Spain (351nm) and via Gijon, where Zeno made a stopover. <br> The Bay of Biscay awaits!! <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/11/19/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1201<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1201.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 2018 40CH - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1201/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 19. December at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 12 – Lets Get out of this Country 2, racing with 133 boats. Dec. 14, 2018, 5 p.m. True -14.0 0.1 41.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1201.xml 1192 Isla San Lorenzo RTI 2018 SOL’s SRC (Sailonline Race Committee) has taken us to some unusual places in the past, and San Lorenzo Island off Lima’s Callao peninsula is definitely another one. Housing a naval base and a penal institution, no vessel is allowed within 300m of its shores. Also, with no sources of potable water, it is a matter of debate whether it is an island at all, and not just a large rock. So, whatever you do, don’t be tempted to BBQ; you’ll be arrested and go thirsty! Thirteen potentially unlucky miles in Farr 30s; have fun!!<br> Race #1192<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1192.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Farr 30 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/07/Farr_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ4 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1192/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 12 at 2300 UTC. Isla San Lorenzo RTI 2018, racing with 98 boats. Dec. 8, 2018, 4 p.m. True -78.0 -77.0 -12.5 -11.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1192.xml 1195 Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy 2018 From the beaches of Maui to Russia's Cold War submarine base, 2311nm away - join us as we race SOL's venerable TP52 across the North Pacific. <br> PRIZE: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> Race #1195 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1195.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH - OCQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1195/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>December 19 at 2300 UTC. Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy 2018, racing with 177 boats. Dec. 2, 2018, 5 p.m. True 150.0 270.0 14.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1195.xml 1199 Christmas to Christmas Island 2018 Welcome to Sailonline’s race to Christmas! 5,827nm in Volvo 70s provides a sailing adventure for the run up to the festive season. Our race takes us from Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocea – how many of you knew there were two?! Many routing options so please have fun! Fair winds! <br> Race #1199 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1199.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Volvo 70_v4<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1199/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 9 January 2019 at 2300utc Christmas to Christmas Island 2018, racing with 206 boats. Dec. 1, 2018, 4 p.m. True 90.0 280.0 -47.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1199.xml 1191 Lake Vattern PYOC 2018 Back in 2013, longstanding SOLer Musigny and his friend xthyra invited us for a three race tour of beautiful Lake Vattern in the heart of southern Sweden. Five years later we return, slightly at the wrong time of year perhaps, for a quick sprint from a start in front of the village of Brandstorp, either way around Visingso island in the middle of the lake, but <font color="red"><b>PORT HAND ROUND </b></font> a buoy off the Granna piers on the eastern shore and back, once again avoiding Visingso as best you can. At least 20nm in trusty Scandinavian 11m One Designs; good luck!<br> Race #1191 <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1191.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> 11m OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/18/11_Metre_OD__Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH – SRQ4 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1191/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>November 27 at 2300 UTC. Lake Vattern PYOC 2018, racing with 120 boats. Nov. 24, 2018, 6 p.m. True 14.0 15.0 57.5 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1191.xml 500 Shackleton Challenge 2018 - Leg 4 Shackleton and five crew sail a whaleboat 800nm to South Georgia, which they then cross on foot, reaching the whaling port of Stromness.<br>Race #500<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_500.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Longship Drake <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/20/Longship_Drake_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: Shackleton - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/500/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 2 December at 2300utc Shackleton Challenge 2018 - Leg 4, racing with 140 boats. Nov. 22, 2018, 4 p.m. True -61.0 -25.0 -66.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_500.xml 1196 Raja Muda Selangor International 2018 SOL is delighted to have been honoured with an invitation to race 2018’s Raja Muda International (RMSIR) "in company" with the IRL fleet. The complete RMSIR is a full-on race week, featuring three overnight passage races and 3 days of inshore racing in Penang and Langkawi, all organised by the Royal Selangor Yacht Club in association with the RORC. Our SOL race takes our fleet of nippy Platu 25s on the first overnight leg, some 75nm from Port Klang to Pangkor. Race #1196 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1196.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/18/Platu_25_Paticulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1196/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>November 23 at 2300 UTC. Raja Muda Selangor International 2018, racing with 123 boats. Nov. 17, 2018, noon True 100.0 102.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1196.xml 1198 40' Series Championship 2018 - Stockholm to St Petersburg The time for our second-last 40' race has come up <br> Welcome to Stockholm - are you ready to race to St Petersburg? Our 431nm course from Sweden to Russia includes a couple of slight detours past Saaremaa and Hoglandet but if you keep a good lookout and avoid stealthy submarines, you should soon be docking your 40 footer at the home of the world renowned Hermitage Museum! <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/10/16/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1198<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1198.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 2018 40CH - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1198/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 14. November at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 11 – Stockholm to St Petersburg, racing with 127 boats. Nov. 9, 2018, 3 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1198.xml 1185 Aland Sea TIMED Race 2018 Norrtalje Segelsallskap, 70km NE of Stockholm was founded in 1920, and time was when the society’s season opened with a challenging offshore race from the club line off Flaten island at the mouth of the long and narrow Norrtaljeviken, out onto a triangular course around the Aland Sea, to finish at Simpnas slightly to the north on Bjorko island - some 70nm in total. A fine race that SOL, being from these parts, ran annually up until 2013. Not a moment too late then - five years have passed and autumn is upon us - for a further re-enactment, this time in the form a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RUN in spanking new Club Swan 50s. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1185/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1185 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1185.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Club Swan 50<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1185/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, <br> 30 November at 2300utc Aland Sea TR 2018, racing with 325 boats. Nov. 9, 2018, noon True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1185.xml 1197 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2018 It is time for one of Sailonline's annual traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a BBQ race. Run close to Mistli's birthday on November 1 we race our trusty Seacarts in a celebratory, short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #1197 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1197.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1197/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 5. November at 23:00 UTC Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2018, racing with 99 boats. Nov. 4, 2018, 8 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1197.xml 1194 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2018 It is autumn in the N Hemisphere and gray whales are beginning their annual southerly migration, from their feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to the warm waters off the Mexican coastline. There have always been natural challenges on this journey, with younger whales falling prey to orcas, but, sadly, mankind's pollution of our planet's oceans, especially in the form of plastic waste, has heightened the risks. Racing our superyacht this time, spare a moment's thought for how we can protect and conserve oceans and marinelife. <br> Race #1194 <br>PRIZE:<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> </b><br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1194.html">INFO </a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Falkun <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/14/Sailonline_Falkun_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br> OCQ4 - OCCH - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1194/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 28 November at 2300utc Gray Whale Migration Autumn 2018, racing with 189 boats. Nov. 2, 2018, 7 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1194.xml 1190 Nantucket Sprint 2018 Welcome to Nantucket, from whence Herman Melville’s Cap’n Ahab sailed round The Horn into the northern Pacific Ocean to hunt the gray whale - whose migrations are celebrated elsewhere in SOL’s Q4 schedule - he never to return. And whaling too, as the 19th C progressed, like Ahab disappeared from Nantucket as the harbour silted up and mainland Massachusetts whaling stations benefited from rail connections. But beach life, yachting and nostalgia has rescued the island from oblivion, so to celebrate leisure, SOL gives you the Nantucket Sprint - 12nm in J130s from east of Tuckernuck Island across the sound to a finish just inside the mouth of the harbour. Enjoy! <br> Race #1190 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1190.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> J130 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/J130_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ4-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1190/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>October 30 at 2300 UTC. Nantucket Sprint 2018, racing with 120 boats. Oct. 27, 2018, 4 p.m. True -70.6 -69.9 41.0 41.7 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1190.xml 499 Shackleton Challenge 2018- Leg 3 Loss of Endurance. The ship is crushed by the ice and eventually sinks. The crew salvage as much they can - in three lifeboats they eventually reach Elephant Island 440nm away. <br> Race #499<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_499.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Longship Drake <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/20/Longship_Drake_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: Shackleton - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/499/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 4 November at 2300utc Shackleton Challenge - Leg 3, racing with 153 boats. Oct. 23, 2018, 5 p.m. True -60.0 -30.0 -70.0 -54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_499.xml 1188 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2018 Welcome to New Zealand and the iconic annual race up the east coast of North Island from Auckland to Russell. Racing conditions can be mixed - from flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! On arrival thirsty yachties will find a traditional welcome of bacon butties and rum.<br> Race #1188<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1188.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1188/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 22 October at 2300utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2018, racing with 122 boats. Oct. 18, 2018, 9:30 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1188.xml 1193 Hong Kong to Hainan 2018 Welcome to the South China Sea and the 2018 running of the Hong Kong to Hainan race. Organised by Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club, this is a classic Offshore Category One race, run every two years, over 390nm mostly downwind nautical miles from Hong Kong to Sanya, on the island of Hainan in southern China. <br> Race #1193 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1193.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1193/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 24 October at 2300utc Hong Kong to Hainan 2018, racing with 117 boats. Oct. 18, 2018, 3:15 a.m. True 107.0 120.0 12.0 27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1193.xml 1187 Barcolana Sprint 2018 Welcome to the Gulf of Trieste. It's the second Sunday in October and time for the annual Barcolana International Regatta. Now in its 50th edition and billed as the largest regatta in the World, which every seadog should experience at least once in their lifetime. It's time for SOL to take on this legendary race. We'll compete in our J-80s amongst 2000 boats in a 13nm sprint. Join us for SOL's inaugural running of this unique event. <br> Race #1187 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1187.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ4 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1187/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>October 17 at 2300 UTC. Barcolana Sprint 2018, racing with 96 boats. Oct. 14, 2018, 8:30 a.m. True 13.0 14.0 45.5 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1187.xml 1184 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2018 As you might guess, ‘La Belle Ile en Mer’ to give the island its full name, unlike the Ile de France which lies in the Seine, lies in the sea, in fact in the sea off the Bay of Quiberon on Britany’s south coast, home of France’s ECOLE NATIONALE DE VOILE ET DES SPORTS NAUTIQUES, where many a French champion sailor has learnt his craft. An appropriate venue then for SOLers to test their wind-hounding skills in a 45nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> tour out from the mainland, around the island and home, this year in sporty Beneteau Figaro’s. A popular place though, so mind the water scooters, speedboats and other assorted recreational craft!<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1184/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1184 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1184.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Beneteau Figaro<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Beneteau_Figaro_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1184/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, <br> 31 October at 2300utc Tour de Belle Ile 2018, racing with 329 boats. Oct. 10, 2018, noon True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1184.xml 1189 40' Series Championship 2018 - Lord Howe It's time to start Q4 of our 40' races 2018. <br> #10 in line is the iconic "Lord Howe" race, 412nm racecourse from Gosford to Lord Howe Island. <br> Lord Howe Island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - one of just four island groups to be inscribed on <b><a href=" http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186 ">UNESCO’s World Heritage list</a></b>for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/09/28/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated_1.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1099<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1099.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 2018 40CH - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1099/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Tuesday, 9. October at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 10 – Lord Howe, racing with 120 boats. Oct. 5, 2018, 4 p.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1189.xml 1186 Fremantle to Bali 2018 It is time for a revival of one of Australia's iconic races, the 1427 nm long "Fremantle to Bali" race, and it's considered to be a true test of seamanship. <br> Sailonline haven't had this race on the calendar since 2015 and this time we're sailing the Finngulf 43 ! <br> Race #1186<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1186.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Finngulf 43 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/04/Finngulf_43_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH – OCQ4 – SUPERSOL - SYC. <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1186/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, 13. October at 23:00:00 Fremantle to Bali, racing with 162 boats. Oct. 2, 2018, 10 p.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1186.xml 498 Shackleton Challenge 2018 - Leg 2 Endurance leaves the Weddell Sea and sails NW, arriving 599nm later at a bay to be named Endurance. The ice closes in on the ship. <br> Race #498 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_498.html" > INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Tall Ship Class B <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/28/Tall_Ships_Class_B_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: Shackleton-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/498/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 5 October at 2300utc Shackleton Challenge - Leg 2, racing with 152 boats. Sept. 26, 2018, noon True -65.0 -12.5 -78.0 -57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_498.xml 1174 Sailonline’s 11th Birthday Balloon Transat Eleven is an odd number, numerically as well as numerologically. Boastful and extravagant, adding one to the complete and perfect ten, 11/11 is also the day and month WW1 ended, so a number well worth celebrating after all. Whimsically then, in honour of SOL’s 11th birthday, your SRC gives you a re-run of 2013’s Trans-Atlantic Balloon Race. This race to be the first to ‘land’ your balloon in the sea off the Cliffs of Moher is not for the faint-hearted, nor for the serious-minded. Unusually, SOL’s balloon, polarized by past SOLmaster 76Trombones, will not ‘sail’ over land and will actually ‘sail’ in other directions other than straight downwind, although beyond a ‘beam reach’ it will not go. Good luck!!<br> Race #1174<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1174.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> SOL Balloon <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/23/Sol_Balloon_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <i>unranked</i> <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1174/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, <br>October 14 at 2300 UTC. Sailonline’s 11th Birthday Balloon Race, racing with 146 boats. Sept. 24, 2018, 4 p.m. True -75.0 5.0 30.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1174.xml 1183 Silverrudder 2018 Sailonline welcomes you to the third "buddy-up" with "Silverrudder - Challenge of the Sea" in the 2018 edition race around the Danish Island of Funen. <br> With shallow waters and a strong current this close inshore race is truly a challenge. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one (and the biggest worldwide) for single handed racing. Will our new Seascape 18 be a match for the real fleet's 22 Seascape 18's? <br> Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <p> <font color="red"><b> It is imperative that you read AND understand these special Starting Conditions for Silverrudder 2018</font><br> <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/09/11/Starting_Conditions_2018_1.pdf">Starting Conditions!!</a></center></b><br> Race #1183<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1183.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Seascape 18 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/21/Seascape_18-Particulars18_2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1183/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 25 September at 23:00 UTC Silverrudder 2018, racing with 132 boats. Sept. 22, 2018, 6:15 a.m. True 9.0 12.0 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1183.xml 1172 Fehmarn RTI Sprint 2018 ‘Fehmarn Rund’ is an ever-popular race round former West Germany’s most northerly Baltic island; so popular in fact that DSV’s Ostsee-Cup this year had the circuit in twice for its 10-race Summer programme; early in May organized by the Burger Segler Vereinigung, and more recently in August by Segler-Vereinigung Heiligenhafen. Familiar IRL to SOLers rumskib and bonknhoot amongst others, it was in fact MustangMark who first proposed a SOL sprint round the island back in 2014, appropriately enough in X35s, built not very far away in Denmark’s Haderslev. So here we go again in 2018, for a third, now virtual 32nm lap, starting and finishing on this occasion either side of the Fehmarnsundbrücke. <br> Race #1172<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1172.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> X35 OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/20/X_35_Particulars18.pdf ">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ3-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1172/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 18 September at 2300utc Fehmarn Circuit 2018, racing with 89 boats. Sept. 15, 2018, 6 p.m. True 10.0 12.5 54.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1172.xml 1176 Carib Rum Run 2018 Welcome to the 2018 running of Sailonline’s annual Pirate PRIZE race run close to International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19 September. This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting barrels to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. If ye scurvy swabs are up ter it, then don a piratical disguise by becoming an SYC Member and requesting to change your boat name for this race only! <br> Race #1176<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1176.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Orange Cat <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/13/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars18_1.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking:<br> OCQ3-OCCH-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1176/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> <a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-15538" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 26 September at 2300utc Carib Rum Run 2018, racing with 138 boats. Sept. 15, 2018, 4 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1176.xml 1181 Golden Globe Race 2018 - Leg 2 Welcome to Leg 2 of Sailonline's virtual version of the 2018 Golden Globe Race. After a brief respite in Storm Bay, Tasmania, of a minimum of 90 minutes after arrival, we are now racing across the Pacific, round Cape Horn and home to Les-Sables d'Olonne. <br><b><font color="red">DO NOT START TOO EARLY</font></b><br> If you raced Leg 1 then you MUST wait 90 minutes before starting this leg. The penalty for starting Leg 2 before finishing Leg 1 is NO RANKING. The penalty for starting Leg 2 within 90 minutes of finishing Leg 1 is 5x the time you started too early. <br> Race #1181<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1181.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Rustler 36 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/18/Rustler_36_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: GGR <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1181/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: 30 June 2019 at 2300utc Golden Globe Race 2018 - Leg 2 Storm Bay to Les-Sables d'Olonne, racing with 463 boats. Sept. 15, 2018, noon True 142.0 360.0 -58.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1181.xml 1177 40' Series Championship 2018 - Galway to Dublin Are you ready for race # 9 in our 2018 40' series? <br> This time we will use the "Galway to Dublin Weekender" course for our race. <br> As autumn storms begin to churn the N Atlantic, what could be better than racing 347nm from Galway on Ireland's west coast to Dublin on her east coast? <br> Last year the winner, SimeMali, did it in 29h 10m 25s in a Ker 40! <br> It'll be exciting to see if that time can be beaten. 😊 <p> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/09/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1177 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1177.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1177/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 11 September at 23:00 UTC. 2018 40' Series Championship - Galway to Dublin, racing with 116 boats. Sept. 7, 2018, 3 p.m. True -15.0 -3.0 49.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1177.xml 1179 Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2018 Welcome to southern New Zealand, and welcome to this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race through the South Island’s Foveaux Strait. According to a Maori legend, the strait was created by Kewa the obedient whale when traditional Maori ancestor Kiwa summoned the whale to create a waterway. It is a rough and often treacherous stretch of water. Our 98nm quadrangular course goes around some small islands in the strait. To zoom around these islands in style, we will pull our Seacart 30s out of the shed and let she rip. Enjoy!<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1179/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1179 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1179.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart30<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Seacart_30_Particulars18.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1179/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, <br> 24 September at 2300utc Foveaux Strait TIMED Race 2018, racing with 287 boats. Sept. 4, 2018, noon True 167.0 169.0 -48.0 -46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1179.xml 380 Shackleton Challenge 2018 - Leg 1 The expedition begins. Endurance leaves Grytviken bound for Antarctica. Shackleton intends to land at Vahsel bay and lead a party of six overland to the Ross Sea. This 1,589nm leg has a single waypoint in the South Sandwich Islands. Race 1 finishes at the Wedell Sea mark offshore of Vahsel Bay.<br> Race #380<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_380.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Tall Ship Class B <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/28/Tall_Ships_Class_B_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: Shackleton-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/380/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 19 September at 2300utc Shackleton Challenge - Leg 1, racing with 161 boats. Sept. 3, 2018, 1 p.m. True -65.0 -12.5 -78.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_380.xml 1169 Tall Ships Far East Regatta 2018 - Yeosu to Vladivostok Welcome to Asia and the first ever Tall Ships race from South Korea to Russia. Designed as the speediest Tall Ship for transporting trade goods around the world, our Clipper should love this adventure - a race of 556nm around the coastline of Korea to the port of Vladivostok in Golden Horn Bay. The ships leave the festival in <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/yeosu-south-korea/" target="_blank"/>Yeosu</a></b> and first make their way to the race start offshore, to begin the race to <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/vladivostok-russia/" target="_blank"/>Vladivostok</a></b> <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in Tall Ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1169 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1169.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/28/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1169/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 11 September at 2300utc SCF Far East Tall Ships Regatta 2018, racing with 137 boats. Sept. 3, 2018, 7 a.m. True 127.0 139.0 33.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1169.xml 1157 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's SSANZ Safety @ Sea Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC Marine Insurance 50, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association.<br> Race #1157<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1157.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young88<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/08/29/Young_88_Particulars18v2.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2018 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1157/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 3 September at 2300utc SSANZ Safety @ Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 3, racing with 90 boats. Aug. 31, 2018, 9:05 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.7 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1157.xml 1178 The Vineyard Race 2018 The Stamford Yacht Club invites you all once again to participate virtually in their iconic annual overnighter up and down beautiful New England’s Long Island Sound. And once again, Sailionline is making the by-now-venerable, but ideally-suited-to-these-waters, Santa Cruz 52 available to competitors. An SC52 or two will be out in the real life fleet as well, to test your skills against. Don’t miss it! <br> Race #1178<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1178.html"> INFO </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1178/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>September 6 at 2300 UTC. The Vineyard Race 2018, racing with 149 boats. Aug. 31, 2018, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1178.xml 1167 Moheli PYOC 2018 For our third sprint of Q3, we visit another young African archipelago nation, L’Union des Comoros, and its most southern island, Moheli, in the Mozambique Channel. This time it is a “Pick Your Own Course” round the island again off the board of MustangMark, approximately 20nm in J-80s. Expect winds to be light and variable once more; we remain in the Tropics.<br> Race #1167 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1167.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> J-80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRQ3-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1167/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>August 28 at 2300 UTC. Moheli PYOC 2018, racing with 106 boats. Aug. 25, 2018, 4 p.m. True 43.0 45.0 -13.0 -11.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1167.xml 447 Gulf Run 2018 Join us for our Gulf Run, a 550nm trip south across the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico from Florida to Mexico. Leaving Pensacola Bay, we round Fort Pickens and then, leaving reality behind, we head south to paradise where beautiful beaches and waters are waiting for us down in the western Caribbean at Isla Mujeras, Mexico, located at the tip of the Yucatan Penisula. <br> Race #447<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_447.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>J130 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/J130_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/447/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 30 August at 2300utc Gulf Run 2018, racing with 127 boats. Aug. 19, 2018, 6 p.m. True -94.0 -80.0 19.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_447.xml 1175 Beru to Bora Bora 2018 NOTE FOR NEXT RACE: WX ZONE NEEDS TO OVERLAP RACE ZONE ON RH SIDE TO AVOID TELEPORTATIONWelcome to the islands of the Pacific, whose original migrants arrived from Indonesia and reached as far as Hawaii and beyond. This Sailonline race, designed by SOLer Dingo in 2015, is a 2219nm segment of those original migration routes, and takes us from Beru Island in Kiribati to Bora Bora in Tahiti. As you enjoy the luxury of your GB90, spare a thought for those crossing these waters long ago in simple outriggers.<br> Race #1175<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1175.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>GB90 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/GB_90_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1175/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-15538" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 31 August at 2300utc Beru to Bora Bora 2018, racing with 158 boats. Aug. 13, 2018, 4 p.m. True 170.0 210.0 -25.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1175.xml 1166 Principe RTI Sprint 2018 Between zero and two degrees north of the equator in the middle of the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of West Africa lies the Republic of Sao Tome & Principe, once upon a time Dutch settlements and until very recently a Portuguese colony. A tad remote these islands are, but this did not stop our very own MustangMark spotting an excellent opportunity for a sprint round the nation’s smaller, more northerly Principe in swirling, hires doldrums wind. 30nm in Farr30s; it could take longer than you’d think!<br> Race #1166<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1166.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Farr 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/07/Farr_30_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1166/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>August 14 at 2300 UTC. Around Principe 2018, racing with 90 boats. Aug. 11, 2018, 6 p.m. True 7.0 8.0 1.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1166.xml 1173 Sail Around Turkey 2018 Welcome to one of Sailonline's iconic races, where our fleet races the length of the Turkish coastline. This is a 1,372nm race from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast). <br> Race #1173 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1173.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Open 60<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Open_60_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1173/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Saturday, 18 August at 23:00 UTC Sail Around Turkey 2018, racing with 150 boats. Aug. 7, 2018, 3 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1173.xml 1156 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 2 Welcome to the second race of this year's SSANZ Safety @ Sea Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC Marine Insurance 100, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #1156<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1156.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b> <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Young_88_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2018 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1156/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 7 August at 2300utc SSANZ Safety @ Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 2, racing with 93 boats. Aug. 3, 2018, 9:05 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1156.xml 1170 40' Series Championship 2018 - Brisbane to Keppel Welcome to the race #8 in our 2018 40' series! <br> We will "Buddy-Up" with Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron in this year's edition of the "Brisbane to Keppel" 333 NM race. <br> When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia, sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br><br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/31/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1170 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1170.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1170/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 7 August at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship - Brisbane to Keppel, racing with 107 boats. Aug. 3, 2018, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1170.xml 1162 Tall Ships Races 2018 - Stavanger to Harlingen Welcome to the second of our two races in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race from the Tall Ships Festival in <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/stavanger-norway/" target="_blank"/>Stavanger</a></b> south to the finish 321nm away, before sailing on to the Tall Ships Festival in <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/harlingen-the-netherlands/" target="_blank"/>Harlingen</a></b> <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in Tall Ships' racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1162 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1162.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Barque_90m_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1162/? version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 7 August at 2300utc Tall Ships Races 2018 - Race 2 - Stavanger to Harlingen, racing with 135 boats. July 29, 2018, 6 p.m. True 1.5 9.0 50.0 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1162.xml 1160 AGage 50 2018 The original 2013 Sailonline <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">SOLer AGage </a>memorial circumnavigation of Australia included a short triangular course in Aaron Gage’s homewaters off Brighton, Adelaide – the AGage 100. The 100 is a bit long for a sprint, but a year should not pass without a race on SOL to remember Aaron by. So here you have an alternative – the AGage 50, three equidistant legs in the Bruce Farr designed Finngulf 43s. <br> Race #1160<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1160.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> FG 43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/04/Finngulf_43_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1160/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>July 30 at 2300 UTC. AGage 50 2018, racing with 93 boats. July 28, 2018, 4 p.m. True 137.5 139.0 -35.5 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1160.xml 1159 Manilla to Calbayog 2018 Welcome to a brand-new race, created by sassy63. <br> He's taken us to the Philippines to race around islands on a 377 nm course. <br> We sail the Steinlager 2 and in Calbayog we'll enjoy our well-deserved Palatan dish and drink it with San Miguel. <br> Race #1159<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1159.html"> INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Steinlager 2 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars18.pdf"><b>Particulars</b></a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1159/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>Race Close: </b></i>Saturday, 28 July at 23:00 UTC Manilla - Calbayog, racing with 128 boats. July 24, 2018, 5 p.m. True 119.0 126.0 10.0 16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1159.xml 1164 40' Series Championship 2018 - Hawaiian Zig Zag Welcome to the 7th race in our 2018 40' series! <br> This time we will use "Jaws" Hawaiian Zig Zag course for our race. <br> Shifting winds, beaches, rocks and headlands, zig and zag; 430nm not for the faint hearted! Your challenge is to get your choice of 40' to Niihau without breaking neither the boat nor your spirit. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1164 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1164.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1164/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 24 July at 23:00 UTC. 2018 40' Series Championship - Hawaiian Zig Zag, racing with 109 boats. July 20, 2018, 4 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1164.xml 1161 Tall Ships Races 2018 - Sunderland to Esbjerg Welcome to the first of the two races in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 254nm from Sunderland, England, to Esbjerg, Denmark - a relatively direct run across the North Sea from W to E. The ships leave the festival in <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/sunderland-uk/" target="_blank"/>Sunderland</a></b> and make their way to the race start, a little way offshore, to race to <b><a href="https://sailtraininginternational.org/port/esbjerg-denmark/" target="_blank"/>Esbjerg</a></b> <br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1161 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1161.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/19/Barque_90m_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1161/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 20 July at 2300utc Tall Ships Races 2018 - Race 1 - Sunderland to Esbjerg, racing with 116 boats. July 14, 2018, 6 p.m. True -1.0 9.0 54.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1161.xml 1163 Greenland to Alaska 2018 This race is a repetition of leg 2 in last years RED DOT race. <br> It is 2.099 splendid nautical miles from Nuuk, Greenland to Barrow, Alaska, leaving both North Canada and North Alaska to port.<br> Race #1163 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1163.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: OCCH-OCQ3-SUPERSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1163/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-15546" ><b> SMPF</b></a><br><b><i> RACE CLOSE: </b> </i>Tuesday, 24 July at 23:00 UTC Greenland to Alaska, racing with 148 boats. July 9, 2018, 4 p.m. True -163.0 -49.0 60.0 79.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1163.xml 1155 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 1 For the 7th year in succession, Sailonline is delighted to be the virtual partner for this excellent SSANZ two-handed series, raced around the waters of the Hauraki Gulf on New Zealand’s North Island. We are again racing against the Young 88 Association and our first race is the Safety @ Sea 60 PIC Marine Insurance course. <br> Race #1155<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1155.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Young_88_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2018 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1155/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 10 July at 2300utc SSANZ Safety @ Sea Triple Series 2018 - Race 1, racing with 99 boats. July 6, 2018, 9:05 p.m. True 174.5 177.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1155.xml 1097 Cape Horn TIMED Run 2018 Welcome to Chile, welcome to Cape Horn, and welcome to a new course round these inhospitable waters. This is a place with plenty of wind and strong currents. Our 161 nm triangular <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED RUN</a></b> goes around two groups of small islands that are an important nesting site for a number of southern seabirds. To kick start this new challenge we will ride the IMOCA 60; hold tight your harness and goggles, there will be plenty of sea spray on deck!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1097/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1097 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1097.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>IMOCA 60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/07/02/IMOCA_60_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1097/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 22 July at 2300utc Cape Horn Timed Run, racing with 301 boats. July 2, 2018, noon True -71.0 -66.0 -57.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1097.xml 1154 Golden Globe Race 2018 - Leg 1 Welcome, all, to the 2018 Golden Globe Race and Sailonline’s virtual version of this iconic 50th anniversary rerun of 1968’s first ever non-stop single-handed round-the-world race in yachts and with technology in keeping with that historic time. <br> To reflect the challenge being undertaken by the real racers, as announced previously, SOL invites all who feel so inclined to add their boat name to the post in <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15705/golden-globe-races-2018-seat-of-the-pa/?page=1#post-15710">FORUM</a></b> declaring you will race by the proverbial "Seat Of The Pants" (SOTP) with no outside assistance from routing software or other external aids, BEFORE THE STARTING GUN IS FIRED. <br> To simulate the real race which features a 90 minute minimum stopover in Storm Bay, SOL’s online version has been divided into two legs. This first leg then is from Les Sables-d’Olonne to Storm Bay. When the leaders approach Storm Bay, Leg 2 from thence back to Les Sables via Cape Horn, will open. YOU MAY NOT START LEG 2 UNTIL AT LEAST 90 MINUTES AFTER FINISHING LEG 1. The penalty for starting Leg 2 before finishing Leg 1 is NO RANKING. The penalty for starting Leg 2 within 90 minutes of finishing Leg 1 is 5x the time you started too early. <br> DO NOT START TOO EARLY! <br> Fair winds and good luck!! <br> Race #1154<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1154.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Rustler 36 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/18/Rustler_36_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: GGR <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1154/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>February 28 at 2300 UTC. Golden Globe Race - Leg 1 to Storm Bay, racing with 567 boats. July 1, 2018, 10 a.m. True -46.0 150.0 -59.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1154.xml 1152 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2018 - Race 2 It seems that no sooner have we arrived in Lerwick, Shetland but we are turning round to head back to Bergen, Norway, for the second leg of the Shetland Races 2018. A few of the real fleet are heading on to Iceland, while others will be returning with us. <br> Race #1152<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1152.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1152/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 July at 2300utc Pantaenius Shetland Race 2018 - Race 2, racing with 130 boats. June 30, 2018, 4 p.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1152.xml 1139 Pantaenius Shetland Race 2018 - Race 1 Welcome to outer Korsfjorden, Norway, for the first of two races across the North Sea. This is leg one of a two-leg series and we will be racing against real sailors, some heading to our destination of Lerwick, Shetland, others going via Shetland to Iceland. <br> Race #1139<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1139.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/First_47.7_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Shetland - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1139/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 30 June at 2300utc Pantaenius Shetland Race 2018 - Race 1, racing with 158 boats. June 27, 2018, 8 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1139.xml 1153 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 10 - Gothenburg to The Hague Then we've made it to Gothenburg. <br> And with the experience that The North Sea can be just as rough as the Southern Pacific. <br> Ok, it's time for sailing our final leg to The Hague, with a little detour around the Danish city of Aarhus, a so-called "fly-by". <br> And beware – the North Sea can still be very tricky, so fair winds to you all. <br> Race #1153<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1153.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: 2017SWR-SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1153/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 28 June at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 11 Gothenburg to The Hague, racing with 236 boats. June 21, 2018, noon True 0.0 15.0 50.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1153.xml 1151 Sail Fiji 2018 Welcome to Sail Fiji 2018. <br> This time there will be no RAYC IRL fleet to beat, so we have the 1144nm from New Zealand to Fiji ahead of us, in our "old" Volvo Ocean racer, the VO70v4, completely to ourselves. <br> The time set in 2016 was a little under 66½ hours, done by "outlaw". <br> We can do better this time, can't we? <br> Race #1151<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1151.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> VO70v4 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/30/VO70_v4_Particulars18.pdf"><b>Particulars</b></a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ2-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1151/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-15546" ><b> SMPF</b></a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 24 June at 23:00 UTC Sail Fiji 2018, racing with 165 boats. June 18, 2018, 9 p.m. True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1151.xml 1150 40' Series Championship 2018 - Naples Triangle Our 2018 40' series championship takes the fleet to great places on the planet. <br> This time we'll visit The Mediterranean and a 342 NM race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from Naples and round the islands of Ustica and Stromboli (with the most active volcano in Europe), and then back towards Naples to finish off waters of the island of Capri. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/06/05/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1150 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1150.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1150/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 19 June at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 6 – Naples Triangle., racing with 111 boats. June 15, 2018, 4 p.m. True 7.0 20.0 35.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1150.xml 1135 Golden Globe Race 2018 - Falmouth to Sables d'Olonne Welcome to Sailonline’s virtual <a href="http://goldengloberace.com/" target="_blank"/>Golden Globe Race 2018</a> and the SITraN prologue to Les Sables d’Olonne, starting immediately after the IRL competitors’ Parade of Sail in Falmouth Harbour celebrating the 50th anniversary of the departure of the original Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. <br> To reflect the challenge being undertaken by the real racers, who will compete in production yachts of the size and type used in 1968 and will only use materials and equipment that was available to them then, SOL invites all who feel so inclined to add their boat name to the post in <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15705/golden-globe-races-2018-seat-of-the-pa/?page=1#post-15710">FORUM</a></b> declaring you will race this prologue and the race proper (in two legs) by the proverbial "Seat Of The Pants" (SOTP) with no outside assistance from routing software or other external aids, relying solely on the SOL predictor line and dead reckoning for navigation. <br> Race #1135<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1135.html"">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Rustler 36 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/18/Rustler_36_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1135/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 19 June at 2300utc Golden Globe Race 2018 - Falmouth to Les Sables-d'Olonne, racing with 165 boats. June 14, 2018, 1:30 p.m. True -8.0 0.0 45.5 50.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1135.xml 1149 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 9 - Cardiff to Gothenburg Back in Europe with only two more legs to go. <br> Did you enjoy your time in Cardiff? <br> Ok, it's time for heading to Gothenburg, Sweden, used to be a finish, but not this time. <br> And beware – the North Sea can be very tricky, so fair winds to you all. 😊 <br> Race #1149<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1149.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: 2017SWR-SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1149/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 17 June at 23:00 UTC SWR17/18 Leg 10 Cardiff to Gothenburg, racing with 275 boats. June 10, 2018, 3 p.m. True -13.0 14.0 45.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1149.xml 1134 Orno Runt Sprint 2018 The Round Orno race is a SOL classic, 21nm of cornering mayhem, sometimes run as a Sprint and sometimes as a Time Trial. This year it’s a Sprint in SOL’s evergreen, ever popular F18. <br> Race #1134<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1134.html"> INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/F18_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br>SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRQ2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1134/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>June 12 at 2300 UTC. Orno Runt Sprint 2018, racing with 85 boats. June 9, 2018, 4 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1134.xml 1144 Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 - Dublin to Bordeaux Welcome to the second of the two races of <a href=" https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/three-festivals-tall-ships-regatta-2018/ " target="_blank"/> The Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta </a></b> - a race of 476nm from the Dublin start (near Waterford) to Bordeaux in France, giving our Clippers a chance to fill their sails with fresh Atlantic breezes.<br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1144<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1144.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1144/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 12 June at 2300utc The Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 - Race 2, racing with 139 boats. June 5, 2018, 4 p.m. True -12.0 0.5 44.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1144.xml 1148 Auckland Noumea Yacht Race 2018 Welcome to Auckland, New Zealand and Royal Akarana Yacht Club for the start of the virtual <a href="https://aucklandnoumea.com/" target="_blank"/>Auckland Noumea Yacht Race 2018</a>. This race is one of four concurrent races and rallies departing from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne at a similar time. Join our run across the Pacific to Noumea - 983 nm in TP52s should be a blast! <br>Race #1148 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1148.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>TP 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1148/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 10 June at 2300utc Auckland Noumea Yacht Race 2018, racing with 138 boats. June 2, 2018, 1 a.m. True 153.0 180.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1148.xml 1133 SoCal 300 2018 Sailonline is delighted to welcome you back to San Diego, California Race Week and the 2018 SoCal300 race, hosted by San Diego Yacht Club. As we have learned from experience, we need to race our SC52s pretty smartly to remain in contention with the real fleet here on the US West coast!<br> Race #1133<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1133.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1133/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 4 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2018, racing with 125 boats. May 31, 2018, 7 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1133.xml 1143 Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 - Liverpool to Dublin Welcome to the first of two races of <a href=" https://sailtraininginternational.org/event/three-festivals-tall-ships-regatta-2018/ " target="_blank"/> The Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta </a></b> - a run of 147nm from Liverpool, around the Isle of Man to finish offshore Dublin. A pleasant outing for our elegant Clipper ships.<br> <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in Tall Ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1143<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1143.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/Clipper_240_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1143/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 3 June at 2300utc The Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 - Race 1, racing with 139 boats. May 28, 2018, 3 p.m. True -6.5 -3.0 53.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1143.xml 1138 Aegean Rally 2018 "The International Aegean Sailing Rally is a regatta with a long history, organized every year by the HORC (Hellenic Offshore Racing Club). It is the oldest and most splendid sailing event in Greece and is characterized as a marine Marathon", thus write its organisers, The Hellenic Offshore Racing Club, and in 2015 SOL followed the IRL yachts round for all four legs. Marathon, however, lies too far off the beaten track, so, we, at SOL, much encouraged by the great success of our ouzo-fuelled sprint of January this year, have decided to use another of the 2015 legs for sprinting. This one starts in Athens, then rounds Agios Dimitrios Kythnos for Piperi, to finish at the Temple of Poseidon on the tip of the Attica peninsula. <br> Race #1138<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1138.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> GB90 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/05/GB_90_Particulars18.pdf "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1138/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>May 29 at 2300 UTC. Aegean Rally 2018, racing with 107 boats. May 26, 2018, 4 p.m. True 23.0 26.0 37.0 38.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1138.xml 1146 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 8 - Newport to Cardiff We are back in the northern hemisphere! <br> After a good rest in Newport it's time to head for Europe, more specifically Cardiff in Wales <br> "A smooth trip" you might think, but The Atlantic Ocean can offer many surprises. One of them could be The Azores High, which in the late spring can drift north and block your route to Cardiff. <br> Consider yourself warned. <br> Race #1146<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1146.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: 2017SWR-2018OCCH-2018SUPSOL-2018OCQ2-SYC<br> <b> PRIZE:</b> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1146/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 3 June at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 9 - Newport to Cardiff, racing with 317 boats. May 20, 2018, 6 p.m. True -78.0 0.0 27.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1146.xml 1147 Van Isle 360 2018 Welcome back to Vancouver and the 525nm delightful course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water which our TP 52 will love. <br> Race #1147<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1147.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> TP 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf"><b>Particulars</b></a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1147/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 25 May at 23:00 UTC Van Isle 360 2018, racing with 105 boats. May 17, 2018, 4 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1147.xml 1145 40' Series Championship 2018 - Singapore Visit Our 2018 40' series championship takes the fleet to great places on the planet.<br> This time we'll visit Singapore and a 365 NM race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from the Island of Natuna Besar to Singapore Harbor. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/05/06/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1145 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1145.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1145/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 17 May at 23:00 UTC. 2018 40' Series Championship Race 5 – Singapore Visit, racing with 126 boats. May 11, 2018, 4 p.m. True 103.0 109.0 0.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1145.xml 1130 Tristan TIMED Race 2018 Welcome to the South Atlantic and a challenging 68nm course around the three quaintly and incongruously named islands of the remote outpost known as Tristan da Cunha. The gales may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race originally designed by NZL_Scotsman.<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1130/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run.<br> Race #1130 <br /> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1130.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> Farr 38 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1130/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 27 May at 2300utc Tristan TIMED Race 2018, racing with 310 boats. May 6, 2018, noon True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1130.xml 1132 Bay to Bay 2018 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, where’s my J80? Dried out on the beach!? When’s high tide? What time is the start? What? It’s a counter for the SOL Sprint Championships! Where are we going? Urangan, as in tan, man, 23.3nm! <br> Race #1132<br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1132.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1132/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 9 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 2 - 2018, racing with 87 boats. May 5, 2018, 11 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1132.xml 1131 Bay to Bay 2018 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait To sail this event IRL, your yacht must be trailable and “strongly built, watertight, capable of withstanding solid water, properly rigged, fully seaworthy and meeting the standards of the Yachting Association Special Regulations and the requirements of Queensland Transport, Marine Safety Queensland, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol and Queensland Water Police”. We’re entering J80s again; nobody objected in previous years.<br> Race #1131 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1131.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/12/J_80_Particulars18_3.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1131/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Wednesday, <br>May 9 at 2300 UTC. Bay to Bay Leg 1 - 2018, racing with 91 boats. May 5, 2018, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1131.xml 1141 40' Series Championship 2018 - Auckland to Gisbourne After a 46 day break it's time to resume our 2018 40' series championship.<br> Q2 starts with the RAYC "Auckland to Gisbourne Race", 277nm down the E coast of New Zealand's N Island. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/17/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1141 <br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1141.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1141/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 5 May at 2300utc 2018 40' Series Championship Race 4 - Auckland to Gisbourne, racing with 128 boats. April 27, 2018, 2 a.m. True 174.0 181.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1141.xml 1140 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 7 - Itajai to Newport Hopefully you are fully recovered after the brutal leg 7? <br> All the boats are in tip-top shape, just waiting for you to climb on board for this very interesting leg 8 from Itajai to Newport with several independent hurdles.<br> Named in order of occurrence: <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/St.Helena_High..pdf">St Helena High:</a></b> <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Trade_Winds_S.pdf">The Trade Winds S: </a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/On_the_beach.pdf">On the beach:</a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Doldrums.pdf"> The Doldrums:</a> </b> <br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Trade_Winds_N.pdf">The Trade Winds N:</a></b><br> <b><b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Azores_High.pdf">Azores High:</a></b><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/04/16/The_Westerly_Stormtrack.pdf">The Westerly Stormtack: </a></b><br> </b> <p> That's it folk's.<br> Now you know what to expect!!! <br> Race #1140<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1140.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: 2017SWR-2018OCCH-2018SUPSOL-2018OCQ2-SYC<br> <b> PRIZE:</b> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1140/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>Race Close:</b></i>Sunday, 13 May at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 8 - Itajai to Newport, racing with 321 boats. April 22, 2018, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -12.0 -30.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1140.xml 1136 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2018 Welcome to the 2018 crazy Stockholm Archipelago race celebrating the birthday of Jakob, one of Sailonline's two founders! First run in 2009 as a Beer and BBQ race, this has become one of the best of Sailonline’s traditions. Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! Lycka till, alla!! <br /> Race #1136 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1136.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br /> X35 OD <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/20/X_35_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br /> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br /> Ranking: SYC <br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1136/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 25 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2018, racing with 106 boats. April 21, 2018, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1136.xml 1137 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2018 Welcome to Islas Canarias and the 2018 running of TheHorn's 1220nm round-the-islands TP52 slalom. As always, this is a PRIZE race with a bottle of Guajiro RONMIEL awaiting the winner - see the Homepage Blogpost for more info <br> Race #1137<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1137.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/TP_52_Particulars17.pdf ">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1137/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2018/apr/6/santa-monica-ronmiel-regatta-2018/" ><font color="red">INTRO BLOGPOST</font></a><br>RACE CLOSE: 18 April 2018 at 2300utc Santa Monica RONMIEL Regatta 2018, racing with 164 boats. April 9, 2018, 4 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1137.xml 1129 Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2018 In the south east corner of Hudson Bay you’ll find James Bay, and close in to shore in the south east of James Bay lies a group of islands – Charlton, Strutton and Cape Hope among them. Outposts of the famed Revillon Frères fur trading company until the 1920s, the islands nowadays are once more uninhabited. Be this as it may, the thaw sets in earlier in James Bay than in the other bays and reaches of the Arctic Ocean, so SOL are pleased to welcome you back to Strutton for another PYOC Sprint, again in our sturdy 11m ODs.<br> Race #1129<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1129.html "> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> 11m One Design <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/18/11_Metre_OD__Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1129/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>April 10 at 2300 UTC. Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2018, racing with 119 boats. April 7, 2018, 4 p.m. True -79.3 -78.4 51.9 52.7 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1129.xml 1128 Lisboa TIMED Race 2018 For the fourth year in succession, Sailonline invite you to Lisboa and Setubal for a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race. A long course designed by psail with the AC72 in mind, this year we will take out our more seaworthy 60ft Trimaran, so that performance loss minimalization, although still important, will become less critical, and finding that best (and longer!) period of favourable winds much more so.<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1128/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run.</b><br> Race #1128 <br /> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1128.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de<br> 60ft Trimaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1128/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <b><i><br>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, <br> 26 April at 2300utc Lisboa TIMED Race 2018, racing with 260 boats. April 6, 2018, noon True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1128.xml 1123 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2018 The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been an annual event since 1949 and has become Australia’s #2 classic – 2018 marks its 70th anniversary.<br> Race #1123 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1123.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>First 40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/First_40_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1123/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 April at 2300utc Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2018, racing with 120 boats. March 30, 2018, 1 a.m. True 146.0 160.0 -30.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1123.xml 1121 Rolex China Sea Race 2018 Welcome to the 2018 running of the prestigious Rolex China Sea Race - the classic biennial bluewater race of 565nm in TP52s from Hong Kong across the China Sea to Subic Bay in the Philippines. <br> Race #1121 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1121.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/TP_52_Particulars18.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1121/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 2 April at 2300utc Rolex China Sea Race 2018, racing with 129 boats. March 28, 2018, 5:15 a.m. True 109.0 125.0 11.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1121.xml 1126 Sundance Marine Melbourne Osaka Cup 2018 Welcome to Melbourne for the Sundance Marine Melbourne Osaka Cup 2018 Double Handed Yacht Race - a 5,500 nautical mile 2 handed yacht race and the only one running from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere. <br> Race #1126<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1126.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Sunfast 3600 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/15/Sunfast_3600__Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1126/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2018/mar/13/sundance-melbourne-osaka-cup-2018/" ><font color="red">INTRO BLOGPOST</font></a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Friday, <br>May 4 at 2300 UTC. Sundance Marine Melbourne Osaka Cup 2018 Double Handed Yacht Race, racing with 234 boats. March 25, 2018, 4 a.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1126.xml 1127 Virtual Cruise 2018 - San Sebastian to La Rochelle For the third time since 2013, Sailonline will be joining with a group of Polish virtual sailors for one leg of their Virtual Cruise around Europe. Our race is 171nm across the wild and potentially stormy Bay of Biscay from San Sebastian to La Rochelle. <br> Race #1127<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1127.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Delphia 47 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/03/10/Delphia_47_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1127/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 27 March at 2300utc Virtual Cruise 2018 - San Sebastian to La Rochelle, racing with 129 boats. March 23, 2018, 11 a.m. True -9.0 1.0 42.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1127.xml 1125 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 6 - Auckland to Itajai Fortunately, the SOL fleet did not need to undergo thorough maintenance and related repairs while staying in Auckland. It is already ready and in tip-top shape to sail the longest leg in SWR 17/18 from Auckland to Itajai, at a total of 7.100 NM. <br> As in leg 3 – Cape Town to Melbourne, the keyword is "The Westerly Stormtrack" and to catch that, the weather will take us deep down south through the "Roaring Forties" and beyond, and then blow us towards Cape Horn. <br> This time we will not have to care about the Antarctic Ice Exclusion Zone as the southern race boundary is set to 70°S to give us a clear run. <br> Race #1125<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/ ">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SWR-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1125/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 12 April at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 7 - Auckland to Itajai, racing with 354 boats. March 18, 2018, 1 a.m. True 172.0 335.0 -70.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1125.xml 1120 Scilly Lundy Caldey Scilly Sprint 2018 It’s been a wild weird winter in the Celtic Sea. Snow and storms have harried the coasts of Cornwall, Wales and Ireland. And it’s not over yet, but SOL can wait no longer. Retrieved from our archives then, we give you a 250nm triangular course around a select small few of the 6,000 odd islands of the Atlantic Archipelago. It’s a sprint, so go go.<br> Race #120<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/"> INFO</a></b> at brainaid.de<br> 90ft Monohull <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/90ft_Monohull_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1120/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>March 19 at 2300 UTC. Scilly Lundy Caldey Scilly Sprint 2018, racing with 104 boats. March 17, 2018, 11 a.m. True -8.0 -3.5 49.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1120.xml 1119 Pacific NW Inshore 2018 A 137nm WRF hi-res SOL Classic, usually in shifting swirling light variable winds, from Seattle to Vancouver, past historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival, then on past Whale Watch Park where there is usually a pod of orca whales to be seen, continuing on round and through the beautiful San Juan Islands Nature Reserve and then up into the Strait of Georgia for a finish in English Bay. Enjoy it all! <br> Race #1119<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO </a> at brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Young_88_Particulars18.pdf">PARTICULARS</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1119/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, <br>March 15 at 2300 UTC. Pacific NW Inshore 2018, racing with 148 boats. March 13, 2018, 8 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1119.xml 1124 40' Series Championship 2018 - Florida Rum Run Welcome to the 3rd of 12 races in this season 2018 of our 40' series! <br> We'll go to Florida and a 400nm race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from St. Lucie inlet to Paradise Island Bahamas and back to Jupiter Inlet, Florida. <br> This race is loosely based on the course of the 2010 Nassau Cup. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/02/26/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Condotions_updated_v2.pdf "> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1124 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1124/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>Race Close:</b>Tuesday, 13 March at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 3 – Florida Rum Run, racing with 155 boats. March 9, 2018, 7 p.m. True -81.0 -74.0 23.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1124.xml 1122 San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2018 Welcome to California! Established in 1953 this 1000-miler run from San Diego to Puerto Vallarta has become a tradition but will be the first time Sailonline has raced the event. Let's see how our virtual SC52s perform against the real fleet! <br> Race #1122<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/14/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1122/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br> RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 14 March at 2300utc San Diego to Puerto Vallarta 2018, racing with 206 boats. March 2, 2018, 8:30 p.m. True -135.0 -99.0 10.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1122.xml 1114 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2018 Welcome to Stockholm - are you ready to race to St Petersburg? Our 431nm course from Sweden to Russia includes a couple of slight detours past Saaremaa and Hoglandet but if you keep a good lookout and avoid stealthy submarines, you should soon be docking your J130s at the home of the world renowned Hermitage Museum! <br> Race #1114 </br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox" >INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de </br> J130 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/J130_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a></br> WX UPDATES: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230</br> RANKING: SYC</br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1114/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 6 March at 2300utc Stockholm to St Petersburg 2018, racing with 158 boats. Feb. 27, 2018, 11 a.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1114.xml 1118 Perth to Fremantle Sprint 2018 To celebrate the running of the 2011 ISAF World Championships in Perth, Australia, SOL organized an overnight offshore race and a Sprint: 65nm in a J-80 sportsboat along the Perth/Freemantle shoreline. We have raced the course several times since then. This year, to hurry things up, we’re going to do it in an Open 60. Proper sprinting!<br> Race #1118<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/"> INFO</a> at brainaid.de<br> Open 60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Open_60_Particulars18.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1118/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>February 27 at 2300 UTC. Perth-Fremantle ISAF Sprint 2018, racing with 109 boats. Feb. 24, 2018, 3 a.m. True 114.0 116.0 -33.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1118.xml 1117 40' Series Championship 2018 - New Hebrides Slalom Welcome to the 2nd of 12 races in this season 2018 of our 40' series! <br> Cast off your chosen 40' to race the 578nm from New Caledonia to Vanuatu. <br> This is one of SOL's most exotic races - but you must resist the temptation to stay on these islands forever. <br> <br> The Race Conditions contains NOR, particulars, polars and a list of used boats, and will be updated for each race in 2018, so please read it to avoid disqualification. <br> <br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/29/40_Series_2018_-_Race_Conditions_updated.pdf"> <font color="red"><b>40' Series 2018 – Race Conditions (updated) </a></b></font> <br> <br> Race # 1117 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> 40CH – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1117/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b>Race Close:</b> Thursday, 22 February at 23:00 UTC 2018 40' Series Championship Race 2 - New Hebrides Slalom, racing with 118 boats. Feb. 16, 2018, 3 a.m. True 162.0 172.0 -24.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1117.xml 1116 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2018 Welcome once again to the waters of the Neenah-Nodaway Yacht Club for SOL’s third year hosting a virtual ice race on Lake Winnebago. It’s been a hard winter in North America, and although the thaw has set in, the ice should still be good. Two laps and two hours or so for 102 nautical miles pylon-to-pylon in our PL-off DN iceboats with polars the size and shape of medicine balls! <br> Race #1116 <br> <a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO</a>at brainaid.de <br> DN <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/DN_Iceboat_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1116/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, <br>February 13 at 2300 UTC. Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2018, racing with 117 boats. Feb. 11, 2018, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1116.xml 1113 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 5 - Hong Kong to Auckland While others have spent the two-week stay in Hong Kong sailing up and down the Zhujiang River and around Hong Kong Island, we have been able to completely relax and spend the days preparing for Leg 6 from Hong Kong to Auckland. <br> We will (almost) sail the exactly same way back to where we came from and that means another meeting with the Doldrums, which hopefully this time will be kinder to us. But if that does not happen... no one said this SWR 17/18 would be easy! <br> Race #1113<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/ ">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> <b>The Chart is NOT available for this race !</b><br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/OD65v3_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SWR-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1113/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 13 March at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 6 - Hong Kong to Auckland, racing with 366 boats. Feb. 7, 2018, 5 a.m. True 104.0 215.0 -43.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1113.xml 1112 TYPBC Auckland to Tauranga Race 2018 Since this race was first introduced to Sailonline in 2011, the annual competition of 126nm from Auckland to Tauranga has become a well-established event. When SOLers take part in reality, our task, of course, is to beat them to the finish! <br /> Race #1112<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Farr 38 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Farr_38_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br /> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br />Ranking: SYC<br />PRIZE:<a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1112/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 6 February at 2300utc TYPBC Auckland Tauranga Yacht Race 2018, racing with 137 boats. Feb. 3, 2018, 1 a.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1112.xml 1115 Sea Lion TIMED Race 2018 Come on down South for long days of sunlight and strong bracing winds to race our new speedy little Far East 28 as many times as you like - 117nm as the albatross flies - through some of the islands of the Malvinas archipelago. As this is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> challenge, let's see who can get the best time!! <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1115/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run.</b> <br> Race #1115 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Far East 28 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/09/Fareast_28R_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH - SUPSOL - TRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1115/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br> <i> RACE CLOSE:</i> Thursday, <br> 22 February at 2300utc Sea Lion TIMED Race 2018, racing with 392 boats. Feb. 2, 2018, 11 a.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1115.xml 1110 Race to Up Helly Aa 2018 A-OI!!! Preparations are under way in Shetland for this year's season of firey festivals for Up Helly Aa. As has become tradition, Sailonline will be racing to Lerwick to (virtually) take part in festivities there which will be livestreamed on Tuesday 30 January. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart.<br> Race #1110 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/Elan_410_Particulars18.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://sailonline.org/board/thread/15538/2018-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1110/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 4 February at 2300utc Up Helly Aa 2018, racing with 204 boats. Jan. 29, 2018, 11 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1110.xml 1109 Pico Island Sprint 2018 900nm due West of Lisbon you’ll find Portugal’s Azores Islands, where SOLers have been known to come and go, both IRL and on-line. Marking the junction of two major tectonic fault lines – the North Atlantic Ridge and the subduction zone where the African and Eurasian plates meet – it is a seismically hyper-active place, but warm and verdantly beautiful with one rain-laden depression after another rolling over its ash-fed andisol-rich hillsides. If it wasn’t for the pods of whales mooching about offshore, at sea might be the safer place to be there, but let’s go race anyway – 55nm round Pico, this year in First 47.7s.<br> Race #1109<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> First 47.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/First_47.7_Particulars17.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1109/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Monday, <br>January 29 at 2300 UTC. Pico Island Sprint 2018, racing with 143 boats. Jan. 27, 2018, 11 a.m. True -29.0 -27.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1109.xml 1107 Sydney to Mooloolaba 2018 Its January, so Sailonline has decided to race the 468nm from Sydney, on Australia's SE coast, north to the holiday, surfing and sailing centre of Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. <br> Race #1107<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1107.html">INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/08/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars18.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1107/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 28 January at 2300utc Sydney to Mooloolaba 2018, racing with 170 boats. Jan. 23, 2018, 2 a.m. True 147.0 161.0 -35.0 -24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1107.xml 1111 40' Series Championship 2018 - Sardinia Cup Welcome to a new season and the first of twelve races in the 2018 40' Series Championship! <br> We will use the Sardinia Cup 223 nm racecourse round Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea to test your skills. <br> It seems that there's a lot to see here, so watch your Google Earth feed closely <br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/How_to_be_disqualified_2018_1.pdf">READ THIS CAREFULLY !!!! </a></b><br> <br> Race # 1111<br> <b><a href=" http://sol.brainaid.de/sailonline/toolbox/">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> <b> The Chart is NOT available for this race !</b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CH - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1111/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b>RACE CLOSE: </b>Monday, January 22 at 23:00 2018 40' Series Championship Race 1 - Sardinia Cup, racing with 122 boats. Jan. 19, 2018, 11 a.m. True 6.0 12.0 38.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1111.xml 1108 Ouzo Sprint 2018 Ouzo is a blend of ethanol (rectified spirit) and water with mysterious hints of aniseed and other botanicals such as fennel, mastic, cardamom, coriander, cloves, and cinnamon. Same as designer gin really, but with aniseed rather than juniper as the dominant flavour. By Greek law, the ABV (alcohol by volume) has to be at least 35%. Think of the water as the sea, the alcohol as the rocks and islands of the Inner Aegean you must not founder on, and the secret flavourings as the wind to waft you from Koufonisi to Akra Sounion, and you have The Ouzo Sprint. In our spanking new Club Swan 50s you may even be round before the thought gives you a headache! <br> Race #1108<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1108.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Club Swan 50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2018/01/07/Club_Swan_50_Particulars18.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRQ1 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1108/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, January 16 at 2300 UTC. Ouzo Sprint 2018, racing with 127 boats. Jan. 13, 2018, 11 a.m. True 23.2 26.7 36.2 38.4 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1108.xml 1106 Rio In-Port TIMED Race 2018 Many years ago, when the Volvo Round-The-World yachts were 70 foot long and not restricted much in any other way, SOL organized their own little round-the-cans race outside the harbour of Rio de Janeiro. To start our 2018 series of <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RUNS , we are setting those cans out again for you, and this time they will stay in the water for 20 days for all comers to try as often as they wish to set a best time. We won’t be racing a VO70 though, but the slightly more sedate X35, which, given that the course is some 80nm in length, will mean you will be confronted by a change of forecast or two during your runs. You’ll have to take a view! <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1106/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1106 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1106.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br> X-35 OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/X_35_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1106/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday,<br> 25 January at 2300utc Rio In-Port TIMED Race 2018, racing with 322 boats. Jan. 5, 2018, 11 a.m. True -46.0 -41.0 -25.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1106.xml 1104 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 4 - Melbourne to Hong Kong After celebrating Christmas and New Year it is time for Leg 4 of this fantastic Sailonline World Race 2017/18. <br> After leaving Melbourne on this (about) 5.500 NM course, we will leave the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, all to port<br> And remember, once again we'll have to choose the best way to cross the Doldrums <br> Race #1104<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1104.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/OD65v3_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ1-SUPSOL-SWR-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1104/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Saturday, 27 January at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 4 - Melbourne to Hong Kong, racing with 406 boats. Jan. 2, 2018, 3 a.m. True 110.0 179.0 -43.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1104.xml 1105 Tasman Double 2017 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to all SOLers and welcome to our first race of 2018! We are in Hobart, Tasmania, and it is time to ferry our Super Maxi 100s back to Sydney after a few days respite ashore. <br> Race #1105<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1105.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1105/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 7 January at 2300utc Tasman Double 2017 - Race 2 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 151 boats. Jan. 2, 2018, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1105.xml 1103 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2017 Welcome to the 2017 running of the classic 198nm "Rudder Cup" race from Melbourne, across the Bass Strait to Tasmania, organised by the ORCV. <br> Race #1103<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1103.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/First_40_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1103/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 1 January 2018 at 2300utc ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2017, racing with 145 boats. Dec. 27, 2017, 3:30 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1103.xml 1102 Tasman Double 2017 - Sydney to Hobart It is Boxing Day (26 December) and how better to take a break from festivities than by racing your Super Maxi 100s in a classic run of 625nm from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #1102<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1102.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TD <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1102/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 31 December at 2300utc Tasman Double 2017 - Race 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 237 boats. Dec. 26, 2017, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1102.xml 1100 Auckland Islands PYOC Sprint 2017 You bored with The Falklands? <br> We give you The Aucklands! <br> Well the wind could be West, <br> But which side shall be best? <br> North or South? <br> There will surely be doubt, <br> Where your IMOCA to rout(e)! <br> Race #1100 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1100.html"> INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA 60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/IMOCA_60_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRCH - SPRR3 - <br> SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1100/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, December 26 at 2300 UTC. Auckland Islands PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 124 boats. Dec. 23, 2017, 10 a.m. True 165.0 167.0 -51.5 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1100.xml 1099 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Lord Howe Welcome to the final 6th of 6 races in this season (Q3/Q4) of our 40' series! <br> We will use the iconic 412nm racecourse from Gosford to Lord Howe Island. <br> The island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - one of just four island groups to be inscribed on <b><a href=" http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/186 ">UNESCO’s World Heritage list</a></b> for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br> <br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/11/15/How_to_be_disqualified.pdf">READ THIS !!!! </a></b><br> <br> Race # 1099<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1099.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CQ3&4 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1099/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Monday, 18 December at 02:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 - Lord Howe, racing with 117 boats. Dec. 14, 2017, 2 a.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1099.xml 1101 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 3 - Cape Town to Melbourne This, the third of eleven legs of the 2017/18 Sailonline World Race, takes us from Cape Town to Melbourne! <br> After departing Cape Town in probably light winds and passing Cape of Good Hope, the keyword is "The Westerly Stormtrack" and to catch that, the weather will take us deep down south through the "Roaring Forties" and beyond, and then blow us toward Melbourne. <br> The southern race boundary has been set at 60°S to mark the Antarctic Ice Exclusion Zone, which will, hopefully, give us a clear run. <br> Race #1101<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1101.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/OD65v3_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SWR-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1101/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE: </b> Wednesday, 27 December at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18 Leg 3 - Cape Town to Melbourne, racing with 402 boats. Dec. 10, 2017, noon True -10.0 155.0 -60.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1101.xml 1098 Christmas to Christmas Island 2017 Having discovered that there is more than one Christmas Island some years ago, each year in the run up to the festive season, Sailonline races from the Pacific island to the Indian Ocean one - a distance of 5,837nm. The choice of route is entirely up to you! Fair winds! <br> Race #1098 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1098.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: NONE <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1098/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 1 January 2018 at 2300utc Christmas to Christmas Islands 2017, racing with 253 boats. Dec. 2, 2017, 2 a.m. True 100.0 179.5 -47.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1098.xml 1079 Cape Horn TIMED Record 2017 It’s been 7&frac12; years since last we attempted to spend an extended length of time for a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RUN in these inhospitable waters. Cape Horn! Not only are we going to hang here a while, we’ve brought a fleet of fair-weather St Cruz 52’s with us for the fun of it. Just 52 nm – let’s see who survives!! <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1079/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1079 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1079.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>St Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars17.pdf " >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1079/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 10 December at 2300utc Cape Horn Record 2017, racing with 315 boats. Dec. 1, 2017, 4 p.m. True -69.0 -66.0 -57.0 -55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1079.xml 1096 PEP Sprint 2017 Eddystone Lighthouse marks a nasty patch of rocks about 10 nm SSW of the approach to Plymouth. With the prevailing winds generally out of the SW in this part of the world, chances then are this race departing from inner Plymouth harbour, is going to be a beat out to the Light, requiring inter alia the avoidance of a very substantial breakwater, followed by a run to the finish out on open water. Perhaps 18 nm as the crows flies, and therefore, even as your FinnGulf 43 flies, a quickie. <br> Race #1096 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1096.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Finngulf 43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/18/Finngulf_43_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRR3-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1096/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, November 28 at 2300 UTC. PEP Sprint 2017, racing with 106 boats. Nov. 25, 2017, 10 a.m. True -5.0 -3.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1096.xml 1093 Yates Cup 2017 <b><a href="http://rayc.co.nz/" target="_blank"/>RAYC </a></b> welcomes Sailonline to the 2017 running of this Category 3+ race from Auckland around the Hauraki Gulf and challenges us to pit our skills against the real fleet who use the course as training for larger offshore events. <br> Race #1093<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1093.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Beneteau First 44.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/08/First_44.7__Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1093/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 28 November at 2300utc Yates Cup 2017, racing with 122 boats. Nov. 23, 2017, 9 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -37.0 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1093.xml 1092 Lake Superior Lights 2017 Sailonline loves lighthouses and our classic race around the famous lights of Lake Superior is a grand tour of 572nm . With fickle weather worldwide, this could be interesting!<br> Race #1092 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1092.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>First47.7 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/First_47.7_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br>NAM_AWIP WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1092/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 23 November at 2300utc Lake Superior Lights 2017, racing with 129 boats. Nov. 17, 2017, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1092.xml 1090 Groote PYOC Sprint 2017 Groote Eylandt is a small low-lying sandy island in the Gulf of Carpentaria. Discovered by the Dutch, it is bigger than Texel off the tip of North Holland, hence 'Great Island'. It is also bigger than Great Island in Cork Harbour; OK, fair enough! So… we return to this imaginatively named place for a third consecutive year. 14 degrees S of the Equator and high-summer, you can expect winds to be fitful and variable no matter which way round you go from W to E! <br> Race #1090 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1090.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60 ft Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars17.pdf "> Particulars </a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SPRR3 - <br>SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1090/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, November 14 at 2300 UTC. Groote PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 113 boats. Nov. 11, 2017, 10 a.m. True 136.0 137.5 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1090.xml 910 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2017 This ever popular annual 20nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RUN returns to our calendar slightly later in the year than usual. This year, our craft of choice is the SOTO30. Like last year’s Class40, the SOTO30 is a close-winded boat and has the additional upwind feature of a constant optimum TWA when the wind goes above Force 4. Chances are these aspects will stand to you, weaving your way up the mud flats of the upper reaches of the Huelva delta. <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/910/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #910 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_910.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de <br>SOTO30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/SOTO_30_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/910/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 19 November at 2300utc Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2017, racing with 221 boats. Nov. 10, 2017, 4 p.m. True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_910.xml 1095 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 2 - Lisbon to Cape Town The second of eleven legs of the 2017/18 Sailonline World Race takes us from Lisbon to Cape Town! <br> In this leg we must catch the Trade Winds, avoid the Azores High, pick the thinnest spot in the Doldrums to go through, then avoid the St. Helena High and catch the Westerly Storm Track that will get us to Cape Town<br> The southern race boundary has been set at 51°S to mark the Antarctic Ice Exclusion Zone <br> Race #1095<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1095.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/OD65v3_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SWR-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1095/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 5 December at 23:00 SWR 17/18 Leg 2 - Lisbon to Cape Town, racing with 471 boats. Nov. 5, 2017, 2 p.m. True -51.0 24.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1095.xml 1091 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2017 It is time for one of Sailonlne's annual traditions - the celebration of SOLer Mistli's birthday with a BBQ race. Run close to Mistli's birthday on November 1 we race our trusty Seacarts in a celebratory, short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #1091 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1091.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Seacart_30_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1091/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 8 November at 2300utc Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2017, racing with 129 boats. Nov. 4, 2017, 8 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1091.xml 1094 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Refeno Rally Welcome to the 5th of 6 races in this season (Q3/Q4) of our 40' series! <br> The "Refeno Rally", chosen by SRC as a template for this one, has only been SOL-raced once in August 2010, and with a IMOCA 60. It will be exciting to see how our 40' boats will perform here. <br> Since 1986 this 296nm course from Recife, Brazil, to Fernando Noronha Island has been run many times IRL. <br><br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/10/28/How_to_be_disqualified.pdf">READ THIS !!!! </a></b><br><br> Race # 1094<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1094.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CQ3&4 –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1094/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b><br>Saturday, November 4 at 23:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 - Refeno Rally, racing with 172 boats. Nov. 2, 2017, 6 p.m. True -36.0 -31.0 -10.0 -2.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1094.xml 1086 Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2017 This time of year, the Midge Count is down to Level 1 on Tiree, so no worries there then. But with the days shortening rapidly and the gales processing in relentlessly, this does not make Scotland’s "isle of corn" a more pleasant place than when it disguises itself as the "Hawaii of the North" in summer, as ferry operator Caledonian McBrayne would have it. Never mind, let us use what daylight we can find to make a get-away in our Mini 6.50s, if no further than adjacent Coll, 28nm closer to mainland! <br> Race #1086 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1086.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Mini 6.50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/09/Mini_6.50_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRR3 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1086/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, October 31 at 2300 UTC. Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 125 boats. Oct. 28, 2017, 10 a.m. True -7.5 -6.0 56.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1086.xml 1088 SWR 2017/18 - Leg 1 - Alicante to Lisbon Welcome to the first of eleven legs of the 2017/18 Sailonline World Race in our 65-foot ocean racer! <br> In this leg we race from Alicante to Lisbon, through the infamous Strait of Gibraltar on a course of 1365 NM.<br> Race #1088<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1088.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/23/OD65v3_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SWR-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1088/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 3 November at 23:00 UTC SWR 17/18_Leg1_Alicante to Lisbon, racing with 403 boats. Oct. 22, 2017, 1 p.m. True -12.0 9.0 32.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1088.xml 1087 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2017 Welcome back to New Zealand's North Island and the annual iconic run from Auckland to Russell. The trip north is 120nm of usually mixed conditions - from flat out spinnaker rides, speedy reaching and even dying breezes before sunrise! On arrival thirsty yachties will find bacon butties and rum await them.<br> Race #1087<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1087.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1087/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 23 October at 2300utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2017, racing with 173 boats. Oct. 19, 2017, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1087.xml 1083 Volvo Hong Kong to Vietnam 2017 RHKYC welcomes SOLers once more to Hong Kong and the 2017 running of the classic biennial race to Vietnam - 674nm across the S China Sea in TP52s <br> Race #1083 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1083.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/TP_52_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1083/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 25 October at 2300utc Volvo Hong Kong to Vietnam Race 2017, racing with 215 boats. Oct. 18, 2017, 5:15 a.m. True 106.0 119.0 10.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1083.xml 1089 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Galway to Dublin Welcome to the 4th of 6 races in this season (Q3/Q4) of our 40' series! <br> This time we will use the "Galway to Dublin Weekender" course for our race. <br> As autumn storms begin to churn the N Atlantic, what could be better than racing 347nm from Galway on Ireland's west coast to Dublin on her east coast? <br><br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/10/05/How_to_be_disqualified.._1.pdf">READ THIS !!!! </a></b><br><br> Race # 1089<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1089.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CQ3&4 –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1089/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 17 October at 2300utc 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 - Galway to Dublin, racing with 150 boats. Oct. 12, 2017, 10 a.m. True -15.0 -3.0 49.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1089.xml 1085 Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2017 Climate change may have opened up some of the Arctic Ocean but contrariwise close in to high latitude coasts, the incidence of icebergs has in fact increased, as they calve off progressively more frequently from glaciers flowing down to the sea. To dodge’m, us SOLers simply pretend they are not there. But finding steady wind up North is a different matter. Online or IRL, no sleight of hand can help you out, and on a longish course of c 34nm in little J80s, finding the best mix of fluky inshore flatters and ice-cold gales further out to sea may prove to be a tricky business. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, designed by NZL_Scotsman. <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1085/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #1085 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1085.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> J-80<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/J_80_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1085/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, <br> 15 October at 2300utc Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2017, racing with 291 boats. Oct. 6, 2017, 4 p.m. True -50.0 -46.0 59.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1085.xml 1084 Valletta Sprint 2017 Welcome once again to the Mediterranean and a true SOL perennial. At 588nm in generally light Mediterranean airs, no matter what our craft-of-choice has been, so far no SOLer has managed to best US maxi Rambler’s time of 47:55:03 for the circuit set during the 2007 Middle Sea Race. This year, we offer you the speedy Farr 400, to try your damnedest with. <br> Race #1084 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1084.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Farr 400 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/09/28/Farr-400_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1084/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b> RACE CLOSE:</b>Thursday, 12 October, 2017 at 2300utc Valletta Sprint 2017, racing with 165 boats. Oct. 1, 2017, 10 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1084.xml 1081 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Hawaiian Zig Zag Welcome to the 3rd of 6 races in this season (Q3/Q4) of our 40' series!<br> This time we will use "Jaws" Hawaiian Zig Zag course for our race.<br> Shifting winds, beaches, rocks and headlands, zig and zag; 430nm not for the faint hearted! Your challenge is to get your choice of 40' to Niihau without breaking either the boat or your spirit. <br><br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br> <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/08/29/How_to_be_disqualified...pdf">READ THIS…</a></b><br><br> Race # 1081<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1081.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CQ3&4 –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1081/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>Race Close:</b></i>Wednesday, 4 October at 23:00 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 - Hawaiian Zig Zag, racing with 126 boats. Sept. 27, 2017, 2 a.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1081.xml 1082 Silverrudder "Challenge of the Sea" 2017 Sailonline welcomes you to the second "buddy-up" with "Silverrudder - Challenge of the Sea" in the 2017 edition race around the Danish Island of Funen. <br> With shallow waters and a strong current this close inshore race is truly a challenge. One of three regattas around Funen each year, this race is the only one for single handed racing. Will our new X-99'er be a match for the real fleet, including the seventeen X-99'ers? <br> Time will tell! <br> <p> <center> <p> <font color="red"><b> It is highly recommended that you read these special circumstances for the start of Silverrudder 2017</font><br> <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/09/03/Starting_Conditions_2017.pdf">Starting Circumstances</a></center></b><br> Race #1082<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1082.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> X-99 Singlehanded <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/09/06/X-99_Singlehanded_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1082/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 28 September at 2300utc Silverrudder - "Challenge of the Sea" 2017, racing with 184 boats. Sept. 22, 2017, 10 a.m. True 9.0 12.0 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1082.xml 1071 Hauraki TIMED Race 2017 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race completes SOL’s Q3 sojourn on the waters of New Zealand’s capital-of-sail. This time we are switching our trusty Young 88s for the more muscular Young11s which on previous occasions have managed to lap the selected 35nm circuit borrowed from SSANZ in less than 4 hours and 35 minutes. Good luck! <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1071/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1071 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1071.html" > INFO </a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Young11<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/03/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17-v2.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1071/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 1 October at 2300utc Hauraki TIMED Race 2017, racing with 255 boats. Sept. 21, 2017, 10 a.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1071.xml 1078 CANY-LANEX Offshore Cup 2017 Welcome to the southern shores of the Baltic Sea and the 2017 running of the annual race from Kühlungsborn to/round the lighthouse on the island of Christiansö east of Bornholm and back. Are you up to this challenge? There is a real fleet to beat!<br> Race #1078 <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2017/sep/13/cany-lanex-offshore-cup-2017/" target="_blank"/>INTRO BLOGPOST</a></b><br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1078.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>X-35 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/X_35_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1078/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 24 September at 2300utc CANY-LANEX Offshore Cup 2017, racing with 121 boats. Sept. 18, 2017, 7 a.m. True 10.5 16.0 53.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1078.xml 1076 Carib Rum Run 2017 Welcome to the 2017 running of Sailonline’s annual Pirate PRIZE race run close to International Talk Like a Pirate Day on 19 September. This is a 1759nm slalom through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting barrels to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. If ye scurvy swabs are up ter it, then don a piratical disguise by becoming an SYC Member and requesting to change your boat name for this race only! <br> Race #1076<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2017/sep/9/carib-rum-run-2017/" target="_blank"/>INTRO BLOGPOST</a></b><br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1076.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Open 60 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/18/Open_60_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1076/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 25 September at 2300utc Caribbean Rum Run 2017 , racing with 162 boats. Sept. 13, 2017, 10 a.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1076.xml 1069 Canna to Eigg RTI Sprint 2017 Welcome to the Inner Hebrides, a stunning if oft-times inclement part of the world. This time of year, the nights will already be drawing in and the gale frequency increasing, and your charts, although featuring many unbuoyed hazards, may also not be wholly reliable. Good job then we will be sailing Beneteau Figaros, of which a yachtsman once remarked “They are strong and seaworthy, and they have typically had the … kicked out of them”. <br> Race #1069<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1069.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Beneteau Figaro <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Beneteau_Figaro_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1069/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 12 September at 2300utc Canna to Eigg RTI Sprint 2017, racing with 94 boats. Sept. 9, 2017, 10 a.m. True -7.0 -5.5 56.5 57.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1069.xml 1075 Victoria to Maui 2017 The Victoria to Maui International Yacht Race, first contested in 1968, is the pinnacle of Pacific Northwest ocean racing running every two years and the real race organisers are gearing up for the 2018 event. This year, however, Sailonline invites the SOL fleet to run ahead of schedule with this race of 2308nm from Victoria, British Columbia to Hawaii, finishing off Lahaina Maui. <br> Race #1075<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1075.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Riptide_50_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: OCCH–OCQ3-SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1075/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 21 September at 2300utc Victoria to Maui 2017, racing with 206 boats. Sept. 5, 2017, 6 p.m. True -164.0 -117.0 12.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1075.xml 1077 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2017 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Baltic 50, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association.<br> Race #1077<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1077.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young88<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/24/Young_88_Particulars17v2.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2017 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1077/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2017 - Race 3, racing with 89 boats. Sept. 1, 2017, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1077.xml 1080 The Vineyard Race 2017 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to its 2017 running of The Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the real fleet in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #1080<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1080.html"> INFO </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1080/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Thursday, 7 September at 2300utc The Vineyard Race 2017, racing with 145 boats. Sept. 1, 2017, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1080.xml 1047 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 5 - Panama Canal to Chesapeake Leaving the Panama Canal behind, we now continue our circumnavigation of N America, inspired by Matt Rutherford's single handed triumph, and proposed by SOLer Renegade. This leg is 1676nm from the Panama Canal home to our starting point in Chesapeake Bay.<br> Race #1047 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1047.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Red Dot - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1047/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Friday, 8 September at 2300utc Red Dot Leg 5 - Panama Canal to Chesapeake, racing with 196 boats. Aug. 27, 2017, 10 a.m. True -90.0 -53.0 7.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1047.xml 1068 Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2017 It’s winter in Mozambique again; time for another sprint across the sandbanks and shoals off Bazararuto, Benghuerra and Magaruque in SOL’s nippy little Platu25. With sea and air temperatures hovering around the 80 Fahrenheit mark, and average wind speeds of normally less than 6kn from no predominant direction, whatever 30 odd nautical miles you elect to sail, you’ll be challenged to stay focused. Race #1068 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1068.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/17/Platu_25_Paticulars17.pdf "> Particulars </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRR3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1068/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 108 boats. Aug. 26, 2017, 10 a.m. True 35.0 36.0 -22.5 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1068.xml 915 Seoul to Seoul Sprint 2017 This 70nm race through dangerous waters designed by NZL_Scotsman was first run as a Timed Race back in 2014. For no particular or political reason, we bring you it again in 2017, but we will not tarry long. This time we run it as a Sprint, although, given the course length, in J130s it may take longer than you might hope. <br> Race #915<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_915.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> J130 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/17/J130_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SPRR2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/915/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 15 August at 2300utc Seoul to Seoul Sprint 2017, racing with 81 boats. Aug. 12, 2017, 2 a.m. True 125.0 127.0 37.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_915.xml 1046 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 4a - The Panama Canal Rather than rounding S America as Matt Rutherford did in his single handed circumnavigation of the Americas, SOLer Renegade is offering us a short-cut via the Panama Canal. This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race will <b>NOT</b> count towards the series result, but we hope you will enjoy attempting to gain <a href="http://sailonline.org/wiki/show/SOL_HonoursBadges/" target="blank"/>Sailonline's Ditch Honours Badge</a><br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1046/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1046 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1046.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/12/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: None <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1046/?version=classic">Classic</a></b>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 23 August at 2300utc Red Dot Leg 4a - the Panama Canal, racing with 237 boats. Aug. 10, 2017, 6 p.m. True -80.0 -79.0 8.5 9.6 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1046.xml 1070 Lisboa TIMED race 2017 This will be the fourth time that Sailonline is hosting this race, designed by psail, and this time we are going to race with our 60' Trimaran. <br> This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race, which means you get multiple chances to try out the performance of the trimaran. <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1070/register/" >Re-register here</a>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #1070 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1070.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> 60' Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH-TRQ3- SUPSOL-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1070/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, August 20 at 23:00 UTC Lisboa TIMED race 2017, racing with 253 boats. Aug. 10, 2017, 10 a.m. True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1070.xml 1066 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2017 - Race 2 Welcome to the second race of this year's <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2017/jul/11/ssanz-safety-sea-two-handed-triple-series-2017/" target="_blank" /> SSANZ Triple Series</a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the PIC Marine Insurance 100, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #1066<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1066.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href=”http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/24/Young_88_Particulars17v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2017 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1066/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 7 August at 2300utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2017 - Race 2, racing with 96 boats. Aug. 4, 2017, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 179.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1066.xml 1074 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Brisbane to Keppel Welcome to the 2nd of 6 races in this season (Q3/Q4) of our 40' series! <br> We will "Buddy-Up" with Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron in this year's edition of the "Brisbane to Keppel" 333 NM race. <br> When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia, sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br> <font color="red"><b>HOW TO BE DISQUALIFIED!!</b></font><br <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/07/30/How_to_be_disqualified...pdf">READ THIS…</a></b><br><br> Race # 1074<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1074.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40CQ3&4 –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1074/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> <br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Thursday, 10 August at 23:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 - Brisbane to Keppel, racing with 114 boats. Aug. 4, 2017, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1074.xml 1033 Tall Ships Rendezvous 2017 - Halifax to Le Havre Welcome to the third and final ocean race in this year's Rendezvous Tall Ships events. Racing our Clippers back to Europe our course from <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/halifax-canada/" target="_blank"/>Halifax</a></b> to <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/le-havre-france/" target="_blank"/>Le Havre</a></b> is 2471nm of classic TransAt. <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are well offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1033 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1033.html" > INFO</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>Clipper <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/Clipper_240_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1033/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 27 August at 2300utc Rendezvous 2017 - Tall Ships Regatta - Halifax to Le Havre, racing with 187 boats. Aug. 1, 2017, 8 p.m. True -75.0 -1.0 30.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1033.xml 1073 Tall Ships Races 2017 - Klaipeda to Szczecin Welcome to the third and final race in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 250nm from Lithuania to Poland. Leaving the festival in <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/klaipeda-lithuania/" target="_blank"/>Klaipeda</a></b> the ships leave Kaliningrad offshore to Port before arriving in time for the final Baltic Tall Ships festival of summer 2017 in <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/szczecin-poland/" target="_blank"/>Szczecin</a></b> <br> <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1073<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1073.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/15/Barque_90m_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1073/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 11 August at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2017 - Race 3 - Klaipeda to Szczecin, racing with 144 boats. Aug. 1, 2017, 2 p.m. True 10.0 30.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1073.xml 1067 Hook Island Sprint 2017 This sprint race was run in 2015 as "Hook Island Sprint" and in 2016 as "Hook to Keswick".<br> It's the same course, from the NW side of Hook Island to the SE side of St. Bees Island. <br> Prepare yourself for a 7-8 hour sprint race (depending on the winds) in the F18 catamaran. <br> Race #1067<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1067.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de <br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/07/09/F18_Particulars17v2.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SPRR2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1067/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b><br>Sunday, 30 July at 23:00 UTC Hook to St. Bees, racing with 106 boats. July 29, 2017, 2 a.m. True 148.5 150.25 -21.25 -19.75 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1067.xml 1064 Tall Ships Races 2017 - Turku to Klaipeda Welcome to the second of the three races in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 313nm from Finland to Lithuania The ships leave the festival in <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/turku-finland/" target="_blank"/>Turku</a></b> and from the offshore start race to <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/klaipeda-lithuania/" target="_blank"/>Klaipeda</a></b><br> <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1064 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1064.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/15/Barque_90m_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1064/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 29 July at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2017 - Race 2 - Turku to Klaipeda, racing with 168 boats. July 24, 2017, 11 a.m. True 10.0 30.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1064.xml 1063 40' Series Championship Q3-Q4 2017 - Naples Triangle <b>The SECOND season for 2017 40' Series Championship (Q3&Q4) has begun!</b> <br> Welcome to the Tyrrhenian Sea and a 350nm race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from Naples to Capri Island in a triangular course rounding the islands of Ustica and Stromboli.<br> Watch out for volcano lava and ashes at the Stromboli !!!! <br> <b>DON'T RISK DISQUALIFICATION! </b><br> There are three boat designs to choose from and <font color="red"><b>each one may NOT be used more than twice during the six race Series, </b></font> according to the <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/26/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q3Q4_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a> of the series <br> The three boat designs are:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/27/40_Pariculars_17Q3Q4_3.pdf">40' Particulars</a> and their official polars are here, just recently uploaded by "sailonline": <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14933/2017-class-40-q12-championship-polar/?page=1#post-15114">40' Polars</a>(as a zip file)<br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> <font color="red"><b>REMEMBER:<br> Choosing the same boat design more than twice in the series might get you disqualified!!</b></font><br> Race # 1063<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1063.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q3&4CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1063/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday, 26 July, 2017 at 23:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q3&Q4 Naples Triangle, racing with 114 boats. July 19, 2017, 10 a.m. True 7.0 20.0 35.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1063.xml 1065 Tomidake RTI Sprint 2017 For the third year in a row, we return to Japan’s Tomidake island group in the Nakadori Sea for a serious round the islands navigation challenge, this year in summer shorts and J30s. About 25nm, depending how you go. <br> Race #1065 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1065.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> J30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/J_30_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRR2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1065/?version=classic">Classic </a>< - July 15, 2017, 2 a.m. True 129.0 130.0 32.5 33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1065.xml 1043 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 4 - San Francisco to Panama Continuing our circumnavigation of N America, inspired by Matt Rutherford's single handed triumph, and proposed by SOLer Renegade, Sailonline is now racing Leg 4, 3130nm from San Francisco to Panama.<br> Race #1043 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1043.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/12/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: OCCH-OCQ3-SUPSOL-RedDot-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1043/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br><b> RACE CLOSE:</b>Tuesday, 25 July, 2017 at 23:00 UTC Red Dot Leg 4 - San Francisco to Panama, racing with 205 boats. July 9, 2017, 6 p.m. True -143.0 -76.0 2.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1043.xml 1062 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2017 - Race 1 For the 6th year in succession, SOL is delighted to be the online buddy of the Shorthanded Sailing Association of New Zealand’s for their long-standing Triple Series for two-handed yachts on the waters of the Hauraki Gulf, commencing with a Safety at Sea / Spars and Rigging co-sponsored c 50nm quick dash out to The Gannet Rock and home via The Shearer, once more in SOL’s venerable virtual Young88s, competing directly with members of the vibrant ever-Young88 Association!!<br> Race #1062<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1062.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/24/Young_88_Particulars17v2.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: <br> SSANZ 2017 Triple - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1062/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 12 July at 2300utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2017 - Race 1, racing with 118 boats. July 7, 2017, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1062.xml 1054 SOL's Bermuda Triangle TIMED Race 2017 Inspired by the recent America’s Cup in Bermuda? Then come and see what you can do in a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in our own foiling AC72s. <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1054/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run<br> Race #1054 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1054.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>AC72 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/15/AC72v2_Particulars17.pdf" >PARTICULARS</a></b><br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: <br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1054/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Sunday 16 July 2017 at 2300utc - July 6, 2017, 10 a.m. True -66.5 -62.5 30.5 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1054.xml 1061 Tall Ships Races 2017 - Halmstad to Kotka Welcome to the first of the three races in this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 483nm from S Sweden to E Finland. The ships leave the festival in <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/halmstad-sweden/" target="_blank"/>Halmstad</a></b> and make their way to the race start, off the S Coast of Sweden, for a race to <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/kotka-finland/" target="_blank"/>Kotka</a></b> close to Finland's border with Russia <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1061 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1061.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/15/Barque_90m_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1061/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 16 July at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2017 - Race 1 - Halmstad to Kotka, racing with 181 boats. July 4, 2017, 6 p.m. True 10.0 30.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1061.xml 1060 A3 2016 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 9, the last in the series - a race of 1300nm in VO70v4s from the appropriately named Gage Roads off Fremantle to Adelaide. Let us race with Aaron's spirit back to Adelaide. <br> Race #1060 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1060.html" >INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> VO70v4 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/VO70_v4_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: A3/SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1060/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 3 July at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide, racing with 175 boats. June 25, 2017, 10 a.m. True 109.0 144.0 -50.0 -29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1060.xml 1059 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - Singapore Visit It's time for the sixth of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> Welcome to Indonesia and a 365 NM race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from the Island of Natuna Besar to Singapore Harbor. This regatta is based on the course of the Singapore In-Port race back in 2009. <br> <b>DON'T RISK DISQUALIFICATION! </b><br> There are three boat designs to choose from and <font color="red"><b>each one may NOT be used more than twice during the six race Series, </b></font> according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs are:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a>and their official polars are here, just recently uploaded by "sailonline": <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14933/2017-class-40-q12-championship-polar/?page=1#post-15114">40' Polars</a>(as a zip file)<br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> <font color="red"><b>REMEMBER:<br> Choosing the same boat design more than twice will get you disqualified from this race!!</b></font><br> View this list to see what boats you've already used: <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/11/class_40_Q12_polar_utilization_check_AFTER_RACE_5.pdf">USED BOATS</a> <br> Race # 1059<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1059.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1059/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b> RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday, June 28 at 15:00:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 Singapore Visit, racing with 128 boats. June 23, 2017, 2 a.m. True 103.0 109.0 0.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1059.xml 1055 Twisted Race 2017 Welcome to the 2017 running of a race from Plymouth to Fowey on England’s south coast - originally created to race against SOLer CG in reality, we will race it this year in support of SOLer Boat44 who will be on the waters off Plymouth, racing in a charity fundraising event and raising funds via <a href="https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Adrian-Payne3?utm_source=email&utm_medium=emails-from-eua&utm_content=shorturl&utm_campaign=eua-email-sponsorshiprequest" > JustGiving</a>. Please help him support his charity.<br> Race #1055 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1055.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Twister 28 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/06/11/TWISTER_28_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: None <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1055/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, June 20 at 2300 utc Twisted Race 2017, racing with 102 boats. June 17, 2017, 9 a.m. True -5.2 -3.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1055.xml 1051 Koshiki PYOC 2017 For the third year in a row, we return to the islands and shima’s offshore Nagasaki, Japan. This time our crafts of choice are chisai Platu 25’s. Just 32nm in a straight line. Have fun. <br> Race #1051 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1051.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/17/Platu_25_Paticulars17.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRR2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1051/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 19 June at 2300utc Koshiki PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 73 boats. June 17, 2017, 2 a.m. True 129.0 130.5 31.0 32.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1051.xml 1030 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 3 - Alaska to San Francisco Inspired by Matt Rutherford's single handed circumnavigation of the Americas, and proposed by SOLer Renegade, Sailonline is racing the course in 5 legs. This is Leg 3 - 2,954nm from Barrow, Alaska to San Francisco, California.<br> Race #1030 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1030.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: OCCH - OCQ2 - SUPSOL - RedDot - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1030/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><PRIZE: <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 29 June at 2300utc Red Dot 2017 - Leg 3 - Alaska to San Francisco, racing with 201 boats. June 11, 2017, 6 p.m. True 175.0 240.0 32.0 73.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1030.xml 1058 Oslo to Horten by Faerder 2017 In 2016 Nor Kornelia invited us to join the Faerderseilasen (Faerder Race), the biggest regatta on in the world. We don't need an invitation to run this great race anymore. From the start in Oslo Inner Harbour, we race through the Oslo Fjord, south to Tristein, where we'll round the Faerder Lighthouse and go up the fjord to our finish line, 2 NM outside Toensberg between the islands of Jarlsoe and Husoe.><br> Race #1058><br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1058.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> First 40.7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/First_40.7_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1058/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, June 12 at 2300utc Faerder Race 2017, racing with 122 boats. June 9, 2017, 8 a.m. True 8.0 12.0 58.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1058.xml 1032 Tall Ships Rendezvous 2017 - Bermuda to Boston Welcome to the second of three Rendezvous Tall Ships events - a race of 506nm from <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/bermuda/" target="_blank"/>Bermuda</a></b> to <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/boston-usa/" target="_blank"/>Boston</a></b>, again in our beautiful Clipper ships. <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are well offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1032 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1032.html" > INFO</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>Clipper <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/Clipper_240_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1032/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 14 June at 2300utc Rendezvous 2017 - Tall Ships Regatta - Bermuda to Boston, racing with 177 boats. June 5, 2017, 4 p.m. True -75.0 -58.0 30.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1032.xml 1050 Round Hong Kong Sprint 2017 Goo’ol’ Schakel designed this one way back in 2012. 114nm criss-cross through the hectic, bustling sea lanes of the South China Sea from Hong Kong to Macau and back again. With hills and high rise all around our hires winds could prove tricky here, so grab your 60 foot Tri’s and see how you get on. <br> Race #1050 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1050.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> 60ft Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars17.pdf "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SPRR2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1050/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><bbr>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 7 June at 2300utc Round Hong Kong Sprint 2017, racing with 89 boats. June 3, 2017, 2 a.m. True 113.0 115.0 21.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1050.xml 1056 Orno Runt TIMED Race 2017 The Round Orno race is a SOL classic, 21nm of cornering mayhem, sometimes run as a Sprint and sometimes as a Timed race. This year it’s a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in SOL’s evergreen, ever popular, ever unusual Mini 6.50. <br> The course record, set in January 2014, stands at 1h 29m 45s (in a Seacart 30). It will be hard to beat that, but let's see! <br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1056/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run</b> <br> Race #1056 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1056.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Mini 6.50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/09/Mini_6.50_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRCH – TRQ2 - SUPSOL - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1056/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 11 June at 2300 UTC. Round Orno TIMED Race 2017, racing with 212 boats. June 2, 2017, 10 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1056.xml 1053 SoCal 300 2017 Sailonline is delighted to welcome you back to San Diego and this year's SoCal300 race, hosted by San Diego Yacht Club. As we learned last year, we need to be on our toes as there is stiff competition here on the US West coast!<br> Race #1053<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1053.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars17.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1053/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 11 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2017, racing with 154 boats. June 1, 2017, 8 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1053.xml 1049 Perth to Fremantle Sprint 2017 To celebrate the running of the 2011 ISAF World Championships in Perth, Australia, SOL organized an overnight offshore race and a Sprint: 65nm in a J-80 sportsboat along the Perth/Freemantle shoreline. 'As the crow flies', the Sprint, which we are re-enacting, crosses Rottnest Island - noteworthy indeed as the island has been identified by BirdLife International as an 'Important Bird Area' and is home to breeding pairs of a number of endangered species. <br> Race #1049<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1049.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-80<a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/J_80_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SPRR2 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1049/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 30 May at 2300utc. Perth-Fremantle ISAF Sprint 2017, racing with 122 boats. May 27, 2017, 2 a.m. True 114.0 116.0 -33.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1049.xml 1029 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 2 - Greenland to Alaska Inspired by Matt Rutherford's single handed circumnavigation of the Americas, and proposed by SOLer Renegade, Sailonline is racing the course in 5 legs. This is Leg 2 - 2,099nm from Nuuk, Greenland to Barrow, Alaska.<br> Race #1029 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1029.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/05/05/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: RedDot - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1029/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 4 June at 2300utc Red Dot 2017 - Leg 2 - Greenland to Alaska, racing with 194 boats. May 17, 2017, 10 a.m. True -163.0 -49.0 60.0 79.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1029.xml 1041 Kumage TIMED Race 2017 South of mainland Japan, a sparsely strewn archipelago of islands extends all the way to Taiwan, amongst them Kumage, which we challenge you to circumnavigate as quick as you can in your Seacart30. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, so you can try and try again.<br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1041/register/" >Re-register here</a> after finishing a run. <br> Race #1041 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1041.html" > INFO</a> </b>by brainaid.de<br> Seacart 30 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Seacart_30_Particulars17.pdf " >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1041/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday 21 May at 2300utc Kumage TIMED Race 2017, racing with 229 boats. May 12, 2017, 10 a.m. True 130.0 131.0 29.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1041.xml 1052 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - Florida Rum Run It's time for the fifth of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> Welcome to Florida and a 400nm race in one of the 40' available for your choice, from St. Lucie inlet to Paradise Island Bahamas and back to Jupiter Inlet, Florida. This regatta is loosely based on the course of the 2010 Nassau Cup. <br> <b>DON'T RISK DISQUALIFICATION! </b><br> There are three boat designs to choose from and <font color="red"><b>each one may NOT be used more than twice during the six race Series, </b></font> according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs are:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a>and their official polars are here, just recently uploaded by "sailonline": <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14933/2017-class-40-q12-championship-polar/?page=1#post-15114">40' Polars</a>(as a zip file)<br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> <font color="red"><b>REMEMBER:<br> Choosing the same boat design more than twice will get you disqualified from this race!!</b></font><br> View this list to see what boats you've already used: <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/04/13/class_40_Q12_polar_utilization_check_AFTER_RACE_4_1.pdf">USED BOATS</a> <br> Race # 1052<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1052.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1052/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, May 10 at 2300 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 Florida Rum Runners Regatta, racing with 128 boats. May 5, 2017, 6 p.m. True -81.0 -74.0 23.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1052.xml 1028 Red Dot 2017 - Leg 1 - Chesapeake to Greenland Inspired by Matt Rutherford's single handed circumnavigation of the Americas and proposed by SOLer Renegade, Sailonline is racing the course in 5 legs. This is Leg 1, 2,021nm from Chesapeake, Maryland, USA to Nuuk, Greenland. <br> Race #1028 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1028.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/12/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: RedDot - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1028/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 12 May at 2300utc Red Dot 2017 - Leg 1 - USA to Greenland, racing with 186 boats. May 2, 2017, 10 a.m. True -77.0 -34.0 36.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1028.xml 1031 Tall Ships Rendezvous 2017 - Sines to Bermuda Welcome to the first of three Rendezvous Tall Ships events, where we race our superb Clippers across the Atlantic - a total of 3213nm from <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/sines-portugal/" target="_blank"/>Sines, Portugal</a></b> to <b><a href="https://www.sailonboard.com/port/bermuda/" target="_blank"/>Bermuda</a></b> <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are well offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #1031 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1031.html" > INFO</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>Clipper <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/Clipper_240_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TS-RDV - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1031/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 2 June at 2300utc Rendezvous 2017 - Tall Ships Regatta - Sines to Bermuda, racing with 238 boats. May 1, 2017, 5 p.m. True -71.0 -5.0 14.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1031.xml 1048 Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2017 Across the Canal Puyuhuapi from Puerto Cines on the Chilean mainland lies the Parque Nacional Isla Magdelena, and further west across the Canal Moraleda from Magdelena lie the islands of the Chonos Archipelago. We find ourselves in vari-charted waters here, with the mapping between physical islands and their names not 1:1 but rather some:some. It’s only 26nm but you could get lost! Good luck. <br> Race #1048 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1048.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> SOTO 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/21/SOTO_30_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRR2-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1048/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br> PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-14781" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 2 May at 2300utc Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2017, racing with 84 boats. April 29, 2017, 6 p.m. True -74.5 -73.0 -45.0 -44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1048.xml 1045 Bay to Bay 2017 - Great Sandy Stait Welcome again to the clear sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait surrounded by the World Heritage listed Fraser Island. The overnight party at Garry's Anchorage will have fresh fish, prawns and crabs on the menu washed down with cold local beer and rum from the famous Bundaberg Rum Distillery a few miles up the coast. <br> Race #1045 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1045.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>J-80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/J_80_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1045/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 1 May at 2300utc Bay to Bay Race 2017, racing with 98 boats. April 29, 2017, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1045.xml 1044 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2017 It is time to celebrate the 2017 birthday of Jakob, a Founding Father of Sailonline, in the best of Sailonline’s traditions, with a crazy Stockholm Archipelago race from Sandham to Jakob’s home mooring. Grattis på födelsedagen Jakob! Lycka till, alla!! <br /> Race #1044 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1044.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br /> X35 OD <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/X_35_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br /> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br /> Ranking: SYC <br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1044/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 25 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2017, racing with 96 boats. April 23, 2017, 10 a.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1044.xml 1042 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2017 Welcome to the 2017 running of TheHorn's 1220nm slalom race in TP52s around all the islands of the Canary Islands. This is a PRIZE race – for info see this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2017/apr/13/santa-monica-ron-miel-regatta-2017/" target="_blank"/>blogpost.<a/></b> <br> Race #1042<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1042.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/TP_52_Particulars17.pdf ">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1042/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 28 April at 2300utc Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2017, racing with 135 boats. April 19, 2017, 10 a.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1042.xml 1040 Qingdao In-Port TIMED Race 2017 Welcome to Qingdao, home of the 2008 Olympic Sailing Games and one of the 2008-2009 Volvo Ocean Race (VOR) in-port race venues, the inspiration for the first running of this SOL <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, a short month after the VO70 fleet had departed. A decade on or so, we return to this iconic venue, this time to race SOL’s very own 90ft Monohull - 108nm as quick and often as you can! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1040/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1040 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1040.html" > INFO</a> </b>by brainaid.de<br> 90ft Monohull <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/90ft_Monohull_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1040/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday 23 April at 2300utc Qingdao In-Port TIMED Race 2017, racing with 260 boats. April 14, 2017, 10 a.m. True 118.0 123.0 34.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1040.xml 1038 San Fernando Race 2017 Welcome back to Hong Kong and another in the long line of buddy-ups with <a href="http://www.rhkyc.org.hk/" target="_blank"/>RHKYC</a>. Following the successes of Rolex China Sea Race, Volvo Hong Kong to Hainan Race and the Vietnam Race, Sailonline now brings you a new buddy-up of an old RHKYC classic, the San Fernando Race 2017. More than just a 482nm race across the China Sea, from Hong Kong to San Fernando City in the Philippines, this race is in support of the San Fernando Race Foundation which helps fund the Faith Rescue Home in San Fernando City. Congratulations RHKYC – This year’s race marks the 40th anniversary of the event!<br> Race #1038 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1038.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>TP52 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/TP_52_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1038/?version=classic">Classic</a></b></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 19 April at 0600utc San Fernando Race 2017, racing with 146 boats. April 12, 2017, 6 a.m. True 112.5 121.0 16.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1038.xml 1039 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - Auckland to Gisborne It's time for the fourth of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> This time we are racing from Auckland to Gisborne in New Zealand. <br> <b>DON'T RISK DISQUALIFICATION! </b><br> There are three boat designs to choose from and <font color="red"><b>each one may NOT be used more than twice during the six race Series, </b></font> according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs are:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a>and their official polars are here, just recently uploaded by "sailonline": <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14933/2017-class-40-q12-championship-polar/?page=1#post-15114">40' Polars</a>(as a zip file)<br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> <font color="red"><b>REMEMBER:<br> Choosing the same boat design more than twice will get you disqualified from this race!!</b></font><br> View this list to see what boats you've already used: <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/04/02/class_40_Q12_polar_utilization_check_AFTER_RACE_3.pdf">USED BOATS</a> <br> Race # 1039<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1039.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1039/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 12 April at 2300utc 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 Auckland to Gisborne, racing with 119 boats. April 8, 2017, 2 a.m. True 174.0 181.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1039.xml 1037 RTWR 2016/17 - Leg 4 - Cape Town to Lisbon In the fourth leg of Sailonline's wrong-way Round the World Race 2016 we will meet the challenge of crossing<b><a href="http://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/doldrums.html"> "The Doldrums"</a></b>on our way from Cape Town in the southern hemisphere to Lisbon in the northern; a route proven very hard to predict. <br> Race #1037<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1037.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> VO70v4 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/VO70_v4_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars </a> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: OCCH–OCQ2-SUPSOL-RTWR-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1037/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 4 May at 2300utc Cape Town to Lisbon - Leg 4, racing with 221 boats. April 4, 2017, 10 a.m. True -51.0 26.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1037.xml 1035 A3 2016 - Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 8 of the series - a race of 1860nm in Orange 125ft Catamarans from the laid back north to the booming mining capital and yachting centre of Perth in the south of the state of Western Australia. <br>Race #1035<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1035.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft Catamaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars17.pdf" ><b>Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br> ALT CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1035/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 13 April at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth, racing with 156 boats. April 3, 2017, 2 a.m. True 102.0 131.0 -35.0 -7.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1035.xml 1036 Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2017 Welcome to the 5,500nm race from Melbourne, Australia, in the Southern hemisphere, to Osaka, Japan, in the Northern hemisphere. <br> This is the 2017 Prelude to the main event which will run in reality in 2018. This is your virtual opportunity to test navigation and routing skills!<br> Race #1036<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1036.html">INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/23/Class_40_Particulars17.pdf">Pariculars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>ALT CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1036/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-14781" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 5 May at 2300utc Melbourne to Osaka 2017 - Prelude 2 , racing with 264 boats. April 1, 2017, 10 p.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1036.xml 1034 Alaska RTI Sprint 2017 Having only just recovered from following the gray whales 1000s of miles as they migrated North to the Bering Strait from their calving lagoons off Baja California, we change yachts and track back a little to the islands of the Aleutian Peninsula, for a quick zig-zaggy 53 mile sprint. Have fun; the weather is improving daily. <br> Race #1034 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1034.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Finngulf 43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/18/Finngulf_43_Particulars17.pdf "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRR1 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1034/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 3 April at 1800utc Alaska RTI Sprint 2017, racing with 113 boats. April 1, 2017, 6 p.m. True -176.5 -175.0 51.5 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1034.xml 1026 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - Boston to Newport Race It's time for the third of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> This time we are racing from Boston to Newport.<br> <b>DON'T RISK DISQUALIFICATION!</b><br> There are three boat designs to choose from and <font color="red"><b>each one may NOT be used more than twice during the six race Series,</b></font> according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs are:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a> <br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> <font color="red"><b>REMEMBER:<br> Choosing the same boat design more than twice will get you disqualified from this race!!</b></font><br> View this list to see what boats you've already used: <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/02/21/class_40_Q12_polar_utilization_check_AFTER_RACE_2.pdf">USED BOATS</a> <br> Race # 1026<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1026.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1026/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, April 1 at 23:00 UTC. 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 Boston to Newport Race, racing with 155 boats. March 30, 2017, 10 a.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1026.xml 1023 Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2017 Another quick race round the rocks and isles of the Falklands. 55nm as the crow flies, but PYOC and see how best you can get from Carcass to Beaver in your IMOCA60. <br> Race #1023 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1023.html"> INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> IMOCA60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/IMOCA_60_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRR1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1023/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 28 March at 2300utc Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2017, racing with 121 boats. March 25, 2017, 6 p.m. True -63.0 -59.0 -53.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1023.xml 1027 A3 2016 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 7 of the series - a race of 1405nm in 60ft trimarans from Cairns, the hub of Australia's tropical holiday zone, to Darwin, the frontier with Asia. <br> Race #1027<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1027.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/60ft_Trimaran_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1005/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 31 March at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin, racing with 208 boats. March 22, 2017, 2 a.m. True 128.0 152.0 -18.0 -6.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1027.xml 1024 Galway Redux TIMED Race 2017 This is a 90nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in the Seacart 30 along the west coast of Ireland, finishing in Galway Harbour.<br> Run as often as you like - but you must complete each one before you can register for the next!<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1024/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i></b>to race again after finishing a run. <br> Race #1024 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1024.html" > INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> Seacart 30<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Seacart_30_Particulars17.pdf " > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1024/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 19 March at 2300utc Galway Redux TIMED Race 2017, racing with 390 boats. March 10, 2017, 10 a.m. True -12.0 -8.0 52.0 54.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1024.xml 1020 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 4 Into the home straight (OK so its not straight!) - 354nm from Napier back to Auckland! Let's go! <br> Race #1020<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1020.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Young 11 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> RNI - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1020/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 16 March 2017 at 2300utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 4, racing with 150 boats. March 9, 2017, 2 a.m. True 173.0 182.0 -41.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1020.xml 1025 Gray Whale Spring Migration 2017 This race in 90ft monohulls replicates the 4000nm epic annual S-N journey of the gray whale - from breeding grounds off Mexico to the food-rich northern waters off Alaska, this is one of nature's greatest feats of navigation.<br> Race #1025 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1025.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/90ft_Monohull_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1025/?version=classic">Classic</a></b></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-14781" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 26 March at 2300utc Gray Whale Spring Migration 2017, racing with 263 boats. March 5, 2017, 6 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1025.xml 1019 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 3 Half way through our circumnavigation of New Zealand's North Island! Are you ready for Leg 3? 187nm from Wellington to Napier <br> Race #1019<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1019.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Young 11 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> RNI - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1019/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 8 March at 2300utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 3, racing with 145 boats. March 5, 2017, 5:30 a.m. True 173.0 180.0 -43.0 -38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1019.xml 1022 Bleaker Island RTI Sprint 2017 Our third year in a row visiting Bleaker Island; this year a little later in the southern summer. It won’t be balmy, but it may be tolerable. We’re racing J30s again around a 22nm course. Let’s see what the wind god Hires has in store for us this time! <br> Race #1022 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1022.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> J30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/07/J_30_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL - SPRR1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1022/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, March 6 at 2300 UTC. Round Bleaker Island 2017, racing with 128 boats. March 4, 2017, 6 p.m. True -59.25 -58.3 -52.5 -52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1022.xml 1018 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 2 Not much of a stopover in Manganui and we are off again in our Young 11s to Wellington, some 491nm away! <br> Race #1018<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1018.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Young 11 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> RNI - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1018/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 6 February at 0500utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 2, racing with 166 boats. Feb. 27, 2017, 5 a.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1018.xml 1016 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 1 This epic circuit of New Zealand's North Island is an extremely tough challenge. There are four legs altogether. For this first leg we will be competing with the real fleet with a 150nm run from from Auckland to Mangonui. <br> Race #1016<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1016.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Young 11 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Young_11_Mod_Particulars17.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> RNI - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1016/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 27 February at 2300utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2017 - Leg 1, racing with 149 boats. Feb. 25, 2017, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1016.xml 1021 Channel Islands Ramble 2017 Welcome to a 300 NM slalom through the beautiful Channel Islands off the sunny Southern California coast. We start from Santa Barbara, and make a dash to San Miguel Island before weaving back towards Anacapa Island. We then head for San Nicolas Island and glide past Santa Catalina Island. After a run South to San Clemente Island, we turn back East to San Diego. When arriving, watch out for low flying naval aircrafts, for surfacing submarines, and for aircraft carriers of the US 7th fleet manoeuvring their way to the Coronado carrier berths. <br> Race #1021<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1021.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> <b>USA_SW WX Updates:</b><br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1021/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, February 26 at 23:00 utc Channel Islands Ramble 2017, racing with 126 boats. Feb. 21, 2017, 10 a.m. True -126.0 -115.0 27.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1021.xml 1011 Iceland TIMED Race 2017 Welcome to the chilly north of the world and what should be a fast-paced <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in Orange Cats off the S coast of Iceland - 150nm for you to race as often as you like over the coming weeks - volcano watching optional!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1011/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #1011 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1011.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de<br>Orange Cat <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING:<br>TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1011/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 26 February at 2300utc< Iceland TIMED Race 2017, racing with 358 boats. Feb. 17, 2017, 10 a.m. True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1011.xml 1017 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - New Hebrides Slalom It's time for the second of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> <b>READ THIS CAREFULLY !!</b><br> You'll have three boat designs to choose from and each one may not be used more than twice during the six race Series, according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs can be seen in:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a> <br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design, log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone! <br> View this list to see what boats you've allredy used: <br> <a href=" http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/27/class_40_Q12_polar_utilization_check_AFTER_RACE_1.pdf"> USED BOATS</a> <br> Race # 1017<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1017.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1017/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Monday, February 20 at 23:00 UTC 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 New Hebrides Slalom, racing with 162 boats. Feb. 13, 2017, 6 p.m. True 162.0 172.0 -24.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1017.xml 1015 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2017 Welcome once again to the waters of the Neenah-Nodaway YC for SOL’s 2nd year hosting a virtual ice race on Lake Winnebago. Your roving continuity announcer finds himself in Holland as he writes, where alas, the thaw has set in after a too brief cold snap, so once again that inspirational event "De Elfsteden Tocht" will not come to pass. But whatever the weather, on Winnebago it matters not. We have our DNs with sharpened skates, and PL is off, so go, go, go. Two laps and two hours or so for 102 nautical miles pylon-to-pylon. <br> Race #1015 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1015.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/DN_Iceboat_Particulars17.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1015/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 14 February at 2300utc Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2017, racing with 129 boats. Feb. 11, 2017, 6 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1015.xml 1013 Bimini Beach Run 2017 Gone broke they may be, and capsize they can, but we love our Gunboat, SOL’s giant GB90, and especially the boom as loud as a gun when her carbon hulls begin to pierce and bounce through the seas at 25kn and more. And for proper luxury catamaran sailing, the Caribbean is the only place to go! So join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this multihull mecca. <br> Race #1013<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1013.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> GB90<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/GB_90_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1013/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 10 February at 2300utc Bimini Beach Run 2017, racing with 149 boats. Feb. 6, 2017, 6 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1013.xml 1012 Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2017 The inshore waters of the Chilean coast are a difficult place to get to and if you get there, you’ll be hard pushed to find yourself a yacht to borrow, let alone charter. No worries though if you are a SOLer, and for the third time during the current southern hemisphere summer we return to the archipelago’s many and varied islands and on this occasion again to the sleepy poverty of Puerto Aguirre on Isla Las Huichas. Twentysomething miles from north to south through or round the islands; take your pick.<br> Race #1012 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1012.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Ostar 35 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/06/OSTAR35_Particulars17.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SPRR1-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1012/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 7 February at 2300utc Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2017, racing with 127 boats. Feb. 4, 2017, 6 p.m. True -74.0 -73.0 -45.5 -44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1012.xml 1003 RTWR 2016/17 - Leg 3 - Auckland to Cape Town The third leg of Sailonline's wrong-way Round the World Race 2016 sees the fleet meeting head-on the challenge of the Southern Oceans in a truly tough leg from Auckland, New Zealand, to Cape Town, South Africa.<br> Race #1003<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1003.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>VO70 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/09/VO70_v4_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCQ1 - OCCH - RTWR - SUPSOL -SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1003/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14780/2017-smpf-scheme/?page=1#post-14781" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 5 March at 2300utc RTWR 2016 - Leg 3 - Auckland to Cape Town, racing with 300 boats. Feb. 1, 2017, 10 a.m. True 2.0 185.0 -60.0 -26.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1003.xml 1010 Race to Up Helly Aa 2017 A-OI!!! It will soon be time for the annual Shetland fire festival in Lerwick and we need to get our fleet of Elan 410s a-racing from Aberdeen. SAILING NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart<br> Race #1010 <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Elan_410_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1010/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 3 February at 2300utc Race to Up Helly Aa 2017, racing with 200 boats. Jan. 29, 2017, 10 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1010.xml 1009 40' Series Championship Q1-Q2 2017 - Sardinia Cup Welcome to the first of six races in the 40' Q1 and Q2 Championship! <br> <b>READ THIS CAREFULLY !!</b><br> You'll have three boat designs to choose from and each one must be chosen two times during the next 6 months according to the <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/23/NOR_SERIES_40FT_Q12_CHAMPIONSHIP_2017_2.pdf">NOR</a>of the series <br> The three boat designs can be seen in:<br> <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/40_Particulars17Q1Q2.pdf ">40' Particulars</a> <br> <b>IMPORTANT:</b><br> Before you choose the boat design log in with the "Guest" boat (Username=guest/Password=guest) so you can view the predicted winds to help you choose the best boat/polar for the upcoming race. Once you have chosen to register a boat design for this race, it cannot be undone!<br> Race # 1009<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1009.html">INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking:<br> 40Q1&2CH –SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1009/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 26 January at 2300utc 2017 40' Series Championship Q1&Q2 Sardinia Cup , racing with 195 boats. Jan. 23, 2017, 10 a.m. True 6.0 12.0 38.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1009.xml 1005 A3 2016 - Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 6 of the series - a 295nm sprint in SeaCart 30 Trimarans from Airlie Beach, inside the Great Barrier Reef up to Cairns. <br> Race #1005<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1005.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Seacart_30_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1005/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 23 January at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns, racing with 195 boats. Jan. 18, 2017, 10 a.m. True 145.0 151.0 -21.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1005.xml 1007 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2017 Race your VO70v4 in a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in the Southern Ocean through Captain Cook’s Desolation Islands, once more. You may win! But can you beat hmm’s record time of 4:13:09 set in 2013? <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1007/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run<br> Race #1007 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1007.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> VO70v4 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/VO70_v4_Particulars17.pdf " >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1007/?version=classic">Classic</a><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday 22 January at 2300utc Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2017, racing with 432 boats. Jan. 13, 2017, 10 a.m. True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1007.xml 1008 Midwinter Scotch Run 2017 A shorter fleet race for whisky fans. <br> Set sails on your Beneteau Figaro in Plymouth and race the 402nm to Isle of Islay, "Queen of the Hebrides", to fetch your yearly supply of single malt whiskey. The first to arrive will get the cheapest bargain. <br> Race #1008<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1008.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> Beneteau Figaro: <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Beneteau_Figaro_Particulars17.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1008/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, January 16 at 06:00 UTC MidWinter Scotch Run 2017, racing with 158 boats. Jan. 9, 2017, 10 a.m. True -15.5 -2.5 48.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1008.xml 1006 Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2017 We have been here before, but not in the middle of Winter. Circa 46 miles dodging the floes in James Bay between Quebec and Ontario province beckon, and if you are quick you might just be home before it gets dark again. Thank goodness our Riptide 50s have central heating. Up to 50% of body heat loss used to be via the head, so do remember your woolly hats, even though nowadays it’s less. <br> Race #1006<br> Riptide 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/01/05/Riptide_50_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1006/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 10 January at 2300utc Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2017, racing with 137 boats. Jan. 7, 2017, 6 p.m. True -80.0 -78.5 51.0 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1006.xml 1004 Cape Town to Rio 2017 Welcome to SOL's 2017 and 3rd edition of this race.<br> See how quickly you can steer your OD65v3 the 3273nm from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!!<br> Race #1004<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1004.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> OD65v3 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/19/OD65v3_Particulars.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> OCCH – OCQ1 – SUPSOL - SYC<br> PRIZE:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a></b> <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1004/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 22 January at 23:00utc. Cape Town to Rio 2017, racing with 291 boats. Jan. 2, 2017, noon True -60.0 30.0 -50.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_1004.xml 1002 Tasman Double 2016 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year to all SOLers! Welcome to our first race of 2017 - ferrying our Super Maxi 100s the 625nm back from Tasmania to Sydney. <br> Race #1002<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1002.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>SuperMaxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/12/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1002/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 6 January at 2300utc Tasman Double 2016 - Race 2 - Hobart to Sydney , racing with 159 boats. Jan. 2, 2017, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1002.xml 999 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2016 Welcome to the 2016 running of the "Rudder Cup" a 198nm race across Bass Strait organised by the ORCV - Australia's oldest ocean race and the 5th oldest organised ocean race in the world. <br> Race #999<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_999.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/15/First_40_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/999/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 31 January at 2200utc ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2016, racing with 165 boats. Dec. 27, 2016, 12:30 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_999.xml 998 Tasman Double 2016 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your Super Maxi 100 in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #998<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_998.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/11/12/Super_Maxi_100_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/998/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 30 December 2016 at 2200utc. Tasman Double 2016 - Race 1 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 225 boats. Dec. 26, 2016, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_998.xml 1001 Buenos Aires to Rio 2016 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to SOL'er zero's BA-Rio Race 2016. This is the replica of a classic triennial race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, first run in 1947. <br> Race #1001<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1001.html">Info</a></b>from brainaid.de<br> SOTO 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/19/SOTO_40_Particulars.pdf" ><b>Particulars </a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1001/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 30 December at 2300utc BA-Rio 2016, racing with 193 boats. Dec. 17, 2016, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1001.xml 997 A3 2016 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 5 of the series - a 550nm run from Brisbane to Hamilton Island in Class 40s. <br> Race #997<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_997.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Class_40_Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/997/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 16 December at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island, racing with 171 boats. Dec. 11, 2016, 8 p.m. True 148.0 158.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_997.xml 986 Baker Lake Ice Race 2016 It’s been less than a month since we packed up our DN’s on the shores of Lake Khovsgol to ship them half way round the world to Baker Lake in the vastness of Canada’s Nunavut province. Thank goodness, the airport here is a bit closer to our venue for our second ice race of the Winter. Well inside the Arctic Circle, this is a cold, cold place, where the wind is rarely benign. Wrap up well, and try to get round as quick as you can. The moon is full, so no need for nav or floodlights! <br> Race #986 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_986.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br> DN Iceboat <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/13/DN_Iceboat_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ4-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/986/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 13 December at 2300utc Baker Lake 2016, racing with 125 boats. Dec. 10, 2016, 11 p.m. True -96.5 -94.0 63.5 64.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_986.xml 1000 Hormuz TIMED Race 2016 Strait of Hormuz is a really busy and congested waters with shipping and military vessels. For Sailonline however, racing here is with impunity, nothing is off limits!! <br> This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race designed by NZL Scotsman<br> <b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/1000/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a>to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br> Race #1000<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1000.html">INFO</a>from brainaid.de<br> GB90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/GB_90_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1000/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i> Sunday, December 18 at 2300utc Hormuz TIMED Race 2016, racing with 237 boats. Dec. 9, 2016, 4 p.m. True 55.0 58.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_1000.xml 995 Abel T Appreciation Race 2016 In December 1642 after a particularly difficult and rough voyage, the Dutch seafarer and explorer, Abel Tasman, made landfall at a spot he named Staten Landt, believing he had arrived on the coast of Argentina. In fact, he had arrived in modern-day New Zealand. Out of love and respect for this brilliant seaman, Sailonline is retracing his route from Tasmania to New Zealand. <br> Race #995<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_995.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/19/Steinlager_2_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/995/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 12 December at 2300utc Abel T. Appreciation Race 2016, racing with 168 boats. Dec. 4, 2016, 9 p.m. True 147.0 177.0 -48.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_995.xml 994 Christmas to Christmas Island 2016 Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before, but this time the race area has been expanded to the south to make it possible to go through the Bass Strait and even south of Tasmania... so, it's time to get ready for the 2016 challenge of racing the 5,837nm between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean! <br> Race #994 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_994.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>OD65v3:<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/19/OD65v3_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: OCCH-OCQ4-SUPSOL-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/994/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i><br>Tuesday, January 3 at 23:00 utc Christmas to Christmas 2016, racing with 271 boats. Dec. 3, 2016, 8 p.m. True 100.0 179.5 -47.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_994.xml 982 Key Lime Pie-gatta 2016 Rum runners, conch fritters and shrimp Po-boys await as we sail one of the most amazing series of islets in the world in our Mini6.5s. 2010’s special rules remain in force: no shoes (all!) and no shirts (ladies exempt). <br> Race #982 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_982.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Mini6.50 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/21/Mini_6.50_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/982/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 9 December at 1800utc Key Lime Pie-gatta 2016, racing with 156 boats. Dec. 1, 2016, 6 p.m. True -84.5 -78.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_982.xml 993 Perth ISAF Fleet Race 2016 In 2011 the ISAF World Championships were held in Perth, Australia and Sailonline is now racing in the same waters. Playing in our new Ker 40s the 260nm course finishes right inshore at Success Harbour - the christening place of <i>Australia II,</i> the first non-American yacht to win the America's Cup, in 1983. <br> Race #993 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_993.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Ker 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/20/Ker40_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/993/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 3 December at 2300utc Perth ISAF Fleet Race 2016, racing with 160 boats. Nov. 28, 2016, 8 a.m. True 113.0 116.0 -34.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_993.xml 983 Lake Khovsgol Ice Race 2016 Last Winter, on Lake Winnebago, we premiered our DN ice yacht. Now, inspired by the men-in-tights of Noord Nederland, who in recent years have been forced to seek their ice for the annual Elfsteden Tocht marathon ever further afield, SOLers are invited to airfreight their sharpened skates, carbon spars and mylar sails to Ulan Bator and then truck them up to Khatgal on the shores of Lake Khovsgol in northern Mongolia, for our own 99nm race on skates propelled by the wind. A marathon with your hands folded behind your back, but a sprint with both on the keyboard! No Performance Loss, so put your goggles on! <br> Race #983 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_983.html">INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> DN <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/13/DN_Iceboat_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ4-SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/983/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 29 November at 2300utc Lake Khovsgol 2016, racing with 140 boats. Nov. 27, 2016, 8 a.m. True 100.0 101.0 50.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_983.xml 907 COGC 2016 - Race 4 - Stockholm to Sandhamn Welcome to the fourth race of Sailonline's Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016. This is a short race in the waters off Stockholm, Sailonline's home port. <br> Race #907<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_907.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Seacart_30_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: COGC - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/907/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 28 November at 2300utc Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016 - Race 4, racing with 96 boats. Nov. 26, 2016, 6 a.m. True 16.0 22.0 57.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_907.xml 996 Round White Island Race 2016 This classic (since 1951) New Zealand race is run each year in November and takes the yachts from Auckland and, after rounding Channel Island, down south to the Bay of Plenty, around the active volcano on White Island, and back to Auckland. Racing First 44.7s who will be first to complete SOL's 292nm course? <br> Race #996 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_996.html">Info</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> First 44.7 <b><a href= "http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/12/24/First_44.7__Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/996/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: Wednesday 30 November at 23:00utc Round White Island 2016, racing with 169 boats. Nov. 24, 2016, 9 p.m. True 174.0 178.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_996.xml 981 Lake Superior Lights 2016 Welcome to Lake Superior for another 572nm tour of its many famous lighthouses, this year in our redoubtable First 47.7s. As the weather will be wintry North American, don’t forget to reset your alarm clocks! <br> Race #981 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_981.html">INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>First47.7 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/First_47.7_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br>WX Updates: <br> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a> <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/981/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 24 November at 2300utc Lake Superior Lights 2016, racing with 157 boats. Nov. 18, 2016, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_981.xml 991 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2016 In 2013 SOLer JakeS in collaboration with Smo created our own version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race. The real race is considered a "nightmare and great adventure" so in this, our third running of this 415nm challenge, wll truly test our determination and abilities!<br> Race #991<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_991.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> F18<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/26/F18_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/991/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 16 November at 2300utc Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2016, racing with 140 boats. Nov. 8, 2016, 6 p.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_991.xml 828 Sailonline NavSim AB - Private Training Session This course, while accessible, is not a Sailonline race but has been set up to provide a navsim training platform for an external client. PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE IS ONLY OPEN UNTIL 11 NOVEMBER - this non-SOL training session will close before the course can be completed and there is no SYC ranking <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_924.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Class_40_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br><i>Registration Close:</i> No later than Monday, 7 November at 0700utc<br>COURSE CLOSE: Sunday, 13 November at 230utc Sailonline NavSim AB - Private Training Session , racing with 60 boats. Nov. 7, 2016, 2 a.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_828.xml 990 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2016 It is autumn in the N Hemisphere and time for Sailonline to race its iconic 90ft Monohull from the feeding grounds of the gray whale in the Bering Sea to the warm waters off the Mexican coastline. This 4000nm N-S journey is made by the gray whale every year at this time.<br> Race #990 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_990.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/90ft_Monohull_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/990/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 27 November at 2300utc Gray Whale Migration Autumn 2016, racing with 244 boats. Nov. 6, 2016, 11 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_990.xml 979 Tomidake RTI Sprint 2016 It gets chilly in Japan in November, but undaunted our 2016 Sprint series revisits the Tomidake group in the Nakadori Sea off southern Japan for another round the islands helming challenge, this year in the popular Young 88. About 25nm, depending how you go. <br> Race #979 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_979.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/02/Young_88_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ4-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/979/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 7 November at 2300utc Tomidake RTI Sprint 2016, racing with 121 boats. Nov. 5, 2016, 5 p.m. True 129.0 130.0 32.5 33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_979.xml 992 Volvo Hong Kong to Hainan 2016 Welcome to the 2016 running of this iconic race from Hong Kong to Hainan - a truly classic biennial Offshore Category One race of 390nm mostly downwind nautical miles from Hong Kong to Sanya, on the island of Hainan in southern China. <br> Race #992 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_992.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/TP_52_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/992/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 8 November at 0545utc Volvo Hong Kong to Hainan 2016, racing with 220 boats. Nov. 3, 2016, 5:45 a.m. True 107.0 120.0 12.0 27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_992.xml 988 Boston to Plymouth Transat TIMED Race 2016 2015 saw Sailonline hosting the first <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> TransAt race for several years. It is such an excellent format and was so well received, that here it is again! The TIMED option lets you choose when you start and, subject to winds, you may even try the course more than once. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/988/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run</i> <br> Race #988 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_988.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Orange 125ft Cat<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/27/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/988/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 23 November at 2300utc TransAt TIMED Race 2016 - Boston to Plymouth, racing with 348 boats. Nov. 1, 2016, 4 p.m. True -73.0 -1.0 15.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_988.xml 989 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2016 November 1 is the birthday of SOLer Mistli and it has become a SOL tradition around this time for SOLers and their Seacarts to race a celebratory, short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #989 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_989.html"> Info</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Seacart_30_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/989/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, 1.November at 23:00utc Mistli's Birthday BBQ 2016, racing with 129 boats. Oct. 30, 2016, 8 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_989.xml 987 A3 2016 - Leg 4 - Sydney to Gold Coast SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 4 of the series - a 385nm run in TP52s from Sydney to the Gold Coast, replicating the course of the famous race organised by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia in July each year. <br> Race #987<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_987.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/TP_52_Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/987/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 30 October at 2000utc A3 2016 - Leg 4 - Sydney to Gold Coast, racing with 208 boats. Oct. 25, 2016, 8 p.m. True 148.0 160.0 -35.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_987.xml 978 Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2016 We return to the myriad islands off the coast of mainland Chile, this time to a group directly south of the Parque Nacional Isla Magdelena, scattered about the impoverished fishing village of Puerto Aguirre on Isla Las Huichas. Your race is from north to south through or round these islands; take your pick.<br> Race #978 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_978.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Ostar 35 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/10/03/OSTAR35_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ4-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/978/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 25 October at 1700utc Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 130 boats. Oct. 22, 2016, 5 p.m. True -74.0 -73.0 -45.5 -44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_978.xml 984 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2016 With the N Hemisphere sailing season virtually over, racing in New Zealand never stops and as we head into summer here, it is time for the running of this year's iconic N Island coastal race from Auckland to Russell <i>in memory of Steve Alloway, <b><a href='http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/14221/rip-yachtyakka-steve-alloway/?page=1' target="_blank" /> SOLer NZL_yachtyakka</a></b></i>. <br> Race #984<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_984.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Young 11mod<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/984/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 24 October at 2300utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2016, racing with 156 boats. Oct. 20, 2016, 8:45 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_984.xml 980 Lisboa TIMED Race 2016 This will be the third time that Sailonline is hosting this race, designed by psail, and featuring our very own AC72, this year with a <b>modified</b> polar, to remove the inconsistencies that obtained from psail’s and bonknhoot’s original interpolation of the limited data issued by the AC 2003 Principal Race Officer in connection with penalties determination. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, which means you get multiple chances to try out the ramifications of the revisions. Be careful though, the polar remains a handling challenge with major stall-out potential! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/980/register/" >Re-register here</a>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #980 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_980.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> AC72 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/28/AC72v2_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/980/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br> REGISTRATION CLOSE: 23 October at 2200utc<br>RACE CLOSE: 23 October at 2300utc Lisboa TIMED Race 2016, racing with 296 boats. Oct. 14, 2016, 4 p.m. True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_980.xml 985 Valletta Sprint 2016 Welcome to the Mediterranean and a true SOL perennial. At 588nm in generally light Mediterranean airs and low performance monohulls, this has always been a challenging race. Since 2014, however, the race has turned serious as we race in Orange 125ft catamarans! Expect circuit times to halve from historically a week or so to less than 3 days. Can a SOL’er beat the IRL course record of 47:55:03 set in 2007 by the US maxi Rambler with Ken Read on board. <br> Race #985 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_985.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft Catamaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/27/Orange_125ft_Catamaran_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/985/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 16 October at 2300utc Valletta Sprint 2016, racing with 137 boats. Oct. 9, 2016, 10 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_985.xml 977 Inhaca RTI Sprint 2016 It’s Summer in tropical Africa and we’re off to the dunes and sandbanks of Maputo once again where "at low tide women harvest crabs, oysters and fish". Expect light and fluky hires winds. Mind the beach! <br> Race #977<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_977.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Mini 6.5 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/21/Mini_6.50_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ4 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/977/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 11 October at 0800utc Inhaca RTI Sprint 2016, racing with 113 boats. Oct. 8, 2016, 8 a.m. True 32.5 33.5 -26.5 -25.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_977.xml 972 RTWR 2016/17 - Leg 2 - Uruguay to New Zealand The second leg of Sailonline's wrong-way Round the World Race 2016 sees the fleet navigating its way from Punta del Este,Uruguay, down the South Atlantic and across the Pacific to Auckland, New Zealand. For your transit from ocean-to-ocean you may leave Tierra del Fuego to port or to starboard, as you please. <br> Race #972<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_972.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>VO70 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/09/VO70_v4_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SUPSOL - OCQ4 - OCCH - RTWR <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/972/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 30 October at 2300utc RTWR 2016 - Leg 2 - Uruguay to New Zealand, racing with 287 boats. Oct. 2, 2016, 1 p.m. True 165.0 315.0 -70.0 -27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_972.xml 976 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2016 This 975nm course, first run in 2011, this time introducing SOLers to their new Ker 40, mixes challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Irish Sea before finishing in Normandy. <br> Race #976<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_976.html"> INFO </a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Ker 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/20/Ker40_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/976/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 9 October at 2300utc 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2016, racing with 141 boats. Oct. 1, 2016, noon True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_976.xml 962 Koshiki PYOC 2016 The seas off Nagasaki have quite a smattering of islands or shima’s, and hence are proving to be a popular arena for PYOC SOL Sprints. The Koshiki group is a case in point, and thus we return there within a year of our last visit to this time joust in SOTO 30s. <br> Race #962 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_962.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> SOTO 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/21/SOTO_30_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ3-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/882/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 28 September at 2300utc Koshiki PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 128 boats. Sept. 24, 2016, 11 p.m. True 129.0 130.5 31.0 32.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_962.xml 973 Silverrudder "Challenge of the Sea" 2016 Welcome to Sailonline’s first racing of Silverrudder Challenge of the Sea around the Danish Island of Fyn. With shallow waters and a strong current this close inshore race is truly a challenge. One of three regattas around Fyn each year, this race is the only one for single handed racing. Will our new First 36.7s be a match for the real fleet? Time will tell!<br> Race #973<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_973.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> First 36.7 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/09/12/First_36.7_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/973/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 26 September at 2300utc Silverrudder Challenge of the Sea 2016, racing with 147 boats. Sept. 23, 2016, 8 a.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.5 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_973.xml 969 Carib Rum Run 2016 Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Combine the two with Open 60s and what do you have? Why, 'tis Sailonline's annual Pirate PRIZE race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting rum to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. Race in disguise by becoming an SYC Member and changing your boat name for this race only! <br> Race #969<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_969.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Open 60 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/17/Open_60_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/969/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 3 October at 2300utc Carib Rum Run 2016, racing with 181 boats. Sept. 19, 2016, 5 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_969.xml 975 A3 2016 - Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney Not a race goes by without the name of AGage appearing somewhere in race chat. We continue our second running of this tribute circumnavigation of Australia in his memory. This race is Leg 3 of the series - a 630nm race Hobart to Sydney.<br> Race #975<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_975.html" > INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/First_47.7_Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/975/?beta=true">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 24 September at 2300utc A3 - Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 146 boats. Sept. 17, 2016, 10 p.m. True 144.0 160.0 -45.5 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_975.xml 971 Beru to Bora Bora 2016 Welcome to the islands of the Pacific, whose original migrants arrived from Indonesia and reached as far as Hawaii and beyond. This Sailonline race, designed by SOLer Dingo, is a 2219nm segment of those original migration routes, and takes us from Beru Island in Kiribati to Bora Bora in Tahiti. As you enjoy the luxury of your GB90, spare a thought for those crossing these waters long ago in simple outriggers.<br> Race #971<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_971.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>GB90 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/GB_90_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/971/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 25 September at 2300utc Beru to Bora Bora 2016, racing with 227 boats. Sept. 12, 2016, 9 p.m. True 170.0 210.0 -25.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_971.xml 964 Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2016 Across the Canal Puyuhuapi from Puerto Cines on the Chilean mainland lies the Parque Nacional Isla Magdelena, and further west across the Canal Moraleda from Magdelena lie the islands of the Chonos Archipelago. We find ourselves in vari-charted waters here, with the mapping between physical islands and their names not 1:1 but rather some:some, and thus some of your waypoints this year have a different name, but it’s still 26nm. Good luck! <br> Race #964 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_964.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br /> Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Class_40_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: <br> SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ3-SYC <br> ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/964/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 13 September at 2300utc Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2016, racing with 91 boats. Sept. 10, 2016, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -73.0 -45.0 -44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_964.xml 970 Tristan TIMED Race 2016 Welcome to the South Atlantic and a challenging 68nm course around this remote outpost. The gales may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race originally designed by NZL_Scotsman<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/970/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run<br>Race #970<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_970.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de<br> TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/20/TP_52_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH - TRQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/970/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE:<br> 18 September at 2200utc<br>RACE CLOSE:<br> 18 September at 2300utc Tristan TIMED Race 2016, racing with 262 boats. Sept. 9, 2016, 4 p.m. True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_970.xml 963 Hawaiian Zig Zag 2016 Nothing like a long distance race though an archipelago. TheHorn gives us The Canaries every year, and Jawz the Hawaiian Zig Zag. Shifting winds, beaches, rocks and headlands, zig and zag; 430nm not for the faint hearted! Your challenge is to get your Seacart 30 to Niihau without breaking either the boat or your spirit. <br> Race #963<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_963.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/07/26/Seacart_30_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/963/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 12 September at 2300utc Hawaiian ZigZag 2016, racing with 148 boats. Sept. 7, 2016, 6 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_963.xml 952 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2016 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Baltic 50, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #952<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_952.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/02/Young_88_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2016 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/952/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 8 September at 2300utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2016 - Race 3, racing with 122 boats. Sept. 2, 2016, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_952.xml 968 The Vineyard Race 2016 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to its 2016 running of The Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the real fleet in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #968<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_968.html"> INFO </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/09/Santa_Cruz_52_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/968/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 9 September at 2300utc The Vineyard Race 2016, racing with 197 boats. Sept. 2, 2016, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_968.xml 967 Tall Ships Races 2016 - Blyth to Gothenburg Welcome to the fourth and final race in Sailonline's 2016 Tall Ships Series. This is a 415nm classic crossing of the North Sea. Our Barques leave <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsblyth2016.com/" target="_blank"/>Blyth</a></b> and race to the <b><a href="http://tallshipsgothenburg2016.com/en/trainee-2/" target="_blank"/>Gothenburg</a></b> festival in Sweden.<i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #967 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_967.html" > INFO</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>Barque 90m <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/04/Barque_90m_Particulars.pdf" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/967/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 6 September at 2300utc Tall Ships North Sea Regatta 2016, racing with 181 boats. Aug. 29, 2016, 6 p.m. True -3.0 13.0 53.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_967.xml 906 COGC 2016 - Race 3 - Kallavesj Lake Welcome to the third race in Sailonline's Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016. We are in Finland for a swift 25nm dash on one of the country's 60,000 lakes! <br> Race #906<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_906.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>F18<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/26/F18_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: COGC - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/909/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 30 August at 2300utc Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016 - Race 3 , racing with 96 boats. Aug. 28, 2016, midnight True 26.0 29.0 62.0 63.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_906.xml 966 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2016 Welcome to Marenostrum, the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Starting from the Gulf of Mondello and arriving 430nm later among the skyscrapers of the Principality of Monaco on your Class 40 boat, this is a fascinating and technical route that every sailor dreams of racing. <br>Race #966<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_966.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Class_40_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/966/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 31 August at 2300utc Palermo Montecarlo Race 2016, racing with 173 boats. Aug. 24, 2016, 10 a.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_966.xml 961 Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2016 It’s not a million miles from Inhaca – where Wikipedia told us "at low tide women harvest crabs, oysters and fish" – to Bazaruto! 400-odd in fact, but travelling them is no sinecure; two ferries and some very "iffy" roads are involved. So hats off to our man in his Mustang for exploring the coasts of Mozambique for both these excellent venues for PYOC Sprints, this one of c 32nm in length. <br> Race #961 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_961.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Platu 25 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Platu_25_Paticulars.pdf"> Particulars </a> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/961/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 23 August at 2300utc Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 123 boats. Aug. 20, 2016, 8 a.m. True 35.0 36.0 -22.5 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_961.xml 960 Tour of Shetland TIMED Race 2016 Let's take a tour (or two or three, this is a <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/11/TIMED_Racing_on_Sailonline.pdf">TIMED</a></b> race after all) around some of the amazing sights of Shetland, in Seacart 30s. Visit the ancient Jarlshof dating back to the Bronze Age and the even older Mousa Broch. The waters around these remote islands can be wild, promising to give us 50nm of exciting sailing. The fast moving storms of the North Atlantic will need watching to pick the best departure time. <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/960/register/" >Re-register here</a>to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #960 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_960.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br />Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/Seacart_30_Particulars.pdf" > Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC <br>ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/960/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: 21 August at 2200utc<br>RACE CLOSE: 21 August at 2300utc Tour of Shetland TIMED Race 2016 , racing with 255 boats. Aug. 12, 2016, 4 p.m. True -2.5 0.0 59.5 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_960.xml 965 Sail Around Turkey 2016 Welcome to the 7th annual running of one of Sailonline's iconic races, where our fleet races the length of the Turkish coastline. This is a 1,372nm race from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast).<br> Race #965<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_965.html"> INFO</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> 90ft monohull<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/01/90ft_Monohull_Particulars.pdf"> Particulars</a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/965/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br> RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 21 August at 2300utc Sail Around Turkey 2016, racing with 187 boats. Aug. 8, 2016, 2 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_965.xml 951 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2016 - Race 2 Welcome to the second race of this year's SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Evolution Sails 100, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #951<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_951.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/08/02/Young_88_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2016 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/951/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 8 August at 2300utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2016 - Race 2, racing with 98 boats. Aug. 5, 2016, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_951.xml 959 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2016 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia, sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. So join SOL in the 2016 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race in our brand new J130s. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br>Race #959<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_959.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br>J130 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/07/31/J130_Particulars.pdf">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/959/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 August at 2300utc Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2016, racing with 156 boats. Aug. 5, 2016, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_959.xml 956 Tall Ships Cruise 2016 - Cadiz to A Coruna Welcome to the third of the four races in Sailonline's 2016 Tall Ships Series. for the European Tall Ships Race fleet, this is a short race followed by a Cruise in Company, while Sailonline will be racing the entire 516nm from <b><a href="http://www.regatacadiz2016.es/" target="_blank"/>Cadiz</a></b> back around the coast to <b><a href="http://tallshipscoruna.com/" target="_blank"/>A Coruna</a></b>.<i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #956 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_956.html" > INFO</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>Full Rigger <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/FullRiggerPOLAR.png" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/956/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 20 August at 2300utc The Tall Ships Races 2016 - CiC - Cadiz to A Coruna, racing with 168 boats. July 31, 2016, 6 p.m. True -25.0 0.0 36.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_956.xml 955 Tall Ships Races 2016 - Lisbon to Cadiz Welcome to the second of the four races in Sailonline's 2016 Tall Ships Series. This is also the second race of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 228nm. The ships leave <b><a href="http://tallshipslisboa.com/" target="_blank"/>Lisbon</a></b> for the tall ship equivalent of a sprint to <b><a href="http://www.regatacadiz2016.es/" target="_blank"/>Cadiz</a></b> in Spain, where a tall ship fiesta awaits! <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #955 <br>Class A Tallship <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Class_A_LargePOLAR.png" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/955/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 31 July at 1800utc The Tall Ships Races 2016 - Race 2 - Lisbon-Cadiz, racing with 161 boats. July 25, 2016, 6 p.m. True -16.0 0.0 33.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_955.xml 958 AGage 50 2016 The original 2013 Sailonline <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">SOLer AGage </a>memorial circumnavigation of Australia included a short triangular course in his homewaters off Brighton, Adelaide – the AGage 100. The 100 is not part of our current 2016 re-run of this classic tour, and it is a bit long for a sprint. So here you have the alternative – the AGage 50, three equidistant legs in Bruce Farr designed Finngulf 43s. <br>Race #958<br> FG 43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/FG_43_INFO.pdf">Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/958/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 28 July at 2300utc AGage 50 2016, racing with 131 boats. July 23, 2016, 11 p.m. True 137.5 139.0 -35.5 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_958.xml 957 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2016 A <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> version of the classic 32nm Dutch race. The SOL record time to beat, held by sassy63, is 1h 46m 45s!<br /><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/957/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run<br>Race #957<br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">Particulars</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking:<br> TRCH - TRQ3 - SUPSOL - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/957/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 24 July at 2200utc <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 24 July at 2300utc Rond Texel TIMED Race 2016, racing with 276 boats. July 15, 2016, 4 p.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_957.xml 941 Tall Ships Races 2016 - Antwerp to Lisbon Welcome to the first of the four races in Sailonline's 2016 Tall Ships Series. This is also the first of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 773m. The ships leave the festival in <b><a href="http://tsrantwerp.be/" target="_blank"/>Antwerp</a></b> and make their way 300nm to the race start, off the English Coast, for a race to <b><a href="http://tallshipslisboa.com/" target="_blank"/>Lisbon</a></b> the capital of Portugal <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #941 <br>Clipper 240 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Clipper240POLAR.png" >Particulars</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/941/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 24 July at 1000utc The Tall Ships Races 2016 - Race 1 - Antwerp-Lisbon, racing with 156 boats. July 13, 2016, 10 a.m. True -18.0 0.0 36.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_941.xml 954 Alaska RTI Sprint 2016 There are many islands off the western coast of Alaska collectively making up the semi-submerged Aleutian Peninsula. SOL comes to these island regularly for Sprints and TRs and a particular favourite location is the group there known as The Andreanofs, comprising Gareloi, Tanaga, Kanaga, Umak, Ulagm, Chugal, Adak, Kagalaska, Great Sitkin, Atka, Amlia and Seguam. So here we go: 53 zig-zaggy miles in quaint and speedy Riptide 50s. <br> Race #954 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_954.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br> Riptide 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Riptide50POLAR.png "> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/954/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 11 July at 1700utc Alaska RTI Sprint 2016, racing with 80 boats. July 9, 2016, 5 p.m. True -176.5 -175.0 51.5 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_954.xml 949 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2016 - Race 1 Welcome to the first race of the 2016 SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the NZ Spars and Rigging 60, and will see Sailonline competing directly with members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #949<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_949.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">Particulars</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2016 -SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/949/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 11 July at 2300utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2016 - Race 1, racing with 109 boats. July 8, 2016, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_949.xml 948 RTWR 2016/17 - Leg 1 - Southampton to Uruguay Sailonline is delighted to offer our sailors a reverse course before doing it the ‘usual’ way. This is leg one of a four race series, with no discards, to get us back to Europe in time for the big one. <br> Race #948<br>VO70 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">Particulars</a> <br> WX Updates:<br>0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SUPSOL - OCQ3 - OCCH - RTWR <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/948/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 3 August at 1000utc RTWR 2016 - Leg 1 - Southampton to Uruguay, racing with 265 boats. July 5, 2016, 10 a.m. True -70.0 5.0 -37.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_948.xml 947 A3 2016 - Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart SOL's continuing tribute to AGage is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 2 of a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/series/92/" target="_blank"/>9-race series </a> - a 440nm race in First 47s replicating the Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster Race. <br> Race #947 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_947.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_477_INFO.pdf">Boat Info</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/947/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 7 July at 2300utc A3 2016 - Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart, racing with 167 boats. July 2, 2016, 10 p.m. True 139.0 150.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_947.xml 946 Traverse City Traverse 2016 Welcome to Michigan and a tricky lake race in the waters off Traverse City. Designed by SOLer A2 this race features the picturesque Bays, Harbours, Islands & Peninsulas of the Upper Lake Michigan region encompassing both Michigan & Wisconsin. <br> Race #946<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_946.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Super_Maxi_100POLAR.png">Boat Info</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/946/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 1 July at 2300utc Traverse City Traverse 2016, racing with 136 boats. June 27, 2016, 5 p.m. True -89.0 -83.0 44.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_946.xml 943 Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2016 According to islands ferry operator, Caledonia McBrayne, Tiree is the "Hawaii of the North". A likely story, but with the midge forecast up to Level 5 on the mainland, what odds; let us believe and get offshore to enjoy some surf and sun sprinting 28nm from its western shores to the eastern end of adjacent Coll. Mind the breakers and the guillemots on the rocks! <br> Race #943 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_943.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> Mini 6.5 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Mini_650_INFO.pdf"> Boat Info</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SRQ2 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/943/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 29 June at 2300utc Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 120 boats. June 25, 2016, 8 a.m. True -7.5 -6.0 56.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_943.xml 944 Newport Bermuda Race 2016 As has become tradition, again in 2016 SOLer zero is inviting us to race from Newport/Rhode Island, USA, to St.Davids Island, Bermuda - a 635nm ocean race in VO70s <br>Race #944<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_944.html">INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>VO70v4<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf"> BoatData </a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/944/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 22 June at 2300utc Newport to Bermuda 2016, racing with 205 boats. June 17, 2016, 6 p.m. True -77.0 -62.0 30.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_944.xml 938 Gibraltar Straits TIMED Race 2016 Welcome to a brilliant <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE introducing Sailonline's new SuperYacht Falkun. Our race is set at the legendary gateway to the Mediterranean Sea. We begin in the Atlantic and race our most glamorous of yachts to the coasts of Africa and Europe and then on into the Mediterranean.<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/938/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #928 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_938.html" > INFO</a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Falkun<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/05/26/Falkun_INFO.pdf" > Boat Info</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/938/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 26 June at 2200utc <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 26 June at 2300utc Gibraltar TIMED Race 2016, racing with 393 boats. June 17, 2016, noon True -6.5 -4.5 35.5 36.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_938.xml 942 A3 2016 - Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne SOL's lasting gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 1 of a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/series/92/" target="_blank"/>9-race series </a> - 468nm in a First47.7 across the south eest corner of mainland Australia. <br> Race #942 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_942.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_477_INFO.pdf">BoatData</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: A3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/942/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 20 June at 2300utc A3 - Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne 2016, racing with 189 boats. June 13, 2016, 10 p.m. True 135.0 147.0 -41.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_942.xml 940 Groote PYOC Sprint 2016 Long, long ago, it was the Dutch who first discovered Australia and explored its coasts, both South and North, including this great(ish) island they imaginatively named Groote Eylandt, and which we are visiting for a second time for a 29nm PYOC sprint. Low-lying, sandy and hot, last time out the HIRES gribs generated by the NCAR/UCAR WRF around the island were particularly non-homogeneous. Expect more of the same. <br> Race #940 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_940.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br> 60 ft Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf"> BoatData </a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/940/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 16 June at 2300utc Groote PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 122 boats. June 11, 2016, 11 p.m. True 136.0 137.5 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_940.xml 939 Oslo to Horten by Faerder 2016 SOLer NOR_Kornelia invites us to the 2016 running of the biggest regatta in the world! Our course is 83 NM north to south in the Oslo-fjord, Norway. Starting in the inner harbour of Oslo, we race through the fjord, round Tristein lighthouse and finish back in Horten.<br>Race #939 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_939.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/First40.7POLAR.png">BoatData</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/939/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday. 17 June at 2300utc Oslo to Horten by Faerder Race 2016, racing with 148 boats. June 11, 2016, noon True 8.0 12.0 58.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_939.xml 934 ANZ Sail Fiji 2016 Welcome to ANZ Sail Fiji 2016, and our bid to beat the real fleet to the finish. We have 1,144nm ahead of us in our Volvo ocean racers and our aim is to beat <i>Giacomo</i>!<br> Race #934<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_934.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/VO70v4POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/934/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 9 June at 2300utc ANZ Sail Fiji 2016, racing with 231 boats. June 3, 2016, 11 p.m. True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_934.xml 936 SoCal 300 2016 Sailonline is delighted to welcome you to the first running of the SoCal300 race, hosted by San Diego Yacht Club. Be on your mettle SOLers, we have stiff competition here on the Pacific's SE coast!<br> Race #936<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_936.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Santa Cruz 52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/936/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 8 June at 2300utc SoCal 300 2016, racing with 205 boats. June 3, 2016, 7 p.m. True -122.0 -116.0 31.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_936.xml 909 COGC 2016 - Race 2 - Bellingham to Victoria Welcome to the second race of Sailonline's Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016. This time we are in the waters off Vancouver, Canada, racing from Bellingham, across the strait and past the islands to Vancouver Island, then via several of the lighthouses in the area to finish in Victoria. NOTE any channel can be used provided each mark is rounded in the correct way and in the correct order. <br> Race #909<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_909.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>F18<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: COGC - SUPSOL - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/909/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 1 June at 2300utc Corporate Open Gold Championship 2016 - Race 2, racing with 138 boats. May 28, 2016, 6 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 48.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_909.xml 933 Tanaga Kanaga PYOC Sprint 2016 For the second Sprint in May, we’re headed back to Alaska for a 44nm PYOC Sprint (pick your own course) in our Soto40s.<br> Race #933<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_933.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>Soto40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO40POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/933/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 24 May at 2300utc Tanaga Kanaga PYOC Sprint 2016, racing with 128 boats. May 21, 2016, 5 p.m. True -178.5 -176.5 51.25 52.25 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_933.xml 935 Jester Azores Challenge 2016 Once in a while a group of intrepid single-handed sailors agree to sail from Plymouth to the Azores - it's a gentlemanly affair and it is called the Jester Challenge. For the first time, Sailonline will be racing her Twister 28 at the same time as the real adventure. Let's see who arrives first in Terceira! <br>Race #935<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_935.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>Twister 28 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Twister28POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCQ2 - OCCH - SUPSOL -SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/935/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 31 May at 2300utc Jester Azores Challenge 2016 , racing with 262 boats. May 15, 2016, noon True -33.0 -3.0 32.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_935.xml 937 Pb³ 2016 Welcome to Estonia for SOLer TuuleTallaja's annual invitation for us to race our F18s along this beautiful coastline. This time we race from Pärnu to Pirita, but as always beware the lure of beach BBQs with live music but, it's nearly summer so... let's party!<br>Race #937 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_937.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/937/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 17 May at 2300utc Pb³ 2016, racing with 139 boats. May 14, 2016, 8 a.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_937.xml 932 Iceland TIMED Race 2016 Welcome to a fast-paced <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in Orange Cats off Iceland - 150nm for you to race as often as you like over the coming weeks - volcano watching optional!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/932/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #932 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_932.html" > INFO </a>by brainaid.de<br>Orange Cat <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/932/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 15 May at 2300utc Iceland TIMED Race 2016, racing with 347 boats. May 6, 2016, noon True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_932.xml 931 Van Isle 360 2016 Welcome back to Vancouver and the 525nm delightful course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water which our SOTO 30s will love.<br> Race #931<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_931.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de <br>SOTO30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/931/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 13 May at 2300utc Van Isle 360 2016, racing with 188 boats. May 2, 2016, 5 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_931.xml 927 Bay to Bay 2016 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait Barbie, party, where’s my J80? Anchored!? Did Garry ferry us ashore? Where is he? When’s the start and where are we going? Urangan, 23.3nm?? Aha, see below. <br> Race #927 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_927.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/927/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 May at 2300utc Bay2Bay 2016 - Leg2, racing with 108 boats. April 30, 2016, 11 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_927.xml 926 Bay to Bay 2016 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait To sail this event IRL in a few weeks’ time, your yacht must be trailable and “strongly built, watertight, capable of withstanding solid water, properly rigged, fully seaworthy and meeting the standards of the Yachting Association Special Regulations and the requirements of Queensland Transport, Marine Safety Queensland, Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol and Queensland Water Police”. We’re entering J80s; is that alright then? <br> Race #926 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_926.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br>J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/926/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 May at 1210utc Bay2Bay 2016 - Leg 1, racing with 116 boats. April 30, 2016, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_926.xml 929 Viking Longship Race to Iceland 2016 Draken Harald Hårfagre is a replica viking longship about to sail from Norway to America. In celebration of this magnificent endeavour, Sailonline is racing the first leg, from Haugesund, Norway, to Reykjavik, Iceland in our own Longship. Let us sail in the wake of history on this epic adventure!<br> Race #929<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_929.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>Longship Drake<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/04/12/LongshipDrakePOLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/929/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 9 May at 2300utc Viking Longship Race to Iceland 2016, racing with 258 boats. April 24, 2016, 1 p.m. True -27.0 9.0 53.0 68.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_929.xml 925 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2016 Like other feasts this time of year, Jakob’s Birthday has the attribute “moveable”. Tidig Grattis pa fodelsedag Jakob! Time then for the 2016 running of Jakob’s 30nm birthday BBQ race from Sandhamn to his mooring in Stockholm's Archipelago, which we are once again sailing in X35s. A tricky, router-proof race. Lycka till, alla!! <br /> Race #925 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_925.html"> Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br /> X35 OD <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/X-35ODPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b> <br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br /> Ranking: SYC <br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/925/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 25 April at 1100utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2016, racing with 137 boats. April 23, 2016, 11 a.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_925.xml 930 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2016 Welcome to the 2016 running of TheHorn's 1220nm race in TP52s around the Canary Islands. This is a PRIZE race - see the blogpost for info.<br> Race #930<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_930.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/930/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 21 April at 2300utc Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2016, racing with 182 boats. April 10, 2016, 1 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_930.xml 924 Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2016 Welcome to a 5,500nm race from Melbourne, Australia, in the Southern hemisphere, to Osaka, Japan, in the Northern hemisphere – this is the 2016 Prelude to the main event which will run in reality in 2018. This is your virtual opportunity to test navigation and routing skills!<br>Race #924<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_924.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SUPSOL - OCQ2 - OCCH <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/924/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 6 May at 0900utc Melbourne to Osaka Prelude 2016, racing with 340 boats. April 3, 2016, 9 a.m. True 125.0 180.0 -45.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_924.xml 923 Canna to Eigg RTI Sprint 2016 Welcome back to Europe for a Round-The-Island(s) sprint around three of the Small Islands in Scotland's Inner Hebrides. <br> Race #923<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_923.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Platu_25POLAR.png"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/923/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 4 April at 2000utc Canna to Egg RTI Sprint 2016, racing with 119 boats. April 2, 2016, 8 a.m. True -7.0 -5.5 56.5 57.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_923.xml 928 Hauraki TIMED Race 2016 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race is also set in the familiar waters off the shores of Auckland, New Zealand, where fickle and ever changing conditions provide a challenge to the best of us. This is a 35m course <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/928/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #928 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_928.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/928/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 10 April at 2200utc<br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 10 April at 2300utc Hauraki TIMED Race 2016, racing with 232 boats. April 1, 2016, noon True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_928.xml 921 Auckland to Tauranga Race 2016 Thanks to SOLers NZL_yachtyakka and NZL_WairuaExpress, the annual New Zealand classic race from Auckland to Tauranga has become a well-established Autumn (S Hemisphere) tradition where we try to race them, and others, to the finish! <br /> Race #921<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_921.html">INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Young 11 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br />Ranking: SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/921/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 3 April at 2100utc Auckland to Tauranga Race 2016, racing with 164 boats. March 30, 2016, 9 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_921.xml 920 Rolex China Sea Race 2016 Welcome to the 2016 running of the prestigious Rolex China Sea Race - a classic biennial bluewater race of 565nm from Hong Kong to Subic Bay, Philippines. <br> Race #920 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_920.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/920/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 29 March at 2100utc Rolex China Sea Race 2016, racing with 239 boats. March 23, 2016, 5:20 a.m. True 109.0 125.0 11.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_920.xml 918 Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2016 Another quick race round the rocks and isles of the Falklands completes our Q1 Sprint programme. 55nm as the crow flies, but PYOC and see how best you can get from Beaver to Carcass in your IMOCA60. <br> Race #918 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_918.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br> IMOCA60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/IMOCA_60_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/918/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 22 March at 1700utc Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2016, racing with 171 boats. March 19, 2016, 5 p.m. True -63.0 -59.0 -53.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_918.xml 917 Pico Island Sprint 2016 Far out in the Atlantic is a magical group of islands, safe haven for trans-atlantic voyagers, but a playground for Sailonline - the Azores! This a 55nm lap of Pico Island in Seacarts.<br> Race #917<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_917.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> Seacart 30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/917/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 7 March at 0800utc Pico Island Sprint 2016, racing with 123 boats. March 5, 2016, 8 a.m. True -29.0 -27.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_917.xml 919 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2016 This 20nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>RUN has become a very popular permanent fixture on the SOL calendar. This year, we will again attempt it in Class 40s. The 40 is one of the most close-winded boats in our fleet, which is as well, as chances are a quick circumnavigation will involve some upwind work weaving your way round the mud flats of the upper reaches of the Huelva delta. <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/919/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #919 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_919.html" > Chart </a>by brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/919/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE</b></i>: Sunday, 13 March at 2200utc <br><i><b> RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 13 March at 2300utc Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2016, racing with 355 boats. March 4, 2016, noon True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_919.xml 922 Geraldton to Cape Town 2016 A race in the Southern Indian Ocean is always entertaining, especially in a VO70. Traditionally the course would be West to East, to take advantage of usual prevailing winds, but this time the SRC is challenging us to an E-W course, from Geraldton in Western Australia to Cape Town in South Africa. Only 4800nm<br> Race #922<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_922.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>VO70 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SUPSOL - OCQ1 - OCCH <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/922/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 27 March at 2300utc Geraldton to Cape Town 2016, racing with 337 boats. March 1, 2016, 5 a.m. True 8.0 121.0 -61.0 -2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_922.xml 913 COGC 2016 - Race 1 - The Bosphorus Welcome to the Bosphorus - and a testing race through the narrow channel separating the Black Sea from the Mediterranean - the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia. <br> Race #913<a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_913.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: COGC - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/913/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 29 February at 1200utc COGC 2016 - Race 1, racing with 162 boats. Feb. 27, 2016, noon True 28.0 30.0 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_913.xml 916 Hook Island Sprint 2016 Welcome back to Australia and a 64nm PYOC race amongst the islands between Hook and St Bees in F18s.<br> Race #916<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_916.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/916/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 26 March at 2300utc Hook to Keswick 2016, racing with 199 boats. Feb. 20, 2016, 11 p.m. True 148.5 150.25 -21.25 -19.75 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_916.xml 899 Bimini Beach Run 2016 Gone broke they may be, and capsize they can, but we love our Gunboat, SOL’s giant GB90, and especially the boom as loud as a gun when her carbon hulls begin to pierce and bounce through the seas at 25kn and more. And for proper luxury catamaran sailing, the Caribbean is the only place to go! So join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this multihull mecca. <br> Race #899<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_899.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>GB90<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/899/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 18 February at 1500utc Bimini Beach Run 2016, racing with 173 boats. Feb. 14, 2016, 3 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_899.xml 898 Lake Winnebago Ice Race 2016 Welcome once again to the waters of the Neenah-Nodaway YC as the club embarks on its 152nd year of organised sailing sport. This time of year, of course, those waters tend to be in the solid phase – well that’s the top few inches anyway – and in the past SOL has conveniently deleted this condition from the virtual reality shared with our hosts. This year, however, we will ignore the real world no longer and will race in DN ice yachts, a class almost as venerable as the NNYC, having first seen the light of day as the result of a competition organised by the Detroit News in 1937. Because average speeds across the ice are likely to exceed 40kn, we shall lap the lake twice. Performance Loss will NOT apply to our iceboat this time! <br> Race #898 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_898.html">INFO</a>by brainaid.de <br>DN iceboat <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2016/01/31/DN_iceboat.png">POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/898/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 February at 1000utc Lake Winnebago NNYC Race 2016, racing with 194 boats. Feb. 6, 2016, 4 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_898.xml 904 Sea Lion TIMED Race 2016 Blow the cobwebs away in a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race in the S Atlantic. The distance: 117nm. As this is a TIMED challenge let's see who can get the best time!! <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/904/register/" >Re-register here</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run</b> <br>Race #904 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_904.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Orange 125ft Catamaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/07/26/Orange_Cat_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRCH - SUPSOL - TRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/904/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</i> Sunday, 14 February at 2200utc <br><i> RACE CLOSE:</i> Sunday, 14 February at 2300utc Sea Lion TIMED Race 2016, racing with 344 boats. Feb. 5, 2016, noon True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_904.xml 894 Bleaker Island RTI Sprint 2016 We kicked off last year’s Sprint Championships with a first ever visit by the fleet to the Falklands’ Bleaker Island. Perhaps it was the thought of Summer there that brought out the SOLers in great number (130 entries of which 104 started and 93 finished), but such a vote of interest deserves an encore performance, so here we go again: a 22nm lap in J30s. <br> Race #894 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_894.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br> J30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH 2016 - SUPSOL 2016 - SRQ1 2016 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/894/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 1 February at 2300utc Round Bleaker Island 2016, racing with 129 boats. Jan. 30, 2016, 5 p.m. True -59.25 -58.3 -52.5 -52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_894.xml 903 Race to Up Helly Aa 2016 A-OI!!! It's nearly time to celebrate the magnificent Shetland fire festival in Lerwick and we need to get our fleet of Elan 410s a-racing from Aberdeen. NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart<br> Race #903 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_903.html" > INFO</a> from brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/903/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>PRIZE:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13921/2016-smpf-scheme/?page=1" > SMPF</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 31 January at 2300utc Race to Up Helly Aa 2016, racing with 190 boats. Jan. 26, 2016, 10 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_903.xml 897 Sao Jorge Sprint 2016 The first sprint of 2016 sees us in the Atlantic and the Island of Sao Jorge for a 37nm PYOC race in SOTO 30s.<br> Race #897<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_897.html"> INFO</a> from brainaid.de<br> SOTO30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/897/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 19 January at 0800utc Sao Jorge Sprint 2016, racing with 130 boats. Jan. 16, 2016, 8 a.m. True -28.5 -27.5 38.0 39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_897.xml 900 San Francisco to New York Ocean Race 2016 Cornelius Vanderbilt, who made his money - that his descendants enjoyed to spend sailing and racing yachts - by recognizing that getting from the East Coast to the West Coast of the USA was best done by rail, would been more than a little amused to see SOL organizing yacht races over the very route by water he made redundant. It's about 13,000 nautical miles, which compares with less than 3000 statute miles by train! Three years ago, the best SOLers managed to complete the passage from New York to San Francisco in 40 days, sailing our much-used veteran ocean greyhound, the Maxi 100. Time to return. If you aim for a SOG of 18kn, it'll only take you a month.<br> Race #900<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_900.html">INFO </a> from brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Super_Maxi_100POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SUPSOL - OCQ1 - OCCH <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/900/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 1 March at 2300utc San Francisco to New York Ocean Race 2016, racing with 387 boats. Jan. 11, 2016, 8 p.m. True -155.0 -5.0 -66.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_900.xml 893 Orno Runt TIMED Race 2016 The Round Orno race is a SOL classic, 21nm of cornering mayhem, sometimes run as a Sprint and sometimes as a Time Trial. This year it’s a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIME</a></b> TRIAL in SOL’s evergreen, ever popular, ever unusual Mini 6.50. The course record, set in January 2014, stands at 1h 29m 45s (in a Seacart 30). It will be hard to beat that, but let's see! <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/893/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run</b> <br>Race #893 <br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_893.html"> INFO</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Mini 6.50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Mini_650_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: TRCH 2016 - SUPSOL 2016 - TRQ1 2016 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/893/?version=classic">Classic</a></b> <br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 17 January at 2200utc <br><i><b> RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 17 January at 2300utc Round Orno TIMED Race 2016, racing with 378 boats. Jan. 8, 2016, noon True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_893.xml 896 Pacific NW Inshore 2016 A 137nm race from Seattle to Vancouver, BC past the historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival. Then on past Whale Watch park where there is usually a pod of orca whales. We continue on around and through the beautiful San Juan Islands and then up into the Strait of Georgia arriving in Vancouver, BC. <br> Race #896<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_896.html">INFO </a> by brainaid.de <br>Young 88 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/896/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 10 January at 2100utc Pacific NW Inshore 2016, racing with 178 boats. Jan. 6, 2016, 9 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_896.xml 895 Tasman Double 2015 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year SOLers! The first race of 2016 is a ferry run back from Tasmania to Sydney<br> Race #895<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_895.html">INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Super_Maxi_100POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TASD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/895/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 6 January at 0200utc Tasman Double 2015 - Race 2, racing with 207 boats. Jan. 2, 2016, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_895.xml 892 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2015 This 198nm race across Bass Strait for the "Rudder Cup" is organised by the ORCV and is Australia's oldest ocean race and the 5th oldest organised ocean race in the world. <br> Race #892<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_892.html">NOR </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/19/First40.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/892/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 30 December at 0400utc ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2015, racing with 196 boats. Dec. 27, 2015, 4 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_892.xml 891 Tasman Double 2015 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your Super Maxi 100 in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #891<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_891.html">NOR</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>Super Maxi 100<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Super_Maxi_100POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TASD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/891/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 31 December at 0200utc Tasman Double 2015 - Race 1, racing with 220 boats. Dec. 26, 2015, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_891.xml 879 Christmas to Christmas Island 2015 Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before... but it's time to get ready for the 2015 challenge of racing the 5,837nm between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean!<br> Race #879<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_879.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> Super Maxi 100 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Super_Maxi_100POLAR.png">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/879/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 25 January at 1700utc Christmas to Christmas 2015, racing with 310 boats. Dec. 24, 2015, 5 p.m. True 100.0 205.0 -30.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_879.xml 882 Koshiki PYOC 2015 We return to the Nakadori Sea off southern Japan for the final race of our hotly contested 2015 Sprint Championship, hoping to avail once again of the HIRES weather model for these coastal waters that gave us such an exciting race around the Tomidake island group just a smidgin to the north earlier this autumn. About 25nm, depending how you go, in Class40s. <br>Race #882 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_882.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br />Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SPRCH-SUPSOL-SRQ4-SYC <br>ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/882/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><r>RACE CLOSE: Sunday. 20 December at 2300utc Koshiki PYOC 2015, racing with 193 boats. Dec. 19, 2015, 11 p.m. True 129.0 130.5 31.0 32.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_882.xml 890 Cowes to St Malo 2015 In the run-up to the festive season, what better way to stock up on great wines and cheeses than to buy them in France - let's brave the Atlantic gales and race the 175nm from Cowes, UK, to St Malo to stock up!<br>Race #890<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_890.html">NOR</a> by brainaid.de<br>J80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/890/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 18 December at 1900utc Cowes to St Malo 2015, racing with 209 boats. Dec. 14, 2015, noon True -10.0 3.0 47.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_890.xml 889 Chile Islands RTI Sprint 2015 A chase around the islands off the coast of Chile <br> Race #889 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_889.html">Chart </a> by brainaid.de <br>SOTO 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/889/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 14 December at 1700utc S America RTI Sprint 2015, racing with 122 boats. Dec. 12, 2015, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -73.0 -45.0 -44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_889.xml 888 Lake Superior Lights 2015 Welcome to Lake Superior for this year's running of our annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race showcases the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills. <br> Race #888<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_888.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> First 47.7<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_477_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/783/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 18 December at 2300utc Lake Superior Lights 2015, racing with 163 boats. Dec. 10, 2015, 11 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_888.xml 881 Aleutian Cruise TIMED Race 2015 This challenging 30nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race through the Aleutian Islands in Seacarts created by SRC Member NZL_Scotsman saw its first running last November, a time of year when life gets decidedly chilly in Alaska. Despite the cold and the lack of light, some 400 runs were attempted. Stubbornly, the SRC has scheduled this re-run for that bit deeper into Winter this year. But never mind, a virtual freeze daunts us not. Go SOL go! Target 500. <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/881/register/" >Re-register here</a>to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #881 <br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_881.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br />Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC <br>ALT CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/881/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 13 December at 2200utc <br><i><b> RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 13 December at 2300utc Aleutian Cruise TIMED Race 2015, racing with 592 boats. Dec. 4, 2015, noon True -167.0 -165.0 53.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_881.xml 878 Southern Ocean Dash 2015 Blow off the cobwebs and leave civilisation behind as we have a blast in the roaring forties, furious fifties and screaming sixties of the Southern Ocean. We tour some of the remotest islands in the world as we race past in our fastest boat. The 6000nm race will be a true test of blue water navigation skills.<br> Race #878<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_878.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> 60ft Trimaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: OCCH - SUPSOL - OCQ4 - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/878/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 19 December at 1200utc Southern Ocean Dash 2015, racing with 308 boats. Dec. 1, 2015, noon True -2.0 170.0 -66.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_878.xml 886 Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2015 This is the second PYOC Sprint of Q4 2015. <br> Race #886<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_886.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> FG43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/FG_43_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/886/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 1 December at 2300utc Bazaruto PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 155 boats. Nov. 28, 2015, 8 a.m. True 35.0 36.0 -22.5 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_886.xml 887 Auckland to Gisborne 2015 RAYC welcomes SOLers back to Auckland and the 2015 race to Gisborne - 277nm down the E coast of New Zealand's N Island <br> Race #887<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_887.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br> First 44.7 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/First_447_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/887/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 30 November at 2000utc Auckland to Gisborne 2015, racing with 228 boats. Nov. 25, 2015, 8 p.m. True 174.0 181.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_887.xml 885 Inhaca RTI Sprint 2015 Off Maputo lies Inhaca where "at low tide women harvest crabs, oysters and fish" Wikipedia tells us, whilst "at high tide boats leave the island for deeper sea fishing" and to test their owners' navigational skills in a hi-res SOL circumnavigating sprint. Mind the beach! <br> Race #885<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_885.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Mini 6.5 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Mini_650_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/885/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 16 November at 0800utc Inhaca RTI Sprint 2015, racing with 118 boats. Nov. 15, 2015, 8 a.m. True 32.5 33.5 -26.5 -25.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_885.xml 877 Cape Town to Rio 2015 See how quickly you can steer your VO70 the 3273nm from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio, Brazil!!<br> Race #877<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_877.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> VO70v4 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: OCCH - SUPSOL - OCQ4 - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/877/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 29 November at 1100utc Cape Town to Rio, racing with 309 boats. Nov. 14, 2015, 11 a.m. True -60.0 30.0 -50.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_877.xml 880 Valletta Sprint 2015 Welcome to the Mediterranean and a true SOL perennial. At 588nm in generally light Mediterranean airs and low performance monohulls, this has always been a challenging race. This year, however, the race turns serious as we race in Orange 125ft catamarans! Expect circuit times to halve from historically a week or so to less than 3 days.Can a SOLer beat the IRL course record of 47:55:03 set in 2007 by the US maxi Rambler with Ken Read on board. <br> Race #880 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_880.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Orange 125ft cat <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SUPSOL-SYQ4-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/880/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday 13 November at 2200utc Valletta Sprint 2015, racing with 225 boats. Nov. 7, 2015, 10 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_880.xml 884 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2015 A 45nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race originally designed by SOLer Tarco around "his" island of Belle Ile off the NW Coast of France - this year we race F18s! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/884/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #884<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_884.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br />F18 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/753/?version=classic">Classic </a><br><i><b>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 15 November at 2300utc Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2015, racing with 350 boats. Nov. 6, 2015, noon True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_884.xml 883 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2015 November 1 is the birthday of SOLer Mistli and it has become a SOL tradition around this time for SOLers and their Seacarts to race a celebratory, short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #883<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_883.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/883/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 4 November at 0800utc Mistli's Birthday BBQ 2015, racing with 172 boats. Nov. 1, 2015, 8 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_883.xml 876 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2015 This 975nm course, first run in 2011, mixes challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Irish Sea before finishing in Normandy. <br> Race #876<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_876.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/876/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 5 November at 1200utc 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2015, racing with 249 boats. Oct. 27, 2015, noon True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_876.xml 875 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2015 As the S Hemisphere heads into summer, we are back in New Zealand for the running of this year's classic coast race from Auckland to Russell. This 115nm race up the east coast of North Island is an icon of New Zealand yachting. <br> Race #875<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_875.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/875/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 25 October at 2030utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2015, racing with 205 boats. Oct. 22, 2015, 8:30 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_875.xml 873 Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2015 This is the 1st PYOC Sprint of Q4 2015. <br> Race #873<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_873.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Ostar 35 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Ostar35POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/873/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday 19 October at 1700utc Puerto Aguirre PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 128 boats. Oct. 17, 2015, 5 p.m. True -74.0 -73.0 -45.5 -44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_873.xml 870 Audi Hong Kong to Vietnam Race 2015 RHKYC welcomes SOLers back to Hong Kong and the 2015 running of the classic biennial race to Vietnam - 674nm across the S China Sea in TP52s <br> Race #870<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_870.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br> TP 52 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/870/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 21 October at 2300utc Audi Hong Kong to Vietnam Race 2015, racing with 210 boats. Oct. 15, 2015, 5:15 a.m. True 106.0 119.0 10.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_870.xml 874 Hormuz TIMED Race 2015 The Strait of Hormuz in reality is busy, with shipping and military vessels. For Sailonline however races here with impunity, nothing is off limits! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/874/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #874<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_874.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> GB90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ4-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/747/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i>Sunday, 18 October at 2300utc Hormuz TIMED Race 2015, racing with 327 boats. Oct. 9, 2015, noon True 55.0 58.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_874.xml 869 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2015 This autumn Sailonline is racing the iconic 90ft Monohull to replicate the 4000nm epic journey made by the gray whale every year, from the waters of the Bering Sea to its breeding grounds off the Mexican coastline. Can you match the skill of these great navigators? <br> Race #869 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_869.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/869/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 28 October at 2300utc Gray Whale Migration - Autumn 2015, racing with 244 boats. Oct. 6, 2015, 8 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_869.xml 872 Tomidake RTI Sprint 2015 The first Sprint of 2015 Q4 brings us back again to the waters off Japan, this time to the southern coast of Kyushi. <br> Race #872<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_872.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Young 88 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png"> POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ4 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/872/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 6 October at 1100utc Tomidake RTI Sprint 2015, racing with 107 boats. Oct. 3, 2015, 11 p.m. True 129.0 130.0 32.5 33.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_872.xml 868 Buenos Aires to Rio 2015 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to SOLer zero's Class 40 BA_Rio Race 2015. This is the replica of a classic triennial race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, first run in 1947. <br>Race #868<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_868.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Class 40<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" ><b>POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/868/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 14 October at 1800utc BA-Rio 2015, racing with 224 boats. Oct. 3, 2015, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_868.xml 867 AGage 50 2015 In 2013 Sailonline completed a race around the entire coastline of Australia, a memorial for <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">SOLer AGage </a> with the AGage 100 in his homewaters off Brighton, Adelaide. This AGage 50 is half the original distance. <br> Race #867<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_867.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Soto 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png">POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/867/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 29 September at 2200utc AGage 50, racing with 187 boats. Sept. 26, 2015, 11 p.m. True 137.5 139.0 -35.5 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_867.xml 866 Carib Rum Run 2015 Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Combine the two with 90ft monohulls and what do you have? Why, 'tis Sailonline's annual Pirate prize race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting rum to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. You can even race in disguise (become an SYC Member and change your boat name for this race only)! <br> Race #866<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_866.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>90ft Monohull <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/866/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 1 October at 1600utc Carib Rum Run 2015, racing with 228 boats. Sept. 19, 2015, 4 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_866.xml 865 Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2015 For the 5th Sprint of Q3 2015, Sailonline is off to the wilds of N Canada for a pick-your-own-course in our 11m ODs<br> Race #865<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_865.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> 11m One Design <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/865/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 14 September at 1700utc Strutton to Cape Hope PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 110 boats. Sept. 12, 2015, 5 p.m. True -79.3 -78.4 51.9 52.7 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_865.xml 862 Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy 2015 From the beaches of Maui to Russia's Cold-War submarine base 2800nm away - join us as we race SOL's high performance multihull, a GB90, in the North Pacific.<br> Race #862<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_862.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>GB 90 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/862/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 23 September at 2000utc Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy, racing with 216 boats. Sept. 9, 2015, 8 p.m. True 150.0 270.0 14.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_862.xml 864 Boston to Plymouth Transat TIMED Race 2015 It has been some years since Sailonline hosted a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race across the Atlantic, and those who remember the last race will recall the extraordinary walls of windholes that confronted the fleet at that time. Let's see how things play this time! The TIMED option permits you to race once OR to race more than once, if time permits! <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/864/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #864 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_864.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>GB90<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/864/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 30 September at 2300utc TransAt TIMED Race 2015, racing with 360 boats. Sept. 6, 2015, 4 p.m. True -73.0 -1.0 15.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_864.xml 863 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2015 - Race 3 Welcome to the third and final race of this year's <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2015/jul/6/ssanz-safety-sea-two-handed-triple-series-2015/" target="_blank"/>SSANZ Triple Series</a> on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Baltic 50, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of <a href="http://www.young88.org.nz/" target="_blank"/>the Young 88 Association</a>!<br> Race #863<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_863.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2015 -SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/863/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 7 September at 2100utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2015 - Race 3, racing with 137 boats. Sept. 4, 2015, 9:10 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_863.xml 860 The Vineyard Race 2015 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to its 2015 running of The Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the real fleet in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #860<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_860.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - SYQ3 -SYCCH - SUPSOL <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/860/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 2200utc The Vineyard Race 2015, racing with 221 boats. Sept. 4, 2015, 5 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_860.xml 856 Hawaiian Zig Zag 2015 Not for the faint hearted, sail from one Hawaiian island to the next. We give you the Seacart 30 and the weather. Your challenge is to get to Niihau without breaking either the boat or your spirit in this challenging race designed in 2010 by SOLer Jawz! <br>Race #856<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_856.html">Chart</a>by brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/856/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 1 September at 1800utc Hawaiian ZigZag 2015, racing with 177 boats. Aug. 26, 2015, 6 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_856.xml 861 Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2015 This is the 4th race of the Q3 Sprint Championship and a 28nm PYOC race from the W of Tiree to the E of Coll, islands off Scotland's west coast<br> Race #861<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_861.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Mini 6.5 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Mini_650_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SRQ3 - SPRCH - SUPSOL – SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/861/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 24 August at 0800utc Tiree to Coll PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 113 boats. Aug. 22, 2015, 8 a.m. True -7.5 -6.0 56.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_861.xml 859 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2015 Welcome to Marenostrum, the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Starting from the Gulf of Mondello and arriving 430nm later among the skyscrapers of the Principality of Monaco, this is a fascinating and technical course that every sailor dreams of racing.<br> Race #859<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_859.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Class 40 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/859/?version=classic"> Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 27 August at 1600utc Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2015, racing with 149 boats. Aug. 21, 2015, 10 a.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_859.xml 858 Sail Around Turkey 2015 Welcome to the sixth annual running of one of Sailonline's iconic races, where our fleet races the length of the Turkish coastline. This is a 1,372nm race from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast).<br> Race #858<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_858.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> 90ft monohull<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/722/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 28 August at 1400utc Sail Around Turkey 2015, racing with 223 boats. Aug. 15, 2015, 2 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_858.xml 853 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2015 - Race 2 Welcome to the second race of this year's SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the Evolution Sails 100, and again Sailonline will be racing against members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #853<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_853.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2015 -SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/853/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 10 August at 2110utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2015 - Race 2, racing with 107 boats. Aug. 7, 2015, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_853.xml 857 Lisboa TIMED Race 2015 This will be the second time that Sailonline has run this race, designed by psail and bonknhoot, and featuring our very own AC72! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, which means you get multiple chances to try out this foiling monster. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/857/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #857 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_857.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>AC72<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/08/23/AC72POLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/857/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 16 August at 2300utc Lisboa TIMED Race 2015, racing with 265 boats. Aug. 7, 2015, 4 p.m. True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_857.xml 855 Beru to Bora Bora 2015 Most of us know very little about the islands of the Pacific and even less about how they came to be populated. The original migrations started from Indonesia and reached as far as Hawaii and beyond, so this race of 2219nm from Beru Island in Kiribati to Bora Bora in Tahiti, designed by SOLer Dingo represents a segment of a much larger migratory route. We will be sailing Seacart 30s - the modern equivalent of the original outriggers. <br> Race #855<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_855.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/855/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 20 August at 2300utc Beru to Bora Bora , racing with 221 boats. Aug. 4, 2015, 10 p.m. True 170.0 210.0 -25.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_855.xml 854 Canna to Eigg RTI Sprint 2015 Welcome back to Europe for a Round-The-Island(s) sprint around three of the Small Islands in Scotland's Inner Hebrides. <br> Race #854<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_854.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Platu 25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Platu_25POLAR.png"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/854/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 1500utc Canna to Eigg RTI SPRINT 2015, racing with 125 boats. Aug. 2, 2015, 8 a.m. True -7.0 -5.5 56.5 57.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_854.xml 843 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2015 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. So join SOL in the 2015 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race in VO60s. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br>Race #843<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_843.html">Chart</a>by brainaid.de <br>VO60 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2015/06/12/VO60.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/843/?version=classic">Classic </a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 4 August 2015 at 1300utc Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2015, racing with 165 boats. July 30, 2015, 1 a.m. True 150.0 160.0 -28.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_843.xml 841 Tall Ships Races 2015 - Kristiansand to Aalborg Welcome to the last of the four events in Sailonline's 2015 Tall Ships Series. This is the second of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 265nm from <b><a href="http://tsrkristiansand.no/" target="_blank"/>Kristiansand</a></b> in Norway to <b><a href="http://www.tsr15.dk/the-tall-ships-races-2015-en/" target="_blank"/>Aalborg</a></b> in Denmark <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #841 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_841.html" > Chart</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>90m Barque <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/841/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE:Wednesday, 5 August at 1500utc The Tall Ships Races 2015 - Race 2 - Kristiansand to Aalborg, racing with 187 boats. July 28, 2015, 3 p.m. True 2.0 12.0 56.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_841.xml 827 Aegean Rally 2015 - Race 2 After a brief interlude back in Athens, it is time for Leg 2 of this year's Aegean Rally - we pick up the challenge of the real boats in a race from Athens, round Agios Dimitrios Kythnos and Piperi Island to finish at Sounio <br>Race #827 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_827.html" >Chart</a> by brainaid.de </br> TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a><br> WX UPDATES: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> RANKING: Aegean Rally - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/827/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 29 July at 0800utc Aegean Rally 2015 - Race 2 , racing with 180 boats. July 25, 2015, 8 a.m. True 23.0 26.0 37.0 38.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_827.xml 842 Tall Ships Cruise 2015 - Aalesund to Kristiansand Welcome to the third of the four events in Sailonline's 2015 Tall Ships Series. This is a Cruise-in-Company for the real tall ships, but a 410nm race along the Norwegian Coast for Sailonline from <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsalesund.no/en/" target="_blank"/> Aalesund</a></b> to <b><a href="http://tsrkristiansand.no/" target="_blank"/>Kristiansand</a></b><br><i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #842 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_842.html" > Chart</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>90m Barque <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC - SYQ3 - SYCCH - SUPSOL <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/842/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 26 July at 1600utc The Tall Ships Races 2015 - Cruise in Company - Aalesund to Kristiansand, racing with 180 boats. July 19, 2015, 4 p.m. True 1.0 12.0 57.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_842.xml 852 Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2015 Welcome to the first RTI Sprint of Sailonline's 2015 Q3 calendar. We are back in N America for a race around Charlton Island in James Bay, Canada <br> Race #852<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_852.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Riptide 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Riptide50POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/852/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 20 July at 1700utc Charlton Island RTI Sprint 2015, racing with 85 boats. July 18, 2015, 5 p.m. True -80.0 -78.5 51.0 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_852.xml 826 Aegean Rally 2015 - Race 1 The Hellenic Offshore Racing Club welcomes SOLers to the start of the first of two races in the 52nd Aegean Rally. We have stiff competition in the real fleet as we race from Faliron Bay via Stavros and Parapola Islands to the finish at Vouliagmeni <br>Race #826 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_826.html" >Chart</a> by brainaid.de </br> TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a><br> WX UPDATES: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> RANKING: Aegean Rally - SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/826/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 21 July at 0800utc Aegean Rally 2015 - Race 1, racing with 153 boats. July 18, 2015, 8 a.m. True 23.0 26.0 36.5 38.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_826.xml 850 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2015 - Race 1 Welcome to the first race of this year's SSANZ Triple Series on the waters off Auckland, New Zealand. This is the NZ Spars and Rigging 60, and will see Sailonline competing directly with members of the Young 88 Association!<br> Race #850<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_850.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SSANZ 2015 -SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/850/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 13 July at 0910utc SSANZ Safety at Sea Two-Handed Triple Series 2015 - Race 1, racing with 111 boats. July 10, 2015, 9:10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_850.xml 840 Tall Ships Races 2015 - Belfast to Aalesund Welcome to the second of the four events in Sailonline's 2015 Tall Ships Series. This is the first of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a race of 598nm from <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsbelfast.com/" target="_blank"/>Belfast</a></b> in Northern Ireland to <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsalesund.no/en/" target="_blank"/>Aalesund</a></b> in Norway <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #840 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_840.html" > Chart</a> </b> by brainaid.de <br>90m Barque <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: Tall Ships - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/840/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 17 July at 0900utc The Tall Ships Races 2015 - Race 1 - Belfast to Aalesund, racing with 161 boats. July 6, 2015, 9 a.m. True -11.0 9.0 54.0 64.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_840.xml 847 Groote PYOC Sprint 2015 The 1st race of the Q3 Sprint race Championship is a 29nm PYOC race around the island of Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria, on Australia's northern coast<br> Race #847<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_847.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> 60 ft Trimaran <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ3 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/847/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 6 July at 2300utc Groote PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 94 boats. July 4, 2015, 11 p.m. True 136.0 137.5 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_847.xml 848 Tristan TIMED Race 2015 We take a 68nm tour of this remote outpost in the South Atlantic. The gales may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This is the second running of the <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/848/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #848<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_848.html">Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br> TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ3-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/848/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: 12 July at 2300utc Tristan TIMED Race 2015, racing with 242 boats. July 3, 2015, 4 p.m. True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_848.xml 849 Cape Town to Hobart 2015 The winds of the Southern Oceans and riding the circumpolar current is one of the toughest challenges ever to face ocean racers. Thanks to the realism of our navsim, this 5,440nm race from Cape Town, South Africa, to Hobart, Tasmania, will be a real test of wind navigation skill. Are you up to the challenge? <br> Race #849<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_849.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>IMOCA 60 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/IMOCA_60_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ3-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/849/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 24 July at 1000utc Cape Town to Hobart 2015, racing with 273 boats. July 1, 2015, 10 a.m. True -10.0 160.0 -70.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_849.xml 838 Shetland Race 2015 - Lerwick to Bergen Welcome back to Lerwick, capital of the Shetland Isles - almost a home from home for Sailonline. This time your Elan 410s needs to be readied for this year's return leg of the <a href="http://yb.tl/bergen2015?ignoreUA=true" target="_blank"/>Shetland Races</a> from Lerwick to Bergen, 186nm away. Let's see if we can beat the real boats to Norway! <br> Race #838<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_838.html"> Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br> Elan 410 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/838/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 3 July at 1000utc Shetland Race 2015 - Lerwick to Bergen, racing with 172 boats. June 28, 2015, 10 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_838.xml 844 Kieler Woche Race 2015 Its June and for SOLers it is time to race the 170nm of the classic Kiel Race Week course round the waters off Denmark and Germany. Your 11m ODs await!! <br>Race #844<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_844.html">Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> 11m OD <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ2 - SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/844/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 30 June at 0530utc Kieler Woche Race 2015, racing with 188 boats. June 25, 2015, 5:30 p.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_844.xml 845 Pico Island Sprint 2015 Our last sprint race of Q2 sees us return to the Azores for a 55nm lap of Pico Island in our Imoca 60s.<br> Race #845<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_845.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Imoca 60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/IMOCA_60_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/845/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 22 June at 0800utc Pico Island Sprint 2015, racing with 116 boats. June 20, 2015, 8 a.m. True -29.0 -27.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_845.xml 818 Brisbane to Noumea 2015 G'day and welcome to Brisbane for the start of our well known tropical waters race - 835nm across the Coral Sea from Brisbane to Noumea on our First 47.7 <br> Race #1505<br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1505.html"> INFO</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> First 47.7<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2021/06/11/First_47.7.pdf"> PARTICULARS </a></b> <br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SYC Sail Noumea 2015 Brisbane to Noumea Ocean Race, racing with 215 boats. June 20, 2015, 3 a.m. True 151.0 170.0 -29.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_818.xml 846 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 9 - Lorient to Gothenburg Welcome to the ninth and last leg of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in our 65 foot ocean racers! From Lorient, we sail the busy shipping lanes between France and the UK, along E coast of the North Sea at Den Haag, we race on to the welcome finish in Gothenburg. <br> Race #846<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_846.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/846/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 24 June at 2300utc SWR 2014-2015 - Leg 9 - Lorient to Gothenburg, racing with 393 boats. June 16, 2015, 3 p.m. True -10.0 13.0 45.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_846.xml 835 Bosphorus Reverse TIMED Race 2015 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE is the reverse course of the Championship race of last week so we are now racing back through the Bosphorus round a mark at the Black Sea entrance and back<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/835/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #835 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_835.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>F-18<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/835/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 21 June at 2300utc Bosphorus REVERSE Timed Race 2015, racing with 140 boats. June 14, 2015, 1 a.m. True 28.0 30.0 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_835.xml 837 Van Isle 360 2015 Welcome back to Vancouver and the 525nm delightful course designed by SOLer fastpassage39. This is a tricky race, combining tight channels and open water which our Farr 38s will love.<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13566/special-prize-associated-with-vanisle-ra/?page=1" target="_blank"/> PRIZE</a><br> Race #837<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_837.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br>Farr 38 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Farr_38_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/837/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 29 June at 1800utc VanIsle 360 2015, racing with 167 boats. June 13, 2015, 6 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_837.xml 824 Tall Ships Races 2015 - Klaipeda to Szczecin Welcome to Klaipeda, Lithuania, the first host port of this year's Baltic Tall Ships Regatta. From here, our 90m Barques will race a 249nm course to Szczecin in Poland<br> Race #824<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_824.html"> Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br>Barque 90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Barque_90m_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - 2015 Tall Ships <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/824/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 15 June at 1400utc 2015 Baltic Tall Ships Regatta, racing with 206 boats. June 8, 2015, 2 p.m. True 10.0 30.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_824.xml 836 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 8 - Lisbon to Lorient Welcome to the eighth of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail the short distance from Lisbon, Portugal, to Lorient, France.<br> Race #836<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_836.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/836/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 15 June at 1300utc SWR 2014-2015 - Leg 8 - Lisbon to Lorient, racing with 432 boats. June 7, 2015, 1 p.m. True -20.0 0.5 36.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_836.xml 839 Tanaga Kanaga PYOC Sprint 2015 For June’s 1st Sprint we’re headed back to Alaska for a 44nm Jaunt in our Soto40s.<br> Race #839<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_839.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Soto40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO40POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/839/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 June at 1600utc Tanaga Kanaga PYOC Sprint 2015, racing with 125 boats. June 6, 2015, 4 p.m. True -178.5 -176.5 51.25 52.25 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_839.xml 834 Bosphorus TIMED Race 2015 Welcome back to the Bosphorus - it is hard to believe that it is a year since we last raced through this narrow channel separating the Black Sea from the Mediterranean - the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of 33nm in TP52s, starting and finishing in the waters near Istanbul<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/834/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #834 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_834.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>TP52<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/834/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 13 June at 2300utc Bosphorus TIMED Race 2015, racing with 221 boats. June 5, 2015, 4 p.m. True 28.0 30.0 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_834.xml 833 Pb³ 2015 It's June and this means we are off to Estonia for this year's race along its coastline, where we will find plenty of glorious beaches for bbqs! This is the 5th running of the race designed by SOLer Tuule_Tallaja <br>Race #833 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_833.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/833/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 6 June at 0800utc Pb³ 2015, racing with 169 boats. June 2, 2015, 8 a.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_833.xml 832 Fremantle to Bali 2015 The course from Fremantle, Western Australia, to the Indonesian island of Bali, is a classic and considered to be a true test of seamanship. <br> Race #832<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_832.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Class 40<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/832/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday 1 June at 0500utc Freo 2 Bali 2015, racing with 185 boats. May 19, 2015, 5 a.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_832.xml 830 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 7 - Newport to Lisbon Welcome to the seventh of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! Almost a classic TransAt from Newport, RI, to Lisbon, Portugal<br> Race #830<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_830.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ2-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/830/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 3 June at 1100utc SWR 2014-2015 - Leg 7 - Newport to Lisbon, racing with 477 boats. May 17, 2015, 6 p.m. True -75.0 -4.0 22.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_830.xml 831 Sao Jorge Sprint 2015 This month’s second sprint sees us head to the Island of Sao Jorge for a 37nm PYOC race in SOTO 30s.<br> Race #831<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_831.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> SOTO30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/831/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 19 May at 0800utc Sao Jorge Sprint 2015, racing with 116 boats. May 17, 2015, 8 a.m. True -28.5 -27.5 38.0 39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_831.xml 825 Gibraltar Reverse TIMED Race 2015 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE is the reverse course of the Championship race of last week so we are racing back to Gibraltar from N Africa. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/825/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #825 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_825.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>F-18<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/825/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 24 May at 2300utc Gibraltar REVERSE Timed Race 2015, racing with 217 boats. May 17, 2015, 1 a.m. True -6.5 -4.5 35.5 36.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_825.xml 829 Cyclades Volcano Run 2015 The island of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santorini" target="_blank"/> Santorini</a> has captured the world's imagination since the 19th century, when evidence first revealed the existence of ancient civilisation there, destroyed by the last major eruption of its volcano some 3,500 years ago. Why not spend some time ashore checking the archaeological dig at Akrotiri before we start our race to Athens! <br>Race #829 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_829.html" >Chart</a> by brainaid.de </br> X-332 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/08/X332_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a><br> WX UPDATES: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/829/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 17 May at 2100utc Cyclades Volcano Run 2015, racing with 214 boats. May 13, 2015, noon True 22.0 27.0 36.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_829.xml 823 Gibraltar Straits TIMED Race 2015 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE is set at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea which is a gateway, not just in geography but also in history. There are many legends of the area from the likes of the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Goths, Vandals, and Moors. It is even the last known holdout of the Neanderthals. Our tour starts in the Atlantic and voyages between Africa and Europe and through to the Med. Dare you pass through the gates?<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/823/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #823 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_823.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>F-18<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/823/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 16 May at 2300utc Gibraltar TIMED Race 2015, racing with 408 boats. May 8, 2015, 4 p.m. True -6.5 -4.5 35.5 36.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_823.xml 821 South Atlantic Chase 2015 Welcome to the S Atlantic for a chase of 117nm in these cool and ever-changing waters!! <br /> Race #821<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_821.html">Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Santa Cruz 52 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br />Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ2 - SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/821/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 8 May at 0600utc South Atlantic Chase 2015, racing with 149 boats. May 5, 2015, 6 p.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_821.xml 822 Bay to Bay 2015 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait With slightly thicker than normal heads (thanks to the local fine rum and beer) we return to the Great Sandy Strait to continue our voyage to Urangan in our J80s.<br> Race #822<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_822.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br>J-80 <a href="httphttp://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/822/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 5 May at 1200utc Bay2Bay 2015 - Leg2, racing with 89 boats. May 2, 2015, 9:40 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_822.xml 819 Bay to Bay 2015 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait Join us on the clear sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait surrounded by the World Heritage listed Fraser Island. The overnight party at Garry's Anchorage will have fresh fish, prawns and crabs on the menu washed down with cold local beer and rum from the famous Bundaberg Rum Distillery a few miles up the coast.<br> Race #819<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_819.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br>J-80 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/819/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 4 May at 1200utc Bay2Bay 2015 - Leg 1, racing with 99 boats. May 2, 2015, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_819.xml 820 Alaska RTI Sprint 2015 The next round of Sprints sees us head to Alaska with a bit of Island hopping along a 90nm course in FG43s.<br> Race #820<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_820.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> FG43 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/FG_43_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/820/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 27 April at 0700utc Alaska Round the Islands Sprint 2015, racing with 111 boats. April 25, 2015, 10 p.m. True -176.5 -175.0 51.5 52.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_820.xml 809 Newport Beach to Ensenada 2015 SOLers are invited to race at the same time as the members of Newport Ocean Sailing Association (NOSA) start the 68th running of the classic Newport to Ensenada Race. Virtual sailors will be able to race against the yachts on the longer Tranpac Qualifiers course sailing via San Clemente Island<br>Race #809 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_809.html" >Chart</a> by brainaid.de </br> Santa Cruz 52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a><br> WX UPDATES: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/809/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 29 April at 0700utc Newport to Ensenada 2015, racing with 154 boats. April 24, 2015, 7 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 31.0 34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_809.xml 817 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 6 - Itajai to Newport Welcome to the sixth of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Itajaí to Newport crossing the equator for the last time this series.<br> Race #817<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_817.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ2-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/817/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 17 May at 1200utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 6 - Itajaí to Newport, racing with 502 boats. April 19, 2015, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -12.0 -30.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_817.xml 816 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2015 Another year and time for the 2015 running of the 30nm Jakob's birthday BBQ race from Sandhamn to Jakob's mooring in Stockholm's Archipelago. A splendid Sailonline-style bbq party awaits! SOL's home waters are always challenging so... the race is on in our X35s! Grattis pa fodelsedag 2015 Jakob!<br /> Race #816<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_816.html"> Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de<br /> X35 OD <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/X-35ODPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/816/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 21 April at 2300utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2015, racing with 120 boats. April 18, 2015, 11 a.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_816.xml 815 Hauraki Reverse TIMED Race 2015 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race lets us race the reversed course of last week's Championship event in New Zealand's Hauraki Gulf. Just a bit of fun, ranking not for any specific championship, this will increase our familiarity with the prevailing winds off Auckland.<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/815/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #815 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_815.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/815/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 19 April at 2300utc Hauraki Reverse TIMED Race 2015, racing with 266 boats. April 12, 2015, 1 a.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_815.xml 814 Hook Island Sprint 2015 The 1st race of the Q2 Sprint race Championship is a 64nm PYOC race amongst the Aussie Islands between Hook and St Bees in F18s.<br> Race #814<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_814.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ2 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/814/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 13 April at 1600utc Hook Island Sprint 2015, racing with 139 boats. April 11, 2015, 4 p.m. True 148.5 150.25 -21.25 -19.75 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_814.xml 813 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2015 Another running of TheHorn's excellent 1220nm race in TP52s around the Canary Islands. <br> Race #813<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_813.html"> Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/813/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 19 April at 1300utc Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2015, racing with 215 boats. April 9, 2015, 1 p.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_813.xml 812 Hauraki TIMED Race 2015 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race brings us back to the familiar waters off the shores of Auckland, New Zealand, where fickle and ever changing conditions provide a challenge to the best of us. This is a 35m course <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/812/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> </b></i>to race again after finishing a run <br> Race #812 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_812.html" > Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ2-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/812/?version=classic">Classic</a><br>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 11 April at 2300utc Hauraki TIMED Race 2015, racing with 379 boats. April 3, 2015, 4 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_812.xml 810 International Paints and PIC Insurance Brokers Auckland to Tauranga Race 2015 Thanks to SOLers NZL_yachtyakka and NZL_WairuaExpress, the annual New Zealand classic race from Auckland to Tauranga has become a well-established Autumn (S Hemisphere) tradition where we try to race them, and others, to the finish! <br /> Race #810<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_810.html">Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Young 11 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br />Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ2 - SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/810/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 6 April at 0900utc 2015 International Paints and PIC Insurance Brokers Auckland to Tauranga Race, racing with 178 boats. April 1, 2015, 9 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_810.xml 811 Simushir Sprint 2015 Our next sprint is another PYOC affair , this time in the W Pacific as we complete a 35nm trip in our Seacart30s. .<br> Race #811<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_811.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Seacart30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/811/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 31 March at 1000utc Simushir Sprint 2015, racing with 126 boats. March 29, 2015, 10 p.m. True 151.0 153.0 46.5 47.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_811.xml 806 Sydney to Mooloolaba 2015 Make a change from the southern waters of Australia and join the 468 NM migration north to the holiday, surfing and sailing centre of Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. <br> Race #806<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_806.html">Chart</a>by brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/806/?version=classic">Classic </a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 2000utc Sydney to Mooloolaba 2015, racing with 185 boats. March 27, 2015, 1 a.m. True 147.0 161.0 -35.0 -24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_806.xml 804 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 5 - Auckland to Itajai Welcome to the fifth of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Auckland to Itajaí rounding Cape Horn, a leg you can't miss in a round the world race.<br> Race #804<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_804.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCQ1-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/804/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 9 April at 2300utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 5 - Auckland to Itajaí, racing with 599 boats. March 17, 2015, 8 p.m. True 172.0 335.0 -70.0 -20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_804.xml 808 Antwerp to Belfast 2015 A classic SOL race, first run in January 2009, this passage from Antwerpen to Belfast gives you the option of passing the British Isles to port or to starboard in our First 47.7s. 412nm as the crow flies! <br> Race #808<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_808.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>First 47.7<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_477_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/808/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 25 March at 1400utc Antwerp to Belfast 2015, racing with 189 boats. March 17, 2015, 2 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_808.xml 805 Paros to Naxos Sprint 2015 This month’s first sprint race sees us head back to the Greek Isles as we complete a 30nm PYOC to Naxos Island in Platu25s. .<br> Race #805<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_805.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Platu25 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Platu_25POLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/805/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 15 March at 2000utc Paros to Naxos Sprint 2015, racing with 167 boats. March 14, 2015, 8 a.m. True 24.5 26.0 36.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_805.xml 807 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2015 Let´s have a real winter Race! From Sweden to Russia in few moments! Board your VO70´s and get ready for cold water, submarines and crazy drivers as you arrive to St. Petersburg. Race #807 </br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_807.html" >Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de </br> VOv4 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a></br> WX UPDATES: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230</br> RANKING: SYC</br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/807/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 13 March at 0800utc Stockholm to St Petersburg 2015, racing with 251 boats. March 10, 2015, 8 a.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_807.xml 802 Iceland TIMED Race 2015 Welcome to a fast-paced <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in Orange Cats off Iceland - 150nm for you to race as often as you like over the coming weeks - volcano watching optional!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/802/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #802 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_802.html" > Chart </a>by brainaid.de<br>Orange Cat <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/796/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 22 March at 2300utc Iceland TIMED Race 2015, racing with 651 boats. March 6, 2015, 10 p.m. True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_802.xml 801 Virtual Cruise 2015 - San Sebastian to La Rochelle A group of Polish virtual sailors are sailing round Europe and invite SOL to join them on their Delphia 47 for a 171nm race across the Bay of Biscay, from San Sebastian to Brest. <br> Race #801 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_801.html" > Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br>Delphia 47 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Delphia47POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/801/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 10 March at 1900utc Virtual Cruise 2015 - San Sebastian-La Rochelle, racing with 259 boats. March 6, 2015, 7 p.m. True -9.0 1.0 42.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_801.xml 777 Pedro Blanco Race 2015 A zigzag race out to a rock outcrop some 55 n.m. ENE of Hong Kong during the monsoon and hopefully giving us some challenging winds. <br> Race #777<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_777.html"> Chart</a></b>by brainaid.de for info. <br> Farr 38<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Farr_38_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/777/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, March 4 at 1800utc Pedro Blanco Race 2015, racing with 158 boats. Feb. 27, 2015, noon True 113.0 116.0 21.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_777.xml 803 Carcass to Beaver PYOC 2015 This month’s second sprint race see us head back to the Falklands as we complete a 55nm POYC to Beaver Island in IMOCA60s. .<br> Race #803<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_803.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> IMOCA60 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/IMOCA_60_INFO.pdf"> INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/803/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 24 February at 1700utc Carcass to Beaver Sprint 2015, racing with 150 boats. Feb. 22, 2015, 4 p.m. True -63.0 -59.0 -53.0 -50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_803.xml 794 Pacific NW Inshore 2015 A 137nm race from Seattle to Vancouver, BC past the historic Port Townsend, home of the famous wooden boat festival. Then on past Whale Watch park where there is usually a pod of orca whales. We continue on around and through the beautiful San Juan Islands and then up into the Strait of Georgia arriving in Vancouver, BC. <br> Race #794<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_794.html">Chart </a> by brainaid.de <br>Young 88 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/794/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 21 February at 2100utc Pacific NW Inshore Race - WX Test 2, racing with 130 boats. Feb. 18, 2015, 6 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 47.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_794.xml 800 Boston to Newport 2015 - Hires WX Test 1 Sailonline is delighted to invite racers to take part in its first ever test race of the new weather forecast model (WRF). An in-depth description of the new model can be found <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/13266/the-weather-research-forecasting-model/?page=1" target="_blank"/>here</a>. Our course is the classic run from Boston to Newport and for this first test we are racing X35ODs which will help us explore the fine details of this new weather model<br> Race #800<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_800.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>X35<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/X-35ODPOLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: NONE <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/800/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 16 February at 1500utc Boston-Newport HI-RES WX TEST 1, racing with 221 boats. Feb. 14, 2015, 6 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_800.xml 798 New Hebrides Slalom 2015 Cast off your VO70_v4 to race the 578nm from New Caledonia to Vanuatu.This is one of SOL's most exotic races - but you must resist the temptation to stay on these islands forever <br> Race #798<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_798.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>VO70v4<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/798/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday. 16 February at 1800utc New Hebrides Slalom 2015, racing with 147 boats. Feb. 10, 2015, 11 p.m. True 162.0 172.0 -24.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_798.xml 797 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 4 - Sanya to Auckland Welcome to the fourth of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Sanya, China, to Auckland, New Zealand<br> Race #797<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_797.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ1-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/797/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><i><b>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 11 March at 2300utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 4 - Sanya to Auckland, racing with 604 boats. Feb. 8, 2015, 6 a.m. True 104.0 206.0 -43.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_797.xml 799 Amorgos Island Sprint 2015 This month’s first sprint race see us head to the Eastern Mediterranean as we complete a 40nm lap of Amorgos Island in our rarely used Scampis. .<br> Race #799 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_799.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> Scampi <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/ScampiPOLAR.png"> POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/799/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 9 February at 2200utc Amorgos island Sprint 2015, racing with 167 boats. Feb. 7, 2015, 8 a.m. True 25.5 26.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_799.xml 796 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2015 This is a 20nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in Class 40s over a traditional course on the waters of Huelva, SW Spain <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/796/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #796 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_796.html" > Chart </a>by brainaid.de<br>Class 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/796/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 22 February at 2300utc Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2015, racing with 429 boats. Feb. 6, 2015, 2 p.m. True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_796.xml 786 Lake Winnebago Race 2015 Welcome to 151st race of the Neenah-Nodaway YC. This is a 50nm race over near-frozen waters of Lake Winnebago. Starting at Neenah on the Northwest corner of the lake, we proceed anticlockwise along the shore, passing the harbors of Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Pipe and High Cliff before returning to Neenah. <br> Race #786<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_786.html">Chart</a>by brainaid.de <br>J-80 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/786/?version=classic">Classic </a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 2 February at 2200utc Lake Winnebago NNYC Race 2015, racing with 245 boats. Jan. 31, 2015, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_786.xml 795 Volcano 8 Sprint 2015 The second round of the 2015 Sprint Championship sees us take a trip to the volcanoes of Japan as we complete a 60nm figure of 8 in 90ft Monohulls<br> Race #795<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_795.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> 90ft monohull <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/795/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 27 January at 1000utc Volcano 8 Sprint 2015, racing with 138 boats. Jan. 25, 2015, 10 p.m. True 153.0 155.0 48.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_795.xml 789 Race to Up Helly Aa 2015 A-OI!!! Its nearly time for the 2015 Fire Festival in Lerwick, Shetland Isles, and SOL's fleet of Elan 410s needs to get under way to join in with this year's Up Helly Aa on Tuesday 27 January! Starting from Aberdeen its only a 378nm trip round the Isles. NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart<br> Race #789 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_789.html" > Chart</a> from brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/789/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 29 January at 2000utc Race to Up Helly Aa 2015, racing with 209 boats. Jan. 25, 2015, 10 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_789.xml 793 Bimini Beach Run 2015 Racing luxury catamarans, GB90s, in the Caribbean has to be one of SOL's great joys! Join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this sailing paradise. <br> Race #793<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_793.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>GB90<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/793/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 19 January at 1500utc Bimini Beach Run 2015, racing with 176 boats. Jan. 16, 2015, 3 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_793.xml 790 Boston to Newport Race 2015 Welcome to Boston and a SOL classic course first raced in May 2009. Start in Boston, leave Cape Cod to starboard and race to the finish line in Newport. 130nm in J30s<br> Race #790<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_790.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>J30<b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH - SUPSOL - SYQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/790/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 14 January at 1800utc Boston to Newport Race 2015, racing with 164 boats. Jan. 12, 2015, 6 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_790.xml 791 Bleaker Island RTI Sprint 2015 The first round of the 2015 Sprint Championship see us pay a summer visit to the Falklands with a 22nm lap of Bleaker Island in J30s. .<br> Race #791<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_791.html"> Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br> J30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SUPSOL - SRQ1 - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/791/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 12 January at 1700utc Around Bleaker Island Sprint 2015, racing with 130 boats. Jan. 10, 2015, 4 p.m. True -59.25 -58.3 -52.5 -52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_791.xml 792 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2015 Race your VO70v4 in a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in the Southern Ocean, along the French owned Kerguelen archipelago - named The Desolation Islands by Captain Cook in 1776 <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/792/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run<br>Race #792 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_792.html" > Chart</a> </b>by brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/792/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday 25 January at 2300utc Kerguelan CanCan TIMED Race 2015, racing with 571 boats. Jan. 9, 2015, 11 a.m. True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_792.xml 788 Kerguelen CanCan Fleet Race 2015 Race your VO70v4 in a 105nm <a style="text-decoration: line-through;" href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a> FLEET race in the Southern Ocean, along the French owned Kerguelen archipelago - named The Desolation Islands by Captain Cook in 1776 <br> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;"><i> <a href="#" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run</span><br>Race #788 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_788.html" > Chart</a> </b>by brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">RANKING: TRCH-SUPSOL-TRQ1-SYC</span><br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/788/?version=classic">Classic</a>>br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, January 9 at 1800utc Kerguelan CanCan FLEET Race 2015, racing with 50 boats. Jan. 9, 2015, 6 a.m. True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_788.xml 787 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 3 - Abu Dhabi to Sanya Welcome to the third of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Abu Dhabi to Sanya, a leg with many obstacles and varying winds. Without a doubt one of the toughest courses to sail.<br> Race #787<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_787.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v3 <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/30/OD65v3POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SUPSOL-OCQ1-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/787/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 2 February at 1700utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 3 - Abu Dhabi to Sanya, racing with 617 boats. Jan. 3, 2015, 5 p.m. True 53.0 120.0 -15.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_787.xml 785 Tasman Double 2014 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year SOLers! The first race of 2015 is where we ferry our 90ft monohulls back from Tasmania to Sydney - 625nm in 90ft monohulls. <br> Race #785<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_785.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>90ft monohull<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TASD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/785/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 5 January at 2400utc Tasman Double 2015 - Race 2, racing with 249 boats. Jan. 1, 2015, midnight True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_785.xml 782 ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2014 This 198nm race across Bass Strait for the "Rudder Cup" is organised by the ORCV and is Australia's oldest ocean race and the 5th oldest organised ocean race in the world. <br> Race #782<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_782.html">Chart </a> by brainaid.de <br>First 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/12/19/First40.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/782/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 30 December at 1330utc ORCV Melbourne to Devonport Race 2014, racing with 244 boats. Dec. 27, 2014, 1:30 a.m. True 143.0 149.0 -42.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_782.xml 781 Tasman Double 2014 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your 90ft monohull in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #781<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_781.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br>90ft monohull<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC - TASD <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/781/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 30 December at 1300utc Tasman Double 2015 Race 1, racing with 281 boats. Dec. 26, 2014, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_781.xml 784 Christmas to Christmas Island 2014 Hands up everyone who knew there were TWO Christmas Islands?! OK, maybe you have sailed this Sailonline course before... but it's time to get ready for the 2014 challenge of racing the 5,837nm between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean! <br> Race #784 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_784.html">Chart </a></b>by brainaid.de<br>90ft Monohull <b><a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/784/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 25 January 2015 at 1900utc Christmas to Christmas 2014, racing with 319 boats. Dec. 24, 2014, 7 p.m. True 100.0 205.0 -30.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_784.xml 780 St Nicholas Island PYOC Dash 2014 December’s second sprint takes on a festive feel with a 85nm dash to San Nicolas Island in Class40s. .<br> Race #780<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_780.html"> Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br>Class40 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf">INFO </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/780/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, December 22 at 1600utc St Nicholas Island Dash 2014, racing with 159 boats. Dec. 21, 2014, 4 p.m. True -125.0 -117.0 32.0 36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_780.xml 779 Fehmarn RTI Sprint 2014 December’s first sprint race sees us complete a 32nm lap of Fehmarn Island off the coast of Germany in X35 ODs. .<br> Race #779<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_779.html"> Chart</a> by brainaid.de<br>X35 OD <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/X-35ODPOLAR.png">POLAR </a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/779/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, December 21 at 2000utc Fehmarn Circuit 2014, racing with 152 boats. Dec. 20, 2014, 8 a.m. True 10.0 12.5 54.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_779.xml 783 Lake Superior Lights 2014 Welcome to Lake Superior for the annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race showcases the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills. <br> Race #783<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_783.html">Chart</a></b> by brainaid.de <br> J-30<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/783/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 24 December at 1000utc Lake Superior Lights 2014, racing with 237 boats. Dec. 17, 2014, 10 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_783.xml 732 Volcano Tour TIMED Race 2014 Let's take a tour around some spectacular volcanoes in this remote part of Russia. They often steam and spew ash, but who is there to watch nature's show? This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman of 66nm which we will sail in our 125ft Orange catamarans. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/732/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #732 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_732.html" > Chart</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>125ft Orange catamaran <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/07/26/Orange_Cat_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/732/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> December 16 at 1200utc <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> December 16 at 2400utc Volcano Tour TIMED Race, racing with 369 boats. Dec. 10, 2014, midnight True 153.0 158.0 50.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_732.xml 778 Cowes to St Malo 2014 Brits are often known for travelling to France in search of the grape – so let us make the 175nm journey to St Malo to stock up our cellars in ourJ80s.<br>Race #778<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_778.html">Course Details</a> by brainaid.de<br>J80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_80_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/778/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, December 10 at 12000utc Cowes to St Malo 2014, racing with 185 boats. Dec. 6, 2014, 9 a.m. True -10.0 3.0 47.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_778.xml 776 Black Gold Rush 2014 Run the Gulf - 650nm in 125ft Orange catamarans from Kuwait, via Bahrain and Abu Dhabi to finish offshore Dubai in a 2012 design from SOLer TheHorn! <br> Race #776<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_776.html"> Chart</a></b>by brainaid.de for info. <br>125ft Catamaran<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/07/26/Orange_Cat_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/776/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, December 8 at 0700utc Black Gold Rush 2014, racing with 193 boats. Dec. 3, 2014, 7 a.m. True 47.0 56.0 23.5 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_776.xml 771 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2014 A <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> version of the classic 32nm Dutch race. The SOL record time to beat, held by Ned_Leo, is 1h 56m 39s!<br /><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/771/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #771<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_771.html">Chart</a> from brainaid.de<br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/771/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: December 3 at 1000utc<br>RACE CLOSE: December 3 at 1300utc Rond Texel 2014 TIMED, racing with 339 boats. Nov. 26, 2014, 1 p.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_771.xml 775 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2014 In 2013 SOLer JakeS in collaboration with Smo created our own version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race. Considered a "nightmare and great adventure" this race of 415nm in F18s through the beautiful Finnish and Swedish archipelago is a real test of stamina and determination. Let's see who has what it takes to win here<br> Race #775<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_775.html"> Chart</a></b> from brainaid.de <br> F18<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/F18POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/775/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 7 December at 0800utc Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2014, racing with 195 boats. Nov. 24, 2014, 6 p.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_775.xml 774 Yates Cup 2014 Join <b><a href="http://rayc.co.nz/" target="_blank"/>RAYC </a></b>and the Sailonline fleet for this race out of Auckland and the Hauraki Gulf and pit your skills against the the irl Beneteau First 44.7 "Atamai" from the Richmond Yacht Club. <br> Race #774<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_774.html"> Chart </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Beneteau First 44.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/First_447_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/774/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 24 November at 2100utc Yates Cup 2014, racing with 193 boats. Nov. 20, 2014, 9:05 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -37.0 -34.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_774.xml 770 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 2 - Cape Town to Abu Dhabi Welcome to the second of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Capetown to Abu Dhabi, a journey of over 5000nm across the indian ocean.<br> Race #770<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_770.html"> Chart </a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65v2 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/11/14/OD65v2_POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/770/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, December 23 at 2300utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 2 - Cape Town to Abu Dhabi, racing with 692 boats. Nov. 19, 2014, noon True 12.0 90.0 -53.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_770.xml 768 Gasparilla Raid 2014 Follow in the steps of Jose Gaspar, the legendary Floridian Pirate, in a 90ft monohull - raid the treasure ship, evade capture by running to Isla Perez and then head for home - a total of 1106nm. <br> Race #768<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_768.html"> Chart</a></b>by brainaid.de for info. <br> 90ft Monohull<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/90ft_Monohull_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/768/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 19 November at 1500utc Gasparilla Raid 2014, racing with 245 boats. Nov. 12, 2014, 3 p.m. True -92.0 -79.0 21.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_768.xml 769 Orno Runt TIMED Race 2014 The Round Orno race is a SOL classic sprint of 21nm. Last raced in January 2014 when the best winning time was 1h 29m 45s (in Seacarts) - let's see how well we do this time! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/769/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></b></i> to race again after finishing a run</b><br>Race #769<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_769.html">Chart</a> by brainaid.de for info<br>J30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/769/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: November 18 at 0700utc<br>RACE CLOSE: November 18 at 1300utc Round Orno TIMED Race 2014, racing with 410 boats. Nov. 12, 2014, 1 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_769.xml 773 Mellum to Trischen PYOC 2014 This next instalment of the sprint race series sees us paying an all too rare visit to the German coast for a 30nm Pick Your Own Course race in Beneteau Figaros. .<br> Race #773<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_773.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Beneteau Figaro<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Beneteau_Figaro_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/773/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, November 11 at 1600utc Mellum to Trischen PYOC 2014, racing with 153 boats. Nov. 9, 2014, 4 p.m. True 7.0 9.0 53.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_773.xml 772 Avalon 8 2014 The first of this month’s editions of the Sprint Race Championship sees us tackle a 110nm figure of 8 course off the American West Coast in our Riptide 50s. .<br> Race #772<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_772.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Riptide 50 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Riptide50POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/772/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, November 10 at 2300utc Avalon 8 2014, racing with 140 boats. Nov. 8, 2014, 11 p.m. True -120.0 -116.0 32.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_772.xml 765 Southern Ocean Dash 2014 Blow off the cobwebs and leave civilisation behind as we have a blast in the roaring forties, furious fifties and screaming sixties of the Southern Ocean. We tour some of the remotest islands in the world as we race past in our fastest boat. The 6000nm race will be a true test of blue water navigation skills. <br> Race #765<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_765.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>60ft trimaran <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/765/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 18 November at 1700utc Southern Oceans Dash 2014, racing with 307 boats. Nov. 2, 2014, 5 p.m. True -2.0 170.0 -66.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_765.xml 766 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2014 This round of the SYC Championship series revives the old 3CR race which sees our Mini 6.5s experience some challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Irish Sea before finishing in Normandy in 975nm later. <br> Race #766<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_766.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Mini 6.5 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Mini_650_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/766/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, November 11 at 1800utc 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2014, racing with 168 boats. Nov. 1, 2014, 6 p.m. True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_766.xml 763 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2014 November 1 is the birthday of SOLer Mistli and it has become a SOL tradition around this time for SOLers and their Seacarts to race a short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #763<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_763.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/763/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday November 2 at 2000utc Mistli's BBQ Race 2014, racing with 122 boats. Nov. 1, 2014, 8 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_763.xml 767 ORCV Melbourne to Portland Race 2014 - alternative course Due to extreme wx conditions in the Bass Strait, ORCV has announced that the Alternate Course will now be sailed. This alternate course is a 100nm course from Queenscliff, to and from Apollo Bay to finish at HMAS Canberra. <br> Race #767<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_767.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 v2 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_407_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/767/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, November 2 at 1500utc ORCV Melbourne to Portland Race 2014 ALTERNATE COURSE, racing with 183 boats. Oct. 31, 2014, 3 p.m. True 143.0 145.5 -40.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_767.xml 762 ORCV Melbourne to Portland Race 2014 ORCV welcomes SOLers and their First 40.7 v2s to the 2014 running of its Melbourne to Portland Yacht Race. A 163nm race in the challenging waters of Bass Strait along the southwest coast of Victoria. This is the opening race of the local offshore racing season and is a qualifying race for the East and Westcoasters run by the ORCV and the classic Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #762<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_762.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 v2 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_407_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/762/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="red"><b><i>CLOSING</b></i></font> on October 30 at 2330utc Practice sailing. Race starts 31/10-14.59UTC. Currently 124 boats registered. Oct. 31, 2014, 2:59 p.m. True 140.0 146.0 -40.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_762.xml 764 Aleutian Cruise TIMED Race 2014 The weather may be turning chilly but we can dodge the ice on this <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race through the Aleutian Islands created by SRC Member NZL_Scotsman - 30nm in Seacarts! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/764/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #764<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_764.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br />Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC-TRCH<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/764/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><i><b>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> 5 November at 0500utc<br><i><b>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 5 November at 1700utc Aleutian Cruise TIMED Race 2014, racing with 412 boats. Oct. 29, 2014, 5 p.m. True -167.0 -165.0 53.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_764.xml 761 Corsica PYOC Sprint 2014 October’s second sprint race is a 80nm Pick Your Own Course race off the coast of corsica in TP52s .<br> Race #761<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_761.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/761/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, October 28 at 2000utc Corsica PYOC Sprint 2014, racing with 139 boats. Oct. 26, 2014, 8 a.m. True 8.0 13.0 41.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_761.xml 759 Masirah RTI Sprint 2014 October’s first sprint race sees us complete a 80nm lap Masirah Island off the coast of Oman in First 47.7s. .<br> Race #759<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_759.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>First 47/7 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/First_447_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/759/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, October 28 at 1100utc Masirah Circuit, racing with 109 boats. Oct. 25, 2014, 11 p.m. True 57.0 61.0 19.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_759.xml 760 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2014 Welcome again to New Zealand and to this year's classic coast race from Auckland to Russell. This 115nm race up the east coast of North Island is an icon of New Zealand yachting and usually offers interesting wx conditions while welcome bacon butties and rum await all yachties and mermaids at the finish <br> Race #760<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_760.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Dufour 34 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Dufour_34_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/760/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 26 October at 2000utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2014, racing with 182 boats. Oct. 23, 2014, 8 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_760.xml 740 North West Passage Choices 2014 Each year, more and more sailors are trying to sail the Northwest Passage. See <a href="http://northwestpassage2014.blogspot.com/2014/08/yachts-continue-to-exit-arctic.html"/>this link for 2014</a> so let's see which SOLer picks the best route in their Finngulf 43. <br> Race #740<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_740.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Finngulf 43<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/FG_43_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/740/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 31 October at 1000utc North West Passage Choices, racing with 237 boats. Oct. 19, 2014, 10 p.m. True -140.0 -50.0 58.0 77.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_740.xml 748 Audi Hong Kong to Hainan Race 2014 Welcome to the 2014 running of the well-established Audi Hong Kong to Hainan Race - a classic biennial Offshore Category One race of a 360nm downwind passage from Hong Kong to Sanya, on the island of Hainan in southern China. <br> Race #748 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_748.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/748/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, October 20 at 0520utc Audi Hong Kong to Hainan Race 2014, racing with 179 boats. Oct. 16, 2014, 5:20 a.m. True 107.0 120.0 12.0 27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_748.xml 753 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2014 A <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race proposed by SOLer Tarco around "his" island of Belle Ile off the NW Coast of France - 45nm in Minis! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/753/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #753<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_753.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br />Mini 650 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Mini650POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC-TRCH<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/753/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><i><b>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> 22 October at 0000utc<br><i><b>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 22 October at 1200utc Tour de Belle Ile TIMED, racing with 232 boats. Oct. 15, 2014, noon True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_753.xml 752 Valletta Sprint 2014 To race around some of the Mediterranean's most beautiful islands is a truly classic experience. Sailing Swan 36s, SOLers will experience the best of Med racing in this 588nm course!<br> Race #752<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_752.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Swan 36 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Swan36POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/752/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 21 October at 0900utc Valletta Sprint 2014, racing with 165 boats. Oct. 12, 2014, 9 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_752.xml 756 SWR 2014/15 - Leg 1 - Alicante to Cape Town Welcome to the first of nine legs of the 2014-2015 Sailonline World Race in a new 65 foot ocean racer! We sail from Alicante to Capetown, a journey of over 5000nm, crossing the equator.<br> Race #756<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_756.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>OD65 <b><a href="http://admin.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/10/08/OD65_POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SWR1415-OCCH-SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/756/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="limegreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 16 November at 1200utc SWR2014-2015 Leg 1 - Alicante to Cape Town, racing with 669 boats. Oct. 11, 2014, noon True -51.0 24.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_756.xml 758 Audi Hong Kong Kettle 2014 Welcome to RHKYC's first ever Hong Kong Kettle race. We start our Class 40s in iconic Victoria Harbour for a 30nm course around the islands of Hong Kong, finishing at Round Island on the southern shore of Hong Kong Island itself<br> Race #758<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_758.html"> NOR </a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Class 40<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Class_40_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/758/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, October 11 at 1400utc Audi Hong Kong Kettle 2014, racing with 152 boats. Oct. 9, 2014, 2 a.m. True 113.0 115.0 21.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_758.xml 750 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2014 This SOL Super Maxi 100 race replicates the 4000nm epic journey from Alaska to Mexico made once a year by the Gray Whale, one of the world's greatest navigators. <br> Race #750 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_750.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Supermaxi 100 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/750/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, October 19 at 2000utc Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2014, racing with 261 boats. Oct. 1, 2014, 8 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_750.xml 757 Buenos Aires to Rio 2014 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to SOLer zero's Class 40 BA_Rio Race 2014. This is the replica of a classic triennial race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. First run in 1947, the next running is in February 2015. <br>Race #757<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_757.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br>Class 40<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" ><b>POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/757/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, October 11 at 0600utc BA-Rio 2014, racing with 193 boats. Oct. 1, 2014, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_757.xml 754 Atlantic Circle TIMED Race 2014 A circular course designed to test the mettle of all who dare to race it - 44nm in GB90s! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/754/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #754<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_754.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> GB90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/754/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: October 8 at 1200utc<br>RACE CLOSE: October 8 at 2300utc<br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Atlantic Circle TIMED Race 2014, racing with 327 boats. Oct. 1, 2014, noon True -22.0 -18.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_754.xml 739 Lisboa TIMED Race 2014 In this race, designed by psail and bonknhoot, we will have our first chance to race an AC72. Since this is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race, you get multiple chances to try out this foiling monster. The race will add to the excitement with some markroundings close to shore.<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/739/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br> Race #739<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_739.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>AC72 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/08/23/AC72POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/739/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Saturday, 4th October at 0300utc</b></i> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 4th October at 1500utc</b></i><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Lisboa TIMED race, racing with 319 boats. Sept. 27, 2014, 3 p.m. True -10.0 -8.5 38.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_739.xml 743 Fremantle to Bali 2014 SOL again revisits one of Australia's iconic races, the <a href="http://fremantlebali.com.au/" target="_blank"/>Freo2Bali</a> is considered to be a true test of seamanship. SOLers are challenged to beat the current record of 5 days 23hrs 30mins in their Swan 36s! <br> Race #743<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_743.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>Swan 36<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Swan36POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/743/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br>STATUS: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, October 7 at 0600utc Fremantle to Bali 2014, racing with 261 boats. Sept. 23, 2014, 6 a.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_743.xml 742 Cosmoledo to Astove 2014 Sailonline invites you to a short 32NM blast between the Cosmoledos Group and Astove in our J30s. .<br> Race #742<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_742.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>J30 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/J_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/742/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, September 22 at 0700utc Cosmoledo to Astove 2014, racing with 113 boats. Sept. 20, 2014, 7 a.m. True 44.0 52.0 -12.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_742.xml 746 Carib Rum Run 2014 Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Combine the two with Open 60s and you have SOL's annual Pirate prize race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting rum to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. You can even race in disguise (become an SYC Member and change your boat name for this race only)! <br> Race #746<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_746.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Open 60 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Open_60_2010_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/746/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, September 28 at 1600utc Carib Rum Run 2014, racing with 244 boats. Sept. 17, 2014, 4 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_746.xml 747 Hormuz TIMED Race 2014 The strait is one of the busiest and most important sea lanes in the world. Modern merchant navies do not need favourable winds anymore, but picking a good breeze will be essential in this 38nm time trial. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/747/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #747<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_747.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> GB90 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/GB_90_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/747/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</i>Tuesday, September 23 at 2100utc<br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i>Wednesday, September 24 at 0900utc Hormuz TIMED Race 2014, racing with 285 boats. Sept. 17, 2014, 9 a.m. True 55.0 58.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_747.xml 741 Tiree to Cairn of Coli Sprint 2014 This next instalment of the sprint race series sees us flying along the 23NM from Tiree to the Cairn of Coli in a Pick Your Own Course race in 11m ODs. .<br> Race #741<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_741.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>11m OD <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/741/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, September 16 at 0800utc Tiree to Cairn of Coli Sprint 2014, racing with 115 boats. Sept. 14, 2014, 11 a.m. True -8.0 -5.5 55.5 57.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_741.xml 725 American Samoa RTI 2014 The first of this months editions of the Sprint Race Championship sees us tackle a 41nm lap of American Samoa in our F18s. .<br> Race #725<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_725.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>F18 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH - SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/725/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, September 15 at 1200utc Around American Samoa 2014, racing with 110 boats. Sept. 13, 2014, 6 a.m. True -172.0 -169.0 -15.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_725.xml 737 Okinawa to Tokai 2014 This time of year sees some good winds in the far west Pacific Ocean. For a change of scenery, join us in a race through the Japanese islands to the mainland.<br> Race #737<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_737.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/737/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, September 19 at 1300utc Okinawa to Tokai 2014, racing with 178 boats. Sept. 10, 2014, 1 a.m. True 123.0 147.0 24.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_737.xml 736 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2014 - Evolution Sails 100 Welcome to the SSANZ Evolution Sails 100, Race 3 of three races making up this year's trio of two-handed races in the SSANZ Safety at Sea series in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf.<br /> Race #736<br /><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_736.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br /> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SSANZ Trio-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/736/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, September 8 at 0900utc Safety at Sea Triple Series 2014 Evolution Sails 100, racing with 147 boats. Sept. 5, 2014, 9 p.m. True 173.0 179.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_736.xml 738 Tristan TIMED Race 2014 We take a 68nm tour of this remote outpost in the South Atlantic. The gales may come and go but the sea is everlasting. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/738/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i><br>Race #738<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_738.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: TRCH-SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/738/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: September 9 at 0500utc<br>RACE CLOSE: September 9 at 1700utc Tristan TIMED Race 2014, racing with 239 boats. Sept. 3, 2014, 5 p.m. True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_738.xml 730 RTW 2014 - Leg 6 - Fort Lauderdale to Southampton Welcome to the sixth and final leg of Sailonline's race replicating the record round-the-world race of yacht Steinlager between 1989 and 1990 - this Leg is from Fort Lauderdale, USA to Southampton, England - 3,797nm<br> Race #730 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_730.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC-OCCH-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/730/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, September 27 at 0600utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 6 - Fort Lauderdale - Southampton, racing with 332 boats. Sept. 1, 2014, 6 p.m. True -85.0 0.5 15.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_730.xml 731 Tall Ships Races 2014 - Falmouth to Royal Greenwich Welcome to the fourth and final race of Sailonline's 2014 Tall Ships series. You will be sailing in the wakes of history as you race your Barque 90 the 286nm from <b><a href="http://www.falmouthtallships.co.uk/" target="_blank"/>Falmouth</a></b> in Cornwall to <b><a href="http://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/tallships/info/5/regatta" target="_blank"/>Greenwich</a></b> near London <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #731 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_731.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Barque 90m <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Barque_90m_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TALLS-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/731/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 11 September at 1500utc Falmouth Royal Greenwich Tall Ships Regatta 2014, racing with 212 boats. Aug. 31, 2014, 3 p.m. True -6.0 3.0 48.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_731.xml 729 The CLOSED DUE TO ERROR Vineyard Race 2014 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to its 80th running of The Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the real fleet in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #729<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_729.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/729/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> Practice sailing. Race starts 29/08-16.00UTC. Currently 7 boats registered. Aug. 29, 2014, 4 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_729.xml 735 The Vineyard Race 2014 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes Sailonline to its 80th running of The Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the real fleet in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #735<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_735.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> Santa Cruz 52<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SantaCruz52POLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/735/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, September 2 at 1600utc The Vineyard Race 2014, racing with 236 boats. Aug. 29, 2014, 4 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_735.xml 728 Super Mac Race 2014 - Chicago to Port Huron In reality the Super Mac is a 530 NM race held every 10 years and last run in 2009. It starts with the annual Chicago to Mackinac race fleet and just continues down Lake Huron to Port Huron. This leaves the competitors in position to start the annual Port Huron to Mackinac Race a couple of weeks' later. Spanning the Great Lakes of Michigan and Huron, this is one of the most challenging fresh water races in the world, so launch your trusty First 40.7 and lets get racing!<br> Race #728<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_728.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> First 40.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_407_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/728/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, August 29 at 1500utc Super Mac Race, racing with 205 boats. Aug. 21, 2014, 3 p.m. True -90.0 -79.0 41.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_728.xml 726 Seoul to Seoul TIMED Race 2014 We may not dare to sail here IRL but in our virtual world we can explore the sea in Korea. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race designed by NZL_Scotsman of 70nm which we will sail in our 125ft Orange catamarans. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/726/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #726 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_726.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>125ft Orange catamaran <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/07/26/Orange_Cat_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/726/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 27 August at 0600utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 27 August at 1800utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Seoul to Seoul 2014, racing with 232 boats. Aug. 20, 2014, 6 p.m. True 125.0 127.0 37.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_726.xml 724 Macias Nguema 2014 This weekend SOL invites you to get from one side of Macias Nguema to the other? Not sure where this island paradise is? Use the fleet overlay to find out then pick your own route over the 45nm and get acquainted with the area in your Young11<br> Race #724<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_724.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Young11 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/724/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, August 19 at 1100utc Macias Nguema 2014, racing with 159 boats. Aug. 16, 2014, 11 a.m. True 7.0 10.0 2.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_724.xml 719 Maui to Mazatlan 2014 Surfing Hawaii builds a mighty thirst and SOLers are now racing 2790nm to Mexico in TP52s, home of tequila and mojitos! .<br> Race #719<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_719.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/719/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, August 31 at 2100utc Maui to Mazatlan 2014, racing with 258 boats. Aug. 11, 2014, 9 p.m. True -162.0 -102.0 8.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_719.xml 727 Moheli PYOC 2014 Redux This is the championship running of the second August Sprint. The race is approximately 20nm over the Island of Moheli or Mwali in Young88s.<br> Race #727<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_727.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Young88 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/727/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, August 12 at 1200utc Moheli Sprint 2014 Redux, racing with 106 boats. Aug. 10, 2014, noon True 43.0 45.0 -13.0 -11.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_727.xml 718 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2014 - NZ Spars and Rigging 60 Welcome to the SSANZ NZ Spars and Rigging 60, Race 2 of three races making up this year's trio of two-handed races from SSANZ in the Hauraki Gulf off Auckland, New Zealand. <br /> Race #718<br /> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SSANZ Trio-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/718/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, August 11 at 0900utc 2014 SSANZ Safety at Sea NZ Spars and Rigging 60, racing with 130 boats. Aug. 8, 2014, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_718.xml 722 Sail Around Turkey 2014 Welcome to the fifth annual race around Turkey, again in 90ft monohulls. This is a 1,430nm circumnavigation of Turkey - from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast).<br> Race #722<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_722.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br> 90ft monohull<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png"> POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/722/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b>Sunday, August 24 at 1000utc Sail Around Turkey 2014, racing with 221 boats. Aug. 7, 2014, 3 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_722.xml 720 Kumage TIMED Race 2014 In an all too rare visit to the land of the rising sun we attempt a quick 79nm lap of Kumage in our Seacart30s This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race.<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/720/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #720 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_720.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Seacart30<b><a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Seacart30POLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/720/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday 12 August at 0800utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 12 August at 2000utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Kumage TIMED Race 2014, racing with 330 boats. Aug. 6, 2014, 8 a.m. True 130.0 131.0 29.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_720.xml 723 Moheli PYOC 2014 The second of our weekend sprints is a “Pick your Own Course” of approximately 20nm over the Island of Moheli or Mwali in Young88s. .<br> Race #723<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_723.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Young88 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: None <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/723/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 6 August at 1200utc Moheli Sprint 2014 - Race 1, racing with 143 boats. Aug. 3, 2014, noon True 43.0 45.0 -13.0 -11.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_723.xml 721 Principe RTI Sprint 2014 This next instalment of the sprint race series sees us try a 30nm lap of Principe off the West African coast in our Farr30s. .<br> Race #721<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_721.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Farr30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Farr_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/721/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 6 August at 0900utc Around Principe 2014, racing with 128 boats. Aug. 2, 2014, 9 a.m. True 7.0 8.0 1.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_721.xml 708 Tall Ships Races 2014 - Bergen to Esbjerg Welcome to the third and final event of this year's European Tall Ships Races - another race in our Full Riggers of 341 nm from <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsbergen.no/" target="_blank"/>Bergen</a></b> in Norway to <b><a href="http://tallshipsesbjerg.dk/" target="_blank"/>Esbjerg</a></b> in Denmark <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #708 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_708.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Full Rigger <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/FullRiggerPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TALLS-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/708/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 4 August at 2000utc The Tall Ships Races 2014 - Race 2 - Bergen to Esbjerg, racing with 193 boats. July 28, 2014, 8 a.m. True -2.0 14.0 54.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_708.xml 715 Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2014 Climate change may have opened up some of the Arctic Ocean but these fjords are filled with as much ice as ever. Finding open water may not be required in our virtual world, but expect storms with deep blue calm inbetween. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race. We sail in our Linjett 33s on a course designed by NZL_Scotsman. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/715/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #715 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_715.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Linjett 40<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Linjett40POLAR.png" > POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/715/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 29 July at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 29 July at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Iceberg Dodge TIMED Race 2014, racing with 224 boats. July 23, 2014, 10 a.m. True -50.0 -46.0 59.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_715.xml 709 AGage 100 2014 SOL's gift to the memory of <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9158/aaron-james-gage-1971-2012/?page=1">AGage</a> was a year long series of races circumnavigating Australia. This was the final sprint of that memorial and now being raced to mark the 2nd anniversary of the too-sudden end to the life of this remarkable SOLer. These were Aaron's homewaters - he was a total competitor so... race to win! <br> Race #709<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_709.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>SOTO 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SOTO30POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/709/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Agage's 100 Race 2014, racing with 171 boats. July 19, 2014, 8 p.m. True 137.0 139.0 -36.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_709.xml 707 Tall Ships Cruise 2014 - Fredrikstad to Bergen Welcome to the second event of this year's European Tall Ships Races - a Cruise in Company for the real fleet, but a race of 303nm for Sailonline in Clippers from <b><a href="http://www.visitoslofjord.no/fredrikstad-og-hvaler/The-Tall-Ships-Races-Fredrikstad-2014/" target="_blank"/> Fredrikstad</a></b> to <b><a href="http://www.tallshipsbergen.no/" target="_blank"/>Bergen</a></b> <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #707 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_707.html"> NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Clipper 240<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Clipper240POLAR.png" > POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: TALLS-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/707/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, July 25 at 1400utc The Tall Ships Races 2014 - Cruise in Company - Fredrikstad to Bergen , racing with 166 boats. July 15, 2014, 2 p.m. True -2.0 14.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_707.xml 714 SSANZ Safety at Sea Triple Series 2014 - Baltic 50 Welcome to the Baltic 50, Race 1 of three races making up this year's trio of races from SSANZ. Sailing Young 88s we will be taking on the real fleet in a Hauraki Gulf classic. <br /> Race #714<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_714.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Young 88 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young88POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SSANZ Trio-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/714/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 15 July at 0900utc 2014 Safety at Sea SSANZ Triple - Baltic 50, racing with 145 boats. July 11, 2014, 9 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_714.xml 717 Aden Adventure TIMED Redux 2014 Boats have sailed the Gulf of Aden since man put a sail on a boat. Choosing the departure time will be as important as ever in these waters rarely travelled by modern yachts. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of 135nm which we will sail in our 60ft trimarans. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/717/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #717 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_717.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/717/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 17th July at 0600utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 17th July at 1200<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Aden Adventure TIMED Race 2014 REDUX, racing with 274 boats. July 11, 2014, noon True 51.5 55.5 11.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_717.xml 711 Aden Adventure TIMED Race 2014 Boats have sailed the Gulf of Aden since man put a sail on a boat. Choosing the departure time will be as important as ever in these waters rarely travelled by modern yachts. This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of 135nm which we will sail in our 60ft trimarans. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/711/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #711 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_711.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/60ft_Trimaran_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: <i>None</i><br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/711/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 10 July at 1200 Aden Adventure TIMED Race 2014, racing with 62 boats. July 9, 2014, 10 p.m. True 51.5 55.5 11.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_711.xml 716 RTW 2014 - Leg 5 - Punta del Este to Fort Lauderdale Welcome to the fifth leg of Sailonline's race in the footsteps of Steinlager's Whitbread RTW Race of 1989/1990 - this Leg is from Punta del Este, Uruguay to Fort Lauderdale, USA - 5,300 mile, crossing the equator!<br> Race #716 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_716.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC-OCCH-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/716/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, August 10 at 0900utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 5 - Punta del Este to Fort Lauderdale, racing with 328 boats. July 8, 2014, 9 a.m. True -90.0 0.0 -42.0 35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_716.xml 706 Tall Ships Races 2014 - Harlingen to Fredrikstad Welcome to the first of three events in this years European Tall Ships Races - a race of 339nm in Full Riggers, from <b><a href="http://www.thetallshipsracesharlingen2014.com/" target=_"blank"/>Harlingen</a></b> in The Netherlands to <b><a href="http://www.visitoslofjord.no/fredrikstad-og-hvaler/The-Tall-Ships-Races-Fredrikstad-2014/" target="_blank"/> Fredrikstad</a></b> in Norway. <i>NOTE:</i>Starts and Finishes in tall ships racing are offshore to avoid conflict with shipping and shipping lanes. <br>Race #706 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_706.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Full Rigger <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/FullRiggerPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYCCH-TALLS-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/706/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, July 16 at 1400utc The Tall Ships Races 2014 - Race 1 - Harlingen to Fredrikstad, racing with 196 boats. July 6, 2014, 2 p.m. True -2.0 11.0 52.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_706.xml 713 Ofu to Maia PYOC 2014 For this instalment of the Sprint Race Championship we head to American Samoa and a course designed by MustangMark. Choose your route wisely as we cover the 18nm in our Mini 6.50s. <br> Race #713 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_713.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Mini6.50 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Mini650POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SPRCH SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/713/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 7 July at 1400utc Ofu to Maia SPRINT, racing with 100 boats. July 6, 2014, 7 a.m. True -171.5 -169.5 -14.5 -13.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_713.xml 710 Colin Archer Memorial Race 2014 Welcome to the 2014 running of the biennial race from Lauwersoog in the Netherlands to Larvik in Norway in commemoration of the life and work of Colin Archer, the Norwegian boatbuilder and architect. <br> Race #710<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_710.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Dufour 40 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Dufour_40_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/710/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Colin Archer Memorial Race 2014, racing with 164 boats. July 5, 2014, 1 p.m. True 1.0 14.0 53.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_710.xml 712 A Round of Rum Sprint 2014 The latest round of sprint races sees MustangMark invite us all to a round of rum - the island not the drink! We tackle the 22nm lap in our Frer33s . <br> Race #712 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_712.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Frer33 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Frers33POLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SPRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/712/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 7 July at 1200utc A Round of Rum SPRINT, racing with 92 boats. July 5, 2014, noon True -6.7 -5.9 56.8 57.3 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_712.xml 701 Melbourne to Vanuatu 2014 ORCV welcomes SOLers and their First 47.7s to the 2014 running of its Melbourne to Vanuatu Yacht Race. Sailed in the waters of Bass Strait and the South Pacific Ocean this 1885nm race to paradise is a wonderful way to escape the chills of winter in the S Hemisphere! <br> Race #701<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_701.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 47.7 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_477_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/701/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> <br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, July 15 at 2000utc Melbourne to Vanuatu 2014 , racing with 338 boats. June 30, 2014, midnight True 140.0 172.0 -43.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_701.xml 693 Pb³ 2014 SOL heads back to Estonia for this year's 113nm tour of the baltic coast in our F18s. This is the 4th time we have run the race and Thank You to Tuule_Tallaja for the invitation.<br> Race #693<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_693.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/693/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, July 3 at 0800utc Pb³ 2014, racing with 142 boats. June 28, 2014, 8 a.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_693.xml 702 Scandinavian Tour 2014 - Leg 3 - Norway The third and final leg of Jepsom's "three different boats competition"is a 1348nm race along the Norwegian coast. We change boats again, and now we try the VO70v4. We sail from Strömstad, Sweden up to Kirkenes<br /> Race #702<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_702.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> VO70v4 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: STCS-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/702/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 4 July at 1000utc Scandinavian Tour 2014 - 3 - Norway, racing with 176 boats. June 22, 2014, 2 p.m. True 0.5 35.0 55.0 73.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_702.xml 705 Newport Bermuda Race 2014 SOLer zero invites us to race from Newport/Rhode Island, USA, to St.Davids Island, Bermuda - 635nm ocean race in VO70s <br> Race #705<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_705.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>VO70<a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/705/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, 28 June at 1100utc Race to Bermuda 2014, racing with 198 boats. June 20, 2014, 5 p.m. True -77.0 -62.0 30.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_705.xml 692 Bay of Bengal TIMED Race 2014 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race provides us with a rare visit to the Bay of Bengal for a 68nm dash in our Seacart 30s <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/692/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #692 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_692.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/692/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 24 June at 0500utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 24 June at 1700utc Bay of Bengal TIMED Race 2014, racing with 250 boats. June 18, 2014, 5 p.m. True 90.5 92.0 21.5 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_692.xml 691 Tokyo to San Francisco 2014 Welcome to the latest instalment of SOL's Ocean Race series which is a quick 4500nm jaunt in our 60ft Trimarans. <br> Race #691 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_691.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>60ft Trimaran<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/60ft_trimaranPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC-OCCH <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/691/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, July 2 at 0700utc Tokyo to San Francisco 2014, racing with 284 boats. June 16, 2014, 7 a.m. True 130.0 245.0 5.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_691.xml 704 Rond Texel 2nd Fleet Race 2014 This is the second of two ersions of the classic 32nm Dutch catamaran and surf race. The SOL record time to beat, held by Ned_Leo, is 1h 56m 39s! The record for the real race is 2h 07m 07s<br /> Race #704<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_704.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/704/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, June 17 at 0800utc Round Texel Race 2, racing with 125 boats. June 15, 2014, 8 a.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_704.xml 703 Rond Texel 1st Fleet Race 2014 This is the first of two versions of the classic 32nm Dutch catamaran and surf race. The SOL record time to beat, held by Ned_Leo, is 1h 56m 39s! The record for the real race is 2h 07m 07s<br /> Race #703<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_703.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>F18 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/703/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, June 16 at 1500utc<br> Round Texel Race 1, racing with 150 boats. June 14, 2014, 3 p.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_703.xml 699 ANZ Sail Fiji 2014 Welcome to ANZ Sail Fiji 2014, a race of 1,144nm from Auckland to Fiji. Organised by RAYC, this race sees Sailonline going head to head with NZ Sailing Trust's Steinlager 2 ! <br> Race #699<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_699.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/699/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, June 17 at 1300utc ANZ Sail Fiji 2014, racing with 314 boats. June 7, 2014, 1 a.m. True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_699.xml 694 South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2014 No time to stop off for a quick snack as we hit a truly fire and ice trail round volcanoes and a stationary iceberg in this 93nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race. We sail in our VO70s on a course proved by NZL_Scotsman. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/694/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #694 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_694.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>VO70_V4<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/694/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 10 June at 0600utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 10 June at 1800utc South Sandwich Islands TIMED Race 2014, racing with 377 boats. June 4, 2014, 6 p.m. True -29.0 -26.0 -58.0 -56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_694.xml 698 Galway In-Port Fleet Race 2014 SOL welcomes you back to Galway , but this time for a short 90nm fleet race in Orange Catamarans. <br> Race #698 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_698.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Orange Catamaran <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/Orange_Cat_INFO.docx" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/698/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, June 2 at 0900utc Galway Inport Fleet Race, racing with 130 boats. May 31, 2014, 9 a.m. True -12.0 -8.0 52.0 54.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_698.xml 700 SOL around Vancouver Island 2014 Bruce invites us to sail this 525nm mixed tight channels and open water in our Seacart30s. .<br> Race #700<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_700.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/700/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, June 8 at 1800utc Around Vancouver Island 2014, racing with 170 boats. May 30, 2014, 5 p.m. True -134.0 -121.0 47.5 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_700.xml 696 Scandinavian Tour 2014 - Leg 2 - Sweden The second of the "three different boats competition" designed by Jepsom and first run in 2011. This is a 972nm long race in the Gulf of Bothnia. Our boat this time is the Farr 30. We sail from Kemi, NW Suomi(Finland) along the Swedish coast all the way around to Strömstad close to the Norwegian border.<br /> Race #696<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_696.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Farr 30 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Farr_30_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: STCS-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/696/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, May 31 at 1500utc Scandinavian Tour 2 2014 - Sweden, racing with 226 boats. May 21, 2014, 3 p.m. True 12.0 27.0 54.0 67.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_696.xml 697 Bosphorus TIMED Race 2014 Welcome to the Bosphorus - the narrow channel that separates the Black Sea from the Mediterranean, and the traditional boundary between Europe and Asia! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race of 33nm in TP52s, starting and finishing in the waters near Istanbul<br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/697/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #697 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_697.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>TP52<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/697/?version=classic">Classic</a> <br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Tuesday, 27 May at 0800utc<br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday 27 May at 2000utc Bosphorus TIMED Race 2014, racing with 244 boats. May 21, 2014, 8 a.m. True 28.0 30.0 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_697.xml 695 Lake Erie Round the Islands Race 2014 Its back to the Great Lakes, this time the islands of Lake Erie provide a 41nm challenge for our Frers 33s.<br /> Race #695<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_695.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Frers 33 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Frers33POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/695/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, May 19 at 2200utc Lake Erie Round the Islands Race 2014, racing with 157 boats. May 17, 2014, 2 p.m. True -83.5 -81.5 41.25 42.25 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_695.xml 690 RTW 2014 - Leg 4 - Auckland to Punta del Este Welcome to the fourth leg of Sailonline's race in the footsteps of Steinlager's Whitbread RTW Race of 1989/1990 - this Leg is from Auckland, New Zealand to Punta del Este, Uruguay - just 6,461nm away!<br> Race #690 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_690.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC-OCCH-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/690/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, June 16 at 0400utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 4 - New Zealand to Uruguay, racing with 383 boats. May 15, 2014, 10 p.m. True 173.0 330.0 -71.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_690.xml 688 Tampa to New Orleans 2014 It's not far from Tampa to New Orleans.... except we need to pick up some Tequila in Cozumel first! Time to grab your VO70v4 and race 1057nm around the Gulf of Mexico! <br> Race #688<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_688.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>VO70v4 <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/688/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, May 17 at 1700utc Tampa to New Orleans 2014, racing with 231 boats. May 11, 2014, 5 p.m. True -92.0 -82.0 19.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_688.xml 689 Gibraltar Straits TIMED Race 2014 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE is set at the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea which is a gateway, not just in geography but also in history. There are many legends of the area from the likes of the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Goths, Vandals, and Moors. It is even the last known holdout of the Neanderthals. Our tour starts in the Atlantic and voyages between Africa and Europe and through to the Med. Dare you pass through the gates? <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/689/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #689 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_689.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>F-18<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/F_18_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/689/?version=classic">Classic</a> <br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Tuesday, 13 May at 1000utc<br>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday 13 May at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Gibraltar Straits TIMED Race 2014, racing with 356 boats. May 7, 2014, 10 a.m. True -6.5 -4.5 35.5 36.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_689.xml 684 Bay to Bay 2014 - Leg 2 - Great Sandy Stait With slightly thicker than normal heads (thanks to the local fine rum and beer) we return to the Great Sandy Strait to continue our voyage to Urangan in our J80s.<br> Race #684<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_684.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>J-80 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/684/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 4 May at 2200utc Bay2Bay - Leg2, racing with 112 boats. May 3, 2014, 8:40 p.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_684.xml 687 hmm's Impromptu Race 2014 SOLer hmm has bought a new boat, but it is in Germany and he has to sail it to Finland. Not wanting him to do this trip alone, we have decided to race home to Helsinki with him, from Kiel 588nm away. We will be racing First 40s - the closest match in our boathouse to hmm's First 36.7! <br> Race #687 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_687.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>First 40.7 v2 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/First_407_INFO.pdf ">INFO</a> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: None <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/687/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 9 May at 0900utc Hmm's Impromptu Race, racing with 197 boats. May 3, 2014, 9 a.m. True 10.0 26.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_687.xml 659 Bay to Bay 2014 - Leg 1 - Great Sandy Stait Join us on the clear sheltered waters of the Great Sandy Strait surrounded by the World Heritage listed Fraser Island. The overnight party at Garry's Anchorage will have fresh fish, prawns and crabs on the menu washed down with cold local beer and rum from the famous Bundaberg Rum Distillery a few miles up the coast.<br> Race #659<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_659.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>J-80 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/659/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 4 May at 2200utc Bay2Bay 2014 - Leg 1, racing with 115 boats. May 3, 2014, 12:10 a.m. True 152.5 153.5 -26.5 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_659.xml 685 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2014 This year we race TP52s over the 1220nm course around the Canary Islands. AND THERE'S RUM ON THIS 'UN!!!! A bottle of Guajiro courtesy of Mr and Mrs Horn. Cheers PerEric .<br> Race #685<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_685.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>TP52 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf ">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/685/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, May 9 at 0800utc Santa Monica Rum Regatta 2014, racing with 176 boats. May 1, 2014, 8 a.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_685.xml 679 Scandinavian Tour 2014 - Leg 1 - Finland Jepsom invites you to the first of three legs in the "three-different-boats competition" he designed for SOL in 2011. This is a 631nm race in cold water in small but fast IMOCA 60s. We sail - hopefully without ice!! - from Hamina, south-east Finland all the way up to Kemi close to the Swedish border.<br /> Race #679<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_679.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> IMOCA 60 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/22/IMOCA_60_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: STCS-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/679/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 2 May at 2300utc Scandinavian Tour 1 - Finland, racing with 215 boats. April 24, 2014, 4 p.m. True 16.0 32.0 59.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_679.xml 672 Flinders Island TIMED Race 2014 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE takes us around Flinders Island, an Aussie paradise between Tasmania and the mainland. However we won't have time to admire the flora and fauna as we rocket round in our V070_V4s on the 106nm loop. Thanks to NZL_Scotsman for the course. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/672/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #672 <br> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_672.html" > NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de <br>VO70v4 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" ><b> INFO</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/672/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: April 29 at 2100utc<br>RACE CLOSE: April 30 at 0900utc Flinders Island TIMED Race, racing with 232 boats. April 23, 2014, 9 p.m. True 147.0 149.0 -40.5 -39.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_672.xml 680 Cape Town to Abu Dhabi 2014 A challenging race across 5,227nm of the Indian Ocean from Cape Town, South Africa, to Abu Dhabi, UAE. Keep your VO70 safe from pirates off the Somali coast, don't beach on your way through the Hormuz Strait and you will find a truly warm welcome awaiting you in Abu Dhabi! <br /> Race #680<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_680.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> VO70 v4 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: OCCH-SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/680/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 17 May at 0900utc Cape Town - Abu Dhabi, racing with 300 boats. April 21, 2014, 9 a.m. True 12.0 90.0 -53.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_680.xml 678 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2014 It's Easter 2014 AND the weekend of Jakob's birthday, so time to celebrate with the traditional 30nm race from Sandhamn to Jakob's mooring in Stockholm's Archipelago. A splendid Sailonline-style bbq party awaits! SOL's home waters are always challenging so... the race is on in our X35s! Grattis pa fodelsedag 2014 Jakob!<br /> Race #678<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_678.html"> NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> X35 OD <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/X-35ODPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br /> Ranking: SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/678/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Monday, 21 April at 2100utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2014, racing with 150 boats. April 19, 2014, 11 a.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_678.xml 677 International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race 2014 SOLers are invited to race the 124nm from Auckland to Tauranga in this annual classic! Sadly our Young 11s won't have Beale 35 Open Country to compete with this year.<br /> Race #677<br /> <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_677.html">NOR</a></b> from brainaid.de<br /> Young 11 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/Young11modPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br />Ranking: SYC<br /> ALT. CLIENT <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/677/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 19 April at 1000utc 2014 International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race, racing with 140 boats. April 16, 2014, 10 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_677.xml 665 Rolex China Sea Race 2014 Welcome to the 2014 running of the prestigious Rolex China Sea Race - a classic biennial bluewater race of 565nm from Hong Kong to Subic Bay, Philippines. <br> Race #665 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_665.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>TP-52 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/665/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 22 April at 1000utc Rolex China Sea Race 2014, racing with 259 boats. April 16, 2014, 5:20 a.m. True 109.0 125.0 11.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_665.xml 683 Hauraki TIMED Race 2014 This <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> RACE takes older SOLers into familiar waters while providing a challenge to newer ones. This 35m course takes us back into the Hauraki Gulf in our Young11s. <br><b><i><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/683/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a> to race again after finishing a run</b></i> <br> Race #683 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_683.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/Young11_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/683/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> <br>REGISTRATION CLOSE: Thursday, 17 April at 2200utc<br>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 18 April at 1000utc Hauraki TIMED Race 2014, racing with 345 boats. April 10, 2014, 8 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_683.xml 682 Hauraki Fleet Race 2014 - practice run This is a practice run for the Hauraki TIMED Race<br> Race #682 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_682.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/Young11_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: None<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/682/?version=classic">Classic</a> Hauraki Fleet Race 2014 - practice run , racing with 59 boats. April 10, 2014, 2 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_682.xml 681 Hauraki Fleet race 2014 - test run This is a practice run for the Hauraki TIMED Race<br> Race #681 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_681.html" > NOR</a></b>from brainaid.de <br>Young11<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/Young11_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: None<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/681/?version=classic">Classic</a> Hauraki Fleet race 2014 - test run, racing with 96 boats. April 9, 2014, 10 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_681.xml 675 PEP 2nd Sprint 2014 This is the second running of our sprint from Plymouth to Eddystone Lighthouse and back - this time in a Seacart 30! <br>Race #675<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_675.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Seacart 30<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf"> INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/675/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 7 April at 0800utc PEP Sprint 2014 - Sunday, 6 April 2014, racing with 115 boats. April 6, 2014, 8 a.m. True -5.0 -3.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_675.xml 653 PEP 1st Sprint 2014 Eddystone Lighthouse marks a nasty patch of rocks about 7.5 nm SSW of the approach to the superb harbour of Plymouth - Hopefully we will have a decent SW beat out to the light with some shifts on the way and, after a tighter rounding than ships who have to steer well clear of this hazard to navigation, a swift ride home... <br>Race #653<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_653.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Frers 33 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/01/27/Frers33POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/653/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 6 April at 1600utc PEP Sprint 2014 - Saturday, 5 April 2014, racing with 118 boats. April 5, 2014, 4 p.m. True -5.0 -3.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_653.xml 676 The Mount Gay Rum 40th Gosford to Lord Howe Island Yacht Race 2014 SOLers and their TP52s are invited to join the Gosford Sailing Club in this iconic 412nm race to Lord Howe Island. The island is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific - one of just four island groups to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br>Race #676<br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_676.html"> NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de<br>TP-52 <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf">INFO</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/676/?version=classic"> Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 10 April at 1000utc The Mount Gay Rum 40th Gosford to Lord Howe Island Yacht Race 2014, racing with 256 boats. April 5, 2014, 2 a.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_676.xml 669 RTW 2014 - Leg 3 - Fremantle to Auckland Welcome to the third leg of Sailonline's race in the footsteps of Steinlager's Whitbread RTW Race of 1989/1990 - this Leg is from Fremantle, Australia to Auckland, New Zealand - 3,013nm<br> Race #669 <br><b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_669.html" > NOR</a> </b>from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/669/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> <br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 26 April at 0600utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 3 - Australia to New Zealand, racing with 363 boats. April 4, 2014, 6 a.m. True 100.0 190.0 -60.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_669.xml 674 Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2014 RESTART Welcome to Boston and a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> version of a SOL classic course first raced in May 2009. Start in Boston, leave Cape Cod to starboard and race to the finish line in Newport. 130nm in VO70v4s. Run as often as you like - but you must complete each run before you can register for the next!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/674/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #674 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_674.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/674/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 31 March at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 31 March at 2200utc Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2014 RESTART, racing with 388 boats. March 25, 2014, 1 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_674.xml 671 Boston to Newport FLEET Race 2014 Welcome to Boston SOL's classic course first raced in May 2009. Start in Boston, leave Cape Cod to starboard and race to the finish line in Newport. 130nm in VO70v4s. <br>Race #671 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_671.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: none<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/671/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 26 March at 1100utc Boston to Newport FLEET Race 2014, racing with 95 boats. March 24, 2014, 11 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_671.xml 673 Boston to Newport MISTAKE Welcome to Boston and a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> version of a SOL classic course first raced in May 2009. Start in Boston, leave Cape Cod to starboard and race to the finish line in Newport. 130nm in VO70v4s. Run as often as you like - but you must complete each run before you can register for the next!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/673/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #673 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_673.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>VO70v4 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/18/VO70v4_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/673/?version=classic">Classic</a> Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2014, racing with 1 boats. March 24, 2014, 11 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_673.xml 670 Suursaari 2014 As spring begins to waken the world from is winter blanket of ice and snow in the Gulf of Finland, here's a 154nm in FG43s to begin our Nordic season there! <br> Race #670 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_670.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>FG43<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/FG_43_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/670/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 26 March at 1000utc Suursaari 2014, racing with 171 boats. March 22, 2014, 8 a.m. True 20.0 30.0 58.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_670.xml 668 Captain's Birthday TIMED Race 2014 This is a 92nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in TP-52s in the Southern Oceans off Tristan da Cunha - some way north of Sailonline's RTW fleet. Run as often as you like - but you must complete each one before you can register for the next!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/668/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #668 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_668.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>TP-52 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/24/TP-52_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/668/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 21 March at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 21 March at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Captain's Birthday TIMED Race 2014, racing with 371 boats. March 14, 2014, 6 p.m. True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_668.xml 667 Great Lakes Winter Run 2014 A nice little regatta with X-332s on the Great Lakes in the USA. We sail 459nm from Port Huron across the lakes to Chicago <b>NOTE:</b>Race Start is at 2400 on Monday, 10 March which our server likes to display as 0000 the following day<br> Race #667 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_667.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>X-332 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/03/08/X332_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/667/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 16 March at 1000utc Great Lakes Winter Run 2014, racing with 183 boats. March 11, 2014, midnight True -90.0 -79.0 41.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_667.xml 666 Cuba Infinity 2nd Sprint 2014 A short 25nm race in the Archipelago de le Reino in the warm waters of Cuba. We sail an infinity course with our 11 Metre OD yachts. This is the second of two opportunities to race here this weekend <br> Race #666<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_666.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>11 Metre OD <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/666/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 10 March at 2200utc Cuba Infinity 2 - Sunday, 9 March 2014, racing with 141 boats. March 9, 2014, 4 p.m. True -80.0 -78.0 20.5 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_666.xml 662 Cuba Infinity 1st Sprint 2014 A short 25 NM race in the Archipelago de le Reino in the warm waters of Cuba. We sail an infinity course with our 11 Metre OD yachts. This is the first of two opportunities to race here this weekend <br> Race #662<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_662.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>11 Metre OD <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/11M_OD_INFO.pdf">INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/662/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 10 March at 1000utc Cuba Infinity 1 - Saturday, 8 March 2014, racing with 166 boats. March 8, 2014, 9 p.m. True -80.0 -78.0 20.5 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_662.xml 664 RTW 2014 - Leg 2 - Punta del Este to Fremantle Welcome again to Sailonline's recreation of the epic adventure of Steinlager's Whitbread RTW Race of 1989/1990 - this is Leg 2 of 6, from Punta del Este, Uruguay to Fremantle, Australia - 6,736nm<br> Race #664 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_664.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/19/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: OCCH-SYC-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/664/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, 5 April at 1000utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 2 - Uruguay to Australia, racing with 442 boats. March 3, 2014, 9 p.m. True -65.0 122.0 -70.0 -10.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_664.xml 663 Race to Sardinia 2014 Ah the Mediterranean in wintertime - who knows what conditions we'll find as we sail the 291nm from Portopetro to Cagliari in our Dufour 40s <br> Race #663 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_663.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Dufour 40 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/20/Dufour_40_INFO.pdf" >INFO</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/663/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 4 March at 1000utc Sprint to Sardinia 2014, racing with 247 boats. March 1, 2014, 9 a.m. True -1.0 15.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_663.xml 658 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 4 Into the home straight (OK so its not straight!) - 354nm from Napier back to Auckland! Let's go! <br> Race #658<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_658.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br />Young 11 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png">POLAR</a><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC-RNI <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/658/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 26 February at 1200utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 4, racing with 291 boats. Feb. 20, 2014, 10 p.m. True 173.0 182.0 -41.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_658.xml 661 Galway Redux TIMED Race 2014 This is a 90nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in Seacarts along the west coast of Ireland, finishing in Galway Harbour. Run as often as you like - but you must complete each one before you can register for the next!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/661/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #661 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_661.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>Seacart <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/02/18/Seacart_30_INFO.pdf" > INFO</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/661/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 28 February at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 28 February at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Galway Redux TIMED Race 2014, racing with 721 boats. Feb. 20, 2014, 4 p.m. True -12.0 -8.0 52.0 54.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_661.xml 657 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 3 Half way through our race around New Zealand's North Island! Are you ready for Leg 3? 187nm from Wellington to Napier <br> Race #657<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_657.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br />Young 11 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png">POLAR</a><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC-RNI <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/657/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 20 February at 1000utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 3, racing with 304 boats. Feb. 16, 2014, 4 a.m. True 173.0 180.0 -43.0 -38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_657.xml 660 Cyclades Volcano Run 2014 Could there be a more romantic way to celebrate Valentine's Day than to sail from Athens to Santorini in an X-332? We don't think so! <br> Race #660 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_660.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>X-332 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/22/X-332.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/660/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 18 February at 1000utc Cyclades Volcano Run 2014, racing with 272 boats. Feb. 15, 2014, 8 a.m. True 22.0 27.0 36.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_660.xml 656 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 2 Not much of a stopover in Manganui and we are off again in our Young 11s to Wellington, some 491nm away! Once again the real fleet will be on our race screens <br> Race #656<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_656.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br />Young 11 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png">POLAR</a><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC-RNI <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/656/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 14 February at 2300utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 2, racing with 297 boats. Feb. 9, 2014, 11 p.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_656.xml 655 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 1 The traditional circuit of New Zealand's North Island will be four legs - this is the first one. Racing directly against the real fleet via Yellowbrick Tracking, we have 150nm to go from Auckland to Mangonui in our Young 11s <br> Race #655<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_655.html">NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br />Young 11 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png">POLAR</a><br /> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC-RNI <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/655/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 10 February at 2100utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2014 - Leg 1, racing with 243 boats. Feb. 8, 2014, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_655.xml 654 Iceland TIMED Race 2014 Welcome to a fast-paced <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b>race in Orange Cats off Iceland - 150nm for you to race as often as you like over the coming week - volcano watching optional!<br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/654/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #654 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_654.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft cat <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/654/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 12 February at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 12 February at 2200utc Iceland TIMED Race 2014, racing with 574 boats. Feb. 4, 2014, 10 a.m. True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_654.xml 651 New York to Plymouth Transat 2014 Welcome to Sailonline's February Transat 2014 - a classic N Atlantic run from New York to Plymouth. 2,903nm in 125ft Orange catamarans<br> Race #651<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_651.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Orange 125ft cat <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/651/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 14 February at 2200utc February Transat 2014, racing with 373 boats. Feb. 2, 2014, 10 p.m. True -78.0 5.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_651.xml 652 Kallavesj 2nd Sprint 2014 This is the second running of the 25nm sprint race on Erkki Lake in Finland<br> Race #652<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_652.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>First 40.7 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/01/21/First40.7POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/652/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 5 February at 1000utc Kallavesj Online Race - Sunday, 2 February 2014, racing with 162 boats. Feb. 2, 2014, 8 a.m. True 26.0 29.0 62.0 63.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_652.xml 650 Kallavesj 1st Sprint 2014 This is a short 25nm race in First 40.7s on Erkki Lake in Finland and the first of two opportunities to race here this weekend <br> Race #650<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_650.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>First 40.7 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/01/21/First40.7POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/650/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 4 February at 2200utc Kallavesj Online Race - Saturday 1 February 2014, racing with 205 boats. Feb. 1, 2014, 10 p.m. True 26.0 29.0 62.0 63.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_650.xml 649 Race to Up Helly Aa 2014 A-OI!!! Its nearly time for the 2014 Fire Festival in Lerwick, Shetland Isles, and SOL's fleet of Elan 410s needs to get ready for Up Helly Aa on Tuesday 28 January! Starting from Aberdeen its only a 378nm trip round the Isles. NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the chart<br> Race #649 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_649.html" > NOR</a> from brainaid.de <br>Elan 410 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png" >POLAR</a> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>RANKING: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/649/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 31 January at 1000utc Race to Up Helly Aa 2014, racing with 259 boats. Jan. 26, 2014, 9 a.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_649.xml 648 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2014 This is a 20nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in J-30s over a traditional course on the waters of Huelva, SW Spain <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/648/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #648 <br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_648.html" > NOR</a>from brainaid.de<br>J30 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png" >POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/648/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 30 January at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 30 January at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 24-30 January 2014, racing with 417 boats. Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m. True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_648.xml 647 Tour Down Under 2014 Boats not bicycles for SOL's own version of the "Tour Down Under" designed by AGage - no hot dusty roads for us just 694nm of ocean in Farr 30s! <br> Race #647<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_647.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br> Farr 30 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2014/01/17/Farr30POLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYCCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/647/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 26 January at 1000utc Tour Down Under 2014, racing with 233 boats. Jan. 19, 2014, 11 p.m. True 133.0 140.0 -37.5 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_647.xml 646 Lake Winnebago NNYC 150th Anniversary Race Welcome to a race celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Neenah Nodaway YC. This is a 50nm race over near-frozen waters of Lake Winnebago. Starting at Neenah on the Northwest corner of the lake, we proceed anticlockwise along the shore, passing the harbors of Oshkosh, Fond du Lac, Pipe and High Cliff before returning to Neenah. <br> Race #646<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_646.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/646/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, 21 January at 1600utc Lake Winnebago NNYC 150th Anniversary Race, racing with 222 boats. Jan. 18, 2014, 4 p.m. True -89.0 -88.0 43.5 44.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_646.xml 645 New Hebrides Slalom 2014 Cast off your VO70_v4 to race the 578nm from New Caledonia to Vanuatu.This is one of SOL's most exotic races - but you must resist the temptation to stay on these islands forever <br> Race #645<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_645.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/645/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 18 January at 1000utc New Hebrides Slalom 2014, racing with 224 boats. Jan. 13, 2014, 10 p.m. True 162.0 172.0 -24.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_645.xml 644 Orno Runt 2nd Sprint 2014 This is your second chance this weekend to race this classic SOL sprint - 21nm of racing Seacarts in the Stockholm archipelago<br> Race #644<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_644.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/644/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 14 January at 1000utc Orno Runt - Sunday 12 January 2014, racing with 154 boats. Jan. 12, 2014, 9 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_644.xml 643 Orno Runt 1st Sprint 2014 Round Orno race is a SOL classic sprint - 21nm of racing in the archipelago near Stockholm - this time in Seacarts!! This is the first of two opportunities to race here this weekend. <br> Race #643<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_643.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SPRCH-SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/643/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 13 January at 1700utc. Orno Runt - Saturday 11 January 2014, racing with 180 boats. Jan. 11, 2014, 5 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_643.xml 641 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2014 Race your VO70v4 in a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in the Southern Ocean, along the French owned Kerguelen archipelago - named The Desolation Islands by Captain Cook in 1776 <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/641/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run<br>Race #641 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_641.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: TRCH-SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT: <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/641/?version=classic">Classic</a><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Friday 10 January at 1000utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday 10 January at 2200utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2014, racing with 596 boats. Jan. 3, 2014, 1 a.m. True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_641.xml 642 RTW 2014 - Leg 1 - The Solent to Punta del Este Sailonline is delighted to recapture the spirit of Steinlager's victory in the Whitbread RTW Race of 1989/1990 - this is Leg 1 of 6, from Southampton, UK to Punta del Este, Uruguay - 5,871nm.<br> Race #642<br><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_642.html"> NOR</a> from brainaid.de<br>Steinlager 2 <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png">POLAR</a><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: OCCH-SYC-SRTW <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/642/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 1 February at 1900utc Sailonline RTW 2014 - Leg 1, racing with 478 boats. Jan. 2, 2014, 7 p.m. True -70.0 5.0 -37.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_642.xml 640 Tasman Double 2013 - Hobart to Sydney Happy New Year SOLers! The first race of 2014 is Race 2 of the Tasman Double 2013 - the return trip to Sydney from Hobart after a brief stopover. 625nm in 90ft monohulls. <br> Race #640<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_640.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/640/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 4 January at 1000utc Tasman Double 2013 - Race 2, racing with 304 boats. Jan. 1, 2014, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_640.xml 639 Tasman Double 2013 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your 90ft monohull in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. <br> Race #639<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_639.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/639/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 31 December at 1400utc Tasman Double 2013 - Race 1, racing with 381 boats. Dec. 26, 2013, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_639.xml 637 Qingdao In-Port TIMED Race 2013 A <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race near the city of Qingdao, China - 108nm in SOTO30s! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/637/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #637 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_637.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC<br>ALT. CLIENT:<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/637/?version=classic">Classic </a> <br><b>REG. CLOSE:</b> 28 December at 1000utc <br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>28 December at 1800utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Qingdao Inport TIMED Race 2013, racing with 388 boats. Dec. 21, 2013, 5 p.m. True 118.0 123.0 34.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_637.xml 638 Hawaiian Zig Zag 2013 Not for the faint hearted, sail from one Hawaiian island to the next. We give you the Seacart 30 and the weather. Your challenge is to get to Niihau without breaking either the boat or your spirit! <br> Race #638<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_638.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/638/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Sunday, 22 December at 1200utc Hawaiian ZigZag 2013, racing with 273 boats. Dec. 17, 2013, 6 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_638.xml 636 Gasparilla Raid 2013 Follow in the steps of Jose Gaspar, the legendary Floridian Pirate, in a 90ft monohull - raid the treasure ship, evade capture by running to Isla Perez and then head for home - a total of 1106nm. <br> Race #636<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_636.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/636/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Tuesday, 17 December at 1000utc Gasparilla Raid 2013, racing with 284 boats. Dec. 10, 2013, 6 p.m. True -92.0 -79.0 21.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_636.xml 628 Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid 2013 SOLer JakeS in collaboration with Smo has created a SOL version of the extreme Archipelago Raid catamaran race - 415nm in F18s - which may well be the trickiest race ever raced in sol, a combination of nightmare and great adventure in the beautiful Finnish and Swedish archipelago. Come and find your way through the rocks (in reality there are thousands of them) and see who has the stamina to complete the course!<br> Race #628<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_628.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/628/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 11 December at 1800utc Finland-Sweden Archipelago Raid, racing with 224 boats. Dec. 6, 2013, 6 p.m. True 16.0 25.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_628.xml 623 Lac Manicouagan Rond 2013 FR_cirrus welcomes us to Lac Manicouagan in Quebec, Canada. A curious body of water, formed out of a meteor crater - perhaps even the one responsible for dinosaur extinction - this is 138nm in Farr Platu 25s.<br> Race #623<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_623.html"> NOR</a>/<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/11/27/Platu_25.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Weekend <br>ALT. CLIENT: <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/623/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 4 December at 1000utc Lac Manicouagan Rond 2013, racing with 211 boats. Nov. 30, 2013, 3 p.m. True -70.0 -67.0 50.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_623.xml 534 Christmas to Christmas Race 2013 'tis the month before Christmas and all through SOL, not a SOLer is stirring, except those getting their VO70s ready to race the 5,837nm between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean in the VO70v4s! <br> Race #534<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_534.html"> NOR</a>/<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Ocean <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/534/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 1 January at 0100utc Christmas to Christmas Race 2013, racing with 392 boats. Nov. 26, 2013, 8 p.m. True 100.0 205.0 -30.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_534.xml 635 Round White Island Race 2013 This classic New Zealand race is run each year in November and takes the yachts from Auckland, down south to the Bay of Plenty, around White Island, and back to Auckland. Racing First 447s who will be first to complete SOL's 295nm course! <br> Race #635<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_635.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/11/14/First_447_POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/635/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>25 November at 1000utc Round White Island Race 2013, racing with 287 boats. Nov. 21, 2013, 9 p.m. True 174.0 178.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_635.xml 625 Leapfrog 2013 - Lanzarote to Guadeloupe Now for the second leap in our autumn E to W crossing of the Atlantic. 2754nm in Mini 6.50s from Castillo de San Jose to Le Gosier <br> Race #625 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_625.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Ocean<br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/625/?version=classic">Classic</a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 11 December @ 1000utc Leapfrog 2013 - Race 2, racing with 297 boats. Nov. 19, 2013, 2 p.m. True -76.0 -8.0 1.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_625.xml 634 Antwerp to Belfast 2013 A classic SOL race, first run in January 2009, this passage from Antwerpen to Belfast gives you the option of passing the British Isles to port or to starboard in our First 47.7s. 412nm as the crow flies!<br> Race #634<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_634.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br>ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/634/?version=classic">Classic </a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 23 November at 1000utc Antwerpen to Belfast 2013, racing with 283 boats. Nov. 16, 2013, 2 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_634.xml 632 Capt Anderson's Resupply 2013 - Leg 4 - TIMED This is Leg 4 in a series of 10 races. Leg 4 is a<i><font color="indigo"><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412"> TIMED</a></font></i> race that takes us around the southern end of Vancouver Island and up the west coast as we supply six Lights. The leg starts in Victoria and we sail into the open water of the Sailish Sea. After making our way up the west coast we must go up the narrow channel to restock in Port Alberni<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/632/register/">Click here to re-register and run again</a></b> after finishing a run <br>Race #632 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_632.html">NOR</a>/<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045<br>Ranking: SYC/Capt Anderson Series <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/632/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen"> RACING</font></b></i><br><b>REG CLOSE: </b>19 Nov 1000utc<br><b>RACE CLOSE: </b>19 Nov 1800utc Capt. Anderson's Resupply - Race 4 - TIMED, racing with 363 boats. Nov. 12, 2013, 7 p.m. True -128.0 -120.0 47.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_632.xml 633 Lake Superior Lights 2013 Welcome to Lake Superior for the annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race showcases the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills in your 90ft monohull!<br> Race #633 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_633.html">NOR</a>/<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc <br> Ranking: SYC/Weekend<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/633/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 13 November at 1100utc Lake Superior Lights 2013, racing with 252 boats. Nov. 8, 2013, 5 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_633.xml 631 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2013 November 1 is the birthday of SOLer Mistli and it has become a SOL tradition around this time for SOLers and their Seacarts to race a short, high-energy course through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! <br> Race #631<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_631.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/631/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 4 November at 1700utc Mistli's BBQ Race 2013, racing with 192 boats. Nov. 3, 2013, noon True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_631.xml 619 Gray Whale Autumn Migration 2013 This SOL Super Maxi 100 race replicates the 4000nm epic journey from Alaska to Mexico made once a year by the Gray Whale, one of the world's greatest navigators. <br> Race #619 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_619.html">NOR</a>/<a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC Ocean/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/619/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen"> RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 17 November at 1900utc Gray Whale Migration Autumn 2013, racing with 386 boats. Oct. 29, 2013, 6 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_619.xml 624 Leapfrog 2013 - Brittany to Lanzarote Crossing the Atlantic, E to W, at any time of year is interesting but in autumn even more so. Sailonline is heading for the Caribbean, leap-frogging the Canaries on the way. Race 1 of 2 is 1225nm in Mini 6.50s from Cap de la Chevre to Castillo de San Jose <br> Race #624<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_624.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Ocean<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/624/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS:<i><font color="lawngreen"> RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 10 November at 1000utc Leapfrog 2013 - Race 1, racing with 299 boats. Oct. 29, 2013, 8 a.m. True -28.0 -2.0 26.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_624.xml 629 Galway to Dublin 2013 As autumn storms begin to churn the N Atlantic, what could be better than racing 356nm from Galway on Ireland's west coast to Dublin on her east coast? <br> Race #629<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_629.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/629/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 28 October at 1000utc Galway to Dublin Weekender, racing with 241 boats. Oct. 26, 2013, noon True -15.0 -3.0 49.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_629.xml 627 PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2013 Welcome again toNew Zealand and to this year's classic coast race from Auckland to Russell. This 115nm race up the east coast of North Island is an icon of New Zealand yachting, and will be a fun run for SOLers in 60ft trimarans!! The <b><a href="http://coastalclassic.co.nz/">Coastal Classic</a></b> usually offers interesting conditions while welcome bacon butties and rum await all yachties and mermaids at the finish. <br> Race #627<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_627.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/09/20/60ft_trimaran.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/627/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 26 October at 1400utc PIC Coastal Classic Yacht Race 2013, racing with 284 boats. Oct. 24, 2013, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_627.xml 626 Valletta Sprint 2013 To race around some of the Mediterranean's most beautiful islands is a truly classic experience. Sailing SOTO 40s, SOLers will experience the best of Med racing in this 588nm course! <br> Race #626<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_626.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/SOTO40POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/626/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 24 October at 2200utc Valletta Sprint 2013, racing with 241 boats. Oct. 19, 2013, 9 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_626.xml 621 Audi Hong Kong to Vietnam Race 2013 RHKYC welcomes SOLers to Hong Kong and the 2013 running of the classic biennial race to Vietnam - this is 674nm across the S China Sea in TP52s starting from Lamma Island at 0530utc/1330 local time.<br> Race #621<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_621.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/621/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 22 October at 1000utc Audi Hong Kong to Vietnam Race 2013, racing with 320 boats. Oct. 17, 2013, 5:30 a.m. True 106.0 119.0 10.0 24.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_621.xml 622 Tall Ships Regatta 2013 - Sydney to Auckland Leaving behind Sydney, Australia, and her Naval Centenary Celebrations, it is time to race our Full Riggers 1140nm across the Ditch to New Zealand. We arrive at the top of the Bay of Islands, giving us time to prepare for the Tall Ships festival in Auckland! <br> Race #622<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_622.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/24/FullRiggerPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/622/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 22 October at 1400utc 2013 Sydney to Auckland Tall Ships Regatta, racing with 270 boats. Oct. 10, 2013, 3 a.m. True 148.0 179.0 -38.0 -26.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_622.xml 616 Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race 2013 Race your VO70 in a 105nm <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race in the Southern Ocean, along the French owned Kerguelen archipelago - named The Desolation Islands by Captain Cook in 1776 <br> <i> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/616/register/" >RE-REGISTER HERE</a></i> to race again after finishing a run<br>Race #616 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_616.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/616/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 13 October at 1100utc<br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday 13 October at 1900utc Kerguelen CanCan TIMED Race, racing with 633 boats. Oct. 5, 2013, 2 p.m. True 67.0 73.0 -51.0 -48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_616.xml 544 Buenos Aires to Rio 2013 Bemvindo/Bienvenidos to SOLer zero's Class 40 BA_Rio Race 2013. This is the replica of a real race of 1,118nm between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that will run in reality again in 2014. <br>Race #544<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_544.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Week<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/544/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 14 October at 1000utc BA_Rio 2013, racing with 297 boats. Oct. 4, 2013, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -35.0 -37.0 -21.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_544.xml 620 The Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta 2013 - Toulon to La Spezia After a short stop in Toulon for the Tall Ships Festival, our race to La Spezia, Italy is the second of two races of the 2013 Mediterranean regatta - 174nm in Barque 90s<br> Race #620<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_620.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/620/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 6 October at 1100utc The Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta 2013 - Toulon to La Spezia, racing with 279 boats. Sept. 30, 2013, 3 p.m. True 5.0 11.0 40.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_620.xml 609 Georgian Bay Race 2013 Welcome to Georgian Bay, Ontario. This area was the first of the Great Lakes to be visited by Europeans in 1615. A mission was established in 1639, near the present–day town of Midland. First called Lake Manitoulin, it was renamed in 1822 after King George IV - our race, designed by A2R, is 317nm in TP52s.<br> Race #609<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_609.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Weekend <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/609/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE</b></i>: Tuesday, 1 October at 1200utc Georgian Bay Race, racing with 244 boats. Sept. 27, 2013, 4 p.m. True -84.0 -79.0 44.0 46.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_609.xml 617 The Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta 2013 - Barcelona to Toulon Welcome to Barcelona and the first of two races of this Mediterranean regatta - 186nm in Barque 90s<br> Race #617<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_617.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/617/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, 28 September at 1400utc. The Lycamobile Mediterranean Tall Ships Regatta 2013 - Barcelona to Toulon, racing with 274 boats. Sept. 24, 2013, 2 p.m. True 1.0 10.0 39.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_617.xml 353 Atlantic Circle TIMED Race 2013 A circular course designed to test the mettle of all who dare to race it - 44nm in Mini 6.5s! This is a <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race. <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/353/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #353 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_353.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: None<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/353/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a> <br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i> This race will close on Tuesday, 24 September at 0900utc. Thank you all for testing the new server - see you next in our first ranking race! SECOND SERVER TEST - Atlantic Circle TIMED Race , racing with 227 boats. Sept. 21, 2013, 10 a.m. True -22.0 -18.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_353.xml 612 Rabat to Almeria 2013 - Server Test A tricky and interesting sprint of 286nm from Rabat in Morocco to Almeria in Spain, requiring our SOTO 40s to contend with the interesting winds of the Straits of Gibraltar! Good luck! <br> Race #612<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_612.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/SOTO40POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: None <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/612/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 24 September at 0900utc FIRST SERVER TEST - Rabat to Almeria, racing with 178 boats. Sept. 20, 2013, 7 p.m. True -10.0 3.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_612.xml 613 SYCC 2013 - Leg 3 - Hong Kong Macau Hong Kong Welcome to the third and final race of this year's SYC Championship in the waters of the China Seas. The towns and cities of Asia are bustling and their offshore waters no less hectic. Grab your 60ft trimaran and let's race 114nm along the busy sea lanes of the South China Sea from Hong Kong to Macau and back to Hong Kong<br> Race #613<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_613.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/09/20/60ft_trimaran.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC/SYCC 2013<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/613/?version=classic"/ >SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 19 September at 2200utc SYCC 2013 - Race 3, racing with 247 boats. Sept. 17, 2013, noon True 113.0 115.0 21.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_613.xml 610 Carib Rum Run 2013 Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Combine the two with Open 60s and you have SOL's annual Pirate race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean, collecting rum to bring to the rum-parched beaches of Mexico. There are prizes to be won and if you are an SYC Member you can change your boat name and race in disguise! <br> Race #610<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_610.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/610/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 19 September at 1100utc Carib Rum Run 2013, racing with 293 boats. Sept. 10, 2013, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_610.xml 611 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2013 - Race 3 Kia ora - welcome to New Zealand! This is the third and final race in this year's B&G Simrad series and is a short sprint in Young 88s around Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. <br>Race #611 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_611.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/08/06/Young88POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/Simrad <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/611/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 8 September at 2100utc SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2013 - Race 3, racing with 192 boats. Sept. 6, 2013, 9 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_611.xml 607 Fremantle to Bali 2013 One of Australia's iconic races, the <a href="http://fremantlebali.com.au/" target="_blank"/>Freo2Bali</a> is considered to be a true test of seamanship. SOLers are challenged to beat the current record of 5 days 23hrs 30mins in their Super Maxi 100s! <br> Race #607<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_607.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Ocean <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/607/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, September 10 at 2100utc Fremantle to Bali 2013, racing with 284 boats. Sept. 3, 2013, 9 p.m. True 100.0 124.0 -34.0 -8.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_607.xml 608 The Vineyard Race 2013 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes SOL to the 79th running of its Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the IRL racers in your Santa Cruz 52. <br> Race #608<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_608.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/20/SantaCruz52POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Weekend <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/608/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 3 September at 0900utc The Vineyard Race 2013, racing with 292 boats. Aug. 30, 2013, 4 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_608.xml 605 Cape Town to Port Elizabeth 2013 Welcome to South Africa, its nearly the end of winter, so let's get racing! Steinlager 2 awaits for a race from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth, some 400nm away. The southern shores of S Africa teem with marine life and the winds and currents where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet are a phenomenal test for all yachties. Are you ready to meet this challenge? <br> Race #605<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_605.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Weekend <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/605/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 29 August at 0900utc Cape Town to Port Elizabeth Weekender, racing with 213 boats. Aug. 24, 2013, 8 a.m. True 15.0 30.0 -40.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_605.xml 604 SYCC 2013 - Leg 2 - Miami to Kingstown This is the second of three races in the 2013 SYC Championship - 1304nm in VO70v4s! <br> Race #604<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_604.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: 2013 SYCC/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/604/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday 27 August at 1000utc SYCC - Race 2 - Miami to Kingstown, racing with 256 boats. Aug. 20, 2013, 6 p.m. True -84.0 -59.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_604.xml 601 Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2013 Welcome to Marenostrum, the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. Starting from the Gulf of Mondello and arriving 430nm later among the skyscrapers of the Principality of Monaco on your Class 40 boat, this is a fascinating and technical route that every sailor dreams of living.<br> Race #601<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_601.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Week <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/601/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 23 August at 1000utc Regata Palermo Montecarlo 2013, racing with 251 boats. Aug. 18, 2013, 10 a.m. True 4.0 17.0 36.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_601.xml 602 Celtic Sea Two-Step 2013 Summer holidays are here, but instead of just enjoying the wines and cuisine of France, let's go racing! 653nm in a Moody S-38 <br> Race #602<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_602.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/08/06/MoodyS38.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Week <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/602/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 18 August at 1400utc August Two-step, racing with 213 boats. Aug. 11, 2013, 11 a.m. True -12.0 2.0 48.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_602.xml 603 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2013 - Race 2 Welcome/Kia Ora once more to New Zealand for the second race of 2013's Simrad trio of races. This time we sail a Young 88 in the Simrad 100, 85nm in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. Race #603 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_603.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/08/06/Young88POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/Simrad <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/603/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 11 August at 2100utc SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2013 - Race 2, racing with 154 boats. Aug. 9, 2013, 9 p.m. True 173.0 179.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_603.xml 599 Sail Around Turkey 2013 Welcome to the fourth annual race around Turkey, this time in 90ft monohulls. This is a 1,430nm circumnavigation of Turkey - from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast).<br> Race #599<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_599.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Week <br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/599/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday 17 August at 1600utc Sail Around Turkey 2013, racing with 264 boats. Aug. 6, 2013, 4 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_599.xml 600 Tour de Belle Ile TIMED Race 2013 A <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/blog/2012/jul/31/timed-races-some-guidelines">TIMED</a></b> race proposed by SOLer Tarco around "his" island of Belle Ile off the NW Coast of France - 45nm in Seacarts! <br> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/600/register/" >Re-register here</a> to race again after finishing a run <br>Race #600 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_600.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: SYC<br><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/600/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a> <br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</i> Tuesday, 6 August at 1100utc<br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i> Wednesday, 7 August at 1100utc Tour de Belle Ile, racing with 333 boats. Aug. 3, 2013, 11 a.m. True -4.0 -2.0 47.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_600.xml 596 HVKT 2013 - Race 3 - Hjo to Visingso and back Day 3 and the concluding leg of this three-day challenge from SOLers xthyra and Musigny with <a href="http://www.hvkt.se/" target="_blank"/>HVKT</a> on Sweden's Lake Vattern - 37nm in 11 Metre ODs. <br>Race #596 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_596.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/07/29/11mODPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0845 / 2045<br> Ranking: HVKT/SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/596/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 3 August at 1700utc HVKT 2013 - Race 3, racing with 122 boats. Aug. 2, 2013, 9 a.m. True 13.0 16.0 57.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_596.xml 598 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race 2013 When the winter weather turns cool in southern Australia sailors head into the warmer tropics. Every year in August sailors from all over the world make their way to The Great Barrier Reef for the big winter regattas at Hamilton Island, Airlie Beach and Magnetic Island. What better way to get there than to race to the reef. So join SOL in the 2013 Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race - 337nm in Class 40s. It might be winter downunder but all you will need is shorts and t-shirts. <br> Race #598<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_598.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/ SYC Week <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/598/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 5 August at 1300utc Brisbane to Keppel Race 2013, racing with 174 boats. Aug. 2, 2013, 2 a.m. True 148.0 160.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_598.xml 595 HVKT 2013 - Race 2 - Vadstena to Hjo Day 2 of this three-day challenge from SOLers xthyra and Musigny with <a href="http://www.hvkt.se/" target="_blank"/>HVKT</a> on Sweden's Lake Vattern - 23nm in 11 Metre ODs. <br>Race #595 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_595.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/07/29/11mODPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0845 / 2045<br> Ranking: HVKT/SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/595/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 1 August at 2100utc HVKT 2013 - Race 2, racing with 142 boats. Aug. 1, 2013, 9 a.m. True 13.0 16.0 57.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_595.xml 594 HVKT 2013 - Race 1- Karlsborg to Vadstena SOLers xthyra and Musigny welcome us to Sweden's Lake Vattern and the first of three day-sprints that make up this year's <a href="http://www.hvkt.se/" target="_blank"/>HVKT</a> challenge - 20nm in 11 Metre ODs. <br>Race #594 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_594.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/07/29/11mODPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0845 / 2045<br> Ranking: HVKT/SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/594/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 31 July at 2100utc HVKT 2013 - Race 1, racing with 162 boats. July 31, 2013, 9 a.m. True 13.0 16.0 57.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_594.xml 597 Tall Ships Races 2013 - Riga to Szczecin This is the third and final event of The Tall Ships Races 2013. This time we are racing a 90m Barque the 302nm from Riga (Ventspils start) in Lavtia to the festival in Szczecin, Poland. <br> Race #597<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_597.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/597/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, 4 August at 1600utc The Tall Ships Races 2013 - Race 2 - Riga to Szczecin, racing with 264 boats. July 29, 2013, 4 p.m. True 12.0 25.0 53.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_597.xml 592 Capt Anderson's Resupply 2013 - Leg 3 - TIMED This is Leg 3 in a series of 10 races. Here in a 58nm <i><font color="indigo"><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a></font></i> race in J30s SOL supplies 5 lights to the south of of Vancouver Island. The leg starts in Bellingham and we first sail across the strait and past the islands to Vancouver Island. Then we service the lights in quick succession before re-supplying in Victoria. <b>NOTE</b> any channel can be used provided each mark is rounded in the correct way and in the correct order. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/592/register/" >Click here to re-register and run again</a></b> after finishing a run <br>Race #592<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_592.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045<br>Ranking: SYC/Capt Anderson Series <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/592/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</b> Sunday 28 July at 1800utc<br><b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Monday, 29 July at 2000utc<br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font> Capt. Anderson's Resupply - Leg 3 TIMED, racing with 294 boats. July 23, 2013, 6 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 48.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_592.xml 593 Tall Ships Cruise 2013 - Helsinki to Riga This is the second of the three events of the The Tall Ships Races 2013 and sees us racing Full Riggers 195nm from Helsinki, Finland, to the capital of Latvia, Riga. The real ships aren't racing this one but cruising so you, too, may choose to take it easy! <br> Race #593<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_593.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/24/FullRiggerPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/593/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, 26 July at 0900utc The Tall Ships Races 2013 - Cruise in Company, racing with 224 boats. July 20, 2013, 5 p.m. True 15.0 29.0 54.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_593.xml 590 SYCC 2013 - Leg 1 - Gran Canaria to Rio de Janeiro This is the first of three races in the 2013 SYC Championship - 3456nm in 60ft trimarans! <br> Race #590<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_590.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: 2013 SYCC/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/590/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 1 August at 1600utc SYCC - Race 1 - Gran Canaria to Rio, racing with 301 boats. July 16, 2013, 6 p.m. True -65.0 -3.0 -30.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_590.xml 589 Chicago Mackinac Race 2013 First run in 1898 this course belongs to the oldest freshwater sailing race in the world - race 283nm approx. in your Santa Cruz 52 from Chicago to Mackinac Island! <br>Race #589 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_589.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/20/SantaCruz52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc <br>RANKING: Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/589/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i><font color="lawngreen">RACING</font></b></i><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 17 July at 1900utc C2M Race 2013, racing with 196 boats. July 13, 2013, 5 p.m. True -90.0 -84.0 41.5 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_589.xml 588 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2013 - Race 1 Welcome to New Zealand and the first of this year's three challenging and fast paced races round Auckland's islands in Young 11(mod)s. <br>Race #588 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_588.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: Simrad/SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/588/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 14 July at 1100utc SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2013 - Race 1, racing with 179 boats. July 12, 2013, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_588.xml 585 Tall Ships Races 2013 - Aarhus to Helsinki This is the first of the three events of the The Tall Ships Races 2013 and sees us racing Clippers 484nm from Aarhus, Denmark, to Helsinki, Finland. <br> Race #585<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_585.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/06/24/Clipper240.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: TS2013/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/585/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 17 July at 1000utc The Tall Ships Races 2013 - Race 1 - Aarhus to Helsinki, racing with 258 boats. July 9, 2013, 9 a.m. True 9.0 29.0 54.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_585.xml 586 Bornholm Race 2013 Summer time sees SOLer K3 take to the waters off N Germany for this classic race from Warnemunde, round the island of Bornholm and back to Warnemunde. We will be in in X-332s. <br>Race #586 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_586.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/22/X-332.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: Week/SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/586/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 11 April at 1100utc Bornholm Race 2013, racing with 186 boats. July 8, 2013, 11 a.m. True 11.0 17.0 53.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_586.xml 582 Midnight Sun Adventure on Suur-Saimaa 2013 JakeS with Rod welcome SOLers to Finland, land of thousands of lakes. Summer nights are so bright that sleeping can be difficult. No matter...this 148nm course will not allow time for sleeping as we sail our F18s from south to north on Finland's largest lake - <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saimaa" target="_blank"/>Lake Suur-Saimaa</a>. So make your lunch ready as the race does not offer too many breaks!<br> <br> Race #582<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_582.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/582/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 9 July at 1600utc Midnight Sun Adventure on Suur-Saimaa, racing with 197 boats. July 6, 2013, 10 a.m. True 22.0 31.0 60.0 64.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_582.xml 587 Florida Rum Runners Regatta 2013 Welcome to Florida and a 400nm race in Gunboat 90s from St. Lucie inlet to Paradise Island Bahamas and back to Jupiter Inlet, Florida. This regatta is loosely based on the course of the 2010 Nassau Cup. <br>Race #587<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_587.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png2011/10/13/GB90POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045<br>Ranking: SYC Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/587/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, July 6 at 1500utc Florida Rum Runners Regatta, racing with 238 boats. July 2, 2013, 6 p.m. True -81.0 -74.0 23.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_587.xml 584 SOL's Baltic Island Race 2013 Its summer - its sunny - its time for SOL's Classic Baltic Island Race - 359nm around the Balticwith Steinlager II as our boat of choice. <br> Race #584<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_584.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b> <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: Week/SYC <br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/584/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 3 July at 1700utc SOL's Baltic Island Race 2013, racing with 217 boats. June 30, 2013, 9 a.m. True 14.2 23.5 55.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_584.xml 555 AGage 100 2013 SOL's gift to AGage's memory has been the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race, while not part of the series, brings to a conclusion SOL's year-long memorial tribute to Aaron. This is a speedy race in Aaron's homewaters - he was a 100% racer so, folks, if there was ever a time to really try, this is it! <br>Race #555<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_555.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: SYC<br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/555/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 1 July at 1100utc A3- AGage's 100, racing with 248 boats. June 28, 2013, 8 p.m. True 137.0 139.0 -36.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_555.xml 583 Kieler Woche Silver Band 2013 Its June and Kiel Race Week is in full swing - for SOLers it is time to race 170nm round the waters off Denmark and Germany. Your J80s await!! <br> Race #583<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_583.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/583/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 30 June at 1200utc Kieler Woche Silver Band 2013, racing with 237 boats. June 27, 2013, 4:30 p.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_583.xml 581 Shetland Race 2013 - Lerwick to Bergen Welcome to Lerwick, capital of the Shetland Isles where your Elan 410s await! Its time to race against the real sailors of this year's Shetland Races as they sail to Bergen, 186nm away. <br> Race #581<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_581.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/581/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 26 June at 1100utc Shetland Race 2013 - Lerwick to Bergen, racing with 248 boats. June 23, 2013, 10 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_581.xml 567 Nine Islands Nine Lights 2013 SOLer Anchoilla invites everyone to a race, starting and finishing at la Savina, Formentera’s harbour, which will visit most of the small islets of the archipelago of Pitiusas - 88nm in First 47.7s. <br> Race #567 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_567.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/567/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 24 June at 1700utc Nine Islands, Nine Lights, racing with 208 boats. June 22, 2013, 10 a.m. True 0.0 3.0 38.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_567.xml 580 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2013 A <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> version of the classic 32nm Dutch race. The SOL record time to beat, held by Ned_Leo, is 1h 56m 39s!! <br> To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/580/register/" >here</a> <br>Race #580 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_580.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: NONE <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/580/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> <br><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE:</i> Tuesday, 18 June at 2100utc<br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i> Wednesday, 19 June at 1000utc Texel Island TIMED Race 2013, racing with 274 boats. June 16, 2013, 1:30 p.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_580.xml 578 Rond Texel Fleet Race 2013 A version of this weekend's 32nm race in The Netherlands. The real race starts between 0930-1030utc so why not try and beat the real fleet with your first run?<br> To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/578/register/" >here</a> <br>Race #578 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_578.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> RANKING: NONE <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/578/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> Texel Island 2013 Race, racing with 64 boats. June 16, 2013, 9:30 a.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_578.xml 535 A3 2013 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 9, the last in the series - a race of 1300nm in VO70v4s from the appropriately named Gage Roads off Fremantle to Adelaide. Let us take the spirit of AGage back home to Adelaide. <br> Race #535 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_535.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br> Ranking: A3/SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/535/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 20 June at 0800utc A3 - Leg 9 - Perth to Adelaide, racing with 293 boats. June 11, 2013, 8 p.m. True 109.0 144.0 -50.0 -29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_535.xml 577 Suursaari 2013 SOLer Smo thinks its time for a quick weekend race around the Gulf of Finland, so this time we race 154nm in FG43s. <br> Race #577<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_577.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/19/FG43.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/577/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 10 June at 0900utc. Suursaari 2013, racing with 203 boats. June 7, 2013, 6 p.m. True 20.0 30.0 58.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_577.xml 571 Pb³ 2013 Welcome to Estonia!! For a third year, SOLer TuuleTallaja invites us and our F18s to 113nm of beach BBQs with live music along the Estonian coast, this time from Pärnu to Pirita! <br> Race #571<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_571.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/571/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE COSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 4 June at 1000utc Pb³, racing with 160 boats. June 1, 2013, 10 a.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_571.xml 576 Fiji Ocean Race 2013 <a href="http://www.rnzys.org.nz/" target="_blank"/>RNZYS</a> has invited SOL to buddy-up for this year's race from Auckland to Musket Cove, Fiji - 1155nm in First 477s - and we are delighted to be going head to head with the real fleet! Who dares wins! <br> Race #576 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_576.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Ocean/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/576/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 9 June at 1000utc. Fiji Ocean Race 2013, racing with 280 boats. June 1, 2013, midnight True 165.0 185.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_576.xml 525 A3 2018 - Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 8 of the series - a race of 1860nm in Orange 125ft Catamarans from the laid back north to the booming mining capital and yachting centre of Perth in the south of the state of Western Australia. <br>Race #525<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_525.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>Ranking: A3/SYC <br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/525/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 5 June at 1000utc. A3 - Leg 8 - Darwin to Perth, racing with 262 boats. May 28, 2013, 8 p.m. True 102.0 131.0 -35.0 -7.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_525.xml 575 Jubilant 2013 - Solent to Eddystone Light return <a href="http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=235072654" target="_blank"/>Jubilant</a> crewed by SOLers, is sailing round the Eddystone Lighthouse in the second of her two qualifying races for this year's Fastnet Race. <b>ybw_mjm</b>, Skipper of Jubilant invites SOLers to sail this 230nm course at the same time. <br> Race #575<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_575.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/575/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 28 May at 1900utc. Jubilant Race 2, racing with 236 boats. May 25, 2013, 8:30 a.m. True -6.0 1.0 49.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_575.xml 568 Aeolian Challenge 2013 <a href="http://wikitravel.org/en/Aeolian_Islands" target="_blank"/>The Aeolian Islands</a> are a UNESCO Heritage site located off the coast of Sicily in the Mediterranean. For SOLers they provide a race course (288nm in Super Maxi 100s), for vulcanologists an endless supply of new data. <br> Race #568<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_568.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/568/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, May 24 at 1900utc. Aeolian Challenge 2013, racing with 239 boats. May 22, 2013, 11 a.m. True 12.0 17.0 37.0 41.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_568.xml 574 Aland Sea Race 2013 The start of the season at Norrtelje Sailing Society used to be a classic 75nm race from the club's island of Flaten. SOL is delighted to run this race in X332s. <br>Race #574<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_574.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/22/X-332.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC weekend/SYC<br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/574/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 20 May @1200utc Aland Sea Race 2013, racing with 224 boats. May 18, 2013, noon True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_574.xml 573 Magnus Olsson Tribute Race 2013 - Qingdao to Rio Magnus Olsson was one of the best-known and most liked of all ocean racers and tributes to him say it all. In memory of this remarkable sailor, SOLers have decided to race his mythical Quingdao-Rio leg of the 2008 Volvo Ocean Race. It will be 12519nm on VO70v4s! <br> Race #573 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_573.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Ocean/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/573/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 29 June at 2000utc Magnus Olsson Tribute Race, racing with 449 boats. May 11, 2013, 6 p.m. True 118.0 340.0 -68.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_573.xml 570 Capt Anderson's Resupply 2013 - Leg 2 - Tsawwassen to Bellingham This is Leg 2 in a series of 10 races. Here SOL supplies 4 lights around several islands to the south east of Vancouver Island. The leg starts at the end of the previous leg to the south of modern Vancouver city and ends in Bellingham where we pick up more supplies. 71nm in J30s. <br>Race #570<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_570.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045<br>Ranking: SYC/Capt Anderson Series <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/570/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 15 May @1000utc Capt. Anderson's Resupply - Leg 2, racing with 206 boats. May 10, 2013, 9 p.m. True -124.0 -122.0 48.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_570.xml 569 Jubilant Race 2013 - Cowes to Le Havre <a href="http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/shipdetails.aspx?MMSI=235072654" target="_blank"/>Jubilant</a> crewed by SOLers is sailing to France in the first of her qualifying races for this year's Fastnet Race. <b>ybw_mjm</b>, Skipper of Jubilant invites SOLers to sail a classic 76nm course to France at the same time. <br> Race #569<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_569.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC_Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/569/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 7 May @1200utc Jubilant Race 1, racing with 309 boats. May 4, 2013, 9 a.m. True -4.0 2.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_569.xml 572 Galway Redux TIMED Race 2013 This is a 90nm <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race in Seacarts along the west coast of Ireland, finishing in Galway Harbour. <br>Race #572 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_572.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/572/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>To run again <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/572/register/" >Re-register here</a></b><br> <b><i> RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 8 May @1700utc Galway Redux TIMED Race 2013, racing with 499 boats. May 1, 2013, 5 p.m. True -12.0 -8.0 52.0 54.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_572.xml 373 Galway In-Port TIMED Race 2013 A short intense <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race round Galway in Seacarts to blow the cobwebs away! <br>Race #373<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_373.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC-Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/373/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>To run again <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/373/register/" >Re-register here</a></b><br> <b><i>EARLY RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 1 May @1600utc Galway Inport TIMED Race 2013, racing with 579 boats. April 27, 2013, 10 a.m. True -15.0 -7.0 51.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_373.xml 522 A3 2016 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 7 of the series - a race of 1405nm in 60ft trimarans from Cairns, the hub of Australia's tropical holiday zone, to Darwin, the frontier with Asia. <br> Race #522<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_522.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/09/20/60ft_trimaran.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/522/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 29 April @1000utc. A3 - Leg 7 - Cairns to Darwin, racing with 315 boats. April 23, 2013, 8 p.m. True 128.0 152.0 -18.0 -6.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_522.xml 562 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2013 Race your 90ft mono hull 1220nm around the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa for a prize of the sailors favourite, a 1 litre bottle of Canarian rum. Arehucas est. in 1884, is the most representative rum of Gran Canaria, made in Arucas, a small town in the north east part of GC. <br>Race #562<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_562.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC-week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/562/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, April 26 @1000utc Santa Monica Rum Regatta 2013, racing with 277 boats. April 19, 2013, 10 a.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_562.xml 566 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2013 Its time to celebrate Jakob's birthday with the traditional 30nm race in Stockholm's Archipelago, from Sandhamn to Jakob's home, in time for beer and bbq on his birthday! SOL's home waters are always challenging so... the race is on in our Linjett 33s! Grattis pa fodelsedag Jakob... thank you for founding SOL with Kalle!! <br>Race #566<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_566.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/04/13/Linjett33POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC-week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/566/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 19 April at 1200utc Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2013, racing with 261 boats. April 17, 2013, 5 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_566.xml 563 VirtualCruise 2013 Race A group of Polish virtual sailors are sailing round Europe and invite SOL to join them on their Delphia 47 for a 323nm race across the Bay of Biscay, from San Sebastian to Brest. Race #563 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_563.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/03/24/Delphia47POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC Weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/563/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, April 16 @1600utc VirtualCruise 2013 Race, racing with 276 boats. April 12, 2013, 7 p.m. True -9.0 1.0 42.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_563.xml 560 Gosford to Lord Howe Island 2013 SOLers and their TP52s are invited to join the Gosford Sailing Club in this 412nm race to Lord Howe Island. The island is known as the last paradise and is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the Pacific. It is one of just four island groups to be inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage list for the global significance of its natural beauty and heritage. Located in the Tasman Sea between Australia and New Zealand, administratively it is part of the Australian state of New South Wales. <br>Race #560<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_560.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC-weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/560/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday 10 April @1500utc Gosford to Lord Howe Island 2013, racing with 266 boats. April 6, 2013, 2 a.m. True 148.0 163.0 -35.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_560.xml 565 SOL's 1st Balloon Transat 2013 Do you have what it takes to steer a hot air balloon across the North Atlantic? Now is the time to find out. Your Montgolfier balloon awaits you in St John's Newfoundland and the finish line in Galway Bay beckons. Fair Winds! <br> Race #565 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_565.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2013/03/31/SOL_balloonPOLAR.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/565/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE EXTENSION:</b></i>Sunday, 14 April @1900utc. SOL's Balloon Transat 2013, racing with 330 boats. April 2, 2013, 7 p.m. True -75.0 5.0 30.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_565.xml 564 Pit Ilul Chase 2013 In reality, there is only ever a small area of icemelt in Baffin Bay, but SOL can yet sail VO70s the 540nm from Pituffik to Ilulissat! Winds are favourable so let's go racing. <br>Race #564<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_564.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC-weekend/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/564/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, 4 April at 1700utc Pit-Ilul Chase, racing with 235 boats. March 30, 2013, 1 p.m. True -80.0 -48.0 65.0 79.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_564.xml 561 International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race 2013 NZL_WairuaExpress and NZL_yachtyakka invite SOLers to race them the 124nm from Auckland to Tauranga! Your Farr 38s vs Beale 35 Open Country! <br>Race #561 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_561.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png">POLAR</a></b><br><b>WX Updates:</b> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: Week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/561/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Saturday, 30 March @ 1700utc 2013 International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race, racing with 245 boats. March 27, 2013, 9 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_561.xml 520 A3 2013 - Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 6 of the series - a 295nm sprint in SeaCart 30 Trimarans from Airlie Beach, inside the Great Barrier Reef up to Cairns. <br>Race #520<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_520.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png">POLAR</a></b> <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: A3/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/520/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 25 March at 1000utc A3 - Leg 6 - Airlie Beach to Cairns, racing with 272 boats. March 22, 2013, 8 p.m. True 145.0 151.0 -21.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_520.xml 558 Capt Anderson's Resupply 2013 - Leg 1 - Vancouver to Tsawwassen This is Leg 1 in a series of 10 races and it is a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race. Here SOL supplies 6 lights near modern day Vancouver. We leave the harbour near the city centre, round Gabriola and Valdes Islands before crossing back to Tsawwasen. This area was very different 100 years ago, but the sea is just the same. There are a few narrow channels but also a lot of open water. 71nm in J30s. <br>Race #558<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_558.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230<br>Ranking: SYC/Capt Anderson Series <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/558/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>To run again <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/558/register/" >Re-register here</a></b>.<br><i>REGISTRATION CLOSE: </i>Friday, 29 March @2000utc<br><i>RACE CLOSE:</i>Sunday, 31 March @2000utc Capt. Anderson's Resupply - Leg 1, racing with 480 boats. March 15, 2013, 9:30 p.m. True -125.0 -122.0 48.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_558.xml 559 Mergui Race 2013 470nm in Farr 38s that starts at the Atlantic South Coast of Spain, passes Gibraltar and ends at Algier (Algeria). In constantly changing weather conditions, affected by different systems - Atlantic, Mediterranean and Sahara - this should be a nice challenge. <br>Race #559<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_559.html">NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png">POLAR</a></b><br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>Ranking: SYC-week/SYC <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/559/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, March 16 @ 1600utc Mergui Sprint, racing with 266 boats. March 12, 2013, 7 p.m. True -9.0 6.0 34.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_559.xml 557 Channel Islands Ramble 2013 Welcome to a 300 NM slalom through the beautiful Channel Islands off the sunny Southern California coast. We start from Santa Barbara, and make a dash to San Miguel Island before weaving back towards Anacapa Island. We then head for San Nicolas Island and glide past Santa Catalina Island. After a run South to San Clemente Island, we turn back East to San Diego. When arriving, watch out for low flying naval aircrafts, for surfacing submarines, and for aircraft carriers of the US 7th fleet manoeuvring their way to the Coronado carrier berths. Race #557 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_557.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/20/SantaCruz52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br> <b>USA WX Updates:</b> 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. <br><b> Ranking: </b>SYC-weekend/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/557/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, 12 March at 1000utc Channel Islands Ramble 2013, racing with 283 boats. March 8, 2013, 7 p.m. True -126.0 -115.0 27.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_557.xml 556 New York to San Francisco 2013 There have been a couple of record attempts the last few months and we thought we should have a go at them as well. We have a fully supplied Maxi-100 ready to go in New York city. We race to San Francisco around Cape Horn, a full 13200 NM.<br> Race #556 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_556.html" > / <a href="https://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br> Ranking: SYC-ocean/SYC <br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/556/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br> <br><b><a href="https://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/10193/new-york-to-san-francisco-record-attempt/?page=3#post-10433">Final Race Report</a></b><br> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 29 April @1200utc Record Gold Run NYC - SFO, racing with 522 boats. March 7, 2013, noon True -155.0 -5.0 -66.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_556.xml 554 Turku to Helsinki Weekender 2013 SOL loves racing in the Nordic region and what could be more fun than a winter weekender from Turku to Helsinki in the <b><a href="http://julkaisut.metsa.fi/assets/pdf/lp/Esitteet/Saaristomerieng.pdf" target="_blank"> Finnish Archipelago</a></b> 127nm in FG43s should blow the cobwebs away!! Race #554 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_554.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/19/FG43.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/554/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 5 March @1000utc Turku to Helsinki Weekender, racing with 282 boats. March 2, 2013, 9 a.m. True 20.0 26.0 59.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_554.xml 553 A3 2013 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island II SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 5 of the series - a 550nm run in Class 40s from the Gold Coast, replicating the course of the Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race organised by Tyger's old club, The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. Race #553 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_553.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/553/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, 2 March @1700utc A3 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island II, racing with 345 boats. Feb. 26, 2013, 8 p.m. True 148.0 158.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_553.xml 513 A3 2013 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 5 of the series - a 550nm run in Class 40s from the Gold Coast, replicating the course of the Brisbane to Keppel Tropical Yacht Race organised by Tyger's old club, The Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron. Race #513 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_513.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/513/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> A3 - Leg 5 - Brisbane to Hamilton Island, racing with 278 boats. Feb. 22, 2013, 8 p.m. True 148.0 158.0 -28.0 -19.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_513.xml 550 The Three Kings Race 2013 SOL's Three Kings Offshore Race is a replica of the race organised by RAYC. A 500nm challenge, in Farr 38s, from Auckland (Orakei) up and around the Three Kings Islands and then back to Auckland finishing where you started Race #550 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_550.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Week/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/550/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> The Three Kings Race 2013, racing with 332 boats. Feb. 20, 2013, 9 p.m. True 171.0 177.0 -38.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_550.xml 552 Iceland Volcanoes Challenge 2013 Its time to head back to Iceland and enjoy the coastline as well as the rugged landscape. This trip takes us along some of Iceland's large volcanoes. Race #552 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_552.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/552/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 20 February 1900utc. Iceland Volcano Challenge 2013 , racing with 365 boats. Feb. 15, 2013, 7 p.m. True -28.0 -9.0 61.0 68.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_552.xml 551 Sardinia Cup 2013 Time for some racing in the Mediterranean around the shores of Sardinia. Be sure to have a look around, there seems to be a lot to see here. We are sailing the 225nm in a Farr 38 performance cruiser. Race #551 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_551.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/551/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> Sardinia Cup 2013, racing with 376 boats. Feb. 8, 2013, 8 p.m. True 6.0 12.0 38.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_551.xml 548 Bimini Beach Run 2013 Racing luxury catamarans, GB90s, in the Caribbean has to be one of SOL's great joys! Join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this sailing paradise. Race #548 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_548.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/13/GB90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Week/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/548/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> Bimini Beach Run 2013, racing with 319 boats. Feb. 2, 2013, 2 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_548.xml 545 Race to Up Helly Aa 2013 A-OI!!! Its Fire Festival time again in the Shetland Isles and SOL's fleet of Elan 410s needs to be in Lerwick for Up Helly Aa! From Aberdeen its a 378nm trip. NOTE: Gruney may be approached from any direction but must be passed for rounding purposes as indicated on the SOL chart. Race #545 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_545.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/09/Elan410.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Week/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/545/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> Race to Up Helly Aa 2013, racing with 333 boats. Jan. 25, 2013, 8 p.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_545.xml 300 New Hebrides Slalom 2013 Cast off your VO70_v4 to race the 578nm from New Caledonia to Vanuatu.This is one of SOL's most exotic races - but you must resist the temptation to stay on these islands forever. Race #300 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_300.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br>RANKING: Week/SYC. <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/300/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 23 January @1000utc New Hebrides Slalom, racing with 297 boats. Jan. 18, 2013, 8 p.m. True 162.0 172.0 -24.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_300.xml 543 SOL's Global Challenge 2012/13 - Leg 4 - Patagonia to Biscaya Welcome to the fourth and final leg in SOL's Global Challenge 2012 - 6,668nm in Open 60 2010s from the South Atlantic home to Biscay. <br>Race #543 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_543.html" >NOR</a><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" > / POLAR</a></b>. <br>WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <br> Ranking: SYC/Ocean/SGC. <br> <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/543/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b> SOL's Global Challenge 2012-2013 - LEG 4, racing with 580 boats. Jan. 15, 2013, 8 p.m. True -69.0 15.0 -56.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_543.xml 547 Lake Winnebago Race 2013 Its time for SOL's annual visit to the Eureka Landings Bar and Grill, run by SOL'er Bgosh. As always we must first sail for our suppers by racing 46.5nm round Lake Winnebago in our Mini 6.50s. We leave Oshkosh, visit Fond du Lac, High Cliffs Park, Neenah Point Light, and finish up back in Oshkosh. Race #547 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_547.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. <br>RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE</b></i>: Wednesday, 16 January @1300utc Lake Winnebago Race 2013, racing with 329 boats. Jan. 12, 2013, 5 p.m. True -89.0 -87.0 43.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_547.xml 510 A3 2013 - Leg 4 - Sydney to the Gold Coast SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 4 of the series - a 385nm run in TP52s from Sydney to the Gold Coast, replicating the course of the famous race organised by the Cruising Club of Australia in July each year. Race #510<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_510.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/510/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 12 January @1200utc. A3 - Leg 4 - Sydney to the Gold Coast, racing with 399 boats. Jan. 8, 2013, 8 p.m. True 148.0 160.0 -35.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_510.xml 546 Holiday Star TIMED Race 2012 A fast star-shaped <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race in Super Maxi 100s in the N Pacific to blow away those Holiday cobwebs. A TIMED race means you can start as soon as the race opens for registration and run as often as you like. To race again just <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/546/register/" >Re-register here</a></b>. Race #546<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_546.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/546/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b>. This Race will close on Sunday, 6 January @1200utc. Holiday Star TIMED Race, racing with 497 boats. Dec. 30, 2012, 6 p.m. True 170.0 177.0 50.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_546.xml 542 SOL's Global Challenge 2012/13 - Leg 3 - Auckland Islands to Cape Horn Welcome to the third of four legs in SOL's Global Challenge 2012 - 4796nm in Open 60 2010s from New Zealand's Auckland Islands round Cape Horn and into the South Atlantic. Race #542<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_542.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean/SGC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/542/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>NOTE:</b></i> The initial display may look askew but zoom out and back and it will reset correctly. Crossing the anti-meridien is not something SOL maps/weather systems particularly like and for some reason it is initially giving us a mirror/reflection of our race.<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 13 January @2000utc SOL's Global Challenge 2012-2013 - LEG 3, racing with 589 boats. Dec. 28, 2012, 7 p.m. True 162.0 218.0 -71.0 -45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_542.xml 539 Sydney Hobart 2012 SOL invites you to race your 90ft monohull in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart - the reverse of the A3 Leg3 course. Race #539<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_539.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/539/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 30 December @1100utc A3 Leg2 VERSO - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 418 boats. Dec. 26, 2012, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_539.xml 536 Simonstown to St Helena 2012 A copy of a traditional South African December yachtrace, SOLers are invited to race 1700nm in classic IMOCA 60s from Simonstown, RSA, to the exotic and remote island of St Helena - an island paradise with warm, friendly, hospitable islanders! Race #536<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_536.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/26/IMOCA60POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/536/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 2 January @1000utc Simonstown to St Helena 2012, racing with 306 boats. Dec. 22, 2012, 9 a.m. True -10.0 20.0 -37.0 -13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_536.xml 532 Midwinter Scotch Run 2012 A shorter fleet race for whisky fans, from Plymouth to Islay. 402nm in classic Beneteau Figaros. Race #532<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_532.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/10/20/BeneteauFigaroPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/532/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 19 December @1000utc 2012 Midwinter Scotch Run, racing with 289 boats. Dec. 14, 2012, 7 p.m. True -15.5 -2.5 48.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_532.xml 541 SOL's Global Challenge 2012/13 - Leg 2 - Good Hope to Auckland Islands Welcome to the second of four legs in SOL's Global Challenge 2012 - 5100nm in Open 60 2010s across the Southern Ocean from the tip of Africa to subantarctic New Zealand. Race #541<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_541.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean/SGC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/541/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, December 27 @1200utc. SOL's Global Challenge 2012-2013 - LEG 2, racing with 620 boats. Dec. 8, 2012, 10 a.m. True 10.0 174.0 -64.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_541.xml 505 A3 2012 - Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 3 of the series - a 630nm race in Super Maxi 100s from Hobart to Sydney (the reverse of the classic yacht race). Race #505<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_505.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/505/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> A3 - Leg 3 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 345 boats. Nov. 30, 2012, 8 p.m. True 144.0 160.0 -45.5 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_505.xml 537 Round White Island Race 2012 This classic New Zealand race is run each year in November and takes the yachts from Auckland, down south to the Bay of Plenty, around White Island, and back to Auckland. Racing Young 11(mods) who will be first to complete SOL's 295nm course! Race #537 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_537.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/537/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Round White Island Race 2012, racing with 308 boats. Nov. 22, 2012, 9 p.m. True 174.0 178.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_537.xml 538 Rund Skagen 2012 From Germany's one and only offshore island around Denmark to Germany's traditional city of the sails: Kiel. The Rund Skagen is the longest offshore race in Germany and also one of its oldest - first run in 1932. 434nm in First 47.7s. Race #538<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_538.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/538/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Rund Skagen 2012, racing with 278 boats. Nov. 16, 2012, 6 p.m. True 3.0 13.5 53.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_538.xml 540 SOL's Global Challenge 2012/13 - Leg 1 - Biscay to Good Hope Welcome to the first of four legs in SOL's Global Challenge 2012 - 6004nm in Open 60 2010s from the Bay of Biscay to the oceans off the tip of Africa. Fair winds! Race #540<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_540.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean/SGC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/540/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, Dec 13 @1000utc SOL's Global Challenge 2012-2013 - LEG 1, racing with 671 boats. Nov. 10, 2012, noon True -56.0 22.0 -60.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_540.xml 530 Lake Superior Lights 2012 Welcome to Lake Superior for the annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race is designed to feature the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills in your 90ft monohull! Race #530<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_530.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/530/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b>00<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 13 November @1700utc Lake Superior Lights 2012, racing with 325 boats. Nov. 9, 2012, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_530.xml 526 Two Oceans Doublecross 2012 SOLer Jawz invites us to sail our First 40.7vs the 180nm around Cape Point and twice over the imaginary line demarcating the meeting of the Atlantic and Indian oceans! Count the number of wrecks of previous vessels both old and new that underestimated the fury of the "Cape of Storms"! Celebrate your survival at the Tavern of the Seas. Race #526<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_526.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/11/01/First40.7v2POLIMAGE.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/526/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, November 7 @1000utc. Two Oceans Doublecross, racing with 306 boats. Nov. 3, 2012, 8 a.m. True 17.0 19.0 -35.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_526.xml 533 SOL's Middle Sea Race 2012 To race around some of the Mediterranean's most beautiful islands is a truly classic experience. Sailing Steinlager 2, SOLers will experience the best of Med racing in this 588nm course! Race #533<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_533.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/533/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Sunday, 4 November @1100utc. SOL's Middle Sea Race 2012, racing with 350 boats. Oct. 30, 2012, 5 p.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_533.xml 529 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2012 November 1 is the birthday of SOLer Mistli. Every year, on the Sunday before, SOLers and their Seacarts are invited to a short, high-energy race through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago! Race #529<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_529.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/529/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 31 October @1200utc Mistli's Birthday Race 2012, racing with 297 boats. Oct. 28, 2012, noon True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_529.xml 502 A3 2012 - Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 2 of the series - a 440nm race in First 47s replicating the Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster Race. Race #502<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_502.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/502/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, October 28 @2100utc A3 - Leg 2 - Melbourne to Hobart, racing with 372 boats. Oct. 23, 2012, 8 p.m. True 139.0 150.0 -45.0 -37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_502.xml 527 Ecker 1000 2012 - Leg 2 - Kalamata to Alanya This is Leg 2 of 2 in the Ecker 1000nm race for cruisers. Now we sail our boat, Lizza Forte, from Kalamáta, Greece over the Aegean sea always eastward to race finish, 519nm away, in Alanya, Turkey. Race #527 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_527.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/09/22/LizzaFortePOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week/Ecker. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/527/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, October 27 @0900utc. Ecker 1000 - Leg 2, racing with 289 boats. Oct. 20, 2012, 10 a.m. True 21.0 33.0 34.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_527.xml 528 Auckland to Russell Yacht Race 2012 Welcome again to New Zealand and to this year's classic coast race from Auckland to Russell. This 115nm race up the east coast of North Island is an icon of New Zealand yachting, and will be a fun run for SOLers in Young 11 (mod)s!! The <b><a href="http://coastalclassic.co.nz/">Coastal Classic</a></b> usually offers interesting conditions while welcome bacon butties and rum await all yachties and mermaids at the finish. Race #528<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_528.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/528/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Saturday, 20 October @2000utc. Auckland to Russell Race 2012, racing with 314 boats. Oct. 18, 2012, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_528.xml 523 Ecker 1000 2012 - Leg 1 - Zadar to Benetiko This is Leg 1 of 2 in the Ecker 1000nm race for cruisers. We sail our boat, Lizza Forte, from Zadar in Croatia down the Adriatic sea through the strait of Otranto all the way down to Kalamáta, Greece. Race #523 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_523.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/09/22/LizzaFortePOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week/Ecker. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/523/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, October 21 @2000utc Ecker 1000 - Leg 1, racing with 309 boats. Oct. 13, 2012, 2 p.m. True 12.0 23.0 35.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_523.xml 389 Newport RI to The Lizard Transat 2012 A classic transatlantic race of 2726nm from the USA to the UK in 90ft monohulls! Race #389 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_389.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/389/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Thursday, October 18 @1200utc SOL's TransAt 2012 - Newport RI to The Lizard, racing with 372 boats. Oct. 7, 2012, 3 p.m. True -79.0 1.0 27.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_389.xml 521 Black Gold Rush 2012 SOLer TheHorn invites us to run the Gulf - 650nm in 125ft Orange catamarans from Kuwait, via Bahrain and Abu Dhabi to finish offshore Dubai! Race #521 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_521.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/521/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, October 15@0900utc Black Gold Rush 2012, racing with 276 boats. Oct. 6, 2012, 7 a.m. True 47.0 56.0 23.5 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_521.xml 524 Chiloe Challenge 2012 Designed by SOLer Hotu Matua in 2010, this is a 263nm race in Seacarts through the fabulous landscapes of this part of Chile, while battling extreme sea, wind and currents conditions. Race #524 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_524.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/524/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Friday, October 5 @2000utc Chiloe Challenge 2012, racing with 313 boats. Oct. 2, 2012, 6 p.m. True -78.0 -70.0 -45.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_524.xml 506 Round Hong Kong 2012 The towns and cities of Asia are bustling and their offshore waters no less hectic. Grab your SOTO 30 and let's race SOLer Schakel's 114nm course along the busy sea lanes of the South China Sea from Hong Kong to Macau and back to Hong Kong. Race #506<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_506.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/506/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, October 3 @0800utc. Round Hong Kong, racing with 269 boats. Sept. 29, 2012, 7 a.m. True 113.0 115.0 21.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_506.xml 501 A3 2012 - Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne SOL's gift to AGage's memory is the A3 - Agage's Around Australia Series. This race is Leg 1 of the 9-race series - 468nm in TP52s across the south west corner of mainland Australia. Race #501<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_501.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: A3/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/501/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, October 1 @1400utc. A3 - Leg 1 - Adelaide to Melbourne, racing with 370 boats. Sept. 25, 2012, 10 p.m. True 135.0 147.0 -41.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_501.xml 517 Carib Rum Run 2012 Rum is a pirate's drink. September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Combine the two with Open 60s and you have SOL's annual Pirate race - 1759nm through the rum islands of the Caribbean. If you are an SYC Member you can change your boat name and race in disguise! Race #517 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_517.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/517/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Friday, 28 September @1200utc Carib Rum Run 2012, racing with 307 boats. Sept. 18, 2012, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_517.xml 507 SOL's Vasco da Gama Race 2012 SOLer WetWing invites SOL to join him in racing First 40.7v2s the 315nm course of the Vasco da Gama Ocean Race. This race is the oldest established international sailing event in South Africa. The Race start is in the bay of Maputo, the old Portuguese colonial capital of Mozambique. The offshore course follows the coastline past various world heritage sites, game reserves, marine reserves with warm clear water and a mecca for diving. The race finishes just offshore from South Africa’s second largest centre and tourism mecca… the city of Durban… and his home. Race #507<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_507.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/07/First40V2POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/507/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 18 September @0900utc. SOL's Vasco da Gama Race 2012, racing with 232 boats. Sept. 14, 2012, 5 p.m. True 29.0 40.0 -31.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_507.xml 519 Maui to Mazatlan 2012 Surfing Hawaii builds a mighty thirst and SOLers are now racing 2790nm to Mexico, home of tequila and mojitos! Race #519 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_519.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Ocean. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/519/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Thursday, 27 September @0900utc. Maui to Mazatlan 2012, racing with 325 boats. Sept. 11, 2012, 7 p.m. True -162.0 -102.0 8.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_519.xml 518 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2012 - Race 3 Welcome/Kia Ora once more to New Zealand for the third race of 2012's Simrad trio of races in Young 11(mods) round the islands of Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. Race #518 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_518.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC/Simrad <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/518/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 9 September @ 2200utc. SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 3, racing with 195 boats. Sept. 7, 2012, 9 p.m. True 173.0 179.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_518.xml 511 Celtic Sea English Channel Lights 2012 In this race we find ourself in France ready to race along the English and Irish coasts past some iconic and important lighthouses. The course is about 965 NM long and was suggested to us by 76Trombones. Race #511<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_511.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/511/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 12 September @0900utc Celtic Sea English Channel Lights, racing with 279 boats. Sept. 2, 2012, 5 p.m. True -15.0 5.0 46.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_511.xml 516 The Vineyard Race 2012 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes SOL to the 78th running of its Vineyard Race. The course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the IRL racers in your TP52. Race #516<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_516.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/516/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, September 4 @0900utc The Vineyard Race 2012, racing with 259 boats. Aug. 31, 2012, 4 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_516.xml 514 Tall Ships Regatta 2012 - Irish Sea It is nearly the end of the 2012 Tall Ships racing season in Europe and to round things off there is a time-on-course race in the Irish Sea. Not to be left out, SOL will be racing a 148nm course based on the marks used in the real race! Race #514<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_514.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/514/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 31 August @1000utc Irish Sea Tall Ships Regatta 2012, racing with 265 boats. Aug. 26, 2012, 5 p.m. True -9.0 -3.0 51.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_514.xml 509 Gotland Runt 2012 Its summer - its sunny - its time to race 359nm around the Swedish island of Gotland. SOLers Jepsom and Jeroen raced in the IRL race on yacht Xperia, an X-35, so we will be racing in our own X-35s! Race #509<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_509.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/04/15/X-35ODpolar.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/509/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Wednesday, 29 August @1000utc. Round Gotland Race 2012, racing with 251 boats. Aug. 25, 2012, 10 a.m. True 14.2 23.5 55.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_509.xml 508 Sea Lion TIMED Race 2012 Blow the cobwebs away in a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/9412/timed-races-guidelines/?page=1#post-9412">TIMED</a> race in the S Atlantic. The distance: 117nm, The boat: Steinlager 2.... could it get any better?!! This will be a TIMED challenge which means you can start as soon as the race opens for registration! See who can get the best time!! To run again after finishing a run <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/508/register/" >Re-Register here</a>. Race #508<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_508.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/508/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b>Wednesday, 22 August @1800utc. Sea Lion Sprint TIMED Race 2012, racing with 700 boats. Aug. 15, 2012, 6 p.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_508.xml 491 Tall Ships Races 2012 - A Coruna to Dublin This is the fourth and final event in The Tall Ships Races 2012 and is a 517nm race north from A Coruna, Spain, to Dublin, Ireland. Race #491 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_491.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC/Tall Ships <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/491/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 22 August @1200utc. The Tall Ships Races 2012 - A Coruna to Dublin - Race 3, racing with 283 boats. Aug. 13, 2012, 5 p.m. True -16.0 0.0 42.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_491.xml 504 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2012 - Race 2 Welcome/Kia Ora to New Zealand and the second race of this year's Simrad trio of races in Young 11(mods) round the islands of Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. Race #504 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_504.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC/Simrad <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/504/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 13 August @1500utc. SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 2, racing with 197 boats. Aug. 10, 2012, 9 p.m. True 174.5 175.5 -37.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_504.xml 503 Sail Around Turkey 2012 Welcome to the third annual race around Turkey, this time in 90ft monohulls. This is a 1,430nm circumnavigation of Turkey - from Hopa (the easternmost point of the Turkish Black Sea coast) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coast). Race #503<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_503.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/503/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Sunday, August 19 @1600utc. Sail Around Turkey 2012, racing with 290 boats. Aug. 7, 2012, 4 p.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_503.xml 493 Channel Islands Ramble 2012 Welcome to this year's 300nm slalom from Santa Barbara to San Diego through the beautiful Channel Islands off the sunny Southern California coast. When arriving, watch out for low flying naval aircraft, for surfacing submarines, and for aircraft carriers of the US 7th fleet manoeuvring their way to the Coronado carrier berths. Race #493 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_493.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/30/Santa_Cruz52v1POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/493/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 6 August @2200utc Channel Island Ramble 2012, racing with 207 boats. Aug. 1, 2012, 10 p.m. True -126.0 -115.0 27.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_493.xml 490 Tall Ships Cruise 2012 - Cadiz to A Coruna This is the third of the events in The Tall Ships Races 2012. The real boats aren't racing but cruising the 235nm from Cadiz to A Coruna in Spain. We are racing, this time in Class B Tall Ships! Race #490 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_490.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/31/ClassBTallShip.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Tall Ships <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/490/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday 12 August @1200utc. The Tall Ships CiC 2012 - Cadiz to A Coruna , racing with 285 boats. July 29, 2012, 5 p.m. True -16.0 -5.0 34.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_490.xml 479 Hanse Race 2012 The German Offshore Owners Association has invited SOL to join it for one of the legs of this year's Hanse Race. From Visby to Klaipeda, SOL will be racing Linjett 40s against the real fleet on the 164nm course. Race #479 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_479.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/07/24/Linjett40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/479/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Saturday, 28 July @2000utc Hanse Race 2012, racing with 201 boats. July 26, 2012, 8 a.m. True 15.0 23.0 54.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_479.xml 497 Percé to Saint Malo Transat 2012 A 2,485nm ocean race in two legs: from the tip of the Gaspe peninsula in Quebec, Canada to St Malo, France via the French islands of St Pierre and Miquelon. Race #497 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_497.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Ocean/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/497/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 5 August @1900utc. Perce - St Malo 2012, racing with 312 boats. July 24, 2012, 7 p.m. True -72.0 9.0 25.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_497.xml 489 Tall Ships Races 2012 - Lisbon to Cadiz This is second of the four events in The Tall Ships Races 2012 and sees us racing 212nm from Lisbon, Portugal to Cadiz, Spain. Race #489 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_489.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC/Tall Ships <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/489/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 27 July @1100utc. The Tall Ships Races 2012 - Lisbon to Cadiz - Race 2, racing with 290 boats. July 22, 2012, 5 p.m. True -16.0 -4.0 35.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_489.xml 492 Quebec to St Malo Transat 2012 - STOPPED DUE TO SERVER FREEZE Modelled on a classic course, this SOL race of 2830nm in Class 40s from Canada to France sees us navigate from Quebec City on the St Lawrence River across the Atlantic to St Malo. Race #492 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_492.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Ocean/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/492/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Transatlantique 2012, racing with 259 boats. July 22, 2012, 3 p.m. True -72.0 1.0 40.0 64.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_492.xml 496 Chicago Mackinac Race 2012 First run in 1898 this course belongs to the oldest freshwater sailing race in the world - race 283nm approx. in your Santa Cruz 52 from Chicago to Mackinac Island! Race #496 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_496.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/20/SantaCruz52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/496/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Wednesday, 25 July @1000utc. Chicago to Mackinac 2012, racing with 237 boats. July 21, 2012, 5 p.m. True -90.0 -84.0 41.5 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_496.xml 495 Tour Down Under 2012 Boats not bicycles for SOL's own version of the "Tour Down Under" designed by AGage - no hot dusty roads for us just 694nm of ocean in our Mini 6.50s! Race #495 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_495.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a> </b> WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/495/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 24 July @2100utc. AGage's Tour Down Under 2012, racing with 319 boats. July 17, 2012, 6 a.m. True 133.0 140.0 -37.5 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_495.xml 487 Colin Archer Memorial Race 2012 Another first for us, thanks to SOLer Tempest - we are racing from Lauwersoog in the Netherlands to Larvik in Norway at the same time as the 16th CAMR. SOL will run the 374nm in Dufour 40s. Race #487 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_487.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Dufour40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/487/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday 18 July @0800utc. Colin Archer Memorial Race 2012, racing with 240 boats. July 14, 2012, 3 p.m. True 1.0 14.0 53.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_487.xml 494 SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series 2012 - Race 1 Welcome to New Zealand and the first of this year's three challenging and fast paced races round Auckland's islands in Young 11(mod)s. Race #494 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_494.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC/Simrad <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/494/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, July 15 @2100utc SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 1, racing with 205 boats. July 13, 2012, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -37.5 -35.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_494.xml 478 Tall Ships Races 2012 - St Malo to Lisbon This is the first race out of three in The Tall Ships Races 2012 and takes us 763nm from St Malo, France, to Lisbon, Portugal. Race #478 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_478.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/27/Barque90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC/Tall Ships <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/478/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Thursday, 17 July @0900utc. The Tall Ships Races 2012 - St Malo to Lisbon - Race 1, racing with 376 boats. July 10, 2012, 10 a.m. True -18.0 1.0 34.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_478.xml 488 Bornholm Race 2012 Summer time sees the waters off N Germany fill with racing yachts. This is a classic race in Finngulf 43s from Warnemunde, round the island of Bornholm and back to Warnemunde. Race #488 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_488.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/19/FG43.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/488/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Thursday, 12 July @1100utc. Bornholm Race 2012, racing with 233 boats. July 9, 2012, 11 a.m. True 11.0 17.0 53.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_488.xml 484 Breizh Lightning 2012 A fast 522nm race in Orange Catamarans round many of the lighthouse between Brest and Courdouan (and back!). This is SOLer Tarco's celebration for the week-long sailing festival in Brest, France. Race #484 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_484.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/484/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday, 11 July @0900utc. Breizh Lightning 2012, racing with 277 boats. July 7, 2012, 7 a.m. True -8.0 1.0 44.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_484.xml 413 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 9 - Lorient to Galway The final leg in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 9: Lorient to Galway across 485nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! Race #413 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_413.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/413/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 9, racing with 605 boats. July 1, 2012, 11 a.m. True -28.0 5.0 30.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_413.xml 486 JuJu and Maggie around Wight 2012 SOLer JuJu is racing in yacht Maggie in a classic circumnavigationi of an island. JuJu challenges SOLers to beat him to the end of this 46nm course. Race #486 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_486.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/06/24/Dufour34POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. . Ranking: Weekend/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/486/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Monday, 2 July @1000utc JuJu and Maggie Sail around Newport, racing with 204 boats. June 30, 2012, 7 a.m. True -2.0 0.0 50.0 51.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_486.xml 485 Pb³ 2012 Welcome to Estonia!! For a second year, SOLer TuuleTallaja invites us and our F18s to 113nm of beach BBQs with live music along the Estonian coast from Pirita to Pärnu! Race #485 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_485.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/485/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 1 July @2000utc. Pb3 2012 - Pirita beach - Paralepa beach - Parnu beach, racing with 246 boats. June 29, 2012, 8 p.m. True 19.0 27.0 57.5 60.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_485.xml 482 Shetland Race 2012 - Lerwick to Bergen Welcome to Lerwick, capital of the Shetland Isles where your First 47.7s await! Its time to race against the real sailors of this year's Shetland Races returning to Bergen, 186nm away. Race #482 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_482.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/482/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday, 27 June @1000utc Shetland Race 2012 - Lerwick to Bergen, racing with 336 boats. June 24, 2012, 10 a.m. True -3.0 5.5 58.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_482.xml 483 Suedsee Rund 2012 Its June which must mean it is time to race 170nm round the waters off Denmark and Germany in our X-332s!! Race #483 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_483.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/22/X-332.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/483/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Monday, 25 June @1900utc. Suedsee Runt 2012, racing with 313 boats. June 21, 2012, 3 p.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_483.xml 481 Haida Gwaii 2012 A 387nm weekend zoom in GB90s awaits us - one circuit of the islands of Haida Gwaii (formerly Queen Charlotte Islands) off the BC coast of Canada. Race #481 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_481.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/13/GB90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/481/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 19 June @1900utc. Haida Gwaii, racing with 277 boats. June 15, 2012, 7 p.m. True -143.0 -120.0 48.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_481.xml 351 Raid on Lindisfarne 2012 In the year 793, a band of vikings crossed the North Sea to raid Britain. SOL recaptures this voyage by sailing the 465nm from Goteborg to Lindisfarne in longships. Race #351 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_351.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/04/12/LongshipDrakePOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/351/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b><b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 24 June @2000utc Raid on Lindisfarne, racing with 302 boats. June 12, 2012, noon True -5.0 13.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_351.xml 412 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 8 - Lisbon to Lorient Leg 8 in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 8: A race from Lisbon to Lorient across 1940nm in a VO70. On the way the Azores must be rounded as part of the course. Fair Winds challengers! Race #412 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_412.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/412/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 8, racing with 694 boats. June 10, 2012, 11 a.m. True -28.0 10.0 30.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_412.xml 477 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2012 A TIMED version of this wekend's 32nm race -- see what best time you can get! To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/477/register/" >here</a> Race #477 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_477.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: NONE <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/477/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Monday, 11 June @0700utc. Round Texel TIMED Race 2012, racing with 127 boats. June 10, 2012, 7 a.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_477.xml 473 Rond Texel Fleet Race 2012 NED_Arthur invites SOL to join in the world's biggest multihull race - held annually in The Netherlands. This 32nm course, raced in catamarans, has a winning time of 2h 7m 2s (set in 2009). Beat that if you can in your F-18! Race #473 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_473.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/14/F18POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/473/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 10 June @0700utc. Texel Race 2012, racing with 215 boats. June 9, 2012, 10 a.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_473.xml 474 Brisbane to Noumea 2012 G'day and welcome to Brisbane and the start of the Australian leg of Sail Noumea 2012. SOL is racing First 47.7s the 823nm from Brisbane to Noumea. Race #474 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_474.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/17/First477.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/474/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Saturday, 9 June @2300utc. Sail Noumea 2012 - Brisbane, racing with 343 boats. June 3, 2012, 3 a.m. True 151.0 170.0 -29.0 -16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_474.xml 453 BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 3 - Sevastopol to Istanbul Time for the longest race of this year's virtual Black Sea Regatta. From Sevastopol in the Crimea, we sail our SOTO 30s around the coast of the Black Sea to Istanbul, visiting Yalta, Sochi, Batumi and Trabzon on the way. Race #453 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_453.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC/Black Sea. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/453/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Thursday, June 14 @1200utc. BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 3 , racing with 272 boats. June 2, 2012, 7 a.m. True 27.0 42.0 40.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_453.xml 475 Sail Noumea 2012 Welcome to the New Zealand leg of Sail Noumea 2012. We will race the 983nm from Auckland to Noumea in competition with the legendary Steinlager 2! Race #475 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_475.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/05/29/SteinlagerIIPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/475/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 10 June @1400utc Sail Noumea 2012 - Auckland, racing with 303 boats. June 2, 2012, 2 a.m. True 153.0 180.0 -40.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_475.xml 452 BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 2 - Mangalia to Sevastopol Welcome to Leg 2 of the BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012. Leaving the real fleet in Mangalia, we now set off for Sevastopol, Crimea some 355nm away. Race #452 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_452.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: /Week/SYC. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/452/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Friday, 1 June @1900utc. BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 2, racing with 264 boats. May 29, 2012, 7 a.m. True 27.0 35.0 43.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_452.xml 450 BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 1 - Varna to Mangalia SOL is delighted to join with the organisers of the fifth BMW Black Sea International Regatta. Sailing new SOTO 30s we shall visit each of the Black Sea's capital cities in a series of three races. This first leg of 52nm is from Varna, Bulgaria to Mangalia, Romania and SOL is competing in SOTO 30s against the real race fleet. Race #450 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_450.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/05/SOTO30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC/Black Sea. <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/450/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sunday, 27 May @2100utc BMW Black Sea Virtual Race 2012 - Leg 1, racing with 276 boats. May 26, 2012, 7 a.m. True 27.0 33.0 41.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_450.xml 411 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 7 - Miami to Lisbon Leg 7 in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 7: A race from Miami to Lisbon across 3590nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! Race #411 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_411.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL World Race <b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/411/?beta=true">Beta Client</a></b> Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 7, racing with 759 boats. May 20, 2012, 5 p.m. True -85.0 0.0 0.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_411.xml 463 Aland Sea Race 2012 All sailors around the world are welcome to Norrtelje Sailing Society's club island Flaten for the start of a re-running of a former classic season opener - 75nm in Mini 6.5s. Race #463 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_463.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Monday, May 21 @2000utc. Aland Sea Race 2012, racing with 236 boats. May 19, 2012, 10 a.m. True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_463.xml 471 Perth ISAF Sprint 2012 To celebrate the running of the 2011 ISAF World Championships in Perth, Australia, SOL organized an overnight offshore race and a Sprint: 65nm in a J-80 sportsboat along the Perth/Freemantle shoreline. 'As the crow flies', the Sprint, which we are re-enacting, crosses Rottnest Island - noteworthy indeed as the island has been identified by BirdLife International as an 'Important Bird Area' and is home to breeding pairs of a number of endangered species. <br> Race #1049<br> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_1049.html"> INFO</a> by brainaid.de<br> J-80 <a href=" http://sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2017/03/15/J_80_Particulars17.pdf"> Particulars </a><br> WX Updates: <br> 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br> Ranking: <br> SPRCH - SUPSOL – SRQ1 - SYC <br> ALT. CLIENT:<b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/1049/?version=classic">Classic </a></b> Perth ISAF Fleet Race, racing with 336 boats. May 15, 2012, 8 a.m. True 113.0 116.0 -34.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_471.xml 472 Perth to Fremantle TIMED Race 2012 A 65nm J-80 Sprint due South along the Perth/Freemantle shoreline, crossing Rottnest Island 'as the crow flies' - which is appropriate as the island has been identified by BirdLife International as an 'Important Bird Area' - being home to breeding pairs of a number of endangered species.Race #472 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_472.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/W Australia. <b>TO RE-REGISTER</b> and run again after finishing a run, click<b> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/472/register/" >here</a></b>. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Thursday, 17 May @1500utc. Perth-Fremantle ISAF Sprint TIMED, racing with 575 boats. May 10, 2012, 2:45 p.m. True 114.0 116.0 -33.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_472.xml 469 Hiroshima to Kure 2012 Welcome to Japan! As the Hiroshima Flower Festival comes to a close, SOLers will race F18s, 380nm around Shikoku Island, the smallest of Japan's four main islands. A real test of endurance! Race #469 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_469.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/05/F-18.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC.<b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Friday, 11 May @1100utc. Hiroshima-Kure 2012, racing with 290 boats. May 5, 2012, 9 a.m. True 125.0 145.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_469.xml 461 Sail Two Seas 2012 Welcome to the Sea of Azov - where the River Don flows into the oceans! We are racing our SOTO40s the 296nm from the Don estuary, across the Sea of Azov and out into the Black Sea. Race #461 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_461.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/SOTO40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Wednesday, 2 May @1000utc. Sail2Seas, racing with 301 boats. April 28, 2012, 10 a.m. True 34.0 42.0 42.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_461.xml 410 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 6 - Itajai to Miami The sixth in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 6: A race from Itajai to Miami across 4800nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! Race #410 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_410.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 6, racing with 854 boats. April 22, 2012, 5 p.m. True -85.0 -20.0 -30.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_410.xml 467 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2012 It's been a while since SOL has sailed in home waters and what better time to do so than to celebrate Jakob's Birthday!! We set off from Sandhamn in our X-35ODs and arrive near his home for birthday beer and bbq some 30nm later! Grattis pa fodelsedag Jakob... thank you for founding SOL with Kalle!! Race #467 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_467.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/04/15/X-35ODpolar.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Sat 21 Apr@1000utc. Jakob's Birthday Race 2012, racing with 335 boats. April 18, 2012, 5 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_467.xml 466 Cape Horn Resupply TIMED Race 2012 Word has reached Puerto William that supplies are needed 172nm away for some RTW yachtsmen sheltering inshore near Noir Island. SOLers respond in their TP52s and race against the clock to deliver grog and vittles in this TIMED race!!! Which route will be quicker - inland or inshore? Make as many trips as you like!! Race #466 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_466.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click<b> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/466/register/" >here</a></b>. <b>RACE CLOSE</b> Wed 18 Apr @1800utc Cape Horn Resupply TIMED Race, racing with 520 boats. April 13, 2012, 7 p.m. True -74.0 -65.0 -57.0 -53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_466.xml 365 Gasparilla Raid 2012 Follow in the steps of Jose Gaspar, the legendary Floridian Pirate, in a 90ft monohull - raid the treasure ship, evade capture by running to Isla Perez and then head for home - a total of 1106nm. Race #365 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_365.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Mon 16 Apr @1700utc. Gasparilla Raid, racing with 455 boats. April 10, 2012, 7 p.m. True -92.0 -79.0 21.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_365.xml 465 Zprint to Zardinia 2012 SOLer JuJu is en route to Sardinia with yacht Zeno, a Dufour 40. To keep him company over the Easter weekend we are going to sail the 290nm with him!! Race #465 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_465.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Dufour40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Mon Apr 9 @2000utc Zprint to Zardinia, racing with 344 boats. April 7, 2012, 10 a.m. True -1.0 15.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_465.xml 460 International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race 2012 NZL_WairuaExpress and NZL_yachtyakka invite SOLers to join them in this year's 124nm classic race from Auckland to Tauranga!! Your Farr 38s await! Race #460 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_460.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b>Saturday, April 7 @1100utc. International Yacht Paints Auckland Tauranga Yacht Race 2012, racing with 291 boats. April 4, 2012, 10 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_460.xml 464 Elbetico's Fun Run TIMED Race 2012 SOLer elbetico's 20nm course around Huelva but this time just for fun - no rankings, race as often as you like and choice of boats!! Race #464 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_464.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >Mini 650 Polar</a></b> - <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >Class 40 Polar</a></b> - <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/31/ClassBTallShip.png" >Class B Tall Ship Polar</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: None. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click<b> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/464/register/" >here</a></b>. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, April 3 @ 1000utc. Elbeticos Fun Run TIMED Race, racing with 318 boats. March 31, 2012, 6 p.m. True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_464.xml 459 Vuelta de la Isla Saltes 2012 SOLer elbetico invites us to his home waters for a very short 20nm race in J30s. This is a traditional local race and this time is commemorating the establishment of Huelva Marina in SW Spain. Race #459 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_459.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> 2 Apr @1000utc. Vuelta de la Isla Saltes, racing with 290 boats. March 31, 2012, 11 a.m. True -7.5 -6.5 36.5 37.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_459.xml 462 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2012 - Leg 4 - Napier to Auckland Welcome to the fourth and final leg of the 2012 Round New Zealand race. In Young 11(mods) we race 353nm from Napier, via Portland Island, East Cape and Cape Colville to the finish in Auckland. Race #462 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_462.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: RNZ 2012/Week/SYC. RNZ Two Handed 2012 Leg 4, racing with 319 boats. March 21, 2012, 4 a.m. True 174.0 180.0 -40.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_462.xml 284 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 5 - Auckland to Itajai The fifth in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 5: A race from Auckland to Itajai across 6705nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! Race #284 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_284.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 5, racing with 937 boats. March 18, 2012, 1 a.m. True 165.0 330.0 -75.0 0.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_284.xml 457 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2012 - Leg 3 - Stewart Island to Napier Welcome to Leg 3 of the 2012 Round New Zealand race and another new-to-SOL boat, the Farr 38!! As we wave goodbye to Stewart Island it is nearly time to turn north and race 602nm up New Zealand's East Coast to Napier, via Banks Peninsula and Cape Kidnappers. Race #457 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_457.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/03/11/Farr38.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: RNZ 2012/Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Monday, 19 March @1700utc. RNZ Two Handed 2012 Leg 3, racing with 341 boats. March 13, 2012, 1 a.m. True 166.0 180.0 -48.0 -39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_457.xml 454 Black Sea TEST Race A TEST race from Mangalia to Sevastopol Black Sea TEST Race, racing with 11 boats. March 10, 2012, 8 a.m. True 27.0 35.0 43.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_454.xml 456 Iceland TIMED Race 2012 Welcome to a fast-paced TIMED race in Orange Cats off Iceland - 150nm for you to race as often as you like over the weekend. In a TIMED race your first command starts your boat racing immediately so you can either wait to choose the best time to start or just throw yourself into the fun of multiple runs straightaway! Volcano watching optional! Race #456 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_456.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click<b> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/456/register/" >here</a></b>. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 13 March @1000utc. Iceland TIMED Race, racing with 802 boats. March 8, 2012, 10:30 p.m. True -26.0 -11.0 62.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_456.xml 451 Cowes to Eddystone and back 2012 BER_Baggus invites us to a classic 236nm race in Class 40s along the SW coast of England from Cowes to Eddystone and back. REMEMBER: follow the arrow on the racing line round Eddystone Light to round it correctly!! Race #451 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_451.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Class40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Friday, 9 March @1000utc. Cowes to Eddystone and Back, racing with 348 boats. March 6, 2012, 7 p.m. True -6.0 1.0 49.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_451.xml 449 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2012 - Leg 2 - Mangonui to Stewart Island It is time to leave behind Mangonui and its excellent hospitality and head off in First 47.7s to Half Moon Bay, Stewart Island - 887nm away at the other end of New Zealand!! Race #449 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_449.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/02/26/First477SDPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: RNZ 2012/Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Saturday, 10 March @2200utc RNZ Two-Handed 2012 - Leg 2, racing with 350 boats. Feb. 27, 2012, midnight True 160.0 175.0 -50.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_449.xml 448 SSANZ Round New Zealand 2012 - Leg 1 - Auckland to Mangonui SSANZ welcomes SOLers to the 2012 Round New Zealand race. Leg 1, of four in total, takes us 150nm from Auckland to Mangonui. Time to get your Leg 1 boat, a Young 11, ready to race against the IRL fleet. Race #448 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_448.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: RNZ 2012/Week/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 26 Feb @2200utc. RNZ Two Handed 2012 Leg 1, racing with 370 boats. Feb. 25, 2012, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_448.xml 283 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 4 - Sanya to Auckland The fourth of nine races spanning the globe. Time to end the party in Sanya and race your VO70 the 5200nm to Auckland!! Race #283 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_283.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 4, racing with 1056 boats. Feb. 19, 2012, 7 a.m. True 104.0 200.0 -43.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_283.xml 446 Lake Winnebago Race 2012 Its time for SOL's annual visit to the Eureka Landings Bar and Grill, run by SOL'er Bgosh. As always we must first sail for our suppers by racing 46.5nm round Lake Winnebago in Mini 650s. We leave Oshkosh, visit Fond du Lac, High Cliffs Park, Neenah Point Light, and finish up back in Oshkosh. Race #446 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_446.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Tuesday, Feb 21 @1000utc. Lake Winnebago Race 2012, racing with 368 boats. Feb. 18, 2012, 5 p.m. True -89.0 -87.0 43.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_446.xml 445 Wellington to Nelson 2012 Welcome to the first running on SOL of a New Zealand classic race that takes us 104nm from Wellington to Nelson through the notorious Cook Strait. Prepare your SOTO 40s!! Race #445 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_445.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/SOTO40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i> RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, Feb 14 @ 2100utc Wellington to Nelson 2012, racing with 506 boats. Feb. 11, 2012, 9 p.m. True 173.0 175.0 -42.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_445.xml 444 Bimini Beach Run 2012 Join us as we visit New Providence, the Biminis and the Bahamas on a fast 243nm island hopping tour of this sailing paradise in our luxurious GB90s. Race #444 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_444.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/13/GB90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. . WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC <b><i>RACE CLOSE</b></i> Wed 8 Feb @1000utc Bimini Beach Run 2012, racing with 481 boats. Feb. 4, 2012, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_444.xml 438 Race to Up Helly Aa 2012 It's Fire Festival Time in the far North of Britain and SOL is heading to Lerwick for Up Helly Aa at the invitation of www.Shetland.org!! A-OI!!! This is a 378nm race in Dufour 40s!! Race #438 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_438.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2012/01/23/Dufour40POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> February 2 @1400utc. Race to Up Helly Aa 2012, racing with 412 boats. Jan. 27, 2012, 8 p.m. True -6.0 4.0 56.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_438.xml 442 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2012 Everyone says we are having a milder winter than normal but are you yet brave enough to sail the Baltic from Sweden to Russia? Climb aboard your Seacart for a 430nm race to the home of The Hermitage Museum! Race #442 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_442.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>Race Close:</b></i> 24 January @1200utc. Stockholm to St Petersburg 2012, racing with 386 boats. Jan. 21, 2012, 10 a.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_442.xml 282 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 3 - Abu Dhabi to Sanya SWR 2011/12 - Leg 3 - Abu Dhabi to Sanya Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 3, racing with 1082 boats. Jan. 14, 2012, 10 a.m. True 53.0 120.0 -15.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_282.xml 437 Race The Greatest Climb 2012 Join SOL in a race that replicates a trek up Mt Kilimanjaro commemorating Muhammad Ali's 70th birthday by a group from the British Parkinson's Charity "Wobbly Williams"! A total of 1289nm in the waters off E Africa in TP52s. Race #437 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_437.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/TP52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Friday, 20 January @2200utc Race The Greatest Climb 2012, racing with 410 boats. Jan. 12, 2012, 10 a.m. True 42.0 56.0 -12.0 2.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_437.xml 443 Iceland Volcanoes Challenge 2012 Eyjafjallajokull and Grimsvoetn await your inspection during a 309nm race along Iceland's southern coast from Reykjavik to Krossanes. Grab your classic IMOCA60 and let's go! Race #443 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_443.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/26/IMOCA60POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 9 January @0900utc. Iceland Volcanoes 2012, racing with 476 boats. Jan. 6, 2012, 4 p.m. True -28.0 -9.0 61.0 68.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_443.xml 441 Tasman Double 2011 - Hobart to Sydney Sail into 2012 with SOL! The first race of the New Year is the return trip to Sydney from Hobart, another 625nm but this time in SuperMaxi 100s!! Race #441 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_441.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/Tasman Double 2011. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>5 January @ 1200utc. Tasman Double 2011 - Hobart to Sydney, racing with 422 boats. Jan. 1, 2012, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_441.xml 440 Tasman Double 2011 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your 90ft monohull in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. Race #440 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_440.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/Tasman Double 2011. <b><i> RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Thursday, 29 December @2100utc. Tasman Double 2011 - Sydney to Hobart, racing with 433 boats. Dec. 26, 2011, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_440.xml 439 The 100 Guineas Cup 2011 - Round the Isle of Wight In 1851 the New York Yacht Club was challenged by the Royal Yacht Squadron to a race round the Isle of Wight. As a bit of a lark, SOL is offering SOLers a choice of boats in a <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/RaceTypes.png" >TIMED</a>race. Race #439 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_439.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/12/15/100GuineasPOLARS.png" >POLARS</a></b>. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/439/register/" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. SYC RANKING: NONE.<b><i>REG CLOSE:</b></i> 23 December @1000utc <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 24 December @1000utc. The 100 Guineas Cup Race, racing with 735 boats. Dec. 17, 2011, noon True -4.0 1.0 48.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_439.xml 280 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 2 - Cape Town to Abu Dhabi The second in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 2: A race from Cape Town to Abu Dhabi across 5430nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! COURSE UPDATE 8-12-2011 now includes Mauritius. Race #280 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_280.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 2, racing with 1144 boats. Dec. 11, 2011, 2 p.m. True 12.0 85.0 -50.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_280.xml 428 Asian Series 2011 - Golden Gun Run The fourth and last race in the Asian Sprints 4-race series in Orange cats. This leg takes us on an 1167nm hunt for Scaramanga, from Singapore to the island of Ko Tapu! Race #428 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_428.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/21/OrangeCatPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/Asian Sprints. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, December 17 @1000utc. Asian Sprints 4 - Golden Gun Run, racing with 391 boats. Dec. 9, 2011, 10 a.m. True 88.0 110.0 -2.0 13.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_428.xml 381 Scandinavian Tour 2011 - Leg 3 - Norway The third and final leg of Jepsom's "three different boats competition"is a 1348nm race along the Norweigian coast. We change boats again, and now we try the IMOCA 60. We sail from Strömstad, Sweden up to Kirkenes. Race #381 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_381.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/26/IMOCA60POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/ScanTour.<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 7 December @1000utc Scandinavian Tour 3 - Norway, racing with 461 boats. Nov. 29, 2011, 6 p.m. True 0.5 35.0 55.0 73.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_381.xml 435 Round White Island Race 2011 Race your Young 11 (mod) in the 2011 running of this classic race. Due to the oil spill and wreckage from the container ship Rena the course this year is a 220nm alternative that doesn't actually include White Island! Race #435 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_435.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: </b></i>Sunday, 27 November @1000utc. Round White Island Race 2011, racing with 335 boats. Nov. 24, 2011, 9 p.m. True 172.0 178.0 -38.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_435.xml 420 Fisherman's Friend 2011 A 272nm race in First 40s around the main fishing ports and grounds off Devon and Cornwall. Bring your Sou'Westers, sun lotion, sickness tablets, bikinis and life harnesses! The weather in the Western Approaches is anything but predictable at any time of the year. Race #420 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_420.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/07/First40V2POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 22 November @1000utc. Fishermans Friend Race, racing with 332 boats. Nov. 18, 2011, 5 p.m. True -9.0 1.0 48.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_420.xml 434 Lake Superior Lights 2011 Welcome to Lake Superior for the annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race is designed to feature the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills in your 90ft monohull!! Race #434 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_434.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/11/04/90ftMonohullPOLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC.<b>RACE CLOSE:</b> Tuesday, 15 November @1900utc. Lake Superior Lights 2011, racing with 343 boats. Nov. 11, 2011, 8 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_434.xml 279 SWR 2011/12 - Leg 1 - Alicante to Cape Town The first in this 9 leg race across the globe. Leg 1: A race from Alicante to Cape Town across 6500nm in a VO70. Fair Winds challengers! Race #279 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_279.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC/SOL WorldRace Sailonline World Race 2011-2012 - Leg 1, racing with 1238 boats. Nov. 5, 2011, 1 p.m. True -50.0 25.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_279.xml 433 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2011 In honour of her birthday, SOLer Mistli invites you and your Seacart to a short, high-energy race through the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago from Sandhamn to Trosa :-) Race #433 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_433.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2011, racing with 382 boats. Oct. 30, 2011, noon True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_433.xml 363 Aleutian Challenge 2011 A 405 NM race in Santa Cruz 52s off the Aleutian islands in Alaska's north Pacific / Bering Sea waters. Designed by SOLer garganey, we start near Dutch harbour Unalaska and sail through the islands to the finish line in Adak. Race #363 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_363.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/20/SantaCruz52POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday, 29 October @1600utc. Aleutian Challenge, racing with 414 boats. Oct. 25, 2011, 6 p.m. True -179.0 -163.0 50.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_363.xml 432 Auckland to Tauranga TIMED Race 2011 Here is the 115nm course of New Zealand's iconic Coastal Classic for you to race as often as you like over the weekend - still Seacarts! Race #432 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_432.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: None. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click<b> <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/432/register/" >here</a></b> .RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 25 October @ 1400utc. Auckland to Russell TIMED Race, racing with 376 boats. Oct. 21, 2011, 12:26 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_432.xml 429 Auckland to Russell Yacht Race 2011 Welcome again to New Zealand and to this year's Coastal Classic!! This 115nm race up the east coast of North Island is an icon of New Zealand yachting, and will be a fun run for SOLers in Seacarts!! This route up a spectacular coastline usually offers a mix of conditions while welcome bacon butties and rum await all yachties and mermaids at the finish. Race #429 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_429.html" >here</a>NOR / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/16/Seacart30POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: None due Tech Issues - See Blog for Info <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 23 October @1100utc. 2011 NZMYC Coastal Classic - Auckland to Russell Yacht Race, racing with 401 boats. Oct. 20, 2011, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_429.xml 431 Cape Horn Weekend 2011 A speedy GB90 380nm race in the waters off S America to blow cobwebs away!! Race #431 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_431.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/13/GB90POLAR.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Wednesday, 19 Oct @1900utc. Cape Horn Weekend, racing with 316 boats. Oct. 15, 2011, 6 p.m. True -85.0 -55.0 -60.0 -44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_431.xml 417 3CR - Caen Channel Craic 2011 This 975nm Mini 6.5 race, from SOLer Blake, mixes challenging coastal sailing through the Solent with a tricky triangular course across the Irish Sea before finishing in Normandy. Race #417 <b> <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_417.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/10/08/Mini650.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Week 3CR - Caen Channel Craic, racing with 369 boats. Oct. 11, 2011, 6 p.m. True -12.0 1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_417.xml 369 SJORA 2011 - Race 3 - West Palm Beach to Key West The third in the five-race SJORA series from CKHANSEN.A pleasant run in J30s from W Palm Beach to Key West, passing Fowey Rocks, Molasses Reef and Sombrero Key to finish 200nm later at Key West. Race #369 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_369.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/j30.png" >POLAR</a></b> . WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week./SJORA.<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Tuesday, 11 Oct @1400utc SJORA 3 West Palm Beach to Key West, racing with 300 boats. Oct. 7, 2011, 6 p.m. True -83.0 -79.0 24.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_369.xml 422 Cape Town to Rio 2011 See how quicklyyou can steer your Super Maxi 100 the 3273nm from Cape Town, South Africa, to Rio, Brazil!! Race #422 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_422.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/11/Super_Maxi_100.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Ocean/SYC. . <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 16 October @1700utc. Cape Town to Rio, racing with 435 boats. Oct. 2, 2011, noon True -60.0 30.0 -50.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_422.xml 415 Als Fyn Race 2011 Friskolen Osterlund led by FRI_Hawk54 challenges SOLers to a 145nm race in X-332s around the islands of Als and Fyn in Denmark and look forward to introducing the world to this beautiful part of Europe. Race #415 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_415.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/22/X-332.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC.<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> 4 Oct @0800utc AlsFyn Race 2011, racing with 293 boats. Sept. 30, 2011, 10 a.m. True 9.0 12.0 54.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_415.xml 419 Carib Rum Run 2011 - PRIZE RACE Its that time of year again when rum supplies in Cancun have been depleted by so many tourists and a 1759nm resupply in Open 60 (2010)s is urgently needed! You can either stay sipping Mt Gay Rum in Bridgetown Barbados OR race for Cancun? ... its a tough choice! Race #419 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_419.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/Open60_2010.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Week/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> 7 Oct @ 1000utc. Carib Rum Run 2011 - PRIZE RACE, racing with 421 boats. Sept. 23, 2011, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_419.xml 401 Bohusracet 2011 Here is a very tricky 147nm race, in J-80s, through rocky bohuslän - from Rödön (Uddevalla) up to Norway and back to Bohus Malmön, you will need patience as well as skill to succeed! Thanks <b>spackel!</b> Race #401 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_401.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/12/J-80.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: SYC/Weekend.<b><i>START:</b></i> Sep 17th @1000utc. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Thursday, September 22 @1200utc. Bohusracet, racing with 313 boats. Sept. 17, 2011, 10 a.m. True 5.0 13.0 56.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_401.xml 375 Scandinavian Tour 2011 - Leg 2 - Sweden The second of the "three different boats competition" designed by Jepsom. This is a 972nm long race in the Gulf of Bothnia. Our boat this time is the VO70v4. We sail from Kemi, NW Suomi(Finland) along the Swedish coast all the way around to Strömstad close to the Norwegian border. Race #375 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_375.html" > NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png" >POLAR</a></b> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/ScanTour. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sunday, 18 September @1900utc. Scandinavian Tour 2 - Sweden, racing with 382 boats. Sept. 13, 2011, 9 a.m. True 12.0 27.0 54.0 67.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_375.xml 423 SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2011 - Race 3 Haere mai! Welcome again to Auckland and the third and final race in this year's SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series in Young 11(mod)s. Race #423 <b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_423.html" >NOR</a> / <a href="http://node1.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/09/Young11mod.png" >POLAR</a></b>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/SSANZ B&G Simrad.<b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Tuesday, 13 September @0800utc. SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 3, racing with 269 boats. Sept. 9, 2011, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_423.xml 424 Captain's Birthday TIMED Race 2011 A quick 92nm non-SYC ranking TIMED race to occupy those of us who are able to log in during SOL's Scheduled Downtime this week and who need somewhere to play! Choice of four boats - Seacart (tri), Orange Cat, 90ft Monohull and Class A Large Tall Ship!!. Race #424 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_424.html" >here</a>. To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/424/register/" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <b><i>REG CLOSE:</b></i> Saturday 10 Sep @2200utc - <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Sun 11 Sep @1100utc. Captains Birthday TIMED Race, racing with 680 boats. Sept. 4, 2011, 8 p.m. True -15.0 -10.0 -39.0 -36.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_424.xml 407 The Vineyard Race 2011 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes SOL to the 77th running of its Vineyard Race. The 238nm course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the IRL racers in your TP52. Race #407 NOR<a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_407.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Tue 6 Sep @1800utc.</b></i> The Vineyard Race 2011, racing with 321 boats. Sept. 2, 2011, 4 p.m. True -74.5 -69.5 40.0 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_407.xml 408 Asian Series 2011 - Bangkok to Singapore The third in the Asian Sprints 4-race series in Orange cats. This leg takes us the 1,240nm from Bangkok, Thailand to Singapore. Race #408 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_408.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/Asian Sprints. <i><b>RACE CLOSE:</i></b> Friday, 9 Septembe @ 1800utc. Asian Sprints 3 - Bangkok to Singapore, racing with 352 boats. Aug. 30, 2011, 10 a.m. True 92.0 113.0 -2.0 16.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_408.xml 421 The Culture Tall Ships Regatta 2011 - Turku to Gdynia This is the second of the two races in the Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta. Time to ready your Class A Large tall ship for a 333nm dash from Turku, Finland, to Gdynia, Poland. Race #421 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_421.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: 3 September @2200utc</b></i> THE CULTURE 2011 TALL SHIPS REGATTA 2, racing with 326 boats. Aug. 29, 2011, 6 a.m. True 14.0 25.0 54.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_421.xml 367 Sea Lion TIMED Race 2011 117nm in GB90s in the South Atlantic... are you ready SOLers?? This will be a TIMED challenge which means you can start as soon as the race opens for registration! See who can get the best time!! To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/367/register/" >here</a>. Race #367 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_367.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i> Monday, 29 August @2000utc. Sea Lion Sprint TIMED Race, racing with 630 boats. Aug. 24, 2011, 7 p.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_367.xml 406 Port Huron to Mackinac 2011 First run in 1925, the race from Huron to Mackinac is considered to be the world's longest consecutively run freshwater sailing race. Let's go - 260nm in SOTO 40s awaits!! Race #406 NOR<a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_406.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week. <b><>RACE CLOSE: 26 August @1200utc</b></i> Race to Mackinac 2011, racing with 344 boats. Aug. 23, 2011, 4 p.m. True -89.0 -79.0 41.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_406.xml 418 The Culture Tall Ships Regatta 2011 - Klaipeda to Turku This is the first of two races in the Culture 2011 Tall Ships Regatta. The Class A Large tall ship is SOL's vessel of choice for this 223nm dash from Klaipeda, Lithuania, to Turku, Finland. Race #418 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_418.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: SYC. <b><i>RACE CLOSE:24 August @1100utc </b></i> THE CULTURE 2011 TALL SHIPS REGATTA 1, racing with 329 boats. Aug. 21, 2011, 1 p.m. True 14.5 25.5 54.5 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_418.xml 405 SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2011 - Race 2 Welcome back to Auckland and the second race in this year's SSANZ B&G Simrad Triple Series in Young 11(mod)s. Race #405 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_405.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/SSANZ B&G Simrad <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 16 August @ 1600utc</b></i> SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 2, racing with 266 boats. Aug. 12, 2011, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_405.xml 409 Sail Around Turkey 2011 Set sail in your IMOCA 60 for a 1430nm circumnavigation of Turkey - from Hopa (the easternmost point of Black Sea coast of Turkey) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Turkey's Mediterranean coastr). Race No. 409 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_409.html" >here</a>. Guided Tour <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/4622/passage-through-turkish-waters/?page=1#post-4623" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Week. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: 23 August @1000utc.</b></i> Sail Around Turkey 2011, racing with 356 boats. Aug. 8, 2011, 10 a.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_409.xml 416 St Nazaire Chasse 2011 Time for another new boat - this time the SOTO 40 - in a race designed in 2010 by FR_flouflou. Welcome to a "chasse" (hunt) across the 165nm from St Nazaire to La Baule! Race #416 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_416.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Weekend.<b><i>RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 August @1000utc</b></i> St Nazaire Chasse 2011, racing with 283 boats. Aug. 6, 2011, 10 a.m. True -8.0 0.3 43.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_416.xml 276 Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy 2011 From the beaches of Maui to Russia's Cold-War submarine base 2311nm away - join us as we race SOL's new high performance multihull, a GB90, in the North Pacific. Race #276 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_276.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: SYC/Ocean.<b><i>RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 17 August @2000utc</b></i> Maui to Petropavlovsk Kamchatskiy, racing with 325 boats. Aug. 2, 2011, 7 p.m. True 150.0 270.0 14.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_276.xml 399 Tall Ships Races 2011 - Stavanger to Halmstad This is the fourth and final event in The Tall Ships Races 2011 and takes us from Stavanger, Norway, to Halmstad,Sweden. Race #399 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_399.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 7 August @1100utc</b></i> The Tall Ships Races 2011 - Stavanger to Halmstad, racing with 322 boats. July 31, 2011, 4 p.m. True 2.0 17.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_399.xml 386 Race in the Whitsundays 2011 Cast off your Seacarts for a 625nm race through Australia's Whitsunday Islands. Race #386 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_386.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 30 July @1900utc</b></i> Race in the Whitsundays 2011, racing with 319 boats. July 26, 2011, 9 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -27.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_386.xml 398 Tall Ships Races 2011 - Lerwick to Stavanger This is the third of the four events in The Tall Ships Races 2011. Time to dash across the N Sea from Lerwick, Scotland, to Stavanger, Norway. Race #398 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_398.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <b> <i>Race Close: 28 July @1600utc</i></b> The Tall Ships Races 2011 - Lerwick to Stavanger, racing with 346 boats. July 25, 2011, 4 p.m. True -6.0 8.0 57.0 63.2 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_398.xml 364 SJORA 2011 - Race 2 - Space Coast Regatta STS-135, Atlantis, is on the last ever space shuttle mission so in this race SOL salutes NASA's Space Shuttle Program. Starting in J30s from Jupiter Inlet in Palm Beach County Florida, this 380nm race will take you past Jupiter Island and NASA'S Cape Canaveral, home of the Kennedy Space Center, then round two of NASA's Buoys in the Atlantic Gulf Stream, to finish back at Jupiter Inlet. Race #364 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_364.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week/SJORA. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 24 July @1200utc</b></i> SJORA 2 Space Coast Regatta , racing with 360 boats. July 19, 2011, 7 p.m. True -82.42 -77.0 24.0 30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_364.xml 403 SSANZ B&G Simrad Series 2011 - Race 1 Welcome to New Zealand and the first of this year's three challenging and fast paced races round Aucklands Islands in Young 11(mod)s. Race #403 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_403.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/SSANZ B&G Simrad <b><i> RACE CLOSE:Sunday, 17 July @ 1900utc</b></i> SSANZ B&G Simrad Series - Race 1, racing with 269 boats. July 15, 2011, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_403.xml 397 Tall Ships Cruise 2011 - Greenock to Lerwick This is the second of the four events in The Tall Ships Races 2011 and takes us on a sightseeing cruise from the Firth of Clyde via the Islands of N Scotland to Lerwick. Race #397 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_397.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. <b><i>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 22 July @ 1000utc</i></b> The Tall Ships Races 2011 - Cruise in Company, racing with 331 boats. July 12, 2011, 4 p.m. True -12.0 7.0 54.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_397.xml 404 St Pierre to Brest Transat 2011 From St Pierre et Miquelon, France (in Canada) to Brest, France (in Europe)- the Atlantic beckons - SOLers prepare your Open 60 2010s for a truly classic ocean challenge! Race #404 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_404.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/SYC. <i><b>RACE CLOSE: Monday, 18 July @1600utc</b></i> TransAtlantique2011, racing with 382 boats. July 9, 2011, 4 p.m. True -66.0 1.0 40.0 64.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_404.xml 395 Gotland Runt 2011 Its summer - its sunny - SOL has a new boat, the X-35, so lets go and beat SOLer Jepsom, in yacht Xperia, at his own game!! Race #395 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_395.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKINGS: Week/SYC. <b>RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 10 July @ 1900utc</b> Round Gotland Race 2011, racing with 369 boats. July 6, 2011, 10:30 a.m. True 14.2 23.5 55.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_395.xml 388 Tall Ships Races 2011 - Waterford to Greenock This is the first of four events in The Tall Ships Races 2011 and takes us from Waterford, Ireland to Greenock, Scotland. Race #388 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_388.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: NONE. <b>RACE CLOSE: Friday, 8 July @ 1200utc</b> The Tall Ships Races 2011 - Waterford to Greenock, racing with 448 boats. July 3, 2011, 2 p.m. True -15.0 0.0 50.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_388.xml 400 Rond Texel TIMED Race 2011 A TIMED version of this weekend's 32nm race -- see what best time you can get! To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/400/register/" >here</a>. Race #400 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_400.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. REGISTRATION CLOSE: 29 June @ 1100utc - RACE CLOSE: 29 June @ 1400utc Rond Texel TIMED RACE, racing with 545 boats. June 25, 2011, 6 p.m. True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_400.xml 396 Rond Texel Fleet Race 2011 NED_Arthur invites SOL to join in the world's biggest multihull race - held annually in The Netherlands. This 32nm course, raced in catamarans, has a winning time of 2hrs7mins! Beat that if you can! Race #396 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_396.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Texel Race 2011, racing with 325 boats. June 25, 2011, noon True 4.0 6.0 52.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_396.xml 360 Gulf of St Lawrence Islands Race 2011 The Bay of Chaleur is truly a beautiful place to sail at this time of year and a 1406nm round-trip race awaits you and your Swan 36. Race #360 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_360.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. . RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 3 July @ 1700utc. Gulf of St Lawrence Islands Race, racing with 444 boats. June 17, 2011, 3 p.m. True -72.0 -43.0 43.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_360.xml 394 Vancouver Island 2011 - Race 3 - Ucluelet to Nanaimo The final leg of our 2011 race around Vancouver Island. After a relatively open first half in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, this 151nm narrows and the options open up. Thread your Seacart through the Canadian Gulf Islands on the way back to our starting point in Nanaimo. Race #394 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_394.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: VanIsle/SYC. Vancouver Island 3, racing with 294 boats. June 12, 2011, 8 p.m. True -132.0 -122.0 47.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_394.xml 393 Vancouver Island 2011 - Race 2 - Telegraph Cove to Ucluelet We trade the confines of the inside passage for an offshore reach down Vancouver Island's wild West coast. This 228nm 2nd leg takes our Seacarts around the North end of the Island before finishing near the fishing community of Ucluelet. Race #393 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_393.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: VanIsle/SYC. Vancouver Island 2, racing with 266 boats. June 8, 2011, 8 p.m. True -132.0 -122.0 47.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_393.xml 387 IMSYC 2011 - Barcelona to Brest The yearly 1500nm "choose the boat" race. This year from Barcelona to Brest. The Bay of Biscay awaits!! Race #387 NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_387.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: SYC. RACE CLOSE:Sunday, 19 June) @ 1700utc. IMSYC 2011, racing with 425 boats. June 7, 2011, 6 p.m. True -18.0 4.0 34.0 49.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_387.xml 392 Vancouver Island 2011 - Race 1 - Nanaimo to Telegraph Cove In this first of three races around Vancouver Island, race your Seacart the 146nm from the "Bathtub Racing Capital" of Nanaimo through waters once described as "one of the vilest stretches of water in the world" on our way to a stopover in Telegraph Cove. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_392.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: VanIsle/SYC/Weekend. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 8 June @ 1830utc. Vancouver Island 1, racing with 368 boats. June 3, 2011, 8 p.m. True -132.0 -122.0 47.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_392.xml 358 Newport to Annapolis 2011 This 465NM race in Riptide 50s joins together the two "rival" homes of US East Coast sailing. Beginning in Newport, RI, through an offshore passage to Chesapeake Bay and then up the Bay to finish in Annapolis, MD. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_358.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 2 June @ 0900utc. Newport - Annapolis, racing with 334 boats. May 27, 2011, 2 p.m. True -78.0 -68.0 36.5 42.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_358.xml 379 Asian Series 2011 - Manila to Bangkok The second in the Asian Sprints 4-race series in Orange cats. This leg takes us the 1610nm from Manila in the Philippines to Bangkok, Thailand. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_379.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/AsianSprint. RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 4 June @ 1900utc. Asian Sprints Leg 2, racing with 399 boats. May 24, 2011, 2 p.m. True 98.0 125.0 5.0 17.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_379.xml 372 Aland Sea Race 2011 All sailors around the world are welcome to Norrtelje Sailing Society's club island Flaten for the start of a re-running of a former classic season opener - 75nm in Linjett 33s. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_372.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 25 May @ 1900utc Aland Sea Race, racing with 332 boats. May 21, 2011, noon True 16.0 25.0 58.0 61.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_372.xml 370 Tampa to New Orleans 2011 It's not far from Tampa to New Orleans.... except we need to pick up some Tequila in Cozumel first! Choose one of Class 40, First 40.7v2 and Young 11(mod) and enjoy this 1057nm run around the Gulf of Mexico! NoR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_370.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week. RACE CLOSE: Monday, 23 May @0900utc. Tampa to New Orleans, racing with 373 boats. May 15, 2011, 7 p.m. True -92.0 -82.0 19.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_370.xml 371 Scandinavian Tour 2011 - Leg 1 - Finland Jepsom invites you to the first of three legs in the "three-different-boats competition" he has designed for SOL. This is a 631nm race in cold water in small but fast Farr 30s. We sail - hopefully without ice!! - from Hamina, south-east Finland all the way up to Kemi close to the Swedish border. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_371.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Week/SYC/ScanTour. Scandinavian Tour 1 - Finland, racing with 433 boats. May 13, 2011, 9 a.m. True 16.0 32.0 59.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_371.xml 377 Comoros Cruise 2011 RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 10 May @ 1100utc. SOLer garganey thinks its time for us sail our Class 40 yachts some 240nm around the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean. We start in the capital Moroni, round the islands of Mwali and Nzwani and then return to Moroni. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_377.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Comoros Cruise, racing with 313 boats. May 6, 2011, 6 p.m. True 38.5 52.5 -16.0 9.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_377.xml 385 Let's Get out of this Country 2011 - Aber Wrac'h to A Coruna RACE WILL CLOSE: Monday, 9 May @ 0900utc.The second leg of SOLer JuJu's Dufour 40 cruise from England to Spain. This second leg, from Aber Wrach in Brittany to Coruna (351nm) goes via Gijon, where Zeno is expected to make a stopover.The Bay of Biscay awaits!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_385.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. Lets Get out of this Country 2, racing with 239 boats. May 4, 2011, 6 a.m. True -14.0 0.1 41.0 49.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_385.xml 383 Let's Get Out Of This Country 2011 - Chichester to Aber Wrac'h SOLer JuJu and a chum have decided to forego the Royal wedding hype in the UK and head south in Zeno, a Dufour 40. Can SOLers beat them? This race is a first leg of 192nm from the S Coast of England to Brittany. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_383.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. Lets Get Out Of This Country Leg 1, racing with 374 boats. April 29, 2011, 9 a.m. True -8.5 1.5 48.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_383.xml 378 Gray Whale Spring Migration 2011 This SOL Super Maxi 100 race replicates the 4000nm epic journey from Mexico to Alaska made once a year by the Gray Whale, one of the world's greatest navigators. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_378.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Ocean/SYC. RACE WILL CLOSE @2100utc, SATURDAY, 14 MAY. Gray Whale Race 2011, racing with 459 boats. April 23, 2011, 7 p.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_378.xml 376 TYPBC International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race 2011 Another chance for SOLers to race their Young 11s against Open Country and this year's lineup for the annual 126m Auckland to Tauranga race. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_376.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. TYPBC International Paints Auckland to Tauranga Race 2011, racing with 362 boats. April 20, 2011, 10 p.m. True 174.0 177.0 -38.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_376.xml 382 South Atlantic Chase 2011 Welcome again to the S Atlantic for a weekend chase of 194nm in a 60ft trimaran!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_382.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 20 April @ 1000utc. South Atlantic Chase, racing with 363 boats. April 16, 2011, 7 p.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_382.xml 350 SJORA 2011 - Race 1 - The Bahamas and back The first of five SJORA races designed by CKHANSEN, this is a 222nm three legged dash in a J30 from Port of Palm Beach Florida, crossing the Florida Current to Freeport Bahamas, then crossing the Florida Current again to Port of Miami Florida, finally a quick sprint up the SouthEast Coast of Florida, to where you started in Port of Palm Beach. Try and stay awake for this one! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_350.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/SJORA. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, Apriil 17 @ 1600utc. SJORA 1 Florida Current Race, racing with 346 boats. April 12, 2011, 11 a.m. True -80.5 -78.0 25.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_350.xml 374 St Malo TIMED Race 2011 This is one of SOL's earliest races, first run in April 2008! So... prepare your Seacarts and see who can win this time trial!! This is a TIMED Race which means there is no pre-race practice, the race starts when it opens, and you just choose when to start! To re-register and run again after finishing a run, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/374/register/" >here</a>. Your best result will count! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_374.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. REGISTRATION CLOSE: April 16 @ 0800utc RACE CLOSE: Sunday, April 17 @ 1200utc St Malo TIMED Race , racing with 620 boats. April 9, 2011, noon True -8.0 2.0 48.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_374.xml 359 Santa Monica Ron Miel Regatta 2011 Race your 90ft monohull 820nm for the sailors favourite, a 1/2 litre bottle of Canarian Rum, Guajiro (RonMiel). Race starts outside TheHorn's favourite hotel in Playa del Ingles in the south of Gran Canaria and south of the sand dunes of the Maspalomas desert. Then sail around all of the Canary islands and finish out side the Hotel Santa Monica. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_359.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Monday, Aprl 11 @1900utc. Santa Monica RonMiel Regatta, racing with 463 boats. April 5, 2011, 10 a.m. True -20.0 -10.0 26.0 32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_359.xml 366 There and Back Again 2011 A 200nm Adriatic dash across the Gulf of Venice and the Kvarner and back in Seacarts. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_366.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, April 6 @1900utc There and Back Again, racing with 356 boats. April 1, 2011, 6 p.m. True 12.0 21.0 37.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_366.xml 340 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 6 - Gibraltar to Barcelona The last hop from The Straits of Gibraltar to Barcelona is a mere bagatelle compared with what we have just accomplished! BUT places may yet still be lost or gained!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_340.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/IMOCA60/SYC SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 6, racing with 566 boats. March 29, 2011, 6 p.m. True -12.0 6.0 33.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_340.xml 295 Lake Malaren Race 2011 This is a race from one end of Stockholm's beautiful Lake Malaren to the other - about 60nm of tricky island avoiding!!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_295.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 29 March @ 1200utc. Lake Malaren Race, racing with 359 boats. March 26, 2011, noon True 16.0 19.0 59.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_295.xml 348 Great Lakes Winter Run 2011 What do big catamarans and the Great Lakes mean? A whole bunch of fun US-style. Race from Port Huron to Chicago - first one there gets the deep dish pizza!!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_348.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 22 March @1300utc. Great Lakes Sprint 2011, racing with 403 boats. March 17, 2011, 5 p.m. True -90.0 -79.0 41.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_348.xml 368 Suedsee Rund 2011 Second time lucky!! Lets race 170nm round the waters off Denmark and Germany in our X-332s - SOLer Tazumaki will be our travelguide whenever he can!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_368.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Suedsee Rund, racing with 310 boats. March 12, 2011, 7 p.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_368.xml 362 Südsee rund In anticipation of a European summer season of cruising with warm days and gentle breezes, here is 170nm in the water off Germany and Denmark in an X-332. SOLer Tazumaki will be our travelguide whenever he can!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_362.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Practice sailing. Race starts 11/03-19.00UTC. Currently 306 boats registered. March 11, 2011, 7 p.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_362.xml 357 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 4 Into the home straight (OK so its not straight!) from Napier back to Auckland! Let's go!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_357.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: NI Circuit/Week/SYC. SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 4, racing with 382 boats. March 6, 2011, 9 p.m. True 173.0 182.0 -41.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_357.xml 339 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 5 - Cape Horn to Gibraltar We're nearly there! Its only a few more thousand nautical miles. Here we traverse the Atlantic from SW to NE (Cape Horn to the Straits of Gibraltar). NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_339.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/Global Challenge/SYC THIS RACE WILL CLOSE ON TUESDAY, 5 APRIL @ 1600utc. SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 5, racing with 706 boats. March 2, 2011, 4 p.m. True -80.0 15.0 -63.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_339.xml 356 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 3 Half way through our race around New Zealand's N Island! Are you ready for Leg 3??!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_356.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: NI Circuit/Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Friday 4 March @ 1700utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 3, racing with 274 boats. March 2, 2011, 2 a.m. True 173.0 180.0 -43.0 -38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_356.xml 349 Bimini Beach Run 2011 Grab your Seacarts and get ready for a race in the Bahamas! Don't forget to enjoy the scenery. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_349.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 1 March @ 1700utc. Bimini Beach Run 2011, racing with 356 boats. Feb. 26, 2011, 5 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_349.xml 355 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 2 Not much of a stopover in Manganui and we are off again to Wellington, some 491nm away! Once again Open Country will be on our race screens. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_355.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: NI Circuit/Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Monday, 28 February @ 1900utc SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 2, racing with 390 boats. Feb. 21, 2011, 9 p.m. True 165.0 176.0 -43.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_355.xml 336 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 4 - Cook Strait to Cape Horn If you think this is tiring - think of those who are sailing round the world in reality! Our next leg is "only" about 4000nm from Cook Strait to Cape Horn! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_336.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/GlobalChallenge/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 6 March @ 1900utc. SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 4, racing with 661 boats. Feb. 19, 2011, 6:30 a.m. True 165.0 225.0 -70.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_336.xml 354 SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 1 The traditional circuit of the North Island of New Zealand is this year made up of four legs and this is the first one. Racing directly against Open Country and the IRL fleet, we have 150nm to go from Auckland to Mangonui in our Young 11s. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_354.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: RNI 2011/Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Monday 21 February @ 1900utc. SSANZ Round North Island Race 2011 - Leg 1, racing with 452 boats. Feb. 19, 2011, 1 a.m. True 172.0 177.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_354.xml 347 Cyclades Volcano Run 2011 Its nearly Valentine's Day so let's take a romantic sail in X-332s from Athens to Santorini,148nm away. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_347.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday, 16 February @1000utc Cyclades Volcano Run 2011, racing with 404 boats. Feb. 12, 2011, 5 p.m. True 22.0 27.0 36.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_347.xml 316 Asian Series 2011 - Hong Kong to Luzon The first in a series of four races in Orange cats around the seas off China designed by TheHorn takes the SOL fleet from Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong, to Subic Bay in the Philippines. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_316.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/AsianSprint. RACE CLOSE: 9 February @ 1000utc. Asian Sprints Leg 1, racing with 410 boats. Feb. 4, 2011, 2 p.m. True 104.0 130.0 2.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_316.xml 335 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 3 - Good Hope to Cook Strait Racing round the world is relentless! Its now time to face the 5635nm from due south of the Cape of Good Hope to the Cook Strait. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_335.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/GlobalChallenge/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 18 February @ 2300utc SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 3, racing with 730 boats. Feb. 1, 2011, 7 a.m. True 10.0 176.0 -66.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_335.xml 345 Stockholm to St Petersburg 2011 It's winter and it's chill but that's no reason not to sail to Russia! Climb aboard your VO70v4 for this 430nm run to the home of The Hermitage Museum! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_345.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Monday, 31 January @ 1300utc Stockholm-St Petersburg 2011, racing with 415 boats. Jan. 29, 2011, noon True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_345.xml 342 Race to Up Helly Aa 2011 AWoL reminded SOL that 1000 years of viking influence in the Shetlands is celebrated on the last Tuesday of January. So let's grab our 90ft monohulls and go and see it for ourselves!! The total run from Port Glasgow to Edinburgh via The Shetlands will be 735nm. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_342.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Friday 28 January @ 1700utc Up Helly Aa, racing with 387 boats. Jan. 23, 2011, 2 p.m. True -10.0 3.02 54.0 64.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_342.xml 346 Roslagen Sea Race 2011 Lots of islands and narrow passages when we sail our First 40.7v2 the 86nm from Lidingö outside Stockholm, Sweden, to the beautiful coastal village of Öregrund. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_346.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday 23 January @ 1700hrs. Roslagen Sea Race, racing with 328 boats. Jan. 22, 2011, 9 a.m. True 16.0 24.0 58.0 61.4 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_346.xml 289 Tour Down Under 2011 Boats not bicycles! This is SOL's own version of the "Tour Down Under" by AGage - no hot dusty roads for us just 725nm of ocean in our Mini 6.50s!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_289.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Friday, 21 January @ 2300utc Tour Down Under, racing with 419 boats. Jan. 16, 2011, 6 a.m. True 133.0 140.0 -37.5 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_289.xml 338 Lake Winnebago Race 2011 Its time for SOL to revisit the Eureka Landing Bar and Grill, run by SOL'er Bgosh but first .. we must sing for our supper by racing round Lake Winnebago. We leave Oshkosh, vist Fond du Lac, High Cliffs Park, Neenah Point Light, and finish up back in Oshkosh. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_338.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Lake Winnebago Race 2011, racing with 419 boats. Jan. 8, 2011, 5 p.m. True -89.0 -87.0 43.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_338.xml 334 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 2 - Gibraltar to Good Hope Following hard on the heels of Leg 1, as non-stop as possible, we must now race our IMOCA 60s on from The Straits of Gibraltar to The Cape of Good Hope! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_334.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/GlobalChallenge/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Thurday, 3 February : 1200utc. SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 2, racing with 735 boats. Jan. 7, 2011, 11:30 p.m. True -60.0 34.0 -60.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_334.xml 332 Tasman Double 2010 - Hobart to Sydney You need to get your boat back to Sydney for the New Year so lets go!! Another 625nm in your 90ft monohull. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_332.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/Tasman Double 2010. RACE CLOSE: Wednesday 5 January @ 1000utc. Tasman Double 2 (Hobart to Sydney) 2010, racing with 401 boats. Jan. 1, 2011, 6 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_332.xml 333 SOL's IMOCA Challenge 2011 - Leg 1 - Barcelona to Gibraltar Its time to sail round the world in your IMOCA 60. Leg 1 (of six in total) is a short 550nm dash from Barcelona to The Straits of Gibraltar. See SOL Homepage Blog for Leg procedures. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_333.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Ocean/GlobalChallenge/SYC. RACE CLOSE:8 January @ 1100 utc. SOL'S IMOCA Global Challenge 2011 - Leg 1, racing with 708 boats. Dec. 31, 2010, noon True -12.0 6.0 33.0 44.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_333.xml 331 Tasman Double 2010 - Sydney to Hobart SOL invites you to race your 90ft monohull in the traditional 625nm Boxing Day run from Sydney to Hobart. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_331.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/Tasman Double 2010. RACE CLOSE: 29 December @ 1430utc. Tasman Double 1 (Sydney to Hobart) 2010, racing with 722 boats. Dec. 26, 2010, 6 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_331.xml 341 Weddell to Berkeley TIMED Race 2018 The penguins on Weddell Island want to visit their chums in Berkeley Sound 145nm away - which SOLer can get them there quickest? Grab your Seacart and let's go!! This is TIMED Race which means that you choose when you start - the race is open as soon as registration is opened! To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/341/register/" >here</a>. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_341.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 31 December @ 1000utc. Weddell-Berkeley TIMED Race, racing with 807 boats. Dec. 24, 2010, 8:58 a.m. True -70.0 -40.0 -60.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_341.xml 337 South Atlantic Chase 2010 The S Atlantic is becoming one of SOL's favourite playgrounds. This time you are invited to race a 194nm circuit of the E Falklands in a 60ft trimaran!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_337.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 24 December @ 0900utc. South Atlantic Circuit, racing with 411 boats. Dec. 22, 2010, 3 p.m. True -62.0 -56.0 -53.0 -51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_337.xml 310 Scilly Lundy Caldey Scilly TIMED Race 2010 Lets see who can get the best time round this 130nm course which includes some of the islands off the W coast of Britain? Why? Well because its fun!! Especially in a Vo70v4. This is TIMED Race which means that you choose when you start - the race is open as soon as registration is opened! To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/310/register/" >here</a>. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_310.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. Ranking: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 21 December @ 1000utc. Scilly Lundy TIMED RACE, racing with 502 boats. Dec. 17, 2010, 8 a.m. True -10.0 -1.0 48.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_310.xml 306 Salvador Noronha Trindade 2010 "Zero" inviites all solers for a broad reaching 2400nm delight in the tropics on a 125 ft super fast catamaran. Hold on your safety harness and your gin tonics. Enjoy. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_306.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 24 December @ 1900utc. Salvador-Noronha-Trindade, racing with 467 boats. Dec. 14, 2010, 9 p.m. True -55.0 -20.0 -25.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/SalvadorNoronhaTrinidade.xml /webclient/race_306.xml 330 Orno Runt 2nd Sprint 2010 A chance to race for those who can't make it on 11 December AND an opportunity to run again for those who did!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_330.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 13 December @ 1300utc DELAYED ORNO RUNT - 12 December, racing with 237 boats. Dec. 12, 2010, 10:30 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_330.xml 329 Orno Runt TIMED RACE 2010 A TIMED race to give those who couldn't race yesterday a chance to put in a good time AND an opportunity to run again for those who did!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_329.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC - Dec. 12, 2010, 9:30 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_329.xml 313 Orno Runt 1st Sprint 2010 Round Orno race is a SOL classic - 21nm of racing in the archipelago near Stockholm - this time in Seacarts!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_313.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 12 December @0800utc Orno Runt - 11 December, racing with 341 boats. Dec. 11, 2010, 4 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_313.xml 328 Iberian Tour 2010 - Leg 4 - Almeria to Barcelona This is the fourth and final Leg of this years Iberian Tour. TIme to sail your Mini 6.50 the 418nm from Almeria to Barcelona!! Hasta pronto!!. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_328.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/Iberian. RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 11 December @ 1530utc. Iberian Tour 4, racing with 446 boats. Dec. 7, 2010, 6 p.m. True -5.0 5.0 35.0 42.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Spain.xml /webclient/race_328.xml 304 Norrtelje Maze Race The Horn invites you to his super-heavy duty navigation course of about 150nm through the Swedish Archipelago in a Linjett 33. Dare you try it??!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_304.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC Norrtelje Maze Race, racing with 1 boats. Dec. 4, 2010, 10 a.m. True 18.0 20.5 58.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_304.xml 327 Norrtelje Maze Race 2010 The Horn invites you to his super-heavy duty navigation course of about 150nm through the Swedish Archipelago in a Linjett 33. Dare you try it??!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_327.html" >here</a>. WX UPDATES: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 7 December @1000utc. Norrtelje Maze Race 2010, racing with 383 boats. Dec. 4, 2010, 10 a.m. True 18.0 20.5 58.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_327.xml 326 Christmas to Christmas Island 2010 'tis the month before Christmas and... time for SOLers to race between Christmas Island in the Pacific to Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_326.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Ocean/SYC. RACE CLOSE: 28 December @ 2300utc. Christmas to Christmas, racing with 471 boats. Nov. 28, 2010, 11 p.m. True 100.0 205.0 -30.0 22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_326.xml 293 Round White Island Race 2010 Race your First 40.7v2 in Division Two of this classic 303nm offshore race. From Auckland, pass Channel and Cuvier Island to the North, turn around White Island and return to Auckland by the same route. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_293.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 28 November @ 1000utc. Round White Island Race 2010, racing with 309 boats. Nov. 25, 2010, 6 a.m. True 172.0 178.0 -38.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_293.xml 268 Barentsz Run 2010 Tempest invites us to race in remembrance of the 3rd voyage of Willem Barentsz in his hunt for a North East Passage. In our Ostar35s let's race the 1600nm from his birthplace, Terschelling (now home to the Dutch nautical college "Willem Barentsz") past Bear Island to Longyearbyen. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_268.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 4 December @ 0800utc. Barentsz Run, racing with 534 boats. Nov. 23, 2010, 10 a.m. True -30.0 45.0 50.0 85.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_268.xml 325 November Scurry 2010 Another chance to zip around the S Atlantic "because we are worth it!" NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_325.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. November Scurry, racing with 432 boats. Nov. 20, 2010, 4 p.m. True -65.0 -55.0 -55.0 -45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_325.xml 309 Baltic Blitz 2010 - Vimsi to Copenhagen Get aquainted with Estonia, Finland, The Åland Islands, Sweden and Denmark in this 680nm race in your Orange cat. The Baltic Sea, today a very important waterway, served Vikings as well as the Hansa. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_309.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: November 19 @ 2000utc. Baltic Blitz 2, racing with 436 boats. Nov. 16, 2010, 6 p.m. True 9.0 30.0 53.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_309.xml 324 Frisian Isles Verso 2010 In the spring we sailed the 154nm from Delfzijl to Norrdeich - now the autumn storms are hitting the N Sea it is time we made the return trip in 60ft trimarans!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_324.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 14 November @ 2000utc Frisian Isles Verso, racing with 270 boats. Nov. 13, 2010, 1 p.m. True -3.0 10.0 49.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_324.xml 318 Gotland Runt TIMED Race 2010 - Hamnen.se Hamnen.se invites SOLers to race your Seacarts in a special race around Gotland. This TIMED race will be open from 0900utc on Wednesday, 10 November until 1800utc on Sunday, 14 November (the duration of the Scandinavian Boat Show 2010). NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_318.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKINGS: Week/SYC. TIMED RACE: start when you want and re-run as often as you can while the race is open! To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/318/register/" >here</a>. REGISTRATION CLOSE: Sunday, 14 November @1800utc. RACE CLOSE: Sunday 14 November @ 1915hrs Hamnen.se Round Gotland Race 2010, racing with 441 boats. Nov. 10, 2010, 9 a.m. True 14.2 23.5 55.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_318.xml 315 Lake Superior Lights 2010 Welcome to Lake Superior for the annual 572nm race across the length and breadth of Lake Superior. The race is designed to feature the many historic Lighthouses of the lake and will test your open water & close quarter skills in your 90ft monohull!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_315.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE:Saturday 13 November @ 1200utc Lake Superior Lights 2010, racing with 357 boats. Nov. 9, 2010, 10 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_315.xml 322 Round Texada Island 2010 Time to unleash the power of your 90ft monohull on this SOL classic race of 190nm race in the Strait of Georgia on the Canadian West coast. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_322.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC. RACE WILL CLOSE: Tuesday, 9 November @ 1000utc. Round Texada Island 2010, racing with 327 boats. Nov. 6, 2010, 7 p.m. True -130.0 -119.0 45.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_322.xml 308 Ron Cazar 2010 SOLers have a challenge on their hands... to race the 3500 nm from France to Guadeloupe in the Caribbean in Class 40 yachts. To the victor the..... rum!!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_308.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: Ocean/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Monday 22 November @ 2200utc Ron Cazar, racing with 508 boats. Nov. 1, 2010, 10 a.m. True -78.0 -1.0 6.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NorthAtlantic.xml /webclient/race_308.xml 269 Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2010 Mistli invites you and your Seacart to a short, high-energy birthday bbq race around the islands of the Stockholm Archipelago from Sandhamn to Trosa :-) NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_269.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. RACE CLOSE: Monday, 1 November @ 0900utc. Mistli's Birthday BBQ Race 2010, racing with 283 boats. Oct. 31, 2010, noon True 15.0 21.5 56.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_269.xml 312 Tyrrhenian Tour 2010 Jump into your IMOCA 60 and lets race 800nm around the small islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Why? Because we can!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_312.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Thursday, 4 November @ 1000utc. Tyrrhenian Tour, racing with 383 boats. Oct. 26, 2010, 6 p.m. True 5.0 21.0 35.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_312.xml 320 Boston to Newport Third Time is a Charm TIMED RACE 2023 Back by popular demand! Choose your boat (VO70v4 / Orange Cat / 90ft monohull) and start when you want and re-run as often as you can while the race is open! To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/320/register/" >here</a>. Have fun! All racing will stop on 7 November at 1900utc or sooner if servers need to be relieved of load. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_320.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: SYC/Week. RACE WILL CLOSE: Saturday, 6 November @1000utc Boston-Newport Third Time is a Charm TIMED RACE, racing with 1275 boats. Oct. 23, 2010, 9:55 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_320.xml 319 Boston to Newport October TIMED Run 2010 This is a practice area for the race starting at 2200utc (the Boston-Newport Third Time is a Charm). Boston-Newport October Run, racing with 148 boats. Oct. 23, 2010, 6:30 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_319.xml 277 Boston to Newport Encore TIMED Race 2010 Back by popular demand! Choose your boat (VO70v4 / Orange Cat / 90ft monohull) and start when you want and re-run as often as you can while the race is open! To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/277/register/" >here</a>. Have fun! All racing will stop on 7 November at 1900utc or sooner if servers need to be relieved of load. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_277.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045. RANKING: SYC/Week. Boston-Newport Encore TIMED, racing with 133 boats. Oct. 23, 2010, 3:35 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_277.xml 285 Auckland to Russell Yacht Race 2010 Welcome again to New Zealand!! This 120nm race up the coast of N Island, from Auckland to Russell, is an icon of New Zealand yachting, and your Young 88 is a very popular 28ft racer/cruiser. This route up a spectacular coastline usually offers a mix of conditions while welcome bacon butties and rum await all yachties and mermaids at the finish. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_285.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSES: Sunday 24 October @1000utc. Russell Runt 2010, racing with 370 boats. Oct. 21, 2010, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_285.xml 299 Iberian Tour 2010 - Leg 3 - Lisbon to Almeria This 500nm Leg is the third and longest of the four legs of the Iberian Tour. Time to sail your Mini 6.50 from Lisbon, Portugal, to Almeria in SE Spain through the Straits of Gibraltar. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_299.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RANKING: Week/SYC/Iberian. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 26 October @ 1700utc. Iberian Tour 3, racing with 464 boats. Oct. 19, 2010, 6 p.m. True -15.0 1.0 33.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Spain.xml /webclient/race_299.xml 298 Ouzo Rally 2021 - Race 4 - Koufonisi to Sounian It's time for the final 84nm leg of SOL's 2010 Ouzo Rally - stow your gear in your trusty First 40.7 and let's set off! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_298.html" >here</a>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Weekend/SYC/Ouzo Rally. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 17 October @ 1900utc Ouzo Rally 4, racing with 377 boats. Oct. 16, 2010, 10 a.m. True 20.0 37.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_298.xml 261 Baltic Blitz 2010 - Travemunde to Ventspils NOR_svein invites you to bring your Orange Cat. to get aquainted with Germany, ex-DDR, Poland, Kaliningrad, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in a 685nm race. The first of two races. The Baltic Sea, today a very important waterway, served Vikings as well as the Hansa. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_261.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0830 / 2030 RANKING: Week/SYC. RACE CLOSE: Saturday, 16 October @1900utc Baltic Blitz 1, racing with 380 boats. Oct. 12, 2010, 6 p.m. True 9.0 31.0 53.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_261.xml 266 Chiloe Challenge 2010 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_266.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RACE WILL CLOSE: Tuesday, 11 October @ 0600utc. Chiloe Challenge, racing with 333 boats. Oct. 8, 2010, 6 p.m. True -78.0 -70.0 -45.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_266.xml 291 Cape Town to Rio 2010 See how fast you can steer your Maxi 100 the 3700nm from Cape Town, South Africa, toRio de Janeiro!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_291.html" >here</a>. WX 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230utc. RANKING: Ocean/SYC. Cape Town to Buenos Aires, racing with 570 boats. Oct. 5, 2010, 6 p.m. True -60.0 30.0 -50.0 14.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_291.xml 307 Lake Erie Round the Islands Race 2010 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_307.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: None RACE CLOSE: Monday, 4 October@ 1800utc. Lake Erie Round the Islands Challenge, racing with 333 boats. Oct. 3, 2010, 6 p.m. True -83.5 -81.5 41.25 42.25 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_307.xml 260 Kapiti Chetwodes Race 2010 NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_260.html" >here</a>. WX at Start Location is findable <a href="http://www.rpnyc.org.nz/index.php?option=com_wrapper&Itemid=268" >here</a>. WX for the Cook Strait region is findable <a href="http://www.wind.co.nz/region.php" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RANKING: SYC/Weekend. RACE CLOSES: Monday, 4 October @ 0900utc. Kapiti-Chetwodes, racing with 414 boats. Oct. 2, 2010, 7 a.m. True 175.0 176.0 -42.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NewZeeland.xml /webclient/race_260.xml 273 Key Lime Pie-gatta 2016 Dress Code: Florida casual (includes Sailonline Tees of course!) - once again lets race our skittish Seacarts 250nm through the Florida Keys - overindulgence in rum-runners, conch Fritters and shrimp po-boys optional!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_273.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0245 / 0845 / 1445 / 2045 utc. RANKING: SYC/Week. Key Lime Piegatta Encore, racing with 405 boats. Sept. 28, 2010, 6 p.m. True -84.5 -78.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_273.xml 270 Lake Vanern Race 2010 Enjoy the early autumn and take your Scampi for a short raceof 101nm around Lake Venern in Sweden! A classic SOL race, last run in 2008. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_270.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0830 / 2030 utc. RACE WILL CLOSE: 28 September @0900utc Lake Vanern Race, racing with 362 boats. Sept. 26, 2010, 9 a.m. True 12.0 14.5 58.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_270.xml 258 Atlant'Iles Challenge 2010 FR_Do_Ping's Atlant'îles Challenge! If you have ever dreamed of visiting all the islands of the French Atlantic seaboard in a 60-foot trimaran then make sure all are on board your boat on September 24 at 1900utc. Departing Royan and arriving in Brest, some 360nm and a lot of islands later! Good luck to all - don't forget to prepare the coffee, this is one race where there is little time for sleeping !! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_258.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RACE WILL CLOSE: Monday, 27 September @ 1800utc Atlant'Iles Challenge, racing with 434 boats. Sept. 24, 2010, 7 p.m. True -10.0 1.0 40.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_258.xml 288 Ouzo Rally 2021 - Race 3 - Nisyros to Koufonisi It would be too easy to let time slip by here on this beautiful Greek Island of Nisyros but we must once more take our classic First 40.7s and sail on in the third of four races in the Ouzo series - this time to Koufonisi, some 80nm away! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_288.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RACE CLOSES: 20 September @1800utc. Ouzo Rally 3, racing with 288 boats. Sept. 18, 2010, 10 a.m. True 20.0 37.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_288.xml 263 Carib Rum Run 2010 SOL has learned of a dire rum shortage in Cancun so a 1750nm resupply in your VO70s is urgently needed! You can either stay sipping Mt Gay Rum in Bridgetown Barbados OR race for Cancun? ... its a tough choice! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_263.html" >here</a>. WX Updates 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 utc. RACE CLOSES: 25 September @ 1000utc Carib Rum Run, racing with 407 boats. Sept. 17, 2010, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -56.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_263.xml 294 Auckland Regional 2010 - Race 3 This is the third and final race in this year's Auckland Regional series! Jump aboard your Young 88 and race 106nm around Auckland's islands one more time to see who will win the series! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_294.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. THIS RACE WILL CLOSE: September 16 @ 1200utc. Auckland Regional 3, racing with 401 boats. Sept. 14, 2010, 7 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -39.0 -35.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_294.xml 274 Iberian Tour 2010 - Leg 2 - A Coruna to Lisbon This second leg of the Iberian Tour sees you sailing your Mini 6.5 the 314nm from a Coruña (Galicia) down to Lisbon via the Berlengas Islands and past Cape Roca (the westernmost point of the European Continent). NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_274.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RACE CLOSE: Sunday 12 September @ 2200utc Iberian Tour 2, racing with 364 boats. Sept. 8, 2010, 6 p.m. True -16.0 2.0 36.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_274.xml 302 Maui to Mazatlan 2010 All the zigging and zagging round Hawaii has left our tequila stocks a little low, so 76T has suggested we race TP52s the 2900nm to Mazatlan, Mexico, to replenish at source!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_302.html" >here</a>. WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230. RACE CLOSES: 22 September @ 0900utc Maui - Mazatlan, racing with 388 boats. Sept. 6, 2010, 6 p.m. True -162.0 -102.0 8.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_302.xml 278 The Vineyard Race 2010 The Stamford Yacht Club welcomes SOL to the 76th running of its Vineyard Race. The 238nm course runs from Stamford to Buzzard's Bay Light near Martha's Vineyard Island and back again, leaving Block Island to starboard. Sail against the IRL racers in your First 40.7 v2. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_278.html" >here</a>. RACE CLOSE: 6 September @ 1600utc Vineyard 2010, racing with 344 boats. Sept. 4, 2010, 2 p.m. True -75.0 -68.0 40.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Newport.xml /webclient/race_278.xml 290 Hawaiian Zig Zag 2010 Not for the faint hearted, sail from one Hawaiian island to the next. We give you the Seacart 30 and the weather. Your challenge is to get to Niihau without breaking either the boat or your spirit! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_290.html" >here</a>. Hawaiian ZigZag, racing with 346 boats. Aug. 31, 2010, 6 p.m. True -163.0 -151.0 16.0 25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_290.xml 297 Cape Horn Impromptu 2010 Blow cobwebs away and charge 52nm around islands near Cape Horn in your Orange Cat - no ranking - just impromptu fun!!! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_297.html" >here</a>. RACE CLOSES: 30 August @ 1200utc Cape Horn Impromptu, racing with 253 boats. Aug. 29, 2010, 4 p.m. True -80.0 -30.0 -60.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_297.xml 257 Sail Around Turkey 2010 Set sail in your First 40.7 for a 1430nm circumnavigation of Turkey - from Hopa (the easternmost point of Black Sea coast of Turkey) to Iskenderun (the easternmost point of Mediterranean coast of Turkey). NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_257.html" >here</a>. Guided Tour <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/board/thread/4622/passage-through-turkish-waters/?page=1#post-4623" >here</a>. THIS RACE WILL NOW CLOSE SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER @ 2200utc. Sail Around Turkey, racing with 489 boats. Aug. 28, 2010, 10 a.m. True 24.0 42.0 34.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_257.xml 271 Banjul to Freetown 2010 Explore the islands off the W Coast of Africa for the 400nm from Banjul to Freetown in your Vo70v4! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_271.html" >here</a>. RACE CLOSE: 27 August @ 1100utc Banjul - Freetown, racing with 424 boats. Aug. 24, 2010, 6 p.m. True -20.0 -8.0 3.0 17.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_271.xml 255 Suursaari 2010 The real race this year saw high winds and a lot of damage - sail the 160nm Suursaari in the knowlege that your Finngulf 43 will make the finish in one piece! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_255.html" >here</a>. Suursaari 2010, racing with 327 boats. Aug. 21, 2010, 9 a.m. True 20.0 30.0 58.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_255.xml 259 Balearic Ballerman Party 2010 A 350nm chase in a V070 around the Balearic Islands - designed by StuArt and named after the Ballerman 6 club/bar on Majorca! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_259.html" >here</a>. Rund Ballerman, racing with 349 boats. Aug. 17, 2010, 5 p.m. True -10.0 23.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_259.xml 292 St Johns to The Azores 2010 SOL has acquired a new boat, a Farr 30, and everyone is invited to join in her first sea trials (i.e. no rankings to count!) from Newfoundland to the Azores! NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_292.html" >here</a>. RACE CLOSE: Tuesday, 24 August @ 1100utc. St Johns to The Azores, racing with 364 boats. Aug. 15, 2010, 6 p.m. True -85.0 5.0 5.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NorthAtlantic.xml /webclient/race_292.xml 262 Ouzo Rally 2021 - Race 2 - Paros to Nisyros Leaving the inviting beaches of Paros behind, itis time to set off on leg 2 of our 4-race rally, this time 107nm to the island of Nisyros. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_262.html" >here</a>. Ouzo Rally 2, racing with 333 boats. Aug. 14, 2010, 10 a.m. True 12.0 37.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_262.xml 249 Iberian Tour 2010 - Leg 1 - San Sebastian to A Coruna Race 1 of a series of 4. Take an Iberian cruise and sail a Mini 650 some 320nm alongthe Spanish Coast of the Asturias from San Sebastian in the Basque Country to A Coruña in Galiza. NOR <a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_249.html" >here</a>. Iberian Tour 1, racing with 379 boats. Aug. 10, 2010, 6 p.m. True -12.0 1.0 40.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Spain.xml /webclient/race_249.xml 267 Auckland Regional 2010 - Race 2 Here is the second of the three races in this year's Auckland Regional series! Once again race around a short course of Auckland's islands in your Young 88 and try to improve your series performance! Auckland Regional 2, racing with 254 boats. Aug. 6, 2010, 6 p.m. True 160.0 180.0 -50.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_267.xml 272 New York to Plymouth Transat 2010 A classic trans-Atlantic race from New York->Plymouth in a 60 ft trimaran. Enjoy :-) August TransAt 2010, racing with 398 boats. Aug. 4, 2010, 6 p.m. True -78.0 5.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_272.xml 250 Round Britain and Ireland 2010 StuArt invites you to race in your Seacarts in a traditional 1780 nm shorthanded race clockwise around Ireland, Scotland, Shetland Islands and England!! Round Britain and Ireland, racing with 364 boats. July 31, 2010, 10 a.m. True -15.0 10.0 46.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_250.xml 256 Refeno Rally 2010 Since 1986 this 298nm course from Recife, Brazil, to Fernando Noronho Island has been run many times. This is a unique race, with prizes not only for those on the podium, but also for the "sea turtle" (the second last boat!)!! Join in the fun in your Imoca 60. RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 1 August, 1900utc REFENO Rally, racing with 325 boats. July 30, 2010, 6 p.m. True -60.0 -20.0 -25.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_256.xml 253 Chicago Mackinac Race 2010 First run in 1898 this is the oldest freshwater sailing race in the world - race 298nm approx. in your Cruz 52 from Chicago to Mackinac Island! RACE CLOSE: Wednesday July 28 @ 1800utc Chicago-Mackinac 2010, racing with 352 boats. July 24, 2010, 4 p.m. True -90.0 -84.0 41.5 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_253.xml 254 South Atlantic Scurry 2010 victory challenges you to brave 155nm of the often fierce winds and waves of the S Atlantic in your Orange Cat to visit the sea lions! RACE CLOSE: 26 July 1000utc South Atlantic Scurry, racing with 322 boats. July 23, 2010, 6 p.m. True -65.0 -55.0 -55.0 -45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_254.xml 265 Sunday Scurry Fleet Race 2010 FLEET race to make up for the muckup on what is now the timed!! REGISTRATION CLOSE: July 18 / 1900utc RACE CLOSE: 19 July /0900utc Sunday Scurry FLEET Race, racing with 134 boats. July 18, 2010, 9 a.m. True -65.0 -55.0 -55.0 -45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_265.xml 264 Sunday Scurry TIMED Race 2010 Timed Race using victory's S Atlantic Scurry race course with the Orange Cat. REGISTRATION CLOSE: Tuesday 20 July 2000utc / RACE CLOSE: Wednesday 21 July 0800utc Sunday Scurry TIMED RACE, racing with 379 boats. July 18, 2010, 8 a.m. True -65.0 -55.0 -55.0 -45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_264.xml 251 Ouzo Rally 2021 - Race 1 - Athens to Paros In a First 40 this course from stoertebaker will lead you from Athens/Faliro via south cape of Kythnos to Paros, where good food and good ouzo and retsina await you in its harbour tavernas! RACE CLOSE: Sunday, 18 July, 2000utc Ouzo Rally 1, racing with 377 boats. July 17, 2010, noon True 20.0 37.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_251.xml 252 Gotland Runt 2010 It's summer - it's sunny - it must be time for the classic round Gotland race in a 40 footer. Enjoy! Official site here: http://race.ksss. RACE WILL CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY, 14 JULY AT 1800utc Gotland Runt 2010, racing with 355 boats. July 7, 2010, 10 a.m. True 14.2 23.5 55.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_252.xml 248 St Nazaire Chasse 2010 Accept FR_flouflou's invitation to race in a First 40 from Saint Nazaire, one of the largest ports in France, round ile d'yeu, belle ile, ile groix et l'ile d'houat and finishing 165nm later at la Baule, one of France's most beautiful beaches. THIS RACE WILL CLOSE ON TUESDAY, 6 JULY at 2000utc St Nazaire Chasse, racing with 277 boats. July 3, 2010, 9 a.m. True -8.0 0.3 43.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_248.xml 245 Victoria to Maui 2010 The Victoria to Maui International Yacht Race, first contested in 1968, is the pinnacle of Pacific Northwest ocean racing running every two years. This year 76T invites the SOL fleet to set off from Victoria, British Columbia and to sail across the Pacific to the finish, some 2308nm later near Lahaina Maui. Official website: http://www.vicmaui.org RACE CLOSING: Sunday, 18 July 2010 @ 1000utc Vic-Maui 2010, racing with 467 boats. July 1, 2010, 5 p.m. True -164.0 -117.0 12.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_245.xml 247 Auckland Regional 2010 - Race 1 Want to challenge yourself ? Join WairuaExpress and nzl_yachtyakka in one of New Zealand's biggest Two Handed 3-race Series. Race 1 is a fast paced 48nm course round Auckland's Islands. REGISTRATION CLOSES: 1200utc 1 July. RACE CLOSEs: 1200utc 2 July 2010 Auckland Regional 1, racing with 314 boats. June 30, 2010, 6 p.m. True 160.0 180.0 -50.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_247.xml 246 Kieler Woche Silver Band 2010 2010 sees Kiel Week celebrating 128 years as one of the worlds biggest sailing festivals. Tazumaki invites the SOL fleet to join the fun in this 170nm race! RACING WILL CLOSE at 1200utc on 30 June 2010 Kieler Woche Silver Band , racing with 374 boats. June 26, 2010, 11 a.m. True 9.5 12.0 54.0 55.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_246.xml 243 Twisted Race 2010 A short 22nm race in real time against SOLer CG in her Twister28 - this will be a fleet race. THIS RACE WILL CLOSE AT 1200utc 22 JUNE 2010. The Twisted Race, racing with 327 boats. June 19, 2010, 10 a.m. True -5.2 -3.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_243.xml 244 Newport Bermuda Race 2010 From Newport/Rhode Island - USA to St.Davids Island,Bermuda, this is a 635nm ocean race with a 100yr old tradition. This RACE WILL CLOSE at 1200utc on 25 June 2010. Newport-Bermuda, racing with 433 boats. June 18, 2010, 6 p.m. True -77.0 -62.0 30.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_244.xml 240 Middle Sea Fleet Race 2010 Thank you for racing!! THIS RACE WILL CLOSE AT 1100utc on 21 JUNE 2010. Middle sea fleet race, racing with 508 boats. June 11, 2010, 8 p.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_240.xml 242 Middle Sea TIMED Challenge 2010 A timed race in the Middle sea around the island of Malta - THIS RACE WILL CLOSE at 1200utc on 24 June 2010. Middle sea timed challenge, racing with 541 boats. June 9, 2010, 10:32 a.m. True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_242.xml 239 Race in the Whitsundays 2010 Starting with a leg through the Whitsunday group of Islands from its northern most extreme will provide a scenic start to this race. Located at the heart of the Great Barrier Reef, the Whitsundays is a group of 74 Islands of vaying size and is an extremely popular and beautiful tourist destination. With some of the most amazing marine sights in the world, don't pack a snorkel or scuba gear or you may never finish the race! Whitsunday Race, racing with 431 boats. June 4, 2010, 10 p.m. True 145.0 160.0 -27.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_239.xml 238 Swiftsure Lightship Race 2010 A classic West Coast race from Victoria out Juan de Fuca Strait to the old location of the lightship on Swiftsure Bank and back to the Inner Harbour. Swiftsure Lightship Race, racing with 461 boats. May 29, 2010, 5 p.m. True -136.0 -119.0 44.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Vancouver.xml /webclient/race_238.xml 236 Rund Skagen 2010 From Germany's one and only offshore island around Denmark to Germany's traditional city of the sails: Kiel. The Rund Skagen is the longest offshore race in Germany and also one of its oldest - already the 30st edition since 1932. Rund Skagen, racing with 438 boats. May 24, 2010, 10 a.m. True 3.0 13.5 53.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_236.xml 237 Quingdao to Singapore 2010 2500 NM from the Forties to the Equator. Quingdao - Singapore, racing with 488 boats. May 23, 2010, 4 a.m. True 100.0 140.0 -5.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Global.xml /webclient/race_237.xml 235 Fyn Cup Prep Race 2010 A preparatory race to the Fyn Cup which brings together some 400 boats at the end of May for a 135 NM counterclockwise circumnavigation of the Danish island of Funen (www.fyncup.dk). Starting from Bogense we will pass the narrow straits of the Little Belt and Svendborgsund then proceed to sail under one of the world's biggest bridges spanning the Great Belt. Fyn Cup prep-race, racing with 451 boats. May 18, 2010, 4 p.m. True 8.0 31.0 53.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_235.xml 234 Hiroshima to Kure 2010 A 380 NM race around Shikoku Istand, the smallest of Japan's four main islands. An opportunity to discover a new playing ground for SOL. Hiroshima-Kure, racing with 382 boats. May 15, 2010, 3 a.m. True 125.0 145.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_234.xml 233 Mini 800 2010 - Leg 2 - Gijon to La Rochelle In this second leg, we return from Gijon to La Rochelle. However, we will hug the coast of South Britanny for about 150 NM out of the 400 NM, as we have to round Glénan Island. Mini 800NM part 2, racing with 486 boats. May 9, 2010, noon True -14.0 1.0 40.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Biscaya.xml /webclient/race_233.xml 232 Mini 800 2010 - Leg 1 - La Rochelle to Gijon The Mini Pavois race takes us from La Rochelle allong the french coast and then a offshore leg to Gijon, after a short stopover we head back to La Rochelle Mini 800NM part 1, racing with 467 boats. May 5, 2010, 9 a.m. True -14.0 1.0 40.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_232.xml 53 San Francisco to Hawaii Transpac 2010 A fleetrace of about 2100 nautical miles from San Francisco to Hawaii in large, fast 90 ft monohull boats. TransPacific, racing with 401 boats. May 1, 2010, 10 p.m. True -164.0 -117.0 13.5 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_53.xml 231 Round Iceland 2010 A tour around the remote island of fairytales and gysirs. Recently also infamous for its volcanoes. Use the Zodiacs for navigation and the flight of the puffin - you wouldn't operate your gps because of frozen fingers... Start and finish is near Reykjavik, the den of iniquity of the North. (Note that this race will count both as week and as week-end race) Round Iceland, racing with 468 boats. April 28, 2010, 7 p.m. True -40.0 0.0 60.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Iceland.xml /webclient/race_231.xml 230 Newport - Ensenada The 63rd edition of the 125 NM classic between Newport beach in California and Ensenada in Mexico. Newport - Ensenada, racing with 367 boats. April 23, 2010, 7 p.m. True -130.0 -100.0 20.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/California.xml /webclient/race_230.xml 229 Concarneau to St Barth Figaro Transat 2010 A transat from Concarneau to St Barth: 20 to 25 days of non-stop racing on a classical route across the Atlantic. Figaro Transat, racing with 584 boats. April 18, 2010, 1 p.m. True -85.0 10.0 -10.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_229.xml 228 Frisian Isles Trophy 2010 No peeking at the beaches this time of year. Just push your Seacart to the limit while rounding the Frisian Isles. Tempest will provide Rum at the finish to get warm again after 160 NM in the North Sea. :) Frisian Isles Trophy, racing with 476 boats. April 17, 2010, noon True 0.0 16.0 49.0 59.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_228.xml 227 Giraglia 2010 Training jeanpierrem invites us to train for the Giraglia, one of the great classics in the Mediterranean. Winston will first welcome us at the start in San Remo. We will head South-East to the small island of Giraglia off Cap Corse, and then turn West towards Toulon. - April 13, 2010, 5 p.m. True 0.0 15.0 30.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean_west.xml /webclient/race_227.xml 226 Two Oceans Doublecross 2010 Cross twice the line demarcating the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean! A 170 NM race from and to Cape Town around Robben Island, Seal Island and Dassen Island. Count the number of wrecks of vessels that underestimated the fury of the 'Cape of Storms', and celebrate your survival at the Tavern of the Seas with Jawz. Two Oceans Doublecross, racing with 463 boats. April 10, 2010, 7 a.m. True 17.0 19.0 -35.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_226.xml 224 Cape Horn TIMED Record 2010 A 52 NM timed race around Cape Horn. The race will be closed on Saturday 10 April 2010 00:00 UTC. Click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/224/register/" >here</a> to start a new attempt. Cape Horn Record, racing with 1054 boats. April 4, 2010, 7 a.m. True -80.0 -30.0 -60.0 -40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_224.xml 175 Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race 2010 The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race has been an annual event since 1949. 2010 marks the 62st anniversary of the race. Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race , racing with 299 boats. April 2, 2010, midnight True 142.0 170.0 -37.0 -15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_175.xml 225 Cape to Cape Race 2010 The temperatures are already getting too high for waller. He therefore invites us for a 3600 NM race across the cold and stormy Southern Atlantic. We depart from Cape Horn and head towards Cape Town. Mind the bergs! Cape^2 Race, racing with 658 boats. April 1, 2010, 4 p.m. True -70.0 22.0 -65.0 -27.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_225.xml 223 Rio Circuit 2010 Proposed by zero, a 460 NM race in the waters offshore of Rio de Janeiro. For those of us tired of shovelling snow and walking in boots, an opportunity to wear flimsy T-shirts and flip-flops. From Rio, we head to the magnificent city of Buzios, turn around to pass in front of beautiful Ilhabela, and finish in Rio again. Rio Circuit Race, racing with 447 boats. March 26, 2010, 9 p.m. True -48.0 -38.0 -30.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_223.xml 222 Key Lime Pie-gatta 2010 Rum-runners, Conch Fritters and Shrimp Po-boys await as we sail one of the most amazing series of islets in the world. Special rules for this race: no shoes and no shirts. :) Key Lime Pie-gatta 2010, racing with 460 boats. March 23, 2010, 11 p.m. True -84.5 -78.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_222.xml 221 Hobart Convict Run 2010 AUS_Scott76 invites us for a 250 NM run from Hobart down past the historic convict penal colony of Port Arthur. After rounding Tasman Island, we sail up and down the East coast of Tasmania, and finish with a tight technical run up the picturesque D'entrecasteaux Channel. Hobart Convict Run, racing with 450 boats. March 19, 2010, 8 p.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Sydney_Hobart.xml /webclient/race_221.xml 220 See Naples then die … 2010 Ita10267 invites us to a 350 NM race in the Thyrrenean Sea. Starting from Naples, we will tour the beautiful islands of Ustica and Stromboli, and relax on Capri Island after the finish. Weather conditions can change rapidly, although W-NW winds are more prevalent. Watch out for volcano lava and ashes at the Stromboli. ;) See Naples then die ..., racing with 434 boats. March 16, 2010, 7 p.m. True 7.0 20.0 35.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_220.xml 211 Round North Island 2010 - Eastern Leg In this second leg, we return from Wellington to Auckland via the eastern side of North Island in a 40-footer. Practice sailing. Race starts 26/02-21.00UTC. Currently 345 boats registered. March 15, 2010, 9 p.m. True 174.0 180.0 -50.0 -30.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NewZeeland.xml /webclient/race_211.xml 210 San Juan Islands Cup 2010 Proposed by Verboten, a 71 NM race across the famous San Juan Islands of the Pacific Northwest. San Juan Islands Cup, racing with 389 boats. March 14, 2010, 5 p.m. True -136.0 -119.0 44.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_210.xml 219 Gray Whale Spring Migration 2010 The Grey Whale is one of the world's greatest navigators, making its way annually from the balmy waters off Mexico to feeding grounds in the Bering Sea off Alaska. Come and join the 2010 Spring migration: a 4000 NM race up the West Coat of North America. Proposed by RainbowChaser. Grey Whale Migration, racing with 630 boats. March 13, 2010, 3 a.m. True 175.0 250.0 0.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_219.xml 217 Hamnen Baltic Wednesday Trophy 2010 Welcome to dust off your old SeaCart in a race we recognize around the island called Gotland. Hamnen Baltic Wednesday Trophy, racing with 505 boats. March 10, 2010, 7 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_217.xml 214 Hamnen Baltic Saturday Trophy 2010 Welcome to dust off your old SeaCart in a race we recognize around the island called Gotland. Hamnen Baltic Saturday Trophy, racing with 540 boats. March 6, 2010, 7 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_214.xml 241 New York to Plymouth Transat 2010 A classic trans-Atlantic race New York->Plymouth in the giant 125 foot catamaran. Enjoy :-) Transat 2010, racing with 13 boats. March 5, 2010, 8 p.m. True -78.0 5.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_241.xml 218 Atlantic Circle Test Race 2010 A drag race in the middle of nowhere around a circle to test the brand-new Class 40. Does not count for the rankings. Polar test race 1, racing with 416 boats. March 3, 2010, 7 p.m. True -22.0 -18.0 49.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_218.xml 203 Sjaelland Rundt 2010 Traditionally held on the last weekend of June, Sjaeland Rundt is the most important race in Denmark. The race reached up to 1400 entries in the nineties, showing the popularity of this mix of ambitious family crews and professional sailors on one-offs. After starting at Helsingor, the course leads the fleet counter-clockwise around Sjaelland, the main island of Denmark, to finish in Helsingør. www.sjaellandrundt.dk for more info (in Danish). Apart of the IRL race we will round Lolland as well - due to the narrow, unconvienient passage of Gronsund. Sjaelland rundt, racing with 525 boats. March 3, 2010, 9 a.m. True 8.0 14.0 53.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_203.xml 204 Najad Race 2010 - Marstrand to Cowes Najad offshore Race Najad offshore Race, racing with 3 boats. March 1, 2010, 8 a.m. True -17.0 16.0 47.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_204.xml 216 Zilt Return Ocean Race 2010 After the dramatic events of the Zilt Ocean Race, we owed the readers of Zilt Magazine a rew race. We bring back our VO70s from the Azores to IJmuiden, where we will enjoy a well-deserved beer after 1600 NM through the Atlantic, the Channel, and the North Sea in winter. Please read the front page blog to choose the right boat at registration.. Zilt Return Ocean Race 2010, racing with 766 boats. Feb. 28, 2010, 2 p.m. True -28.0 8.0 30.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_216.xml 215 Caribbean Race 2010 A 600 NM Sprint through the Caribbean islands. The course is ... errr ... a bit complex. But at least, you have a good chance of stranding on a nice beach if you lose your way. ;) Caribbean Sprint 2010, racing with 599 boats. Feb. 22, 2010, 3 p.m. True -99.0 -59.0 10.0 31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Carribbean.xml /webclient/race_215.xml 212 Cyclades Volcano Return 2010 After some 3500 years, the volcano of Santorini is waking up again! We take the first boat available to flee its caldera, and after 149 NM across the Cyclades, we take refuge in Athens. Cyclades Volcano Run, racing with 544 boats. Feb. 20, 2010, 8 a.m. True 22.0 27.0 36.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_212.xml 209 IMSYC 2010 - Bodo to Gdansk A "choose-right-boat" fleet race from Bodoe to Gdansk. Note that once you have chosen boat there is no changing boat (unless you are a SYC member with an extraordinary good reason). Here are the boats http://sailonline.org/static/imsyc_2010 IMSYC 2010, racing with 796 boats. Feb. 16, 2010, 8 p.m. True -5.0 20.0 30.0 70.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_209.xml 207 Round North Island 2010 - Western Leg In the first of two legs, we race from Auckland to Wellington via the west side of North Island. We sail a 40-footer. Round North Island 2010 - western leg, racing with 559 boats. Feb. 5, 2010, 11 p.m. True 160.0 180.0 -50.0 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NewZeeland.xml /webclient/race_207.xml 206 North Sea Open 2010 A short and fun race from Marstrand to lJmuden in a Seacart 30 North Sea Open, racing with 599 boats. Feb. 2, 2010, 8 p.m. True -2.0 16.0 51.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_206.xml 208 Rabat to Alicante 2010 The main challenge of the route between Rabat on the Atlantic coast of Marocco and the Spanish city of Alicante is the passage of the Strait of Gibraltar. Typically, the wind is either straight upwind or straight downwind, and either quite strong or very weak. We hope to avoid the worst combination: weak upwind winds. Anyway, may the wind gods be with all of you! Rabat - Alicante, racing with 581 boats. Jan. 29, 2010, 8 p.m. True -10.0 3.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_208.xml 205 Maputo to Durban 2010 Experience a section of the route that the early slave traders travelled from the East coast of Africa. From the elephant hunting grounds of Mozambique to the port named after Lieutenant-General Sir Benjamin d'Urban,a British general and colonial administrator, who is best known for his frontier policy when he was the Governor in the Cape Colony. Maputo Durban Race, racing with 567 boats. Jan. 26, 2010, 8 p.m. True 29.0 40.0 -31.0 -25.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_205.xml 202 Cochin to Singapore 2010 A rerun of the third leg of the 2008-2009 SOR. Start in Cochin on the West coast on India, finish in Singapore. We negotiate Sri Lanka any way we want, but leave the Indonesian island of Pulau We to the South. SOR leg 3, Cochin - Singapore, racing with 624 boats. Jan. 20, 2010, 8 p.m. True 70.0 110.0 -5.0 20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/VOR_leg3.xml /webclient/race_202.xml 198 Channel Islands Ramble 2010 Welcome to a 300 NM slalom through the beautiful Channel Islands off the sunny Southern California coast. We start from Santa Barbara, and make a dash to San Miguel Island before weaving back towards Anacapa Island. We then head for San Nicolas Island and glide past Santa Catalina Island. After a run South to San Clemente Island, we turn back East to San Diego. When arriving, watch out for low flying naval aircrafts, for surfacing submarines, and for aircraft carriers of the US 7th fleet manoeuvring their way to the Coronodo carrier berths. Channel Island Ramble, racing with 646 boats. Jan. 19, 2010, 5 p.m. True -126.0 -115.0 27.0 37.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_198.xml 201 Buenos Aires to Punta del Este 2010 Hello Argentina! Hello Uruguay! Here we come! Join us on the brown waters of the Rio de la Plata to race from the shores of Buenos Aires to the beaches of Punta del Este. Fair winds to all! Buenos Aires-Punta del Este, racing with 646 boats. Jan. 16, 2010, 2 p.m. True -60.0 -52.0 -38.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_201.xml 197 Manila Race 2010 A 560 nm race through the heart of the Philippine Archipelago in a SeaCart. Refreshments await you at the finish line. Manila Race, racing with 495 boats. Jan. 12, 2010, 8 p.m. True 113.0 130.0 6.0 20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Philippines.xml /webclient/race_197.xml 199 Lake Winnebago Race 2010 SOL'er Bgosh recently opened the Eureka Landing Bar & Grill near Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Let's help him celebrate by racing around Lake Winnebago! We'll leave from Oshkosh, vist Fond du Lac, High Cliffs Park, Neenah Point Light, and finish up back in Oshkosh where we'll join Bgosh at Eureka Landing Bar & Grill for a celebratory drink! Lake Winnebago Race, racing with 450 boats. Jan. 10, 2010, 3 p.m. True -89.0 -87.0 43.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_199.xml 196 Cape Horn 50-50 2010 A 999nm race from 50 degrees South in the Atlantic to 50 degress South on the Pacific side of Cape Horn in Clipper Ships. Cape Horn 50-50, racing with 834 boats. Jan. 9, 2010, 9 p.m. True -180.0 180.0 -70.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/CapeHorn_Falklands.xml /webclient/race_196.xml 195 Boston to Newport TIMED Race 2010 A nice short little timed race. Choose your boat and start when you want. To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/195/register/" >here</a>. Good luck! All racing is stopped at approx. jan 10, 20:00utc or when servers need to be relieved of load. Boston-Newport, racing with 1676 boats. Jan. 1, 2010, 8 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_195.xml 194 Hobart to Sydney 2009 A New year-special from Hobart back to Sydney. Hobart -> Sydney, racing with 634 boats. Dec. 31, 2009, 8 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_194.xml 165 Sydney Hobart 2009 The traditional 625 nm race from Sydney to Hobart. Sydney Hobart 2009, racing with 938 boats. Dec. 26, 2009, 6 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_165.xml 193 Midwinter Scotch Run 2009 A shorter fleetrace for the whiskey fan. Midwinter Scotch Run, racing with 413 boats. Dec. 22, 2009, 8 a.m. True -21.0 10.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_193.xml 191 Cape Town to Geraldton 2009 A typical holiday sail through the Southern Indian Ocean from Cape Town in South Africa to Geraldton in Western Australia. Only 4800 NM. Cape town to Geraldton, racing with 640 boats. Dec. 19, 2009, 9 p.m. True -180.0 180.0 -80.0 90.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v2.xml /webclient/race_191.xml 192 Lake Superior Lights 2009 A race that will encompass the length & breadth of Lake Superior featuring some notable and picturesque Lighthouses. The course will test both a skipper's open water & close quarter skills in order to finish successfully. Distance: 600 NM. Lake Superior Lights, racing with 568 boats. Dec. 18, 2009, 6 p.m. True -93.0 -84.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_192.xml 190 Round White Island 2nd Race 2009 An 303 NM offshore classic in New Zealand. We start in Auckland, pass Channel and Cuvier Island to the North, turn around White Island and return to Auckland by the same route. Round White Island Race 2, racing with 694 boats. Dec. 15, 2009, 6 p.m. True 172.0 178.0 -38.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_190.xml 189 Dubai to Muskat 2nd Race 2009 A 303 NM race in the 30°C waters of the Persian Gulf and of the Gulf of Oman. We set sail from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pass the Strait of Hormuz, and finish in the city of Muskat, Oman. Dubai to Muskat Race 2, racing with 690 boats. Dec. 11, 2009, 8 p.m. True 46.0 64.0 20.0 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Persian_gulf.xml /webclient/race_189.xml 188 Rome to Tripoli 2009 530 NM, almost straight from Rome to Tripoli. But don't count on an easy race. The Meditteranean always offers some surprises. Rome to Tripoli, racing with 689 boats. Dec. 6, 2009, 8 p.m. True -3.0 27.0 30.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_188.xml 187 Miami to Kingstown 2009 1315 NM of fabulous islands separate Miami from Kingstown on the Caribbean island of St Vincent. Resist the temptation to ground your boat! Your competitors will not give you one minute of rest! Miami to Kingstown, racing with 782 boats. Dec. 2, 2009, 7 p.m. True -84.0 -59.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_187.xml 185 Round White Island 1st Race 2009 An 303 NM offshore classic in New Zealand. We start in Auckland, pass Channel and Cuvier Island to the North, turn around White Island and return to Auckland by the same route. Round White Island Race, racing with 601 boats. Nov. 26, 2009, 11 p.m. True 172.0 178.0 -38.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_185.xml 184 Dubai to Muskat 1st Race 2009 A 303 NM race in the 30°C waters of the Persian Gulf and of the Gulf of Oman. We set sail from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pass the Strait of Hormuz, and finish in the city of Muskat, Oman. Dubai to Muskat Race, racing with 582 boats. Nov. 25, 2009, 9 a.m. True 46.0 64.0 20.0 33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Persian_gulf.xml /webclient/race_184.xml 183 Almost Round Texada Island 2009 A 190nm race in the Strait of Georgia on the Canadian West coast. We start and finish in front of Sidney BC, and sail up through the Gulf Islands before rounding Texada Island and heading for home. Almost Round Texada Island (saturday), racing with 541 boats. Nov. 21, 2009, 9 a.m. True -130.0 -119.0 45.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_183.xml 178 Again Round Texada Island 2009 A 190nm race in the Strait of Georgia on the Canadian West coast. We start and finish in front of Sidney BC, and sail up through the Gulf Islands before rounding Texada Island and heading for home. Please note that Blubber Bay can be rounded in any direction! Round Texada Island (tuesday), racing with 503 boats. Nov. 17, 2009, 8 p.m. True -130.0 -119.0 45.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_178.xml 172 Rio de Janeiro 2nd In-Port 2009 A short race with the VO70s in the waters near Rio. Course might be adjusted until 1 day before start. Race length ±80 nm Rio de Janeiro inport #2, racing with 640 boats. Nov. 14, 2009, 9 a.m. True -46.0 -41.0 -25.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Rio.xml /webclient/race_172.xml 182 Orno Runt 4th Sprint 2009 Round Orno race is yet another nice short archipelago race in the vicinity of Stockholm. Round Orno race (nov 8), racing with 514 boats. Nov. 8, 2009, 6 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_182.xml 181 Orno Runt 3rd Sprint 2009 Round Orno race is yet another nice short archipelago race in the vicinity of Stockholm. Round Orno race (saturday), racing with 309 boats. Nov. 7, 2009, 3 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_181.xml 177 Short Stockholm BBQ race 2009 A short 20nm race from Jakobs place to Sandhamn where everyone get free Beer&BBQ. You are all invited! Short Stockholm BBQ race 2009, racing with 536 boats. Nov. 1, 2009, 6 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_177.xml 179 Boston to Plymouth Transat TIMED Race 2009 A start-when-you-like race from Boston to Plymouth open for registration during November. Your timing starts when first command is sent. A new boat can be registered as soon as your first reaches the finish. To re-register after finishing, click <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/races/179/register/" >here</a>. Good luck! November Transat Record Challenge, racing with 1787 boats. Nov. 1, 2009, 1:01 a.m. True -73.0 -1.0 15.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_179.xml 176 Plymouth to Boston Transat 2009 A Transatlantic fleetrace from Plymouth to Boston with fast VO70 boats. Transat oct 2009, racing with 1028 boats. Oct. 25, 2009, 7 a.m. True -78.0 4.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NorthAtlantic.xml /webclient/race_176.xml 170 Auckland to Russell Yacht Race 2009 Greetings Yachties and Mermaids, welcome once again to New Zealand. This race up the northland coast from Auckland to Russell in an icon of New Zealand yachting, the Young 88 a one design 28fter that the young guns are cutting their teeth on, a fabulous racer/cruiser, very popular with todays up and coming Kiwi yachties. The trip north is a mix of conditions from flat out spinaker rides up the spectacular coast then a beat to finish in a dying breeze before sunrise. The bar is open all night and serves thirsty yachties bacon butties and rum. Join some of your NZL_SOL's and race them in real life online. Russell Runt, racing with 793 boats. Oct. 22, 2009, 9 p.m. True 173.0 178.0 -38.0 -34.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_170.xml 174 Malta Race 2009 Join the thrilling and challenging race from Malta around Sicily and back to Malta. This time you get to steer your own 90-footer :-) Malta race, racing with 763 boats. Oct. 17, 2009, noon True 10.0 20.0 33.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_174.xml 173 Bimini Beach Run 2009 Grab your Seacarts and get ready for a race in the Bahamas! Don't forget to enjoy the scenery. Bimini Beach Run, racing with 769 boats. Oct. 13, 2009, 8 p.m. True -81.0 -75.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_173.xml 164 Poor Man's Race 2009 - Leg 2 - Funchal to Salvador A race in two legs from Charente via Madeira to Salvador Brasil in a 6.5 meter fast single handed boat. Poor mans race, leg 2(2), racing with 1018 boats. Oct. 3, 2009, noon True -40.0 40.0 -40.0 23.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_164.xml 168 Bosphore a Bretagne 2009 - Etape 3 - Barcelona a Ile d'Ouessant A thrilling race in three legs from Istanbul->Nice->Barcelona->Brest in an single handed IMOCA 60 monohull. You better be prepared! Bosphore - Bretagne Race leg 3 (3), racing with 833 boats. Sept. 14, 2009, 7 a.m. True -15.0 50.0 25.0 51.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_168.xml 163 Poor Man's Race 2009 - Leg 1 - Charente to Funchal A race in two legs from Charente via Madeira to Charente Brasil in a 6.5 meter fast single handed boat. Poor mans race, leg 1(2), racing with 767 boats. Sept. 13, 2009, noon True -40.0 15.0 25.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_163.xml 167 Bosphore a Bretagne 2009 - Etape 2 - Nice a Barcelona A thrilling race in three legs from Istanbul->Nice->Barcelona->Brest in an single handed IMOCA 60 monohull. You better be prepared! Bosphore - Bretagne Race leg 2 (3), racing with 859 boats. Sept. 8, 2009, 7 a.m. True -15.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_167.xml 171 Round Fastnet Rock Challenge 2009 A nice little 570 nm short "sprint" in the lovely SeaCart-30 from Cowes to Plymouth via an Irish lighthouse that may be rounded in either direction. Have fun! Round Fastnet Rock Challenge, racing with 578 boats. Sept. 6, 2009, 7 a.m. True -13.0 8.0 47.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_171.xml 166 Bosphore a Bretagne 2009 - Etape 1 - Istanbul to Empedocle A thrilling race in three legs from Istanbul->Nice->Barcelona->Brest in an single handed IMOCA 60 monohull. You better be prepared! Bosphore - Bretagne Race leg 1 (3), racing with 820 boats. Aug. 28, 2009, 7 a.m. True -20.0 50.0 0.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_166.xml 162 New York to Plymouth Transat 2009 A classic trans-Atlantic race New York->Plymouth in the giant 125 foot catamaran. Enjoy :-) August Transat 2009, racing with 891 boats. Aug. 22, 2009, 7 a.m. True -78.0 5.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_162.xml 161 The French SOLo 2009 - Leg 4 - Dingle to Dieppe Welcome to a thrilling single-handed race series in French, Spanish and Irish waters. We will sail a Beneteau Figaro round the 4 leg course similar to the real race La Solitaire du Figaro. Results from all 4 legs will be weighted together to rank the overall winner of the The French SOLo. Welcome and good luck! The French SOLo, Leg 4 of 4, racing with 725 boats. Aug. 16, 2009, noon True -18.0 15.0 42.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_161.xml 158 New Zealand North 2009 - Auckland to Wellington We visit our New Zealand friends for a nice race around the north island. New Zealand North Offshore, racing with 645 boats. Aug. 14, 2009, 10 p.m. True 160.0 180.0 -50.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NewZeeland.xml /webclient/race_158.xml 160 The French SOLo 2009 - Leg 3 - St Gilles to Dingle Welcome to a thrilling single-handed race series in French, Spanish and Irish waters. We will sail a Beneteau Figaro round the 4 leg course similar to the real race La Solitaire du Figaro. Results from all 4 legs will be weighted together to rank the overall winner of the The French SOLo. Welcome and good luck! The French SOLo, Leg 3 of 4, racing with 808 boats. Aug. 10, 2009, noon True -18.0 3.0 42.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_160.xml 159 The French SOLo 2009 - Leg 2 - La Corogne to St Gilles Welcome to a thrilling single-handed race series in French, Spanish and Irish waters. We will sail a Beneteau Figaro round the 4 leg course similar to the real race La Solitaire du Figaro. Results from all 4 legs will be weighted together to rank the overall winner of the The French SOLo. Welcome and good luck! The French SOLo, Leg 2 of 4, racing with 704 boats. Aug. 4, 2009, noon True -18.0 3.0 42.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_159.xml 156 The French SOLo 2009 - Leg 1 - Lorient to La Corogne Welcome to a thrilling single-handed race series in French, Spanish and Irish waters. We will sail a Beneteau Figaro round the 4 leg course similar to the real race La Solitaire du Figaro. Results from all 4 legs will be weighted together to rank the overall winner of the The French SOLo. Welcome and good luck! The French SOLo, Leg 1 of 4, racing with 864 boats. July 30, 2009, noon True -18.0 3.0 42.0 54.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Biscaya.xml /webclient/race_156.xml 153 Chicago Mackinac Race 2009 A race on one of the great US lakes. Glad to be here again! Chicago-Mackinac race 2009, racing with 701 boats. July 24, 2009, 4:30 p.m. True -90.0 -84.0 41.5 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_153.xml 154 Cowes to St Malo 2009 A quick race from England to France. We catch a ride on a seacart, course length 160 nm. Please note that this is a timed race, not a fleet race, you can start when you want (after 10th Juli, 10:00 UTC). Cowes to St. Malo race, racing with 1113 boats. July 10, 2009, 10 a.m. True -10.0 3.0 47.0 52.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_154.xml 150 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 10 - Sandhamn to Petersburg Last leg in this series... Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 10, racing with 764 boats. June 25, 2009, noon True 16.0 33.0 54.0 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_150.xml 151 Stockholm In-Port 2009 A short (start when you want) timed sprint race for the addicts :-) Sthlm Inport 2009, racing with 595 boats. June 20, 2009, 8 a.m. True 16.0 22.0 57.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_151.xml 149 Orno Runt 2nd TIMED Race 2009 The same as the other Orno race but there you can start when you want. Orno runt (timed race) 2009, racing with 765 boats. June 16, 2009, 8:10 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_149.xml 148 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 9 - Marstrand to Sandhamn After a short break in Marstrand we jump back on the Volvo 70's for a race to Stockholm. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 9, racing with 832 boats. June 14, 2009, 11 a.m. True 10.0 21.0 53.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_148.xml 147 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 8 - Galway to Marstrand From Galway to Marstrand, Sweden. Final course has changed to include a waypoint at the Dutch shore. Make sure you have this mark by reloading the client! Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 8, racing with 896 boats. June 6, 2009, 1:30 p.m. True -17.0 16.0 47.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_147.xml 146 Galway In-Port Fleet Race 2009 A short race around Galway as part of our in-port series. 110 nm in a VO70, course may be changed until race day. Galway Inport race, racing with 398 boats. May 30, 2009, noon True -15.0 -7.0 51.0 55.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_146.xml 140 Virtual OSTAR 2009 A 2800nm transatlatic race from Plymouth UK to Newport US in a 35 footer. Remember to take a look at the virtual OSTAR skipper challenge and donate for The Institute of Cancer Research. Good luck! Virtual OSTAR 2009, racing with 846 boats. May 25, 2009, 11:30 a.m. True -78.0 4.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/England_Boston.xml /webclient/race_140.xml 145 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 7 - Boston to Galway We head back to europe with the Volvo 70's. This time we start in Boston and head off for Galway Ireland. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 7, racing with 1012 boats. May 16, 2009, 5 p.m. True -78.0 -1.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/England_Boston.xml /webclient/race_145.xml 144 Boston In-Port 2009 Part of the inport series we race from Boston to Newport. Startline is in Boston, leave Cape Cod to starboard and a finish line is set up at Newport Boston In-Port, racing with 596 boats. May 13, 2009, 4 p.m. True -72.5 -68.5 40.5 43.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_144.xml 141 Volvo Suursaari Race 2009 It´s time for a new offshore race. This time it is 160nm in the Gulf of Finland in a 40 footer. Course: Start, vs2 to starboard, vs3 to port, vs4 to port, vs5 to starboard, round Hogland clockwise and same way back, i.e. 5 to port, 4&3 to starboard and 2 to port. VolvoSuursaariRace, racing with 728 boats. May 8, 2009, 5 p.m. True 20.0 30.0 58.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_141.xml 143 Manila Race 2009 A 560 nm race through the heart of the Philippine Archipelago in a SeaCart. Refreshments await you at the finish line. Manila Race, racing with 527 boats. May 1, 2009, 3 p.m. True 113.0 130.0 6.0 20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Philippines.xml /webclient/race_143.xml 142 North Sea Open 2009 A race across the North Sea from Goteborg to IJmuiden. 400 nm sprint in a SeaCart. North Sea Open, racing with 313 boats. April 25, 2009, 9 a.m. True -2.0 16.0 51.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_142.xml 138 Rio de Janeiro 1st In-Port 2009 A short race with the VO70s in the waters near Rio. Course might be adjusted until 1 day before start. Race length ±80 nm Rio de Janeiro inport Race, racing with 631 boats. April 18, 2009, 4 p.m. True -46.0 -41.0 -25.0 -22.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Rio.xml /webclient/race_138.xml 139 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 6 - Rio de Janeiro to Boston Next offshore leg in the SOR series, Rio to Boston ± 4900 nm Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 6, racing with 1169 boats. April 15, 2009, 6 p.m. True -80.0 -20.0 -25.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/VOR_leg6.xml /webclient/race_139.xml 137 Cyclades Volcano Run 2009 We pack our bags and head from Rio to Greece Athens. We start of here on a fun race down to the magical island of Santorini in the southern part of the Cyclades. Race length 148 nm Cyclades volcano run, racing with 563 boats. March 28, 2009, 10 a.m. True 22.0 27.0 36.0 39.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_137.xml 133 Pacific NW Inshore 2009 A run from Seattle to Vancouver Pacific Northwest Inshore, racing with 547 boats. March 21, 2009, 7:30 p.m. True -126.0 -120.0 46.0 50.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_133.xml 135 Orno Runt 2nd Sprint 2009 Round Orno race is yet another nice short archipelago race in the vicinity of Stockholm. Orno runt #2, racing with 177 boats. March 14, 2009, 6 p.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_135.xml 128 Orno Runt 1st Sprint 2009 Round Orno race is yet another nice short archipelago race in the vicinity of Stockholm. Orno runt, racing with 385 boats. March 14, 2009, 9 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_128.xml 134 Orno Runt 1st TIMED Race 2009 The same as the other Orno race but there you can start when you want. Orno runt (timed race), racing with 498 boats. March 10, 2009, 7 a.m. True 17.0 20.0 58.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_134.xml 132 Key Lime Pie-gatta 2009 Rum-runners, Conch Fritters and Shrimp Po-boys await as we sail one of the most amazing series of islets in the world. The first annual "Key Lime Pie Regatta" Will commence on March 7. The only rules are no shoes, no shirts and no worrie. please consult chat 15 minutes before start, for details of race. Key Lime Pie-gatta, racing with 514 boats. March 7, 2009, 2 p.m. True -84.5 -78.0 23.0 28.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_132.xml 130 Mistli's BBQ Race to the End of the World 2009 Another short achepelago race around the islands :-) Final course will be set during the last hour before the start. Flush browser cache and reload to see the final course. Mistli's BBQ-race to the End of the World, racing with 489 boats. Feb. 28, 2009, 3 p.m. True 15.0 21.5 56.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_130.xml 129 Jakob's Birthday BBQ Race 2009 A short 20nm race from Jakobs place to Sandhamn where everyone get free Beer&BBQ served by Calamity. You are all invited! Jakobs short BBQ race 2009, racing with 492 boats. Feb. 21, 2009, 2 p.m. True 18.0 19.5 58.85 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_129.xml 125 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 5 - Qingdao to Rio de Janeiro Ready or not its time for the leg 5 of the Volvo Ocean race series. Its a epic leg all the way from Qindgdao China, any side of NZ, around The Horn To Rio De Janeiro. A 12.300 nm jouney in a VO70. Please note that the old desktop client is no longer supported. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 5, racing with 1647 boats. Feb. 14, 2009, 5 a.m. True 118.0 340.0 -68.0 46.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v2.xml /webclient/race_125.xml 124 IMSYC 2009 - Stockholm to Gothenburg A "choose-right-boat" fleet race from Stockholm to Gothenburg. Note that once you have chosen boat there is no changing boat (unless you are a SYC member with an extraordinary good reason). Here are the boats http://sailonline.org/static/imsyc_2009. IMSYC challenge 2009, racing with 833 boats. Feb. 9, 2009, 8 p.m. True 8.0 22.0 53.5 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/sto_gbg_v2.xml /webclient/race_124.xml 122 Qingdao In-Port TIMED Race 2009 A race close to Qingdao as part of the in-port races Qingdao inport race, racing with 732 boats. Feb. 7, 2009, 5 a.m. True 118.0 123.0 34.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_122.xml 123 Antwerp to Belfast 2009 A timed "start-when-you-want-race" with the SeaCart 30 trimaran. NOTICE: registrations will close friday 6 february! Antwerpen-Belfast_jan-09, racing with 1188 boats. Jan. 28, 2009, 8:52 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_123.xml 120 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 4 - Singapore to Quingdao Leg 4: Singapore to Quingdao, an approximate distance of 2500 nm starting January 18. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 4, racing with 1500 boats. Jan. 18, 2009, 5 a.m. True 90.0 150.0 -3.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/sol_leg4.xml /webclient/race_120.xml 115 Singapore In-Port 2009 A race back to Singapore for our in-port special series. 350 nm in a Volvo Ocean racer Singapore in-port, racing with 862 boats. Jan. 10, 2009, 5 a.m. True 102.0 109.0 0.0 5.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/vor_leg3.xml /webclient/race_115.xml 121 Great Lakes Winter Run 2009 A nice little regatta with SeaCart 30s on the great lakes in the USA. We sail from Port Huron across the lakes to Chicago. Great lakes winter run 2009, racing with 963 boats. Jan. 6, 2009, 9 p.m. True -90.0 -79.0 41.0 48.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_121.xml 117 Hobart to Sydney Jan 2009 A New year-special from Hobart back to Sydney in the fabulous SeCart 30. Note you shall leave Cape Barren waypoint to Starboard! Hobart-Sydney dec 2008, racing with 1009 boats. Jan. 1, 2009, 9 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_117.xml 116 Sydney Hobart 2008 The traditional 625 nm race from Sydney to Hobart. A thrill in a little fast SeaCart-30 trimaran! <strong>Registration will open in a few days!</strong> Sydney-Hobart 2008, racing with 1167 boats. Dec. 26, 2008, 2 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_116.xml 112 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 3 - Cochin to Singapore Leg 3: Cochin to Singapore, an approximate distance of 1950 n.m. Leaving the island of Pulau We, Indonesia, to starboard and starting 13 december. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 3, racing with 1478 boats. Dec. 13, 2008, 9 a.m. True 70.0 110.0 -5.0 20.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/VOR_leg3.xml /webclient/race_112.xml 114 Fastnet Race Winter 2008 A december Fastnet race with light Seacart 30s. Fastnet Dec08 Edition, racing with 334 boats. Dec. 8, 2008, 9 p.m. True -13.0 8.0 47.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_114.xml 111 Cochin In-Port Race 2008 We have set up a small in-port type race in front of the harbour of Cochin. Join us in this short race. Cochin in-port race, racing with 505 boats. Dec. 6, 2008, 6 p.m. True 75.5 77.0 9.5 10.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/cochin_inport.xml /webclient/race_111.xml 107 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 2 - Cape Town to Cochin Leg 2 from Cape Town to Cochin. We have repaired the boats again and most of the boats of leg one have made it into Cape Town. Time to get back out on the water again and head for Cochin India. We join the real boats for a 4450nm journey Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 2, racing with 1197 boats. Nov. 15, 2008, 11 a.m. True 15.0 98.0 -42.0 15.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/vor_leg2.xml /webclient/race_107.xml 110 Cape Town In-Port 2008 A short 90nm inport race with the furious VO70 boats. Cape Town inport race, racing with 378 boats. Nov. 13, 2008, 7 p.m. True 16.0 21.0 -36.0 -31.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/vor_leg2.xml /webclient/race_110.xml 101 Augustimanen Goes Online 2008 A special experimental type of short race race administered by Skantorp. The race is based on a handicap system and all sailors get to choose boat once from a selection. See the blog for boat polars. Augustimanen goes online, racing with 440 boats. Nov. 7, 2008, 8 p.m. True 14.0 22.0 56.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/baltic_middle_v2.xml /webclient/race_101.xml 103 SOR 2008/09 - Leg 1 - Alicante to Cape Town The first of a series of nine legs around the globe with fast Volvo Open 70 boats. This leg is over 6000 nautical miles long from Alicante to Cape Town. Sailonline Ocean Race, Leg 1, racing with 1097 boats. Oct. 11, 2008, 11 a.m. True -51.0 25.0 -50.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/vor_leg1.xml /webclient/race_103.xml 102 SOR 2008/09 - Alicante In-Port Race The first race of the Sailonline edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. During this series we join the Volvo Ocean Race 08-09 in our virtual sail arena. Notice, marks 2-4 to be rounded on starboard, mark 5 at portside. Sailonline Ocean Race, inport race 1, racing with 498 boats. Oct. 4, 2008, 11 a.m. True -2.0 3.5 36.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/mediterranian_west.xml /webclient/race_102.xml 100 SYCC 2008 - Leg 3 - Rabat to Alicante The final leg in our SYCC championships. We sail to Alicante for the start of the Volvo Ocean Race. We start in Rabat and sail allong the coast past Gibraltar to the start village of the next Volvo Ocean Race. SYCC leg 3, Rabat-Alicante, racing with 442 boats. Sept. 27, 2008, 6 p.m. True -10.0 3.0 30.0 40.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_100.xml 99 Sophie's Juniper Malt Challenge 2008 A race with 90ft monohull boats 350nm from Plymouth to Isla. Sophies Juniper Malt challenge, racing with 344 boats. Sept. 21, 2008, 8 p.m. True -15.5 -2.5 48.0 56.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_99.xml 98 SYCC 2008 - Leg 2 - Miami to Kingstown The second of three legs in the Sailonline Yacht Club Championships. Course may be changed until start. SYCC leg 2, Miami-Kingstown, racing with 423 boats. Sept. 13, 2008, 6 p.m. True -84.0 -59.0 10.0 29.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_98.xml 97 Caribbean Eight 2009 A sprint race. Grab a Volvo Open 70 and join! Final Course set! Start in Fort de France, round Gaudeloupe 2 then 3 and finish at Phare de la Caravelle. Caribbean sprint, racing with 192 boats. Sept. 6, 2008, 8 a.m. True -65.5 -57.5 12.5 18.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_97.xml 92 SYCC 2008 - Leg 1 - Gran Canaria to Rio de Janeiro The first of three legs in the first ever Sailonline Yacht Club Championships (SYCC). 3500 nautical miles in 60ft trimarans. SYCC leg 1: Gran Canaria- Rio de Janeiro, racing with 452 boats. Aug. 30, 2008, 1 a.m. True -65.0 -3.0 -30.0 38.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_92.xml 95 Antwerp to Belfast 2008 A passage from Antwerpen to Belfast gives us the options of passing the Brisitsh Isles to <br> Race #629<b><a href="http://sol.brainaid.de/notice/notice_629.html"> NOR</a> / <a href="http://www.sailonline.org/static/var/sphene/sphwiki/attachment/2011/09/10/VO70v4.png">POLAR</a></b><br> WX Updates: 0430 / 1030 / 1630 / 2230 <br>Ranking: SYC/SYC Weekend <br><b><a href="http://www.sailonline.org/windy/run/629/?version=classic">SOL Classic Client</a></b><br><b>STATUS</b>: <font color="lawngreen"><b><i>RACING</b></i></font><br><b><i>RACE CLOSE:</b></i>Monday, 28 October at 1000utc Antwerpen-Belfast, racing with 1 boats. Aug. 25, 2008, 6 p.m. True -16.0 8.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_95.xml 93 Benelux Open - Helgoland to Antwerpen 2008 We join Cajun for the closing party at the CajunQueen, the problem is we are still in Helgoland. We grab some Seacarts in a race to get too Antwerpen. Benelux open, CajunQueen edition, racing with 368 boats. Aug. 23, 2008, 8 a.m. True -15.0 9.0 50.0 58.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_93.xml 94 Hobart to Sydney 2008 A "sprint" race back to Sydney with the giant 125ft catamarans for those of you who cannot get enough... Hobart-Sydney, racing with 204 boats. Aug. 16, 2008, 6 a.m. True 145.0 160.0 -45.0 -33.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_94.xml 90 Sydney Hobart with detour 2008 This is the extended detour version of the Sydney-Hobart race. In this version of the race you are probably glad to be couch-sailing a 125ft giant catamaran. Good luck and safe sailing! Sydney-Hobart with detour, racing with 313 boats. Aug. 2, 2008, 8 p.m. True 145.0 179.5 -50.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/tasmania.xml /webclient/race_90.xml 88 Fastnet Race Summer 2008 A classic among classics. Fastnet Race 2008, racing with 238 boats. July 26, 2008, 8 a.m. True -13.0 8.0 47.5 53.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Gbr_Gtb.xml /webclient/race_88.xml 84 Chicago Mackinac Race 2008 Our first race in one of the great US lakes. Glad to be here! Chicago-Mackinac race, racing with 260 boats. July 19, 2008, 4:30 p.m. True -90.0 -84.0 41.5 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_84.xml 85 Segling Offshore 2008 - Kiel to St Petersburg and back A race in collaboration with the Swedish sailing magazine "Segling". Final course: From Kiel via St. Petersburg back to Kiel :-) Segling offshore open, racing with 238 boats. July 15, 2008, 6 p.m. True 9.0 31.0 53.5 66.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_85.xml 152 Gotland Runt 2008 This is a classic round Gotland race in a 40 footer. Enjoy! - July 7, 2008, 10 a.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_152.xml 82 Hobart to Christchurch 2008 Sail a V070 1100 miles from Hobart to Christchurch just for fun. The race is a way for us up here in the summer to flirt with our down-under friends in their cold winter ;-) Hobart-Christchurch, racing with 251 boats. July 5, 2008, 6 a.m. True 145.0 180.0 -50.0 -32.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_82.xml 79 1000 mile 2008 - Part 5 - Bergen to Newcastle The final race in this month long series. We sail from Bergen back to Newcastle 1000 mile, part 5, racing with 267 boats. June 25, 2008, 8 p.m. True -8.0 8.0 53.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_79.xml 80 Gotland Runt TIMED Race 2008 This is an "open track" race where you start when you want. Good luck. Round Gotland timed race, racing with 341 boats. June 24, 2008, 6 a.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_80.xml 78 1000 mile 2008 - Part 4 - Lerwick to Bergen We set off for the leg back to Bergen 1000 mile, part 4, racing with 270 boats. June 22, 2008, 10 a.m. True -4.0 8.0 56.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_78.xml 77 1000 mile 2008 - Part 3 - Bergen to Lerwick Welcome Sailors at the third part of the 1000 mile race, this time we sail from Bergen to Lerwick. 1000 mile, part 3, racing with 244 boats. June 18, 2008, 11 a.m. True -4.0 8.0 56.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_77.xml 76 Vener Race Tracked 2008 EXPERIMENTAL race against tracked boats in this short Swedish race. VenerRace Tracked, racing with 187 boats. June 13, 2008, 4 p.m. True 12.0 14.5 58.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_76.xml 73 1000 mile 2008 - Part 2 - Newcastle to Bergen Second part of the 1000 mile race, this time we sail from Newcastle to Bergen. Please take a good look at the last part of the race. 1000 mile, part 2, racing with 288 boats. June 12, 2008, noon True -8.0 8.0 53.0 63.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_73.xml 72 1000 mile 2008 - Part 1 - Newcastle to IJmuiden First part of the 1000 mile doublehanded, from IJmuiden to Newcastle. Check www.1000mile.org for some details. 1000 mile, part 1, racing with 274 boats. June 8, 2008, noon True -5.0 7.1 51.0 57.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_72.xml 62 Gotland Runt 2008 - Sailplanner A race setup to enable testing of Sailplanner. Round Gotland Sailplanner, racing with 322 boats. May 22, 2008, 5 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_62.xml 55 Plymouth to Boston Transat 2008 A Transatlantic fleetrace from Plymouth to Boston with fast VO70 boats. May Transat, racing with 435 boats. May 12, 2008, 6 p.m. True -78.0 4.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/NorthAtlantic.xml /webclient/race_55.xml 47 Dynawind Vener Race 2018 A 160nm race in the swedish lake Vänern! Brought to you by our generous sponsors Sweco, Dynawind and Fox 9.5. Course is Karlstad (Start) - Kristinehamn - Vänersborg - Kristinehamn - Karlstad (Finish). Dynawind VenerRace, racing with 393 boats. April 11, 2008, 5 p.m. True 12.0 14.5 58.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_47.xml 51 St Malo TIMED Race 2008 A fairly short timed race open for all. Register a boat and start whenever you want. Good luck! St Malo timed race, racing with 808 boats. April 2, 2008, 8 p.m. True -8.0 2.0 48.0 53.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_51.xml 50 Kallavesj Race 2008 Short 25nm Sunday race in a Finnish Lake! Start time is now set! Kallavesj Online Race , racing with 194 boats. March 30, 2008, 9 a.m. True 26.0 29.0 62.0 63.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_50.xml 49 Route of Gold 2008 - Part 2 - Panama to San Francisco A fleetrace with fast 60ft trimarans. The history of California had a major "gold rush" in the 1850's and one of the major routes to get there was New York to Panama and then Panama to San Francisco. Route of Gold, part 2, racing with 387 boats. March 22, 2008, 5 p.m. True -160.0 -77.0 0.0 45.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_49.xml 46 Route of Gold 2008 - Part 1 - New York to Colon A fleetrace with fast 60ft trimarans. The history of California had a major "gold rush" in the 1850's and one of the major routes to get there was New York to Panama and then Panama to San Francisco. Route of Gold, part 1, racing with 475 boats. March 14, 2008, 5 p.m. True -89.0 -56.0 5.0 43.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_46.xml 45 Gotland Runt 2008 - Eurocard 2 A follow-up fleetrace for us who want to improve from the earlier Eurocard Gotland Runt. Eurocard Gotland Runt II, racing with 356 boats. March 5, 2008, 5 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_45.xml 44 Gotland Runt 2008 - Eurocard 1 A classic Swedish race in the Baltic. Brought to you in association with the swedish organization KSSS. Eurocard Gotland Runt, racing with 503 boats. March 1, 2008, 5 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_44.xml 39 IMSYC 2008 - Rome to Tripoli A "choose-right-boat" fleet race from Rome to Tripoli. Note that once you have chosen boat there is no changing boat. Link to performance plots for all boats can be found on the front page (in the blog). IMSYC open 2008, racing with 306 boats. Feb. 22, 2008, 5 p.m. True -3.0 27.0 30.0 47.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Mediterranean.xml /webclient/race_39.xml 43 Stockholm to St Petersburg TIMED Race 2008 A "start-when-you-want-race" from Stockholm to St.Petersburg. For those of you who just cannot get enough. Timed race Sthlm-StPetersburg, racing with 211 boats. Feb. 15, 2008, 7:23 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_43.xml 36 Ericsson Racing Team Challenge 2008 - Stockholm to St Petersburg A fleetrace from Stockholm to St Petersburg with VO70 boats. Prizes available through our generous sponsors Puma and Ericsson.Please download beta 7 for this race! Ericsson Racing Team Challenge, racing with 400 boats. Feb. 14, 2008, 3 p.m. True 17.0 31.0 57.0 62.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_36.xml 42 Stockholm Winter Challenge Record Attempt 2008 Race against the Seacart 30 "Playing for Success" around Gotland in the Baltic. You may start whenever you want until 2 hours after the real boat have started. Planned start for real boat is 14.00UTC. Basic tracking of the real boat will be provided within the game, with positions sent manually from the boat. Winter Challenge Record Attempt, racing with 102 boats. Feb. 7, 2008, 9 a.m. True 13.0 21.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_42.xml 41 Gothenburg Offshore TIMED Race 2008 A start-when-you-want challenge. Shortest time around the course wins. Gothenburg offshore timed race, racing with 220 boats. Feb. 3, 2008, 6 a.m. True 6.0 14.0 55.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_41.xml 37 Gothenburg Offshore Fleet Race 2008 Gothenburg Offshore race online edition. Gothenburg offshore, racing with 213 boats. Feb. 2, 2008, 3 p.m. True 6.0 14.0 55.0 59.5 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_37.xml 35 Midwinter Scotch Run 2008 A shorter fleetrace for the whiskey fan. Midwinter Scotch Run, racing with 242 boats. Jan. 27, 2008, 6 p.m. True -21.0 10.0 46.0 61.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/h.xml /webclient/race_35.xml 34 New York to Plymouth Transat 2008 A transatlantic race between New york and Plymouth with 125 ft catamarans. Please download Beta 6 for this race! January Transat, racing with 337 boats. Jan. 18, 2008, 7 p.m. True -78.0 5.0 25.0 65.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/i.xml /webclient/race_34.xml 17 Round Bornholm 2007 November Open, racing with 194 boats. Nov. 23, 2007, 6 p.m. True 13.0 21.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_17.xml 16 Gotland Runt 2007 - Eurocard 3 Eurocard Gotland Runt 3, racing with 139 boats. Nov. 11, 2007, 7 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_16.xml 15 Gotland Runt 2007 - Eurocard 2 Eurocard Gotland Runt 2, racing with 171 boats. Nov. 9, 2007, 5 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_15.xml 14 Gotland Runt 2007 - Eurocard 1 Eurocard Gotland Runt, racing with 319 boats. Nov. 7, 2007, 8:30 p.m. True 13.0 28.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/Baltic.xml /webclient/race_14.xml 11 Winter Challenge 2007 - Stockholm to Faro A start-when-you-want challenge in the Baltic sea. Winter Challenge, racing with 941 boats. Sept. 30, 2007, 6 p.m. True 13.0 21.0 54.0 60.0 http://sailonline.org/site_media/maps/xmlmaps/world_crude_v1.xml /webclient/race_11.xml